Swimming with My Cousin

Mark rummaged down into the depths of his drawer, shuffling around for something to wear in the freshly-cleaned pool. Normally he’d don a peart of swim shorts, but they were still in the wash. Feeling a smooth, stretchy fabric he pulled an article to the surface; a tiny speedo that he’d not worn for years. He knew it’d be a […]

The Car Wash

Fall was coming, and with it came the rains. For awhile it seemed as if we were going to have to start building the Ark, but then came a morning with blue skies and the shining sun. It was early in the season so the sun was still strong enough to dry things out quickly.

Dad is Watching

“I’m off up to bed then.” announced my wife, Tracey, at 11pm when the tv show we were watching ended. “Ok then love, I’ll be up in a little while.” I replied, knowing full well I was intending on staying down a lot longer and probably end up sleeping on the settee, as I was increasingly doing those days. She […]

Massaging Mom

As I write this, I have no idea what the future holds, but I know this: my relationship with my mother will never be the same. I now realize that what happened between us last night was inevitable, but I have such conflicting and confused feelings. We have to talk about it, but Mom has been avoiding me. Readers will […]

Mother of the Bride

I’ve always had a very close relationship with my mom. I never went through the teenage phase in which most girls seem to hate their mothers. Mine has always been my best friend. Our relationship became closer yet when my boyfriend proposed to me.

Mom is Our Teacher

“Congratulations!” my older brother Tom laughed, as he pushed the large birthday cake in my direction. I knew he had been making this over the past few days ‘in secret’, which meant that I caught him occupied in the kitchen whenever I went down, with him warning me not too peek in his direction. Tom had done a great job […]

Mother’s Fall from Grace

Work in progress – No sexual encounter yet in the first chapter – Appreciate feedback – and see which direction to go with the story. Chapter 1: That first night. The waiting area was sterile and unwelcoming. Whitewashed walls and cold steel furniture to line the walls. As with most hospitals, there was a particular smell to the place. A […]

Traditions – Hollywood and Mine

“Ok, I’m off to work,” my mother said, reaching out to give me a hug as she was leaving for work. Putting her face close to my ear she whispered, “You be good, don’t embarrass me, you know your Aunt is going to be there, too.” Pulling back, she spoke again to Mary and Aunt Tracy and me, “You all […]

Coming Together with Mom

On the second afternoon of the trip, an accident with a tree branch pierces the fabric of Dani’s tent. Nights are cold in the forest which means her tent is unusable. These are special tents, too. Compact and designed for mental and physical insulation. Dani squints her eyes, puts her hands on her hips, and gives her best friend an […]

Bit of a Bitch

Donna Goodwin watched the couple as he pushed the cart and she put items into the cart. They would playfully bicker about this item or that one; he would put the can or jar or box back onto the shelf and she would giggle and slap his arm and put the can or jar or box back into the buggy. […]