Best Friend’s Sister

Best Friend’s Sister 4


My headlights swept around the turn and down the road. One-two-three-four houses. I pulled to the side of the road and parked. I sat for a moment and looked out the window at the house across the street. Lights were on all over and through the windows I could see people circulating. That would be John and Laurie, Wanda, Mr. and Mrs. Anderson, and a host of others from their extended family. It was a shame I couldn’t stay.

John had told me they were sitting down to Thanksgiving dinner around 4:00, which was about an hour ago. I was late but I couldn’t help it. I’d snuck out of the hospital and made the two-hour drive down. I’d barely be able to sit down. I had time to say hello, get a few hugs, inhale a piece of pie, then turn around and make the 90-mile trip back. Far too short a visit. But I had to stop by. Through all the uphill battles I faced, every stop here recharged my batteries and gave me hope I could survive what life seemed to continually toss at me.

I tried to pin down why I hesitated. Ah, that’s it. I’d gone back to school at the end of October and an impulse made me turn south. I’m not exactly sure what my reasons were, but I somehow knew I needed to check in on Wanda, my little sister in all but name. I decided to show up and surprise her as opposed to just calling her to see how she was doing. It was a good thing I did. She’d been suffering but there was no-one she could confide in–not her mother, her father, or her brother. I guess my unique place as the so-called adopted son allowed me to play the role of confidant and confessor and she unburdened herself. It still hurt to think about the pain and fear she’d suffered and how helpless I felt when she told me. I mean, I did everything I could but I still felt it wasn’t enough. I wanted to move the pain from her to me, which just wasn’t possible. What can you do, when the people you love are hurt? I was there if she needed me. There wasn’t much else I could do.

Growing up we’d never had much time to explore how we felt about each other. We simply never had any time alone. My visit was eye-opening, to put it mildly. Without realizing that all the barriers were gone–meaning her parents, her brother and mine, her home as well as mine, all my reservations–we were drawn together. I’d slipped up and shared all those thoughts and feelings I had for her, only to find out she’d had the same ones all along.

It’d been about a month since my visit, which gave me time to dwell on it and chew it to death. Maybe I was afraid of facing her parents. No, I think I was more nervous about facing her. I know I spent the last month overthinking what had happened. I had no clue to how she spent those four weeks nor what she thought of our passionate time together.

Alright, get it over with. I reached into the back of my car and pulled out one of Mom’s apples pies. Up those three steps and I didn’t even knock. I walked in and saw everyone sitting around a dining room table that had been extended as far as it could go. For a second I was able to stare at Wanda, well, her neck at least. I had walked in behind her as she sat at the table. The lines and curve of her neck captivated me as much as her lips did. Then reality popped that bubble.

‘Damn! Who the hell is that?’ My heart dropped like a stone to my feet. ‘Who’s this handsome devil sitting next to her? Damn. Not a complete surprise, is it? Of course not.’ Not like I didn’t think it might happen someday, one year, two, five. But already? How can a mind exist facing two such disparate realities? The pleasure I felt each time I saw her, in contrast to what seeing her with some other guy did to me.

There you go. Simple as that. It’ll make it easier to get in and out and back on the road. John perked up. “Davie!” Everyone looked up and Wanda looked back at me with a tentative smile. I sent her a wink but I know my smile failed.

“Please don’t get up.” I said to the group at large. I got to Mr. Anderson before he could get up out of his chair. I got my hands on his shoulders and kept him in his seat. “Come on, Mr. Anderson. Please don’t get up on my account. It’s good to see you.” I slid over to reach Mrs. Anderson and took her hand. She gave me a partial hug, more of a squeeze, due to the fact that I was kneeling down next to her. “It’s good to see you, too.” Then I placed a kiss on her cheek. I looked up at everyone. “Happy Thanksgiving.” My eyes roamed down the table, resting on each face but really wanting to look at her.

“Please. David, sit down and join us.”

“Davie, come down here. We can squeeze you in.”

“Thank you. I appreciate it but I can’t.”

“David?” Wanda looked at me with . . . I couldn’t tell what that expression was.

“You have to go? Can’t you stay?” From Mrs. Anderson. “You’re not just getting home, are you?”

“I guess you could say that. My grandfather came down with pneumonia last week. One of his lungs collapsed and the other one’s struggling. He’s up in Intensive Care at Christiana. I actually came home last Saturday but we hit the road as soon as I pulled up.”

Mr. Anderson put a hand on my shoulder. “I’m sorry to hear that. You know we’d like to you stay but I can tell you’re worried about being so far away. I can see you’re torn between staying and needing to go.”

“That’s it exactly. We stayed at his house all week and the cousins are starting to trickle in from New York. Too many visitors for the hospital and too many people at the house. I’ve been there all week, so I thought I’d get out the way so they could have their time with him.”

“That was generous.”

“Well, I guess so. I knew I had to come down here and see you all. I still got grief for leaving but I would’ve been sitting around there doing nothing anyway.” I looked down the table but I really just wanted to look at her. I took in her face. What else could I do? God, I loved looking at her. Obviously the last four weeks had unfolded differently for her. I gave it up and let my eyes slide away. Then a damn tear leaked out of my eye.

“Look at you. Let me take care of that.” As Mrs. Anderson took her napkin and wiped my cheek. “You must be tired if those are escaping. Please don’t go yet. Let me fix you a plate you can take with you.”

“Thank you. Go ahead and make sure to put some of those chitlins on it. I’ll see if I can work up the nerve to try them again, just for you. I’ll go and bother your children a bit.”

* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *

“Hey, brother. Whatsup?” As I clamped a hand on John’s shoulder and tried to squeeze into the seat.

“Hey, pal. Good to see you. Sorry to hear about your grandfather.”

“Thanks, I appreciate it. It’s been a long week. Maxine, good to see you as always.” I placed a chaste kiss on her cheek. Why was it I spent all my time kissing the women in this family on the cheek? Was I being polite or did they just find it weird?

“Hold still, David.” Then she reached up and wiped my eye, too! “You’re still leaking.”

I shook my head and looked down to hide my face. “Those tear-ducts were clogged up nice and tight until the last time my was mother was sick. Now they won’t close up at all. Sometimes I don’t even know it’s happening.”

“You’re fine. Don’t go all macho and act like it’s a crime to let some tears out. Come on, hold still.”

“Okay, okay. How is it the women in this family get under my skin so easily?”

“Stop. Maybe we’re good for you, consider that. Or do you want to argue with me over that?”

I let out a brief laugh and sent a weary smile over to Wanda. “No, I wouldn’t presume to do that. I know when I’m beaten. Come on, stop.” Gently I caught her hand and gave it back to her.

I turned to John “You must be made of steel, then.”

“No, not really. I think you’ve been through a bit too much, especially this week.”

“Yeah, no doubt. I’m ready to go back to school, that’s for sure. So tell me, John. Who are all these people? Every time I show up for dinner I meet a whole new branch of your family. Who’s this babe?”

“That’s my sister Wanda. Don’t worry about her. She’s a lot of trouble but whatever you do, don’t let her get under your skin.”

“I think it’s too late for that. She does look like a pain in . . .”

“Don’t you say it!”

“Jeez, David. You got her angry. You see why we only give her a plastic spoon? You know what’s she like when she’s grumpy.”

“Why does it feel so good to aggravate her?”

“Don’t overthink it. Just enjoy the feeling.”

She gave me her patented stink eye and leaned over to whisper. “Paybacks are hell, you know that?”

Finally, my smiled reached my eyes. “Uh huh. Bring it on, Queen of Denial.” I smiled more in this house than my own, even with this good-looking guy sitting next to her. And if he made her happy, well what could I say? I simply wasn’t a vindictive sort of person. Not like we exchanged vows or gave her my school ring, anything like that. I guess it had been just talk. In the end maybe all we did was snuggle, as wonderful as it was. I wondered if I’d be able to get my heart back.

“Oh, you’ll be sorry you said that.”

“Davie, you like playing with fire, don’t you?”

I looked at Wanda’s face, into those deep brown eyes, which always captivated me. “You know I do. She doesn’t scare me.”

“You’ll see.” Then she stuck her tongue out at me.

Damn! My eyes locked on her tongue as it darted out and my face flushed red. My body remembered what her tongue felt like running down my neck and my imagination took over, quick as that. My eyes opened wide and a very noticeable shiver went through me. Involuntarily I took in a breath. Her eyes flashed in amusement and she let out a smirk. Then she slipped it out just a little and ran it along her upper lip. Again! My eyes opened even wider! Damn her for being so sexy. “So easy.”

There you go. Quick as that she was past my defenses. I had to turn away or I’d turn into a puddle of goo. I turned toward John just as he piped in. “Sure, Sure. Pet the tiger. What could go wrong?”

“Thank you, John.” I said with exasperation. “So glad you were always there to pull my head out of the toilet when I got it stuck.” I turned back, avoiding her altogether, leaned across the table and held my hand out. “Hey. I’m David. Sorta like a stray dog they can’t get rid of.”

“Hi, I’m Kenny. We’ve met before but I think I was five or six at the time.”

“Wow, I take it you’ve grown a bit since then.” I said with an almost-sincere smile. “Did you end going to school around here? Are you going to Salisbury or somewhere across the Bay?” The probing question nagged at Wanda’s subconscious briefly.

John piped in. “You would think so, wouldn’t you? Tall enough, isn’t he?”

“I bet he’s taller than you are.”

“By about an inch. He’s in the middle of his junior year at high school and still has a year to go. He plays football, basketball, and baseball and his grades are through the roof. I’m trying to get him to take a look at Salisbury before he goes home. They’ll snap him up in a heartbeat, won’t they?”

“No doubt about it. Good for you, Kenny. That’s impressive. I love hearing success stories. It’ll be great to keep an eye on you as you head into college. Even better to see you on TV someday. No pressure, huh?”

“Yeah, no pressure. All of you make it seem like it’s all fun and games but it’s a lot of hard work. I’m glad my mother has my back but she can be a taskmaster.”

The tension I didn’t know I had melted away. Suddenly my smile didn’t feel so forced. “So, where’s the rest of your family?”

Maxine jabbed in my arm. “Don’t pick on my son.”

“Really? He’s a handsome devil, isn’t he? Look, I made him blush. Nice to have someone else here to pick on instead of me.” She poked me again. “Hey! What is it about the women in this family? Always poking me. Did you give Wanda lessons, too?”

“If I can’t reach you, she does it for me.”

“That doesn’t surprise me. How efficient.”

“You know, Davie. I think that’s why you’re here. I just toss you in front of her, then she leaves me alone. You’re here to run interference.”

“Good for you, John. You’ve only been doing that for fifteen years. The last scratches she gave me haven’t healed up yet.”

“You’d . .”

“Peace, girl. Peace. I surrender.” I kept one eye on Wanda but turned to her aunt. “Maxine, where do you live? Every year they leave me here with all the nut jobs and go to SC. Is that where you live?”

“That’s where we live. We don’t make it up here enough.”

“Is it nice down there? I still have no clue what they do down there.”

Maxine shared some of the memories. “It’s pretty nice. A lot of family get togethers, big cookouts, sitting out under the oak trees, revivals, singing. Usually about thirty or forty family members show up.”

“Sounds pretty nice. So if I showed up what would happen?”

“We’d have to lock you up with Laurie.”

I had to laugh at that. “How rude.”

“Wanda, I can’t believe you said that.” John said with quite a bit of exasperation.

I turned to John. “No evil white people? Like here?”

“David. There are . . . always bad apples wherever you travel. That’ll be my answer and let’s leave it at that.”

Thankfully Maxine steered the conversation in a different direction. “David, what’s going on with your grandfather?”

“Ah, he’s been in the ICU all week. My father and my aunt are meeting with the doctors tomorrow to go over how he’s doing. He’s been on a ventilator most of the week and they’re trying to get his lungs up to speed. He’s going through some serious withdrawal. He started smoking when he was ten and until last week he was smoking two packs a day.”

“That doesn’t sound good.”

“No, not at all. I can still picture him carving the Christmas Turkey with that cigarette hanging out of his mouth. I remember having to wipe the ashes off my food. Blech! He was living by himself until this happened but I don’t think anyone thinks he’ll be able to go home. They’re talking about getting him brought down here to Corsica Hills but he has to be healthy enough to travel. I came down here to see you guys but I did have to stop at the house to pick up some vice grips.”

“Oh.” A sigh left John’s mouth.

“John.” I said with a frown. “Why do you always make that sound?”

“It usually when you’re going to tell me something I know I don’t want to hear.” There was John, being all psychic like his mother. He had too many experiences with family to know this wasn’t going to be a story about fairies, rainbows, or heavenly choirs. Plus he didn’t hear a bit of my usual tongue-in-cheek in my voice. “Okay, Davie. Tell us. Why do you need the vice grips?”

I wasn’t amused by the circumstances, so I didn’t have a smile to go with the story. “Pop-pop was born in 1900. That’s a long long time ago. He grew up in a town at the top of the Bay called North East. Dirt roads and Model Ts, no highways, no phones, maybe not even electricity. Heck, he said he used a horse to get around when he was growing up. He lived through WW1, the Depression, WW2, the Fifties and Sixties. Started smoking when he was a kid and never stopped.”

“Think about what it was like back then and how he was probably brought up. I love him, he’s family and all that, but he’s just . . from another era, simple as that. But I tell you what. I’m taking those vice grips back to the hospital and the next time he says the ‘N” word one more time, I gonna clamp those pliers on his tongue until no-one will ever get them off. Oh, I know they’ll get them off eventually but I’m ready. I’m taking an extra pair with me and I’m going to pull my chair right up next to his bed. The next time he slips up and says that word again, I’m gonna take the other pair out and wave them in front of his face. I hope that will make him stop and think, the old coot. 83 years too late. We’ll see if I can’t teach him something new.”

John was shaking his head and so was Maxine. Kenny was sitting there with his eyes open wide. Bet he’d never been in a conversation like this one. No help there. I finally looked at Wanda.

“Well? Don’t hold back now. Tell me if I’m right or I’m wrong or I’m an idiot. Something.”

She started laughing, trying to be quiet about it. “Wanda.” Maxine said, in quiet admonition.

“Come on, Aunt Maxine. That is so him, you know that. He sits here at this table, every holiday, and cares about each and every one of us, as much a part of our family as anyone else sitting here. How can you not appreciate him for who he is and wonder how he ended up the way he is, while growing up in a family like that? David, I love you. We all do, simple as that. Do you know how unique and how special you are?”

She still loved me? I ended up blushing completely. Mrs. Anderson set a plate in front of me covered in syran wrap. “She’s a 100% right. You’ve turned out remarkably well.” as she wrapped an arm around my shoulder and put her cheek on mine. That’s where Wanda picked up that habit.

I patted her arm and rubbed an eye, since it was leaking. She said she still loves me. I tried to salvage my dignity or at least my sense of humor. “So I’m allowed to come back and visit?”

John clapped a hand on my shoulder. “Yes, I think you can come back and visit. Don’t worry about them. I’ll let you in.”

I looked back up at his mother. “John said it’d be okay if I slept in the basement.”

“Please, the basement? I’m sure we could . . .”

John leaped in there before the conversation gathered any steam. “No, no, Mother. We had that conversation already. We both agreed the basement would probably be the best alternative for everyone. Or the doghouse.”

He and I burst out laughing. “Thank you, John. That felt good. I needed that.” I pushed my chair back. “I’ve been here long enough and I’ve got to get going. You’re welcome to share that conversation with them. I don’t think I’d have the nerve to talk about it.” I looked at Wanda with amusement, since most of the story involved her, she just didn’t know it.

* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *

I got up and took my plate with me. I reached across the table and gave Kenny a handshake and wished him luck. “Good luck, Kenny. If there’s any way I can help, give me a call. Or give John a call and he’ll get me on board.” He looked surprised at the offer but the smile he gave me couldn’t have been more sincere. “Thank you.” “You’re welcome. You can never have enough friends, that’s my belief.”

I gave Maxine a kiss on the cheek and said goodbye. “Thank you for that, David.” “You’re welcome. Anytime, you know that.” I gave Mrs. Anderson a hug and a kiss, too, and thanked her for the food. She pointed out the chitlins on the plate. I crossed my heart and all that. “Okay, just for you. I promise to eat them all gone, okay? Thank you. I knew coming here would cheer me up.”

“I’m glad you had time to visit. You even made Wanda smile and she didn’t have a smile until you got here. Thank you for that.”

“How do I say this?” Shyly I told her, “I finally realized that . . nothing makes happier . . . than to see Wanda happy and see her smile.”

“Oh, David, I knew that already. Tell me something I don’t know.”

“You are something, you know that? I’ll try to call when we’ve figure out what’s going on. Can I ask you and your husband a favor?”

“Anything, David.”

“When I come back for Christmas Break, can I pick her up from school?”

“I think that should be okay. I’ll bring it up with John Senior and he’ll let you know. Have a safe trip, okay?”

“I will, thank you.”

“Davie, what are you whispering about?”

“Nosy. It’s secret stuff. She says she’s going to put you in the basement and I get your room. Or you have to go stay with my family to give me a break.”

“Oh. Sorry I asked.”

I made it over to Mr. Anderson at the top of the table. “Did you hear any of that conversation down there? I was trying to be quiet about it.”

“Bits and pieces. I’ll get them to share the important parts. I could already guess what kind of man your grandfather might be, considering when he grew up.”

“I’d love to take John with me for a visit but I figured it would only be for my amusement. It didn’t seem very fair to him. Would’ve probably given my grandfather a heart attack anyway. He’s so terrible to the hospital staff. I went out to apologize to someone he’d disrespected but she just waved it off. She said she’d heard far worse. She’s gonna get some flowers from me and every other person he offended, the old coot. But if I believe in the innate value of everyone I meet, it’s because of what I’ve learned at this house, from you and your wife, and those two children of yours. So, thank you.” With that I shook his hand goodbye. “Have a happy Thanksgiving, okay?”

I said my goodbyes to the room as a whole and headed for the door. So much for getting in and out quickly. John followed me out, with Wanda trickling behind us. “Well, I’m sorry you have to go but I understand. I’d tell you to have a good time but I doubt it’s going to be much fun.”

“You’re right about that. How long will you guys be home?”

“Well, Wanda’s heading back Sunday but I’m going back Monday some time. I’m not sure when Laurie will get back. Up to her family.”

“And you said I like playing with fire.”

“Hey, that’s different!”

I had to laugh at that. “Oh, no, it’s different alright. Had to go out with the sheriff’s daughter? When you open up some gift someday and there’s a pointy white robe in there, you’ll know you’ve finally been accepted into the family.”

“David, you’re terrible.” Wanda said behind us.

His mouth popped open. “I’m sorry, John. That did come out kinda of bitchy, didn’t it?” I slapped my hand on his chest to show my support and take the sting out of that comment. “Don’t worry, John. I believe in true love too. Next time I’m up, we’ll go anywhere you want across the bridge and I’ll watch your back. That’s why I’m here.”

I reached up and gave him a hug. “Be careful, old buddy.”

“It‘s fine, David. Got to work with you have.”

“It sounds like true love.” I said with a smile and a grin appeared on his face. “That’s what I thought. I’m happy for you.”

Right on time, Mrs. Anderson called out the door. “John, I need your help!”

“Alright, Davie. If you end up heading back any earlier, give us call.”

“I will. Say hello to Laurie for me.”

“I will. Don’t make Wanda angry please, unless you’re going to take her with you. Talk to you later. Gotta go.”

Wanda had a frown of disapproval on her face and I put my hands on her arms. “Come on, Wanda. I said I was sorry. Please don’t look at me like that. It breaks my heart to think I disappointed you.”

She put her hand on my chest and nodded, then put a little kiss of forgiveness on my cheek. “Okay. So, what’s up with you? You walked in with a frown and now that you’re leaving you’re in a better mood. My feelings are hurt and I want to know why. Are you glad you’re leaving? Got someone waiting?”

“Of course not, Wanda.” I tried to put my arms around her but she hadn’t melted that much, so I backed off. “Please don’t think that. What do think I saw when I walked in? Can you picture it?”

“You came in and stood behind me, then went to see my Father. And you still had that frown on your face.”

“So, if I stood behind you, what did I see and who was there?”

“You were behind me thinking dirty thoughts about neck.”

I lost it and laughed out loud. “How did you know that?”

“You spent hours on my neck at school. I assumed that’s what you were doing.”

I smiled at her. “Yeap, you’re 100% correct. I was thinking about your neck and spending five hours mapping it out–the spots that tickled, the spots that took your breath away, the ones that took my breath away.” I let my hand reach up and caress her face while my eyes just looked. “I’d like to spend an hour on it right now and kiss every inch of it, if there was enough time.” I leaned in to give her a kiss but she hadn’t thawed out that much.

She crossed her arms, which was usually a good indication to cool my jets. A little amusement showed up. “Okay, okay. I hear you. You’ll get your chance someday.”

“So I’m there drooling over on your neck, as beautiful as it. Then I looked next to you and there was some handsome devil I didn’t know sitting next to you. I thought maybe you’d met someone.”

“That’s Kenny, he’s my 16-year-old . . .”

“I know that. Now. It’s one thing to think it might happen someday, like two years, maybe three, but to walk in and see it in in front of me was . .” I had to look down, because it had made such an impact on me when I walked in the door. “It was pretty hard to face. There’s no way I could’ve dredged up smile.”

She looked at me, thought over my answer, then nodded. She put a finger under my chin and lifted my face back up. “Okay, I can see that. I’m sorry I jumped on you. I probably would’ve thought the same thing and been even less diplomatic.” I smiled at her. She was such a dream. “Were those tears for me?” I nodded but there’s no way I could’ve replied. “Oh, baby.”

She moved closer and put her hands on my chest. “So, you missed me?” “Yeah, maybe a little.” “A little?” She pulled me close and plastered a kiss on me that took my breath away. Then she let go and looked at me and raised her eyebrows. “Well?” My turn? Then I pulled her into my arms and ravished her lips.

Ravish is the only word to describe it. Just can’t overuse that word. I tasted her lips like a man rescued from the desert getting his first drink of water. “Yes, I’ll admit, I did miss you.” I said, panting a little.

“More than a little?”

“I doubt there’s a word for how much.” I pushed her back against the wall of the house and kissed her again and again. Her hands clenched my shirt and with a total lack of control my hands went down to grasp her butt and I lifted her up until she wrapped her legs around me. “God, you have the cutest butt I’ve ever seen.”

I was ravishing her neck. “I know, I know. You told me. Does it feel okay?”

“It won’t feel okay until I see it with my own eyes and can put kisses all over it, along with the rest of you.” Then I went back to consuming her lips and grinding her against the wall. Consuming, another great word.

Unfortunately, her mother stuck her head out the door. “David! Phone call.” Fortunately, she couldn’t see us between the bushes, smack up against the wall, shaking the house.

I let Wanda slip back down to her feet, both of us out of breath. She put a hand in between us and rubbed along my length, which drew a groan out of me. “I have no idea how you’re going inside with that. And your breathing sounds terrible.”

I sucked in a huge breath, not like that was going to improve anything. “Can you go see who called and then I’ll be right behind you.” She let out a groan and touched me again. “Stop that.”

“I love the sound of that, you behind me.”

“Wow. Self-control. Self-control. Go on, please? I’m putting this food in my car. Not like that’ll be enough time to get rid of this problem I have.” With that, Wanda went in the door.

Her Mother asked her where I was. “He was just putting the food in his car. He’ll be right in. He asked me to see who it was.”

“It’s his mother. She says his grandfather’s taken a turn for the worst.”

“Oh no.” Wanda picked up the phone. “Hello, Mrs. Simpson. This is Wanda, John’s sister. How are you? I understand. He’s was taking a plate of food out to the car but he’s coming in.” I walked in right at that moment, right as she blushed to her roots. “Thank you, that’s nice to hear, especially from you. I appreciate your confidence in me. I will, I promise. Oh, here he is. We’ll be praying for you guys. You’re welcome. Call us if there’s anything we can do to help. Here’s David.”

“Thank you, Wanda. You’re a peach. Listen can I take this on another phone? You’re all still eating dinner. Bedroom? Thank you.” Wanda led the way and we headed back to the master bedroom. I guess there wasn’t any reason she couldn’t go with me, as far as I could tell. I picked up the phone.

“Hey, Mom. What’s going on? Resuscitate him? I thought he was getting better. I hope he had enough energy for that. I know how weak he was and lord knows his lungs are compromised. Yeah, I know. Is anyone at the house or at the hospital? Mmm mm. Yeah, I figured Dad and Pat would be given priority. It’s . . about six o’clock now. Do you think they’ll kick everyone out when visiting hours are over? . . . You think it’s that close? Damn. I’m sorry. I thought we had more time. The last thing I knew we were talking about getting him a room in Corsica Hills.”

“I know how long it will take. It doesn’t mean I won’t be on the road in five minutes, no matter what you tell me. . . Yes, I know! You all gave me your two cents worth when I told you I was coming down here. Not like I wanted to stay at the house while the cousins were putting their names on everything. I guarantee you I felt more welcome here than I felt up there.”

Wanda put her hand on my arm, which helped me refocus and get back on track. “Listen. I’m not totally selfish, you know that. Tell me what I can do and you know I’ll get it done. . . Uh huh. Anything else? Do you need anything from the house? . . Right. Maybe I should stop by, to make sure the dogs are being taken care of. . . Supposedly. Well, take a vote and come to a consensus. Unless I have any stops to make, I’m walking in the hospital in about 90 minutes, even if the odds are against me getting in to see him. . . You can tell them I’ll see them when I get back. I wasn’t up there to play cards and reminisce, I’ll see them when I see them. . . You can put it any way you want. . . . Alright. I’ll be here ten more minutes if you come up with anything else then I’ll hit the road. Make sure to ask John, too.”

“Yes, Mom, that as Wanda.” My new found favorite topic. Now I blushed red to my roots. I tuned to look at Wanda. “Yeap, she’s a slice of heaven. Sorry, that came out a bit mushy, didn’t it?” Now she blushed. “Yes, I have to admit I do. It was a long time coming. . . So glad you approve. I don’t think I ever heard you say that about any girl I liked. . . Wow, that’s harsh. So, she meets with your approval? . . I’d appreciate if you could keep it to yourself. I have no intention of sitting there and listening to them trying to be subtle and insulting at the same time, especially Dad. Thanks. Okay. Love you, Mom.”

Wanda sat down on the bed beside me on the bed. She put her arm around me and put her head on my shoulder. I looked at her. “Well, that was fun, wasn’t it?”

“I hope everything works out. I guess the only thing worse would be going to a funeral.”

“I don’t doubt that. Could you close the door?”

She got up and closed the door, then came back to stand in front of me. “So what was all that you said about me?”

“I told her you were perfect and that yes, I loved you and while it might’ve happened a long time ago, it was probably better that it was happening now and then she disrespected every girl I ever went out with and gave you her stamp of approval.” And I took in a deep breath after all that.

“Well. So much for keeping it a secret.”

“Did you want me to keep it hidden away? If you tell me you want me to, I will. If there was a reason to, I didn’t realize it. If you want me to try to do damage control, I can call her back.”

“No, you’re fine. Sounds like you’ve gotten over any qualms about letting something happen.”

“Maybe. I think you’re kinda cute, for a little sister.”

“A little sister, huh? How many of your sisters do you ravish on a daily basis?”

I held up my hand and counted my fingers. One, two, six, seven. . . “Nope, just you. I doubt I could handle any more than that.” I reached up and put my hands on her waist and pulled her to me. My face ended up on her stomach and she ran her hands through my hair. “Mmm. It feels so nice when you do that.” I sat there as her fingers made all the stress go away. A sigh left me but I knew it was time to get moving. I stood up and pulled her into my arms. Then I backed her up until she bumped into the wall and leaned in and consumed her lips again. My hands ran around and grabbed her butt again and ground her into me. A moan escaped my mouth and then one escaped hers, while she was trying to push me away. “Still a little worked up, are we?”

“I cannot believe you. Let me go.”

I gave her one more loving kiss and leaned in to whisper in her ear. “Can you hear me?” She nodded with some exasperation. “Not gonna happen. You’re my bread and butter.”

She tried to be serious but that slipped past her defenses. She let out a laugh. “Out of all the guys. . .”


“Not a thing. Gotta to work with what you have at hand, I guess. If you have any bad habits, I’ll just have fix them. But I think you’d better not sit next to me in Church.”

“I like that. Fix all my flaws, can you? And maybe we can put your parents between us on Sundays.”

“You might need to sit in the balcony.”

“I don’t know. That’s where John and I sat and we still got in trouble. Come on, let’s go.”

She gave me one last kiss and put some effort into it. If that was her kiss goodbye, it was a damn good one. “There. Will that hold you over?”

“It’ll have to be good enough but I know it’ll only last for a about ten miles.”

“My god. Will you ever let me get any sleep?”

“Stop. Don’t give me so much to hope for.”

“Come on, we’ll find the time. You’ll be okay. We’ll be okay. You just need to get through this. Remember I’ll be thinking about you.”

“Thank you. I’ll be doing the same. Hey, what was my mother saying to you? You said you appreciated her confidence in you.”

“She said when you talk about me, it’s the first time she’s seen you smile like that. She said I must be good for you and to come visit as soon as possible.”

“Isn’t that sweet. If you’re not going to tear up, I think I will. And I think my blood’s finally stopped boiling. Come on, let’s go tell them what’s up.”

I’m sure the door closed look suspicious. We made it out into the living room and into the kitchen. Mrs. Anderson lifted her eyebrows at us. Damn my light skin. I flushed red down to my toes. “David. Do you feel okay? You look like you have a fever.” Now I know where Wanda got her wickedness from. Wanda pushed by me and found her seat. I grabbed a short step stool and sat down between her parents. Mrs. Anderson put the back of her hand against my forehead, like every mother does to their child. “A little hot. I’ll check again in a little while.”


She looked down at me in amusement. “My baby.” Boy, that made me blush down to my toes.

“Marlene, leave the boy alone.” Mr. Anderson wanted an update. “So, how’s your grandfather doing? I thought you’d be on the road by now.”

I wasn’t trying to monopolize the conversation over Thanksgiving supper, so I tried to keep it on the downlow. “He had a relapse and his lungs are struggling. I don’t how they can heal the damage caused by a lifetime of smoking. I guess my judgment was wrong after all when I decided to come down here. Bad enough they’re going to give me grief for it, on top of blaming myself.”

“You made the best decision you could, given the circumstances. Knowing you the way I do, I bet every time you left your grandfather, you said your goodbyes.”

“How did you know that?”

“It’s what I know you would do.”

I looked down in thought but I couldn’t figure it out. “Well, my mother called me to keep me up to date and give me a tongue lashing. I told them I’d be here for ten minutes and if I didn’t hear from them, I’d get going. If that’s okay?”

“Of course it is. That’s fine. How about you find a seat and we’ll fix you something quick to eat. Looks like John and Kenny are busy talking, so why don’t you take that seat next to Wanda?”

“That would awesome, thank you.”

“Try to stay out of trouble, can you. David?” Mrs. Anderson chimed in. I looked in her eyes and shook my head. I had to smile. Obviously, I’d missed a lot over the years if I didn’t realize she wasn’t above stirring the pot.

“I will. I promise.” With that I got up and went to sit down next to Wanda. “What’s up, sweet thing?”

“I don’t know, what’s up with you? Find new girlfriend yet?” She was trying to be humorous but when it arrived I found it a little bitter to my taste.

“No, I did not. I finally realized my school isn’t co-ed. I don’t remember ever seeing a single girl there. I’ll have to check when I go back but I swear I haven’t noticed a single one.”

She slapped my arm lightly but I thought it was a good answer. “Good answer, wasn’t it? Come on. It was, wasn’t it?” She just shook her head. “Did you? Find some young stud at school?” It was a simple enough question but I still had a bit of fear in me.

“No, of course not.” She said with a touch of exasperation. “I’m not easy like you are.”

“Excuse me!?” Every head turned to look at me. I know I was too damn loud. Whatever I was, it wasn’t easy. I could be obnoxious, irritating, a button pusher, thoughtless, tactless, and a host of other things, but easy? Nope. I felt insulted. I slid my chair back an inch but she stuck her foot behind a leg and stopped me from moving.

Her eyes were filled with amusement. “Mmmm?” She put her hand on my arm to calm me down. “Why do you think you can constantly pull our legs and we can’t do it to you?”

My mouth popped open but I had nothing. John heard just enough to get his curiosity going. “New girlfriend? What happened to your old girlfriend?”

“Thanks for letting the cat out of the bag, Wanda. She called me about a month ago on a Sunday night. She said her ex-boyfriend had come to visit. Who comes down on a Sunday to visit? I knew what she wasn’t saying. I know he showed up on Friday and once he went home, she finally worked up the nerve to call. Yeah, she finally admitted it. Then I said some extremely rude things I can’t repeat here and hung up on her. So, after two years it’s all said and done, end of story.”

“New girlfriend? No, I don’t think so. Doesn’t make me want to try again anytime soon. I think maybe you guys need to find someone for me, since obviously my judgment is way off. Everything else I do just fine. Women, I must not have a clue. So where did you meet Laurie?”

“We met in a dance class I took as an elective.”

“Did you? Tell me, did you take the dance class because you wanted to give it a try or because you saw her in there?”

“Well, they asked me to handle the music for one of their recitals and that’s when I met her. Then they invited me join in a few times to see if I liked it. A month later we were dating and the next semester I added it to my schedule.”

“Isn’t that interesting. I bet that’s a story to tell. Not necessarily over Thanksgiving dinner, with Wanda’s innocent ears listening. We’ll save that story for some other occasion. I don’t want to be blamed for putting ideas in your sister’s head.”

“OW! Really? How about every time you pinch me, I pinch you back? What, are we back in seventh grade? Man! You know when you do that, it leaves a bruise?” I turned back to John but kept one eye on Wanda and used one hand to keep her hand trapped against the table. All the while her leg was rubbing up against mine. What a devil. “What I’ve been told,” casting a stink eye at Wanda, who laughed, “Is that we shouldn’t have been dating in the first place and that I wasted two years of my life on that girl. What did you call her? Cruella?”

I turned my stink eye on John. “So, John. Do you want to confirm or deny that uh conclusion? Did everyone think it was doomed from the start and they were just waiting for it implode? I don’t remember you telling me that, John, did you? I hope you would’ve said something before I put that ring on her hand. Is that how it was the whole time, buddy, old pal?”

“Ooh, can I take my question back?”

“What do you think, Wanda? Let him off the hook?”

“I want to know why he wants to retract his question. Maybe he’s afraid we might have something to say about his choice in women?”

“Alright, John. I’ll let you off the hook. I know none of the men in my family are rational where women are concerned. Let alone listen to advice when we’re uh . . you know . . courting. That’s the word I was looking for. I think it might be better if we let it go.”

“Davie, you are a wise man. Yes, it was better to just stay out of your way when you were courting, if that’s what you want to you call it. Like staying out of the pasture when the bulls are worked up.”

Way too many people got laugh out of that and I looked at Wanda. That was the old David. I certainly didn’t want to disappoint her. She had a smile on her face but she wasn’t on the floor, laughing her head off.

“You used to be a pretty nice guy, John, you know that? Where did you get this evil streak from?”

Wanda burst out laughing. “Why is that funny?”

“If he’s got a terrible sense of humor, it’s because of you.”

Even Maxine had to laugh out loud at that because it was so true. “She’s got you there.”

“Thank you for that bit of clarity, Wanda. You’re the cold stark voice of reality, aren’t you? You’re the one that always yanked the beard off Santa’s face, weren’t you?”

“Did not!”

“Yes, she did!” said John.

“Wait, Santa wasn’t real?” As Kenny pitched in with a face he was trying to keep serious but was failing at.

“Kenny, don’t you let them influence you.” as Maxine turned a frown on him.

I burst out laughing at his perfect timing. He ended up with a grin on his face and John and Wanda ended up laughing out loud. “God, Kenny. Thank you for that. That was perfect, it truly was.” As I wiped the tears from eyes. “If we could only get Maxine to develop a sense of humor.”

“Wanda?” Wanda pried her fingers lose and poked me in the ribs a couple times. Maxine wrapped it up with, “If you three are going corrupt my baby, we’re going to have to leave.”

“Calm down, Maxine. I’m leaving soon. When I go, everything calms down and respectability is restored. That’s why they only let me visit once a month. Too much disruption, I think.”

“Wheww! So except for one phone call where I got a tongue lashing from my mother, it’s been great to be here. You all recharge my batteries, you know that? Times up, though, so I guess I need to hit the road. Please, don’t get up. Let me sneak out the way I snuck in. Take care, everyone.” I slid my chair back and got up. One last thing to irritate Wanda, I let my hand run over her head and messed her hair up.

“Stop! Can you go already?”

“I’ll give you guys a call. Have a good evening.” And with that I snuck out the door.

* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *

I made it to the car and tossed the food in. Put on my seat belt and got the motor going. Just in time for Wanda to jump into the passenger seat. “Can I do something for you, Ms. Anderson?”

“Take me with you.”

“Please. Any day of the year except this one. Not for all the money in the world, not for a million of those kisses that take my breath away, not for the chance to make love to you right this second or every day for the next month, not for the chance to kiss every inch of your neck, or to look at you for hours and drown in those beautiful eyes of yours. Wheww. Got myself worked up there. Whatever you do, don’t touch me.”

She ran her hand along my thigh, up and back, up and back, down a little more. “Why would that be a problem?”

“I clamped my hand down on hers and moved it over to her leg. “Wanda, I gotta go. There’s no way I’d take you up into that nest of hypocrites and closet racists. Why would I do that to you? I love you too much to even consider it. I know we both hoped there would be more time to hang out. Yes, I’m seriously worked and it’s all your fault but I’m just starting to think of things I want to do with you. Okay? Taking you up there is definitely not one of them.”

“Well, I’m going to miss you, like I always do.”

“So will I. I need to get through this and get it over with. I know it’s not going to end well. If I know you’re down here safe, it will be one less thing to worry about. Despite where I’m going, I’m sure I’ll spend more time thinking about you then the mess that’s waiting for me. Okay? Do you understand what I’m trying to say! I’m not even sure I know what I mean.”

“I think you don’t want me to meet your family.”

“Wanda, that’s not it.”

“Believe me, I understand completely.”

“No, I not sure you do. When I pulled up to your school I had no clue what was going to happen. It took all night to wear down those barriers that had been up for so long but everything we shared was, like I said, exquisite. I spent four weeks thinking about you and by the time I pulled up here today I . . I knew I missed you terribly.” I took in a deep breath, trying to decide what to say. “I can’t picture my life without you next to me and but it doesn’t mean I want to expose you to my family.”

“David, I told you I understand.”

“Oh. Are you sure? I just didn’t want you think I was ashamed of introducing you to my family. Totally the opposite. I’m more ashamed of introducing them to you. Heck, I don’t want to spend any more time with them than I have to, especially now that I’ve a taste of what it feels like to be happy.”

“Well, my darling. Are you better for having me in your life or am I just a distraction? Would you do anything for me or am I just a bit of dessert when we hook up?”

“Wanda? Really!? You know I’d do anything for you. How can you say that?”

“Let’s see if I can wrap this up so you can go. So, you’d anything for me, right? I think you would.” I nodded my head up and down. “Don’t you think I’d do anything for you?”

I let out a deep sigh. “Yes, you would. I can see where you’re going. Yes, I think you’d do anything for me, too. It’s a losing battle, isn’t it?”

“Yes, it is. So, you know I’d do anything for you. That means I’d even go home with you and meet your family and sit down to dinner with them and suffer alongside you and try not to strangle your father. You can’t keep me locked up and safe and only bring me out during the good times. I make my own choices about where I go and who I’ll see. And yes, I love being by your side. But that means during the good times and bad.”

“Go on, time to go. It looks like you’re thinking and need some alone time. That’s why I think she wasn’t any good for you. She didn’t spend any time worrying about you or trying to make you happy.”

“Alright, sweetness. I hear you. Please go in and try to have a relatively calm rest of your Thanksgiving and have a piece of pie for me.” I leaned over and put a soft but loving kiss on her lips. My hand reached up to her face, touched her cheek, my thumb kissing her.

“I know, I can see it in your eyes. Call us if we can help in any way. Drive carefully.” She gave me a quick butterfly kiss and then she was gone. I backed up out of the driveway and drove away. I brought out a nasty cigarillo and lit up it. The terrible taste in my mouth prepared me for what was waiting at the end of my trip.

* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *

Wanda walked back into the house and sat down. Everyone had moved onto dessert and things had settled down. Everyone looked up when she walked in but surprisingly they didn’t barrage her with questions. They gave her time to gather her thoughts and share what she wanted.

Mr. Anderson quietly asked. “Wanda. He wasn’t going to let you go with him, you know that?” Her mouth dropped open. “Come on, Wanda. I know both you and John would’ve gone if he’d asked you to. I’m pretty sure he’s not looking forward to the next couple of days. I know he didn’t want either of you to go through that, too.”

“Sometimes he’s so . . solitary. Like he thinks there’s no other option except to face everything alone. That’s not right.”

“Yes, I agree. It shouldn’t be like that but I don’t think he was ever given a choice in the matter. Let me see if I can explain how I see his family. This is for me as much as it is for you. . . . Say his family is out boating and then they have an accident and the boat sinks. Everyone’s in the water trying to survive. David, his brother, sister, and his mother are all out there, treading water and trying to stay afloat. Meanwhile their father makes it to a lifeboat. Slowly their energy runs out and they can barely keep swimming. Over time they drift further apart until each one is alone and isolated until they can barely take care of themselves and certainly can’t help each other. And there’s their father in the lifeboat, who’s decided to think only of himself and heads off without a look back.”

“Wow, Daddy. That is . . honestly disturbing. I hope it isn’t true.”

“Yes, he deserves better than that. I don’t know what to tell you. It’s not like you can be there for him every day and hold his hand.”

“Sorry, that’s where I’ll be as soon as he gets back.” As she looked at them defiantly.

Alot of eyebrows went up at that statement but she didn’t see much surprise in either her father’s face nor her mother’s.

Mrs. Anderson got the first word in. “Wanda, it doesn’t look like you’re all that sorry.”

Mr. Anderson looked at this wife. “Not like we didn’t expect it to happen sooner or later, did we? Okay, Wanda. Tomorrow you need to have a chat with your mother. If she’s needs my input, then I’ll become involved.”

Wanda looked around in confusion. She thought she’d get a lot more grief once she dug her heals in. John got up and went around to her. He leaned down and placed a kiss on her cheek. “Don’t worry, I’ve got your back. Even if it did surprise the heck out of me. I knew he loved you. I’ve seen it for a long . . long . . long . .”

She tried to give him a push. “Okay, John. You can stop. I think I got your point.”

“Time for cleanup.” Mrs. Anderson hopped up. It was time to take care of the dishes and pack up the leftovers. Wanda went into the kitchen to help and ended up next to her mother. Mrs. Anderson wrapped an arm around her and put a kiss on her cheek. “I’m sorry, Wanda.”

“Sorry? Why are you sorry?”

“I know my kiss just doesn’t make your heart flutter or take your breath away, does it?”

“Mother! Really?” As she turned bright red, since her mother hit the nail right on the head.

“Did you see how red David was when you came back from that phone call? Your kisses must be pretty nice, too.”

Wanda covered her face and pressed her face into her mother’s shoulder in complete embarrassment.

John came in with some dishes. “Mother, did you make Wanda cry? Wanda, are you okay?”

“Do you want me to answer for you, sweetie?”

“Both of you go away.”

“That’s the grumpy sister I know and love. You must be okay. You’re the one in the middle of the kitchen, Wanda. That means you’re the one in the way.”