Liars Dice

Liars Dice.

“Hey kid, what do you have planned for today?”

It was a question that I had heard many times over the years from my older sister. She always asked, but in fact it was not really a question. It was more of a “stay the hell out of my way and my sight”, statement. The “kid’ part pissed me off, but with her being my older sister, I usually let it slide.


“Not that it’s any of your business, but Lily and Emma are coming over and I don’t want you hanging around, nor do I want any of your butthead buddies perving on us while we hang out in the pool, and get our drink on.”

“Pretty high of yourself there, sis. What makes you think that any of my “buddies” are even remotely interested in watching you and your friends?”

“Really? Where would you like me to start? First off, you’re all a bunch of pigs and second, you’re high-school punks, so we both know that you want the stare at hot college girls laying around a pool in their bathing suits. It’s just a fact of life baby brother.”

“Ex-high schoolers. Heading to college in the fall in case you forgot, and holy shit do you ever have high praise for you and your friends Sam. Stop being so arrogant, it’s off putting to people.”

Samantha, or as she has been called all her life, Sam, had a good point. All her friends are what any 19-year old guy would call hot, and so was she, I just hated to admit it. Also, due to that fact that both of our parents worked most weekends, and those weekends that they didn’t, they disappeared. Leaving our house as the place where everyone congregated.

Our modest house was always very well kept. Small, but with enough room for the four of us. Could we have used more room? Absolutely, who couldn’t, but we had grown up here and we really didn’t know anything different. There was a concrete slab for a deck in the backyard with an 18′ round above ground pool that served its purpose of chilling us down on those hot summer days and nights. Again, it was modest, but at least we had it. But the thing that most of Sam’s friends and mine enjoyed was the garage.

The detached single-car garage wasn’t really any good for anything but storage. It had hydro, so when Sam and I entered into teens, we took it over. An old fridge. A sound system that was louder than needed. A nice flat screen with Netflix. A gaming system. A big old area carpet. A solid wooden card table with assorted wooden chairs complimented by a hand me down leather couch and chair, made it our make-shift rec room. All these things accompanied with our parents not being total dicks to our friends, made the Richard’s home, “Party Central”.

“Back up that bus pal. I do the laundry around here. I’ve looked in your underwear after my friends leave, and I see that slimy swamp that you leave behind, so it’s not praise buddy, it’s a fact and it’s the truth.”

“Nice. What are you doing looking in my underwear anyway?” She tilted her head to give me a wickedly evil knowing smile. “Plus, Noah is coming over today. Dad asked us to dig that drainage trench away from mom’s garden.”

“Oh, screw you Sam. Call that creep right now and cancel. You’re a big boy. You can do it yourself.”

Yes, Sam. Our parents named us Samantha and Samuel, but called us both Sam. They thought that it was amusing, but at times it can be as confusing as a Rubik’s Cube.

“Like hell. It has to be done by the time he gets home tonight so I’ll tell you what. You and your “hot” friends can do it and you won’t see me or Noah around here all day, I promise.”

“Oh, you’re such an…ass. Dig the freakin hole but stay the hell away from the pool.”

“It’s a ditch, thank you very much, and you can forget about me staying away from the pool, because I definitely plan on getting into the water when I finish.”

“Contemptible. You just have to always…”

She stopped mid-sentence at the sound of the old wooden gate creaking on its rusty hinges. Emma came into sight first. Her red hair and pale skin were fully covered by a big floppy white hat and a yellow sundress. Lily was seconds behind her. What Emma’s skin lacked in color and pigment Lily’s more than made up for. Her blond hair glowed as it bounced on her bronzed skin. They were completely different. Lily worshipped the sun and her dark skin proved it while Emma went to extraordinary lengths to keep her skin as pale as possible.

A series of hugs and kisses, followed by a round of “oh, my gawd” were enough to drive me to the shed. I left them alone and got out the tools needed for the job at hand.

The ever-reliable Noah showed up exactly at 10:00am as planned. We were making good time getting the digging done, only stopping for 1 beer break during the whole process. There was no reason we wouldn’t be done just after noon.

My sister Sam could at times, be a royal pain in the ass, but at 22-years old, she didn’t need permission to purchase booze, and not once since I turned 19, did she refuse to buy me beer. Her thought was, how backward is a country that allows 18-year old’s a vote and go to war, but not legally drink? So, I always had a six-pack in the fridge. My parents refused to buy it for me, but they were cool with me having a couple.

Noah leaned on his shovel and looked toward the house. He tried to stand taller to look over the pool but had no luck. The girls were laying on towels laid out on the wooden deck. The only way that they could be seen was when they got up, and as luck would have it, Noah was rewarded for waiting.

Sam stood up and climbed the stairs. Despite the fact that she was my sister, she was smoking hot. Turning her back to us, she lowered herself into the water. The material of her suit had rode up into the crack of her butt, giving us the perfect view of what Noah would say was a perfect ass.

“Come on man. Please tell me that you’re tapping that.”


“Sam.” I should have known who he was talking about, he was staring right at my sister.

“In case you forgot, she’s my sister. What the hell is wrong with you man?”

“Nothing. I’m just saying. If I had a sister, and she was that hot, I’d be banging her for sure.”

A shrieking voice behind us scared the shit out of both Noah and me.

“Oh, my freaking gawd Sam! Your brother and his little perv buddy are over here talking about wanting to bang you.” Emma was standing directly behind us with a glass of water in each hand. Her pale skin exposed directly to the dreaded sunlight but shining with the greasy remnants of sunscreen.

“We were not.” I had to try to defend myself somewhat.

“What the fuck Sam?”

“No way. We were…” I tried again, but Emma wasn’t letting it go.

“Sam, I swear to god. I was trying to be all nice to your little brother and his little friend here. I brought them some ice water, so that they don’t stroke out from the heat and this, this Noah kid is saying that if you were his sister, he’d bang you.”

“What the fuck Noah. Get the fuck out of my yard.”

Noah dropped his shovel like it was hot. “Gladly. You explain to your old man why Sam and I didn’t finish the job he asked us to do.”

“Don’t worry, I’ll tell him, and I’ll tell him what you said about me.”

“Get over yourself Sam. I wouldn’t fuck you with your brother’s dick. Emma wasn’t trying to be nice. She came over here to show off her tits. And it looks like Emma needs to clean out her ears. I didn’t say that I wanted to bang you, I said that I wanted to fuck Lily.”

It was an absolutely genius move. A great save, except for the fact that Lily who had remained laying in the sun and out of the argument was now full blown in the discussion.

“What the shit? You little perv bastard. How’d I get tangled up in this?” She was now standing up, but a bit behind Sam and outside of the pool. Both Noah and I noticed immediately and stood there staring at her. Lily may not be as hot as my sister, but she was still a real close first-runner up, smoke show. The thing that had our undivided attention was that when she jumped up, she had neglected to re-tie the string for her bikini top and one of her gorgeous “C” cup boobs was staring us in the face. Sam couldn’t see it because she was watching Noah and me. Emma had yet to see it because she was looking directly at Noah as if considering weather or not, she should kick him in the nuts for outright lying about what she had heard. It was a thing of beauty as it bounced and swayed around. “You little fuckers keep me out of your homo erotic, incest, college chicks bangin, bullshit talk.”

“Lily, put your tit away.” Lily giving us shit made Emma turn to look at her friend, and as friends often do, she had ruined a good thing for the rest of us.

“Jesus Christ. Fucking bathing suit.” The tit was gone in a flash. A red piece of cloth was once again wrapping the hard, dark nipple that adorned the soft flesh.

“Fuck. Really? Thanks, Casper.” Holy shit. This day was headed downhill in a hurry. Casper was a nick name that Emma had hated, and it was Noah that had given it to her many years ago. Sam had bleached Emma’s flaming red hair on one of their many sleepovers and the white hair, combined with her uber pale skin definitely gave her a ghost like appearance.

“Fuck you Noah, I hope your fuckin ark sinks, drowning you and every other bitch that’s on it.”

“Sic burn Em. I’ve never ever heard that one before, you fuc…”

“Okay, okay. Enough. Emma, thanks for the waters. Lily, thanks for the show. Sam, I never said a thing. I promise. Noah, pick up that fuckin shovel and shut you’re your face.”

At 19-years, 2 months and 7 days old, I was the youngest person in the backyard, but I was the only one trying to calm the others down. Emma gave us a mocking curtsey and handed over the frosty tumblers. Lily had disappeared from sight, but Sam was still glaring at Noah and me.

The next 90 minutes went fairly smooth and fairly quick. The boys made no contact with the girls. Noah stole glances over at the pool, trying to catch some more naked flesh, but it never happened. Emma took over as the ringleader, and every so often yelled out at the top of her lungs, “Shot time bitches”.

The Kamikaze shots disappeared faster than it took to make them. After each shot, the music seemed to get a little louder. Harry Styles, Watermelon Sugar belted out as the girls danced around the deck. Sam’s long dark hair made a perfect “V” down her back, trailing droplets of water down the crack of her ass every time she dunked herself in the pool. Both Noah and I were drawn to the sight like it was a solar eclipse. The only difference was that Noah was sporting wood.

“Buddy, put away your bone.” He looked down at his shorts as if he didn’t realize what I was talking about.

“I’d love to fucking put it away…”

The terrified creams coming from the girls filled our ears. They came as the sky lit up directly behind us. Shortly after that the air filled with the loud crashing of a thunderclap. Too busy with the job at hand and the sight of what I hated to admit, Sam and her “hot” friends, we hadn’t noticed the rolling clouds approaching. My father had told me that he wanted the job done before the rain came, but I didn’t think that he meant that it was coming today.

Scrambling for cover, the girls headed for the garage while Noah and I put away the tools, took off our boots and jumped in the pool just as the rain hit.

The cool water felt good washing off the worked-up dirt and sweat. There was no hurry to get out until the next flash of lightning.

“Fuck this shit. I’m outta here.” Noah didn’t bother with the pool stairs. Instead he opted for the side of the pool closest to the garage and I was right behind him.

Rain bounced hard off anything that it came in contact with. It came down in buckets for the next 30 minutes, until it slowed to a pace that was still strong enough to ruin a pool day.

Sitting in the garage, the hot air had an odor of stale beer and old wood, but it was freshened by the cooling rain and the slight scent of 3 different perfumes. Everyone found a spot to flop while trying to wait out the storm, but being in close quarters had tensions raising.

“Why the fuck do you keep looking at me? Sam, tell your brother’s perv friend to stop checking out my tits.” I didn’t wait for my sister to say anything.

“Noah, stop man.”

He tried his hardest to put on an innocent face, but nobody was buying it. So, he took a different direction.

“Don’t tell me to stop. Man, you saw that thing. It was fucking spectacular. She’s so hot, I’m just praying for another wardrobe malfunction. I’m praying that the left one is as nice as the right one.”

The words “hot” and “spectacular” changed Lily’s mood in a split second. With a sudden change of heart, she was very content having Noah stare at her. So much so that she pulled down the material to expose the nipple of her left tit. My sister and her friends had always enjoyed their vanity and having others notice their beauty, and today wasn’t about to be the exception.

“Shots bitches.” Emma stood by the fridge with her hands full of Kamikaze’s, only this time there were five of them.

“Oh no. No way. Not for them. They’re too young for shots.” Apparently, Lily didn’t want us indulging in what they had already had 3 or 4 of.

“Yeah, they’re also not old enough to get into a strip club, yet you keep flashing your tits at them.” Wow, my big sister Sam came to our rescue.

“Once. The first time was purely accidental, bitch. Okay, piss on it. Cheers then.”

The sweet, limey vodka burned on the way down. It was the first time that either Noah or I had had a Kamikaze, but it wouldn’t be the last.

We all seemed disappointed listening to the rain pelting the tin roof of the garage. My end of the daily chores had been completed. I had hoped to relax in the pool for a while, but the lightning put a quick end to that dream. Now I was stuck in the garage, drinking with my stuck-up sister and her friends.

“Hey, dick-smacks. Wanna play a game?” Emma was looking directly at Noah and I, with a shit eating grin on her face.

“Sure Casper, whatcha got in mind?” Emma’s evil grin turned to something lacking description.

“Kicking you in the nuts for a start Ark Boy, but I’ll settle for a little “Truth or Dare”, if you’re men enough to play.”

“No, no, no, nope. We are not playing “Truth or fucking Dare” with my brother. Pick something else.” Truth or Dare was immediately ruled out because Sam was the Queen Bee in her hive, and what she said, was usually law.

“Oh, screw you Sam. You never let us have any fun. I don’t give a shit. You pick it then. It’s your house after all.” Emma was giving some attitude and she was sporting a cute, but pouty face.

“Liars Dice.” Lily almost yelled it out.

Liars Dice was a Richards family staple. It’s a dice game much like poker. Everyone gets five dice. They shake the hell out of the cup that the dice are in and flop the cup over on the table, keeping them covered from view. Looking at your own dice, you make a bet. Depending on how many people are playing is the maximum bet. Like with 5 people, it would be 25 of one number and that number goes down after each hand, because the loser or loser’s all have to get rid of one of their dice.

We always played that one’s are wild and if someone calls “spot-on” for the bet amount, and is correct, everyone has to toss one die in.

Everyone got a drink and soon five cups were being frantically shook. The sounds of dice smashing against the wooden table started the game.

“Two 2’s.” Lily started and immediately received a round of boos from me and Noah. “What?”

“There’s 25 dice in play, and you call two, 2’s?”

“Yepo, buddy.”

“Well, at least we know that it’s guys against the girls.”

“Two 3’s.” Sam went next. Both of us guys looked at Emma and waited. Not really knowing why, because we knew exactly what was coming next.

“Two 4’s.”

“Yeah, yeah. Hard to fuckin believe. Ten 6’s.” Noah made I statement, and I followed.

“Twelve, 6’s.”

“That’s almost half the dice.”

“Oh look, the pretty girl knows how to count.” Noah took a direct shot at Lily.

“Sam, tell your asshole friend to stop, right freakin now.” I gave him a short smack in the back of the head and went back to looking at Lily. It wasn’t hard to read her. When she said what she thought was on the table we knew that she was just guessing.

“Thirteen 2’s?”

“That sounds more like a guess Lily.” I threw her a shot, trying to get my sister to call bullshit.

“Fourteen 2’s” Sam had way more conviction in her voice, but she had played way more than the other girls.

“Oh, come on Casper. You better call bullshit on that, cuz I’m calling it on “YOU”, whatever you say. No matter what you say. I know for a fact that I don’t have any two’s and I looked at Sam’s dice and neither does he.”


“Liar. I’m telling you right now, I’m calling it.”

Emma looked like she was trembling, and no one had even lost one die.

“Fourteen 6’s.” Noah and I both smiled, but neither of us knew why. Emma had just played well.

Noah looked under his cup twice. Looked at me. Looked back under his cup and had yet to say a word.

“Make a call bitch.” Sam yelled at him from across the table.

“Spot fucking on!”

There was only 9 6’s, but those accompanied by the 5 1’s was spot fucking on. With a course of boos and hiss’s everyone but Noah tossed in a die. The ice was broken.

We went around the table two full times before anyone was in any jeopardy of being out.

Lily stared the third round by saying one 2. Sam upped it by one and Emma upped it again. With three 2’s to Noah, he cut me some slack. He called three 5’s and lifted his cup slightly to show that was exactly what he had. That with my wild one was enough for me to call four 5’s.

“Bull…how did we go from 2’s to 5’s? That’s a fucking lie.”

“Is that what you’re calling? If so, say it.”

“Yeah. Fuck it. Liar.”

Noah flipped his cup. I flipped mine and so did the others. Sam and Lily both had a 2, along with Sam 4. Emma had a 1. It was more than enough. Lily was first out.

“Shots bitches.” Emma was headed to the fridge as the words came out of her mouth.

“Yep, and a pee break.” Sam and Lily headed inside, while Noah and I headed out into the rain to piss behind the garage.

“Do you think that there’s a chance for one of us to fuck Lily today?” Noah asked like he thought that it was possible.

“Come on man, no.”


“Fuck Noah, stop it.”

“I’ve heard that back in the day, she got passed around more than a joint at a Snoop Dogg concert.”

“Stop. You know that’s not true. It’s a stupid rumor started by her asshole ex-boyfriend. Lets just have some fun with girls today. It will help us in the fall. Maybe you’ll learn how to act and how not to be a prick all the time.”

“What about if Sam comes onto me, will you be mad if I make a move?” I turned and directed my stream of piss at his leg. The yellow liquid mixed with the rain drops on his leg.

“What the fuck man, I was just asking. Don’t get all pissy. No pun intended.”

The shots were ice cold. Everyone had fresh drinks and the game was back on, almost.

“Come on. I still wanna play. It’s not my fault that I suck at lying.” Lily was pleading.

“You can get back in, with one die.” Sam was going easy on her friend.

“No, no, no. She gets back in, we all get one die back, and when she loses, she has to do whatever the winner says, within reason.” Holy shit. The shots must have been getting to Emma for her to make a suggestion like that. It was agreed upon and soon the dice hit the table. Sam now had three dice in her cup and made her presence immediately known.

“Three 6’s.” Emma made it four. Noah made it five. I made it six. And for reasons only known to herself, Lily called “seven 4’s”.

“What the hell Lil? You know I gotta call Liar.” And just like that, Lily was once again out.

Looking at my sister with big puppy dog eyes, Lily awaited instructions.

“I don’t know. Show everyone the girls. You had them out one at a time already. Do them together for 10 seconds. Em, you time her. Go.”

What? Here we were, sitting in our garage and my sister just gave her friend instructions to flash everyone at the table? I knew that Sam had had a few shots, but I didn’t think she was at a level where naked titties were in play.

My mouth dried immediately. Noah eyes were glued to Lily. Was she going to do it? I was surprised as hell when Lily dropped her top and everyone, including the girls stared at her perky tits.

“Time.” Lily pulled her top back up and re-arranged herself inside the cups of her swimwear.

“Smarten up. Next time it might not be me, and you’ll end up doing something that you might not want to.”

From there the game got tougher. Everybody paid attention and tried to read their opponents minds. Noah lost two of his four dice. Sam lost one of hers, as did Emma and me. It was Noah’s turn to start and he called two 5’s. Having one in my hand, I had zero choice but to up it by one.

“Three 5’s”

“Spot on.” Lily jumped at like she knew what lay beneath the cups, and when we lifted, she did. Three of the six dice remaining showed 5 spots each. The game had just taken a huge swing.

Dice count. My sister Sam and Noah one each. Lily, Emma and me, zip, zero, nada.

It was my turn to start. Noah and Sam shook their cups and dropped their only remaining dies. I was in a bad place, but Lily was in even deeper. My only chance was to leave her lots of room so that she could advance.

“One 2.” If she said one of anything, she might have been safe, but she didn’t.

“Two 2’s” Sam called “Liar” without hesitation. She had a 4 and it didn’t matter what Noah had. “Fuck, fuck, fuck.” Lily realized the error of her ways, but it was too late.

“Get those tits out bitch and leave them out. That’s what you get for not paying attention. Also, it’s your turn.”

Lily undid her top and let it drop. Called “one 2” and shot everyone the double handed bird.

“One 3.” Sam made her call and while Noah was staring at Lily’s tits, she lifted her cup to show Emma what she had. That cheating bitch.

“One 4.” Emma made the called with enough confidence that I knew for sure what was under my older sister’s cup.

“One 6.” Noah gave me no out. He was too far gone from looking at titties.

I knew that Sam had a 4 and from the way Noah called out his number, I was pretty certain what he had.

“Two 4’s.”

Lily slapped her hand on the table. “Bull fucking shit, you Liar. Emma start the timer. Sam whip out that cock of yours for 10 seconds, lets see how you like.”

“Whoa, whoa, whoa. Calm your clam bitch. Let’s slow this shit right the hell down. My brother is not whipping out his dick. Game over.”

I took a sip of my beer and looked at Noah. He smiled. I smiled. Although we were sitting in the garage shirtless, it was starting to get pretty hot inside. It was a game and as games often go, it was fun while it lasted. We got to stare at the boobs of my sister’s hot friend for the last 15 minutes or so. Overall, it was a good day. The problem was, I didn’t want it to end just yet.

Emma had her phone set to the stopwatch setting, and Lily looked disappointed. Sam was putting her can of hard cider to her lips when I stood and pulled down the front of my shorts.

Emma gasped and Lily shouted, “Fuck yeah”, while Sam just stared, speechless. My average, maybe slightly thicker than average dick lay there on display. It was manscaped and clean, and it was the first time that anyone other than my ex-girlfriend had seen it.

My semi hard Johnson and balls were hanging there for at least 10 seconds when Emma croaked a dry mouthed, “time”. I slipped everything back into place and made the call.

“Shots bitches.”

Emma made another round of drinks, while the girls huddled in the corner whispering.

“One 6.” Sam stared Noah in the eyes when she made her call.

“What the shit Sam?”

“Oh, fuck. Sorry Em.” Sam was more concerned with Noah then she was with Emma. Unless Emma guessed what Noah had in his cup, she was fucked.

“Two 2’s.” Noah didn’t even bother to say it. He just shook his head from side to side and lifted the red cup. The 5 stared up at Emma.

“Same as Lily did the first time. Let’s see both girls for 10 seconds.”

“Asshole.” Emma dropped her top and we all heard Noah moan out loud. Emma’s red hair hung down over her shoulders as if trying to cover the large pale white globes that had only seconds before been hidden away from the world. Her nipples and areolas were a sparkly yet pale pink. The excitement of showing them off, caused the skin to crinkle and harden. Both Noah and I stared in amazement. “Come on, that’s gotta be 10 seconds?”

Everyone laughed and Sam pointed to Emma’s phone. She was supposed to be the one keeping time. Packing the goods away, she gave us a “happy?’. When she looked over at me, I couldn’t resist. “Very.”

Noah cut me some slack and I made my call. Lily made her call, left Sam no option but to call her on it.

“My tits are already hanging out. What’s next?” Sam looked at her with sympathy but gave her a choice.

“Lose your bottoms or quit the game.” I chuckled at her words and when Lily spoke, I wasn’t sure if she meant me or my sister.

“Fuck you Sam.” Standing proud, she parted her tanned legs and lowered her bottoms. Lily’s pussy was smooth with short fur like that on a new tennis ball. From where she was standing, I couldn’t see her lips, but it didn’t matter, she was 100 percent nude in front of me. Noah once again groaned and out of the corner of my eye, I could see him re-adjusting himself in his shorts.

I started and left lots of room for the beautifully naked Lily. Sam made her call, followed by Emma, followed by “Liar”, leaving poor Emma topless for the remainder of the game.

Noah’s eyes darted back and forth between both sets of boobies in front of him. He was losing all of his concentration.

Lily started wisely with a one 2 call. Sam said one three and once again showed Emma what was under her cup.

“One 5.”

Noah was in a semi trance with bits of spittle hanging from his lip when he opened the door for us that had no dice.

“Two 5’s”

Using his words from earlier in the game, I cried out, “Spot fucking on”.

Sam whipped her last die at Noah’s head, and he tossed in his cup. No one had any more dice. We were all on an equal playing field again.

“What…what about us?” Emma was looking around the room.

“Sam won. He decides.”

I wasted no time.

“Emma, just like Lily, lose the bottoms.” We all watched as she slid the still damp material down her legs exposing a healthy red bush. “Lily, lean back in that chair a bit and give us a 10 second show of your…you know…lower region.” She cocked her head and squinted her eyes at me, but never said “no”.

To her credit, she placed both soles of her feet on the wooden chair and used the fingers of her right hand to part her glistening lips. If for only one second, I had thought that her perky titties were perfect, her pussy was the icing on the cake. Dark meaty lips with a hard bean of a clit. The inner pink core looked clean and inviting.

“I can’t see.” Emma was straining to look over Sam’s shoulder.

“Time.” What the…? I honestly couldn’t believe that Noah had made the call.

“What the hell Noah?”

“I’m about ready to explode man.”

Regrouping, we all sat silently.

“What now?” It was Lily asking.

Sam finished what was left of her drink and being the Queen Bee, told us in no uncertain terms exactly what was next.

“Well it’s either game over or we continue. If we continue, we each get 5 dice and we begin exactly as we are now. Winner of each hand gets to tell the loser what to do. We go around the table once, then flip cards and switch seats, so that things get mixed up. We vote on it. Majority rules. Who wants to keep playing? Show of hands.”

Sam’s hand didn’t raise, it didn’t have to because four others had already gone up. I knew Noah was in. This was the best day of his life so far. And me? Shit I had seen titties from two girls that I deemed way out of my league, and then out of nowhere came their pussies. No way was I voting no. What was surprising was that both Lily and Emma lifted their arms.

“Okay, well fuck my life. Lily starts us up, but first, we need some more shots bitches.”

I’d be lying if I said it was an accident when I reached across Lily to get my drink and grazed her boob. I had touched a couple in the last year, but none were nearly as sweet and perfect as these.

“Watch it perv. Sam, tell your brother that rubbing my tit isn’t part of the game.”

I fully expected my sister’s wrath, but once again today was full of surprises.

“Well Lil, give it a few more rounds and it might be.”

Emma made a toast that had something to do with welcoming Noah and I to college life and all that goes along with it, then she slammed back her shot, wiping her mouth with the back of her hand. A small drop of the clear liquid dripped onto her chest and started running down the cleavage before us.

“One of you boys want to get that?”

Like school kids we both put our arms in the air. Sam laughed and said “Jesus Christ”.

Noah was closer so he leaned over and licked the valley in front of him. Emma didn’t flinch but Noah’s boner was poking a tent in his shorts.

It was a missed opportunity to put my face between Emma’s tits, but I didn’t think much about it. It didn’t upset me, but Lily threw me a bone anyway.

“Disappointed baby?” She took her empty shot glass and dripped what liquid was left, onto her rock-hard nipple. I looked at Sam, back at Lily, back to Sam. I wanted permission, but I didn’t know from whom. “Well?”

That was all I needed. I cupped my hand to the under part of the most beautiful breast that I had ever had the pleasure of touching and sucked its nipple into my mouth. Like Noah, I let out a moan.

“You like that baby?” Twirling my tongue around the hard nub, I forced myself to release it.

“Yes. Yes, I do.”

“Good, so do I. Now go easy on me in the game and I’ll let you do it again sometime.”

“Lil, stop teasing my brother.”

“I’m not teasing anybody. You saw his cock just like me and Emma did. I’d fuck that boy in a heartbeat.”

All I heard Sam say was her famous, “Down bitch” as she took her spot at the table.

The dice rattled loudly over the background music. Each of the girls thought that they were on some Clandestine Operation. They showed each what was under their cups to try and win the game.

“One 2.” Lily squeaked out her first bet with a chuckle.

“Two 2’s.” Here we go again. Sam and the girls planned on playing it safe.

“Twelve 5’s.” What in the actual fuck? Emma was playing by a set of different rules. Noah looked around the table. Stopping at each set of titties in front of him. He stopped at Emma and I knew what he was thinking, “We’re about to get a close-up look at Emma’s snatch, Lily’s whatever, and Sam’s tits.

“Spot on Casper.”

But it wasn’t to be.

There was only seven 5’s on the whole table. Noah gave a low, “fuck” and waited for his punishment.

“Well Ark Boy, lets get a look at that dick of yours.” Emma took great pride in Noah’s pain, but like a trooper, he stood-up and flashed his rock-solid dick for the prescribed 10 seconds.

Sam started the next hand and things went very slowly. The round ended up getting back to her with the call being ten 3’s. Eleven 3’s might have been what I thought, but Sam bumped it up.

“Eleven 6’s.”

“Twelve 6’s.” Emma didn’t hesitate for even a second.

“Oh, fuck you both. That’s half the dice on the table. You’re a Liar.” But it wasn’t.

With 6’s and 1’s combined, there was more than enough to meet quota. Lily reached across the table and held out her hand. Everyone knew what she was waiting for. Two girls and one guy, naked.

The very next hand changed my life forever.

Emma started low and Noah pounced.

“Seven 4’s.”

“Nine 4’s.”

“Ten 4’s.” Lily had jumped on the bandwagon.

Sam looked at us all for a sign, but nobody was giving anything away.

“Eleven 4’s”

Emma lifted her cup before she said “La, la, la, Liar”. The rest of us followed suit. Sam and Lily were the only ones with 4’s, but they only had a combined three of them.

“Get those tits out Sam. Let the boys have a look.” Emma was at the very least, gloating in victory.

“I’m not about…” She looked me directly in the eyes. “Oh, fuck you guys.”

The next 10 seconds would be etched into my memory forever. Sam’s tits were every bit as nice as Lily’s. They were slightly bigger, while the nipples and areolas were smaller and darker. In a word, they were spec”fucking”tacular. Sister or not, I couldn’t take my eyes off of them

“Time.” Emma broke the spell, but Noah and I both watched until they were once again hidden from sight.

“Pee break.”

Everyone got up from the table except Noah.

“What’s the matter, Ark Boy, boner stopping you from getting up?” Lily had joined Emma in taunting my friend.

“Well Lily, we have a much hard time hiding our excitement, then you do yours.” She turned to me like I was breaking a code.

“What the hell makes you think that I’d ever get excited playing a game with you punks?”

I pointed down. “Your chair.”

Sam looked down and noticed the same wet slime that I did.

“Jesus Christ Lil.”

When it came time to change up seats, everyone was naked but my sister. She at least still had her bottoms on. She had lost her top, Emma had given us the 10 second pussy show and my shorts were history.

Sam was upset about losing her top and called Lily a cheater because of it. Cheater? Wasn’t that how the whole game had started with them?

I was now seated between Lily and Sam. Emma was beside her, with Noah next.

The game was now to the point where things were getting out of hand. With four of us naked and having had shown yourselves off, there was nothing left but dares.

Going in reverse order things got crazy. For the first time one of us touched the other as a dare. Emma had to let Noah play with her tits for 30 seconds, anything that he wanted. The way that he suckled I was sure that she was going to have a hickey. Sam got lucky and stayed out of trouble. I got called on a lie and had to stand-up and rub my dick for 30 seconds. But, on the next round Noah changed things up.

“Eight 3’s.” Lily made the call with conviction

“You sure?” Noah asked.

“Got four of them right there under my cup, wanna see?”

“As a matter of fact, I do, liar.”

Everyone lifted and there wasn’t enough.

Lily gulped at the air in defeat. “I suppose that you wanna suck my tits too?”

“Nope. We’re way to deep in the game for that. I want you to suck Sam’s dick for 2-mintues.”

“Boy Sam or girl Sam?”

“The only one that really has a dick.”

Nobody moved. The booze and excitement had kicked in big time. This was either going to be the end for the day or we were going to head down a completely different path. When Lily hesitated for a bit too long, Noah pushed her buttons.

“No problem if you don’t wanna do it. You can quit the game and sit over there, while the rest of us play.” Lily took exception.

“Well you don’t see his cock anywhere near my mouth, do you asshole? Get the fuckin thing up here and start the goddamn timer.

Hesitating, I looked at my sister for permission. When she shrugged her shoulders, I stood with my dick in my hand. I was shaking so much that it was waving about like Harry Potter waves his fucking wand.

“If you cum in my mouth, I swear to fuck, I’ll kill you.” It was a direct order from Lily

“Thought girls liked that?” Noah asked at the same time as Lily’s lips slid down the length of my shaft.

“I bet a fucking guy must have told you that.” Emma was staring at Lily, but still threw a shot at Noah.

I moaned. I couldn’t help myself. I looked at Sam, but she was busy watching her friend suck me. Everyone was watching her suck me. It felt better than the only other time I had had a blow job…by a long shot. Lily knew what she was doing, and her mouth was warm, wet and inviting.

Putting my hand on the side of Lily’s head, I wrapped my fingers in her soft, damp hair. Her tongue cradled my shaft as she bobbed her head. It licked whatever pre-cum was oozing out. If Emma hadn’t called “tiiiiime”, I would have come any second.

What struck me as funny was that no one had their hands above the table but me, and when Emma reached for her cup, 2 of her fingers looked very shiny.

Sam lost next and pulled off her bottoms in a way that no one saw a thing. But when she lost her second time in a row, she had no option but to show off the goods.

Her feet on the chair like her friends before her Sam parted her legs to expose her womanhood. Lily leaned over my shoulder pressing her naked titties into my back.

Unlike her friends, Sam was smooth and bald down there. Her puffy lips were full and meaty, and lefty nothing to the imagination, she was soaked.

“Time. Nice twat Sam.” Emma pushed her luck with the Queen Bee and got stung. The very next hand played against her, Sam called “Liar” and won. This wasn’t going to be pretty.

Sam looked around the garage as if she had something in mind. Emma was for sure nervous at the very least. After about 30 seconds, Lily asked her, “Whatcha looking for?”

“Oh, I don’t know. Maybe something for Em to stick up her “nice twat”. How about that Em?”

“Sam, I’m…”

“No. No. No. I’ve got an even better one. Emma, spread em wide open for us. Noah’s going to go down on you for 2-minutes. Aren’t ya Noah.” Noah nodded yes at his good fortune. Emma’s reluctance was keeping Sam waiting. “Well, are you calling the game?”

“Fuck you Sam.” Emma lifted her legs giving Noah all the access that he needed.

Not once did Emma’s glare leave Sam. She gave her so-called friend the evil death stare for the full 2-minutes, and all the rest of us saw was the back of Noah’s head.


Noah’s face looked like a glazed donut when he sat back in his chair, but he was ready to go.

“Who’s, fuckin turn is it anyway?”

I don’t know how or even why, but I lost to Lily and was expecting her to request something on one other the other girls, but she surprised everyone.

“Sam, boy Sam, has to finger me for 2-minutes so that I can see if he’s any better at it then his sister.” Mine and Noah’s mouths were open wide in a fly catching position. “Well, I’m not waiting all day.” She was looking right at me.

On my knees beside her chair, Lily swung up one of her legs and I pushed my middle finger through the wet lips of her pussy. A moan escaped her, but I wasn’t sure if it was real or was just to piss off my sister.

Every pass made the digit wetter and wetter, until I buried it inside her.

“Fuck, one more.” Lily requested another and I was more than willing to accommodate her. With my second finger in alongside the first, and my thumb rubbing her clit, Noah would tell me later that it looked like I was carrying a 10-pin bowling ball. “Come here.”

Lily had her hand on the back of my head pulling it up to her. She knew what she wanted when she forced her lips against mine. Our tongues danced for a few second before she stiffened and said, “Suck my nipples”.

Dropping my face down, my mouth found what it was after.


“Fuck you. Don’t stop.” I continued sucking and moved my thumb faster over her clit.



“TIME!!!” Emma’s high-pitched scream hold us to stop.

“Fuuuuuuuccccccckkkk.” Lily’s legs clamped together over my hand almost crushing it with her firm, fleshy thighs. Her body gave off small tremors. The aftershocks of her orgasmic earthquake. It had nothing to do with skill from my hand and mouth. It was pure adrenalin and shear horniness on her part.

Noah and I sat at the table rock hard. Lily was soaked, I could attest to that much. And from what we all saw earlier, so was Emma. As far as Sam went, I had noticed that she was soaked. It was very obvious Also obvious was the fact that Sam was visibly pissed off.

Two turns latter Sam made a shot induced mistake and Noah begged Emma to call “Liar”. The call became a very weird moment for me. Lily on her knees licking my sister to the edge, but 2 minutes wasn’t nearly enough. I wished that my view was better, but just hearing and knowing what was going on made it a first for me. The very first live girl-on-girl action I had ever witnessed, but it wasn’t the last.

The dice weren’t very friendly after that. Emma lost four times in a row. The first time she ended up with my face buried deep in her snatch and the second time she ended up with a mouth full of Noah’s cum. It wasn’t what was supposed to happen, and it definitely wasn’t supposed to end that way, but a 2-minute blow job, was 90-seconds longer than required to get him to pop. Emma spit the spooge on the floor and used the rest of her drink to rinse away the taste. The third loss changed things up as Sam told Emma that she had to go down on Lily for 2 minutes. Lily didn’t hesitate for a second when it came to spreading her legs, and without a lot of complaining, Emma got down on her knees in front of her friend. When time was up, Emma stood and surprised Noah by kissing him. Noah got a free taste of Lily. Lastly, Emma had to take a long single lick of my sister Sam’s asshole. I honestly thought that that’s where the game would end, but Emma’s tongue slid its way over the puckered hole leaving a wet trail, and the game went on.

Directional play changed again, and everyone played cautiously. There was lots of licking, a little bit of sucking, some poking, a bit of nibbling and I watched my sister wrap her hand around my best friend’s dick and give him 9 strokes. One for each of the dice that she lied about having.

I started, and when it got to Sam, she made the call that anyone at the table would have made, but Emma was out for revenge and yelled “Liar” as loud as she could. Cups lifted and Sam was one die short of achieving her targeted goal. Emma appeared to be more than a little satisfied with the outcome.

“Well Sammie baby…unlike you did to me, I’m going to give you a choice. Both choices are for 2-minutes and you get to pick. Either Sam goes down on you, or you go down on him. Same things that I did, if I correctly recall you telling me to do so.”

The only sound in the garage was the music playing in the background. Noah’s jaw was so far open that his chin seemed to be resting on his dice. We waited and waited. After what seemed to be an eternity, Emma used the same words that Lily had told me, “well, I’m not waiting all day”.

“Fuck you Em, game over. Mom’s home in 30-minutes, so clean this shit up.”

The 4 of us watched as she departed. Her fantastic, still naked ass and body, being wrapped up in a towel as she walked out of the garage and headed toward the house.

I don’t know why Sam told us the clean-up. There wasn’t a mess. A couple of empty drink cans but that was it. Everyone had a stunned look about how quickly the game had ended.

The scaping of the dice and cup on the table caught my attention. “Just you and me. You ready big boy? I’ve been watching you, and all day you’ve been looking at me through your “I wanna fuck you so bad, glasses”.” Lily shook her dices and put them down. “Five 6’s.”

“Liar?” I had no idea why she was willing to continue, but I played along.

“Okay, so I’m not that good of a liar. All this licking and poking has me all horned up, so you’ve got 5-minutes to fuck me and make me cum. After that, I’m sure your sister will be back in here looking for all of us. And if she finds you with your cock in me, we’re all dead.” She held out her hand as she stood. It wasn’t too far for me to follow. I sat on the couch and she straddled her legs over mine and started to lower herself down.

“Do I need a condom?”

“Dude, I’ve known you forever. I know how little sex you’ve had and with whom. We’re both clean, believe me. Plus, I’m 22 for fuck sakes. You think I’m not on the pill? Just put your cock in me.”

Watching as her wet puffy lips lowered onto me, I felt the moist heat surround me as she pushed down with her hips. My hands filled with her perky tits and our mouths joined together for the second time. Lily moved nothing like the other 2 girlfriends that I had sex with. Her hips danced to a slow erotic, almost hypnotic tune, and her inner muscles choked my shaft with her killer grip.

“You like that baby? You wanna cum in me?”

I just nodded my head. Like it? That was an understatement. Lily was sexy, tight and willing to let me have sex with her. Cum in her? She didn’t need to ask me that question, because she knew perfectly well that at this point, that was all that I wanted.

The grunts beside us were more of a distraction than a turn on. Emma was holding the edge of the table and Noah was holding her hips as he pounded her from behind. Her large pendulum boobs swung back and forth. Her big nipples scrapping the tables surface with each thrust.

“I want to taste you.” Lily shook her head no. “I need to.”

“No time.”

“Please.” It was something that I wanted to try with Lily, but until today I had never had the opportunity. That was until right now, and now I wanted to taste her badly.

Lily leaned back, moving her chest away from mine, she reached down between her legs and scooped what she could of her wetness onto her fingers.

“Here, suck these. Taste my cunt. That’s all you baby. Your big cock is making those girl juices flow.” She pressed her fingers past my lips until my tongue was lapping at her sweet juices. Her hips kept bouncing on me. On a mission to make me cum. “I promise I’ll let you eat me next time. I’ll let you lick me all night.”

“Oh, oh, oh.” Emma was panting like she was overheated. Noah released her hips and grabbed ahold of her big tits as he let fly into her. Emma’s tits mashed his hands onto the table beneath them, locking him into place. “Yes, baby, yes.”

The sight of that, together with the taste and feel of Lily had my cock pulsing.

Working her fingers between us, Lily ravaged her clit.

I wanted to see more. I wanted to watch Lily’s cunt enveloping my dick, but her chest was pressed to mine, as she rocked her hips.

“Hold on baby, all…most…there…” Lily’s hips worked their magic. Her pussy caressed me until she gave me permission. “Now baby, now. Do it, cum right now.”

And, for the very first time in my life, I came in an unprotected pussy.

With her lips mashed against mine, Lily spoke into my mouth, “Shit baby, so good, so fuckin good. Your sister’s gonna kill me.”

My cock was still hard and ready to go. I wanted to keep pumping, but Lily was pushing away. I tried to roll her over so that I could get on top, but she held the high ground.

“Sam, I promise you, you don’t wanna have your sister find us like this.”

Releasing my hold, Lily got off of me, letting two droplets of cum drip down onto my leg. Her naked bronzed skin was shiny with a glimmering sheen of sweat from making love. Bending she took me into her mouth and gave me a quick rinse. When she thought that I was clean enough to pass, she licked my leg and pulled me down to her for a kiss.

When she popped my lips free from hers, she picked up my shorts and used the inside to wipe my dripping spend from her pussy.

“I don’t wanna piss your sister off, but you and me, we’re doin this again, for sure. Either right here in front of her, or someplace else. I promise you that.”

“Em, clean up your twat and put those tits away. Noah get some shorts on.” Lily was barking orders while she put on her own suit. Apparently, when the Queen Bee was away, she was next in charge.

The sliding door to the house slammed closed alerting us all. Just as she had been told to, Emma scrambled to pull up her suit bottoms and Noah did his best to hide his still semi hard cock.

Sam stormed back in through the same side door that she had earlier exited. Everyone was ready for her. Cans were in the recycle bin. The multi-colored dice put back in the bowl from which they had come and the cups were put away. She had no idea that things had gotten out of hand. In fact, she looked at me and said, “really?”, because of the wood that I was still sporting in my shorts.

Noah headed home, but not before hugging me and confirming to me that today was the “best fucking day” of his life. It had to have been. We had known each other since we were kids, and this was the first time that we had ever dreamed of anything even remotely this crazy.

Sam and her friends headed inside. I made a mental note to never question how “hot” they were ever again. I went out outside to check the drainage ditch and found it was working great. Even though it had stopped raining just earlier, there wasn’t any standing water by mom’s garden.

Mom came out the back door to find me soaking in the pool. The water felt good. A cleansing after a day of getting dirty in more ways than one.”

“Hey Sammy, is Sam here? I saw the girls walking home.”

“She was an hour ago. They were all upstairs. Not sure now though.”

“Must be in the bathroom. I called up and she didn’t…oh my god, that’s perfect. Thank-you so much Sammy. Did Noah help you?”

“Yeah, we got it done just when the rain came.”

“What do I owe him, and you for that matter?”

“You don’t owe me anything, and I think that Noah would say the same thing.” If I told her why, she would probably have a stroke.

“Well thanks kid. You were always my favorite / only son. I left $30 on the counter. You and Sam order a pizza tonight. Dad and I are going out for dinner with the Spenser’s, then we’re playing cards.”

“Okay, thanks.”

The double cheese, double pepperoni showed up 45-minutes after I ordered it. I took my half and went out to the garage. I still hadn’t seen Sam since she had gone into the house with her friends. Eating out here and playing a bit of XBOX was probably my best option. Stay out of her way and what could happen?

I hadn’t even finished my first slice and the game hadn’t even finished formatting when I heard the sound of the sliding glass door on the house closing.

Sam came into the garage with all of her slices decked one on top of the other. Setting her plate on the table, she went to the fridge and got herself a bottled water. Considering that it had been well over 2-hours since our game had finished, Sam was still wearing her bathing suit.

Her glaring look seemed to burn my skin. I was sitting on the couch playing my game, while she watched me, and it made me feel uneasy. She didn’t speak, she just chewed and stared until I couldn’t take it anymore.

“What? What the hell did I do wrong?”

An arched eyebrow gave me some indication that she thought I should know exactly what is was that she was pissed about. Using her napkin to wipe away some of the sauce that marked her lower lip, I believed that she was about to tell me, but she didn’t.

3 more laps of my race went by and the pressure was too much. I dropped from 2nd place to 10th. My neck felt like it was on fire from my older sister staring at me. There was no more sense in trying to play my game. My concentration had gone for a shit. I tossed the paddle down beside me on the couch and turned toward her.

Her tanned skin looked shiny and smooth as she sat in the same chair where I’d earlier saw her naked tits and pussy for the very first time.

I watched her consume a full piece of pizza. Tiny bites at a time, her perfect white teeth sawing effortlessly through the cheese and dough. Each bite, chew and swallow made her look like she was masterminding a flawless crime. When she finished, she licked her fingers and her tongue came out just far enough to circle her lips top to bottom, ensuring that they were spotless. Every single one of her actions would have gone unnoticed in the past, but now, after the events of today, every little movement she displayed, made me aroused.

“What Sam? I can’t read your fucking mind, tell me what’s up?”

Getting up from the couch, I did my best to conceal my excitement and sat across the table from her. The arched eyebrow was back. Looking directly at my crotch, Sam gave her head a shake and spoke for the first time.

“Didn’t you get enough this afternoon?”

“No, not really, you?” Why lie? The afternoon ended way faster than I wanted it to.

“Me? In case you didn’t notice baby brother, nobody but Lily touched me.”

“That’s on you. You coulda told anyone what to do, you won lots.”

“Yeah, well it didn’t work out that way, did it?”

“Seems that you had lots of chances to switch things around.” She was still staring right at me. For the first time in what seemed like minutes, she blinked.

“Did you fuck Lil?”

“Why don’t you ask her?”

“Oh, I did.”


“Fuck you Sam, tell me.”

“I didn’t.”


“That’s not the first time that I’ve been called that today. But what if I did, would you be mad, or would you be jealous?” The blinks were back, and she lowered her head a bit to hide what I imagined to be shame.


“What, are you two like a couple or something?”

“Sometimes…” I knew my mouth was open, but I couldn’t help myself. My sister had boyfriends, but the news that she also had a “girlfriend” surprised me.

“Sometimes, what?” It took Sam time, but she told me.

“Sometimes, we help each other out. We both like guys, but there aren’t a lot to choose from at school and basically none that take our courses, and those that do, aren’t…well, they aren’t interested in girls.”

I wasn’t surprised at that. Lily had told us almost as much, earlier when she said that she wanted to see how well I fingered her, compared to my sister.


“Well what Sam?”

“Tell me.”

“Nothing happened. We cleaned-up, just like you told us to. You came right back after you stormed out. You would have noticed if we did.” It wasn’t the first time that I’d lied to my sister, and it surely wouldn’t be the last. But telling her the truth may have hurt her more than I wanted.

“Sam, I’m sorry that I let things get outta hand. I should have stopped it.” She looked like she was seriously upset by not protecting me.

“Stopped it? Are you kidding? It was the best day of summer, by a long shot. Stopped it? I wish that it would have went further. I would have emptied my bank account for it to go a couple more times around the table.”

“What would you have done if, if I had gone through with what Em told me I to do?”

“Hard to say. Guess we’ll never know, because you stopped it pretty quick when she made that suggestion.”

Sam nervously flicked her finger around in the bowl of dice like it was a bowl of popcorn and she was looking for that special kernel. After a few seconds she plopped her dice on her table. They were red. Always red. Never did she used a different color. And if by chance the red ones were taken by another player, she would refuse to play until she got her dice. Piling them one on top of the other, she covered the leaning pile with her favorite black cup and shook her arm.

“Two 5’s.” She was once again staring at me.

“You didn’t even look.”

“Don’t need to. Get your dice.”

Picking through the bowl I grabbed 5 of the large see-through green cubes with white markings, and a random cup. Rattling them over my head like a resort bartender shakes a drink, I dropped the cup open end down and like Sam, I didn’t look under it.

“Two 6’s.”

“Three 3’s.”

“Four 4’s.”

“Five 5’s.”

“Six 6’s.”

“Bold move baby brother, but you’re a liar.” And I was. I had a straight run from 1 to 5. She had a 6 and two pair that didn’t help me. “Lose the shorts.”

“But, it’s just us?”

“What, am I not good enough for you?”

“It’s not that. It just, well you know…I’m, well I’m a little bit. Fuck it.” She did know and from her look, she didn’t care.

Why was I worried? See had seen me naked earlier, and it was hard. She watched it get sucked, and it was hard then also. So, it wasn’t a big deal, was it? I stood and pulled the shorts down over my hips.

Her cup shook again and so did mine. I started.

“Four 2’s”

“Five 4’s.” It was a guessing game at this point. Neither of us chose to look under our cups.

“Nope. Liar.”

Wrong. She had four of them and I had two more. That was more then she needed.

“Play with it for 2-minutes.”

I knew what the “it” was, and “it” was already hard and ready to go.

“We don’t have a timer.”

“Don’t worry, I’ll count in my fucking head. Just do it.” Her voice was almost angry.

My hand wrapped my shaft like it had hundreds maybe thousands of times in the past, only this time I didn’t want to finish. I wanted this to last longer, much longer. Sam watched intently, only once did she move her ass on her chair. And at what I would have estimated to be around 4-minutes, she said “time”.

The third roll proved to be my luckiest of the day. With four wild 1’s, I easily made my quota of five 3’s.

“Strip.” Sam didn’t bother to untie her top, she just pulled it over her head and rolled her dice. “No, no baby. Both pieces.”

“No fair, you only took off one piece.”

“Yeah, but you only told me to take off one.” Sam filled her lungs with a deep breath which caused her boobs to raise up high on her chest. That would have been enough to make me happy, but she stood and looped her fingers into the sides of her bottoms.

The thin cloth stuck to the lips of her bald pussy. There was a build up of her secretions acting like an organic glue. It held tight until the material snapped downward, breaking the slimy bond. I didn’t lose eye contact with it until she sat back down.

“Well?” Sam broke the trance.

“Well what?”


I started as low as possible with one 2. Sam followed suit with one 3 and the back and forth battle continued right up until she said six 5’s. The game of cat and mouse was bound to have a loser, but now bad could it be?


When Sam couldn’t produce what she had called, she assumed that she, like me, would be putting on a show for my benefit. Lifting her feet to rest on the seat of the chair, she spread her legs and moved her fingers to her wetness. I watched as she parted her lips and curled her middle finger into herself. Up, in and out of sight.

“Start counting.”

“Why? You’re doing this on your own. I didn’t tell you to do it.” With an almost disappointed look on her face, Sam dropped her feet back to the floor.

“Okay, what’s it gonna be then?”

“I want you to stroke me like you did Noah.”

Sam gave me the come hither with her thin index finger and didn’t hesitate for a second. She wrapped her soft warm hand around my shaft and started to stroke me. Unlike Noah, my sister added a few extra. Then she dropped it like a hot potato and shook her cup.

For the second turn in a row, she lost.

Lily had made me a promise earlier, but I was addicted to pussy and I wanted to taste another one, and I couldn’t wait for one of Sam’s friends.

“I want to go down on you for 2-minutes.”

“You what? Why do you want to do that? You won.”

“I don’t know why. I just want to taste you.

This might just be what was needed to bring an end to the game. Hell, it should end the game. Common sense said as much. Brothers and sisters don’t play games like this where the stakes are that high. I fully expected a slap, at the very least. And when Sam got up and turned away from the table, I thought that it was over.

Instead, she picked up her favorite pillow and put it down on the worn leather chair, sat on it, and lifted her legs over the cool leather arms, exposing herself to me. She was wide open for my dining pleasure.

“Well? You asked for it. Go ahead. It’s all yours.”

Unlike Emma, Sam had no hair. There was nothing tickling my nose as I pressed my face to her. I lacked experience in the oral department. I looked up to my sister for signs and direction, and at first she gave me nothing. Her head was tilted back, and it looked like her eyes were closed.

My tongue parted her lips for the first time releasing a flow of her tangy, sweet nectar. I was instantly in love with her taste. I tried to lick everything. I pressed my tongue deep, trying to bury it, and Sam pulled on my head.

“No. Lick the clit.”

And that’s what I did. Sam moved and bucked on my face. Her moans came soft and often. I moved around a bit. Licking and sucking her meaty lips and not once did she stop me. Instead she finally provided some much-needed positive re-enforcement. “Harder” “Softer” “Just like that”. Apparently, if she was going to let me do it, she was going to have me do it right.

There was no need a timer. The 2-minutes had long passed when my sister grabbed my hair and pulled me in.

“Jesus Christ Sammy, just like that. Don’t stop.”

Stopping was not on the agenda, but I did push my middle finger into her, I placed it under my tongue and pushed it in. All the while I continued blasting away at her sensitive clit.

“Gaaawd.” Sam tensed and stopped moving. Her hands held me tight to her while I continued. Flick, plunge, flick, plunge, flick, plunge. “Enough, enough, stop.”

Sam had came on my face. I was disappointed that it was over, yet I was relieved that I was able to pleasure her enough that she was able to climax.

Her head was still pointed skyward and her hands had released their grip on my ears. I moved up and rested my chest on Sam crotch and belly. My mouth was perfectly aligned with her titties. When I cupped one and suckled the other, I heard her groan. They tasted and felt magnificent. I would find out later that they were very sensitive, and Sam loved having them played with.

My older sister pushed my head off of her body and stood in front of me. Pulling me up to her, our lips met for a gentle kiss. Our tongues danced as Sam tasted herself in my mouth. She kept her lips pressed to mine for as long as she could, but her body was turning away from me. When it came to a stop, her long hair was dangling in her face, and the firm cheeks of her ass were pressed up against my hard cock.

She was wrapped in my arms. Her warm body held tight against me. I would have stayed like this all night, but Sam pulled my arms apart and leaned down.

With her stomach pressed against the cool back of the leather chair, Sam lifted one of her leg onto the seat. In this position she was fully exposed, and it left no doubt what she wanted.

Nerves and fear struck me at the same time. I was shaking as I tried to align my cock, but I couldn’t. I had done this before. Well never like this. Never with my sister and never in a position that looked as sexy as this, but I had done “this” before. Hell, I’d done it earlier today, but I couldn’t control my shaking.

“It’s okay baby, here.”

Sam reached between her legs and eased the fully inflated head of my cock to her lips. Rubbing it around slightly to lube it up, I felt the opening giving way.

“There you go baby, put it in.”

The point of no return was long gone. I wanted this more than life itself. Grabbing my older sister by her smooth lean hips, I pushed forward. Every inch of me buried itself into her. We both groaned. We both knew how taboo having sex together was, but it was something that we both wanted, or at the very least, needed.

“Fuck Sam, you feel so good.” Jinx. Same idea. Same words, at the exact same time.

My hips stopped shaking and I started moving with a bit of control. From where I was standing the view was perfect. Sam’s face lay on the chair as she looked back at me. Her hair hung off to the side, waterfalling down toward the ground. Her right hand clutched at the pillow that she had sat on a short time ago. Her back was arched to point her ass in my direction. And her ass, that beautiful fucking ass with its cute little pucker brown hole was staring at me. But the best view was that with every thrust into her, I pushed and pulled out the excess meat of her juicy pink lips, giving me the absolute best view of us fucking.

“Sam, I’m close.” My speed had ramped up so much that my sister was grunting every time I pushed into her. I could hear and feel my balls slapping against her wetness.

“No…Sam…can’t…cum…in…me…not… proooo…fuuuuuuck…coming.” I could feel her pushing back against me. She wasn’t trying to get me to stop, she was pushing me in deeper.

I understood what she was trying to say, but the same hand that was once clutching a pillow now held my wrist tightly. Pushing as tight as I could to her ass cheeks, I was buried deeper than I thought possible. My seed flew out of me and shot deep into the depths of my sisters waiting vagina.

“Noooooo, not in…oh fuck yes. That feels sooooo fucking good.”

My creamy white spend was frothing up around my shaft as I continued having sex with my unprotected sister. The idea of the one-off event kept me hard. I didn’t want it to end. I never wanted it to end.

Sam pulled my hand to her tit and curled her fingers to show me what she like and what she wanted. Our second round was slower paced and lasted a lot longer than our first adventure. More loving and less hurried, with just the right amount of raw sex. I caressed her shoulder. Held her breasts. Put my hand on the curved arch of her back. Grabbed a handful of her hard ass. All things that brought soft moans and groans from deep inside of her.

She didn’t just lay still and let me do all the work. Sam reached between her legs and cupped my balls. She held my hips and dug her nails into my skin when she got close. She alternated between squeezing her tits and nipples, to frigging her clit furiously.

Her body tensed beneath me. I could feel her clamping down on me. I could smell the raw, wild smell of our sex. Sam was leaking girl cum all over my shaft. She was there.

“Now, Sammy. Fuck me hard baby. Harder. Oh yeah, just like that. Gawd…just like…oh…now…do it now.”

I wrapped me hand in my sister’s silky, dark mane and pulled her head back so that her face was aimed back, toward me. I wanted to look into her eyes when it happened. And it did, Sam’s eyes stared into my soul as I came into her for the second straight time.

My sexy older sister released her grip on me as she relaxed onto the back of the leather sofa. I still couldn’t get enough of her. I kissed her sweaty back, licking the salty sweat from her skin. Moving down, I tenderly bit each of her ass cheeks leaving a small pinkish love mark. Sam ground her ass sexily against my face and giggled, but we were done for the night, or at least I should say that I was.

Our lips met and my older sister kissed me hard. Her head pulled away and she looked into my eyes.

“Me or her?”


“Was it better with me, or her.”

“You.” My single word was barely audible, but I couldn’t lie to her. Not after what we just did.

“Don’t ever lie to me again, got it?” She didn’t wait for my reply. “Sammy, I…I really don’t know what to say, but you know that I love you right?”

She pressed her tongue between my lips, and we stood glued to each other for what seemed like hours.

“Let’s get in the pool. I’m leaking your spunk all over the floor.”

Nudity would be a no-no in our backyard. The “parents” could come home anytime. If they came in through the front door, they would be undetected until it was too late and finding us like naked would tough to explain. Suited up we plunged into the 4 feet of pool water and rinsed away the evidence of our love making.

“Later kid.” Were Sam’s parting words. She had showered, up on a sundress and pulled her wet hair up into a ponytail. The sound of her car backing out of the driveway left me feeling empty, which was odd. I had just had the best day of my life and I wanted to talk about it with her.

I knew that she was my sister, but I couldn’t help and wonder if it would ever happen again. Fortunately, I didn’t have to wait long.

A couple of hours after Sam had left, I got a text from an unknown number. It turned out to be a number that I would immediately add to my contacts.

One after another came pictures of three different sets of boobs. After I had time to inspect them thoroughly, came the pussy pictures. Tasteful, with legs closed. It wasn’t hard the pick out who was who, and I’d recognize that flaming red bush anywhere. They were all so different in their own way that I knew which body parts belonged to which girl.

After a few minutes passed, a couple of really sexy pictures of Lil’s tits and pussy came to me.

Sam. It’s Lil. You can save those last ones of me. Don’t tell your sister. Sam says that your folks are out of town tomorrow. She wants you to find out if “Ark Boy” is available to come over. If so, you guys better rest up baby, because we’re doin round # 2 of Liar’s Dice.