Never Quit

Some mothers are over-protective and some mothers are just plain bad parents. They say it takes a village to raise a child, and I’m not sure what that means. If a child has a father, and a mother, and a village too, I suppose the kid should grow up to be a productive member of society.

A Mother’s Second Chance

It took a whole year to get to this point, but when it finally arrived Gail was left breathless with pent up anticipation. Deep down inside, she understood his presence still lingered throughout the house, watching, waiting, and now, maybe, just maybe, her long, lonely wait was over.

Amorous Family Camping Trip

Sam did a last check of his bag to make sure he had everything before loading it into the car. He yawned as he stepped outside into the cool predawn air. He hated being up this early, but it was more than worth it for their annual camping trip. He started loading up their camping gear when he realized how […]

Beth’s Awakening

Beth woke from her slumber. All she could hear was a creaking sound somewhere in the house. It was always the same. Anywhere new and Beth would be listening to every different sound. It would take her a week or two before she settled in and started sleeping through. This was no different. Ok, so it wasn’t somewhere new, but […]

Trauma or Pleasure?

Perhaps I can use this platform as a way to finally move forward and tell my story while servicing the sexual indulgence of others. I’ve seen what’s offered online, I’m fully aware of every fantasy man and woman may be in tuned to. There are things I’ve seen, things I’ve done, and things I’ve been subjected to. A particular sexual […]

My Twin: My First Blowjob

They say one never forgets their firsts and I feel like I am inclined to agree with them. To say that my twin brother Keelan and I were close would’ve been a gross overstatement. Truth be told, I was sure he hated me. All throughout school I was teased for looking different, for being different.

Big Sister Lends a Hand

The fan by the window could barely do anything against the sweltering heat as Sara Williams laid on her bed, weighing the idea of getting up to close her curtains or just leaving her room entirely. Sara could barely handle the heat of the summer air. It was just reaching midday, yet she could not find the energy to climb […]

Happy Wife, Happy Life

When I was growing up one of the more common refrains I would hear from my Father or Uncles was “Happy wife, happy life.” I didn’t pay too much attention to it until I got older, but as I began to gain a better understanding of the world, it seemed that the saying was flawed. I mean, you could apply […]

Boys Need To Learn

The two women greeted each other warmly, as only old friends could, with genuine hugs and cheek kisses. None of these fake, lip-smacking, air kisses for them were as diametrically opposed in looks as they could be. This despite having a mutual heritage of being second-generation Greek-Australians.

Liars Dice

It was a question that I had heard many times over the years from my older sister. She always asked, but in fact it was not really a question. It was more of a “stay the hell out of my way and my sight”, statement. The “kid’ part pissed me off, but with her being my older sister, I usually […]