B.A.B. (Bare Ass Beach)

I grew up in a small town in Pennsylvania, where most of the nine hundred or so people, who lived there, often didn’t lock their doors. Being part of the baby boomer generation, meant that a lot of those residents, were my age, or a few years older or younger, give or take. A lot of our parents were veterans […]

Summer of Loss

“Shaun, what the fuck is — are you alright?” someone asked. Bleary-eyed, I looked up and wiped tears away with the back of my hand. I blinked and saw my little sister, Amanda, looking at me with a great deal of concern. She had good reason to be. Two empty bags of potato chips, the Nelson’s wrapper, half a dozen […]

Bitter Sweet

Cristina Ioveanu felt blessed that she had her adopted son, Florin, to tend the flock of sheep that she and her late husband, Josif, had relied upon as a source of income. His industrious ways about the farm and his cheerful manner, most of the time, she relied upon to see her way through to better times.

Look After Me Now

Drew sought to humour her; he teased Alyssa, his stepdaughter, in his playful ways of it. He was a smooth, softly spoken man, who offered wise words of encouragement whenever a task that she had been set, in college, became too much and might even overwhelm her.

Mom, You’re a Hucow!

It was late Spring when I moved back into Mom’s house for a while. I had just received my bachelor’s degree and left the college where I’d been living for four years, and I returned to the city where I’d grown up. There was plenty of space for me at Mom’s house. She had been divorced for several years and […]

The Untold Story Of Perseus

Many years ago in the era of Greek gods there ruled a king named Acrisious. At that time Greece was divided in to many small states controlled by separate kings. Above mentioned king Acrisious was a very horny king; He couldn’t be satisfied with his seven main wives whom were four daughters of Aphrodite, two of Demeter and one of […]

Grandad and Me

My name is Anthony, I am 41 years old living a pretty normal life with a wife and two grown up children, 18 and 19. Let me tell you about my experience with my dad and grandfather as a young man.

My Sexual Awakening – Mom

It was the beginning of my senior year in high school. I just turned 18 and was looking forward to going away to college next year. My mom and dad are pretty young — mom is 36 mom and dad is 37. He got mom pregnant at the end of their senior year in high school and they got married […]

Official Choices

Turning eighteen is supposed to be some big damn thing. You might not feel any different, you might make the same stupid mistakes, but now you have to take responsibility for your mistakes because that’s what an adult does. They take responsibility. For most people though, the day you turn eighteen doesn’t actually turn out to be that big of […]

Fixing My Loser Son

“Maybe I’m a sexist. I put so much pressure on my girls and let Gabe get away with everything.” “That’s ridiculous, you can’t be sexist, you’re a woman.” “I read an article that women have more implicit bias against women than men do.” “Maybe it’s attraction.” “Dana, that’s disgusting. That’s my son.”