My Family’s Vacation in Ibiza

On the way back to the boat, all of us girls stopped at the shower and we each did a strip dance, but let our shoes on till everyone stripped. People came out and stood on their boats to watch us. We began to make out, sucking on nipples and feeling up each other, and then we began to fingered each other. Chloe suggested we switch partners and Chloe and Gabriela got together.

I looked at Beth and she looked at me. We both knew we shouldn’t in public, but it was too exciting to stop. We began kissing and groping each other. Then I felt Beth’s hand on my pussy and she was masturbating me. I was too horny to care anymore and let her give me an orgasm with everyone watching us, it was fantastic. But Beth was not finished with me. She pulled me down on to the dock till I was laying on it.

I lifted up my head to look around, now more people were out watching us. Beth stood over top of me, her feet by my head, as she looked out at the boaters, she began to squat down. I knew what was going to happen and I became super excited knowing that we had a huge audience. Beth was now on her knees, I looked out to the boaters one last time and then stuck out my tongue as I made contact with Beth’s pussy.

Beth rode my face and tongue, moaning loudly cumming multiple times and drenching my face and hair. Then I felt her begin to licking my pussy. I immediately came knowing I was having sex with my sister in public with an audience. I came several times before my sister pulled off of me. Beth helped me up and we kissed. As we pulled apart, we saw the boaters who were watching us, were clapping, all of the sudden I be came embarrassed. I wondered if we should take a bow or curtsy or wave to them.

Beth turned on the water and we washed off. Most of the people were going back in to their boats now. Chloe and Gabriela were standing off to the side and they came over to us when we turned off the water. Chloe looking at us with a smile on her face, said, “Well, that was quite the show. You should be proud of yourselves.”

We all went back to our boats, where my mother and father, although happy for us, were worried that we may get in trouble for incest. Gabriela’s father who was listening said, “There are no laws against incest in Spain as long as it is consensual.”

This blew my parents mind. But then he added, “Public sex acts are illegal though, but it happens a lot here in Ibiza and most people are cool with it. If you were to get caught, you just pay a fine. Judging by the reaction of the people here, I don’t believe you will have any problems.”

Our parents were relieved. We all talked for a little longer and Gabriela reminded us they were leaving tomorrow morning, then we all went to bed.

When Beth and I got up the next morning, we saw Gabriela and her family getting ready to leave. Chloe came to our boat just wearing the wedges she got last night. Chloe said, “My father told me that I would look sexy just walking around in these shoes, what do you think?”

Beth said, “He is definitely right, you look good enough to eat.”

I had to admit, Chloe did look good. We all said goodbye to Gabriela and her family, then watched as they left the marina. Beth and I put on our wedges and then us girls went for a walk around the marina. We past several people and they all were smiling at us. Some people commented that they liked our shoes. A few mentioned how pretty were all were, which was embarrassing, but was nice to hear. One woman about my mother’s age came over to us and said, “I enjoyed your show last night and so did my husband. It got him in the mood, if you know what I mean. There are several of us hoping to see something tonight again.”

I had to smile and Beth said, “Are people really wanting us to put on another show tonight?”

“Yea they are. Ibiza has a reputation for wild sex and people visiting like to be able to say what they saw when they get back home. You know just to bragging to their friends they were in Ibiza. My name is Betty, by the way,” the woman said.

“Well we have to be careful, we do not want to cause any trouble,” I said.

Betty said, “Oh don’t worry about that, everyone I have talked to enjoyed watching you last night. I saw your other friend leave this morning, it’s too bad she had to go. She had some body on her didn’t she. So is it going to be the three of you tonight then?”

I thought, oh my god, people are now giving requests for what they want to see. As we talked another woman and a girl came over, they knew Betty, and began talking with us. There were mother and daughter, Sonya and Bridgette. Bridgette just turned 18 we found out, a pretty but petite girl. Sonya smiled and then said, “Nice show last night, my husband and I along with Bridgette’s two older brothers enjoyed watching you. Bridgette watched, but told us it was disgusting. She is a little prudish. She also doesn’t get out much or have that many friends, she is more of a geek and is very quiet.”

Becoming a little mad, Bridgette said, “Mom, I am not prudish and I am not a geek just because I stay at home.”

Sonya then said in a teasing manner, “You should hang out with these girls and have some fun.”

Bridgette replied, “You want me to be walking around naked like them? I am sure dad, Oliver, and Harry would love that.”

Sonya shot back, “Well you brothers are boys, come to think of it, so is your father, they like to look at any girl and there is nothing wrong with being naked, it builds confidence.”

Beth seeing an opportunity said, “You can hang out with us if you want, we were just going for a walk, maybe we will go to the beach for a while.”

Bridgette was wearing a pair of shorts with a t-shirt, I could see the outline of a bra through the t-shirt. When Beth asked Bridgette to join us, her face lite up, but she was also scared. I could see Bridgette was trying to come up with an excuse not to come with us, so before she could say anything, I said, “You can wear what you have on, or we can meet back here in 15-20 minutes and you can change in to your bikini or whatever you want.

Chloe said, “We could meet back here, I really don’t want to take my shoes on to the beach.”

Sonya then said, “Our boat is right over here, you can leave your shoes there and pick them up on the way back.”

Bridgette took the safe choice and said, “I can go in what I am wearing.”

Sonya said, “Well it is settled then, hand me your shoes and I will take them to the boat.”

We all bent over to take off our shoes and when I stood up, I saw Sonya and Bridgette looking at my ass and pussy with a look of astonishment on their face. Us girls took off for the beach and Beth and Bridgette began to talk while they followed Chloe and I. I guess being a similar in age gave them something to talk about.

As we walked down the naked beach, Bridgette looked unconformable. Maybe because she was the only one dressed. It had become very hot and Chloe suggested we cool off in the water. Bridgette looked at little worried and said, “But I have my clothes on.”

I gave out a little laugh and said, “Well that is easy to remedy.”

“No wait, I mean I don’t have my swim suit,” said Bridgette.

Chloe began saying, “We all know what you mean, and I was in your same situation just a few days ago. I thought if I get naked everybody would stop what they are doing to look at me. Well let me tell you that is not the case. Look where we are at, you are about the only one with any clothes on. No one cares if you are naked here. If you don’t want to get naked, that is fine also. You can go in the water with your clothes on or, I assume you are wearing underwear. You can keep your underwear on and use it as a swim suit, or you can wait on the beach while we cool off. It is totally up to you. But let me just say, we all had the same thoughts you are having right now and once you get past it, you will enjoy yourself. Someone seeing you naked, is not going to be the end of the world. I can assure you, you will have fun being naked.

Bridgette said, “Really.”

I spoke for Beth and I, “We were afraid at first and well you see us now.”

“But what about my parents and brothers?” said Bridgette.

Chloe said, “Your parents let you and your brothers watch us have sex last night, that says a lot about how lenient your parents are with you.”

“Look you are very pretty and a girl, your brothers will be ogling your body every chance they get. They are probably thinking about you naked already. Have you seen them watching you when you are in your bikini?” I asked.

“Yea, they are always trying to look down my top,” said Bridgette.

“Well see there you go, they are already envisioning you naked, once they get use to seeing you, they won’t be an annoyance to you. Them being a nuisance is maybe why you are shy now,” I said.

Beth then said, “I believe your mother is worried about you being so shy. She is hoping to get you come out of your shell. That is why she suggested you come with us. From the way she talked, she will not have a problem with you being naked. As for your father, your mother probably runs the house doesn’t she?”

Bridgette said, “Yea, she is the one who makes the decisions, how did you know?”

“From the way she talked to us, she was very confident and since she was pushing you to be naked, I would have to say, that she has gone naked in the past, just a guess on my part. Look, she may even get naked with you.” I replied.

Bridgette sat down on the sand and I sat beside her. Chloe and Beth went in to the water. I waited a minute or so then I asked Bridgette, “What were you really thinking when you were watching us last night, and be truthful.”

“I was wondering what it would be like. God that is embarrassing to admit.” Bridgette said.

“Are you worried what other people are going to think of you?” I asked.

“A little,” Bridgette said.

“Well, what have you heard people saying about us, or better yet what did your brothers say about us?” I asked.

“Both my brothers are hoping to see today in the sunlight. They think you are hot and sexy. Come to think of it, I have not heard anything really bad about you, Chloe or Beth,” said Bridgette.

“Ok, you are on vacation, it is ok to for you to have fun. Just because you do something on vacation doesn’t mean you have to continue at home. For that matter, if you go swimming naked with us now, doesn’t mean you have to be naked around your family later. Although I love being naked so much, I will still be running around nude at home, just not out in public. After all I don’t want to get arrested. I am going to let you think about what you want to do, if you want to talk more, just wave to get my attention. I am going swimming with the Chloe and Beth,” then I leaned over and gave Bridgette a hug.

I stood up to go in the water, and turned to look at Bridgette before I left her. She didn’t have that worried look on her face anymore. She looked determined. I began to walk away and I heard her call me. I stopped and turned back to see what she wanted, I saw her pull her t-shirt off. Then watched as she unhooked her bra and pulled it off. Bridgette then shimmied out of her shorts and panties. When she stood up, I finally got to see the complete package.

Bridgette has light brown shoulder length hair, small cone shaped breasts with puffy nipples, small waist and hips. Her pussy is sparsely covered with pubic hair, she looks adorable. I grabbed her hand and we both ran in to the water and almost immediately she began to smile and laugh.

When Chloe and Beth saw us, they both came over and hugged Bridgette and kissed her on her cheek. Everyone congratulated Bridgette on taking the leap, then we began swimming and splashing around. After about 15 minutes of playing around, I went over to Bridgette and said, “See, you are having fun already aren’t you.”

Bridgette smile and said, “I feel a bit silly now, it is like you said, once you get over the fear, it is easy.”

We swam for a while longer and then I saw Chloe and Beth, begin kissing and making out. Bridgette saw it also, then remarked, “God are they always horny.”

“Don’t you feel a bit horny yourself?” I asked.

Bridgette got a serious look on her face, then said, “Being out here with no clothes on does make me feel a bit randy.”

“I have been constantly horny since I have been naked. I bet since you are with your family, you haven’t been able to masturbate. How many days has it been.” I said.

“It’s been five days now,” Bridgette replied.

“Do you want some help or do you want to do it here with me?” I said.

“What, do it right here, are you serious Ellie?,” Bridgette said with a look of shock on her face.

“No one is really around, come on, I promise it will be fun, after all you have come this far.” I ran my hand over Bridgette’s arms and said, “Can I kiss you?”

I saw Bridgette take a gulp of air and then nod her head. I leaned in and we kissed. I pulled Bridgette closer to me and I felt her in my breasts, then I felt her hard nipples pressing in to my body. I pulled away from Bridgette and look her in the eyes, then asked, “How was that, did you like it?”

Bridgette just nodded her head. “Do you want to do again?” I asked. Bridgette nodded again.

We began kissing and I pulled Bridgette’s hand up to my breast and place it there. She began to play with my nipple, softly rolling it between her fingers. I stopped kissing her and whispered in her ear, “Would you like me to give you an orgasm.”

Bridgette nodded again. I began kissing her as I lowered my hand to her pussy. She was very wet. I ran my fingers through her lips and stopped on her clit. I began to gently massage her clit with my fingers and Bridgette began moaning in to my mouth as we kissed. Then she fell against me holding on. I realized she had an orgasm already. I stood holding her so she didn’t fall down in to the water. She got her legs under her and stood up and we kissed again, then she thanked me. She smile and then asked, “Is it like that all of the time, I have never cum so hard before.”

“If you think that was good, wait till someone eats your pussy. We can do it now if you want?” I said.

“Here,” Bridgette asked.

“Why not, you are on a roll with firsts, might as well continue.” I saw Bridgette look around, we were somewhat isolated and then she said, “God this is making me so horny.”

I pulled Bridgette out of the water to the beach, we stood by her clothes for a few minutes, letting some people walk by us. I then shook the sand out of her t-shirt and spread it on the sand and then said, “Here sit on you shirt.”

I then laid down with my head between her thighs and began to lick her pussy. For better access, I asked her to lay back. Bridgette began to touch her breasts. I heard a noise and then saw Chloe and Beth take a seat on each side of Bridgette. They were helping to cover up what was happening, but they also began to kiss and suck on Bridgette’s nipples.

Bridgette was squirming and moaning, then Chloe asked, “Would you like to lick my pussy?”

Bridgette immediately said, “Yes.”

I watched as Chloe positioned herself over Bridgette’s mouth and Bridgette began licking her. Several men passing by notice what was happening and stopped to watch. It only made me more excited. It was just a few minutes, and Bridgette began bucking her hips and moaning in to Chloe’s pussy, she was having an orgasm. Bridgette’s hand moved to my head and pushed me away. So I sat up and saw a crowd of people watching. I signaled to Chloe and when she saw how big the crowd was, she lifted herself off of Bridgette’s face. Only after Bridgette sat up did she see the crowd and became embarrassed. I said, “Come on, lets move away from here,” pulling up Bridgette and the picking up her clothes, then we began walking down the beach.

“I can’t believe all those people were watching me have sex,” said Bridgette.

Beth said, “Yea look at that, you are not even concerned about being naked anymore.”

“Oh god, I forgot about that. Where are my clothes?” said Bridgette.

“I got them right here,” I said.

We kept walking and were close to the marina now, so I asked Bridgette, “So tell us, how was your first time being naked.”

I saw a smile come over Bridgette’s face, she grabbed my arm and stopped me, then kissed me and said, “Thank you, all of you. I never had so much fun before.”

She then kissed Chloe and Beth, rubbing her hand over their bodies till she pulled away. Bridgette looked at us and then said, “What’s next?”

“That is up to you. What do you want to do?” Beth said.

“You are going to think this is funny, but I wanted to be naked, like all of the time,” Bridgette replied.

“Well, if you want to surprise your family, come join us at the showers tonight for our show. Till then, you can tease your father and brothers.” I said.

“How can I tease them.” Bridgette asked.

“I have an idea. Put your clothes back on. Then we will all rinse off under the shower. If anyone asks, Bridgette kept her clothes on to go swimming and then showered with them on.” Chloe said.

We all waked to the showers and rinsed off. Chloe told Bridgette what to do and we all walked over the Bridgette’s boat. Her family was sitting on the stern and both her brothers eyes bugged out when they saw us. Bridgette immediately went in to action. We all watched as she explained to her family she went in the ocean with her clothes on and just washed off in the shower, saying she was soaked and needed to change.

Then Bridgette, pulled off her t-shirt wringing out the water on to the dock, leaving her in a very wet and see-through bra. She then pulled off her shorts and wrung them out, leaving her in her panties, which were somewhat see through. Her family was staring at her and Bridgette looked like she had no clue she was showing her body.

Bridgette said, “Let me put some clothes on quick.”

We all watched as Bridgette got in the boat and went in the cabin, leaving the door open. From where her family was sitting, they could all see her. Where I was standing, at the side of the boat, I could look in the open window, I saw her remove her bra and panties, then dry herself with a towel. I watched as she put on her sleep shirt which went just below her butt and a pair of panties.

Bridgette came out of the cabin and we all began talking again as Bridgette stood around in her shirt, with her hard nipples showing. We all said we should be going and Bridgette, reminded us about our shoes. Bending over to get the shoes, she was showing her panty covered ass to her family. She gave me a hug and whispered in my ear, “I want to be part of the show tonight. I will be watching and once you get there, it will be five maybe ten minutes tops for me to get there. I will make an excuse to use the bathroom.”

When I lifted my hand from her back, I purposely pulled up her shirt to expose her bottom. Then Chloe, Beth and I walked away.

I looked back and saw Bridgette, had sat down and begin talking with her family and was sure she was letting them see her panty covered pussy.

Chloe, Beth and I did our normal routine of showing off while showering. Afterwords we all went out for dinner again. Later when we got back from dinner, us girls went to the shower dressed in our skirts and shoes. We stood there waiting for Bridgette and it wasn’t long before she came wearing a top and skirt.

Bridgette said, “When I saw you here, I told my family you were going to do another show. But then excused myself saying I needed to use the bathroom. I am sure they are wondering what I am doing here talking to you.”

Chloe said, “Well since it is your first time, we should make you the star.”

Then Chloe began kissing Bridgette and then pulled away. Bridgette seemed like she was in a daze after the kiss. Beth then kissed Bridgette and when she pulled away, I began to kiss her. After we kissed, I pulled her top off her head. Leaving Bridgette topless. I began sucking on her breast, and Beth came over and took her other breast in her mouth. Chloe moved behind Bridgette, she then pulled off her skirt and panties, leaving Bridgett naked. I looked around and people already watching us.

Beth and I pulled away, then I asked Bridgette to strip us, one at a time. Bridgette came to me first and kissed me as she pulled off my top. She then sucked on my nipples, then she pulled off my skirt. Bridgette did the same to Beth and then to Chloe. After Chloe was naked, Chloe pushed Bridgette down and pulled her head in to her pussy. Bridgette began eating Chloe, but stopped her a few minutes later, Chloe pulled up Bridgette, then kissed her. Then told her to do the same thing to Beth and I.

When Bridgette finished with me, I had her lay down on the dock and sat on her face. Chloe laid between her legs and began to eat Bridgette, while Beth began to suck on her nipples and fondle her breasts. This was more than Bridgette could take and began moaning loudly in to my pussy. Loud enough boaters could hear her and this brought more people out of the boats to see what was going on.

Knowing we had a huge crowd watching got me very excited again. Then a group of people came walking past us and got in to the boat, right next to us. They stood watching me being eaten and I became so excited I had an orgasm and began to slide away from Bridgette’s mouth. When Bridgette saw the people beside her, she began to spasm having an uncontrollably orgasm, screaming out loud, “I’m cumming.”

Beth and Chloe pulled away from Bridgette, letting her bask in the glow of her orgasm. Bridgette after laying there for a few minutes, finally sat up and looked around and saw all of the boaters watching her. I believe that she had another orgasm when she saw them. Beth and I helped Bridgett up and then all of the boaters began clapping. Beth, Chloe and I took off our shoes and gathered our clothes and set them aside, then we turned on the water and washed off.

Afterwords we collected our clothes and walked naked with Bridgett back to her boat. As we were getting to Bridgett’s boat, in the boat right beside them was Betty and she was naked and ran over to Bridgett and hugged and kissed her, then congratulated Bridgett for the show and on her cute little body, running her hands over Bridgett’s breasts. Then a naked man with a hard cock appeared on the boat and he congratulated Bridgett. Bridgett went over to him and gave him a hug, being a tall man, his cock was against Bridgett’s chest. Bridgett then said, “Thank you, uncle Frank, I see you enjoy being naked also.” Betty and Frank said, “We will see you later,” and then they went back inside their boat.

Bridgett looked at Chloe, Beth, and I, then said, “Ok, I did know anything about them being in to nudity.”

I said, “I didn’t know that was your aunt and uncle.”

Bridgett said, “Oh I guess you were never really introduced to them, that is my mother’s sister.”

We began walking to Bridgett’s boat again and we saw her family sitting on the stern, quiet. Sonya, looked at Bridgett and gave a little smile. Bridgett then said, “Well here you go Oliver and Harry. You have always been trying to look at my breast and ass, so now you can see them,” as she turned around letting them see all of her.

After Bridgett got on the boat, Bridgett said, “Hell you can even touch me if you want.”

Them pulled Harry and Oliver’s hands to her breasts. Looking over at her father, Bridgett smiled and said, “You to dad, as she took his hand and put it on her pussy.”

They all pulled their hands off of Bridgett, then she walked over to her mother and said, “Mom, I want to thank you for encouraging me to be naked.”

We all watched as Bridgett leaned in and kissed her mother on the lips. Her mother did not try to pull away. Bridgett’s hands began to kneed her mother’s breasts. As they kissed, Bridgett move her hands down to her mother’s top and began to lift it off.

Bridgett’s mother looked towards her husband and gave a shrug as she let Bridgett pull it her top over her head. Now standing there topless for her husband and sons to see. Bridgett leaned in and began sucking on her mother’s nipples while she opened her mother’s shorts and pulled them down. Bridgett’s mother, standing there in only her panties, pulled Bridgett to her and kissed her, then she looked Bridgett in the eyes and gave her head a nod, letting Bridgett it was ok to proceed. Bridgett moved her hands to her mother’s panties and as Bridgett dropped down to her knees, pulled the panties off her mother. Bridgett looked over to her father and brothers and then stuck out her tongue and pushed it in to her mother’s pussy and began eating her.

Bridgett’s mother sat on the seat and opened her legs give Bridgett access to her pussy. I heard someone behind us, then saw it was Betty and her husband, both still naked. Betty looked at Harry and Oliver and told them to get undressed. They were both confused and Betty said, if you want to have your cock sucked, you need to get undressed.

Both boys pulled off their shorts and underwear, their hard cocks stood up. I was thinking Betty was going to suck them off, but Betty went over to Bridgett and stopped her. Betty kissed Bridgett, then said, “It’s been to long since I have been with my sister. Why don’t you go help your brother’s out.”

We all watched as Betty kissed Bridgett’s mother and then began to eat her pussy. Bridgett moved over to her brother’s and sucked on one cock, while playing with the other. She did that for a few minutes then pulled away and said to them, “Hold on a minute.”

Bridgett went over to her father and pulled him up and took off his clothes. Once he was naked, she sucked his hard cock a few times, then pulled him behind her as she bent over her brothers, then told her father to fuck her. Bridgett began sucking her brother’s again as her father slowly pushed his cock in to her pussy. Watching all this action taking place had me horny again. I pulled Chloe and Beth with me and we left. As we were getting close to our boat, Chloe said, “Tonight, we swap parent’s.”

Chloe kissed Beth and I then went on to our boat. Beth and I quickly ran to Chloe’s boat and went in. When her parent’s saw us they asked where is Chloe. With a smile on her face, Beth said, “We are swapping parent’s for the night.”

I pulled the shorts off of Chloe’s father while Beth undressed Chloe’s mother and we began. That big cock of Chloe’s father felt so good in my pussy. We all took turns with one another throughout the night. It was rough getting up in the morning, then making our way to our boat, where we woke up Chloe and my parents. We all walked Chloe to her boat and said goodbye to Chloe and her family as they left.

We all went back to our boat and Beth and I laid down on the stern and fell to sleep. I was awaken by some movement, there was Bridgett, sucking on my pussy. I pulled her away, then we all began talking about last night and how much fun we had. Bridgett told us after her father fucked her, both of her brother’s and uncle fucked her.

Everyone was worn out, so my family and Bridgett’s family all walked to the beach and just mostly laid around for the day. Bridgett’s brothers, still had some energy, so between, Beth, Bridgett, Bridgett’s mother, Betty and I, we took care of them. By the end of the day, they were worn out also.

The next morning, Bridgett, her mother and aunt Betty came to the boat to get us, we had decided yesterday, we would all go shopping today and we all walked in to town, dressed causally. Betty was excited and told us we are going to do what she use to do when she was younger. Betty took us to a shoe store and we all got a pair of high heels. Us girls were wondering why. Then Betty took us to a lingerie store, where Betty picked out a pair of thigh-high stockings, a small thong, and a lace bra to match. She then had us try them on. We then put on our new shoes. We all felt pretty and sexy. Betty collected all of our clothes, and then said, “Lets go check out.”

We then realized what was happening and my heart felt like it was going to explode in my chest. Betty explained that we were going to go get something to eat and walk around town, like we are dressed. All of the sudden I became very horny and from the looks of Bridgett and Beth, they were also. When we walked out of the store in to the street, everybody began watching us. My god I so turned on and my panties developed a wet spot. We walked to an outside cafe and sat down as we got some food. All of the tourists, were taking pictures of us, and some were just watching us. Everybody’s nipples were hard and poking out in the flimsy bra.

After lunch, we walked around a little more and then went back to the marina. As we walked on the docks, the clackety clack of our heels announced we were coming, and everybody took notice. When we got to our boat, I ran to my father, so did my sister and mother, we all told him to fuck us. We went in to the cabin and my father pulled down our panties and gladly shoved his cock in to our pussies, however, his cock provided some relief but, he could not satisfy all of us. My mother won out and that left Beth and I to take care of each other.

We lounged around the boat and then went for dinner, just wearing our regular clothes. We all stripped when we got back and sat on the boat having a drink. Then Bridgett showed up naked. It was the first time my father had seen her naked and his cock began to rise. Bridgett began laughing, then said, “I almost forgot, lets watch the show.” I looked towards the shower and saw all of Bridgett’s family naked, the guys cocks were hard. I watched as Bridgett’s mother and Betty got on their knees and began sucking the guys all at once. After a short while, Bridgett’s mother and aunt got on all fours and sucked each other’s husband, while Bridgett’s brothers went behind them and began fucking them. They were getting spit-roasted right there on the dock.

Bridgett went over to my father and took his cock in her mouth. Once he was hard, she climbed on his lap and they began fucking. I have to say, Bridgett really came out of her shell. Bridgett after fucking my father, then ate our my mother till she had an orgasm. Then did the same to Beth and I. I reminded Bridgett we were leaving tomorrow and she said, “That is why I am yours for tonight.” Bridgett slept with us that night, and thanked Beth and I for everything we did for her.

In the morning, Beth and I told our parent’s we were going to say goodbye to Bridgett’s family. My mother and father, both still naked, said they would come along. So we all walked there naked, and everyone was surprised to see my mother naked and her long lips dangling. We all hugged and kissed one another and came back to the boat and got ready to leave. Beth and I were wearing our short skirts, top, and wedges for the trip home. We went to check out and the man behind the desk looked disappointed, then said, we are all going to miss having you girls around. You really gave this place some excitement. Please come back again.

We left the marina for the airport, where Beth and I were not very careful, letting people see up our dresses often as we could. We made it home and it was late afternoon. As soon as we got in the house, we were hungry, tried and sweaty. Everyone stripped and jumped in the showers, the hot water felt nice, but it was really boring with out anyone to watch us. Beth and I showered together. We ordered a pizza and Beth and I answered the door naked to get it. Then a girlfriend of Beth’s called and asked to come over to hear about our trip. My parent’s said about getting dressed and Beth laughed and said, “No need too.” I didn’t even think about telling you this, but I have sex with several of my friends together. She wouldn’t mind you being here or naked.

Beth went to the door naked to let in her friend and brought her in to the living room where we were all at. When Sarah saw we were naked, she smiled and said, “I guess the vacation went well.” Sarah and Beth kissed, then Beth undressed Sarah and we watched as they had sex. When they were done, Sarah said, “Anyone else?” Beth asked me to show her my lips, when Sarah saw them, she gasped and said, “I got to suck on them.”

I told Sarah, “Look at my mother’s lips.”

My mother stood up and Sarah dropped to her knees and began eating my mother. After my mother, Sarah then ate me to an orgasm.

Sarah then looked to my father, and said, “There is no point in letting you out, might as well do the whole family.”

We all watched as Sarah sucked him and then fucked him. Sarah then left.

Beth, then said, “I have several more friends, but we should wait till another day. I believe we all had enough for today.”

The rest of summer was enjoyable, with plenty of sex. We are nude whenever we are at home now. I also began to loose weight, maybe from all of the sex. However, I miss being nude in public, although I do out layout in the backyard naked now. I believe some of the neighbors have seen me, but that doesn’t bother me anymore.

When summer was over, Beth joined me at college. But that is another story.