Author: Collector
Caught In-Between
Mori drew the hood of her cloak over her head, staying low in the shallow reeds at the rocky hill’s base. A broad, fire-scorched cavern was illuminated by the setting sun. Faint stars had just begun to come out of the night sky, and if her bet was right this was the right time. A red dragon lived here and […]
Cave of the Werewolves
The copper-haired girl pressed her button nose up against the one-way glass, looking down across the lush green jungle from her lofty eyrie. She reflected that the beauty of what lay below was almost surreal, almost as surreal as the journey that had brought her here, deep into the heart of the Novo Brazilian rain-forest.
Celuna’s Hunt
The night called to him, as he lay stretched out on his hotel bed. He could hear the sounds in the distance and he longed to get up and run. He longed to get up and shed his human form as he had done so many times before. He turned his head to look at the human woman lying beside […]
Centaur’s Captive
Sahra frolicked through the high grass, playing with her younger brothers. Sameal leaped from his hiding spot and shouted to Seth and Jarl. The farm was remote and the three younger boys were the beautiful eighteen year-old’s only companions. Suddenly the other reason she was there became important. Hoof beats echoed through the deep valley and she got the boys […]
Cernunnos’ Lesson
My legs hurt, I was hot and I swear there’s a pebble in my shoe that hides every time I take it off to check and yet I was here. I climbed deeper and deeper into the wooded area searching for the perfect spot. The spot with the wildest shrubbery, preferably, was blooming with life. There was where I’d make […]
Challenge Accepted
A lazy hum of insects drifted lazily through the afternoon sun, burning brightly down upon the tall grasses that rustled their whisper in the heated breeze. Near unbearably hot, the late August climate smoldering with its persistent humidity to bring droplets of sweat to bead upon bare flesh. A splash, giving signal to small bluegill flouncing in the waters of […]
Change in Plans
James Halloway swore as he squirmed through the window of his now upside-down car. Icy slush coated his belly and legs as he pulled himself the rest of the way out. A careful driver, he had hit a patch of ice just off the bridge, rolled and ended upside-down in the snowy ditch. Luckily, or unluckily depending on your point […]
Childhood Demons
She watched from hiding, hoping that the lot of them wouldn’t take as long as they usually did to wash their hair and bathe a little. They always took too long anyway in her opinion. The only ones who ought to be here on any given day were the servants and their daughters, there to do the drudgery of some […]
Daemon of Karabakh
I lived in Armenia for two years (between 1995-97) as a Peace Corps volunteer. While I never visited NAGORNO-KARABAKH itself, I do recall being able to see the comet HALE-BOPP, which was visible to the naked eye for a record 18 months as it passed by our planet. In ancient times comets were always seen as harbingers of evil, and […]
Daimon’s Deal
Charlie rushed down the hall, bumping into people as she went. It was the first day of classes and she was running late, as usual. “Sorry excuse me,” she muttered as she accidently bumped into someone. Her frizzy hair blew into her face, causing her to drop her books on the ground. As she reached down to pick them up […]