What She’s Having!

It was the summer of two thousand twenty when Rena stretched her lovely nude body out across a towel at her local park. National Nude Day had become an official banking holiday nearly a decade earlier so Rena and her family were enjoying the summer holiday like all Americans do. With a barbeque. Her husband, Ken was sadly a little […]

What the Hell?

This is a short reminisce from about 1961. I lived in an Old Pre-Cromwell town in the west midlands. The town had a rudimentary bypass, as the main road into the main street was very narrow with houses, pubs and shops pressing up against the pedestrian walkways, which were barely two people wide.

What Chelsea Saw

That Thursday morning you were outside sitting on the balcony, typing away at your laptop, and I was looking at you from behind, as I so often do. I noticed that Chelsea, the next door neighbor’s daughter, was messing around with her car. I mentioned to you through the open french doors to ask her if something was wrong. It […]

What Comes Next

We had just dropped off our youngest at college. We were proud VMI parents now. After 30 years of parenting we were empty nesters. My wife, Jess, sobbed quietly in the passenger seat while I drove. I’d be lying if I said I didn’t have a tear or two myself. In any case we were alone for the foreseeable future […]

What Do You Prefer?

Looking at the woman in front of her, Katelyn began to wonder if this whole thing was as good an idea as it had seemed when she and Theresa first planned it. While she was a full semester into her Fine Arts degree, her focus was in drawing and painting, not performance art. Her Midwestern background had not prepared her […]

What Happened to Alice

Alice laughed to herself as she stripped naked and stepped into the sheer seersucker outfit. With spaghetti straps on top and breezy loose shorts on the bottom, it was the perfect ensemble for a summer day. Flicking her hair back, she was startled by the jiggle of her boobs in the mirror. She had never gone braless in public before, […]

Wet T-Shirt Contest

“Next is the lovely Number Eighteen!” A man in his mid twenties shouted and pointed towards a black curtain. The crowd made up mostly by hundreds of drunken men howled loud enough to tremble the steel stage that he was standing on. “Let’s make sure she feels plenty welcome! Encase I wasn’t clear I want you to make some noise!”

Wet Tee Shirt Contest

I was not dating anyone at the time, so I accompanied them one Friday night down to the “strip,” where all the bars and clubs were that catered to the university crowd. We were en route to this New Wave music club where we partied and danced from time to time. Well, when we got there, it was no longer […]

Wet Yoga Mats

I would stand in front of the class, take off all of my clothes, and tell the other girls to do the same. At first they’d giggle nervously but eventually they’d throw off their clothes and join me. We would all stand there for a few minutes admiring our sexy bodies before starting our yoga routine. At least that’s how […]

What A Show!

It all started rather innocently… you see, one night me and my best friend Mandy planned to go to a show. Being the punctuality freak that I am I decided to go to her house a bit early to pick her up and maybe have a drink or two before we headed out. Well, when I went to the front […]