
When I was back in high school, senior year, March 1979, I started dating the class brain. She wasn’t someone I sought out because outwardly she was not the type I would usually ask out. Eva was kind of mousy, with long brown hair and big plastic glasses. She seemed like she might have a nice body under layers of […]

Yes, Let Me Be the One

The descendants of the Olivera family often gathered on the island and remembered those who had emigrated to the USA over a century ago. For many it was a highlight of the year, when the main house and its walled garden echoed with the shrill laughter of the youngest children. The family still living on the island would close the […]

Just One Night

Harmony blushed as she took the flowers, her teary eyes glistening. “They’re beautiful,” she whispered. With one hand she tenderly, lightly, stroked the rose petals. “It’s only the best for my girl,” Gary boomed. His husky voice, low and resounding, echoed through the old building’s entryway corridor.

Covid Resurrection

Nobody expected the pandemic when it came crashing into our lives. Despite taking every precaution, my wife contracted the virus in March of 2020. ‘I will spare you the gory details of her struggle since we are all familiar with how gruesome they can be. Two months later she was dead. I still don’t know how I escaped getting it.

Catering Girl

What was I doing here? Grabbing my glass of wine, I slunk into my chair. Like my thoughts, the last of the red liquid swirled around the glass. I looked around the museum. Many of my coworkers were gazing at the various airplanes and other aviation memorabilia. For them it was just another company holiday party, but this was to […]

When Time Stood Still – Bobby

Roberta slowed her silver Audi A3 to a stop opposite a neatly kept terraced house, but a short walk away from the quayside in the centre of Bristol. She had removed the magnetic business signs from the driver’s and passenger’s side doors as she didn’t want to announce the fact that Svensson Fabrics was attending. Her time here was to […]

Money or the Fat Woman

Nelson Quinn was a lazy genius of 22 who spent his free time playing video games or reading. He knew he was because his high school IQ test came back at 163, so high they made him take the test again. That test resulted in a higher score by two points. He hated television and movies; they were too predictable […]

Cricket Match

There was a sound somewhere in the house that sounded like a fire alarm or a fog horn, it was something strident and very annoying. I sat up only to realise that it was just the alarm on my phone. It also seemed like sitting up wasn’t a great idea, because I felt my head spin, so I flopped back […]

A July Fling in Hong Kong

I had always found Shirley Tam hot and attractive. While standing at average height at around five foot three inches, she possessed pale porcelain skin, her face featured sharp and alluring cheekbones and large almond-shaped eyes, while her bikini pictures on social media always hinted at an ample bosom and displayed a tight and lithe figure. Above all, she just […]

Hot Stuff

Taking the bus on a long-distance trip can be a real hassle. Here I am, going from Charleston, SC, to Fresno, CA., and the bus is full. Hot, sweaty people squished into rows of three seats on each side of the aisle. Yuk, this was going to be a bad trip. At least we weren’t going to stop in every […]