Beth’s Awakening

Copyright © July 2021 by CiaoSteve

CiaoSteve reserves the right to be identified as the author of this work. This story cannot be published, as a whole or in part, without the express agreement of the author other than the use of brief extracts as part of a story review.

This is a work of fiction. The events described here are imaginary; the settings and characters are fictitious and are not intended to represent specific places or living persons. It goes without saying that all sexually active characters in this story are over 18.

Author’s Notes

This is an entry for the 2021 Nude Day Contest. I do hope you enjoy and would love to hear your feedback. As it is a contest then your votes would be welcomed.


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Beth woke from her slumber. All she could hear was a creaking sound somewhere in the house. It was always the same. Anywhere new and Beth would be listening to every different sound. It would take her a week or two before she settled in and started sleeping through. This was no different. Ok, so it wasn’t somewhere new, but after ten weeks away, even home sounded so different.

Beth tried to get off to sleep again, but she had become preoccupied with that creaking sound, listening to every noise, imagining the worst as to what it could be. She sat up in bed. It was getting louder, or so she thought. Then she heard it, a second sound… a tapping, knocking sound mingling in with the creaks.

Should she call out? Her parents were in the house with her. Maybe they were still awake. Maybe they could hear it too.

Slowly, Beth climbed out of bed. She ran her hands through her shoulder-length blonde hair–Beth had never been a natural blonde and a closer inspection would have revealed plenty of darker coloured roots–sweeping bedraggled locks out of her eyes. What time was it? Beth didn’t know. It was dark outside, but she wasn’t sure how long she had been asleep.

Slowly, Beth tiptoed towards her bedroom door. She stood there, dressed in nothing but a plain black silky camisole top and a pair of pale pink shorts, the latter covered in a pattern of black love hearts. Her heart pounded as she listened to the sound outside. Beth hesitated, her hand on her bedroom doorknob, her heart thumping as she listened to the sound outside. Was there a voice?

Beth was breathing deeply, the camisole top pulling tight against her full breasts as she listened. She heard it again. It was a voice, but more groaning than speaking. Slowly, trying not to make a sound, Beth twisted the doorknob and pulled open her bedroom door. The landing light was on, and the soft glow filled her room. Beth rubbed at her eyes, adjusting from the darkness of her bedroom to the illumination of the landing. The noise–it was louder now–was just in front of her. It came from behind a half open door, from behind…

Beth found herself drawn towards what was now a mix of all three sounds. They were difficult to keep apart, the creak, the knocking, the groans.

They were coming from…

Beth hesitated as she peered into her parent’s bedroom. It took all her willpower not to gasp out loud at the sight in front of her eyes. Through the gap in the open door, Beth had a partial view of the origin of this commotion. There, in the middle of the bed, was her mother. That shouldn’t have been surprising; it was their bedroom. So, what did surprise the young Beth? Was it the fact that she had a side on view of her naked mother? Was it more that her mother was kneeling on all fours in the middle of the bed, luckily facing away from the open door. Or was it the sight of her mother’s breasts, dangling free, bouncing in time to the thrusts of a hidden lover. Hidden he might have been, but unknown he wasn’t.

Beth should have turned away, in disgust, at the sight of her parents getting it off. Had they forgotten she was back home? Had they thought she was fast asleep and wouldn’t hear a thing? Beth knew the right thing to do would have been to go back to her bedroom, secure in the knowledge that there was a simple answer to the cacophony which had woken her up from her slumber.

Beth didn’t, or couldn’t. Instead, careful not to make a sound, she moved up closer to the door, peering deeper into her parent’s bedroom. What she suspected, suddenly became clear. There, kneeling at the end of the bed, hands clenching at her mother’s hips, was her father. Beth watched as he continued his relentless rhythm, pulling her mother’s hips back as he plunged forward. With every thrust from behind, the bed creaked, the headboard knocked against the wall, and her mother gave a pained moan.

It was wrong, so wrong, but Beth couldn’t pull herself away from the sight playing out in front of her eyes. She was transfixed, intoxicated by the carnal proceedings. Beth had changed a lot in her first year away. She’d had to learn to stand on her own two feet, something Beth was proud of, and she’d discovered… well, that still seemed rather awkward, but Beth had discovered boys. To be more precise, boys had discovered Beth, well one particular lad had discovered her, and she was so happy about it.

They had kissed, even canoodled, but nothing more. She knew he wanted to go further. She’d even taken precautions, intent on pleasing him, but that’s where it had all stopped. Beth wanted the time to be right. Beth wanted to feel confident in him, in herself, in… in… in just what was playing out in front of her eyes. The more she watched, the more Beth found herself drawn into the moment.

Beth was no longer disgusted at the thought of her parents doing what they should have known better about at their age. At their age? Beth herself was eighteen, which made her parents mid-forties. What was it they said about life begins at forty? Then again, was forty too old to still harbour your own carnal desires?

Beth just stood there watching. She could feel her heart pounding away as she consumed the performance in front of her. Any thought of this being her parents had soon faded away, replaced by the beauty of a couple in their moment of personal intimacy. Beth closed her eyes briefly, and simply listened. There was the same rhythmic chorus playing out to her ears, the creak, the knocking, the feminine moans, albeit the tempo had upped a notch. Beth could hear the raggedness of the moment, panted gasps in between the moans, manly grunts with each thrust.

There was something more, though, something Beth couldn’t quite put her finger on, something much closer to home. Beth could feel it, the tingle between her legs as she imagined the scene playing out behind her closed eyes. The bedroom was still there, but it wasn’t her parent’s room which came into sight. It was hers, back at university. The moans were hers. The panted breaths were hers. The desire was hers. In her vision, it was Beth on all fours, deep in her moment of sexual desire.

Without thinking, Beth found herself slipping a hand down inside the front of her shorts. As she listened to her parent’s carnal overture, as she imagined her own moment of intimacy, Beth started to rub at her panties, gently caressing the soft fabric where it disappeared between her legs. She could feel the warmth within, even a little dampness from inside, and the more she felt it, the more she continued to rub… harder… faster.

It was Beth’s turn to be panting slightly, trying her best to keep as quiet as she could. She could feel her release start to build, the smouldering embers of release flickering into life. In her ears she could hear something much greater. As she listened, as she heard the passion build up towards its climax, Beth rubbed harder and faster still, dragging firm strokes over her apex, pressing down as hard as she could towards her hidden clit.

Another moan, this time a more of a squeal, broke Beth out of her dreamlike fantasy. She opened her eyes just in time to watch as her mother shook against his hard thrusts. Her mother squealed again, this time an almost pained shriek, then it happened. Beth watched as her mother bucked against his thrusts, once, twice, then… arms buckling, Beth’s mother plunged headfirst into the soft quilt. As she fell, Beth watched her mother’s head turn towards the doorway, and for a moment Beth’s eyes locked onto her mother’s. It was only an instant. With her father still ploughing his furrow, Beth’s mother screamed once more, before screwing her eyes shut as she came again.

Beth took it as her time to leave. She wasn’t sure if her mother had spotted her or not, but she wasn’t going to stay around to find out. Beth slipped away into the darkness of her own bedroom. She closed the door behind her, then slipped out of her shorts and panties. Beth ran a hand over her shaven mound, reaching lower and lower over her moist sex.

Once more Beth was rubbing hard. This time there was no stopping the young woman. Furiously she rubbed her fingers across her snatch, desperate to feel her own climax arrive. Her squeal was much more modest. Her panted breaths were less laboured. Her fires were suitably quenched. Her desires… well, her desires had been well and truly stoked by what she had seen.

She had never intended to spy on her parents, to watch their coital bliss, yet now she had, Beth couldn’t get the image out of her mind.


* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *


Several days had passed since Beth’s night-time voyeurism, watching her parents in all their naked glory. She had feared the worst, sure that she must have been seen, expecting the inquisition from her mother. It never came. Every day that passed was no different to the last. Had Beth gotten away with it? She knew she had locked her gaze on her mother’s eyes, but had her mother been so consumed by her onrushing orgasm that the sight of Beth watching her had simply not registered?

Thursday was no different. Beth stood at the kitchen sink, washing the lunchtime plates, doing her bit to help. It was a warm day, and with nothing else to do, Beth was already set up for an afternoon in the sun. A thin white overshirt tried its best but did little to hide the sporty two-piece swimsuit that Beth had chosen. It was a dusky pink, trimmed with white cord, a colour which perfectly accentuated her lightly tanned skin.

The house was quiet. As usual, her father, Peter, had gone off early to work, which just left Beth and her mother, Angela, or Ange as she seemed to like people calling her. Beth… well, Beth thought it was right to call them Mum and Dad. First name terms just seemed a little too personal, too improper.

Beth hadn’t known anywhere else but this house, oh, and her university digs. She couldn’t think of not being here, especially in the summer. For a family of four–yes, Beth had a brother albeit he had moved out a few years earlier–the five-bed detached was a bit on the large side but being large did have its advantages. A large house came with a large garden, and they had made the most of it.

You could say that the garden doubled up as another reception room. The area up towards the house was smooth paved patio, bedecked with a table, several chairs and a couple of reclining sun-loungers. The rest of the garden was split into two halves. One side was neatly manicured lawn and flower beds, while the other was dominated by a kidney shaped pool, perfect for cooling off after a few hours in the sun.

That was Beth’s plan for the rest of the day. She was going to have a little me time, soaking up a few rays, then chilling out in the cool water. It was her favourite way of letting the holidays pass her by.

“So, what’s the plan?” Angela asked, making conversation but already knowing the answer from the poorly concealed swimwear that her daughter was wearing.

Angela stood at the side of Beth. At five foot ten, she was a couple of inches taller than Beth, but they were quite easily recognisable as mother and daughter. At eighteen, Beth was still perfectly slim, while Angela had filled out a little more over the years–she wasn’t fat by any means but did have a deliciously curvaceous figure.

Both had long hair, Angela having left hers natural, while Beth had gone for the blonde highlighted look. With her full bust, somewhere around the size of firm grapefruits, you could say that Beth was a real chip off the old block. Once more Beth had time in her favour. Gravity hadn’t taken its toll on her plentiful mounds yet, while Angela’s did have a little more swing to them, as Beth had seen all too well that night peering into their bedroom.

“Oh, you know,” Beth replied, smiling as she emphasised her swimsuit. “Gonna work on the tan, then cool down in the pool.”

“You want to be careful, Beth. It’s mighty hot out there. Make sure you use plenty of–”

“Yes, Mum,” Beth responded, a frustration in her tone as she interrupted Angela. “Sun cream, Mum. I know. I’m not a child anymore.”

“Well, I’m just saying. A tan looks fantastic, but the lobster look isn’t going to do you any favours.”

“Yes, yes,” Beth responded. “What about you? Are you off out?”

“Not today. I thought…” Angela paused mid-sentence.

“Thought what, Mum?”

“Well… if you don’t mind… I thought it would be nice to have a little time together. You know, just us two girls. Maybe I’ll change and come and join you.”

“What a great idea. You change and I’ll pull the loungers into the sun.”


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Fifteen minutes later Angela was walking out into the garden.

Beth was already lying prone on one sun lounger with the other close by. Having removed her white overshirt, Beth was already doing what she said she would… soaking up a few rays. She had pulled the second sun lounger up to the side, with a low table in between, upon which stood a jug of iced water, two glasses and a bottle of sun cream. An open umbrella supplied a little shade in a vain attempt to keep the drinks cool. As she heard the tell-tale slap of flip-flops against bare feet, Beth glanced across at her mother.

Angela really had changed. She walked across the patio dressed in a plain white crochet cover up, the large holes doing little to hide what was underneath. Once more, just like on that landing, Beth found herself staring at her mother. This time it wasn’t the sight of naked flesh which caught her eye, but more the silhouette of what was being worn underneath.

Where Beth had gone for the sporty look, Angela had gone for something much more impactful. A halter-neck push up bikini top created the deepest line of cleavage you could imagine, while high leg bottoms really accentuated her hips. Beth started to roll over as her mother walked closer.

“No need to get up,” Angela called out as she reached the spare sun lounger and sat herself down. “Now, what about the sun cream?”

“On the table,” Beth replied, thinking nothing of the question.

Beth watched as Angela removed her cover up and started to smear herself in sun cream. As she watched, Beth started to wonder. Was her mother doing it on purpose? Was her mother putting on a show in the way she worked the slick cream all over her naked skin? Was she intentionally emphasising her large breasts, upper thighs, and hips just a little more than she needed to?

There was one other question in Beth’s mind. Why was she so captivated by watching her mother applying sun cream? Beth became so engrossed in the same that she never had time to react to her mother’s next action.

“Aghhh,” Beth squealed as she felt a cold stream of sun cream hit her already warm lower back, a second stream landing along her legs.

“Your turn,” Angela commented, a huge smile on her face.

“But… Mum…”

“No buts… Mother knows best. Now, lie yourself down and let me rub it in for you. You don’t want to get any on that beautiful costume of yours, do you?”

Beth lied back down on her sun lounger. She knew better than to argue. If her mother wanted to make sure she was well protected from the afternoon sun, then maybe she should just let her get on with it.

That’s just what Angela did. She started low down, working the sun cream into Beth’s feet and calves, adopting a half stroke, half massage type of motion. Slowly Angela moved upwards, increasing the strength of her touch as she went. By the time she had reached knee level, Beth had eased her legs apart slightly, relaxing as she enjoyed her mother’s touch.

“Mmmm,” Beth moaned as Angela started to work her lower thighs.

“Feels good, does it?” Angela asked, as she continued to massage sun cream into her daughter’s legs.

“Yes, Mum… very… relaxing.”

Angela gave a light tap on Beth’s inner thighs, and without thinking Beth opened her legs a little further. One leg at a time, Angela continued her massage, working ever higher. As she went, Beth relaxed even further. Before long Beth had splayed her legs apart a good few inches, enjoying the way that her mother now worked both inner and outer thighs.

Beth had her eyes clothed, her mind away in a dreamworld as she enjoyed her mother’s touch. Higher and higher, Angela worked her way up her daughter’s young thighs, feeling how muscular physique gave way to tender softness right at the top. She listened to the soft appreciative moans from beneath, then…

Beth gasped as she felt her mother’s hand nudge against the gusset of her bikini bottoms, grazing over her concealed sex. It was the slightest of touches, just for a fleeting moment, and then it was gone. Gone? The hand may have gone, the touch may have been no more, but deep inside there was just a little reminder, a little aching memory. It was nothing more than a gentle nudge, an accidental nudge, but Beth felt it deep inside. Her heart was beating faster. Nobody had ever touched her there, not even her boyfriend. Beth didn’t know what to think.

Angela quickly withdrew her hands. She knew she had brushed against her daughter’s sex. She waited for the expected objection, but one never came. Angela smiled to herself, then turned her attention to her daughter’s back. She didn’t place her hands into the stream of sun cream though. Instead, Angela reached for the fastening at the back of Beth’s bikini top.

“Wh… what?” Beth blurted out.

It was too late. As she spoke, Beth could feel the tightness relax behind her back, then the straps fall against her arms.

“Well, you don’t want any tan lines, do you?”

“But… Mum…” Beth started to protest as she felt her mother push the straps away from her back.

Angela wasn’t listening to any of the objections. She went straight to work massaging the sun cream into Beth’s back, working her way from bottom to top, before turning her attention to her daughter’s neck and shoulders.

Beth’s complaints were replaced by appreciative moans as she relaxed back down on her sun lounger. Once more Beth’s mind was drifting off into a blissful wonderland as she felt her mother work her magic across her young body. Beth had forgotten all about the touch between her legs. All she could think about was the wondrous massage her mother was giving her. Beth gasped as she felt her mother’s fingers graze against the side of her breasts, but this time didn’t react.

In her mind Beth thought she could lie here all day and have her mother work away at her every tension. It was so nice, so relaxing, so enjoyable… so finished.

“Awww,” Beth complained as Angela ceased her massage.

“Roll over then,” Angela responded, smiling as she addressed her daughter.

“But… Mum… my top.”

“Yes, you’ll need some more cream up top. Now, are you going to roll over?”

“Errm… yeah… but don’t you need to do my top back up?”

“Oh, I see…”

There was a pause as Angela took hold of the sides of Beth’s top, pretending to bring them together as if she was going to fasten them back again. Then, taking her daughter by surprise, Angela let them drop again.

“… but no… I don’t think so. It’ll just get in the way… and it’s not like you haven’t seen mine, is it?”

This time Beth did turn around, sitting up on the sun lounger, clasping her bikini top tight against her breasts. She looked up at her mother.

“What do you mean?” Beth asked, surprised by the nonchalant nature of Angela’s question.

“Do I need to show you again?” Angela responded, reaching around towards the back of her own top.

“No… no… I’m… I’m sorry, Mum.”

“Sorry for what?”

“Sorry for…” Beth paused. What was she sorry for? Was it for being there, for seeing her mother naked? Was it for watching, for not leaving at once? Was it for getting caught, yet praying she hadn’t been seen? Or… was she sorry for enjoying what she had seen that night? Beth didn’t know how to respond to the question. Her head told her to say sorry, but her heart told her different.

“Don’t be sorry, Beth. It was a surprise to see you standing there, but I’m not upset with you.”

“You’re not?”

Angela moved up alongside her daughter and wrapped an arm around Beth’s shoulders.

“Why should I be upset? I have a beautiful young woman as a daughter, and it wasn’t your fault that we left the bedroom door open, was it? Now, shall we forget all about it? Unless that is… well… unless you have something to tell me?”

“Errm… no… nothing.”

“Well, my beautiful young daughter,” Angela continued, pulling Beth close into her body, “if you change your mind, I’ll always be ready to listen. Now, shall I leave you to do your own front?”

There was a pause whilst Beth considered her next move. Why was her mother being so understanding? Beth had been a voyeur at their bedroom door, watching her parents making love in front of her very eyes. She should have been chastised, grounded, punished, or something of that ilk, yet here was her mother being so calm and collected about the whole event. Beth started asking questions of herself again, pondering, wondering… did she have something she wanted to get off her chest?

Beth could feel her heart pound inside. It felt uncomfortable. She felt embarrassed but, slowly, Beth moved her hands away from her breasts. The dusky pink bikini top fell down her arms, revealing her perfectly shaped, plump yet firm mounds, each topped off with a small dark aureole and hard nipple. Beth had nothing to hide from her mother–Angela had seen her growing up–yet now in adulthood it seemed like… well… it seemed like she was revealing herself for the very first time.

“As I said,” Angela responded, “I have been blessed with the most beautiful daughter. Now, shall we apply some sun cream. You don’t want to get burnt, do you?”

“Yes, Mum,” Beth responded as she lied back on the sun lounger.

Angela was quicker this time. She had done enough teasing for today and didn’t want to push it too far. She suspected that there was something Beth would want to tell her, but all in her own time.

Beth gasped as her mother squirted more cream across her young body. Once more she relaxed again as she felt Angela’s hands working the cream into her soft skin, up her legs, down her arms, across her stomach and then… Beth held her breath and waited for the touch.

There was only one area left, those beautiful pert breasts. Angela squirted a little more cream into her hands, rubbing them together as if to warm the cream up before placing her hands gently down on Beth’s mounds. Beth gasped, and this time Angela felt it. Angela was soft and gentle as she worked sun cream over her daughter’s naked breaths, feeling at the firm flesh beneath her hands but being careful not to upset her daughter.

“There,” Angela responded, removing her hands, “you’ll be good for a few hours in the sun. I’m gonna have a quick dip in the pool, and then I’ve got some housework to do. I love you, Beth.”

“Love you too, Mum,” Beth responded.

Beth couldn’t help but watch as Angela took her stuff over to the pool, placed it down on the patio, then dived in from the side. Angela called Beth beautiful, yet in her mind it was her mother who had the most gorgeous of bodies, and not herself. Beth was still watching twenty minutes later when Angela pulled herself out of the pool, water cascading over her curvaceous silhouette, like a goddess appearing from the sea.


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That night, Beth couldn’t get off to sleep. She pulled the curtains open, allowing the silvery moonlight to flood her bedroom, and propped herself up in bed. All Beth could think about were the last few days. The house was quiet, but Beth could still imagine the creaks and knocks which had gotten her out of bed that very first night. If she closed her eyes, Beth could still visualise her naked parents going at it, doggy style, as she watched. In her mind she could hear the pained scream of her mother, then as the image faded away, all Beth could see were their eyes locking together in a momentary glance.

Over and over, in her imagination, Beth played back the same scene; her naked mother on all fours, arms giving way as she collapsed onto the bed, eyes looking straight up at hers. Over and over, she saw that image. Over and over, she heard that scream. Over and over, her mother’s words filled her mind.

‘I’m not upset…’

‘…something to tell me?’

‘…change your mind… ready to listen.’

They were her mother’s words from earlier that afternoon. Back then they were spoken but not really heard. Now though, other than that pained scream, Beth could hear no more. She thought about the two of them out in the garden. They had always been close, but this afternoon just seemed to have brought them closer still. The more she thought about it, the more that moment flooded her mind, the one where she…

Had she really done that? Had she let her bikini top fall to the floor? Had she showed her young breasts to her mother, and let her mother caress them gently? Had her mother meant it when she called Beth beautiful?

Beth couldn’t resist but run her hands over her own breasts, cupping the firm plump flesh as she imagined the touch of her mother once more. Just like earlier, Beth’s nipples were swollen, hard rocks straining at her camisole top. This time though they seemed so much more sensitive. Beth gasped as she ran her fingers over the very tip of her sensitive nubs.

There was something else. She had felt it that night watching her parents in their moment of coital bliss, and it was there again tonight. Beth reached a hand down between her legs. She gasped, just as she had done when her mother’s hand had accidentally nudged into her sex. This time though it was a gasp of pleasure not a gasp of surprise.

Beth removed her top, letting her breasts fall free, her eyes fixed on her hard nipples. Once more she started to work her hands over her mounds, massaging the firm flesh, circling in on her sensitive nipples. She couldn’t resist but squeeze at her tender nubs, every touch sending little shockwaves inside.

All the time though, Beth imagined it wasn’t her own touch up against her fresh young skin. She was feeling it. She was feeling the passion, the excitement, but what was more… she was feeling the desire… the desire for someone else. In her heart it was her boyfriend who she wanted, to have him with her, to feel his body up against hers… but in her mind she could only see somebody else.

Beth threw the covers off her slim body, shuffled down a little in the bed, then lifted her hips. In one move, she pulled down both her shorts and panties, lifting her legs and dropping the skimpy garments on the floor. She closed her eyes, spread her legs apart, then returned her hand down between her legs, running her fingers over her shaven mound.

Beth could feel the dampness of arousal on her fingertips as she rubbed at her sex. It seemed so much more than normal, and very quickly she felt that warmth inside. With one hand between her legs, Beth brought her other back up to her breasts, working her hard nipples between her fingers.

“Aghhh,” she moaned as she found her tender clit, rubbing hard against the little bundle of nerves.

It had all come on so fast. Beth could feel the warmth inside. She was breathing quickly as she continued to work both nipples and clit. She ran her fingers lower down between her legs, homing in on her pussy opening. Another moan told that she had found her target, dipping a finger just inside before returning to her clit.

The warmth was intensifying. She had felt it before, but this time it seemed stronger. Beth closed her eyes, waiting for the flush of pleasure to pass through her young body. Harder and harder, quicker and quicker, she rubbed at her pussy, forcing the inevitable, looking to reach the point of no return as quickly as she could, wanting to feel that very moment of pleasure.

A tiny squeal filled the room, Beth’s slim body shuddering as she came. In that instant, with her mind filled with pleasure, an image filled her eyes.

It wasn’t her boyfriend.

It was her mother.

Beth lied there, breathing quickly, thinking about what she had just imagined. She pulled the covers up over her still naked body and promised herself one thing.

Tomorrow, she told herself, feeling sleepy from her climax. Tomorrow she would confide in her mother. She would tell her all about her boyfriend and how he suggested they moved away from first base. She would tell her how she wanted to, but how she was scared to do so.

Beth would ask what she needed to know… when her mother screamed, was he hurting her?

In that moment, with her mind made up, Beth fell asleep.


* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *


The next morning, Beth awoke still naked. She climbed out of bed and quickly dressed, slipping back into the camisole and shorts that she would have worn to bed the night before, with a fresh pair of pale pink cotton panties underneath. It was normal for Beth to walk around the house early morning in her nightwear, and Beth didn’t want to make this day any different. She already had butterflies enough in her stomach at the thought of what she was about to do, so really didn’t want to bring any more attention to herself than she had to.

Breakfast was an informal affair. Beth and her mother sat around the table downing cereal whilst her father rushed around with a slice of toast in his hand, muttering something about being late and needing to get on the road.

“Don’t have too much fun without me,” he commented, kissing Angela on the cheek as he grabbed his briefcase and headed for the door. “Oh, I’m going to be late back, Ange, so don’t wait up.”

With that, he was gone. Leaving just Beth and Angela in the house.

“Mum,” Beth said, looking at her across an empty bowl of cereal. “You know… what you said yesterday…”

Beth’s heart was pounding as she tried to get her sentence out.

“…that if I wanted… to talk about anything… that…”

“That I would always be ready to listen?” Angela chipped in. “I meant it, Beth. Is everything alright?”

“Yes, yes. It’s just… well… there is something.”

“I suspected there would be. Is it what you saw the other night?”

“Yes… no… well not directly, but sort of. Can we talk? Just the two of us?”

“Of course. I’ve got a few things to do during the day, but you heard your father. He’ll be late back, so why don’t us two grab a bottle of wine, put on a movie, and have a good girlie night in. You can tell me all about it then. What do you think?”

“That’s fine, Mum.”

“In fact, why don’t you come with me. Got the food shopping to do, then we can grab a coffee. After that… well, what girl doesn’t like a little retail therapy? There’s that new place in town, and they say the clothes are to die for.”

“Yes, Mum. That’s fine. Let me get changed.”

Several hours later, with food shopping done and coffee drunk, the two women were hitting the town for a little retail therapy. Angela was already holding onto a new swimsuit as she wandered around the department store. Beth on the other hand was just looking. On her student budget she knew better than to be frivolous.

“What do you think, Beth?” Angela called out, holding up a nightie.

Beth looked at the elegant chemise. It was dark blue silk with a delicate lace neckline of white flowers cascading down between the busts and a similar band of lace around the bottom. Two thin straps ran across the shoulders. It was beautiful. Beth held out a hand and felt at the sleek fabric. The feel was sumptuous between her fingers.

“Suits you, Mum,” Beth responded.

“Oh no, not for me… for you. What do you think?”

“Well… I’m…”

“Come on. You’re always wearing those little shorts and cami top. Why not try something a little different. We can look for something else if you don’t like it.”

“I do, but…” Beth responded as she picked up the price tag.

“No buts. I haven’t bought you anything new for such a long time, so if you like it, we’re having it. Go on, hold it up in front of the mirror. You’ll look great.”

Angela was right. Beth held up the silk chemise in front of the mirror. It was short, a bit shorter than she would have chosen for a dress, but it did look fabulous and felt so wonderful against her skin.

The two returned heavily laden with bags.

Back home, Angela unpacked the groceries, slipping the bottle of wine into the fridge, before getting on with dinner. Beth on the other hand, took her shopping upstairs.

“Oh, Beth,” Angela called out, “why don’t you put it on later and show me how good you look?”

Beth smiled as she walked upstairs. Her mother was the best.


* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *


After dinner, Beth showered and changed. She slipped into the new chemise, gasping as she felt the sheer silk slide down against her young skin. A similarly silky pair of black panties went underneath. Beth glanced in the mirror, just as she had done back in the shop. It was short, barely covering her pert ass and revealing more leg than she would normally have done, but the look was to die for… and the feel was just heavenly. Beth wondered whether to place a gown over the top, but finally decided against it. It was just the two of them, the house was warm, and the gown… well it would have just hidden the beauty underneath.

By the time Beth made it back downstairs, Angela was sitting on one end of the larger of two leather sofas. She had already poured two glasses of white wine, placing them on the low coffee table along with the bottle. A soft glow lamp in one corner of the lounge added to the fading light of the day.

“Do you like it, Mum?” Beth asked, giving a little twirl in her new nightie.

“I told you, didn’t I? You look great. Whoever it is, you’ll knock ’em dead.”

Beth blushed slightly. Should her mother be talking to her like this? There again, Beth did agree that the silky little chemise did look, and feel, great.

“What do you mean?” Beth asked.

“Well, from experience, when a daughter says she wants to talk, it’s usually about someone rather than something. Am I right?”

Beth nodded, then started off towards the other sofa.

“There’s plenty of room for the two of us on here,” Angela responded, tapping her hand on the sofa cushions. “That’s if you don’t mind sitting with your old mum.”

Beth glanced down at her mum. Angela was also in her nightwear. The long black nightie, a large slit up one side, looked equally fantastic. In Beth’s mind, there was nothing old about her mother. Beth turned, and sat at the other end of the sofa, facing towards Angela. Without thinking, she twisted her body around, pulling both legs up onto the leather seat, giving Angela a nice view of her silky black panties.

“That’s better,” Angela responded, a smile on her face as she took in the view of Beth’s long legs and silky black panties. “Now, how about a glass of wine and then you can tell me everything.”

Beth took the glass. Without thinking, she lifted it to her lips and downed the wine in one, placing the empty glass back on the table.

“Go easy,” Angela commented, filling the glass up once more. “Now, what was it you wanted to talk about?”

“Errm… well… I don’t know… god, this is embarrassing.”

“Nothing’s embarrassing, Beth, not between us. Now, was it to do with the other night?”

“I’m sorry I watched, Mum. It’s just that…”

“Nothing to be sorry about. Come here, Beth,” Angela responded, sliding to the edge of the sofa, turning further towards her daughter, and holding her arm out on the inside.

Beth took the offer, shifting position until she was snuggled up against her mother. She could feel Angela’s arm around her shoulders, and, in that moment, memories of childhood came flooding back. Whenever Beth had a problem, she could always rely on her mother. Was tonight any different? Angela passed over the refilled glass of wine, and Beth took another large gulp. She could feel her heart pounding.

“I have a boyfriend, Mum,” Beth continued.

“That’s wonderful,” Angela responded. “Do you love him?”

“I think so… no… no… I do love him… it’s just…”

“Just what? Don’t feel pressured into a relationship just because he’s the first. There’s plenty of fish in the sea and you have to be sure he’s right for you.”

“No… no… it’s nothing like that. I do like him. It’s just… well… god this is so embarrassing.”

“What is it my dear Beth? How can I help you?”

“Well, that’s why I watched.”

“Because of your boyfriend? I don’t understand.”

“Because he… he asked me… he asked me if I wanted to do it.”

“And you said?”

“I said I would think about it.”

“I see, but why is that related to watching us?”

“Because… because… because I’m scared, Mum. I’ve never been with a man before and don’t know what to expect. I want to, but I’m scared it will hurt. Then I saw you and Dad, and I just had to watch, but…”

“But, what?”

“But… he made you scream. That’s when you saw me watching, just after he had made you scream. Did he hurt you, Mum?”

There was a silence in the room. All Beth could hear, or all she could imagine hearing, was the pounding of her heart. She’d said it. What was her mother going to think of her now? Beth was about to get up and head back for her bedroom when she felt Angela’s arm pull tightly against her slim body.

“Oh, my dear Beth. You dad wasn’t hurting me… far from it.”

“He wasn’t?”

“Not at all… what you heard… well, it’s one of those things… and when it’s done right it can be mind-blowing. What you heard, was… well… you heard me cumming.”


“Yes, you know. Surely, you’ve played with yourself, masturbated a little and then felt that warm feeling fill your mind.”

There was a guilty look on Beth’s face as she contemplated how to respond to her mother’s directness.

“Well… not like…”

“Oh, my baby girl. I know you do. You were doing it when you were watching, with your hand down inside your shorts. You rub a little and it feels nice? And then you rub some more, and it feels nicer still, then finally… well, you have, haven’t you?”

“Yes, Mum. I’ve done that, but he made you scream in pain.”

“In pleasure, my dear… in pure unadulterated pleasure. I see you have so much to learn.”

“To learn?”

“Oh yes… so much to learn. Everyone is different and it’s all about knowing what works for you… what takes you to that earth-shattering place that only you know.”

“How did you get there, Mum?”

“Well, I guess I had a good teacher… oh, and plenty of practice.”

Angela smiled as she thought about the years of practice she had come to enjoy. She’d had an innocent childhood, just like Beth, but Peter… well, everything changed when she met Peter. He was such a good teacher, and Angela learnt so much, so quickly. You could say he gave her such an awakening, and she never looked back. Back then it was Angela asking the naïve innocent questions, yet here it was her daughter Beth who was doing the same.

“Can you teach me, Mum?” Beth asked.

“Are you sure that’s what you want?”

“I think so. Will you, Mum? Will you be my teacher?”

“I mean it, Beth. Are you sure that’s what you want?”

As she spoke, Angela ran her hand down over her daughter’s slim frame. She followed the silky fabric all the way down until it was no more, her fingers landing on bare leg. Then, Angela brought her hand back up until it rested on Beth’s silky black panties. Slowly, gently, she started to draw little circles with her fingertips.

Beth stiffened as she felt her mother’s hand against her sex once more. Earlier in the day it had been accidental, hadn’t it? Now though… now it was intentional.

“I can stop if you want.”

“No, Mum. Don’t stop.”

“Then, let’s get you a little more comfortable, shall we?”

Angela repositioned herself at the other end of the sofa. She perched just on the edge of the seat as she watched her daughter shuffle more towards the middle. With her head on cushions at one end, Beth stretched out, her legs crossed, her feet almost touching the other end of the sofa. Beth glanced up at her mother, an excited look in her eyes.

“Is that better?” Beth enquired.

“Almost,” responded Angela.

From her new vantagepoint, Angela was looking right along her young daughter’s legs, all the way up to that lacy bottom of the chemise. She reached forward and slowly lifted the hem up, revealing a triangle of silky black panties disappearing between Beth’s legs. Gently Angela took hold of Beth’s foot and moved it to the side. It was only a few inches, but enough for now.

Angela reached forward again and placed her hand on top of Beth’s panties, her fingers spread wide across Beth’s hidden mound, her thumb pressed down over her daughter’s tender sex. With her thumb, Angela started to draw those little circles again, keeping to a slow rubbing motion but this time applying a little pressure. Bit by bit, Angela moved her thumb lower down over her daughter’s snatch. She could sense the change under her touch; a softer feel as Beth’s labia became puffy with arousal. Once more Angela moved her thumb further down, applying firm pressure as she felt Beth’s outer lips ease apart.

Beth gasped as she felt the first pressure directly against her clit. It was no different to what she had done herself, rubbing away at her sweet sex through her panties, yet the very touch of another seemed to make it more intense. Beth closed her eyes. She was breathing quickly and shallowly. That warmth was back, the one which signalled impending climax. Beth knew the feeling and knew exactly what to expect.

Angela was one step ahead. Whilst Beth was enjoying herself, Angela was listening… listening for that first soft moan. When it came, Angela cruelly removed her hand, much to the disappointment of her daughter. As Beth opened her eyes, her expression one of questionable confusion, Angela looped her fingers around the top of her daughter’s panties.

“Lift up,” Angela whispered as she started to work the silky black fabric downwards.

Beth did just that, lifting her pert ass up off the sofa and watching as her mother eased her panties down her thighs, past her knees and then over her ankles. Beth watched as her panties were discarded, the skimpy garment dropping to the floor. Then, just like with her breasts earlier in the day, Beth became quite self-conscious. Beth’s immediate reaction to her new exposure was to cover up, bringing her legs together, hiding her shaven snatch.

“Tell me, Beth. If you’re not comfortable, we can stop.”

“No, Mum. It’s just… just… well, you’re the first person to look at my…”

“…to look at your tender beauty,” Angela responded, gently running her hand up and down her daughter’s leg. “I mean it, Beth. You are such a beautiful young woman. Have confidence in yourself, rather than hiding away.”

As she listened to her mother’s sweet words, as she felt the gentle stroke of her mother’s hand along her thigh, Beth found herself relaxing again. Slowly, she uncrossed her legs, exposing her shaven snatch.

“You keep yourself shaved?” Angela asked.

Beth nodded, a little embarrassed at the question her mother had asked.

“Don’t you like it, Mum?”

“Oh, my dear Beth. It’s beautiful,” Angela replied, running her fingers across her daughter’s shaven mound, tracing gentle lines down towards her apex. “I was just… well… I’m surprised.”

“I did it for him at first. He told me that’s what he liked, but then I sort of got used to the feeling when I touched myself. He’s… he’s… I’ve never shown him, only you. Are you sure you like it?”

“Oh yes. Close your eyes and give me your hand.”

Beth closed her eyes and held out a hand. She felt her mother moving on the sofa. Beth wasn’t sure what her mother was doing, but finally she felt Angela take hold of her hand and pull it towards her. Beth gasped.

“You’re shaven too, Mum,” Beth responded, opening her eyes, and taking a first glance at her mother’s bare mound. Yes, she’d watched them that night in the bedroom, but with her mother on all fours Beth never got a clear view of her womanhood.

“Of course. If you ask me, it feels so much more sensitive, especially when he…”

There was a mischievous twinkle in Angela’s eyes as she thought about what she was about to say. With Beth hanging on to her mother’s every word, Angela pulled back. Slowly she lifted Beth’s left ankle, pulled it towards the front edge of the sofa, and eased her daughter’s legs apart. Angela smiled as she stared down at Beth’s bare snatch, her lips still puffy enough to give a tantalising glimpse of what delights were hidden inside. Angela positioned herself between Beth’s splayed legs, and leant forwards.

“…when he goes down on me,” Angela finished, glancing up at Beth, her face now inches from the young woman’s sex.

As Beth watched, her mother lowered her face down, closer and closer to her shaven snatch. Beth bit her lip, holding her breath as she waited for a touch down below. Suddenly Beth could see no more. Angela’s long brunette locks had fallen forward hiding Beth’s view of what was about to happen.

With the aroma of sweet sex filling her nose, Angela hovered her mouth above Beth’s bare snatch. She flicked out her tongue towards Beth’s waiting pussy. Beth gasped as she felt the touch glance against her puffy lips. Once more, Angela repeated the same, this time a little firmer and a little longer along Beth’s snatch. Once more, Beth gasped at the feeling between her legs.

Angela continued the same, gently teasing at Beth’s pussy. Before long she was running her tongue along the whole length of Beth’s snatch, teasing at her puffy labia as she started to open her young daughter up.

Beth moaned as she felt her mother’s tongue against her sensitive lips. Angela’s touch was so gentle, so sensual, so arousing. Beth felt so wet between her legs. It was no surprise given that her mother was lapping her tongue over the young woman’s sex, but Beth knew that her own sweet juices were adding to the moistness.

Beth could feel the desire build inside. It was there, that nagging ache in the background, the one that you just had to rub at, harder and faster. She closed her eyes and imagined the same. That’s what she wanted, to bring her hand down and work her fingers over her sensitive sex. Beth wanted to reach that point when intensity filled her young body, and to reach it quickly.

Her mother, though, simply continued to caress Beth’s tender pussy with her tongue. It was slow, it was tender, it was… Beth could feel the need building inside. Already a sense of desperation was filling her mind. She could feel her mother’s gentle touch against her innermost lips, teasing them apart, seeking the sweet nectar within. Beth was moaning softly, her breathing fast and shallow again as she felt her desires build.

Then, much to Beth’s disappointment, all she could feel between her legs was the evening air against her wet sex. It was a warm evening, but suddenly the air felt cool. She opened her eyes to see her mother raising her head from between her legs and smiling back at her. Was that it? Was that the end of her lesson? She’d felt something new, something so sensual, and she so wanted more.

“Mum?” Beth asked sheepishly. “I was so close. Why did you stop?”

“Stop? My girl, who said anything about stopping? In my mind, I’ve only just started. It’s just that… well… I couldn’t resist peeking at such a sweet little pussy. See how it gleams with your sweet love juices. See how your puffy outer lips splay slightly, giving a tantalising glimpse of your inner most delights, hiding the sweet treasures deep within. So perfect in every way, just like you, Beth.”

Beth felt a warmth fill her cheeks. Was she blushing? Nobody had spoken to her in this way before. She felt her mother’s fingers run along her sensitive snatch, sending little shockwaves through her tender sex. Beth gasped as Angela used her fingers to ease her pussy lips open. She could feel the evening air up against her inner folds and hoped to feel her mother’s fingers too.

“I was right,” Angela continued, “such sweet treasures hidden out of reach… waiting to be unlocked. Now my little girl, you won’t mind if I feast on my newly found delights, will you?”

Angela never waited for a response. She placed her arms under Beth’s outstretched legs, grabbing at the young woman’s hips for purchase, and pulled her face up against Beth’s pussy.

“Aghhh,” Beth gasped as she first felt her mother’s lips press down on hers.

It had taken Beth by surprise, both the speed with which her mother had gone down on her again, and the forcefulness of this latest embrace. Beth could feel her mother’s whole mouth press against her moist sex. Beth gasped again as Angela suckled softly on her outer labia, pulling each in turn between her lips.

It took no time at all before Beth had her eyes closed once more. She was moaning softly at the feelings in her tender pussy, as her mother worked her lips apart through a combination of sucking and kissing. Her moans increased in volume as Angela brought her tongue into play.

This time there was none of the gentle caress, none of the light seductive teasing, of earlier. Angela pushed her tongue firmly between her daughter’s sensitive folds, seeking her innermost sex. At first, Angela lapped at those plentiful sweet juices, savouring the taste of pure arousal. She would run her tongue up and flick directly at Beth’s hardened clit, sending her daughter into a quiver of moans with every touch, then run her tongue down and rim Beth’s opening.

Beth was losing herself in her emotions. She had her eyes screwed closed, as she felt her fires build inside. The young woman squealed as Angela’s tongue pressed hard against her opening, the tip sinking just inside. It was another first. Yes, Beth had pushed her own fingers into her still virginal pussy, but the feeling of her mother’s tongue was something else.

Angela worked her tongue in and out of Beth’s opening, using quick shallow movements as she started to tongue-fuck her young daughter. All the time, as she pushed Beth closer and closer to her climax, Angela was listening to the reaction from below. Beth’s moans were becoming more pronounced, her breathing more ragged as Angela continued to work her sodden sex. She turned her attention back to Beth’s clit, using the tip of her tongue to rub at the hard nub, listening as the moans grew in intensity, before…


Beth squealed as she felt her mother clamp her mouth down on her clit, and suck hard against the engorged nub. Beth stiffened for a moment, a shockwave of pleasure hitting her young body, then sank back against the sofa. Had she cum? It was a feeling more intense than she had ever imagined, yet still there was that ache deep inside, those flickering flames now becoming a raging fire.

Angela returned her attention to her young daughter’s pussy. She’d already given Beth a taste of carnal delight, and now it was time to drown her in the euphoria of climax. Slowly, forcefully, Angela worked her tongue into Beth’s opening, pressing as deep as she could, before pulling out again. She was working as quickly as she could, forcing her tongue in, pulling it out again, reacting to the increasing chorus of pants and moans from above.

“Deeper,” Beth moaned. “Deeper… faster… yesss… yesss…”

Without thinking, Beth brought her hands down and positioned them around the back of Angela’s head, running her fingers through her mother’s long locks. She stiffened once more as she felt another ripple of pleasure shoot out from within. Still, she wanted more. Still, she wanted to feel her mother’s tongue press deeper into her opening. Beth found herself pulling at the back of Angela’s head, forcing her mother closer against her sodden sex.

Angela wasn’t going to stop. She felt Beth stiffen again, clamping her legs tight against Angela’s shoulders, and knew she had her daughter just where she wanted her. Picking up even more speed, Angela alternated between clit and pussy. She would flick hard and fast at Beth’s clit, then press deep into her opening. Already she could feel her daughter start to quiver, but Angela wasn’t going to stop without pushing Beth over the edge.

Beth’s mind was consumed with delight. The fires had long since become a raging inferno, yet still she was climbing higher and higher. Again, she squealed, again she stiffened, clamping her legs down hard against her mother’s body as a further wave of pleasure ran through her young form. Still the torment continued, and still the young woman climbed higher and higher.

“Yesss, Mum,” Beth screamed. “Yesss… yesss…”

She stiffened again, this time holding hard against her impending climax, trying as best she could to delay the inevitable. The more she tried though, the more she felt the flick of that tongue against her hard clit.

It was too much… too…

“Aghhh… yesss…” Beth screamed as she felt the tidal wave hit her.

Beth’s whole body filled with euphoria as the big one hit. She stiffened. Beth bucked with pleasure as she came hard. Then, moments later, Beth collapsed back against the sofa, releasing her grip on Angela’s head, her whole body going limp.

As she listened to the panted breaths from below, Angela lapped gently at Beth’s sex, taking a final taste at the young woman’s sweet juices before pulling off. She knelt at the end of the sofa, her gaze alternating between Beth’s spent pussy, and the look of ecstasy on her daughter’s face.

It was a couple of minutes before Beth opened her eyes once more. She was still panting, a warm glow across her young skin as she came down from her high.

“What happened?” Beth whispered.

“I think, my dear girl… I think you felt the earth move. Am I right?”

Beth laughed.

“I think you might just be. And that night… when you screamed… that was when the earth moved for you, Mum?”

“How did it feel, Beth?”

“Errm…” Beth couldn’t find the right words. How could she describe such an emotional journey? “It was wonderful, Mum. I don’t know how to explain that moment, that feeling, that climax. All I can say is that you were a great teacher and I’ve learnt such a lot. Thank you, Mum.”

“Learnt?” came Angela’s teased reply. “My girl, I think you are just starting to learn. Now how about lesson two.”

As she spoke, Angela adjusted her position on the sofa, moving from a kneeling to sitting posture, all the time facing Beth. Angela pulled her legs up, and splayed her knees, giving Beth a first view of her mother’s shaven snatch, her large puffy outer labia, and big meaty flaps on show. Angela beckoned to her daughter.

It was time for Beth to repay the favour.

Very quickly, spurred on by a most enthusiastic young woman, Angela came hard, filling the house once more with her passion-filled carnal chorus. Beth was a quick learner, and a very attentive student. The only question on Angela’s mind was how much her young daughter wanted to learn. Angela wasn’t going to push. She would leave it to her daughter but would be ready to help any time Beth asked her to.


* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *


It was just over a week later when Beth did bring up the subject again.

“Mum?” Beth asked, that same sheepish inquisitive look on her face as before.

“Yes, Beth.”

“You said if there was anything on my mind that I could ask you.”

“That’s what mothers are for, isn’t it?”


“Of course.”

“Even…” Beth voice trailed off as she thought about how she could say what she wanted to ask.

“Even that. You can’t come so hard and not want to do it again. Am I right?”

“Err… no… yes… well, sort of. I’d love to do it again, Mum, to have you take me to my special place… but there’s something else… something I need to ask you.”

“Go on, ask away,” Angela responded wrapping an arm around her young daughter’s shoulders and placing a tender kiss on her forehead.

“I need to know what it feels like–” Beth started to explain.

“–Didn’t you feel it the other night?” Angela interrupted.

“No, not that. That felt wonderful, Mum,” Beth responded, turning around and planting a sift kiss on Angela’s lips. “I want to know what it feels like… well… to have… to feel… damn, I might as well say it… I want to know what it feels like to have a cock inside. Does it feel… well… different? Does it feel, better? Do you like it, Mum?”

“Wow… that’s a question and a half. Now, I could try and explain, and, yes, I like it lots, or I could try and show you if you preferred. So, let me answer your question with a question. Would you like me to teach you once more?”

This time there was a pause as Beth looked her mother in the eyes. She’d asked what it was like to get fucked, to feel another man’s cock in her virginal pussy, yet her mother’s response was an offer to show her. Beth had already eaten her mother out, so was quite clear that her mother didn’t have the necessary appendage to show Beth what it would be like to be fucked. How then was Angela going to keep her promise if Beth said…

“Yes, Mum. I’d like it if you could show me… but… how?”

“Oh, you’ll see,” came Angela’s reply, a large smile on her face. “Leave it with me.”

“Thank you, Mum,” Beth responded, placing another kiss on Angela’s lips.

This time Angela responded, meeting her young daughter in a passionate embrace. The two stood there, arms around each other, lips melded together, for what seemed an eternity. Beth could feel the tingle in her lips and in her loins. She closed her eyes and remembered that time on the sofa, the way her mother brought her to an earth-shattering climax. Her heart pounded at the thought that she was about to be given a second lesson.

“Later, my girl… later,” Angela responded, breaking the embrace.

It was two days later to be precise. Once again, Peter was working late, giving an open opportunity for a little fun and frolics between the two women. Beth had retired early to her bedroom, intent on reading a little before bedtime. She was sitting on top of her duvet in the middle of her bed, dressed in her favourite outfit of camisole top and shorts, when she heard the knock at the door.

“You busy?” came Angela’s voice from outside.

“Come in, Mum… just reading,” Beth replied, placing her book down on the bedside table and watching as the door slowly opened.

Angela walked into Beth’s room, dressed in a silky kimono-style dressing gown. In her hand she carried a small rectangular box, about seven inches long and a couple of inches square.

“Brought you a present,” Angela called out, tossing the box onto the bed.

“What is it, Mum?” came the reply as Beth picked up the object and stared at the plain cardboard wrapping.

“It’s what you asked for. Don’t you remember?”

“What I asked for?” Beth responded, hurriedly pulling at the tape holding the box closed. “I don’t rememb…”

Beth’s voice tailed off as the lid of the box finally came open and she found herself staring at what were most unexpected contents. Slowly, Beth lifted the flesh-coloured silicone object out of the box. She held it in her hand, carefully examining the dildo from every angle, from its six inches of length to the narrow girth, the subtle curvature, slightly bulbous head, and then the flat disc at the non-phallic end. Oh, she knew what it was, but still Beth found herself asking.

“Thank you, Mum, but what am I meant to do with it?”

“Oh, I think you know the answer to that one, my girl. But just for tonight, I thought it might be fun to give you a hand.”

As she spoke, Angela pulled at the bow holding her gown closed. Beth’s face took on an expression of shocked surprise, her gaze switching from the dildo to her mother, as she watched the gown start to drape open. Angela’s shoulders came into view first, followed by a glimpse of her full mounds. Beth’s heart was beating fast as she watched the gown fell further open, her mother’s full breasts now coming into full view, then drop to the floor. Beth gasped, not at the thought of her mother now standing naked in front of her, but at the black leather harness she was wearing down below.

“What’s that?” Beth asked, a nervousness in her voice.

“You’ll see. Now, why don’t you give me the dildo, while you take those shorts off. You’re not going to have much fun dressed like that, are you?”

Intrigued, Beth handed the dildo to her mother. Rather than taking off her shorts though, Beth just sat there, staring, as she watched Angela undo one side of the harness. The whole harness came loose allowing access from inside. Angela eased the dildo through a circular ring in the front of the harness, then fastened the harness up again.

Beth could do nothing but stare, her gaze transfixed on her mother, as she watched Angela pull the harness back into place, the dildo now curving slightly upwards from her mother’s shaven mound. In that moment, the penny dropped. Beth had asked what it was like to feel a cock up inside, and now her mother was about to show her… by fucking her with this dildo.

Still though, Beth just sat there on her bed, staring at the transformation right in front of her eyes. She made no movement as Angela picked her gown up off the floor, reached into the pocket and pulled out a small bottle. Even as Angela smeared lube along the length of the dildo, leaving a slick shine to the rubber phallus, Beth simply watched. She never even reacted when Angela grabbed hold of her ankles and…

“Aghh,” Beth called out as her mother yanked at her ankles.

Suddenly, unable to respond to the sudden movement, Beth found herself falling. She fell in a heap, her body sent sprawling back across the duvet, her head landing on the plump pillows. With the surprise knocking the wind out of Beth’s sails, she took a moment to react to what her mother had just done, or more so to what she intended to do next.

Angela though didn’t stop. Still holding Beth’s ankles up in the air, Angela clambered onto the end of the mattress. Angela let go of Beth’s ankles, letting her daughter’s legs fall against her shoulders. She glanced down at Beth, and those heart print pyjama shorts that her daughter loved to wear. They did look cute, but now they would just get in the way, and Angela already knew that her daughter was not as innocent as the little shorts portrayed.

Before Beth could resist–whether Beth wanted to resist or not was debatable, her heart now pounding with nervous excitement–Angela had looped her fingers around the waistband of Beth’s pyjama shorts and yanked them over her ass, pulling them up Beth’s legs to knee height. Beth’s cutesy pink panties followed suit, before Angela finally worked both garments over Beth’s feet and discarded them onto the bedroom floor. With a gentle nudge, Angela let Beth’s legs fall to the mattress, spread either side of where she knelt. For a second time in a few days Beth was baring her shaven snatch to her mother.

“Oh, what do we have here?” Angela teased as she ran a hand down between Beth’s outstretched legs. “Looks like someone is already a little excited.”

It was true. The minute her mother had started to strip off in front of her, Beth could feel the excitement down below, a tingle manifesting itself into a tell-tale dampness. And now, with her mother knelt naked in front of her, a rubber cock pointing out towards Beth’s young pussy, she could feel the ache of desire building inside. She didn’t need to look between her legs to imagine the view her mother would be getting. Angela on the other hand did want a closer look, or more to the point a closer taste.

“Mmmm,” Beth moaned as she felt her mother lean forward, Angela’s mouth nudging up against Beth’s puffy sex.

As Beth’s mind went back to the mind-blowing orgasm the last time her mother went down on her, Angela started to work her tongue over the young woman’s sex, lapping at the sweet juices coating Beth’s labia. It was slow and steady again, gently working Beth into a carnal fervour. Before long, Beth’s bedroom filled with the sound of soft moans and panted breaths, a passionate tune which Beth was now becoming accustomed to playing.

Eyes closed, Beth had almost forgotten about the dildo strapped to her mother’s body, until she felt her mother lift her head away from her now sodden sex. Beth opened her eyes just in time to watch Angela regain her kneeling position, the rubber dildo once more pointing teasingly towards her tender pussy.

Angela spread her legs slightly, positioning them either side of Beth’s bare ass. She shuffled forward a little, working her knees under Beth’s outstretched legs, then took hold of her daughter’s hips. Through a combination of lifting Beth’s bare ass up against her knees, and shuffling forward, Angela moved ever closer to her daughter’s sweet sex.

Beth gasped as she felt the rubber phallus nudge against her pussy.

“Ready?” Angela asked.

Beth didn’t answer. She simply held her breath, biting gently at her lip with nervous anticipation. She had asked the question and now her mother was going to show her the answer. Beth shivered; her excitement mixed with a touch of fear as she thought about that rubber phallus plunging deep inside her.

Angela didn’t wait for an answer, or rather she never expected one to be coming. She placed one hand down against Beth’s bare snatch, feeling the dampness on her fingers as she eased Beth’s lips apart. Slowly Angela leant forward, her other hand guiding the tip of the dildo towards Beth’s waiting sex.

There was another gasp from Beth as she felt the dildo slide between her inner labia and nestle up against her opening. She could feel her heart pounding inside her chest as she thought about her mother plunging it deep inside. Beth had held it, felt its every dimension, yet now, with the tip pushing gently at her opening, the dildo felt much larger than it actually was.

“Ughh,” Beth moaned as she felt her mother lean forward ever so gently.

Beth could feel the stretch in her opening as the tip of the dildo pushed against her tight opening, slowly widening out as it went. She closed her eyes, panting quickly as she felt the discomfort build down below. Wider and wider, Beth felt the dildo opening her tiny pussy, the stretch building as it went. With a tear building in her closed eyes, Beth was all for calling out, to say enough is enough, to admit defeat against this invading beast.

Angela must have realised the same as she held off pushing further. She didn’t withdraw, but simply held the dildo where it was, the head half embedded in Beth’s sweet pussy. As she listened to her young daughter’s panted breaths, Angela brought her fingers down against Beth’s snatch, gently massaging at her daughter’s moist lips.

Beth moaned, this time a more pleasureful moan, as she felt her mother’s fingers graze against her clit. It was a distraction from the stretch in her pussy, and before long the young woman could think of nothing more than the pleasure filling her mind from this gentle massage. Her breathing, still fast and shallow, no longer with a pained edge to it, blended in with Beth’s soft moans.

It was Angela’s cue to take things a step further. She glanced down at the dildo, paying attention to the head and how far it had disappeared out of view inside Beth’s opening. Little did her daughter know, but she had taken most of the dildo’s girth already. All it would take was a single push, a firm forward movement and then the dildo would sink deep inside. A single push… a single… a…

“Aghh,” Beth called out as Angela took her by surprise, leaning forward in a single motion, sinking the dildo beyond Beth’s opening.

Suddenly the bedroom was quiet, but for the heavy breaths of the young Beth, and the thumping of her heart. Angela remained still, letting her daughter become accustomed to the stretch inside her pussy. When, finally, Beth opened her eyes, Angela smiled down at her.

“Do you feel it, Beth? Do you feel my cock deep inside your sweet little pussy?” Angela whispered down to her young daughter.

“So tight,” Beth responded. “Did it really fit inside?”

“Give me your hand,” Angela continued.

Slowly Beth reached out with her hand and let her mother guide it down between her legs. She gasped when she felt the inch or two of dildo connecting her pussy opening to her mother. At first Beth looked to be in shock as she continued to feel at the rubber shaft. She ran her fingers over her moist folds, feeling for the very point where rubber became soft flesh. Soon, a smile spread across Beth’s young face.

“I did it, Mum. I can feel your cock inside, and it feels… well… tight… big… good.”

As Beth spoke, Angela started to move her hips slightly, ever so slowly working the dildo inside her daughter’s pussy.

“And does that feel good, also?” Angela asked, picking up a little more depth as she worked the dildo gently inside her daughter.

“Mmmm. Yes, Mum. It feels… very… good. Is this what it feels like when he fucks you?”

There was a smile on Angela’s face as she heard the question. Is this what it felt like to be fucked by her darling husband? Well, it was a starting point, but Angela always wanted more… much more.

“I guess so, Beth, but I do like him to be faster… deeper… harder… would you like me to show you, Beth? Would you like to feel me fucking you with my little cock?”

There was a momentary pause before Beth, in a nervous voice, responded.

“Yes, Mum. Fuck me, Mum. Fuck me with your little cock.”

It was an open invitation, the one that Angela was longing to hear. In one movement, Angela leant forward, pulling her knees back at the same time as she took up more of a horizontal position. As she adjusted her stance, Angela sank the dildo deep into her daughter’s cunt. Beth moaned out, first as she felt her mother lean over her petite frame, then as she felt the rubber cock fill her tight little pussy.

The two women kissed, a passionate embrace as Angela lowered herself even closer against Beth’s young body. Then, taking Beth by surprise, Angela started to work her hips. She started with short, shallow movements, keeping a rhythmical motion within Beth’s pussy, listening for the cue to move onwards from her daughter’s vocal response.

The room was soon filled with the creak of bedsprings, and the soft moans of arousal. It was no different to that very first night when Beth had watched her parents getting it off, only more subdued than the physical lovemaking she had so avidly watched.

“Faster, Mum… faster,” Beth called out in encouragement, not that Angela needed much.

The response was immediate, both in terms of speed and depth. Raising her hips, Angela pulled the dildo all the way out but for the very end, then sank it quickly back into Beth’s sodden sex. There was no respite. No sooner had the dildo bottomed out, than Beth felt it withdraw once more. Over and over Angela repeated the same, each time a little quicker and a little more forceful as she fucked her daughter.

At first, Beth hadn’t noticed it, but it was there in the background. With each stroke she felt it, once on the outward journey and again on the return. It was just a little at first, a sensitivity somewhere along her front pussy wall, but each time the tip of the curved dildo had a knack of rubbing against that very spot, rubbing harder the more Beth’s walls clamped down on the invading dildo.

Beth could feel her release building inside, smouldering embers becoming flickering flames, growing into a raging fire. She reached her arms around her naked mother and held on tight. Still though, Angela kept thrusting her hips, plunging the dildo in and out of Beth’s sodden pussy.

It was becoming too much. Beth’s moans had long since become squeals as she felt the inevitable march towards her like a tidal wave. She stiffened, clinging on even tighter as she rode the first wave. Still though the torment continued, her mother thrusting hard into Beth’s cunt, the dildo feeling huge against her tight walls. Another wave hit and Beth squealed once more, but still Angela continued her onslaught.

Beth moved her hands down Angela’s back, clenching at her mother’s ass as she felt yet another wave of pleasure build inside. She held her breath, digging her fingernails into her mother’s firm cheeks, as Beth climbed her wall. Higher and higher, stronger and stronger, Beth felt her climax build.

Beth was panting hard now, her squeals becoming ragged as she neared her point of no return. Still though, despite Beth’s best efforts to restrain the onslaught, Angela continued to pummel her daughter’s cunt.

Everything seemed to happen at once. Beth felt her pussy pulse against the rubber dildo, her muscles clamping down against the invading phallus. She stiffened, arching her back on the bed, forcing her young body up against her mother’s naked form. For a moment, bar for the creaking of the bed, all went quiet, not a breath nor a moan could be heard. It was only a moment, only…

“Yesss,” Beth screamed, as her mother pushed her over the edge. “Yesss, yesss, ye…”

It all became too intense. Beth released her grip on her mother’s ass as she collapsed back on the bed, her screams of orgasm replaced by pants of now pained euphoria.

“En… enou…”

Beth was struggling to get the words out. It didn’t matter though as Angela could read the body language. Gently she pulled herself up, easing the dildo out of Beth’s spent pussy. As she watched her young daughter, Beth’s eyes still screwed shut, coming down from her high, Angela undid the harness and removed the dildo. She couldn’t resist but take a lick at Beth’s sweet juices on the rubber phallus. They tasted all the sweeter with Angela knowing that she had been the first to fuck her daughter to orgasm, if only with a rubber dick.

On another night she may have asked Beth to repay the favour, but all her daughter was ready for now was a good rest. Angela removed the harness, dropping it to the floor alongside her kimono gown. She cleaned the dildo and placed it on Beth’s bedside table, then slid onto the bed at the side of her daughter.

Slowly, Beth rolled over, nestling her head up against her mother’s shoulder, wrapping her arm over her mother’s naked breasts. She opened her eyes, a smile on her young face.

“Thank you, Mum,” Beth whispered, her eyes closing again.

“My pleasure,” came Angela’s reply. “Now you know what it’s like, I’ll leave you this little dildo, so you never forget. Another day you can return the favour, but for now I think the lessons are finished.”

Beth never answered. She was already asleep. Even when Angela slid off the bed, conscious that time was getting on and Peter would be home soon, Beth never woke from her slumber.

For Beth, it had been a strange few days. What had started with her being awakened from her slumber by a strange noise in the night, had finished with Beth’s awakening at the hands of her mother.

What’s more, Beth had loved every minute of it.


* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *


A couple of weeks later, well into the university holidays, Beth had another question.

“Mum,” she asked, one evening after dinner.

“Yes, Beth.”

“You know that present you gave me?”

“Mmmm, what about it.”

“Does it actually feel like a real cock?”

There was a pause as Angela thought about her reply.

“Well… sort of… in a way… god, my girl… nothing feels like the real thing. You’ll just have to trust me on that one.”

“But… don’t you think… well, don’t you think you can show me?”

“Don’t you think you should be asking your boyfriend that question, not you mother?”

“Please, Mum. I just want to know what it feels like… to be… prepared… to be… able to satisfy him when the time comes. What do you think, Mum? Do you think you can?”

“Ermm… I don’t know, Beth.”

“Please… please… I love you Mum. You know that, don’t you?”

“Of course, and I’d do anything for you, but don’t you think this is a step too far?”

“No, Mum. You said you would teach me anything I wanted to know… and I want to know what a real cock feels like. I want to be like you, Mum.”


“Please… pleaaase…”

“It’s not right, Beth, but I guess… well, maybe I have an idea.”

There was a pause before Angela continued.

“It should work. He likes to play a little in the bedroom, so why not. You’ll get what you want, and I’ll make sure he never knows it was you. Saturday night, Beth. Stand outside the bedroom door just like that first night, and wait for me to beckon you in.”

“Yes, Mum, yes… I will, Mum. Thank you, Mum.”

“Oh, and one more thing. Do you have protection? We don’t want you getting carried away, do we?”

“Mum!” came an indignant response. “I’m not a child. I do know the birds and the bees.”

“Oh, my dear Beth. You are far from a child. Now, your father will be back soon, so keep it to yourself.”

“Saturday, Mum… Saturday.”

With that, Beth gave Angela a peck on the lips. She wanted to go further, but she knew better than to push it. Saturday would come all too soon, and with it her next lesson.

Beth had truly awoken her innermost desires.

The End

(Or is it just the start of a new chapter for the young woman?)