Lesbians Sisters Lessons in Love

I was always catching my little brother Joe masturbating. As I was his older sister, l thought it was pretty natural to be seeing my sibling bashing his bishop. Still, the frequency and manner in which he was caught concerned me. I would have thought that any boy caught cock handed would show some signs of embarrassment, but not Joe. […]

We Need To Talk, Daddy

I can be as sneaky as the next bitch, but only when necessary. Juggling secrets is exhausting work. Sooner or later even the best webs becomes too tangled to manage. I’d reached a point in my life where I wanted to share all my naughty secrets with someone I could trust. I was rapidly approaching 50 and wanted validation for […]

Mourning Wood

It had been about 3 weeks since my father died. I had been staying with my mother to keep her company since she now lived alone. She was taking his passing especially hard. My parents had kept my old room as it was when I moved out, so I was feeling right at home. Unfortunately, I was expected back at […]

Chloe and Cy

My name is Chloe Louise Rawlins. I am 23-years-old, and I have red hair. I work as an EMT and am about to start medical school in Boston, MA. I enjoy reading, cycling, hanging out with friends, and the occasional camping trip. Oh, and I might be sorta falling for my Step-dad. Before you get all judgmental and jump to […]

Daddy and Cat

I followed Cat out the front door, across the lawn, to the sidewalk. “You can look but don’t touch,” I said to myself. Despite my best advice and intentions, I felt myself lusting for Cat and the way she could rock my world. Dressed as she was, she kept my mind racing and my loins aching. Her tight skirt and […]

AI Era: Loss Function

All models are wrong, but some models are useful. – George Box. A loss function is a way of describing the gap between what we want and what we have. – Patricia Rosewood, “Introduction to Artificial Intelligence: Collected Course Notes”, 2027. I hadn’t expected so many people at Nadja’s funeral. I wouldn’t have blamed them for not showing up – […]

AI Era: Turing Topped

Just to spell things out, this is a story about the limits of the “Turing test” for strong AI, which says that if an evaluator looks at the communication between two “partners,” one of whom is human and the other a computer, and cannot tell from the communication itself which of the partners is human then this means the computer […]

My Buddy

“Bert?” I blurted it out because for the first time I can remember I wasn’t sure. Bert has been my best friend, my secret confidant, and my near constant companion since I was two. He first arrived when I was too little to really remember much except that he looked just like my favorite character on a public television kid’s […]

Phantom Code

In the year 2140, humans reached the apex of their co-existence with artificial intelligence. It was known as the Cordial Times. Before then, the years between 2019 and 2120 saw plagues and extreme weather unlike anything in recorded history. It became known as the Century of Calamity. Unpredictable and catastrophic weather events triggered an arms race of a different kind. […]

The Spark Ignites

The truck I was in roared down the road, on the way to a fire call at one in the morning. I and a few others had been woken up from sleep barely twenty minutes ago, and told to get suited up. I was leaned against the window, eyes closed while I tried to go back to my very pleasant […]