The Wedding Present

Amelia didn’t show up at Simon’s until eight o’clock that evening.

Tamara had gone to bed apparently too worse for wear. This had made Simon feel suspicious. Naturally, he’d wanted to see her but at the same time he was kind of enjoying the game. But of coarse he was yet to know the full extent of Tamara’s transgression.

Amelia was staying tight lipped.

“Erm….are you sure you want these?” She asked. Still baffled at the request, amused and given the state of them, a bit disgusted.

“Well, I know they bring you much pleasure but I really put myself out there to snatch these away y’know!”

“Yea.” Was all Simon could manage as she simultaneously thrust the offending package out towards him, her pale skinned, freckley arm fully outstretched.

“You are a star Amelia!” He offered awkwardly, taking the goods in his right hand.

“Did she have a good night?” He called out as she turned to walk through the gate.

“I think so, but you should ask her.” She replied matter of factly, pulling the gate into the latch and turning, head down, eye’s fixed straight in front as she passed the front garden on the pavement outside, her head skimming over the low cut hedge as she walked away.

She seemed to be avoiding telling me something, thought Simon. He looked at the parcel, at those slutty red knickers, and part of him knew, part of him already knew, had already drawn his conclusion. His bride to be was a slut! Unprompted by him she had strayed on her hen night and now was hiding in regret and shame.

Closing the front door and almost running up the stairs in excitement, Simon turned and pulled the bolt across the inside of the bathroom door.

Luckily, no-one had seen him being handed a pair of women’s knickers in a clear zip-lock bag, or spied him as he ran up the stairs, so nobody was any the wiser to his now semi-secret fetish.

He pulled the small blue plastic thing back and opened the wallet. They immediately smelt of her piss, her dirty fanny. Blood rushed to his groin and he reached quickly to undo his belt, feel the touch of his hand around his cock. He brought the bag up to his face, the trapped little garment’s pungent but aphrodisiacal smell had been building up in the bag for most of the day…..Oh, they smelt good! He thought, but slightly over too which forced a level of humiliation to this depraved act as he slid his hand up and down his cock, still smelling the soiled knickers in the bag, both teasing himself and enjoying the enhanced pheromonal load of the sluttiness emanating from inside the plastic interior.

Oh god…! But he had to get hold of them, feel the slutty material in his fingers…..Red knickers on her hen night!! That is a slutty choice! If indeed it was a choice? Perhaps it was both? Hen nights, like stag do’s were part fun and part ritual, you had to allow yourself to be at the mercy of others he mused.

That surrendering of control, casting off of inhibition and hand over of power to a group of ‘trusted’ people who were going to coerce you into slutty clothing and manipulate you into situations you wouldn’t normally allow yourself to be confronted with for ostensibly traditional purposes.

Her knickers really did smell of pee he thought. She must have been paralytic to piss herself, which means she must of really let go her inhibitions….

Simon now had hold of the cheap, throw away material in his hand, he felt seduced just by the colour of them, and he smelt and sucked in deeply, the smells from the gusset, rubbed the still damp material into his nose to get the slutty smell of the woman he loves, free’d into the room.

She had done who knows what in them on her wild night out…Oh! She smelt so good! And he imagined her, snogging drunkenly and wantonly outside a nightclub, some guys hand pushing down her front, her breathing quickening as her hot tongue jumped into another guys mouth, and she bucked her hips on his hand, fingers slipping into her hot wet pussy. His bride was being fingered and loving every second of slut filled abandon and as his hand wanked and squeezed his cock she started to cum in an alleyway. “Fucking hell!” He couldn’t help from shout as a hot, splodgy and glutinous ribbon of spunk flew out and splattered the aging carpet, the sink …..”Oh …” He came some more and it blooped over his rigid, veiny hand, and again much more slowly this time.

His rhythm eased, his hand lubricated by a pastey mess. Oh, his girlfriend had been a slut he said in his mind as his breathing calmed again. He kept smelling at her, knowing she was a slut and rubbing her stinky gorgeous knickers in his face, loving her essence…. he was happy in his fantasy, being as close to her as he possibly could in that delicious, private moment……

Tamara was in tears, gone was the hedonism and wild abandon of the night before. The sullying debauchery now a psychological stain on her being. To look upon her wedding dress the last two days was like looking upon herself and her solemn promise and all she could see now were stains, that formed in the shadows created through the folds and crinkles of the near white material that to her contained all the misdemeanours that ran through her guilt filled mind, and they flowed up now from the places where she’d been hiding them not long before.

Poor Tamara was in a state, shame racked her body. She’d hardly been able to ring Simon at all and when she did, she felt wooden inside, stiff from fear of the unravelling of her dreams if he found out.

He had probed a little but thankfully did not seem suspicious of her, in fact he seemed more or less playful about the whole thing. That of coarse, in her mind only underscored and highlighted her actions as wrong, pure wrong and she hid as he played his little game. Hell it was almost as if he wanted some juice, some slice of the action, some trifle of detail from her.

Still, she was not to let him in, not to show him how wrong he could be about her. How could she have done that? It would be easy to load some of it onto her goading gabble of mates, the flirting and provocative dancing, even the odd grope or snog she could possibly forgive herself. But she’d gone the whole hog in the middle of town and everyone knew about it……Everyone! Oh my fucking god! Oh my god!!

And then it suddenly dawned on Tamara that she might of been photographed, hell! She had likely been filmed…..”Oh no!!”

A plunging sense of foreboding, doom even, was mercifully interrupted by a timely buzzing and vibrating from her phone which rattled and shuddered about the glass table top. It was Amelia, and she grabbed at it, anything to help claw her out of the giant hole opening up before her.

“Ah, thank fuck it’s you Am…” She couldn’t finish the sentence. “What’s wrong?” Chimed Amelia.

“It’s the other night.” She blurted, her voice audibly shaking over the phone. “It’s all coming back at me..” And she welled up, unable to contain her emotions she broke into little sobs. She just wanted the ground to swallow her up so that all this anguish would be swept away.

“Ah, you’re talking about the hen night.” She used her words slowly and deliberately, attempting to get this runaway train of emotions under some sense of control.

“I’ve been a slut!” A stupid dirty slut. Her body convulsing with bitterness and regret, pain etched in the tears that streaked her troubled face, forced to pause through the pressure in her nose caused by the snot that now seeped and merged with a great flood of tears.

” I am a stupid, slut, and I’m ashamed….to be goin’ down the isle knowin’, everyone’s gonna know abou’ it, except ‘im!” “The one person..!” She tailed off again in a whirl of emotion, hurt and regret.

“You might need to tell him, talk to him.” She put forward gently. “I’m sure Simon’s a pretty understanding guy Tamara.” She said, not ready to give up on her plan.

“You what, tell him I had sex up against a car with a random stranger on my hen night!” “Are you out of your mind?”

It was at that point that Amelia knew it was time to intercede. Her friend needed to be rescued from the rabbit hole she was plunging into, and if it was a rabbit hole and let’s say Tamara was a rabbit, well Amelia had a carrot in her possession. It was a big juicy carrot of knowledge that she was about to give to her friend that would save her from falling headlong into a spiral of despair.

You see Amelia and Tamara were friends sure, but she was also a pretty good friend of Simon’s and their long acquaintance had assured a certain level of trust, a mutual and platonic bond had developed between the pair.

Simon and Tamara, each of them complicated characters, she’d enjoyed the sense that she had helped pull them together in some ways. It had become for her without their knowing it, almost a pet project, Tamara and Simon, she knew they were meant for each other.

“Why should I not have to worry Amelia?” Tamara had turned to her friend quite pointedly demanding an explanation.

“You said that to me the other night and you…” She paused. “You meant somethin’ by that statement didn’t you!”

This was the moment to fess, suddenly Amelia was on the spot. So far she’d remained pretty cool and untouchable throughout this whole affair but now the spotlight shone on her, the demand for truth, she could really feel it, and the pressure, she wasn’t accustomed to and she gripped the porcelain handle of her cream white coffee mug as if through it her mind could steady her thoughts but instead she blurted out. “Simon wanted you to have a hen night Tamara!”

Tamara was confused now.

“He wanted you to…..go off, and enjoy yourself!”

“And I did ” But I also went off and shagged some random guy!”

The tension and confusion between them was if anything, intensifying. Amelia looked into her eye’s as if summoning the words from some dark well.

“He spoke to me before the hen night Tamara!”


“And, he was excited!”…….”You know!” She reaches in toward her with an elbow, gesturing for her to take the hint as she tried to calm things down.

“He was EXCITED, about you going out, I mean physically……excited Tamara.”

Amelia kept focus on the last part of each of her statements which together with her fixed stare acted like a hammer on Tamara’s frustratingly hard skull.

She was a bit lost now but then such was the power of that ancient decree. Was she actually trying to say that Simon was turned on by her send off?”

Amelia pressed home her advantage.

“He wanted you to dress sluttily” She paused and rolled her bottom lip beneath her top in an agitated quest for moisture.

“He’d actually asked me what you’d be wearing that night.” She offered provocatively, regaining her cool.

Tamara’s eye’s rotated in her head as thoughts pinged her and there. Then Amelia took a tentative hold of Tamara’s fingers, her mind cleared and she lowered her voice.

“I told him about what you’d be wearing that evening and he was positively droolin’.” “He wasn’t threatened or jealous, he was excited!”

Tamara reeled from the revelation as the hammer broke through. Conventions can be a hard nut to crack but Amelia was finally making some headway at last.

Tamara was all signed up for the guilt train but now she was stepping off, back onto the platform again and was even being shown the way to the ticket office to redeem her fare.

So she threw a statement out there to clarify. “Hang on so you’re saying I might be in the clear cause he knows that although I love him, deep down I am a bit of a slut and he’s ok with that?”

“No, he LIKES that Tamara, he genuinely likes that about you but he hadn’t known how to express it to you.”

“Even though we’re meant to be getting married in three days time!”

“Yea, well he’s a man Tamara.”

The air suddenly lightened. Tamara let out a huge puff of air, pushed her left hand over her hair and brushed the tension from off her face.

“Wait till I see ‘im”

“What he’s put me through, god!” And a small smile escaped Tamara’s lips.

“There is more Tamara.”

She turned instantly. “What?” She demanded.

Tentatively once again, Amelia tried to relieve some more of her own guilt, her part in the story.

“He’d wanted to know what you got up to and he was excited by the idea of you having attention from guys, told me he’d fantasied about it numerous times not just about that night either, way before then and that this was his chance to, maybe have some of his fantasy come true.

“How long ‘ave you known all this Amelia?” Tamara began to weep, a little taken aback by this whole revelation and a bit upset really that neither of the two had let her in on this little secret that they’d kept to themselves.

“It looks like I’m not the only one with a secret side, does it Amelia?” “I wouldn’t be surprised if you’re all in on it!”

She stood up in exasperation, but then huffed, put both hands on her hips and turned, laughing into the floor. “Well what are we going to do about it?” “What am I going to do now about shaggin’ that guy two bloody nights ago, am I gonna tell ‘im……?!”

“I think you should Tamara!” “And you know what, I think you should enjoy telling him ALL about YOUR night Tamara, really every little detail you can remember…..” And as she said it she ran her tongue under her top lip.

“Oh I remember alright!” Recounted Tamara righteously. “I remember you whisperin’ in my ear to fuck ‘im! That you wished you could…..that were a ploy, wan’t it?”

“It wasn’t a ploy Tamara!” She tried with all the sincerity she could muster. “It was me wanting you to have the night o’ your life, it really was!”

“Well I feel like I’m the one bein’ cheated on ‘ere not ‘im.” “Grr.. you two are beyond me I tell ye!”

“Don’t be angry Tamara, we both love you and I love the two of you!” A flicker of jealousy showed across Tamara’s eye’s and Amelia reached across to grab both her hands. “And! I could see how shy he was about telling you he fancied you with other men…”

“Was it literally like that?” Tamara interjected, and as her feelings of guilt and shame were beaten back a strange flush of almost euphoric realisation swept over her for a moment. The indignation of just before was pushed aside for now, if this was true which it had to be…? Her nipples felt a twinge of arousal, and her face flushed excitedly.

Amelia let out a short giggle. “Your blushing Tamara!”

She reached to her cheeks and felt the heat under her fingers. “O’….shurrup!” She replies And digs Amelia in the ribs. “Ouch, Tamara!” They hug each other. “You are a diamond you are.” Tamara say’s to her in a low voice.

“I know.” She says and kisses Tamara on the lips.

“I have to go see ‘im don’t I.” “I’ve been avoiding ‘im.” She stands up.

“God, my nipples!” She remarks breaking into a laugh. She wipes a small tear from one eye and reaches for her phone. “‘m gonna send Simon a text, tell ‘im I know.”

“Hold yer fire Tamara.” “Hold y’…..” She began but Tamara abruptly sat back hard on the settee.