
I slump against the alley wall, breathing hard. They had been chasing me for about four blocks. My chest wound hurts, a raw open bleeding hole where my heart would have been had I been human. I had let my guard down, became too complacent and trusting during my assignment, and I had taken a shotgun blast to the chest […]

Lori Grows Up

LORI GROWS UP: part 1 It was a hot night in Encino. The tv news said this hot spell would last for at least two more weeks. Lori always preferred hot weather over cold, but this was really a bad time for the AC to go bonkers. She had called for repair, but with the heavy demand, the repairman would […]

Anna’s Night Out

With a sigh of contentment Anna Moore plopped down on her couch. It was Friday night and her frantic work week was finally over. She was looking forward to a large pepperoni pizza and a night in front of the TV. Suddenly there came a knock at the door.

On the L

It was hot as hell on the L train despite the air conditioning. Jet rolled her shoulders, trying to resist tugging on her bow tie. She wished she had worn just a vest over her button-down shirt as opposed to a full suit. But she had wanted to look her very best today, and that meant dressing to the nines […]

Stuffed In A Gym Locker

With Lyle outside the locker waiting for his dad to bring him a change of clothes, Big Mike and I remained trapped in the double wide locker. Our towels fell to the floor and there was no room to bend down for them. Our cocks were covered in cum, still rock hard, and jammed into each other’s bellies. Both of […]

Woodland Encounter

Serena always enjoyed her walks with her sleek Hungarian Wizla, Gideon. She and her husband had spent hours walking him when he was a puppy but now it was mainly her domain. She caught a glimpse of herself reflected in a shop window as she made her way to the local park near their well-appointed house and allowed herself to […]

Beg Me

She thought about how it came to this and decided it did not matter. She was ready. The challenge was given and promptly accepted. It was dark out now and now she was a little scared. She thought to herself “No, you are a little excited. don’t lie.”

Love, Hate, and Showers

He’d come into the bathroom, flipped the water off, and pulled me from the shower before I’d even had a chance to realize he was there. He dragged me into the room by my hair, ignoring how water trailed behind us. He took me from that tiled room back to the bedroom no matter how I sputtered and squeaked about […]

Wife’s Fantasy Threesome

Michelle could hardly believe it. She had been trying to convince her husband to sleep with another woman for years. His more traditional views of marriage had been a barrier, one that she had accepted would most likely never be overcome. But now, here she was, sitting across the dining room table from a woman that he had found online […]

Bound & Determined

A warm moist pleasurable sensation on your breast wakes you from a sound slumber. It’s a wonderful feeling that you want more of, you try to reach down to encourage whatever the cause. But your arms won’t move. Shock and surprise wake you up completely. You try harder to move. But you find you are securely but comfortably tied to […]