After Office Hours

Cindy was about to go on paternity leave so she was asked by her boss to look for a trusting candidate to take Cindy’s place as PA for a while. A few came for the opportunity but none matched the criteria that Cindy was looking for. She was looking for a sophisticated, hard-working, trusting and reliable woman to serve at […]

Just a Wish

I have sex. And sometimes cum during sex. But it’s always by my fingers or a toy. Don’t get me wrong. Having an orgasm and getting fucked hard is the most amazing feeling, but it would be nice to have someone else get me off. It’s never happened with any partner. No one has ever given me an orgasm. Not […]

Sleeping in the Moonlight

Standing in the room next to our bed I see your sleeping form admonished by moonlight, the duvet pushed off you, your lying on your side closest to me. Your breasts exposed to the cool air, your nipples are firm, bit not as hard as I know they can get. Your left hand is slipped inside the waistband of your […]

Lady Annabelle and the Highwayman

It is the Year of Our Lord 1760, and the roads leading to and from London be the most perilous for any traveller. Hounslow Heath being a favourite haunt of the highwayman and footpad. Folly indeed, for the unwary to wander alone. And London be a very wicked place, so it hath been told, with whores, beggars and cutpurses on […]

A Second Encounter With Anthony

It had been a month since I was assaulted at the park. I hadn’t seen Anthony since that day either. When he left my apartment, he gave me his number and told me to call anytime. I kept the number but I didn’t think he was that interested in me so I never called. I was also trying to work […]

A Team Player

“Fuck you! You might be my boss, but that is way…WAY out of line,” Ashley exclaimed. She looked at her co-workers for support and no one would meet her eyes. “Are you guys serious? Let me ask this, if he were gay would you guys agree…nevermind, I’m sure two of you would jump all over that,” she said glaring at […]

The Ghost of East Hill Bridge

“Bye, Clive, thanks for the ride.” Mark waved as he headed up his front walk, mask in his other hand, his step a little unsteady. It had been that kind of party. “Later, Mark,” I called back, watching him go. My vision swam a little, but not for the same reason Mark’s probably did. It was late, it had been […]

Revenge of the Ex

What kind of jerk broke up with their girlfriend on the morning of their favorite holiday? Derek. That was the jerk. They had only been dating six months, but it still stung. Especially since their costume was a couple’s costume — Linda and Bob Belcher from the cartoon Bob’s Burger — and she couldn’t show up as Linda without a […]

Attractive, Wanted, Desired

We’ve had a great night out in town together, no responsibilities , no hassles. Just lots of laughs, lots of talking, some alcohol. In synch and comfortable with each others company. There was nobody else in our lives, and we were not hurting anyone being together like this. I’d planned ahead and booked a hotel close-by without telling you. I […]

Holiday Evening Surprise

As I stepped out of the shower I noticed myself in the wall size mirror, I could not stop myself thinking all the effort of daily exercise was more than worth it. At 53 my body was still lean, firm and athletic with my golden tan looking darker, more bronzed, maybe due to my long blond hair being so lightened […]