Author: Collector
Wendy’s Collar
“I don’t think I can read one more word.” Jake tossed down his book and looked over at Wendy. They had met up in her room to study for their final next week. Second year calculus was nothing to sneeze at, and Wendy was top of her class. It didn’t hurt that she was something of a knockout either, with […]
I love the New York in high summer. The heat, the humidity, the stench of civilized society, everything. The trees are green, the subways are crowded, and everyone streaks from one air-conditioned zone to another as fast as they can, sometimes stopping to shed heat in a coffee shop or a diner. In the morning, a few hours before my […]
Warm Fuzzy Feeling
“…and the young woman behind me will have a grande half-caf macchiato with extra milk.” Irene tuned back in to the burble of conversation around her just in time to realize that the man in front of her was ordering her drink for her. Before she could say anything, he turned and flashed her a warm smile. He was older […]
Warped Perception
It’s hard to fathom which is worse; all the torture I’ve received throughout my scholastic career (and being that I’m eighteen and graduating in less than a month, it is quite extensive) or the sheer unadulterated complete and blatant mockery of the absolute ignoring of every word I say by this uninterested collection of people known as the Young Inventors […]
Was She Hypnotised?
My wife teaches dancing of every kind, but with an emphasis on Ballroom Dancing, and has many private pupils as well as classes. However, she goes under her maiden name of Stella Ryan for professional purposes and not everyone knows that she is married. Recently, for instance, one of her pupils, Sean, a young man of about our age and […]
Waves of Hypnotic Bliss
Theta waves are a neutral oscillation in the brain that underlies learning and memory. It refers to a frequency of 4 to 7 waves per second passing through the brain, appearing in drowsy, meditative, or hypnotic states. This is to say that the brain may experience this state at any given point. That one can experience these hypnotic brain waves […]
We Had Another Argument Today
“Look, I love your parents too. They’re like family to me, with all the time I’ve come to know them. But the fact of the matter is that I just don’t want to spend the whole weekend with them during our visit. I’ve worked hard accumulating this vacation time, and we can’t budget that kind of time with them and […]
Wacky Wand
AT A BACK-BOOTH AT MAGICCON Steven tapped his fingers on his crossed arms. He hated it when he did that, it always showed he was nervous and the assholes in school had picked up on it quick. And then in college, and of course at work. But at least this time, the guy didn’t know him so it might not […]
Wage Slaves
Detective Lloyd Donahue noticed the girl approaching when she was about fifteen feet away from the entrance to the store. He recognized the look on her face more than anything else about her–she was the fifth employee of ‘Strings and Things’ to come in since the bust, and they all had that same expression. This one had it worse than […]
Wait for the Blackout
A year ago, and Phuong would have been terrified. She woke up those first few mornings in her own bed, but the void that inhabited the space in her head that would normally have told her how she arrived there left her shaken and bewildered. She wasn’t a heavy drinker or drug user; she had a glass of craft beer […]