My Family’s Vacation in Ibiza

All persons in this fictitious story are 18 or older.

Hello, my name is Ellie and I live in New Hampshire, in the USA. I am the wholesome next door girl type, with a cute smile. Most of the time I don’t wear makeup, but when I do it is very little. I am not considered as pretty, or hot, or a hottie, or whatever term you want to use. I don’t have great cheek bones, in fact my face is a little round and pudgy, along with the rest of my body. It seems that I have gained the freshman 15 at my first year of college, not that I was skinny before college, I’ve always had a muffin top. I am only 5’2″ and it wouldn’t hurt for me to loose a few pounds, but I do have 32D breasts with half dollar size areola, and long nipples. I am not completely shaved, I has a small landing strip. Oh, I guess I should also mention, I have rather large labia or pussy lips as they are commonly called.

When I began college, I was naive when it came to boys. Now living in a co-ed dorm, I had to get accustomed to them being around all of the time. At first I was very shy, when I would go to the showers in the dorm, I went completely dressed. But over time, I began to relax and enjoy the attention the boys give me as I walk down the hallway. Lately, I have begun to walk to and from showers in a short robe, letting some of my cleavage show. Now I enjoy showing off myself, more than I ever thought I would. The boys like to stop and chat with me, just to look at my cleavage. Of course my big nipples pushing out my thin robe also helps attract the boys. Everyday I seem to be willing to show more of my body. In a way, it is like a drug for me, I need to show more of myself to get the attention that I crave.

A couple of months ago, my parents called me to let me know where we are going for vacation this summer. My father is an amateur boat captain, he has taken all kinds of courses and is actually certified, so every year we rent a boat and stay on it for two weeks during our vacation. We have gone to Maryland, California, and Florida in previous years. Then they told me, this year we are going to Ibiza. My parents said, that since my younger sister and I are now adults, my sister turned 18 a few months ago, we can go somewhere more adult oriented.

My sister, Beth, had just graduated from high school and now is working in retail for the summer. We almost look like twins, but she is not a chubby as I am. Beth called me a few days after I had talked with my parents and wanted to go out and buy a new bikini for our trip. I told her not to and explained to her, here in our small town, our choices are limited, but in Ibiza, there are bound to be some wild looking bikinis due to the reputation the island has.

Beth asked, “What reputation?”

I told her about the partying, that you only need to be 18 to drink. Then about the nude beaches and sexual promiscuity.

“How to you know about all of this?” Beth asked.

“I googled the place when mom and dad told us where we were going. They must know about the reputation this place has, that is why they said about a more adult location.”

“Do you think that means mom and dad wants us to get naked, or to party with them, or both?” replied Beth.

“I hadn’t though about getting naked with mom and dad, is that something you would do? We can be nude on any of the beaches, although some beaches they ask you to refrain from going completely nude, but just to appease the other tourists. I think where we are staying, on the boat, is considered the beach area.”

“Wait, you mean to tell me we can be nude on the boat while at the docks?” Beth replied.

“I believe so, but once we are there, we can find out for sure.”

It was nice talking to my sister about partying, and possibly going nude. We never had such a revealing conversation before and I think we actually began to bond over being naughty. We had never talked about partying, nudity or our sexual exploits before.

School finally ended and I got home about two weeks before we were scheduled to leave for Ibiza. Nothing really happen during that time. I was just enjoying the down time, while the rest of my family were at their jobs. Then the day before we were due to fly out, I decided to push my limits of showing off.

I wanted to work on my tan, one last time before Ibiza, but since I had already packed my bikini, I thought I would just wear a pair of panties and lay out topless. Going outside dressed like that was thrilling, but also had me very nervous. I kept thinking about what would happen if my parents caught me. There was plenty of time before anyone was due home. So I went for it. After about an hour of tanning, I came back in the house.

I walked in to the bathroom and pealed off my panties to get a shower. When I was done drying myself, I put the towel in the hamper and opened the bathroom door and began walking to my room, but as soon as I stepped out in to the hallway, there was my father. It took me a few seconds to react, I covered my breasts with one arm and put my hand over my vagina. I stood transfixed and finally spoke, “Dad, what are you doing home?”

As I stood there, my mind began racing. Am I covered up, was my first thought. I took stock of where my hands were. Then I thought, oh my god, I believe my nipple is uncovered. Then I though about my landing strip, I know it has to be visible. What do I do, I thought to myself as I almost began to panic. Do I re-position my arm, my hands, or what! The dirty part of my brain took over and said, do nothing, let him see you. So I stood there listening to my father tell me why he was home early, but I really didn’t care.

I keep looking at his eyes, I wanted to see where he was looking. His eyes were roaming all over my body. Between the embarrassment, the cool air on my body, and my sexual excitement, my nipples and my labia all became aroused. Time slowed down, it seemed like hours my father was looking and talking to me, but is was maybe 10 seconds before he moved to the side and let me past. I began walking to my room. My dirty mind took over again and as soon as I was past my father, I dropped my arm and hands. As I turned to walk in my room, I looked back and my father watched as I entered and then turned and shut the door, letting him see my body again.

With the door closed, I leaned back against it and began touching myself. My pussy was wet, I began in earnest to masturbate and brought myself to an orgasm, then moved over to my bed and fell on it. Emotionally thrilled from getting caught naked, and physically drained from cumming so hard, I never felt like this before, but oh my god it was fantastic. Right then and there I vowed to get caught naked again.

After several minutes, I got dressed and wondered out of my room to the kitchen, there was my father. When he looked at me, I gave him a nervous smile and said, “Sorry, I didn’t think anyone was home.”

He began to tell me he was sorry, but I stopped him and told him it was ok, he didn’t need to apologize, it was my fault. I walked over to my father and gave him a hug. When he hugged me back, he ran his hands over my back, his touch felt so good. My dirty mind took over again and I began to fantasize what it would be like if he hugged me while I was naked. In a few minutes we moved on and we began acting normal again, however in the back of my mind, I was still thrilled with him seeing me naked.

It was getting late and we were all ready for an early night, we have a long day tomorrow. I had on a sleep shirt and panties. I went to my sister’s bedroom and told her what happen earlier with dad. She gasped and then giggled uncontrollably. I had sat down on her bed and crossed my legs which let the crotch of my panties visible.

We talked a few minutes and then my sister said, “Oh my god, did you get off on dad seeing you naked?”

“No, no,” I exclaimed.

But my sister shot back, “Yes you did, I can see your lips pushing our your panties and your nipples are hard! You got excited just telling me the story.”

I quickly re-positioned my legs, closing my crotch. My face turned red, then my sister meekly asked, “How big is your labia?”

It took me a few seconds to process what she said, as she looked down at her bed, being embarrassed she even blurted such a question. To help lighten the moment I said, “I don’t know I never measured them.”

After Beth made a face at me, I told her, “They may dangle down maybe two inches or so, why?”

Then Beth asked me another embarrassing question, “Can I see them?”

I immediately said, “What?”

My sister then told me she has also has long labia and thought she was some kind of freak. But if my labia is big, maybe it is just heredity, maybe we got them from mom. I was gobsmacked. I have had the same thoughts not even thinking about my mother. I slowly pealed off my panties and opened my legs, showing my sister my labia in all of their glory and yes, I was excited and they were engorged and in full bloom. It was embarrassing, but I was also enjoying showing myself, even if it was to my own sister. I never had been so openly exposed for anyone before and although embarrassing, it excited me to no end.

I then said, “They grew some in the past year, but I believe they stopped now, at least I hoped they stopped, they are big enough.”

My sister then said, “My god they are huge. Mine aren’t nearly that big, but they are still bigger than any of my friends.”

“Wait, you and your friends compare labia?” I said.

“No, no,” Beth quickly said, “I have just looked around while we were taking showers in gym class.”

She then began to move and I watched as she pealed off her panties and opened her legs to show me her labia. She too was engorged and in full bloom. Beth was completely shaved. Then my sister said, “Wait, were you excited when daddy saw you today?”

Timidly I said, “Yea, why?”

“You said, once you were past him, you pulled your hands away, right?” said Beth.

“Yea,” I said.

“Dad, must of seen your lips dangling down, stand up and pull up your shirt.”

I did what she asked, then Beth gasped. I knew then she was right, this brought a whole new level of embarrassment and excitement to me. I had not even thought about my lips dangling down for my dad to see.

My sister then asked, “Do you have long nipples too?”

This time, I didn’t even bother answering. I pulled off my shirt and again my sister gasped. She then pulled off her top and I saw her nipples were just as big as mine. My sister began to laugh and I had to ask, “What’s so funny?”

“I always wondered why mom and dad never said anything to me about putting on a bra when my nipples are hard. I believe it is because mom has large nipples and she and dad know we inherited them. They know whatever we wear, our nipples will be still be visible to some degree and they did not want to embarrass us.”

It was my turn to gasp now. This was an enlightening conversation, but I told my sister we need to get some sleep, we have a long day tomorrow. As I stood beside her bed ready to leave, she asked, “Are you going to let daddy catch you naked again?”

I smiled, then said, “Not only dad, I think I am willing to let anyone see me naked. I get such a rush from showing off my body.”

Beth asked, “Are you wearing a dress for the trip tomorrow?”

“Yea, why?” I said.

“Are you going to wear a bra and panties?” My sister asked.

“A thong, but no bra, how about you?” I asked.

“Sounds good to me,” she replied.

I put on my shirt and hugged my sister, then went back to my room carrying my panties. I threw them on the bottom of my bed and laid down, just thinking about what I learned about my family, where I fell asleep.

I awoke to someone pulling on my arm, it was my father, telling me to get up and get ready to go. As I sat up, I realized my sleep shirt was up to my waist. My legs were closed, but my landing strip was clearly visible. I thought, oh my god, he saw me again, but this time I was too sleepy and tired to become excited at the moment, but it did put a smile on my face.

We all got to the airport and with the flight time and time zone change, we arrived in Ibiza just before midnight. We took a taxi to the marina and went to check-in. We all listened as we were given a short briefing on the marina. But the thing that really caught my attention, was when I heard, “The marina is situated on the beach, here you can be topless or completely nude, so don’t come to us to complain about seeing someone running around naked.”

The other thing that caught my attention was about the bathrooms and showers at the marina. There was a cold water shower on each dock midway between all of the slips, the guy said most people shower there instead of bathrooms. I began to fantasize about watching a guy take shower and washing himself in front of me, then I joined him and had sex while people watched us. He then handed us 2 bars of environmental friendly soap. I looked over to Beth, and she gave me a big grin. We made our way to the boat and as we walked, I did not see anybody around and there were no lights on in the other boats. It looked like we were the only people around.

Our rental boat is a 30 footer, with a cabin up under the bow and the dinning table which drops down to sleep 2 people. That is where Beth and I are going to sleep. The boat had been closed up, so it was very hot inside, and outside it was still hot.

My mother, sister and I got our things together for a shower and headed to the bathrooms. As we approached, the smell began to over whelm us. We walked in and it was gross, the toilets were basically an outhouse with a shower head next to the toilet. The heat of the day, made the smell unbearable. We walked out again and my mother, ever the optimist said, “It’s not that bad, we can do it.”

My sister, grinned and said, “Now I know why people shower at the docks.”

I had to use the toilet for a dump, so I asked my sister to hold my things while I went back in. I hovered over the seat till I was finished. When I came back out, I said, “I can’t do it. Come on, lets put on our swim suits and shower on the dock.” Neither of them complained and we made our way back to the boat. I thought my father would be there waiting for us, but he was not around, so we began to rummage though our things to get our swim suits.

My mother was in her little compartment, Beth and I had undressed. Just as we begun to put on our swim suits, we heard a noise and turned, there was my father coming down the short flight of steps in to the cabin. When he saw we were naked, he turned and quickly went back up. Beth and I looked at each other and had to stifle our laugh. I saw Beth’s nipples were as hard as mine. Beth whispered to me, “Just what you like, being naked for daddy?”

I replied, “You liked it too, I can see you hard nipples.”

We finished dressing and came out of the cabin, where my father again began to apologize, when he finished, I let him off the hook again and said, “Dad we are going to be here for 2 weeks, we are bound to see one another being in such close quarters, so don’t worry about it. I again gave him a hug and as I pulled away, he asked, “What are you doing back here already and why are you putting on your swim suits?”

We explained the condition of the bathrooms and told him we are going to shower on the dock. Then Beth said, “Don’t worry about walking in on us, Ellie is right.”

Beth had a sly grin and winked at me afterwords. When my mother came out, we grabbed the soap and headed to the shower. The heat of the day had warmed up the water in the pipe and it felt nice. When it came time to wash my bottom, after soaping up my hand I reached in to my bottoms and began to clean myself. I saw my mother and sister watching me, then my mother smiled and said, “You are going to have a tough time getting all of that soap out of you bottoms.”

I thought for a few seconds and I knew what I wanted to do. I looked around and did not see anyone. I then stood under the water and quickly pulled down my bottoms and rinsed off the soap and left the water wash off my bottoms, then pulled them back up.

Beth smiled, then said, “That works for me.”

I saw Beth begin to soap up her bottom and then she lowered her bottoms just as I had to rinse off. Beth and I stood there waiting to see what my mother would do. She just pulled out her bottoms and let the water run through them. When we got back to the boat my father asked, “How’s the water?”

We told him, “It was nice and a lot better than the gross bathrooms.”

He then took the soap and began walking to the shower as I began drying my face and hair on the stern of the boat. My mother and sister were also drying themselves. Once my father was close to the shower, which I now realized you can see from the boat and had to wonder if my father watched us. I quickly pulled off my top and dried my breasts. My mother said, “Ellie! What has gotten in to you?”

“Mom, no one else is around, so it doesn’t matter.”

I then saw Beth take off her top. I then pulled off my bottoms and threw them on the seat to dry, while I finished drying myself. I saw my father was finishing up, so I went below and got my sleep shirt and put it on, sans panties. Beth had come down, she was also naked. She put on her sleep shirt and with a smile, she said, “No panties tonight, or are you just trying to show daddy you pussy again?”

I told her “I want to finishing drying off, then I will put on some panties, but if daddy happens to see my pussy, well that would not be all bad, would it.”

When we went back to the stern, my father was there drying himself. Beth and I listened as my mother told him we stripped off our suits right there on the back of the boat and then got dressed. He smiled and said, “Well it is kind of a small cabin down there and no one is around, so I understand.”

I began to wonder if my father liked seeing us naked. We all hung out for a while on the stern and then got setup to sleep for the night. Beth and I put on some thong panties and laid beside one another.

Beth smiled at me and said, “I think we are going to have some fun on this trip. Oh, by the way, nice move giving daddy permission to walk in on us naked. I bet you can’t wait to be naked for daddy again,” then she gave me a hug. We both turned over and we soon fell asleep.

It was late morning when I heard a noise that got me awake. Someone was opening the door to my parents compartment. I laid still and realized my night shirt had ridden up above my panties. I just laid there, waiting. My father came out first, then my mother. I heard my father whisper to my mother, “Let them sleep for a while longer, can you start the coffee?”

I heard some noises and then they both went to the stern of the boat. I could barely hear them talking, then I fell back to sleep. Sometime later, Beth got me awake and as I sat up, I saw both of my parents were standing over us. I noticed Beth’s panties were showing, just as mine were. My parents laid out the plan for the day. Since it was almost lunch time, we would go for lunch and then go shopping for some snacks and drinks to keep on the boat, and some fruit for breakfast for the next few days.

“Come on, lets get dressed and go, I am starving,” my father said.

He then went out to the stern, while my mother went in to her compartment. It was already getting hot, so Beth and I got off the bed and pulled off our sleep shirts and Beth asked me, “What are you going to wear?”

As we were talking, we didn’t hear my father coming in to the cabin from the deck, until he was right beside us. It surprised us, but neither Beth nor I tried to cover our breasts. Then my father said, “Sorry, but you did say not to worry about walking in on you.”

I was so excited, but didn’t want my father to think he did something wrong, so I said, “We told you it was ok, and we meant it,” with a grin on my face. I stood there letting him ogle my breasts. My father watched as my nipples grew hard and extended from my breasts. I could feel my labia becoming engorged and expanding in my panties. Then my panties became wet. Oh god, I though I might have an orgasm just standing there.

Then I saw my father switch his attention to Beth. He looked up and down her body before he moved past us and in to his compartment, where he shut the door. Beth rushed over to me and hugged me and whispered in my ear, “I love being naked for daddy, it’s fun and it makes me horny, now I know how you feel.”

I then realized, we were both topless and our breasts were pushing in to one another. Feeling Beth’s hard nipples against my body, gave me another sensation that I immediately loved. When we pulled away from one another, I noticed Beth seem reluctant to separate and I think she enjoyed touching me as much as I did her.

We dressed and went out to the stern, we saw some people out and about, but not many. We all took off and walked the short distance to town. We got lunch and some supplies and as we were walking back along the beach we saw our first naked beach goers. Apparently, the marina is right next to a nude section of beach. I saw several boys our age with their cocks bouncing around as they walked. I jabbed Beth, just to make sure she was seeing what I was seeing. I noticed dad was looking at the girls as we past by them. Mom was also looking at all the naked people, but I also saw her looking at Beth and I to see our reactions.

Back at the boat, my mother was putting away the supplies and I said, “Come on Beth, lets put on our swim suits.”

My mother said, “I will be out of the way in a couple of minutes so you can change.”

I pulled Beth with me to the stern, where our swim suits were. I looked around and dad was in the cabin, I looked at Beth and smiled. I quickly pulled off my shirt and put on my bikini top. Beth then did the same. A quick look around again and I opened my shorts and pulled them and my panties off, I saw Beth was doing the same thing. We pulled on our bottoms and as I stood up and turned around, my father was on the steps to the cabin looking out, he must have seen us change. I had to wonder if he had seen me bent over with my pussy lips dangling as I pulled on my bottoms. The grin he had on his face answered my question. My father shook his head back and forth, then said, “Be careful.” I got excited again, knowing he saw my pussy.

My mother had finished a few minutes later and told us we could come down and change. She was a little surprised we were already in our bikinis and inherently knew what we had done, but did not scold us.

Beth and I went for a walk around the marina, we saw some topless women, a few completely nude, and even a few men nude. The marina was big enough that we could no longer be seen from our boat, so I asked Beth, “Shall we go topless?”

“Hell yea, I didn’t think I would ever be so excited about getting naked,” Beth said.

I untied my top and as soon as the hot sun touched my nipples, they became hard. I looked over to Beth and she was already working on pulling off her top. We began walking and soon we were at the nude beach. I looked at Beth, she looked at me, then we both pulled off our bottoms and walked on to the beach and sat down facing each other. The hot sand burned our ass as we sat and talked. Beth looked down at my pussy so I opened my legs for her. Beth then said, “I see you are as excited and as wet as I am.”

She then opened her legs for me to see her pussy. She was leaking as much pussy juice as I was. We both were getting sand stuck to our wet ass and pussy. Being exposed had me so horny, I could not stop myself, I began to masturbate and I watched as Beth also began to masturbate. Doing something which is normally very private with my sister watching me, and on a beach, was a huge turn-on. Each of us had to stifle our moans and we struggled to keep quiet. Then I saw Beth begin to shake, her orgasm activated mine and we both let out a loud moan. I saw a few people look in our direction as we both had an earth shattering orgasm.

We sat there for a while longer and thought we should get back. When we got up the sand stuck to our wet ass and pussy, so we walked in to the water enough to wash ourselves off, leaving our suits on the beach. The sound of the waves and water made me need to pee, so I told Beth. No one was near by, so as I stood up from the water, I began to pee and then lowered myself so it would not look so obvious. Although, I heard Beth gasp, I soon saw she was also peeing right in front of me. She was watching me, and I was watching her. At that moment, I loved having Beth with me, sort of a partner in crime, slash confidant.

As we began walking back to the boat still naked, we past several people. The first time we walked by someone, I thought I would die, my heart was pounding. But nothing happen and people really did not pay too much attention to us. After that, it was only us that got turned on by our nudity. However, there was one man we passed, that was looking really pleased when he saw our pussies, I believe he liked seeing our labia dangling as we walked. It was embarrassing but at the same time, so thrilling.

Once we got closer to our boat, we put on our swim suits again. Just after we had put them on, we noticed the family sitting in the boat right beside us, watching us get dressed.

Back at the boat, it was decided we would go in town for dinner and then wonder around to see the night life. Of course, that meant, a shower. I was more excited this time for a shower. Not only were there some people around to watch us, the sun was still up and my father came with us.

My mother made the snide comment, “Lets see how you wash yourself with you father along and people around.”

This only infuriated me, I can be stubborn and it made me want to expose myself even more. When we got to the shower, my mother again got under my skin by saying, “Ellie and dad, you two go first, Beth and I will wait till your done.”

I thought my mother does not know me very well, or then again, maybe she does and is egging me on. I washed my hair and then soaped up my upper body, as I did I looked around and saw a few people on their boats watching us shower. This only made me want to show off more. I tried to reached under my top, but it was not working very well and I saw my father give me a sly grin as he watched me fondle my breasts. So I untied the top string and set my breasts free. My nipples immediately became harder. As I washed my breasts, it felt so good to touch myself, particularly with my father and the other people watching me. I then looked at my father and asked him to wash my back. He was taken back a bit, but then I felt his hands on me.

His hand kept hitting the other string for my top, so I told him to just untie it. I felt my top fall away. I could not believe it, here I am topless with my family beside me and my father is the one who took it off. I was becoming extremely horny. I knew my labia was engorged. The thought of showing my father and the rest of the boaters my pussy, just about gave me an orgasm.

Then I thought about what to do next and I heard my father tell me he was done with my back. I told him thanks and then soaped up my hands and ran them in to my bottoms. Touching my pussy while my father watched, almost caused an orgasm. I saw my mother and father watching me trying to clean myself. Then I thought, they hadn’t said anything about my top coming off. So as I was all soaped up, with my father right in front of me, I pulled out my bottoms to let the water go in. I am sure my father was trying to look into my bottoms, wanting to see my pussy. Trying to wash out the soap was not working that well. I looked at my father and mother one more time, then grabbed the waist band and slid my bottoms down my legs and off my feet.

There I did it, I was completely naked with my family beside me and god knows how many other people watching. I had a huge smile on my face. I saw my father and mother watching me, but they said nothing. As I ran my hand over my pussy washing myself, I had an orgasm and let out a small moan. I wanted to continue masturbating myself, but thought I better cool it for now. If I go over the line now, there my be no coming back. I finished up and rinsed off my swim suit and stood off to the side, then said, “Ok mom, you can go now.”

Knowing I was naked in front of my parents in public with several other men watching me had me so excited. Giving myself an orgasm while everyone was watching, seemed unbelievable. I wanted to touch myself again, so badly. I wanted to release the sexual energy, but did not think it was wise with my parents beside me, so I held off, knowing I would have a chance to satisfy myself later.

My father move off to the side, then he motioned for Beth to shower. Beth did not pass up the opportunity. We all watched as she immediately took off both her top and bottoms, then began to wash herself. My mother was speechless, and was struggling washing herself with her suit on. They finished and we began walking back to the boat, Beth and I naked, being followed by our parents.

I was sure my father was looking at my labia wiggling around as I walked. I could feel my juices running down my legs. Then when I stepped up to get in the boat, with my legs spread apart, I knew for sure everyone had an uninhibited view of my labia and my juicy pussy, which kept my excitement going.

On the boat, Beth and I began to dry off. When I ran the towel over my pussy, it happen again, I had another orgasm. Since my parents did not say anything to us about being nude, Beth and I didn’t even bother with any clothes till we were ready to leave for dinner. We just put on a summer dress with no underwear while our parents watched and still no complaints. After a good meal in town, we went to a bar where my parents bought us our first legally purchased drinks. Beth and I drank several frosty margaritas and after a while we were both feeling the effects.

Back at the boat, Beth asked my father to help get her dress off. I knew she was a little drunk, but not bad enough that she could not undress herself. She then turned her back to my father, while looking directly at me and winked, with a little grin on her face. I thought that little slut, then I wished I would of thought of that. I watched as my father pulled the dress off of her and then she turned around and gave him a hug. I was so jealous and I wanted to gasp out loud at her brazen move, but did not want to ruin the moment, it was still exciting to see. We all saw Beth’s nipples were hard and I saw her labia was also engorged.

Beth surprised me again when she came over to me and said, “Let me help you with your dress.”

She bent over, showing her ass to my parents and took hold of my dress and pulled it over my head. We were both naked for daddy again. To surprise me even more, Beth came over to me, put her hand on my breast and looked at my parents, then said, “I hope my breasts get as big as Ellie’s,” then squeezed my nipple and said, “I like your big nipples.”

That is when my mother said, “Ok, time for bed.”

My father fearing we were too drunk, helped Beth and I in to the cabin. I felt his hands rub over my breasts and ass as he helped me down the stairs. My pussy was wet again. My parents left Beth and I sitting naked on our bed, then went in to their compartment and shut the door. Beth immediately brought her hand over her mouth and began to laugh. She was not as drunk at all. I too began to laugh and we fell back on the bed together. We rolled towards each other and Beth said, “Now we can be naked for daddy all of the time,” then Beth reached out and pulled my head to hers and began kissing me.

I kissed her back and then I felt her hand on my breast, squeezing my nipple. It felt so good, I had been horny all day. We began to fully make out. At one point I quickly stopped and shushed Beth. We heard moaning coming from my parent’s cabin, they were having sex. I wondered if daddy got excited see us naked.

Beth began kissing me again and moved to my breasts and sucked on my nipples while her hand went to my pussy. I knew we were gone to have full on sex with each other, and I wanted it to happen. When Beth’s mouth began an attack on my pussy, I was in ecstasy. She gave me an orgasm and move up and kissed me, her face was all wet with my juices. Then she moved her mouth next to my ear, and whispered, “I lied to you the other night. I have compared my labia with my friends, we use our mouths to measure the length and guess what, you are now the winner,” and then she snickered. Beth then said, “When I saw how big your lips were, I knew I wanted to have them in my mouth.”

I could not take it anymore, I move to her pussy and dove in, it drove me wild, licking and nibbling on every part of my sister’s pussy, until I felt her pussy spasm on my tong. We kissed and brought each other to several more orgasms before we laid down and cuddled up with each other for the night.

It was late morning when I felt someone shaking me. When I got awake, I saw it was my mother shaking Beth, it was just that we were still cuddling with each other that I was also being shook. We were both still naked, with my hand on Beth’s breast. My mother asked, “What do you want for lunch? I am going to get some sandwiches from the store and then we are going out in the boat to go snorkeling for the day.”

We both told her we didn’t care and she left. We got up and walked to the stern, still naked and sat with our father. Once my mother came back, we got the boat ready and left the dock. People were watching us as we past by them. All smiling and waving as they watched two naked teens go by. God, I was so horny again.

It was a great day on the water, and the waves were small. When we got to the first location and the boat anchored, we all dove in. It was the first time that I was skinny dipping and the water felt great all over my body. As we were swimming, I thought of another way to show my pussy. When we got out of the water for lunch, I got my shaving gear and went to the back of the boat. Everyone wondered what I was going to do and they all watched as I spread my legs and coated my pussy with shaving cream, then began to shave my pussy. My mother said, “Must you do that here and now?”

I replied, “I thought you would want me to do it here. I believe it is better now than later standing on the dock at the shower.”

My mother left out a heavy breath and with a little smile on her face said, “Well you are right about that.”

Beth came over to me and with a wink and said, “Here let me help you, then you can do me.”

My parents were sitting across from us, watching me with my legs spread wide open as Beth pulled on my labia as she shaved me, almost giving me an orgasm. When Beth told me she was done, I stood up and jumped in the water to wash off the shaving cream. When I got back in the boat, Beth had taken my place on the seat and had her legs spread wide open, waiting for me. Her lips and pussy open for us all to see. I took my time while spreading the shaving cream over her pussy. I knew she was horny and I wanted to masturbate her and give her an orgasm in front of our parents. When I started shaving her, I would pinch her lips and I would hear her moan. I ran my fingers over her ass hole, then said, “You have some hair on you ass, get on you hands and knees so I can shave you there. Beth’s face was flush and I think I embarrassed her, but she was enjoying it.

Beth was now facing my parents, on her hands and knees, as I put shaving cream on her ass. I told her stay still and put my other hand on her pussy. My fingers began playing with her clit as I shaved her ass. Then I let my thumb penetrated her pussy. I kept shaving her ass, just so I could fondle her pussy. Trying to give her an orgasm as my parents watched. I thought I was being cleaver about it, thinking my parents did not know what was going on, but when I looked at them, the expression on their face let me know, they knew exactly what was happening. At that point I didn’t care anymore and put a finger in to Beth’s pussy and began in earnest to masturbate her. Beth began to moan loudly and then she let out with a howling orgasm, her body shook and she dropped down on to her stomach. I finally pulled my hand away.

I looked at my parent’s and they were kissing one another, while my father was grabbing my mother’s breasts. They have had enough, they were to horny to care. My mother stood up and pulled off her swim suit and then stripped my dad. His cock was hard and jutting out from his body and my mother engulfed it in her mouth. We heard all kinds of slurping sounds, then abruptly my mother stood up and got on all fours and looked at my father and yelled at him, “What are you waiting for, fuck me!”

That shocked me and sent my father in to action. He buried his cock in my mother’s pussy. While I watched them fuck, I took inventory of my mother’s body. She did have large labia, larger then mine. Her nipples were huge, about the diameter of my little finger and as long as my finger up to the first joint. Soon enough my mother was in the throws of an orgasm and I watched as my father came in her pussy. When my father pulled out, I saw Beth dart over to his cock and sucked it into her mouth, sucking off the mixture of his and my mother’s cum. Not wanting to be left out, I attacked my mother’s pussy, licking up the cum oozing out of her. Beth joined me, and then we heard my mother say, “Fuck them,” while looking at my father.

He looked at us to get some sign that we wanted him. Beth and I both yelled out, “Fuck me daddy and then giggled.”

We both raised our asses and wiggled them, then I felt my father’s cock slide in to me. Just knowing my father was fucking me was such a turn on, I had an orgasm and screamed out. Then just as quickly as he entered me, he was gone and then I heard Beth scream out. He was fucking her now. He rotated between the two of us several times, giving me multiple orgasms. I heard him give out a long grunt, and looked back, he was cumming in Beth. My mother moved behind Beth and was now licking her pussy.

After a few more minutes of all of us fondling and sucking one another, we separated and sat down.

Beth then asked, “When you said we were going somewhere more adult oriented, is this what you had in mind?”

My parents smiled, and then my mother said, “No, we were thinking about, drinking and partying, and knowing you might see some naked people. But seeing how you two took to showing off your bodies, got us thinking about other adult activities.”

Beth said, “It was all Ellie’s idea, she likes to be naked for daddy,” trying to embarrass me.

My father said, “You wanted me to see you naked?”

I said, “No, the first time was a complete accident, but after that, I wanted it to happen.”

“Well sweetie, after that first time, I wanted it to happen again, see your naked got me going.” said my father and then he kissed me.

“I am glad you decided to join us, mom. I believe people will like seeing your big nipples and your wonderful pussy lips,” I said.

“I don’t think I am ready to show off my pussy yet. I am too embarrassed to be walking around with them dangling down. But I am willing to go topless,” my mother said with a big smile.

“How about you dad? Are you ready to let you cock out for us girls to enjoy?” Beth asked.

“No I don’t think everyone wants to see my hard cock, I’ll keep my shorts on thank you,” my father replied with a sheepish grin.

My mother added, “I can help you with that hard cock. I sure the girls are more than willing to help also.”

“The three of you are the reason, it will be hard. No to mention all of the other women around here,” my father said.

We went back to swimming and now that everyone felt no shame and can be honest with each other, we had a wonderful time. It was getting late afternoon, so we headed back to the marina. My father put on some shorts, and my mother put on her bottoms, but Beth and I were having to much fun being naked to put on any clothes.

At the marina, as we were pulling in to the docks, there were people all over now. People must have poured in for the coming weekend. As we were pulling in to our berth. I saw a beautiful blond girl in a bikini. She was definitively what I would call a hottie. Tall, blond, toned body with nice shapely legs, nice butt, small waist, nice hips, pretty face, and just the right size breasts, painted finger nails and toe nails, the total package. She waved to us as we went by and I could not resist, I waved back and said, “Hello.”

Beth came over to me and said, “She is hot, are you going to call dibs on her.”

I replied, “No, I think we should share.”

“Oh, you are the best, a threesome with my sister,” Beth said.

“Oh, not just you, mom and dad also,” I replied.

“Oh, I really love my naughty sister,” Beth said.

I gave Beth a quick kiss on the cheek and then got ready to jump on the dock as dad brought the boat in to the slip. Once at the dock, I looked around and every boat had some people hanging around it. Some women were topless, one older, heavy woman was naked, but most had on bikinis. Most of the men, were watching Beth and I, it felt nice getting the attention. As we were tidying up, I kept an eye on the girl at the end. After a while I saw her coming down the dock, by herself. I went to the stern of the boat and when she was close enough, I said, “Hello,” and we began talking.

I found out, she just got in today with her parents, her name is Chloe and she is 20. They are from London. After we talked a little, I asked Chloe, “Were are you going?”

“Oh, just taking a walk around the marina,” she replied.

“Do you mind if my sister and I join you?” I asked.

“But your naked,” Chloe said.

“It is perfectly legal to be naked here, but we can put something on if it offends you,” I said.

“No, I didn’t know you can be naked here. You can come as you are, it doesn’t bother me,” said Chloe.

So, Beth and I began walking with Chloe. As we walked, we had the attention of every guy around. We steered Chloe to the nude beach and sat on the sand. Beth and I sat lewdly, facing Chloe, with our legs open. I was trying to think of a way to get Chloe naked. Then Chloe asked, “What is it like being naked in front of your parents?”

I told Chloe, it is very exciting, it’s exciting to be naked anywhere. Ever since we got here I have been constantly horny. Then Chloe asked, “How did you start?”

I explained about being caught naked while changing, and about how we told our father it was ok if he saw us. When I finished, Chloe said, “Our boat is similar to yours and the cabin is very small, with a small grin on her face.”

We then found out it was Chloe’s and her parent’s first time here and her father’s first time renting a boat. He has been behind the wheel before, but he is a little nervous being on his own. That let an opening for us, I suggested our fathers get together, that my father can help, we can go out on the boats together tomorrow. We all agreed that was a good idea. We then asked Chloe if she wanted to go in the water for a while or should we just head back. Chloe looked around and there were quite a few people around us, then said, “I’m to embarrassed to get naked. Can we just go back.”

Beth quickly said, “You don’t have to get naked if you don’t want too. You can swim in your bikini or you can go topless, whatever, it is up to you.”

I assume because we were naked, Chloe thought she also should be naked also, or if it is a naked beach you have to be naked. But whatever the reason, we went swimming, Chloe still in her bikini. We began playing around in the water. Chloe’s top was a little loose after it got wet, so being the perfect friend, I let her know. Chloe stood up to fix her top and looked around, then with a smile on her face, she looked at Beth and I, then flashed us before retying the string. Chloe began laughing and it seemed she had fun exposing herself. I on the other hand, after seeing her firm breasts, with puffy nipples, just wanted to devour her. We left the beach a while later and walked back to the marina. We stopped at our boat to talk with my father about Chloe’s father. Chloe suggested we put on our bikinis then all go meet her parent’s.

We all walked to Chloe’s boat and Chloe made the introductions. Our father’s got along really well as they talked about boating. Our mother’s got along and before we knew it, we were all going out for dinner later.

It was time for another shower, so my family walked there in our swim suits. Although, this time my mother pulled off her top after she saw Beth and I strip, much to the enjoyment of all the men watching us. I must also say that stripping with the people watching me, was more exciting than just starting out naked. It’s like people are getting to see something that they shouldn’t be seeing.

We had dinner with Chloe and her parents and then began walking around. We went in to a bar, where we drank sensibly this time. Afterwords, we began walking back to the boat and once we were close, I suggested us girls take a walk around the marina. So we broke off from our parents, when we were out of sight. I opened up my button up dress and the air on my body felt good.

Chloe saw what I had done and mentioned that if she had a button up dress instead of her pull over, it would be a good way for her to get accustomed to being naked. Being the good friend that I am, I told her she can have my dress if she liked. I could see the wheels turning in her head and I was hopeful she would take me up on the offer. When she said ok, I immediately took off my dress, but Chloe wanted to be somewhere more private so we walked to the beach. With no one around and dark, Chloe undressed.

I said, “Before you get dressed and since no one is around, lets play around on the beach for a while.”

Chloe had on a pair of white cotton panties. Beth stripped and we began running towards the water. We all waded in to the water and a big wave caught us by surprise and knocked us over. We walked out of the water laughing and then Chloe sounding a little upset asked, “What am I going to do?”

We calmed her down and asked what she meant. Chloe was worried that her parent’s would scold her and ask why she was in the water. We came up with a plan, although Chloe did not really like it. Chloe had to ditch her wet panties, we let them on the beach. I let Chloe put on my dress, which she only did up a few buttons, then we walked back to the marina The first shower we got to, Chloe stripped and we all stood under the shower.

Under the lights, I saw Chloe’s pussy for the first time, her pussy hair was trimmed for a bikini, but she had plenty of hair remaining. I began wondering how it would feel in my mouth and giggled as I thought about getting loose hair in my mouth and having to spit it out. While we showered, I saw several people watching us, but Chloe was to preoccupied showering to notice.

We then walked back out of the marina naked to dry off. The hot night air did it’s job and other than having some uncombed hair, we were all fresh again. Chloe was very happy and was excited about having been naked. She told us it was not as bad as she had perceived it to be and the air felt good on her body. Chloe then said, “It’s not that I am just too shy, but I don’t believe my parents would like me to be running around naked.”

We walked back to our boat and we all said good-night.

Beth and I told our parent’s what happen and we all laughed about it. My father asked, “What do you have in mind for Chloe?”

I looked at him and said, “Probably the same thing you would like to do to her. If everything goes well, we all will get our way with her. What did you think of Chloe parent’s, her mother is pretty, wouldn’t you like to be with her also dad?”

Then I looked at my mother, “What do you think of Chloe’s father or mother, whom ever you like.”

“You girls are naughty,” said my mother.

My father ask, “What are you girls going to do tomorrow, put on clothes to go swimming in front of Chloe’s parent’s?”

“For starters,” I said, then added, “I believe Chloe is going to let her father catch her naked tonight, like we did with you dad.”

I saw my father’s cock was straining against his shorts, so I stood beside him and rubbed my hand over his cock. He immediately got very hard. He smiled at me then said, “You shouldn’t start something you aren’t willing to finish.”

I smiled back, then said, “Oh, I am more than willing to finish, I have been horny all day.” I got on my knees and pulled down his shorts, then swallowed his cock.

Beth came beside me and together we sucked his cock and balls. A few times Beth and I started at his balls, Beth on one, I on the other and then moved to his cock, where we each licked our half till we met. We then kissed, sharing my father’s juices with each other. Then down his cock to his balls again. When we met at his cock head the next time, without any warning, my father began cumming, in our mouths at first, then all over our faces.

The next morning while we were sitting on the stern of the boat having some breakfast, I saw Chloe walking down the dock in her bikini, she waved and had a big smile on her face. She asked if we wanted to go for a walk. So Beth and I went with her, Chloe did not ask us to put on any clothes. As soon as we were away from the boat, she began telling us what happen last night.

**** Chloe telling Ellie and Beth What happen

My parents know that you go naked all of the time. One of the other boaters told my father about you two, apparently thinking he would like to see two naked teen girls. Both of you are talked about all around the marina. All of the men are watching you. I do believe my father wants to see you also, he had a little smile on his face as he was telling us what the other men had said. He also mentioned the other men like the way your labia dangles between your legs.

But about last night, when I got in I was able to sneak on another pair of panties, then soon after my parents mentioned about getting ready for bed. My mother and I went in to the cabin, so I took off my dress and my mother took off hers. I mentioned how hot it was in the boat and stood around in just my panties, talking with my mother. I looked through my clothes and pulled out another pair of panties and laid them on the bed. Then pulled off what I had on. My mother told me I had better get dressed, that my father would be coming shortly.

I then told my mother how you got to be naked in front of your parents. I sort of told her what you said. Saying it is much simpler to be comfortable with each other on the boat. My mother got the hint and told me she knows being in such close quarters privacy is difficult. My mother asked if I was sure about us being naked together, and told her yes. She then pulled off her panties and we stood there till my father came down.

He was surprised to say the least. My mother explained the situation, meanwhile my father would not look at me. He finally agreed and I told him it was ok to look at me. When he did, I turned around for him and then I sat on my bed and opened my legs open to show him my most intimate parts. He again looked away so I told him I wanted him to see all of me, so he does not need to be guarded when we are together. My mother encouraged him to look at me, so he finally did.

It was so embarrassing, but it also made me so horny. I opened my pussy for him and ran my hand over my body. With my father watching me, I became so wet. I saw my father was hard, his shorts were tenting out. I looked in to his eyes, then told him it is ok if he gets hard, I understand and I like that my dad gets hard looking at me, then gave him a wink. I looked at my mother, then said, “If you want to help dad out, it would be ok with me,” then gave her a wink.

My mother pulled down his shorts and gave him a blow job. I was so excited when I saw his cock being sucked by my mother. My mother then turned around and leaned over the table and I watched as my father took her from behind. I could not stop myself and masturbated while they watched me. It was the hottest thing that I even done. Just thinking about it now has me horny again.

**** End of Chloe tell her story, back to normal

“So everyone is talking about us,” I asked Chloe.

“Everyone thinks you are hot,” Chloe said.

“In that case I am glad you are not going naked yet. You would be the one everyone thinks is hot. I think you are hot!”

Chloe said, “This morning my parents asked if I was going to be walking around nude like the two of you. I told them I was not ready for that yet. I think my mother was relieved at that. I sort of get the feeling that she would not like me to be walking around naked for everyone to see.”

“Whenever you are ready, I will be there for you?” I said.

“Me too,” said Beth and then gave Chloe a hug.

When Chloe pulled away from Beth, she said, “I do want to know how it feels to be naked though. Maybe I will just take off my top for now, my mother does not have to know.”

We were at the nude beach again and we saw Chloe’s panties laying there that she took them off last night. It was still early and only a few people around, none nearby. Chloe, took off her top, and stood there looking around, just getting use to being topless.

I was mulling over in my head about telling Chloe that we had sex with my parents. Then thought since she watched her parents have sex and masturbated in front of them, sex with them was not too far of a stretch. So I said, “Chloe since we are friends, I think there is something else we should tell you. We had sex with our parent’s and Beth and I have sex together.”

Chloe with a look of astonishment on her face, said, “Wow, I was curious about that, when I saw my parent’s last night, I was wondering what it would be like to suck my father’s cock, or him fuck me, and how my mother’s breast would feel. But I was sort of ashamed of having those thoughts about my family.”

Beth said, “Let me tell you, having my father pushing his cock in me, was the hottest thing I have ever done. Just knowing it was my father had me cumming all over his cock.”

I said, “Yea, after my father came in Beth, I licked his cum out of her pussy, with my mother, it was so hot, hotter than when I licked his cum out of my mother. Just thinking about it has me excited again, look at my nipples and pussy.”

Beth came over to me and rubbed her hand over my pussy as Chloe watched. When she pulled her hand away it was wet and Beth lick her hand.

Chloe asked, “How long have the two of you been having sex together?”

“Just in the last day or two,” I replied.

“Is it just you too, or do you have sex with other girls also?” said Chloe.

“It has just been the two of us together so far. To be honest though, we would both like to have sex with you, if you would want too,” I said.

“Oh god, I always wondered what that would be like, but I like boys,” said Chloe.

“Oh don’t get us wrong, we are not giving up boys or men, it’s just nice to be with someone to help you when you need to scratch that itch and it is as much fun as sex with a guy. Sex with another girl is more emotional and satisfying than some mechanical device or your fingers, and it is very exciting,” I said.

Beth was standing beside me and ran her hand over my pussy again, then said, “She also tastes great.”

Beth then looked at Chloe and said, “You have tasted yourself haven’t you?”

“Yea,” said Chloe shyly.

“Here try it,” Beth pulled Chloe’s hand over my pussy. Just knowing it was Chloe’s hand made me more excited.

Chloe brought her hand to her mouth and tentatively lick her hand. When she licked her hand again, I knew she was not repulsed by her actions and there was a chance we would have sex real soon.

After Chloe licked her hand a few more times, Chloe said, “I see what you mean, knowing I am tasting you, is making me horny. Can I try something else, Ellie?”

I said, “Sure go ahead.”

“But you don’t even know what I want to do,” replied Chloe.

“Well I know you are not going to hurt me, so it is ok, whatever you want,” I said.

“I just want to touch your breasts, I have felt my own and I always wondered how different another girl’s may feel,” said Chloe.

Beth said, “You can also touch mine if you want too.”

Beth and I stood side by side, while Chloe reached out and began squeezing our breasts and nipples. She was getting in to it and then all of the sudden, she pulled back her hand and said, “I almost forget where we are at.”

“But you liked it, didn’t you?” I said.

Chloe replied, “Yes, I wasn’t sure if I would, I know I am not a lesbian, but just being sexual with another girl, is making me horny. I can see how it would be fun to experiment as they say. But here in public is a little too much for me right now. Maybe later in a more private setting, if you don’t mind.”

“I don’t mind one bit”, I said, then, “lets play in the water for a while.”

We went in to the water and begun playing around, then I saw Chloe pull off her bottoms and throw them on the beach.

Then Chloe said, “It’s easier to be naked when no one is around.”

Beth said, “Yea, but when no one is around, you don’t get nervous, and embarrassed, those feelings are what makes it more exciting.”

We played in the water for a few minutes and decided we should get back to the boat. Chloe put on her bikini and we walked back to our boat. We talked about getting ready to go out for the day with my mother, who was now topless. We wanted to check in with Chloe’s parents to see if there were ready, so us girls walked to Chloe’s boat.

When we were getting close, I saw Chloe’s father on the stern watching us as we approached. He had a smile on his face and he was looking us over. When we stopped by the boat, I stood there with my legs a part, a little more than normal, knowing he wanted to see my labia. From where Chloe’s father was sitting, he was about eye level with my pussy. I watched to see if he got hard. I was becoming wet knowing he was looking at my pussy. After a few minutes, I saw his shorts pushing out. We got everything sorted and about half hour later we were on our way, with Chloe and her parent’s following us out of the marina.

It was another nice day on the water. As we motored to the first location by a reef, I was on the bow of our boat. Chloe was on the bow of her parent’s boat, which was running along side us. We could motion to one another and if we yelled, we mostly heard one another. The wind blowing over my body felt wonderful and my labia was being gently massaged by the breeze.

Once we got to the reef. We put out the bumpers and tied the boats side by side. We were all getting ready to go for a swim when I said to Chloe, “You should swim nude, having the water all over your body feels amazing,” knowing Chloe’s mother was close enough to hear me.

Chloe looked at her mother and her mother gave a little smile and then said, “Chloe, if you want to swim naked go ahead.” This got the attention of Chloe’s father and my parent’s. A smile came over Chloe’s face and she slowly pulled off her top as we all watched. Chloe’s nipples instantly got hard. Then Chloe’s put her hands on the waist band of her bottoms, and began to shimmy them down her body. Free of clothing Chloe stood up and had a big grin on her face.

My mother who was topless, then asked Chloe’s parent’s, “Do you mind if we go naked also?”

Chloe’s mother looked to her husband and then said, “No, I guess we might as well all be naked,” as she began to pull off her top. Chloe’s mother, now naked, although older, was very pretty, and I could see just how much Chloe and her mother looked alike.

My parent’s pulled off their swim suits and of course my father’s cock was hard. Chloe’s mother said, “See honey, he is hard, so nothing to be embarrassed about.”

Then Chloe’s mother went over and pulled down her husband’s shorts, his huge hard cock came in to view. I almost gasped out loud. When I regained my composure, I saw Beth and my mother were still staring at his cock.

We all got sorted out and began swimming and snorkeling. Although, I saw my father and Chloe’s father were still semi-hard. Everyone began to play around splashing one another. So I came up with a plan to get Chloe’s father closer to her. I told Chloe, “Lets get our fathers and play a game of shoulder war.”

Chloe knew the game and said, “The water is too deep here for that.”

I gave a smile and then told Chloe, “I know, I just want you and your father to get closer together, get him use to touching you.”

“You know Ellie, I saw you staring at his cock earlier, your mouth even dropped open, why don’t you climb on his back,” said Chloe.

“After seeing the size of his cock, if I do any climbing, it will be on his dick. Why didn’t you tell me his cock was huge,” I said.

Chloe said, “Well I haven’t seen a lot to have a good reference for size, but it does look pretty big now that you mention it.”

Our father’s were talking to one another so I told Chloe to come with me. We swam over to them and I said, “Can we play a game of shoulder war or is the water too deep?”

My father smiled and I believe he knew what I was up to and played along. Chloe’s father immediately said, “The water is too deep here,” looking very unconformable.

My father said, “Lets give it a try.”

With our father’s facing one another, I moved behind my father, pressing my breasts in to his back and I watched as Chloe got behind her father. When she pulled herself against him, she had a smile on her face. Chloe was enjoying squashing her breasts against her father’s back. I believe he was loving the feeling, but embarrassed it was his daughter. I saw his cock was now completely hard, sticking straight up.

I made the first move to climb up on my father’s shoulder, although with out a stable base, it pushed my father down and I fell over the front of him. As I went under the water, with my arms flailing, I felt Chloe’s father’s cock with my hand. I wanted to grab it and start jerking him off, but I knew I needed to control myself for now. I didn’t want to push it.

After I surfaced, I looked at Chloe and said, “I don’t think I can get on his shoulder’s, give it a try.”

I saw Chloe’s father had a look of fear and excitement as Chloe tried to pull herself on to his shoulders only to slide around the front of him, with her breast sliding over her father’s mouth. Chloe was holding on to her father, almost like hugging him as she slide down his front. She wrapped her legs around him, before stopping herself from going any lower. Chloe only held him for a few seconds, then let go and swam to his side.

We were now joined by Beth so we swam towards the boat. On the way, Chloe told us her father’s cock was pressed against her pussy, it made her so horny, she wanted to slide down on to it and fuck him, just the thought of his cock touching me is driving me crazy. We all got back in the boat to rest and have some lunch. As we were all sitting around, I mentioned to Chloe she was the only one who has hair on her pussy, other than my landing strip that is.

Chloe said, “I thought about shaving after seeing everyone else is basically bald.”

“Do you want to shave it off now?” I said.

“Here!,” Chloe replied.

“Yea, watch Beth and I, then if you want, we can shave you,” I said.

I let Beth in on my plan and then got my shaving kit. I sat down so I was facing towards Chloe’s boat so her parents had a good view and opened my legs. Chloe’s father was practically staring at my open pussy. Beth came over and began to apply the shaving cream. I told Beth to shave off the landing strip this time, I want to be completely bare. Chloe moved closer to us and Chloe’s mother began watching also.

Beth went about shaving me, pulling and pushing my pussy trying to get every crevice and fold. When Beth finally sat back announcing she was done, I was dripping wet. Beth then grabbed a towel and wiped off my pussy, removing all of the shaving cream. Beth then winked at me and said, “Now let me see how well I have done.”

Beth began rubbing her hand over my pussy and exclaimed out loud, “You are all wet!”

Beth then leaned in and began licking my pussy. I looked up and saw, Chloe’s father’s mouth drop open and Chloe’s mother lick her lips as they watched. Beth then pulled away and said, “Yep, I did I good job, I don’t feel any hair on my tongue.”

I reached down to feel my pussy, it felt completely different without my landing strip, but I liked it. I looked over to Chloe and said, “It feels completely different, feel it.

Chloe tentatively, reached out her hand and began touching my pussy. Chloe then said, “it is so smooth and you are so wet.”

Beth then said, “Try it with your tongue and see if you feel any stray hairs.”

Chloe looked to her parents for a sign of discuss or permission. Seeing their mouths drop open slightly, but no words, Chloe got on her knees and pushed out her tongue and ran it over my pussy. I just had to moan. Chloe continued licking me and eventually gave me an orgasm, which did not take very long as I was extremely horny. Knowing both our parents were watching was an unbelievable turn-on for me.

Chloe pulled away from me and I kissed her, then offered to shave Chloe saying it loud enough that everyone could hear. Chloe was more confident now, knowing her parents have not scolded her for what she had done. Chloe looking towards her parents and said, “Let do it!”

Chloe’s parents were standing beside one another, Chloe’s father’s cock was hard and sticking straight up, his hand was caressing his wife’s butt. Chloe’s mother nipples were hard, sticking out from her small areola. Chloe sat down and spread her legs wide open and I began to shave her. It took some time getting all of the hair off, but I got it done. After I cleaned off the shaving cream, I moved in slowly, letting Chloe know I was about to lick her pussy and she did not try to stop me. I attacked her pussy like a dog would a bone, licking and sucking, touching, and nibbling until I heard Chloe give out a scream from a huge orgasm.

When Chloe’s head fell back, I stopped and looked up. Chloe’s parent’s were having sex and so were mine. I watched as Chloe got up and went over to Beth and kissed her. Soon, my father came in my mother and then they pulled apart. Beth pulled Chloe with her as Beth got on her knees and then took my father’s cock in to her mouth. Chloe kneeling beside Beth watched as Beth pulled my father’s cock out of her mouth and offered it to Chloe. Chloe opened her mouth and slowly engulfed his cock. Sucking and licking it clean. We all heard Chloe’s father let out a loud groan. As we all looked at him, he held still with his cock in his wife’s pussy. Chloe got up and made her way to her parent’s.

Then when her father pulled his cock out of his wife, still hard, Chloe reached for it as she went down on her knees. Chloe pulled her father’s cock in to her mouth. Her father watched in amazement as he saw his daughter sucking and licking him, while Chloe looked in to his eyes. I moved beside Beth as we both began sucking my father. Once he became hard Beth and I got up and leaned over the side of the boat. Our father knew what we wanted and he began fucking us, rotating from one to the other.

Chloe, seeing us being fucked by our father, stood up and pulled her mother over and sat her on the side on their boat, right in front of us. My hands went around her mother’s back and I began playing with her breasts. Chloe opened her mother’s legs and pulled her father behind her, rubbing his cock over her pussy. Chloe kissed her father and then I heard her tell him to fuck her. Her father looked over and saw we were being fucked by my father and a smile came to his face. Chloe leaned over and began to eat her mother as her father guided his cock in to her pussy. I could hear Chloe grunting on every thrust from her father, while her mother was moaning. It was exciting for me to watch, but Chloe’s father must have been more excited, he only fucked Chloe for a few minutes and let out a loud grunt as he came in Chloe.

This time, Chloe’s mother sat Chloe down, while she began to eat Chloe. We all watched as Chloe had an orgasm from her mother eating her. When Chloe’s mother looked up and saw we were all watching, she suddenly felt embarrassed, but smiled and pulled Chloe up and kissed her. Satisfied for now, we all got a little more food and rested for a while, then went back to swimming.

Chloe and her parents were more at ease as the day went on. There was no need to hide our feelings from one another. Just before we were ready to head back to the docks, Chloe’s father began to tell us exactly what he had been told by some of the men on the docks. The men described Beth and I saying that we were hot and had nice long nipples and big pussy lips. Then they said we like to show off our bodies, that we must be exhibitionists. When he said that he looked at Beth and I, we both smiled and then I said, “Well he is not wrong about that, I love to be seen.” He then told us about a bar that the men suggested. At the bar, they ask girls if they want to make some money and then get them to do things on stag for money, like strip or make out with another girl and so on. They look for naive “Good Girls” as he called them. Then he asked if that is something Beth and I would be interested in. I didn’t even wait for Beth, I immediately said, “Yes.”

He then suggested we all go out for dinner tonight, then go to the bar, so I can have some fun. From the look of Beth’s face, she definitely wanted in on the fun.

We hung out for a while longer than began to the trip back to the marina. Chloe had on her bikini again. As we were getting close to our slip, I saw another boat next to us now. There was a man and woman in swim suits at the back of it. She was chubby with a big round ass and huge breasts spilling out of her one piece swim suit. As we pulled in I got the rope and jumped on to the dock and bent over to tie up the boat, knowing full well, I was giving the couple a good view of my ass and pussy.

As I stood up, I turned around and saw not only the couple, but a girl and a boy were now watching me from the same boat. The boy was tall and not bad looking. He had on a pair of board shorts, he looked similar to the man. The girl had an average face, not pretty, but not ugly either, she was about 5’3″ and was in a full cut bikini, but her body was something else.

She had big wide hips, may be about 45 inches and a big round ass, with a waist about the same size as mine, much like Brazilian girls have. And then huge breasts, I’d say they were 38DDs that were spilling out of her full top. I tried not to stare, but every part of her body that mattered, was amplified. Even her nipples which were pressing against her top, looked to be huge, they had to be a good 1/2″ or bigger in diameter. I had not seen a girl with features like that before. I gathered up myself and said, “Hello.”

I began talking with them and Beth came over and joined in. Then my mother came over, still topless and I introduced her and my father. We found out they were cruising around the islands and we renting the slip for a few day before they moved on. They were a family with both of their kids in college.

I saw both the boy and his father had erections pushing out their swim suits. The girl, Gabriela, I could see her nipples were poking out her top, looking even bigger than before. As we all talked, I could swear that I could see Gabriela’s areolae peaking out from her top, but I thought that cannot be, from where her nipples are poking out, her areolae must be a good 3 or 4 inches in diameter for that to happen. Astounded, can it be, I asked myself.

As we were talking Chloe came in her bikini and wanted to go for a walk, so I asked Gabriela if she would like to go along. Gabriela looked happy to get away for a while and very quickly said, “Yes, I would love to.”

All of us girls began walking and we headed towards the nude beach. As we were going, I asked Chloe why she was in her bikini. Chloe said, “When I stripped today with everyone watching me, I had so much fun, I loved doing that. So I want to wait till I have some people to watch me strip again. After I strip a couple more times, then I will just stay naked.”

Chloe then asked Gabriela, “Are you going to get naked with us?”

Gabriela replied, “I had thought you were going to be wearing your bikini, so I would not be the only one wearing clothes.”

“It’s ok with us if you don’t get naked, but once your do you will enjoy the feeling,” Beth said.

“But everybody will be looking at me,” Gabriela said.

“Oh Gabriela, trust me, everybody is already looking at you. You have a sexy body and everybody is already imaging you naked. I did it myself when I first saw you. You might as well enjoy yourself and show it off,” I said.

Gabriela’s face turned red. As soon as we walked on to the beach, there were quite a few people around with a group of guys sitting together. Chloe said, “Lets go over here for a minute and then we will walk down the beach.”

We all said “Ok,” and we followed Chloe. She walked closer to the group of guys and as she walked towards them, took off her top so they could see her breasts. Then when were were only like 10 feet from them, Chloe turned her back to them, and pushed down her bottoms and bent over to pick them up, showing them her ass and pussy. I could see the faces of the guys and their eyes nearly popped out when they saw what she did. Chloe then said, “Ok, lets walk down the beach some more.”

Gabriela said, “You just wanted to go over to those guys so they could watch you strip?”

“Yea, it is so thrilling to do something like that. I am all wet from showing off,” said Chloe.

Gabriela, “Oh my god, I hate to admit it, but I am all hot from watching you.”

“Just imaging what it would feel like to do it yourself,” I said.

“I would be a nervous wreck, I am already flummoxed,” said Gabriela.

Beth said, “You could start by stripping for an audience, but that would take some balls. For the first time getting naked, you might want to take it more slowly. Maybe just lose the top and get accustomed to that for a while.”

Gabriela said, “In a way I really want to after seeing all of you naked. But I am so nervous what people will think.”

“What do you believe they are going to think about you?” I asked.

“The size of my breasts!” said Gabriela.

“Well if sized matters, I am sure you saw my labia hanging down, I know your father and brother liked what they saw, both of them got boners while we were talking to them. I believe that large labia is more of an oddity than large breasts and I am over it. I am pretty sure most people are thinking about your breasts already, but they are also thinking that you are too scared to be naked at a nude beach, that is why you still have on a bikini,” I said.

We walked a little more and then I said, “Up here there are just a few people. If you slip off your top as we walk, it will not draw attention. Then as we move on, you will blend in with everyone else who is naked. You will get use to being topless, Beth and I just began going naked like 3 days ago. Chloe just really started today, she did it a little yesterday to get use to it.”

We continued walking and as we got to a sparse area, I saw Gabriela put her hands behind her back and loosen her strap, then she pulled her top away, setting her breasts free. My mouth fell open as I saw them, every feature of her breasts was amplified. Her breasts were huge and mostly firm with a little sag. Her areolae were about 4 inches in diameter, filled with little bumps. Her nipples were not 1/2″ diameter like I imaged, they were as big as my thumb up to the first joint. When I collected myself, I looked over at Beth and Chloe, both of them were taking in the sight before them. Gabriela saw us staring and began to cover up, we all began pleading with her to stopped.

Gabriela said, “I knew they would draw attention, I see the way you are looking at me.”

“No Gabriela. It is just that they are so beautiful, you cannot help but be drawn to them,” Chloe said.

Beth and I agreed. We begged her to leave off her top and after a while, she stopped trying to put on her top and stood there looking at us. Then Gabriela asked, “Do you really think they are beautiful?”

We all began nodding our heads. Beth then said, “Gabriela, I love your breasts, I have never seen anything like them before. Let me preface this with, you can say no, but could I touch your breasts. I would love to know how they feel, please, I beg you.”

Gabriela got a small grin on her face and said, “You really like them that much?”

We all three said in unison, “We love them.”

Gabriela began to let her top fall off and again we saw her beautiful breasts. Gabriela looked around at where we were at and meekly said, “Ok, you can touch them, but just quickly before anyone comes near us. Chloe, Beth and I quickly brought up our hands and began feeling and squeezing her nipples and breast. They felt fantastic. Gabriela had to stop us, saying, “Ok that is enough.”

As we all pulled away from her, we began walking again. The talk became about what her boy friends thought when they saw her breasts. We were coming to a more populated area again and I had to give some credit to Gabriela, she kept her top off. As I was looking around, I saw almost everybody we past was looking at us. Then I noticed, that people were wearing swim suits. I looked behind us and then saw the sign warning people that they may be nudity beyond this sign. I quickly stopped the group and we all turned and began walking back. As we got to the sign, the other girls realized what we had done and we all began to laugh. Safe again in the nude area, we all went in to the water to cool off. Splashing each other and fooling around. Once we got out of the water, I said to Gabriela, “See you are getting so use to being topless, you have pretty much forgot about it, haven’t you.”

Gabriela replied, “I wouldn’t say I completely forgot, but yes I am getting use to it. It’s not as bad as I thought it would be.”

Beth said, “Well now do you want to take off your bottoms or are you going to surprise us with an exceptional pretty pussy also?”

Gabriela laughed and said, “No that I believe is pretty average.”

We all watched as Gabriela, began to pull down her bottoms and off her feet. She walked to the water and washed off her bottoms and rung them out. Beth knelt down and looked at Gabriela’s pussy. Gabriela even spread her legs open a little, than Beth pronounced, “Yep pretty average pussy.”

We began walking back to the marina. As we walked, I saw many a men looking and watching us as we passed them. When we got to the marina, Chloe and Gabriela both put on their bikinis, then we walked back to the boat.

There my parents told Beth, Chloe and I we should get cleaned up so we can go out for dinner and handed us the soap. I felt bad for Gabriela not being invited to go along and had to give an excuse, but she understood and we told her that later when we got back we would go do something.

Chloe, Beth and I left for a shower, and on the way, Chloe asked us to stand off to the side so everyone had a clear view as she was going to strip off her bikini and then stay naked for the walk back to the boat. Beth and I watched as Chloe stripped and we saw plenty of the people on their boats watch the show. I could tell, Chloe was very happy with herself and her performance. Back at the boat, our new neighbors could not help but take a look at Chloe as she walked by.

Beth and I dressed for dinner, and for the fun afterwords. We got completely dressed on the back of the boat, but wore just our underwear for a while, just showing off for the people in the area, and I must say to the delight of my father who had a big grin on his face.

After dinner we went to the suggested bar and we were approached and asked if we would like to win some money. Of course we said yes, and then played the innocent tourist girls who were there with their family, which brought cheers from the crowd. We drug it out to get as much money as we could, but Chloe gave in first and did a striptease, to the enjoyment of the crowd. Beth and I also stripped, but since everyone knew we were sisters, we were offered to strip each other, which was a crowd pleaser. We all threw our underwear in to the crowd, much to the enjoyment of a few lucky boys.

We left the bar and got back to the boat, it was still early enough that our new neighbors we still up. As we all began talking, Beth and I pulled off our dresses and then Chloe did the same. I then thought about the neighbors wondering where our underwear had gone, as they had watched us get dress with underwear and undress with out any.

Us girls again decided to go for a walk and Gabriela joined us. Her father watched her leave with 3 naked girls and I’m sure he had to be wondering if she would get naked also. Once we were out of sight of the boat. Gabriela did not say anything, but just opened up the front buttons on her dress and pulled it off. When I saw what she did, I smiled and she began saying, “Ever since this afternoon, I have been waiting to get naked again. I know you said how much I would like it, but I really didn’t believe you, till I did it.”

We walked around the marina and then went over to the beach and played in the water for a while. It was getting late so we all got a shower on the dock close to the beach and then as we got closer to the boats, Gabriela put her dress back on. Chloe went on to her boat. At our boat, Gabriela’s parents had gone to bed, but her brother, Paulo was still up and sitting on the stern. Paulo asked Gabriela, “Why is it that your hair is wet, but your dress is dry?”

Gabriela, looked at Beth and I for some help in explaining, but before either of us said anything, Paulo smiled and said, “I already know, your were walking around naked again weren’t you.”

Gabriela tried to deny it, but Paulo then said, “I had followed us this afternoon and this evening and saw you were naked. What do you think our parents are going to say when I tell them.”

I stepped up and said, “What will it take for you to not tell them anything?”

He looked me up and down for a few seconds, then I said, “A blow job or do you want to fuck me?”

Beth then joined in, “Or do you want a blow job from me or do you want to fuck me.”

The sneaky bastard said, “I want both of you!”

Beth and I looked at each other and said “Ok” follow us. We pulled Gabriela along with us as we all quickly walked through the marina again to where the beach started. Beth and I began taking the clothes off of Paulo but he did not want to continue with his sister Gabriela there. I told Paulo, you got to see her naked, so she gets to see you naked. Paulo said, “I only saw her from a distance, she is right beside me. I looked over at Gabriela, and she knew what I wanted her to do and we watched as she pulled off her dress and stood there naked for all of us. Paulo eyes were drawn to his sisters body. He no longer tried to stop Beth and I from stripping him naked. Beth took his already hard cock in to her mouth and began sucking him. Gabriela watched his cock sliding in and out of Beth’s mouth.

I went over to Gabriela and reached out and felt her breasts and Gabriela did not try to stop me. I then kissed Gabriela and she again did nothing to stop me. We began to fully make out while Beth and Paulo began fucking right there in front of us. I then began sucking on Gabriela’s wonderful nipples. Gabriela was watching her brother and he was watching her. I could not resist any longer. I knelt down and began eating Gabriela as right beside me, Beth was fucking her brother. At one point Beth pulled me over to her, and we kissed. Then Beth said, “it’s time we switch.”

As Beth pulled off of Paulo, I moved over and sucked his cock several times, then mounted him and we began to fuck while I kissed him. I looked over and Beth and Gabriela were both kissing as Beth played with her nipples. I heard Beth ask Gabriela to lay down and then I watched as Beth mounted her in the sixty-nine position. Knowing Paulo’s cock was in Beth’s pussy and now Gabriela was sucking on that pussy gave me an orgasm. As I was recovering, I knew I had to get Gabriela and Paulo together.

I reached out and put my fingers in to Gabriela pussy, startling Beth. Then once they were wet, I pulled them out and put them in to Paulo’s mouth and he sucked on them. Beth now realized what I was doing. After several more times of me feeding Paulo my wet fingers from Gabriela’s pussy, I whispered to him, Gabriela tastes good doesn’t she. His eyes went wide opened, his cock got harder, and now he watched as I dipped my fingers in to his sister’s pussy, then pulled them out and stuck them in to his mouth. A that very moment, he began cumming in me.

When he finished cumming, I whispered to him, watch your sister eat your cum and then I pulled off of him. I got Beth’s attention and then told her to switch. Beth and Paulo watched as I lowered my pussy on to Gabriela’s mouth. She immediately began sucking on my pussy, eating her brother’s cum. I let Gabriela eat me for a few minutes while I watched Beth re-energize Paulo’s cock by blowing him. I pulled off of Gabriela and kissed her while I played with her breast, then whispered to Gabriela, “Paulo’s cum tastes great doesn’t it. He likes your pussy juice also.”

Gabriela stopped and looked at me like I was teasing her. I then said, “I knew Paulo could still rat you out, so I had to make sure he would not say anything, so I let him lick my fingers after they were in your pussy. He watched me finger you and then he gladly opened his mouth to lick them off. Then after Paulo came in me, you ate my pussy filled with his cum. You liked it didn’t you?”

I then kissed Gabriela and she became more wild that before, I knew she was even more turned on now. I pulled back again and said, “lets go suck Paulo’s cock.”

I pulled Gabriela with me as we moved over to Paulo. Beth stood up leaving Paulo’s cock accessible. I put his cock in to my mouth first as Gabriela watched me suck on it. Then I pulled it out and offered it to Gabriela. She slowly feed it in to her mouth and began sucking and licking him. I knew Paulo was not going to last to much longer, so I pulled Gabriela away. I whispered to Gabriela, “sit on his cock and fuck him.”

Gabriela looked at me for a few seconds, wondering if she should, then Gabriela slowly stood up and positioned herself above Paulo’s cock. As Gabriela lowered herself, I brought her hand to his cock and she grabbed it. Then she aligned herself and sank down on to his cock and began fucking him. Gabriela was riding him with a purpose, it had been a week since they began their vacation and I don’t believe Paulo or Gabriela had the privacy to relieve themselves. But now both of them were getting their due.

Beth, knowing what was happening, pulled away from Paulo and once he saw it was his sister who was riding his cock. He did not try to stop her, he only encouraged her by beginning to feel her breasts and pinch her nipples. After several minutes of them fucking, Paulo let out a groan and then Gabriela moaned also. They both stopped moving and Gabriela kissed her brother as she fell on to his chest. Beth and I were caressing each other as Gabriela and Paulo began coming back to life.

Eventually, we all got up and walked to the closest shower to clean up. I convinced Gabriela to keep her dress of until we were at her boat. Beth and I watched as they both went in to the cabin, then Beth and I went in to our cabin and went to sleep.

The next morning when Beth and I got up, Gabriela and her family were on the stern of their boat. Chloe came to our boat and this time she was naked. We asked Gabriela if she want to go for a walk and with a big smile immediately said, “Yes.”

Once away from the boats, Gabriela took off dress, she was wearing the same one as last night. We let Chloe know what had happen last night with Paulo. Gabriela was happy and then admitted she often wondered what sex would be like with her brother. Gabriela then asked us how we got to be naked in front of our parents. We told her our story of being caught by our father. After we walked around for a while we went back to our boat, Gabriela dress again before we got back. At the boat we heard Gabriela’s father say he was going to change in to his swim suit. After he went in to the cabin, Gabriela with a smile on her face, said for everyone to hear, “I am going to put on my bikini,” then went in to the cabin of their boat.

Beth and I waited on the dock as we saw the windows in the cabin were open and could see and hear Gabriela below as she took off her dress and stood there naked waiting for her father to come out of his compartment. Then we heard him apologize for walking in on her changing. Gabriela took it with ease, never covering up and told him it was ok. We saw him stand there looking at her as she talked to him, standing directly in front of him not even bothering to cover up or to get dressed. Her father then said, “You should get dressed before your bother walks in.”

Again, Gabriela tried to put her father at ease by saying, “It is not anything he has not seen before, I am sure he has been with several girls since he is in college, he is a good looking guy. Just like you dad.”

Then we saw Gabriela walk over to her shirtless father and give him a hug and a kiss on his cheek as she tanked him for taking them along on the holiday. Gabriela then turned around and bent over to put on her bottoms showing her ass and pussy to her father. Now a topless Gabriela stood there. We then heard and saw Gabriela’s mother come into the cabin. When she saw Gabriela was topless, she only in a motherly teasing way, said, “Getting some sun are we?”

Gabriela, seizing the opportunity, said, “I might as well, seeing that all the neighbors are at least topless.”

We watched as Gabriela came out of the cabin topless for all to see. I looked to our boat and looked at the expression on my father’s face when he saw Gabriela. It was much the same as my expression when I first saw her.

Gabriela began talking with us. As we talked her parents came out of the cabin and sat down on the stern. Gabriela’s mother said to Paulo, “You don’t mind if your sister goes topless do you?” Trying to get a rise out of Gabriela or Paulo.

But Paulo, is a smart boy, and said something his parents were not expecting. Paulo said, “Why just topless, most of the girls are completely naked, see Chloe completely naked, unless Gabriela is to embarrassed to go completely naked.”

Gabriela turned around and looked at Paulo who winked at her. Now she knew what he was trying to do, he wanted to help her. Gabriela said, “I am not afraid to be completely naked, I didn’t think you would want to see you sister naked.”

Paulo, replied, “It does not bother me if you are naked. You can get a good all over tan if you are naked.”

Gabriela looked towards her parent’s, they were no signs or word said that she could not be naked. So Gabriela turned towards her family and pushed down her bottoms and pulled them off her feet. She threw her bottoms in to the boat. I saw my father and mother watching Gabriela. Then I looked around and saw people in several other boats watching the spectacle before them. No one said anything and the moment was tense.

To my surprise, my father yelled over to Gabriela’s parents, “We are going out swimming and snorkeling in a few hours, along with Chloe’s parents, would you like to go along?”

Gabriela’s father answered back, “sure that sounds good.”

My father told them some details and hearing we had sometime, I said, “Lets go for a walk, you can come along Paulo if you want.”

Paulo stood up and said, “Sure I would like that.”

We all began walking away. Once we were out of sight, Gabriela went to Paulo and hugged him, then kissed him on the mouth. Gabriela and Paulo walked arm in arm as we went on to the beach. We found a somewhat secluded area to sit down. Gabriela had Paulo remove his shorts so he was naked. Gabriela then leaned over and began sucking his cock. Once she had him hard, she sat in his lap and began fucking and kissing him. The two of them were really going at it, even as several people walked by. After they both had an orgasm, they sat beside one another, occasionally kissing or touching each other.

We then headed back to the boats to get ready for the day out in the water. As we motored out, I saw Gabriela sitting on the stern with her legs open. Not only were her legs open but her recently fucked pussy was red, swollen, open, and leaking. She must have had forgotten. I was hopping her parents didn’t notice.

We dropped anchor, mooring beside one another. My father then again surprised me when he asked Gabriela’s parents if they minded if he and my mother got naked, also saying they could too. Gabriela’s father said, “No worries.”

Again, another surprise, Paulo said, “I might as well try being naked also.”

I saw his parents turn around to look at him, when he saw they were watching, his dropped his shorts. His semi-erect cock was on display and his mother brought her hand up to her mouth to keep herself from gasping out loud.

We all dove in the water and began swimming around, Paulo stayed with us girls. When I got Gabriela away from her folks, I mentioned to her about sitting with her freshly fucked pussy open.

Gabriela replied, “I know, I saw my father looking, so I wanted to give him a show.”

I told Gabriela, “When we take a break, I will help you give a show, just say yes when the time is right.”

“But what are we going to do?” Gabriela asked.

“That is a surprise,” I said.

We swam for a while, then everyone, got out of the water. I winked at Gabriela, then got my shaving kit. I had Beth shave me as everyone watched. At the end, Beth then gave me the tongue test to make sure I was smooth, taking a little longer than needed and nibbling on and stretching out my labia. When Beth pulled away, Chloe shouted, “Beth can you shave me?”

Chloe was in our boat quickly with her legs open while Beth shaved her and once Beth began giving Chloe the tongue test, I looked over to Gabriela and asked, “Do you want me to shave you?”

Gabriela’s parents both quickly turned their heads toward Gabriela as she said, “Yes, I would like that,” with a smile on her face.

I got my razor and climbed in to Gabriela’s boat. Gabriela sat on the rear seat, and spread her legs wide open as her family watched. Her pussy was still red and swollen. I coated her with shaving cream and got to work. I took my time, putting my hands all over her pussy, pulling and pushing, getting her worked up. Gabriela was dripping now. I finished up wiping off the shaving cream, her family watching my every move. Then I said, “Time for the tongue test.”

Gabriela whimpered when I said that. I knew it would not be long till I gave her an orgasm. I leaned in and stuck out my tongue, licking up her juices, and said loud enough for her family to hear, “You are really wet.”

I resumed licking with my tongue, going deep inside her pussy and then nibbled on her clit and Gabriela could not take it anymore, she gasped and took a deep breath, then spoke out, “I am going to cum.”

Gabriela moaned a few more times and then she let go with a body shaking orgasm. But I was not finished yet, I looked over my shoulder to Paulo and said, “Do you want to lean how to tell if a pussy is properly shaved?”

Paulo, nodded his head and walked over to me. Gabriela had the look of want on her face. Paulo knelt beside me, I told him just do like I did. Paulo leaned in, opened his mouth and began tonguing his sister to another orgasm. Gabriela could not stand it any longer, she pulled Paulo up and kissed him, then began sucking his hard cock, but that did not satisfy Gabriela. She sat back in the seat and pulled Paulo by his cock in to her pussy. He began fucking her, both of them moaning and gasping, until Paulo came in Gabriela.

Paulo pulled out and stood over to the side. I went over to Gabriela’s father and knelt down. I reached up and opened his pants, pulling them down, releasing his hard cock. I then began to suck his cock. When I felt someone beside me, it was Gabriela, she pulled her father’s cock from my mouth and put it in her own. I knew what to do next.

I stood up and went to Gabriela’s mother, kissing her while pulling off the shoulder straps of her swim suit. When I freed her breasts, I saw they were similar to Gabriela’s. I began sucking on her huge nipples, while I tugged on her bottoms, pulling them off. I mover her to a seat, spread her legs and began on her pussy. I then again felt someone beside me, it was Paulo. I moved to the side and watched as he ate his mother. Then Paulo moved between his mother’s legs and shoved his cock in her pussy. Gabriela was bent over the seat, getting fucked by her father. I looked over to our boat, Beth and my mother were together and my father was alone, gently stroking his cock. I jump in to our boat and jumped on my father’s cock, riding him till we were both satisfied.

For the rest of the day we swam, fucked, and sucked whoever we pleased, till it was time to return to the marina.

This time when we pulled in the marina, there were four nude girls and one nude boy, as we convinced Paulo to stay naked, promising him he could have one of us, who would do anything. All it took was for him to fuck his sister’s ass, while we all watched.

We all made plans to go out for dinner later. Which meant getting a shower. All of us girls went together, where we washed each other. Of course when it came to certain areas, we took our time and thoroughly rubbed and groped one another, much to the delight of the other boaters.

After dinner we went to the bar again. There Gabriela stripped for money after being offered a huge amount of money to strip, brought on by the pleas from the crowd wanting to see her naked. Beth, Chloe, and I made some money as well. They had our parent’s undressed us on stage for the crowd.

After we left the bar, Chloe’s mother told us girls to come with her. We followed her to a clothing shop and she picked out a skater skirt with an elastic waist band for each of us, then a deep-v crop top. The top showed a lot of cleavage on all of us, on Gabriela, well she show more cleavage than all of us put together. When we tried on the skater skirt, I found out why she wanted the elastic waist band. So we could pull the skirt up or down. As the skirts were so short when we pulled them up a little, our butt was showing, not that anyone was complaining.

We wore our new clothes out of the shop and then we went to a shoe store, were she picked out wedges for all of us. We looked stylist, but could also be very revealing. We all thanked her by giving her a kiss out on the street where other people watched, not just a peck kiss, but a long passionate kiss feeling her up as we kissed.

After the clothing stores we all walked around a little more and then Gabriela’s father took us in to a bikini shop. He told us to pick out something for the places where you could not be naked and needed to be covered. This caused several men to keep walking back and forth looking in window to see us. Of course as we looked around, we would bend over and our new skirts would show our ass and pussy. We all found micro-bikinis and tried them on in the shop. We all thank Gabriela’s father the same way as we did Chloe’s mother. A few people began to wonder how he got so lucky to kiss all of us girls.