Moonlit Night on the Lake

Tossing and turning uncomfortably, Barbra lay on her bed, unable to fall asleep. In a thoroughly unsuccessful attempt at relief from the sweltering heat, the bed-covers were thrown back, exposing her naked, sweat-covered body. As tiny rivulets of perspiration trickled down her skin and dripped onto the sheet beneath her, the wet, clammy feel of her bed only added to […]

The Ruins of Patrick

My sexual mindset has evolved in fits and starts – one day realizing that something that held no interest for me (or that I actively disliked) has bounced-around my subconscious long enough that some initial hang-up has vanished and I realize “good lord now *this* turns me on too?!” As a public service: any guy who has not experimented with […]

Getting into the Swing of Things

After many discussions, tonight was the night: Gigi and I were ready to head out the door to a local lifestyle club. While I had a few butterflies, Gigi was understandably more nervous. I was the veteran (having done this once before) but this would be her first experience. I watched her put the finishing touches on her outfit – […]

You’re The Plumber?

It was a bright sunny day. I got up and had my shower, got dressed, and wandered into the kitchen for some breakfast. Just another day with everything as per normal. After breakfast I washed the dishes and then it was off to work. At least, I intended to wash the dishes. I turned on the tap, hot water started […]

Ménage a Text

Sultry July heat radiated into our apartment via the open patio door. Gigi and I were soaking up the heat during a “no clothes” Saturday. She was curled in the leather recliner, texting with a new fellow she had connected with online earlier in the week. She was quiet, except for little laughs, and I could tell she was having […]

After Rehearsal Massage

I met Jessica, a female yoga instructor, while I was rehearsing an amateur production of a play. She’s not tall, but not short either. I could look over her head, but just barely. Although she wore baggy comfortable clothes to rehearse in, her core muscles were strong. Being a yoga instructor, she led the cast in physical warmups before rehearsal […]

Kirsty’s Origin Story

Hi, Amy here. Kirsty, yes we’re still together, has read my origin story and, despite getting distracted several times at the memories, thought it was a good read. She wondered if people would be interested in how she got to this point in her life, and has asked me to help write it. Again, there are elements of the story […]

After Lockdown

I was waiting on the concourse of Piccadilly Train Station and getting more and more excited as the minutes passed. After two lock-downs, the country had now opened up. The government’s much-heralded vaccination program appeared to be curbing the spread of Covid-19, or at least any infections appeared to be less severe than in the past. Normal life was gradually […]

In the Closet

He’s discovered I like making love in his closet. I’ve been in there a million times and it does nothing to me when I’m alone. The smell isn’t him but it reminds me of him. The first time, I held his hand and pulled him inside. “Lights on or off?” I asked. Confused, he simply picked – it’s both his […]

Run Your Fingers Through My Hair

“Okay, you can come on over now, Brendan.” Feigning mild surprise, Brendan pocketed his phone and stood. He had been watching the hairstylist sweep up hair from her previous customer as he had pretended to play on his phone, so he had known that she was almost ready for him.