
All employees must maintain a professional distance from the vacationers and guests on Serenity Springs. No sexual or dating relationship will be tolerated; if any employee is found in a compromising relationship they will be terminated. Silver Springs Employee Manual Trina watched the Blues show. She’d been impressed by the entertainment here on Serenity Springs surpassing the outstanding spa facilities […]


It was raining. Again. Fuck global warming, Dean thought as he splashed through the puddles. Pretty soon, this neighborhood would be abandoned like all the others he had known. He dodged a sprite when it flew out of an alleyway, cursing at it. Why didn’t people keep a leash on their damned pets? Goddamn genetic engineering, he thought. Goddamn everything. […]

The Day my Clones Arrived!

A submissive neural implant makes no distinction between pleasure and pain it just receives impulses directly from the spine and transmits them to the dominant unit. A dominant unit can receive signals from more than one submissive unit which are then relayed directly into the brain of the dominant unit host. An interesting side effect of using neural relay technology […]

Creatures of Black

The dust clears as the shuttle’s engines power down. The atmospheric turbulence knocked it about quite a bit and the landing was hard and rough. That’s probably how the first shuttle got disabled. The landscape looks dark, dusty and rocky. It’s not going to be an easy hike. I open the door and step out. The air is clear but […]

My First and only Gay Experience

I was 18 and had just finished my freshman year of college in New England. The terms of my financial aid offer required work-study, so I got a job at an Inn on campus busing tables. The money was good, so I elected to stay on campus that summer and continue to work full-time in order to save for college.

Cock-Sucker: Mars Is a Gay Planet

Alien dust. It gets everywhere. It penetrates despite the best insulation science can devise. Cycling into the dome through the airlock from the crawler I feel the intimate rub of its familiar dry grittiness on my skin, that same urgency to cleanse it away. Once inside I head direct for the bath-unit. It’s already in use. But I can hear […]

My First Gay Experience

This is a true experience that happened to me a few years ago. I had just turned 50, and had been happily married for over 20 years. (Okay, there had been a few escort girls along the way, but mine was a stable marriage.) I suppose the word average pretty much sums me up: white, average height, average build, average […]

Male Bonding Cum Laude (Lotta)

My best friends and I made a trek to the beach for a long, three-day weekend. The four us of have been friends since college, so we are all nearly the same age, married and each with children, a couple of us even with grandchildren. It was a late summer jaunt just for the guys, a kind of macho, testosterone-filled […]

Surprised and Used Again

Just when I thought that nothing would happen, on the thirteenth day after my trip to Birmingham, a text arrived at around 8.30 pm saying “Hope to see you at 6.30 pm tomorrow at the same place or will contact as previously notified.” This was a veiled threat that to anyone else would have appeared innocuous. A further message arrived […]

My First Gay Orgy

The idea of sucking cock did not appeal to me for the first 50 years of my life. Then, the love of my life left me, claiming I was too dominant to put up with. In an emotional turmoil, I began to investigate websites about how to be less dominant. Web searches for such things as ‘female led relationships’ or […]