Moonlit Night on the Lake

Tossing and turning uncomfortably, Barbra lay on her bed, unable to fall asleep. In a thoroughly unsuccessful attempt at relief from the sweltering heat, the bed-covers were thrown back, exposing her naked, sweat-covered body. As tiny rivulets of perspiration trickled down her skin and dripped onto the sheet beneath her, the wet, clammy feel of her bed only added to her discomfort.

Glancing at the wide-open window beside her bed, Barbra tried to will a cool breeze to waft through her room to ease the oppressive heat which lay upon her nude body like a leaden blanket. The stiflingly heavy air, however, remained silent and motionless, both inside her oven-like room and outside her open window.

As she gazed through her window, praying for a breath of cooling air, Barbra noticed a strange, orange glow, low in the sky, silhouetting the tops of distant hills. Intrigued, Barbra sat up to gaze out her open window, her chin propped up on her palms as her elbows rested on the windowsill. She wondered if she was witnessing a forest fire advancing up the backside of the distant hills.

After a few more moments, Barbra saw a sharply defined, crescent-shaped edge appear within the orange glow above the hill-top. As it slowly grew larger and brighter, Barbra finally realized that she was watching the moon rising behind the summit of the hill. Slowly, almost imperceptibly, the moon crept higher, until, at last, its full yellow-orange disc was clear of the peak. Awed by the beauty, and grateful for the distraction, Barbra quietly watched for a long time as the moon gradually rose higher, its ruddy face gradually fading to a bright, silvery white.

Barbra finally tore her eyes from that lovely silver orb and glanced around at the yard outside her window, amazed by the transformation the rising moon had wrought there. What had been shrouded in total, inky blackness when she had first sat up to look out, was now bathed in pale, pearly-white light and she could see everything, almost as if it were daylight.

Having taken her eyes from the silvery face of the moon, the hypnotic trance it had induced was broken and the stifling heat in her room again closed in on her. She glanced up at the moon again and imagined she saw a face there, beckoning to her invitingly.

“Okay,” she whispered, “here I come!”

Barbra got up and pulled on a pair of very short, cut-off blue-jeans, faded and worn, with a fringe of white around the leg openings. She fastened a brief little halter-top over her breasts and slipped on her flip-flops. She got up onto the bed and carefully climbed out of the window, dropping to the ground a few feet below the window sill. She stood there for a few moments, undecided, then walked to the garage and got out her bicycle, trying not to make any noise, so as not to arouse her family.

Barbra walked her bike down the long driveway to the road, then climbed on and pedaled off, her long, blond hair fluttering in the breeze behind her. She sighed with relief as the cooling air flowed over her hot, moist skin, happy that she had decided to leave the oppressive heat of her bedroom.




Riding along the quiet, rural road, Barbra watching the low-hanging moon blink on and off behind the trees along the side as she passed. That bright, silvery orb seemed to be following along beside her, like a silent companion, as she pedaled down the empty highway.

On the side of the road, Barbra noticed a sign indicating the turn-off to her town’s lake. She decided to ride out that way. She turned off the highway and proceeded along a gravel road for about half a mile, where, through the trees, she spotted the glint of moonlight on the smooth surface of the lake. She pulled off the road and walked her bicycle through the trees for a short distance. Reaching the tree-line, she leaned her bike against a fence post and locked it there, then continued across the beach.

Kicking off her flip-flops, Barbra walked through the soft sand to the shoreline, where she wriggled her toes in the water, watching the ripples she caused to propagate outward across the glassy-smooth surface.

Ooooooh...that sure feels good! Barbra thought as she gazed across the tree-lined lake, the bright light of her silent, silvery companion glinting on its smooth surface and the ripples she had created. Feeling hot and sticky with dried sweat, she looked back down at her toes and thought, It sure would feel great to feel like that all over!

Barbra smiled as she was struck by a delightfully tempting thought. She glanced up and down the deserted beach, then reached behind her back, unfastened her halter-top, and dropped it in the sand. She unbuttoned her cut-offs and slipped them over her shapely hips and down her thighs. Stepping out of her shorts, she tossed them aside as well. Raising her arms, she twirled around, her long, blond hair swirling and fluttering behind her as she reveled at the freedom she felt as she danced in the moonlight on the beach, feeling deliciously naughty at being completely naked in a public place. A shiver of excitement raced up her spine, leaving her heart beating a bit faster beneath her slightly heaving breasts.

Barbra gingerly took a few steps out into the lake. The water was clean and clear enough that she could easily see the sandy bottom in the moonlight. She waded out until the water reached her waist, then she dove in. As she cut through the surface, she was delighted by the sensation of the cool water flowing across her hot skin. As she swam under-water for a few moments before coming back up for air, she thrilled to the even more delightful sensation of the cool water flowing over and around her unfettered breasts, through her curly love nest, and along the lips of her pussy. After a breath, she dove in again and skimmed along the bottom, dragging her taut, erect nipples through the sand and scraping her pubes along the sandy bottom, sending delightful thrills shooting through her body.

Barbra paddled around in the shallow water for a little while, feeling delightfully refreshed after her long, uncomfortable, and fruitless attempt to sleep in her stifling bedroom. Pausing after a time, she stood in the waist-deep water and gazed all around the lovely, moonlit lake. Her eyes alighted upon the two-level diving platform, moored a hundred yards offshore, and she decided to swim out to it.




Arriving at the platform a few minutes later, Barbra swam to the ladder and started to climb up.

“Uhhh…you’d better hold on there a second…” she heard from above.

Barbra let out a yelp of surprise and dropped back into the water, quickly paddling back away from the raft a few yards. Looking up at the platform, she cried out, an accusing edge to her voice, “Who’s there?”

The head and shoulders of a young man appeared, extending over the edge of the raft, peering down at her.

“Uhhhh…I hope I didn’t startle you too badly,” he began, hesitantly. “But I thought I’d better warn you I was here before you climbed up. I…uhhhh…I saw you take your clothes off up there on the beach. I hope I didn’t frighten you…I just didn’t know what else to do…” the young man stammered.

Slowly treading water, Barbra gave a nervous laugh and said, “No…I’m all right…I guess. Just a little embarrassed at getting caught out here in the middle of a public lake with no clothes on…” She gazed silently up at the young man’s face for a few moments, and decided that she liked what she able to make out in the pale, silvery moonlight. “Well…it was certainly considerate of you to warn me,” Barbra said. “Most guys probably would have let me climb on up there so they could get a look at me!”

“From what little I could see in the dim light from way out here,” he said, “you would be well worth a closer look…and don’t think I didn’t have a hard time convincing myself to do the right thing…but I decided that I just couldn’t take advantage of you like that…” he paused for a moment, “especially since I have the same problem…”

Barbra looked up at him, puzzled, then it dawned on her. “Oh!” she gasped, “You mean that you’re…uhhhhh…”

He smiled guiltily. “Uhhhh, yeah, I am…l left my clothes up on the beach, too!”

Barbra laughed merrily at their mutual predicament. While treading, she had gradually drifted closer to the raft and she was able to get a better look at the young man’s smiling face. She still liked what she saw. “Well, l guess we’re even then…I’m naked, and so are you. And since all our clothes are way over there on the beach, I guess there’s nothing much either one of us can do about it very easily at the moment…and I’m getting kind of tired just treading water out here. Do you mind if I come on up there anyway?”

The young man’s mouth dropped open in surprise, then he smiled broadly. “Hell no, I don’t mind that at all!” he replied.

Barbra paddled over to the raft and climbed up the ladder. The young man stood back a little way, watching the beautiful young girl emerge from the water like a mythological nymph of the lake. With sure and unselfconscious grace, she climbed up onto the platform and stood there, water streaming from her exquisite young body, illuminated by the soft, silvery light of the full moon. Seemingly comfortable and unembarrassed by his presence, she didn’t bother to even look up at him as she scraped the dripping water from her body with her hands, then tossed her head back and wrung out her long, blond hair.

“My god…you’re really beautiful…” the young man murmured softly as he stared at her slender young body.

Barbra stopped and slowly brought her head back down to look straight at him. A broad, delighted smile spread across her pretty face. “Well, thank you…” she drawled. Then she giggled. “And I can see that you’re probably quite sincere!”

The young man knitted his brows in puzzlement at her cryptic comment, then, following her gaze, he looked downward. He gasped as he saw that his penis was standing stiffly erect, angled slightly upward, pointing straight at the young girl. “Oh, fu–!” he gasped, stifling his exclamation as he realized what he was about to say. He threw his hands in front of his crotch, trying to hide his hard-on from the girl’s eyes. “Damn, I’m sorry, I…I…uhhhh…”

Barbra chuckled at the young man’s flustered embarrassment. “There’s nothing to be embarrassed about,” she said, smiling, as she tilted her head to the side and continued wringing out her hair, while keeping her eyes on him this time. “I’m flattered that I could have such an immediate effect upon you!”

“Jesus…the way you look right now, you could give Michelangelo’s ‘David’ a hard-on!” he said.

Barbra laughed again, then, for a few moments, they just stood there, half-way across the platform from one another, silently looking each other over. He shifted about nervously, still holding his hands in front of his crotch, while she appeared comfortably relaxed, wearing her nudity with complete confidence before this stranger, idly combing her fingers through her hair, straightening out the tangles.

“My name is Barbra,” she said, breaking the silence. “What’s yours?”

“I’m…uhhhh…Mark…” he murmured.

“You don’t sound too sure of that,” Barbra said.

“Oh! Well, yeah…it’s Mark, all right,” he said. “I’m just having a bit of a hard time concentrating right now…”

Barbra giggled. She turned and stepped over to the side of the platform. As she sat down on the edge, letting her feet dangle in the water, she turned to look back at him. “Do you live around here?” she asked. “I haven’t seen you around town before.” She patted the deck beside her and said, “Com’on and sit down, Mark.”

Mark hesitantly walked toward her, his hands still in front of his crotch.

“No, I…uhhh…don’t live around here,” he said.

He awkwardly sat down next to the girl, the process made difficult as he continued trying to shield his hard-on from the girl’s eyes.

“I…uhhh…just got out of the Navy a few months ago, and I’ve just been hitch-hiking around the country, having a little fun before I settle down and try to get a job,” he explained. “My last ride let me off out there on the highway a few miles down the road. As I was walking into town I saw the sign for this lake, so I came on out this way to see if I could find a place to bed down for the night. The lake looked so inviting, and it had been a while since my last shower. I couldn’t resist the opportunity to do a little skinny-dipping!”

“Yeah…me, too” Barbra said. “It was so hot and sticky in my bedroom tonight that I just couldn’t sleep. I decided to take a little bike ride to get some air and I ended up out here. I couldn’t resist taking a swim! The water felt so wonderful after my stuffy little room!”

She leaned back on her elbows with a contented sigh. “Ahhhhh, yes…and it feels so wonderfully comfortable sitting out here like this, too!” she breathed, throwing her head back and shaking it so that her long, damp hair swished back and forth across the deck behind her.

Through slitted eyes, she watched Mark as he sat beside her, huddled over, his hands in his lap. She saw him surreptitiously checking her out through the corners of his eyes as she sat there, lying back, propped up on her elbows. She arched her back a bit, thrusting up her pert little titties. Her nipples were hard and erect, tingling with excitement despite her relaxed demeanor. She let her thighs fall apart slightly to allow Mark to get a little peek at the dark cleft that extended downward from the neat little blond bush at the apex of her slender thighs. She smiled with gratification when she saw the young man’s eyes open a bit wider, his head tilting, as he tried to get a better look at her without appearing too obvious about it.

“So…you were in the Navy…” Barbra said. “Did you get to ‘see the world’?”

“Oh, yeah, a good part of it anyway,” Mark replied. “Mostly the Far East…Hong Kong, Japan, Singapore, the Philippines…places like that.”

“Sound’s exciting! I’ve hardly even been out of the state!” Barbra said. She gazed at him with what she hoped was a sultry air. “Did you have ‘a girl in every port’?” she asked, her lips curving upward in a little smile.

Mark laughed. “Sure…everybody did. Hookers are always available wherever a ship pulls in.”

“Were they pretty?”

“Oh, yeah! At least, some were…but none of them were as pretty as you!”

Barbra giggled, her upthrust little titties jiggling.

They were quiet for a few moments as he thought about it. Then he said, “I had a lot of good times over there…and some not so good. I try to remember only the good ones.”

“Don’t you miss all your foreign ‘girlfriends’?” she teased.

“Yeah…at least I did…until tonight!” he said “I’d been wondering if I did the right thing by getting out. But sitting here with you like this, sure makes me glad I did!”

“Oh, that’s so sweet of you…” Barbra said, pushing herself upright again. She leaned close and gently kissed him on the cheek. As she did so, her taut, hard nipple brushed back and forth against his upper arm. She slowly ran the tip of her tongue up his cheek to his ear, where she gently tickled his earlobe, then she whispered, “I’m glad you did, too…so that you could be here with me tonight!” Her pert, firm little breast pressed against his biceps as she stretched to reach his ear.

Barbra laid her head against Mark’s shoulder, keeping the hard little nub of her erect nipple pressed against his arm. She could feel him trembling slightly, his body stiff and tense. After a few moments of silence, Barbra put her hand on his forearm and slid it down to his wrist, where his hands were still covering his crotch.

“Why don’t you relax, Mark?” she said softly, gently squeezing his wrist. “You don’t have to hide this from me,” she said, wiggling his arm, “I’m not hiding anything from you…am I? You know…being out here like this is pretty exciting for me, too…it just doesn’t show, like it does for you. Com’on…” she said, tugging on his wrist with a little more insistence, “seeing how excited you are, makes me excited, too!”

She pulled back on his arm, moving his hand away from his crotch and revealing his penis, still standing stiffly erect in his lap. She heard him gasp softly and his body trembled. He tried to cover up his hard-on with his remaining hand but quickly realized how inadequate it was, and how silly he looked in the attempt. Giving in, he let his other hand drop, leaving the young girl an unobstructed view of his erect organ.

“Ahhhhhh, yes…” Barbra breathed heavily, a thrill of excitement shooting through her as she stared at the young man’s erection. “Now just relax!” she commanded, placing her hand on Mark’s chest and pushing him down so that he was leaning back on his elbows. Partially reclining now, his stiff prick stuck up from his lap much more prominently than it had a moment ago while he was sitting up, hunched over his lap, trying to hide it. “There! That’s much better! Aren’t you more comfortable, now?” she asked.

“Uhhhh…yeah, I…I guess so…” Mark replied, his voice cracking nervously.

Barbra rolled onto her side, facing Mark, alongside him, propping herself up on one elbow, while laying her other hand on his chest. They were silent for a while, taking in the beauty of the placid, moonlit lake. Barbra’s hand slid slowly around on Mark’s chest, her fingers playing with the soft, curly hair there, and pausing occasionally to caress the hard little nubs of his tiny, erect nipples.

Mark slowly rolled his head around on his shoulders, while gazing out across the lovely, tree-lined lake. “God, it’s really beautiful…” he murmured softly.

“Yes…it certainly is…” Barbra murmured dreamily.

Mark turned to look at the girl, noting the husky edge to her voice. He realized that they hadn’t been referring to the same thing when he saw that her eyes were staring fixedly at his upthrust penis.

“Uhhhhh…I meant the lake, the trees…the moonlight…” Mark said.

Barbra started, tearing her eyes away from Mark’s hard-on and glancing around. “Oh, yeah…that, too!” she said, then she giggled. She looked slowly all around at the quiet, moonlit lake for real, now. Then she laid her head against the side of Mark’s chest and sighed contentedly. “Ohhhhh, yes…it really is beautiful out here like this…” she murmured. “It’s so romantic…the smooth, quiet lake, the trees, the moon…just me and you, outdoors…in the middle of the lake…naked!”

Barbra’s slowly circling hand gradually moved lower, from his chest down across Mark’s stomach, until her fingertips were brushing through the fringes of his pubic hair. For a time, her palm circled slowly around and around his navel, lightly caressing his flat, hard abdomen, her fingertips just brushing through the edges of his pubes. Then she slid her hand lower and touched the tips of her fingers to the base of Mark’s upthrust penis. She heard a slight gasp from him at her touch, and felt a tremor run through his body.

Barbra slowly and carefully encircled the base of Mark’s upthrust shaft with her fingers, while leaving her hand lying there, covering his pubes. His straining hard-on stood stiffly upright within the ring formed by her thumb and forefinger while her remaining three fingers extended downward between his thighs to lightly touch and caress his balls. Mark groaned softly and his buttocks contracted, thrusting his prick upward a bit.

Barbra just held her palm over his groin like that for a time, then she slowly raised her hand, sliding her lightly encircling fingers up his rigid shaft all the way to the flared edge of his engorged glans. Mark gasped and a shiver raced through his body. Then she slowly slid the ring formed by her fingers back down to the base of his upthrust organ. Again, she just left her hand lying atop his pubes, her thumb and forefinger encircling the base of his erection while she gently caressed the front of his wrinkled scrotum with her remaining fingertips.

After what seemed to Mark an eternity, Barbra very slowly slid her encircling fingers up his long, hard, throbbing shaft again. He groaned and clenched his buttocks, thrusting his straining prick upward. Reaching the flared edge of his engorged glans, Barbra moved the encircling ring of her fingers up and down just a fraction of an inch several times just below that swollen knob, then very slowly slid it all the way back down to its base again. After a few moments pause to caress his balls with her fingertips, she again slid her encircling fingers up his shaft, pausing at the top for a few short strokes just below his glans, before sliding it back down again.

She continued to slowly stroke her encircling fingers up and down Mark’s rigid hard-on, each time giving it a few short strokes just below his glans. Then, one time, at the top of her stroke, she paused and gently wrapped the rest of her fingers around his cock.

“Ohhhhh, shit…” Mark groaned, his body trembling as he felt the young girl’s entire hand encircle his aching cock. She just held it gently, not squeezing it, for a few moments, then slid her fingers slowly back down again.

They sat there quietly for several minutes, gazing out across the moonlit lake, Barbra’s hand resting atop the young man’s pubes, her fingers encircling the base of his upthrust penis. From time to time she slowly slid the ring of her lightly encircling fingers up his rigid, seven-inch shaft to the flared edge of his swollen glans, then back down again.

“Ohhhhh…ohhhhh…ohhhhh…” Mark moaned, clenching and relaxing his ass, thrusting his straining hard-on up and down through the girl’s encircling fingers each time she slid her hand upward on his straining erection.

“Ooooooooh, does that feel good, Mark?” Barbra whispered in his ear.

“Ohhhh, shit, yeah…” he gasped through gritted teeth.

“Ummmm…your cock looks so beautiful…” she sighed softly, her hand once again resting gently on his pubes, his throbbing hard-on standing stiffly upright from her encircling fingers. After a moment she slid her fingers upward and encircled it with her entire hand “And it feels so strong and hot!” she breathed, gently holding his shaft in her fist.

Mark groaned, and a shudder ran through his tense body. He felt the cum beginning to boil in his aching balls.

“Ohhhh, shit…” he gasped, “It’s been too long…I can’t take much more of this…” He stared at his quivering hard-on as the girl’s tiny fist slowly stroked up and down his rigid shaft. Its already engorged, purple head swelled even larger, turning darker, looking like it was about to explode.

“Ohhh, I know…” Barbra purred, her head rising and falling as it lay against his heaving chest while she stared at Mark’s straining penis. “Just look at that big, beautiful cock!” she breathed. Seeing how close Mark was already, she released his prick from her lightly encircling fist and now just ran the tips of her fingers up and down its sides, caressing his straining shaft with the just the barest touch.

“How long has it been, Mark?” she asked.

“How long what?” he gritted.

“How long since you had a woman take care of you…” she purred.

“Oh, shit…months!” he groaned. “Since before I came back from overseas.”

“Oooooooh, no wonder your cock is so sensitive!” she murmured. “But, don’t worry, we’ll just take it real slow and easy…and it’ll pass.”

Gasping and moaning, his body jerking and trembling, Mark teetered on the brink of orgasm as Barbra ever so gently caressed his throbbing prick with just the tips of her fingers. For what seemed a blissful eternity, he stood at the precipice, Barbra’s tantalizing caresses keeping him there, without quite pushing him over.

Then, Mark heaved a long, loud gasp and his tensely trembling body relaxed. His engorged, purple cock-head shrank a bit, and faded to a reddish pink.

“Ahhhhhhh…there it is…” Barbra murmured. She pushed herself up and sat, cross-legged, beside him at his hip. She leaned forward a bit and lightly grasped his prick in her hand once again and began stroking it up and down, slightly faster now, and with just a little bit more friction. His prick soon regained its steely hardness and its head swelled up and darkened again. She turned her head to look up at him, smiling. “There! How’s that feel now?” she asked.

“Shit! It feels great!” Mark groaned, clenching his buttocks and thrusting his straining penis upward to meet the young girl’s delightfully stroking fist. Relieved from the urgent need to ejaculate, he laid there, staring at his erect cock with this young girl’s dainty little fist wrapped around its thick shaft, enjoying her delightful caresses without having to fight to hold it back. He watched her face for a few moments as she stroked his hard-on with obvious relish as he thrust it up and down through her encircling fist. He was quite surprised at this young girl’s apparent grasp of the more intimate details of the workings of the male sexual apparatus.

“How old are you?” he asked.

She turned her head to look at him, a naughty smile on her beautiful face. She laughed. “I turned eighteen a few months back,” she replied.

His body jerked and his mouth dropped open in surprise. “Holy, shit!” he gasped, shocked that she was only eighteen while seeming to be so well versed at that still tender age.

She giggled at his reaction and gave him a knowing smile. She still had a thing or two to show him.

Mark sat there, leaning back on his elbows, his butt clenched, and his throbbing hard-on thrust stiffly upward as he watched the young girl, now sitting cross-legged beside him at his hip. She was staring down at his prick with intense fascination as she lightly ran her fingertips up and down the sides of his quivering shaft. From time to time, she slipped her little hand down between his thighs and cupped his scrotum, tenderly fondling his balls for a few moments, before once again wrapping her fingers around his thick, hard shaft and gently stroking it up and down.

A shiver ran through Mark’s body and he let out a ragged groan.

The girl glanced up at him and saw the look of blissful delight on his face. Smiling, she asked, “Do you like it, Mark?”

“My god, yes…” he gasped. “No one’s ever really touched me like that before!”

“No?” she asked, “How did they do it?”

“Mostly, they just grab it and pull it and massage it like they’re trying to squeeze a sausage from its casing,” Mark told her.

Barbra sniffed derisively. “They’re just trying to get it over with,” she said. “They want to get to the destination as quickly as possible. I like to take my time and enjoy the journey, as well.”

Barbra looked back down at his prick. She stopped her gentle stroking and tightened her grip on his hard shaft, giving it a little squeeze. Mark’s engorged cock-head swelled up even more and the tiny slit at its tip opened up to disgorge a large droplet of clear pre-come. The droplet hung there, suspended on the tip of his organ, glistening in the moonlight.

“Ahhhhh…” she murmured. Barbra leaned forward and flicked the clear droplet off the tip of his cock with her tongue.

Mark sucked in his breath and stared at her, wide-eyed, as she turned to look at him, smacking her lips and smiling. She pursed her lips and touched them to the tip of his prick. Gently squeezing his hard cock, she sucked on just the very tip of his glans, as if she were sucking on a soda straw.

“Ummmmmm…” she hummed as she gently milked more pre-come from his erect penis and sucked it into her mouth through the tiny opening between her pursed lips.

When she’d squeezed and sucked all the pre-come out of his organ that she could, Barbra stuck out her tongue and swirled it around and around his engorged glans, caressing its velvety-smooth surface.

Delighted, Mark watched the beautiful young girl caress the swollen head of his cock with her tongue. After a few moments, she slipped her soft lips over his engorged glans and gently sucked on the rubbery knob as she flicked her tongue back and forth through the tiny slit at its tip.

“Ohhhh, wow…” Mark groaned, contracting his buttocks and thrusting his straining penis upward, driving an inch or two of his thick, hard shaft up into the young girl’s mouth. Barbra happily accepted the extra portion of his cock, gently sucking on it as she continued to caress its satiny-smooth head with her tongue. After a few moments, Barbra began to slowly bob her head up and down, at first just sliding that inch or two of his cock in and out of her mouth.

As she slowly bobbed her head up and down, Barbra raised her eyes to see the open-mouthed look of surprise on the young man’s face.

“What is it, Mark?” Barbra asked. “Hasn’t anyone ever sucked on your dick before?”

“Uhhhh…sure, but I never thought you would do that!” he replied.

“You like it, don’t you?” she asked.

‘Oh, yeah, I love it!” he exclaimed.

“Ummmmmm…me, too,” Barbra said, smiling as she swirled her tongue around the big, rubbery head of his cock.

She slipped her lips over that swollen knob again and began bobbing her head, gradually increasing her stroke until, finally, her encircling lips were sliding up and down the full, seven-inch length of Mark’s rigid penis.

Mark stared at the girl in shocked amazement as her lips touched his groin around the base of his thick shaft and she held his entire organ deep within her mouth. No woman had ever taken more than a few inches of his erect penis into her mouth before, not even the more experienced pros he had been with, so the sight of this lovely young girl completely swallowing his hard-on was truly incredible.

For a short time, Barbra held Mark’s hot, throbbing organ motionless in her mouth, its swollen head lodged deep in her throat. Then she slowly raised her head, withdrawing that stiff, hard shaft, until her lips caught on the flared edge of his engorged glans. She gently sucked on that big, rubbery knob for a moment, then she let it slip out of her mouth. She wrapped her hand around his shaft and gave it a gentle squeeze. A clear droplet of pre-cum oozed from the tiny slit at its tip.

Barbra smiled and looked at Mark’s face. She extended her tongue and touched its tip to that little droplet, then pulled back a bit, a streamer of his slightly viscous fluid trailing from the tip of her tongue to the tip of his organ. She moved closer again and flicked off the remaining pre-cum. Still gazing into his eyes, Barbra gently lashed her tongue back and forth across the smooth surface of his swollen glans and flicked it up and down through the tiny orifice at its tip.

“Ummmm…” she murmured, “your cock juice is so yummy!” She watched his face as she slowly ran her fingertips up and down the sides of his straining shaft. “So, do you like me doing that, Mark?” she asked.

“Ohhhhh…shit, Barbie…” Mark groaned, his ass writhing against the platform, thrusting his aching cock upward as the girl gently caressed his twitching, quivering shaft. “Ohh! Uhhh…is it all right if I call you Barbie?”

Smiling demurely, the girl replied, “I allow anyone who’s had his dick half-way down my throat to call me Barbie.”

Mark chuckled. “Shit, Barbie, nobody’s ever taken my entire cock into their mouth before! That was incredible!”

“No?” Barbra said. She touched her lips to the tip of his upthrust penis again and pushing downward until his entire organ was once again inside her mouth. She worked her encircling lips around the base of his rigid shaft for a moment, then slowly withdrew it.

“Ummmm…” she murmured smacking her lips as his rubbery glans slipped out. “Not even those professional girls you met overseas?” Barbra asked, smiling mischievously.

“Nooooooo…” he groaned as Barbra slipped her lips over his engorged cock-head again and slowly slid it up her tongue and down her throat, until her lips were pressed against his groin. “Ohhhh, shit…none of them ever took much more than half of it into their mouth!”

She withdrew his cock again and looked at him. “Well…maybe they don’t enjoy their work as much as I enjoy my play!” she said, smiling.

Barbra turned her body, unfolding her legs and stretching out next to Mark. Lying on her side, now, facing him, but with her feet in the opposite direction, she laid her head on his thigh and gazed up at his face, smiling. Between them stood the towering pillar of his erect penis. The tiny slit at the tip of its bloated, purple head was stretched open by its engorgement and a glistening rivulet of pre-cum flowed freely from it and trickled down the underside of his quivering shaft.

Barbra slid her head forward a bit on his thigh and touched her extended tongue to the base of his upthrust organ. Slowly running her tongue up the bulging ridge of his urethra, she gathered up the dribbling pre-cum as she watched his face. She smiled at the dazed look of bliss she saw there as she continued to slowly run her lips and tongue up and down along the underside of his shaft, licking and nibbling with her lips at the soft, smooth, taut-stretched skin of his straining organ.

Mark’s eyes rolled back and he emitted little moans and whimpers. Barbra slid her tongue all the way down his rigid shaft and then continued further to begin probing at his scrotum. As her tongue caressed his aching balls, Mark groaned and his body tensed. His buttocks clenched and his thighs spread wider apart, thrusting his straining hard-on upward.

“Ohhhhhhh…shit!!!” he groaned, slowly rolling his head about on his shoulders, gazing up at the silvery, pock-marked orb floating above the far off hill-tops and all around the quiet, moon-lit lake while he savored the delightful sensations this young girl was imparting to his aroused genitalia.

After a few moments, his eyes returned to the beauty closer at hand. He gazed into Barbra’s twinkling eyes, there behind the thick, hard shaft of his own upthrust penis. He saw flashes of her pink lips and tongue appearing from behind it as she lovingly licked and kissed his throbbing organ. His eyes slowly scanned down along the girl’s luscious, naked body, stretched out beside him.

He gazed at her firm, round little breasts, standing up pertly on her chest, their pink nipples at full attention. His eyes traveled down along the slope of her narrowing waist and taut, flat belly with the dark little bull’s-eye of her navel, then back up the slope of her flaring hip. Right below the protruding peak of her pelvic bone, he saw her lovely little nest of soft, golden fleece. His eyes lingered there at the juncture of her smooth, slender thighs, gazing at that neat little bush, wanting desperately to get a peek at what lay below it, but unable to do so in the pale moonlight.

Mark raised his hand and gently laid it atop the curve of her hip, then slowly slid it down the slope to her slim waist, and back up the slope below her underarm. Sliding it downward, he gently cupped his hand over one of those firm little tittles, feeling the hard point of her taut, erect nipple pressing into his palm.

His eyes returned to Barbra’s and she smiled at him from behind the vertical column of his upthrust penis. She stuck out her tongue, flattened it, and then touched it to the base of his prick, just above his balls. She very slowly drew her flattened tongue up the underside of his penis, along the ridge of his urethra, to the very tip of his organ where she swirled her tongue around his engorged glans. She took his cock-head between her lips and gently sucked on the smooth, rubbery knob.

Mark groaned, his fingers involuntarily squeezing Barbra’s little breast as he felt the cum in his balls beginning to boil again.

Barbra, sensing his rising passions, backed off and returned to her slow, gentle caresses, running her tongue up and down along the underside of his upthrust shaft.

“Ohhhh, shit!” Mark groaned. “I just had a horrible thought!”

Barbra paused and looked at him with concern. “What is it, Mark?” she asked.

He slowly rolled his head all around, scanning the sky and lake, then upward along her lovely, naked body and back to her beautiful face behind the upthrust column of his erection. “What if all of this is just an incredible dream, cooked up by my sex-starved brain just to get me to come? I’m about to shoot off here in just a second…and you and all this…” he said, waving his hand in a circle, “will just disappear. And I’ll wake up with nothing but a big, sticky mess all over myself!”

Barbra laughed and began licking Mark’s prick again.

“What other explanation could there be for all THIS?” Mark continued. “Just look…here I am, naked, on a raft in the middle of a lake with the most beautiful girl I’ve ever seen, who is also naked…and sucking on my dick! Tell me that that isn’t the most unbelievable wet dream you’ve ever heard of!”

Barbra giggled and took his swollen cock-head between her lips. She slowly pushed downward, sliding his engorged glans back along her tongue and down her throat until her lips touched his groin. She held it there for a moment, gently working his prick with her jaw muscles and tongue. He let out a low, guttural groan and his body shuddered.

Barbra slowly withdrew Mark’s penis from her mouth. She pulled her face back a bit and gazed at his straining hard-on worshipfully, watching it quiver and twitch expectantly, on the very brink of orgasm.

“Ohhhh, yes…” she murmured, breathily. “Just look at that beautiful cock! Ooooh, it’s so exciting to see it like that!” Her body trembled as a shiver raced up her spine. “Ohhh…yes…I want to see it come now…” she moaned, her voice husky with desire. She slid her hand up his thigh and touched her fingertips to the side of his quivering shaft. Mark’s stiff prick twitched and he groaned again. “Ohhhh… it’s so beautiful, Mark! Ooooooh…I want to see your thick, hot cum shoot out of it!”

Barbra quickly sat up and rose to her knees beside him. She gently wrapped one hand around the base of Mark’s throbbing hard-on, then the other hand above the first so that just the bloated head of his penis protruded above her encircling fingers. She thrilled to the hot, solid feel of his erect organ throbbing against her palms.

“Oooooh…it feels so big, and strong…and hot!” she cried. Barbra began stroking her fists up and down Marks stiff, throbbing shaft as he moaned and groaned, his ass writhing against the hard, wooden deck. “Yes…yes…” Barbra urged, staring at the tiny slit in the tip of that big purple knob protruding from her fist as she pumped her hands up and down, “come for me, baby…let me see your big, hard cock spit out your hot cum!”

Mark let out a loud grunt and his butt bounced on the deck. Barbra felt his throbbing penis jerk and a stream of thick, white semen erupted from the tiny orifice at its tip.

“Ohhh, yes…yes…yes…” she cried with delight as she watched Mark’s cum spurt into the air and splash back down on her wrists and hands as she continued pumping her fists up and down on his pulsating shaft. “Ohhh, yes…l love it…I love it…I love it…” she cried. Barbra quickly thrust that big, purple knob between her lips and frantically sucked on it as Mark’s throbbing penis spurted his thick, milky sperm into her mouth.

Mark starred, wide-eyed, at the young girl’s lovely face, her lips around his thick shaft, watching in shocked amazement as his throbbing organ pumped his boiling-hot jiz down her throat.

Ohhhh, shit-fuck!” Mark gasped, heaving a huge ragged sigh of relief as his body relaxed after the last spasms of his mighty ejaculation slowly faded away. “That was epic!”

Barbra looked up at him, smiling, her eyes twinkling merrily as she continued to gently suck on the bloated head of the young man’s penis until she had received every last drop of cum. She released his prick with one hand, but continued to slowly stroke her other fist up and down his now come-smeared shaft while she licked his shiny, wet glans.

“Well…am I still here?” she asked after a few moments.

Mark looked puzzled for a moment, then surprised. “I’ll be damned!” he said. “This is the first wet dream I’ve ever had where I didn’t wake up during the come scene!” Mark stared at the young girl as she tenderly stroked his softening hard-on while lovingly licking it clean.

“Ummmm…” she murmured, slowly wiping her flattened tongue up the sides of his penis, as if she were licking a melting ice-cream cone.

When she finished licking the dripping cum from Mark’s softening penis, Barbra released it and it flopped back onto his belly, no longer erect, but still fat and heavy, semi-tumescent.

She sat up straight and slowly looked him up and down for a few moments. Mark just lay there, still propped up on his elbows, as she looked him over. “You know…” she said, “you look really weird!”

“Wha…what?” he gasped, quickly sitting up, looking confused.

“Yeah,” she said, putting her hand on his chest and pushing him back down again. She eyed him critically and said, “We must have known each other for at least an hour or so now, and this is the first time I’ve ever seen you without a hard-on!”

They both laughed together for a little while, then quieted down as they sat there facing each other, gazing into one another’s eyes. Mark leaned slowly forward and touched his lips to hers. Barbra slipped her arms around him and pulled him close, pressing the taut, hard points of her firm little titties against his chest. She hungrily thrust her tongue into his mouth and Mark quickly responded. Their tongues danced feverishly, thrusting and probing, exploring one another’s mouth.

When their long, passionate kiss finally broke, Barbra laid the side of her face against his chest with a contented sigh, and quietly gazed out across the moonlit lake as she held him close, lightly raking her fingernails up and down his back.

After a time, Barbra released her embrace and lay back on the platform, to gaze up at the stars. Knowing that Mark was still sitting upright, looking down at her, Barbra slowly drew her hands up along her sides, across her smooth, flat stomach, and traced circles with her fingertips around the little mounds of her breasts, smaller and smaller until her fingertips were circling the taut, rubbery little nubs of her erect nipples. After a few moments, she slid her hands slowly down across her belly, then along her slender thighs.

Letting her thighs fall apart slightly, Barbra slid her fingertips back up along their smooth, tender, inner surfaces. As her fingertips reached the juncture of her thighs, Barbra tightened her buttocks, thrusting her loins upward. She smiled, feeling a thrill of excitement as she watched Mark’s eyes gaze down at her pussy.

She lightly stroked her fingertips up and down the soft, smooth edges of her outer cunt-lips, then gently pulled them apart to reveal the moist, inner folds of her vulva to the young man’s fascinated gaze. She dipped one fingertip into her moist furrow and gently stroked it up and down along her sensitive inner labia. She moaned softly and her body squirmed against the deck.

Knowing that Mark’s eyes were locked onto her open vulva, watching her tiny finger caress her moistly glistening, inner folds, Barbra gasped. “Oooooh…look what sucking on your big, hard cock did to me…” she moaned, squirming her ass against the platform again. “My pussy is all wet and juicy!” she purred softly.

Mark laid his hand on Barbra’s slim thigh, lightly stroked it for a moment, then slid it up across her belly and cupped his palm over the small mound of her breast. “Ummmm…” he murmured, “it sure is! It looks good enough to eat!”

Barbra squirmed and thrust her loins higher still. “Ohhh, yes, it’s definitely good enough to eat!” she assured him.

Mark grinned at her and bent down to press his lips to hers. Their tongues danced passionately for a few moments, then he slowly ran his tongue down the side of her neck and across her chest to the firm little mound of her breast, where he took her rubbery little nipple between his lips and gently sucked on it. Soon, Barbra was moaning and squirming continuously as Mark suckled at her erect teat while he slowly stroked his hand up and down across her belly and thigh.

Finally, he let her nipple slip from his lips and he moved slowly down across her tummy, licking and kissing the soft, smooth flesh. He paused to circle around the tiny pit of her navel, and thrust his tongue into it. Barbra groaned and her hips bounced up and down. After a few moments, Mark continued on down one of Barbra’s thighs, then back up, just skirting the edges of her pussy. He brushed his face through the soft, curly muff of her golden love nest, then licked his way down her other thigh and back up again, still without actually touching her cunt.

Barbra was going insane with desire as he drove her crazy with his tantalizing caresses. Her pussy screamed for direct stimulation.

Finally she couldn’t take it anymore. She sat up, then rose to her feet as Mark looked up at her, puzzled. She smiled down at him and put her hands on his shoulders, pushing him back as she stepped across his body, straddling him. As Mark leaned back, supporting himself with his hands on the deck behind him, Barbra slid her hands down to her crotch. Parting her outer cunt-lips with her fingertips, she thrust her open vulva against his face.

“Ohhhh, yes…yes…yes…” Barbra moaned as Mark’s tongue eagerly lapped at her juicy inner labia and flicked at her sensitive little clit. Barbra gasped when his tongue found her joy-hole and speared into it. She released her outer labia and grasped the back of his head with both hands, mashing his face into her inflamed pussy as she ground her loins against his face, trying to drive his extended tongue even deeper into her aching vagina.

As good as Mark’s tongue felt probing her hot little cunt, Barbra soon realized that it wasn’t going to reach the spot that really needed attention at the moment. Turning her head, she peered over her shoulder and looked down longingly at Mark’s penis which lay upturned across his belly, partially engorged, but not erect.

A bit reluctantly, Barbra pulled her pussy away from Mark’s face. He groaned and looked up at her in disappointment. “Just a second, honey,” she said.

Turning herself around, she straddled him again, this time facing his feet. Bending over at the waist, her ass thrust high, she slid her hands up the backs of her thighs and gripped her buttocks with her fingers. Peering through the archway of her legs, she looked back at Mark as she spread her cheeks to expose her cunt to him.

Mark smiled at Barbra’s upside-down face, framed by her slender thighs and shapely little ass. He licked his lips and said, “Ummmm-ummm…you sure do have a beautiful little pussy…and it tastes so good, too!”

She giggled and wriggled her ass. “Have some more then,” she offered, backing up and thrusting her butt into his face. He happily began running his flattened tongue up and down through her juicy furrow again, enjoying her sweet love nectar.

As Mark eagerly lapped at her dripping pussy, Barbra raised her head a bit to look down at his flaccid penis, lying on his belly right below her. She let go of her buttocks and put her hands down on the deck on either side of Mark’s body to support herself. Slowly, so as not to break contact between her pussy and Mark’s mouth, she lowered herself toward his cock. Extending her tongue, Barbra touched its tip to the upturned underside of Mark’s penis at the point where the flared edges of his helmet-like glans swept up to join at the tiny slit at the tip of his organ. She slowly ran her tongue back along the curved underside of his soft shaft to his balls and then back out to the tip again.

She ran her tongue back and forth along the underside of Mark’s prick several times, then she flattened her tongue and slipped it under its head, scooping his entire flaccid organ into her mouth. She heard Mark groan as she took his cock into her warm, wet mouth and gently rolled it around with her tongue. A thrill of excitement shot through her loins as she felt his soft, limp organ begin to feel more solid within her mouth, its smooth head creeping slowly up her tongue and then down her throat as it swelled ever larger.

As Mark’s penis grew, filling her mouth with its hardness, his tongue was driving her hot little pussy crazy with desire. Moaning around her mouthful of cock, she wriggled her ass, grinding her aching cunt against his face while his tongue teasingly probed the entrance of her vagina, stoking the fire of passion burning within her loins.

With a gasping groan, Barbra pulled her cunt away from Mark’s face and, keeping his prick inside her mouth, stepped across his body and turned herself around, pivoting on the now rigid prong of his erection. A shiver raced through her body as she felt the strange sensation of his swollen cock-head rotating inside her throat as his shaft turned between her lips. Kneeling astride his legs, Barbra bobbed her head up and down a few times, testing the rigidity of Mark’s hard-on. Satisfied, she straightened up, withdrawing his cock from her mouth.

Barbra inched forward on her knees until her crotch was poised above Mark’s upthrust erection. She smiled down at him and grasped his prick in her hand, rubbing its engorged head up and down through the moist, slippery folds of her vulva. Inserting the smooth, purple knob into her tight little vaginal opening, she pushed downward.

Mark’s stiff prick slid smoothly and easily up into Barbra’s tight, but well-lubricated vaginal passageway.

“Ohhhhhh, yes…” she moaned with delight as she felt that shaft of hot, solid flesh slide through her tight little opening and plunge its smooth, rubbery head into the deepest recesses of her smoldering pussy. She cried out in ecstasy as the pent up sexual tension in her loins instantly exploded, sending waves of pleasure racing through her body, overwhelming her with the intensity of her orgasm. After a few moments of motionless bliss, Barbra began bouncing up and down, driving Mark’s rigid penis in and out of her spasming vagina.

Mark sat there, leaning back on his elbows and gazing up at Barbra as she bounced and swayed astride his loins, sliding his stiff prick in and out of her warm, wet cunt. He was entranced by the breathtaking sight of this beautiful young girl’s naked body, in the pale, silvery moonlight, writhing in ecstasy, impaled upon the rigid prong of his erect penis.

“Oooooooooh…” Barbra moaned as her orgasm peaked and her furious pounding began to slow until she just squirmed her ass against Mark’s thighs, grinding his hard cock around inside her still gently spasming vagina. Her head was thrown back and rolling from side to side, her long, damp hair swinging to and fro behind her. Her back was arched, supporting herself with her hands on Mark’s knees behind her, with her pert little titties pointed upward.

Mark sat up and laid his hands on Barbra’s slender thighs, slowly sliding them upward along her smooth, sleek flanks and across her curved belly to cup them around the firm little mounds of her breasts. As he gently squeezed and fondled the girl’s titties, he rolled her taut little nipples between his thumbs and forefingers while he ran his tongue around her up-curved belly and probed at her navel with its pointed tip.

“Aaaaaaah…” Barbra sighed contentedly as her orgasm ebbed. She raised her head and gazed down along her arched body, smiling with delight as she watched Mark fondle her pert little titties, tweaking her taut, hard nipples as he caressed her smooth belly with his tongue. After a few moments, she straightened up and threw her arms around his neck, pulling their bodies together and smothering his face between her breasts as she ground her cunt against his groin, feeling his hot, hard cock stirring around deep inside her belly.

Mark slowly turned his head from side to side, running his tongue back and forth from one taut little nipple to the other. His hands stroked up and down Barbra’s back, then slid down to cup her firm little buttocks as they squirmed against his lap.

With a nipple between his lips, Mark raised his eyes and saw Barbra gazing down at him, smiling, as she watched him nuzzle her breasts. He kissed his way up her throat and pressed his mouth to hers. Their tongues darted in and out of each other’s mouth in a passionate dance of lust.

They continued kissing for a good, long time, while they held each other closely, Barbra’s firm little titties mashed against his chest, her taut, erect nipples poking into him. As their tongues danced, Barbra savored her post-orgasmic glow, enjoying the feel of the hot, solid shaft of Mark’s erect penis slowly stirring within the tight sleeve of her vagina as her butt continued its slow grind against his lap.

Finally, Barbra broke their long, passionate kiss and laid her head on his shoulder with a contented sigh. “Ohhh, Mark,” she whispered in his ear, “that was just beautiful…” She extended her tongue and gently licked the side of his neck. She licked upward and flicked her tongue at his earlobe, then swirled it around the outer edges of his ear.

When Barbra’s pointed tongue speared into the opening of his ear, Mark’s body stiffened, and his fingers dug into the firm flesh of the girl’s buttocks, stopping her grinding against him.

Barbra, still now, concentrated on the delightful sensation of having Mark’s motionless cock filling her vagina, throbbing deep within her.

After a few moments, Mark let out his breath and his body relaxed a bit.

“Ummmmm…” she murmured softly into his ear, “your big, hard cock feels so good in my tight little pussy!”

“Yeah…and your tight little pussy feels so good around my big, hard cock!” Mark replied.

They sat motionless for a time, their bodies pressed tightly against each other, both savoring the delightful union of their sexual organs. “Ooooooh…it feels so hot and solid in there…” she whispered, “and I can feel it throbbing deep inside me each time your heart beats against my chest.”

Mark gripped the firm flesh of Barbra’s buttocks and slowly leaned back. He felt the warm, wet sleeve of the girl’s cunt slide smoothly up his rigid penis until only its swollen head remained within her vaginal entrance. The warm night air felt cool on his hot, pussy-juice covered shaft, now exposed for the first time in several minutes. After a pause, he slowly straightened back up, allowing Barbra’s moist, hot pussy to slide back down his rigid pole.

“Ohhhhh, yes…” she purred in his ear as his hot, throbbing organ slid back up into her, refilling her momentarily empty vagina. She once again ground her vulva against his groin so that his prick stirred around within her cunt.

Mark’s fingers dug into her ass again and he raised her up until just his cock-head remained inside her, then slowly lowered her back down onto his lap. This time, he immediately lifted her back up again and then continued to slowly pump her up and down on his upthrust erection.

“Ohhhh, baby…that feels so goooood…” Barbra breathed in his ear. She turned her face, drawing her tongue along his cheek to his lips, then thrust it into his mouth. Their tongues dueled passionately as Mark slowly pumped Barbra up and down on his throbbing hard-on.

After a few moments, Mark paused, allowing Barbra to sit quietly on his lap again with his prick fully embedded in her vagina. With his chin resting on her shoulder, he held her close as he gazed out across the moonlit lake, savoring the blissful feel of her warm, wet cunt surrounding his erect penis and her taut little nipples poking into his chest. Barbra, also with her chin resting on Mark’s shoulder, gazed out across the opposite side of the lake as she hugged him to her and enjoyed all those same sensations.

After a time, Mark released his tight embrace and began lightly stroking his hands up and down Barbra’s sleek, smooth flanks and back, then farther down to caress her buttocks. Running his fingertips back and forth along the valley between those firm, fleshy cheeks, Mark found the tiny puckered ring of her anus and tenderly rimmed it for a moment. Then he slid his fingertips farther between her thighs and touched the lower reaches of her cunt-lips, stretched and parted by the thick root of his own erect penis. He gently caressed the moist lips of Barbra’s pussy for a moment, then he pressed his fingertips down on the edges of her labia and against the sides of his rigid shaft. He hefted Barbra’s butt upward on his palms and slid her up and down on his stiff prick a few times, feeling the hot, solid shaft of his own penis against his fingertips as it slid through the soft, moist lips of Barbra’s vagina.

Feeling Mark’s fingertips caressing her cunt-lips as he slowly fucked her, Barbra wanted to see how it felt as well. She reached around and slipped her hand beneath her ass and touched her fingertips to her cunt-lips alongside Mark’s. Together, they both caressed Barbra’s taut-stretched labia and Mark’s prick as it coursed in and out between those tender lips.

“Oooooh…” the girl gasped, a shiver racing up her spine as her fingertips registered the contrast between her soft, moist labia and the hot, solid shaft of his penis, “your cock feels so strong and hard compared to my cunt-lips!”

They continued in this manner for a while, kissing and caressing each other, as they slowly and gently fucked, pausing from time to time, with his cock completely embedded in her vagina, savoring the delightful sensations. Both of them having had recent orgasms, they weren’t trying to work each other up into a frenzy of passion, but were, rather, just enjoying the blissful pleasure of the union of their sexual organs.

After a time, Barbra pulled away from him and gently pushed him back so that he supported himself with his hands on the deck behind his back. With her hands on his shoulders, she raised her ass, slowly withdrawing his penis from her vagina. As Mark’s prick slipped out of her joy-hole, Barbra thrust her hips forward and mashed her cunt against his belly. Getting her feet on the deck below her, she pushed herself forward, dragging her pussy up across his belly and chest to his face. Wiggling her ass from side to side, she brushed her damp, golden love-nest against his nose.

“Ahhhhhh…” Mark sighed, breathing in the heady fragrance of the young girl’s aroused vagina as his nose brushed through the soft, blond curls of her pubic muff. Extending his tongue, he touched its tip to her outer labia and ran it up and down the crevice between them.

Barbra groaned as she felt Mark’s tongue caressing her outer cunt-lips. Sliding her hands down her smooth, flat belly, she combed her fingers through the golden curls of her love-nest. Placing her fingertips on either side of her crevice, she parted her outer labia to open up her vulva. She groaned with delight and her butt squirmed as Mark’s tongue began to caress her soft, moist, inner labia.

“Ummm…ummmmm…” Mark murmured as his tongue explored the convoluted folds of her moist vulva. He was thrilled by the wet-chamois feel of her inner labia and the delightful flavor of her secretions. He located the tiny nub of her clitoris and gently coaxed it from its hood with the tip of his tongue. Barbra gasped and her body jerked as he caressed that sensitive little bud with his tongue.

She pressed down harder with her fingertips and her clit emerged even farther from its hood. Squealing with delight as Mark’s tongue strummed her protruding clitoris, Barbra threw her head back, arching her body. Mark’s tongue was pulled away from her clit and dragged down though her moist, open furrow, to lodge in the pit of her vaginal opening. Mark eagerly thrust his stiffened tongue into the girl’s joy-hole, releasing a gush of her sweet love-juice to trickle down his tongue into his mouth.

Barbra gasped as she felt Mark’s stiffened tongue spear into her love-tunnel. She pressed harder still on her cunt-lips, working her erect clitoris between her fingertips as she thrust her pussy against Mark’s mouth, fucking herself on his extended tongue.

“Ohhhhh, shit!” she squealed as her loins once again exploded with her pent up passion. She vigorously thrust her cunt against Mark’s chin, driving his stiffened tongue in and out of her spasming vagina until the increased sensitivity of her clitoris in orgasm caused her to pull back. She threw her arms around Mark’s neck as she sagged downward, smothering his face between her breasts. Gasping and moaning, her slender body bucked and writhed against him as she stroked her still spasming pussy up and down against Mark’s belly and chest.

With one last shuddering gasp, Barbra’s trembling body relaxed and she slid down the slope of Mark’s chest and belly, to be stopped by the upthrust prong of his erect penis, lodged in the crack of her ass, between her buttocks.

Barbra lay there atop Mark’s body, breathing hard, as sporadic tremors passing through her body. Finally, she heaved a gigantic sigh of relief, and relaxed. Gradually, she became aware of the hot, solid shaft of Mark’s penis pressed along her butt-crack. She reached behind her and touched her fingertips to the underside of his shaft and gently stroked them up and down along his urethra. Pressing his prick more tightly into her crack, she began moving her pelvis up and down, sliding her ass and pussy along the upper side of his throbbing shaft.

Raising her head from his chest, she looked into his eyes, smiling. “Ohhh, baby,” she purred, “that was fantastic!”

“It sure was!” Mark agreed. “I’ve always loved eating pussy, but I’ve never tasted one as sweet as yours. What really made it special, though, was that I never had a woman appear to get off on it like you just did! It made me feel like Superman to be able to make you come like that!”

“Oh, yes!” she said, sliding her cunt up and down along the top side of his up-thrust penis. “My ‘Man of Steel’!” she murmured, clenching her butt-cheeks around his throbbing organ, “with his ‘Cock of Steel’!” She raised her lips and gently kissed him, then thrust her tongue into his mouth. “Ummmm…I do taste pretty good,” she said, licking her lips.

After few more moments, Barbra pushed herself up and moved off of Mark’s body. He was still sitting there, propped up with his hands on the deck behind him. She sat down next to him, slipping her hand beneath his arm and around his body. She laid her head against the side of his chest, and placed her other hand on his sloping belly.

They quietly relaxed, gazing out across the moonlit water. Barbra’s hand slowly circled around, caressing his taut abdomen and, from time to time, straying downward to comb her fingers through his pubic hair to touch the base of his still stiffly standing erection. Gently encircling the root of his upthrust organ, she slowly, with just the barest touch, stroked her tiny fist up and down the shaft of his rigid hard-on a few times before returning her hand to his belly.

One time, as she was gently stroking her hand up and down on his erect penis, she giggled and said, “My, my…doesn’t this lovely ‘Cock of Steel’ ever take a break?

“How can it, when there’s a girl that looks like you sitting next to me and doing such wonderful things to it?” he replied.

They were quiet for a time, just enjoying their location and each other’s presence. Barbra’s hand continued to slide up and down the stiff, hard shaft of Mark’s cock as if she were gently stroking a kitten lying on her lap.

Heaving a contented little sigh she murmured quietly, “Ohhh, Mark…I think that this has been the most beautiful night of my life…”

“I don’t think so…” Mark replied. He chuckled as he felt Barbra’s slender body stiffen. “I know so!”

Barbra giggled and he felt her give his cock a gentle squeeze. “I’ve fantasized of having something like this happen to me, but I never really thought it actually would!” he said.

Barbra let her arm slip from around Mark’s back and leaned forward. She lowered her head and tenderly kissed the swollen head of Mark’s upthrust penis. Then she began to slowly run her flattened tongue all around that satiny-smooth, rubbery knob. Mark groaned softly and leaned back on his elbows. He clenched his buttocks and rolled his thighs outward, thrusting his straining erection higher.

“Ohhh, yeah…” he moaned, as Barbra gently grasped his upthrust hard-on and stroked it with an ever-so-delicate touch as she continued to caress its bloated head with her tongue.

Mark dropped his head back and gazed up at the moon, now higher in the sky. After a few moments, he raised his head and gazed down along his body to watch the beautiful young girl, on her knees and hunched over his loins, as she tended to his throbbing cock. Her tiny fist was wrapped around his thick, hard shaft and her pink tongue tenderly laved its engorged glans. The girl’s long, blond hair, mostly dry now, flowed down across her shoulders and hung like a golden veil, offering occasional glimpses of her pert little titties through the fine strands.

Mark’s eyes moved down along the slope of the young girl’s narrowing back and waist to her flaring hips and smooth, round ass, thrust slightly upward. He raised his hand and laid it on her slender flank, then ran it back up the slope of her upthrust butt. He gently ran his hand around and around that smooth, firm hemisphere for a few moments, then grasped it with his fingers and tugged her ass toward him. Sliding his hand downward, he grasped her slender thigh and pulled it up across his body so that she straddled him.

Barbra’s wide-spread knees afforded him a nice view of her puckered little ass-hole and the dark cleft of her cunt, as well as the neat little patch of golden curls, deeper between her slender thighs. He placed his hands on her firm, round buttocks and gently kneaded them for a moment, then he slid his thumbs up and down along the valley between them. Delving lower, he touched his thumbs to either side of her cleft, stroked her soft, puffy outer labia for a moment, and then gently spread them apart. The heady fragrance of the girl’s luscious vagina wafted over his face as he gazed at the convoluted folds of her inner vulva, its soft, pink lips glistening in the moonlight with her sweet juices.

Barbra’s ass squirmed in his hands as she felt the cooling air caress the moist tissues of her now open pussy. Her butt bobbed and swayed invitingly above his face. He pulled her ass downward and ran his extended tongue up and down through her moist furrow. He heard the girl gasp and her body quivered. As he continued to lick his tongue back and forth along the cleft of her tender, juicy vulva, he felt Barbra’s lips close around the bloated head of his cock and slowly slide down his shaft. Mark groaned and thrust his straining hard-on upward to meet her until his entire organ lay within the warm, wet embrace of her mouth. They both held it there for a few moments, then Mark relaxed his buttocks and Barbra slowly raised her head, withdrawing his throbbing erection from between her lips.

As she continued to slowly bob her head up and down, sliding his entire penis in and out of her mouth, Mark, in a haze of rising lust, lashed his tongue up and down through her juicy gash, speared it repeatedly in and out of her joy-hole and flicked its pointed tip at the now protruding head of her erect clitoris. The girl’s firm, round ass writhed and squirmed in his hands and he had to dig his fingers into the soft, firm flesh of her buttocks to hold her cunt close to his mouth.

Barbra also felt the rising tide of passion in her loins as Mark so delightfully tongued her inflamed vagina. She knew that he, too, must be riding that same rising tide, judging by the writhing of his body below her and the steely hardness of his hot, throbbing penis sliding between her lips and the hugely swollen feel of his engorged glans against her tongue. But the delightful feelings she was experiencing were so delicious that she wasn’t ready to have them extinguished by an orgasm, neither her own, nor Mark’s. She wanted to maintain this wonderful state of highly aroused sexual tension for as long as possible.

Barbra slowly withdrew Mark’s penis from her mouth and laid the side of her face on his belly. She stared at his upthrust erection as, untouched, it twitched and quivered expectantly before her eyes. Her own passions continued to rise as she felt Mark’s stiffened tongue thrust in and out of her vaginal opening and lash at her aroused clitoris. She knew she couldn’t last much longer if she didn’t quell the inferno building in her loins. Staring at that big, hard, throbbing column of flesh standing before her face, she saw her solution right beyond it.

Barbra gently, but insistently pulled her burning cunt away from Mark’s face. She carefully got off of his body and rose to her feet. She stood there for a moment beside him, then said, “I’m going for a swim, Mark!”

Mark’s mouth dropped open and he shook his head as if to clear the fog of passion clouding his mind. With an incredulous expression on his face, he looked back and forth between the young girl standing over him and the stiff, hard cock, throbbing and twitching expectantly between his thighs.

She smiled down at him, then walked to the edge of the raft. She stood there for a moment, her luscious young body, glowing in the pearly moonlight, then she dove into the water, her slim, shapely figure cutting the surface cleanly.

Ohhhh, yes… Barbra thought as the cool water coursed along her nude body and through her aroused vulva, reducing, but not quenching the fire burning there.

Mark got up and walked to the edge of the platform, waiting for her to come up. After a few moments, she surfaced and turned to look back at the raft as she tread water.

She smiled as she saw him standing there in the moonlight, his penis still standing proudly erect. “Com’on in…it feels great!” she cried. -“I’ll bet this nice cool water will feel good on that big, hot hard-on you have sticking out there! It sure feels good on my hot little cunt!”

Mark sprang from the raft and cut through the water. He came up smiling. “Hey, that does feel good!” he said.

They paddled about for a few moments, then Barbra saw Mark floating on his back a short distance away. The moonlight glinting on the now rippling surface of the lake silhouetted his vertically upthrust erection like the mast of a sailboat.

Barbra ducked under the water and swam over to him, surfacing between his wide-spread legs. Treading water with her feet, she cupped her hands under his buttocks and began licking his upthrust penis and submerged balls. “Ahhhh…this is great!” Mark sighed as he peacefully floated on his back, enjoying Barbra’s oral caresses. He moaned appreciatively as she gently bubbled air around his balls and the root of his cock.

Mark let his feet sink and he pulled Barbra to him. Treading water, they pressed their naked bodies together and kissed, their tongues dancing. A thrill shot through Barbra as she felt Mark’s hot, hard cock press against her thigh like a branding iron in the coolness of the surrounding water.

Barbra reached down and grasped Mark’s penis, moving it from where it pressed against the outside of her leg and thrusting it between her thighs. “Oooooooh…” she sighed as she felt that hot, solid shaft slide along her water-cooled cunt-lips. She worked it back and forth a few times, then she inserted its head into her joy-hole. They both groaned with pleasure as Mark slid his stiff prick up into Barbra’s vagina.

“Shit…that feels incredible!” Mark gasped as his cock slid in and out of her pussy and he felt the contrasting temperatures of the cool lake water and the inside of Barbra’s hot little cunt. Holding each other and kissing fervently as they fucked, they forgot about treading water for a moment and they slipped below the surface. With their lips locked together and Mark’s stiff prick pumping in and out of Barbra’s cunt, they slowly sank through the deepening darkness of the water until they settled onto the mucky bottom of the lake. Feeling her toes sinking into the icky mud, Barbra pulled her feet up and wrapped her legs around Mark’s thighs as she continued to ride up and down on his stiff prick there in the cool, dark depths of the lake while he sank to his ankles in the soft mud.

When they could hold their breaths no longer, Mark kicked off the bottom and paddled for the surface, while Barbra clung to the front of his body, hooked onto the rigid prong of his erection. They broke the surface, gasping for air and laughing with excitement at their discovery of an incredible new way to fuck.

“Again!” Barbra cried, gasping and giggling. “Again!” They both took deep breaths and again sank to the bottom of the lake where they kissed passionately while Mark, standing in the muck, drove his hard-on in and out of Barbra’s vagina, reveling in the delightful sensation he felt as his prick passed back and forth between the heat of Barbra’s cunt and the coolness of the lake-water.

Suddenly, Barbra pulled her lips away from his and forcefully expelled her lungful of air in Mark’s face in an explosion of bubbles. She broke away from him and swam for the surface. Taken by surprise, Mark stood there for a moment, then pulled his feet from the mud and swam upward.

Breaking the surface, he heard Barbra giggling merrily and he spun around, trying to locate her. He spotted her head bobbing in the water some distance away and he started swimming toward her. She laughed and took off, swimming away from him. Barbra rounded the corner of the raft with Mark in hot pursuit. When he reached the corner, Mark was surprised to see that Barbra had already rounded the next corner and was out of sight. He pressed on with increased speed in an attempt to catch up with her, but when he rounded the next corner of the platform, he still couldn’t see Barbra ahead of him.

Pausing for a moment, Mark listened for her splashing. At first he didn’t hear anything, but then he heard a faint tittering from far off and above. He paddled back away from the raft and tried to see over the edge, but couldn’t. Then he heard Barbra’s suppressed giggling again. He looked upward at the diving platform, twenty feet above, and saw Barbra’s eyes peeking over the edge. Mark realized that, when Barbra swam out of sight around the corner of the platform, she must have cut back on him by swimming beneath the raft and climbed up the ladder, while he had continued to swim all the way around the raft.

Barbra, seeing that she had been discovered, stuck her head out over the edge of the platform and waved at him, laughing.

Mark nodded at her resignedly, acknowledging that he had been had. He swam back around to the front of the raft and climbed up. He crossed the raft to the ladder leading to the upper diving deck and started up.

As Mark’s eyes cleared the edge of the upper deck, he found himself looking straight into Barbra’s luscious cunt. The girl was lying on her back right at the top of the ladder with her feet pulled up to her butt and her knees splayed outward. Her hands were at her crotch, her fingers spreading her outer cunt-lips to fully expose the moistly glistening folds of her inner vulva. Beyond that succulent looking offering, he saw her little Mount of Venus covered by her golden love nest and beyond that, the two lovely little mounds of her breasts with their tautly erect nipples framing her pretty, smiling face.

Mark smiled and eagerly thrust his head forward, burying his face in the young girl’s pussy. Her moist labia felt cool from her swim as he ran his tongue up and down through the folds of her vulva, but her vagina was still hot when he thrust his stiffened tongue as deeply as he could into her tight little joy-hole.

Barbra groaned with pleasure as Mark’s tongue caressed her cool labia and probed her hot vaginal passageway. Soon her butt was bouncing up and down on the wooden deck and her body was squirming in response to Mark’s flicking, thrusting tongue. Her tender cunt-lips warmed and her love juices began to flow, coating her flower-petal labia with her sweet, glistening nectar, replacing the cool droplets of lake-water.

With the smoldering fire of passion now re-ignited in her loins, Barbra released her outer cunt-lips and grasped the back of Mark’s head pulling him upward. “Com’on up here, baby!” she commanded, her voice husky with desire.

Mark climbed the rest of the way up the ladder and Barbra gazed up at him, her chest heaving, and her heart pounding, as he stood over her, moonlight glinting in the droplets of water dripping from his body. His penis, after his vigorous swim and climb up to the platform, was now only partially tumescent, projecting away from his crotch and curving downward over his balls. It swayed heavily from side to side with his movements.

Barbra rose to her knees and reached up, gently taking Mark’s swollen, but stiff soft and flexible penis in her hand. She raised it to her lips and lovingly kissed its broad head, while she slipped her other hand between his parted thighs to cup her palm around his now tight, water-cooled scrotum. She slipped her lips over the head of his cock and gently sucked on it while she tenderly fondled his testicles, warming his wrinkled sac. She felt his penis growing more and more solid between her lips, and its head crept up along her tongue. Soon it was stiff and hard, fully erect again.

Still gently sucking on Mark’s fully engorged cock-head, Barbra released his now more pliable scrotum and touched the fingertips of both hands to either side of his rigid organ. She lightly stroked her fingertips up and down the sides of his stiff shaft while she sucked on its swollen head for a few moments, then she began moving her head forward and back in time with her stroking fingertips, each time taking a tiny bit more of Mark’s penis into her warm mouth. Back and forth she rocked, more and more of his rigid organ sliding in and out between her tightly pursed lips.

Mark groaned with delight as his straining prick gradually slid deeper and deeper into the warmth of Barbra’s mouth. He gazed down at the enchanting sight of this beautiful young girl, kneeling before him, her angelic face lit by the pale moonlight, while his big, thick cock slid slowly In and out of her tiny mouth. He groaned again as a shiver ran up his spine, leaving him trembling with rising passion.

Barbra took her fingers away from Mark’s prick and reached behind him. Clutching his buttocks with both hands, she pulled him toward herself. Mark grunted as he felt the bloated head of his prick slide down the young girl’s throat as her lips slid all the way up his shaft to encircle its base and press against his groin. She held him there for a few moments, his entire organ in her mouth, her nose buried in the still damp curls of his pubes, then she slowly withdrew his throbbing cock from her mouth until her encircling lips caught on the flared ridge of his glans. Now she pulled him to her again, driving his rigid organ back all the way through her mouth and down her throat.

“Ohhhh, shit…” Mark groaned after a few moments as Barbra continued thrusting his straining prick in and out of her mouth. “You’re incredible, Barbie! Nobody’s ever taken me all the way in before, like you do…” he groaned. “Holy, shit, that feels so incredible!” Barbra stopped her slow thrusting and just held his cock in her mouth, her lips pressed against his groin. He felt her tongue caressing the underside of his shaft and her throat muscles tugging at his swollen knob. “Oh, shit…oh, shit…I…I can’t take it much longer…” he groaned through gritted teeth as he felt the cum beginning to boil in his aching balls.

Barbra turned her eyes upward to look at Mark and saw the almost pained look on his face. She very slowly withdrew his throbbing hard-on from her mouth, trying to be careful not to push him over the edge. She sat back on her heels and eyed Mark’s straining erection with fascination. Glistening in the moonlight with her saliva, it twitched and quivered before her, veins bulging along its sides, its head swollen and dark. It appeared to be about to explode from the internal pressure of its engorgement. Staring at Mark’s quivering hard-on, Barbra felt butterflies fluttering around in her stomach and a lump of excitement rising up into her throat. Mark’s cock twitched, jerking upward, and a moment later a tiny dew-drop of clear juice oozed from the slit at the tip of his organ. She leaned forward and flicked it off with the tip of her tongue, then swirled her tongue around and around the smooth, slippery surface of his hugely engorged glans.

She sat back again and just looked at Mark’s prick. The sight of it, in its present state, excited her tremendously. Her pussy burned with desire, aching to receive the hot, hard thrust of that marvelous column of tumescent flesh, poised so temptingly before her face. Standing up, she threw her arms around his neck and pressed her lips to his, her tongue darting into his mouth. His rigid hard-on poked into her belly, searing her cool flesh with the heat of its passion. She slid her hand down and gently wrapped her fingers around that hot, solid shaft and pushed it downward, through the soft, damp curls of her love nest, to the moist crevice of her vulva. Barbra rubbed Mark’s big, smooth glans up and down along her tender little cleft a few times, then she inserted that big, rubbery knob into her tight little vaginal opening.

Barbra moaned ecstatically as she pushed herself forward, sliding Mark’s hard cock up into her tight little cunt. Again throwing her arms around his neck, Barbra climbed up onto Mark’s body, locking her ankles behind his thighs.

Standing there in the moonlight, twenty feet above the lake, Mark gripped Barbra’s firm, shapely buttocks in his hands and jacked her up and down on his rigidly upthrust erection. Their lips were locked together, their tongues dueling passionately between their open mouths. The beautiful young girl’s slender body writhed against him with mounting intensity as his hard, throbbing prick repeatedly thrust up into her burning cunt, stroking the flames of her rising passions. Mark’s balls, now heavy with a fresh load of cum, ached for release.

Then he felt that tell-tale tingle deep in his loins, warning him of his impending orgasm. Their tongues still dancing and his throbbing cock firmly planted in the girl’s hot little cunt, Mark shuffled over to the edge of the platform and stepped off.

As they fell through the air, the first pulse of his ejaculation raced up the throbbing shaft of his penis and erupted into Barbra’s hot pussy. She shrieked as their sudden and unexpected drop sent a thrill of excitement shooting through her stomach and straight to her overheated loins. As Mark’s throbbing prick ejected its first spurt of boiling hot cum into Barbra’s aroused vagina, her aching cunt exploded as well, both their orgasms reinforced and intensified by the thrill of free-fall.

In their mutual state of ecstatic bliss, they seemed to fall in slow motion, every nuance of this extraordinary moment imprinting itself upon their consciousness. The thrill of their fall, the spasms of Barbra’s hot little cunt around the hard, throbbing shaft of Mark’s penis, the hot flood of his semen into her vagina, and the caress of their tongues as they danced between their open mouths, all contributed to the incredible intensity of their orgasm.

Then, with a sudden shock, they hit the surface of the water and were instantly enveloped by the cool, liquid darkness of the lake. Barbra was hit by another, even more intense, thrill as they plunged through the water and sank to the bottom while clinging tightly together, their conjoined sexual organs throbbing and pulsing in the most extraordinary orgasm either one of them had ever experienced.

A moment later, as they ran out of air, they broke apart and swam for the surface. They came up, gasping and groaning, their genitals still pulsing and spasming with their orgasms. Mark, now disconnected from Barbra, had to pump his remaining spurts of come into the open water of the lake.

Helping each other, they paddled over to the raft and climbed up the ladder. Spent, they both collapsed on the deck in total and complete exhaustion.