The Good Doctor

Doctor Mark Evans is a very well-known doctor in the field of urology, he immediately realized how prostate stimulation could help men with ED and other prostate-related problems. Many older men suffered from this condition, most of them took viagra or any other “magic pill” they could buy, but he considered this a “band-aid” fix not addressing the root of […]

Out on the Street

I saw the dark-haired boy first, as I was stepping out of a late appointment with my tailor. On the opposite side of the street by an alleyway, leaning, kicking a toe with a heel in the comfortable slow rhythm of one who’s done a deal of this sort of thing and expects to do more. A lot of waiting, […]

Actor Seeks Last-Minute Coaching

I ran down to my apartment complex’s leasing office, hopped on one of the guest computers, and set it to print the audition information I had gotten just minutes before. My roommate Scott was at the front desk looking intense in front of the computer. “Scott, Scott, Scott! You won’t believe what I found in my inbox today. Some indie […]

Earning Danny

This was torture. My name is Jake Moss, I was an 18-year-old football player and High School Senior, and I was standing in a forest in the middle of the night a few feet away from the party the football team was throwing to celebrate we had won the last game of the season. The party was epic, it was […]

Cock Cravings

I had just gotten out of a long relationship with my ex girlfriend and had moved into a nice townhouse in another town. In the past I had sex with a few guys and I knew from these encounters that I really enjoy servicing men. There is something about the power that a hard cock projects that get’s me on […]

It Doesn’t Have to be Gay (For You)

With so much change to come our way, I thought I would take some time to reflect on our long friendship and suggest a new tradition to keep us from drifting apart. I’ve always believed that we would stay friends forever. We have been through everything together–first steps, first day of kindergarten, first fight, first boner, first kiss–and now we […]

Thai One On

I was starting to think grindr was a waste. I’ve deleted it dozens of times. I decided to give it another try. It’s tough when you can’t host and worry about being outed. I had the itch and hadn’t been with a man in years until I met John. I’m sure it’s not his Thai name but its the name […]

Big Sky Country

Gabe–Gabriel Fortier–could see part way up the center aisle when he turned his head to the left. The altar in the center of the platform at the front of the Duson Christian Church sanctuary was just a table and Gabe was laid out on the dais behind it. The table was covered by an altar cloth, but that didn’t go […]


He pulled out of me slowly. It took me a moment to realize he was done; that he’d cum in me. We were on the stairs. I was, anyway. He’d stood behind me on the tile floor. I looked around, saw his flagging, glossy cock. I backed away too, realized my knees were rubbed raw from the coarse carpeting. I […]

Becoming a Sub in College

It all started in College. I was just a freshman, so was he. I was a shy, thin young boy who couldn’t keep eye contact and for the love of God, could never make friends. So, naturally, I was sitting alone on the first bench. The boring class went on and on and didn’t show any sign of stopping, when […]