Author: Collector
The Architect’s Story
Jason and Mia had been working for months on plans for a large contract for an upmarket retail/housing development. If their plans were accepted by the developers, they would be made, and the kudos from the job would cement both of their careers. They’d been working very long hours and Jason had been getting home after midnight some nights, but […]
Third Wheel
My wife Lynn and I are really not very compatible; it’s kind of amazing that we got married in the first place. And ironically, I think it was my sex drive that was the catalyst. We were young then and she loved my attentions; it was an ego boost for her to know I was always ready, willing, and able, […]
The Freediver
I look at the wildflowers in the vase on my coffee table. There is really no point trying to arrange them. The honeysuckle, the forget-me-not, the iris, they have tumbled into their symmetry. I tilt back my chair a little, and survey the photos, mementos and books on my shelf, as one might a life. How often do we tell […]
Murder & Gin
I came home late, nearly midnight when I parked the car. I didn’t bother getting the umbrella out, it was a short walk from my sedan to the front door of my empty home. That being said, it was pouring down, so by the time I fumbled to unlock the door in the dark to get inside, my ears and […]
South of Dreams
So at the end of Extreme Measures, Michael was headed out of town to a cousin’s wedding. As is often the case with Mike, things happen; good things, not so good things, and sometimes things so wild you’d never dream they could happen. This is one of those stories… “Ah can’t believe you fucked (she said ‘fucked’ with that southern […]
Frat Party – Consequences REAL
My life is crashing, there is no other word for it. I had it all: A loving husband who provided for my daughter and me in every way. He earned enough money so that I didn’t need to go back to work after the birth of our daughter Kim. We weren’t rich but had a comfortable life with a nice […]
The Shower Stall
I refrained from sucking cock for the past five years. Until last week that is. I didn’t want to I just couldn’t help it anymore. Before I met my beautiful and loving wife, I was mostly straight but occasionally got it on with guys or trannies. It wasn’t a problem to not sleep with other women but I still had […]
Guys know this, but women may not. When there are two or more men in the shower, we almost never make reference to each other’s equipment. I would guess women are the same about their breasts or figures, but I wouldn’t know. Haven’t cared enough to ask. Anyhow, another man may ask you about scars (from surgeries, for example) or […]
Damn Good Tip
“You know how I feel about favors,” I replied to my boss. Five minutes till I left. Just five lousy minutes and I would have been gone. Damn the luck. I looked at my boss and rubbed two fingers together. He gave me fifty dollars. “Brad, you’re killing me. All right, fine. Fifty bucks. You might even like this errand.
The Keeper
As soon as Lachlan Quinn came off the job site, he sensed the swirl of spell-craft. He had zero talent for manipulating magic himself, but like some people can taste colors, he had an odd synesthesia and could smell it working every time. This spell carried the scents of peppermint and sage, so two witches were doing the casting. He […]