Best Friend’s Sister

Best Friend’s Sister 5

Big City Life

Sometimes you just need to get away. Oh, I know everybody feels like that at one time or another. But how often do people feel that way because they have to need to get away from their family? That was me.

In early 1987 I accepted an invitation to go look for work in Richmond. I was glad Wanda had asked me to come along. After graduating, I’d spent a year living at home with my parents. That was a good enough reason to get away, someplace, anyplace–Virginia, Alaska, Jersey, an abandoned fridge, a box. So I went along. It was ‘change,’ which I think both of us needed. It was the big city, though. I still felt like a fish out of water but at least I wasn’t at home. It took a long long time until I achieved a state of mind I’d like to call “I don’t give a damn” and it served me well once I achieved that. But two months after moving to Richmond, at the ripe old age of 24, I wasn’t there yet. I was a hick, plain and simple. A fish out of water.

I found a job downtown at a little publishing firm on Carey Street. It was probably four or five blocks down from where Wanda worked. I was living in a men’s boarding house, in a small box of a room. It had enough space for a twin bed and a bureau and I had to share the bathroom with six other guys and one blond transvestite. Welcome to the big city. Wanda was living a little further out, at a house broken up into four or five rooms set up as apartments. Just for women. I take it I was there a bit too much. The owner finally cornered me and asked me if I was living there.

I’d found a job as a mechanical artist, pasting down artwork to be sent to a printer. About two months into my employment, they hired this young girl named Tamari, a twenty-one-year-old VCU student. She was Japanese and there’s no other way to say it: she was beautiful. Over the years I met a few of these beauties. Not that I had the nerve or confidence to approach them. If there’s anything I learned along the way, to survive one of these women you had to be roguishly handsome, confident, durable, very accommodating, and as self-centered as they were. I got the impression that they enjoyed the affect they had on the men around them. Some learned to use it like a tool once they saw it turned guys into puddles of goo. I met some who were princesses, total flirts, and quite a few who were serious bitches.

I think Tamari’s parents must have kept her sheltered. Alot. In my experience, I’d never met one of these beauties that was quiet, nice, or humble and this girl was all three. I came to the conclusion that she had reached the point where she enjoyed none of the attention she received. It had built up over time until she just couldn’t stand it anymore and she’d had enough. The only other thought I could come up with was that maybe she’d had such a terrible experience that she became jaded completely. I don’t which conclusion sounds worse.

Me? My decision was to not look at her. Simple as that. I had enough will-power to survive simple beauty and she wasn’t a temptation. Another lesson I had learned because of Dad, not from him: don’t let your equipment do all your thinking. But I’m a guy and I know the tricks the male mind can play. I didn’t need some part of my mind telling me to go back to my office the long way, simply because the long way ran past her desk. But it was impossible to avoid her completely and no doubt I came across as a bit rude. We’d chatted a few times, usually during lunch breaks. She had even signed up at my karate school but left after the instructor started hitting on her. I knew Ron. He was a serious horndog.

After a month or so, she asked me if I would train her on the typesetter, a big computerized typewriter. Learning this, along with the programming involved, would give her some new skills. So, we stayed late after work and sat down together. Even then I tried not to look at her much. We went through the programming, set up some tasks for her to do, and I kept an eye on her progress. We finally reached a stopping point, which gave us chance to chat about other things than work. “David. Is there a reason you won’t look at me?” I think she wanted to know why I hadn’t hit on her, like every other guy. I must’ve been quite the novelty to her.

She deserved an honest answer. “Well, I’m afraid if I started looking at you, I wouldn’t be able to stop.” She might’ve smiled at that but she was so over that. “But the real reason is that I’m in love with someone and I wouldn’t risk that for anything in the world. I gave her my heart a long time ago,” unconsciously scratching my chest “but I don’t think she even knows she has it. It’s up there with her, five blocks up and maybe six blocks over.” pointing vaguely uptown.

She withdrew a bit, thinking it over. I’m not sure what kind of answer she was expecting but I know the one I gave her was way out there. “I try not to put myself in a position where I might slip up and do something impulsive. There’s no way to lie and say I don’t think you’re beautiful. I can survive that part. It’s just.. she’s my priority.”

“Well. That’s an answer I’ve never heard before.”

“I think it has to do with the way my mind works, which I’ve been told is way too much. If you’ve felt like I was being rude to you, I’m sorry, I wasn’t doing it on purpose. If I hurt your feelings at all, I’m sorry for that too. When I do take a peek into those beautiful eyes of yours, I do see someone very special in there.”

Boy, she chewed on that for a while.

“Too much information, huh? Sorry you asked?”

“I wanted to know but your answer is nowhere near to what I expected.”

“I don’t doubt that.”

“Well, you’re honest and considerate and I don’t find that very much in the guys I meet. I appreciate it. But you caved in there when you had to mention my ‘beautiful eyes,’ didn’t you?”

“Yeah, you’re right. I was weak. I take it back. I didn’t mean it at all.”

“No, I don’t think I’ll let you do that. But thank you for saying that. I think I’ll keep that card on the chance I might use it someday.”

“Mmm mph. Foot-in-mouth disease. I wish I could outgrow that.”

“It’s okay, David. You said it in complete honesty without expecting anything in return. So, thank you for that. So, tell me about this goddess of yours. What’s she like?”

“Her name is Wanda. She’s my best friend’s sister but now I’m not sure what she is. Sister? Friend? She’s royalty and I’m a peasant? I’ve known her since first grade. We moved down here two months ago to get away from home. She’s tall and willowy and has flawless coffee colored skin and two beautiful brown eyes I could drown in. She’s caring, she calms me down, and she doesn’t put up with my BS. I also hope I don’t irritate her as much as I did all my girlfriends. So, I try to behave myself. And she works as a waitress at a restaurant up town.”

She smiled and let out a little laugh. “If I let you, you’ll talk about her all night. That’s okay for you but I don’t need to fall in love with her, too.”

I felt a little embarrassed. She was right. How often do I get a chance to talk about her? I certainly couldn’t share what I felt about her with her parents or her brother. But yes, I could’ve kept going. “Yeah, you’re right. It’s getting harder to box it up and stop thinking about her. Just one more burden to carry. Well, I’m sorry for all the guys that’ve treated with such a lack of respect. You deserve better than that. There are a lot of assholes out there.”

She blushed a bit at my cursing, but “assholes” is usually the correct term for guys who only think with one part of their body.

“I know you’ll find that one perfect guy. He’s out there, just maybe not where you’re looking. Next time I talk to Wanda, I’ll ask if she knows anybody. As soon as we wrap up here I’m heading up there and I’ll ask her then. You’re welcome to come along, if you want. The more the merrier.”

“Mmm, alright. I’ve got nothing going on. I’ll go. I guess it’s not a date but I bet it’s going to be interesting. If you want some time alone for a bit, I’ll head to the restroom.”

“Alright. Sure.” I hadn’t thought that far ahead but it seemed like a good idea.

We cleaned up, locked up the doors, and headed for my car.

It only took five minutes to make it uptown and run down into the parking deck attached to the downtown shopping center. We headed across the walkway that led into the center and eventually ended up at the door to Wanda’s restaurant. This girl was thinking, I’ll give her that. “How about when we go in, we’ll hold hands. What do you think?”

“You are a thinker, aren’t you? It seems pretty innocuous.” I thought that over for a bit. “Tamari, every time I do something remotely spontaneous, it comes back to bite me in the butt. If she drops food on me or pours drinks all over me, then we’ll know it was a bad idea.”

“Come on. This is for true love. How can that be bad?”

“Yeah, well. I have a terrible track record.”

“Come on. It’ll be fine. Here, give me your hand.”

First time I ever held hands with a girl and felt like it was a bad idea.

We walked across the lobby and reached the doors. I opened them up for her like the gentleman I was and followed her in. I looked around and spotted Wanda working a table. “There she is.” The hostess tried to sit us up front but I told her it had to be in Wanda’s section. She said it should be okay but she was going to make sure Wanda could fit in another table. When Wanda looked up, I waved. She nodded okay to the hostess and we headed over, hand in hand the whole way.

Wanda lifted her eyes at that, as we approached. I gave Wanda a quick hug. It would be the end of the world if we ever stopped doing that. “Hey, Wanda. This is Tamari. Tamari, this is Wanda. We met at work.”

Wanda looked down at Tamari, almost a head taller in height. “Aren’t you beautiful. You must have guys falling over you left and right.”

“If that’s what you call it. I haven’t met a single one that ever treated me the way I wanted to be. Until today.” Looking up at me. “It’s so tired of it. It’s probably what it feels like for girls with big boobs.”

“No doubt.” Wanda agreed. “I don’t think either one of us will ever have to worry about that, will we?”

“You’re both perfect just the way you are.” They both looked at me with a look of gratitude. It came out unconsciously but I meant it.

Tamari squeezed my hand and Wanda slipped her arm through mine, with a look of thanks. “Oh, no. Don’t do that. That’ll stir up the wrong kind of thoughts, altogether.”

Wanda let out a huff. “Oh, you were doing so well there. You lost all your points right there.”

“I’m a guy, not a saint.”

Tamari and I slid into the booth and settled in. They both looked at me again. They were scanning me, trying to see my flaws. All of them. Any reply would need to be witty and intelligent but I had nothing. I flushed red to my roots.

Wanda put a finger on my nose. “You see that color? That is my favorite shade of red. What do you think? Do you like that shade?”

“Hey, stop that.”

Tamari looked at me. “You’re right. I think the next lipstick I get will be that color. In fact, I’ll get two, so we can both have one. How about if we only wear it when we’re with him?”

Wanda gave me a smile. “I like her. She knows how to treat you.”

“You make me feel like a…”


“Like I’m a boy toy. Like how you’d treat some guy at a bachelorette party. I feel like an appetizer or something.”

Tamari had a sad look in her eye. “Welcome to my world. That’s how I feel every day.”

Oh, I felt pretty shallow at that moment. Wanda poked a finger in my chest. “See what you did?” She got to her before I did. “Come on. It’ll be alright. I have the perfect drink for you. It will cheer you up.” I set aside my bruised feelings, since they spent barely a second on them after they left my mouth. “I know how guys can be and David’s just like the rest of them.” “Hey, I am not!” “If he treats you bad in any way, you bring him to me. I’ll twist him up into a pretzel and give him back to you, tame as a pussycat. Now let me go put your order in and get your drinks. I’ll be right back.” She looked over at me and pointed two fingers at me.

“Oh man. I find it disturbing that you just met and already you’re both getting on my back. You’ve got an evil streak, don’t you?”

“Yes, I’ll admit I do have a wicked side. It helps me cope.” She reached out and put her hand on mine and leaned in a bit. “David. She is beautiful.”

“Yes, she is.” I looked up to find her across the restaurant. “I’ve thought that since we were in middle school. But I’m think she’s settled into being friends or brother-sister like we’ve always been.” I put my hand over hers, not because I wanted to hold her hand but because this was bringing something out in the open that scared the hell out of me. I was deathly afraid there wasn’t anything Wanda needed from me. What if I laid it all on the line and her response was, “Oh, David, you’re the best friend I’ve ever had.”

Well, I was glad Tamari was there. If she hadn’t, I doubt I would’ve had the nerve to move forward. “I’m glad you’re here. I’m stealing some of your courage, if you don’t mind.”

“You’ve been stuck here for long time, haven’t you?”

“Who, me? Yeah, you’re right. It took years until I stopped looking at her like a sister and even longer to reach this point. If you bump into me in ten years and we’re still at this point, just kick me.”

“No, I believe in true love. I’m not going to let you off the hook.”

Wanda came over with a tray full of drinks. “Here you go. You two look so cute, holding hands and whispering to each other. It’s romantic.”

“Do you have time to sit down?”

“I can chat a bit but I can’t sit down. You don’t need my company. You two look like you’re doing just fine. And Tamari. Like I said, if there’s anything you want to know about him, just ask. I know everything. Things you could use to twist his arm. A bit of leverage, if you know what I mean.”

“David. I know you said she was beautiful but she’s a bit wicked, too. If you weren’t my last hope for finding a ‘good’ guy, I’d switch sides right now and ask her out.”

I know my mouth dropped open. “And I thought you were a nice.”

“David, I am nice. But you just need some wicked to go with that.”

“Aww, you said I was beautiful, David? Thank you. Well, Tamari, if he can’t perform, just give me a call. I think I’ve reached that point, too.”

“How about you two just tell me when you need me to participate in this discussion. You’re both here raking me over the coals. If I wasn’t such a nice guy, I would’ve gotten up and walked!”

Wanda slipped leaned down and rustled her hand through my hair. She gave Tamari a quick smile but she was talking to me. “You have always been so sensitive. Relax. Look at us. Two hot girls, the only two you know that care about you the most. If you walk out and leave us here, you do know all we’ll do is talk about you.”

“Now I understand all those poor guys who think life would be simpler being gay.”

Tamari reached over and took my hand. “Well, we can’t let that happen, can we, Wanda?”

“No, I don’t want to be the reason he starts prancing around and dressing better than I do. All those girls who worshipped you in high school. It would crush them.”

“I should’ve found a nice little sixteen-year-old Amish girl that had never been out in the world. One that a little less personality and a bit little more respect.”

“You can do that. I think Wanda and I will get by just fine but you will miss out on so much.”

Wanda had a smile on her face. She was so enjoying my torture. “I’ve got to get back to work or I’ll get slapped on the wrist. I’ll go see if your food is ready.”

As soon as she was gone, Tamari raised her eyebrows. “What do you think? Anything you want to try?”

“I have no idea. She’s totally fine with it. I just need to swallow it and move on.”

“No. I think you’re just too close to the problem. She glances over here constantly and I know she’s trying not to. And if she’s fine with ‘us’ I’ll eat my shoe. I think she feels the same way you do. I think she loves you enough to let you slip away with me, if it would make you happy. I think you would even do that for her. It would break your heart but you’d do it, wouldn’t you?”

“Yeah, you’re right. If I felt she met someone who made her happy, I’d be happy for her. It would stick in my throat like a rock, but yes, I would.” The idea made me feel like someone had taken all the dust from under the sofa and put it in my mouth.

“Don’t be surprised if I do something… creative. I don’t know what it will be but it will be spur of the moment. I’m pretty good at coming up with those kind of ideas. Lord knows why. But don’t freak out and then I’ll talk to you tomorrow at work. Okay?”

“Really? Okay.” I had a worm of worry sticking its head up. “Any idea..?”

“No, but it’ll be bold and drastic. Remember what I said. I’ll talk you tomorrow at work.”


“Oh, she’s coming. I’m going to the restroom. Make the most of it.” She winked at me.

Wanda arrived with the plates of appetizers. “Where’s Tamari?”

“She went to the restroom.”

“Well, I think you’ve done pretty well for yourself. She certainly is beautiful.”

“Yes, she is.”

“What’s wrong? You look like you swallowed a bug or something.”

“I know she’s pretty. But how can you tell if someone’s as nice on the inside as they are on the outside?”

“Lord, David. Why do you think so much? Don’t you think you need to give her a chance? How long have you been going out?”

“We’ve worked together for a couple months but this is our first date.”

“It’s too soon for you to start stressing out but I guess that would be too much to ask. Have you fooled around? Sometimes when you rush it, it actually gets in the way. The horny part is good but then the rest sucks.”

“No, Wanda! We haven’t fooled around!”

“Jeez, David. That’s probably what you need. A good thumping.”

Tamari left the restroom and came back over. She looked at us, then at the dishes on the table. Her eyes narrowed in quick thought and then she gave me the smallest wink. Uh oh. She spent a second to remove any happy thoughts from her face.

Wanda asked, “Everything alright?”

“Oh, it’s just fine. Just need to do some house cleaning, that’s all.” With that, she leaned over and pushed every single dish into my lap and tipped over a glass of soda for good measure. “There. All done. Everything’s fine. And David.” I looked up with worry. Whatever she said, I knew it was going to feel like a slap across the face “Don’t even talk to me at work.” And she headed out the door.

Heads had popped up all over the restaurant, like ostriches on the Serengeti.

Shock could be the only emotion on my face. It was on Wanda’s face too but not for long. Then anger rose up and took over. She turned. “Wanda…!”

“Don’t even expect me to put up with that. I know you’re too nice to give tit-for-tat, but she needs a talking to.”

With that she headed for the door to catch up with Tamari.

Damn! Here I thought Wanda was going to be the one to dump food and drinks all over me. Somehow it ended up being Tamari. Would I ever understand women? I could see they started talking, heatedly, and Wanda was leaning down in Tamari’s face.

I wanted to be out there to stop it from escalating, but I didn’t want to walk out into that tornado if the main topic was me. I knew whatever they were saying it was brutally honest and fueled by emotion. If I went out and stuck my head in that noose, it would probably expose me to some brutally unvarnished truths about me. I took the coward’s way out. I picked up the plates and a glass, the dropped food, dipping sauces, and tried to wipe the food from my lap. All then while trying to keep an eye on the lobby.

“Listen you little tramp… I don’t know what happened in there but he’s one the best guys I know. If you think it was his fault, you’re so totally wrong. Odds are it was all you. He’s smart, funny, loving, generous, and never plays games. If this is how you are, it’s good to know. I guarantee he’s better off without you.”


“Listen? I’m not going to listen. If you didn’t hear a single thing I said, I’ll..”

“Wanda! Take a breath. Just stand there. I’m sorry. I apologize. I take it all back, whatever you thought I did. Listen, don’t move.” She scooted a couple inches closer, but recognized that Wanda a still a bit worked up. “Wanda, I’m sorry. Look at him! Please look. He can’t decide whether he should stay in there or come out and rescue you.”

“What I think is that he’s so in love with you he doesn’t know what to do. He’d rather keep you as a friend, then actually come out and tell you how much he loves you. If he thinks there’s the slightest chance he could lose you simply by telling you, he’ll never do it. I almost think that’s kinda sweet, except I can see how much it hurts him to keep it inside. Do you hear me? Yes or No? What would he be like if you weren’t in his life? He would be the poster boy for unhappy. And I think you feel the same way he does.”

“So, this wasn’t even a real date?”

“Does it matter? He just wanted to come see you. I just tagged along for the ride. Everything that happened was my idea completely and totally spontaneous. Look at him. He had no clue.”

“Oh, he’s gonna get it.”

“Oh, Wanda. I hope you mean it the way it sounds. Are you totally missing the point here? Everything that happened was my idea. Don’t take it out on him. He brought me up here to see if you knew anyone you could fix me up with.”

“Listen, Wanda. I so envy you.” She looked down and her eyes glistened with a few unshed tears. “All my life the guys I’ve met were assholes, only interested in one thing. Unwrapping me. I can only hope I can find a guy that loves me that much. I hope you’re smart enough to realize what you have.” When she looked up it was with a bit of sadness and anger. “I’m gonna poke you in the chest, then it’ll look like we’re still having words. But then it’ll be in your hands. When I get to talk to him at work, I hope to god you guys have figured something out–gone home and made out or even fooled around. If you guys waste this chance, then you’re both idiots.”

With that, she shoved Wanda in the chest and walked out the door.

* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *

Wanda crossed her arms and looked down at the floor for a full two minutes, chewing on the whole experience. She lifted her head up, her mind still in a tumult from entirely too many thoughts, and looked back into the restaurant. Unsurprisingly, there he was waiting in the doorway, with that look of concern on his face. Looking to see if she was okay, hurt in any way. Like usual. He spent not enough time worrying about himself and far too much time worrying about her. Worry for her, even when Tamari was a foot shorter, maybe 80 lbs dripping wet, built more like a China doll than a young woman. Move into the future waiting for Mr. Right or admit that maybe he’d been next to me the whole time? Go home to an empty apartment each night or one where someone’s waiting for me each night, someone who loves me unconditionally. You’d think it would be straight forward. Is it that simple? ‘God, he gets under my skin! Out of all the guys I’ve known, how does he stir me up so much?’

But the last thought that popped up was: ‘String him up by his thumbs or take him home?’