Amorous Goods: It Began with Bolt-Cutters

“HEY!” he yelled at the windows above, hoping someone could hear him. He couldn’t believe it. He was fucking trapped in some ancient skylight or chimney or something. It was dirty. And it didn’t smell great. It was too small for a prison cell. And his head fucking hurt. A window was thrown open two stories up. Startled, a woman […]

The She-Wolf’s Human Mate

It’s a warm Friday afternoon as Jake lies down on the couch, hands clasped behind his head. Staring up at the ceiling, the 20 years old mulls over whether his decision to stay in the dorm room doing nothing but lying on the couch is the right one. He sighs, realizing how boring his life must seem to an observer, […]

Candy Shops

The candy shop lady looked over her reading glasses at Virginia. “Can I help you find something?” It was an odd little shop on a shaded backstreet in a neighborhood of boutiques and quaint apartments. Virginia swept her blue-tinted hair behind her ear. “I think I have it.” She held up bags of taffy, toffee, and hard candies. “I’m not […]

Couples Play You Never Told Me That

Patty and my girlfriend, Debbie, had been friends for over 2 years and apparently talked about just about everything. Did I know that for sure? Oh, heck no. Debbie alluded to their conversations but never went into detail. I just matched up her summaries with her body language when she shared. Bill was Patty’s boyfriend. Bill was a nice guy, […]

Holiday Dream

Eric Daniels sat in the third row of the orchestra, his eyes tightly fixed on the flag draped Presidential Box above him to the right. As he listened to the Park Ranger recount the events of April 14th, 1865, he closed his eyes for a moment and could visualize the seats around him, filled as they had been that night. […]

The Air Stewardesses’ Footmen

Ms Gina Summers, Chief Operating Officer of BlueSky Holidays, observed the hundred-plus male cabin crew assembled before her in our Gatwick Airport crew room. There was a glint in her eye, a satisfied sparkle of mission-accomplished success at seeing our troubled faces. The reason for the summons of all cabin crewmen to attend the meeting at our Gatwick HQ was […]

Wife Hooks Up at a Wedding

She thought back to her wedding with Matt. Back then she was young, beautiful, and so optimistic about their future. Today LeAnn felt old, unattractive, and generally pissed off at the world. Not that she was old or unattractive. She had recently passed forty very gracefully. Although she could pick out plenty of flaws with her gradual weight gain. Especially […]

A Surprise Wake-up In The Night

I was feeling excited because tonight was the night that I was going to sleep with my wife again. We slowed down significantly in the bedroom ever since we had our second kid and it’s been an effort. But tonight she promised that we would no matter what. I was excited up until the point that she said her friend […]

The Priestess of the Spire

It was not uncommon to see the carriages of the Spire traveling the dusty road that led from the mountain citadel to the riverside village. Drawn by massive horses of pure white, they were elegant vehicles of polished metal and wood with wide curved windows, opaque to the outside. The vehicles were always accompanied by the imposing metal soldiers which […]

The Adventures of Angela

Chapter 1 My name is Angela Sizinski. I live on the outskirts of Chicago with two of my three children, the youngest being grammar school age. I was born in raised on the northwest side of Chicago. I went to Catholic Grade and High schools. I was daddy’s little girl. I was a tomb boy, until I started to develop […]