
All employees must maintain a professional distance from the vacationers and guests on Serenity Springs. No sexual or dating relationship will be tolerated; if any employee is found in a compromising relationship they will be terminated.

Silver Springs Employee Manual

Trina watched the Blues show. She’d been impressed by the entertainment here on Serenity Springs surpassing the outstanding spa facilities she had been avoiding but hearing good things about. The singer’s voice had that sultry mix of husky and range that proved spectacular, the band amazing, and Trina felt good – really good.

She’d been mildly depressed since she quit her job six weeks ago and decided to go back to school even though she hadn’t really decided what she wanted to do. Never a fan of birthdays, she was about to celebrate her thirtieth year. There seemed to be more uncertainty in her future that she had ever been used to dealing with, exhilarating and terrifying.

Trina’s husband Gabe had over her decision to leave her job and their once serene marriage had become a battle ground. Gabe never dealt well with change and losing her pay check had been an enormous change. Added to that the pregnancy scare immediately following her life change had escalated their skirmishes into all-out war. While Gabe’s reaction had been worse than she had anticipated, nothing had prepared her for her father’s. The Senator, she always called him Senator, had reminded her once again how much she had disappointed him. As his only child, she should be a shining example of his success, yet she had married beneath her, she had resisted the idea of law school though she had the grades and the acceptance letter, and lastly she had not produced a suitable heir – meaning a male child. This trip with friends which had seemed a great idea a month ago now seemed like an effort to save her faltering marriage.

Gabe had promised a truce during their trip, Trina agreed to the vacation promising in her head to be the wife he always wanted her to be even though she had doubts about what that was and if she was even capable of it. Gabe, for his part, acted almost giddy being more affectionate then he had been in years, the thought made her smile hoping that this time they wouldn’t end up fighting again.

Their friends, Maggie and Nathan, joined them at Serenity Springs, the vacation destination for the rich and powerful. A little off-planet fun would do both couples a world of good!

Maggie, Trina’s best friend since high school, tried to get her to go to the spa for some beauty treatment every day while Gabe and Nathan. Trina would agree then duck out when Maggie would go in for her massage, or seaweed wrap or whatever New Age treatment they thought up. Trina then would go back to her room and spent several hours on the computer doing homework, or reading a book by the pool, or a walk by the ocean or into the hills. In the evening, all four would go to the club of the moment or out gambling until Nathan would drink himself into a stupor and Trina would beg off due to exhaustion. Surprisingly, Gabe hadn’t protested overly much over her absences.

Nathan saluted Trina with his whiskey glass from across the table. She smiled back at him and then focused her attention back on the singer. She thought about Gabe’s affection lately and suddenly she wanted to dance with him but when she looked around for Gabe he wasn’t in the bar. Maggie had gone missing as well. Those two had been thick as thieves for the past few days. Trina blamed her upcoming birthday. Gabe liked surprises and Trina believed he was in the midst of planning a party with Maggie and though Trina was not a fan of surprise parties it seemed almost mean to deny him this. Her gaze found them both walking out the back door, Gabe had a cigarette in his hand.

Trina followed the two in the hopes of eavesdropping on the party plans. Being from a political family she learned very young that to get information she needed to be sneaky. The two walked outside onto the deck moving to the shadowed area near the water. Trina followed quietly thanking the interior designer for the strategically placed screens which made discrete alcoves for couples to sit. She slid into the shadows listening to their conversation.

In the bar she hadn’t been able to hear anything over the band but in the quiet of the deck she heard every word clearly. It quickly became evident that following them had not been a good idea when Gage stepped closer to Maggie dragging her into a passionate embrace and kissing her roughly. When the finally pulled apart, both were breathing hard staring into each other’s eyes. Their cigarettes forgotten in their hasty intimacy. Trina’s stomach heaved from shock and bile rose in her throat.

“Are you going to leave her?” Maggie asked pointedly head nodding toward the bar door.

“No, poppet, you know I can’t.” Gabe answered in that condescending voice that drove Trina crazy but Maggie didn’t seem to mind. “I work for the Senator and I need his support for any nomination to city council. Are you looking to divorce Nathan?”

“Nathan is a good husband, he pays for everything and doesn’t ask any questions. I do miss our afternoons in your bed, will she be going back to work soon?” Maggie complained in a baby girl voice picking at Gabe’s silk shirt in pretend petulance.

Trina’s nose crinkled, her muscles tightened and eyes narrowed in anger.

“You’re such a bitch, Mags!” Gabe shot back with a laugh.

“Oh yes, Lover, I am. Why should she have all the beautiful things?” Maggie leaned in kissing Gabe hard, before they both stepped back walking side by side back into the bar.

Trina watched them go holding her emotions tight until the door closed behind them. She bit back the sob or scream, dropping her head into her hands and cursing herself ten thousand times a fool. How could she not have known, her husband and her best friend?

Trina escaped the deck running down the dock to the shipping yards. Trina kept the pace until she was too tired to go any further then she sunk down on a pallet sobbing. Her world had gone upside down. She wanted to scream, rage, punch walls but she swallowed it all. Was this her fault? Had she done something that led Gabe away from their shared goals? Could she go on without him and probably her father with no career and an unfinished education? Definitely sure that she could not stay with him, now that she knew what he’d been doing with her friend. Her friend. How could they?! The emotion raged behind her tense muscles, her faced squeezed into a mask of frustration.

Trina had to do something, doing nothing had never been her way. She couldn’t leave the vacation planet until the following day but she could start getting her life under control. Fishing her cell phone out of her pocket she dialed the Senator’s number. Because of the time delay he wouldn’t receive it for a day but he would get the message that something had gone terribly wrong.

After she finished the message she wondered if calling him had been a good idea, her father rarely made rash decisions. She might ask for help but the Senator would weigh all the options, family or not, before making any decisions. Still, it made her feel slightly better but exhaustion had replaced the anger and her headlong run into the unknown had been stupid. Closing her eyes for one minute seemed prudent while she thought about what she would do now. But a few heartbeats later she had fallen into a deep sleep.

Trina woke to the sound of water and the heavy smell of brine. Darkness seemed heavy around her, the feel of cold water on her hand which dangled in what she hoped was a puddle. She sat up quickly looking around, putting her hands out to steady her when the room seemed to heavy sideways. The room wasn’t completely dark there were small circles of sunlight streaming through the portals on both sides of the ship.

The pallet she slept on must have been loaded on a boat. Her stomach dropped sharply. Where was she? She rolled herself standing and gently jumped pallet to pallet to avoid the water in the hold. She moved toward the stairs leading topside. She climbed up quietly pushing the doors open stepping out on a very large but pristinely clean wooden deck of a huge ship.

An old style tall ship, decked out like a privateer complete with the skull and crossbones flag. There was minimal activity as it was early in the day. There were a few crew about dressed in turn of the century ship crews attire, she supposed, but no one paid her much attention or so she thought until she found herself grabbed from behind.

“What do we have here?” a deep voice asked. She struggled but was clenched tightly and without ceremony picked up, thrown over a leather-clad shoulder moving swiftly toward the stern of the boat. The pirate climbed the stairs to the poop deck without a grunt moving toward the helm and the tall pirate gazing intently at the horizon in a very business-like manner.

“Captain, we have a stowaway.” Her captor growled dropping Trina to her feet when the tall pirate turned toward them.

“So, we do.” He turned ice blue eyes on Trina. He looked her up and down and grimaced.

“To the brig, Mr. Evans.” Captain Daniel Weston told his first mate, the turned his gaze back to the clouds brewing on the horizon.

Mr. Evans threw Trina back over his shoulder, unconcerned with her struggles to what must have been the brig. A sturdy jail cell in the corner of one of the holds which housed the food stores. It had rudimentary facilities, a bunk bolted to the wall with a thin straw-stuffed mattress, and a bucket of water but that was all. Mr. Evans dumped her on the bunk, threw her a wool blanket from a chest then left the brig in a hurry not answering any of her hastily shouted questions. Trina didn’t panic, which she thought strange, she just felt numb. It was surreal to be on a pirate ship in the middle of nowhere and worse to be in the brig. Her idyllic vacation had taken a very sudden, and unwelcome, downturn.

No one visited her or if they did she was unaware as she slept with the gentle movement of the ship and the soothing sound of the waves. No matter how much sleep she’d already had her sleep now deep and untroubled kept her blissfully unaware of her surroundings for almost an entire day.

A clanking sound very close at hand woke her. She sat up quickly on the bunk squinting into the gathering dusk startled but not really frightened. The lamps around the store room hadn’t been lit yet but there a watery light still filtered through portholes from the obviously setting sun.

“Well, Lass, what are you doing aboard the Mermaid?” The captain asked. Her head swung in his direction taking in his relaxed position on top of a barrel watching her.

“My apologies, I didn’t sneak on board, I assure you. I fell asleep on the docks and woke up in your hold.”

“I’m guessing by your lack of period-wear that you are not supposed to be on this tour?” he inquired like he already knew the answer, looking Trina up and down. Her jeans and blouse certainly not on the required costuming for this vacation package. This mistake could be a very bad thing for his crew, he thought his face changing into a grimace. It wasn’t unheard of for the admiral to sneak a “surprise” on board but he had a suspicion this wasn’t the case this time.

“No I don’t belong here. It’s a long story but I hadn’t signed on for any pirate package. I’ve been at the spa for the past week. I got lost last night and must have fallen asleep on one of your cargo pallets and I am aware how stupid that sounds.”

“What is your name?” He asked, not unkindly.

“Katrina Waters.” She answered squinting at him.

“Bloody hell!” The captain swore. “Senator Waters’ daughter?”

“Afraid so.” She replied with a frown. She had hoped he wouldn’t recognize the name but she’d been in the news quite a lot linked with her infamous father.

“The bad news, Ms. Waters, is that once the voyage has started there is no way to stop it. I’m afraid you are on board until the Mermaid puts back into port in a fortnight. We do not have a cabin for you and we do not have appropriate clothing. Unfortunately, you cannot spend the time in the brig as we will be using it for some drunken louts at some point. What I can offer you is the use of my cabin but there are some ground rules you will have to obey. I do apologize for this.” He nodded to the man on the stairs then jumping deftly off the barrel he left the room gesturing toward Mr. Evans to unlock the bars. Mr. Evans jingling a ring of keys made a production of opening the bars holding the heavy door open for Trina. Then without a sound he turned walking fast out of the hold.

Trina guessed she was supposed to follow him ran to keep up with his long stride. He stopped suddenly digging into a chest, he pulled out a long oilskin coat which he handed to Trina gesturing she should put it on. He didn’t speak much but she understood exactly what he wanted. He mashed a hat down on her head that almost completely obscured her face. Then without a by-your-leave he picked her up and slung her over the shoulder.

“Umph.” She groaned as her midsection hit his muscled shoulder. “Wait! What are you doing?”

“Quiet, until you’re in the Captain’s quarters.” Evans ordered quietly but brooking no argument. She could feel the anger in the man’s body as he carried her like she weighed nothing. At her not small size, she certainly wasn’t used to that.

“Damn the woman!” Daniel raged on the phone to his boss, the Admiral. “I can’t get back to port with the crew I’m carrying, we have to go on or we will not make port in the southern region before the storm hits in less than twelve hours. In fact, I’m not assured we’re going to make land before we take a beating.”

“I understand.” The admiral said with authority. “We can’t get another boat to you for less than four days, there is nothing available right now. All of Serenity is bursting with guests. Is she making trouble?”

“No, I haven’t actually spoken with her very much. We’ve been working with the crew and are well into the vacation expectations when she was found in the hold thankfully by crew and not a guest or things would have gone sideways. I still don’t understand what happened on the docks.”

“Are you full up?” The Admiral inquired of the vacationers.

“Yes, and we are running a male only crew on board. This could be a serious problem.”

“Run your full security and keep to your schedule. If we can get anyone out to you, we will. Until then we’ll notify her vacation mates and family.” Admiral Maxwell told Daniel.

“Thanks Max.” Daniel hung up and raged at the snag in his schedule, he did not take kindly to surprises. He left the security office, a small hold in the center of the ship outfitted with all the modern day necessities for security of the passengers and for maintaining the ship in bad weather. It would also be his cabin while his passenger stayed in his cabin and it certainly wasn’t the worst cabin he’d slept in it was a far cry from his usual.

On this voyage he had hoped for no more problems than his vicious mistress, the sea, could throw at him. He could not afford the last journey before he returned to his Father’s court. Their last conversation had been unpleasant and Daniel regretted some of the things he had said but even that was not unusual between Father and son. As the heir, he had responsibilities at home not the least of which would be marriage and children which Daniel was damn sure not ready for. His entire body radiated anger and displeasure.

Daniel strode to his cabin to have a conversation with the stowaway nodding at crew and guest alike as he passed them ignoring their alarmed reaction at his countenance. The door to his cabin attended by two crew members who nodded as he turned a key in the lock then retreated away from the room as he entered. A glance around the room told him everything he needed to know.

Ms. Waters had obviously used his bathroom and raided his closet. She had showered and dressed in one of his tee shirts and a pair of sweat pants that were way too large for her. A tall woman, blonde, and stunning in an understated fashion even in the overlarge clothes. He ground his teeth worried she would create a very unwelcome distraction for him and his crew. Her grey eyes were large and heavily lashed, and though she wore no makeup she didn’t look at all bland, he felt a stirring of male interest that took iron-will to tamper down, mostly a distraction for him. He did appreciate that she had never acted hysterical in the least, she looked calm and he respected her just a little bit for that.

“You’ve made yourself at home.” He said approvingly nodding. The woman hadn’t changed a thing. She hadn’t been there long a true test of her meddling would be a week from now.

“Yes thank you.” She said politely. “I like your cabin, especially your bath! That shower is a work of art!”

“I enjoy it myself.” He smiled thinking he’d like to take her back to the shower watching rivulets of soap travel down her body. Trina blinked at him her knees turning weak with the sight of that sexy smile. He watched surprise then a gorgeous blush came to her cheeks only to be replaced by raw pain. It took several moments but her face eventually smoothed into determination. He could see her struggle to find her strength. Good, he thought not unkindly, he preferred fiery women.

Trina stared at the man in front of her. She hadn’t gotten a good look at him before and now that she had she was absolutely positive that she had never seen a more gorgeous man in all of her life. He stood taller than her, not usual in her social set, by almost six inches but his confidence made him seem larger. He was as broad as he was tall and it was all well-defined muscle from hard work not from being a gym rat.

Trina did a mental shake, why was she looking at this man like he was a chocolate dessert at a fancy restaurant? She had only just found out about Gabe’s betrayal and yet standing here by this man her libido had gone nuclear. Clearing her throat, she turned away from him.

“Thank you, Captain.” She whispered. No matter how long she was away from Gabe and Maggie was time well spent.

“For what?” He asked just as quietly. “You can call me Daniel here.”

She didn’t know how he could have heard her she had spoken so softly but he did. Her heart quickened with pain at the memory. She would have to tell him how she ended up on his ship but she didn’t want to have to admit to another how completely stupid she had been. She took a deep breath turning back to look him in the eyes she told him the story. She’d been right, she sounded like an idiot.

“You saved me from having to go back to him, if only for just a few days. For that you deserve a thank you.” Her eyes watered but she did not cry, she would not allow herself to mourn a marriage that had not been real. She shook with anger though, every time she thought about it she got angrier.

“He’s an idiot.” Daniel stated with heat. At the beginning of the conversation, he had his arms crossed over his massive chest but somewhere in the middle his arms had moved to his hips. He looked like a massive warrior about to go to battle all he needed was armor.

“You are absolutely right but then again so am I. I didn’t notice a thing, how stupid is that? I am equal parts angry at myself as I am furious with him and Maggie. I allowed this to happen.” Trina stated with absolute certainty.

“Hardly. If someone wants to do you harm they will find a way to do it. Your husband, the ass, found his way but you don’t have to let him continue to do it.”

“Wisdom. I’m not ready for that yet, I want to punch him and her.” Trina snarled viciously.

“Me too.” He agreed surprised to find it true. He had heard many hard luck stories and never blinked an eye but for some reason this one had him ready to punch a wall. It had to be the strength of the woman in front of him. She strength poured out of every pore. He wanted to stand beside her in battle. The thought rattled him more than he liked. He went to his desk a poured a small measure of Irish whiskey for both of them, he handed her the glass and raised it in salute before downing the smooth liquid in one gulp. The alcohol didn’t lessen his resolve one bit and the terror of that thought made his reassess the woman standing before him.

The voyage seemed to take on a routine. They hit several small storms but had managed to stay on course with no mishaps. Trina stayed mostly in Daniel’s quarters reading, writing, and working out a plan for when she returned to shore. She went walking on deck after the vacationers had bedded for the evening feeling more at peace with herself than she had in many years. She didn’t mind the hours, since being on board she had transitioned into more of a nocturnal person. Daniel ate with her, walked with her at night, but he did not sleep in his quarters. She wasn’t sure where he went and wasn’t sure if she had the right to ask. She liked him, she liked his protection, and she desperately wanted to run her hands through his unruly black curls like a drowning man wants air. For his part, he treated her like a special guest but nothing more. She appreciated and hated his distance. The voyage had been cathartic in many ways.

On the twelfth day and about a day away from port, the sky dawned gun metal grey streaked with red and roiling black clouds on the horizon. Captain Daniel sent the word on to prepare for a storm and for several hours that morning the crew made ready. By the time the dark rolled over them, the men were prepared for it, Trina was not. She had no idea what to expect by the high seas, winds, and furious movement of the ship was not it. She stayed in the cabin until her nausea made her seek out Mr. Evans. She made it topside after being bounced around bruising her shoulders as she careened off walls and once hitting her head hard enough to see stars.

Daniel had been on his way to check on her when she propelled herself out of the hatchway into his arms. He caught her to his chest and held her closely while finding a safe place to have a conversation. The deck was heaving with the force of the high seas and wet with the water coming over the sides. All hatchways were battened down and the sails furled, men were moving along the decks engaged in ship business, they didn’t speak to each other they no longer needed to. Not that anything they said would be heard with the winds howling over them.

Daniel pushed Trina into the cabin wall still holding her.

“What are you doing up here?” he shouted at her ear.

“I don’t feel well! I came looking for Mate Evans.” She shouted back.

“It’s not safe up here right now.” She looked up at Daniel. He looked like he was in his element. He may be holding her against the wall but he was still watching everything that happened on deck. He missed nothing. “Breathe, Treena.”

His voice was husky and where his accent before had been pure New England it now held a lilt of Irish. Breathing the fresh air helped calm her stomach but being close to him and done more from her than any medication ever could. His strong leg between hers was granite hard and despite the cold winds whipping around them heat radiated from his body. She groaned. His ice blue eyes went stormy locking on hers with a promise of something primal.

“Man overboard!” The call came from several voices, none of them panicked but a strident call to action that all obeyed without hesitation. Daniel’s sharp gaze grazed the port side and knew immediately where the man went over.

“Stay here.” Daniel commanded. He grabbed the nearest crew member, gave an order that sent the man scurrying away. Daniel strode to the side where the man had last been seen stripping off his belt which he threw to Evans then stepping on the side dove into the water after the man. Trina stood rooted to the spot in shock a shout of caution whipped away by the wind.

“Daniel!” Trina shouted. Twelve foot waves buffeted the ship, it had to be nearly impossible to see the man in the water much less save him. It would take a miracle. She started to run to the side but found herself restrained by a crew member she hadn’t even noticed. Managing to break free she ran across the heaving deck to the side and looked over with barely a coherent thought of her own safety. Evans put a restraining arm on her holding her on her feet when she would have tumbled over the side.

“Do not panic, Keltrina. He will be fine. He’s a selchie in the water.” Evans said. It was almost like he spoke in her mind. His voice not difficult to hear even though he spoke very low.

It took her several moments to process what he had said. He called her Keltrina her full name although she had never used that name she wasn’t even sure Gabe knew it. She stared at him over her shoulder for a moment, her mouth open. He gestured over the side with a confident grin. Looking down she saw Captain Daniel Weston climbing the rope ladder with a man over his shoulder. He didn’t look like a Captain saving a man, he looked like a demi-God rising from the sea. She blinked down at him and when he looked up he winked. He climbed over the side and handed the unconscious man to Evans like he weighed no more than a towel. Taking back his sword belt and settling it over his hips dripping hips. Her eyes followed the movement. He watched her closely smiling with masculine pride.

“Confine him to quarters. Have Doc take a look, it appears he’s hit his head.”

Trina stared at him, his lips moved, the wind howled, it was impossible to hear anything and yet she heard every word clearly. Evans eyes flashed a brilliant glow, then he ducked his head in assent then putting the fellow over his shoulder strode to the guest’s cabins.

“Now, Trina, are you ready to return to your quarters?” Daniel offered his arm to her and without a thought she took it still not entirely sure what had just happened.

Her nausea had passed, she had been completely soaked to the bone and hadn’t given a moment’s thought to who might have seen her on deck, but she was oddly exhilarated. The cabin seemed too warm, she immediately started peeling off her wet clothing. Strangely, she didn’t give Daniel another thought. Interestingly, when she turned to him, he too was removing clothing. She took a startled breath not because he was undressing but because he was magnificent. His skin a copper hue with fine black hair across his chest, her eyes tracing streams of water as they sluiced down his skin.

“Daniel.” Trina whispered her voice husky, he looked up at her smiling. Pure lust flashed in his eyes. He took a few steps toward her reaching out his arms. Her eyes widened and she nearly launched herself at him. He gathered her close kissing her with a searing passion she had never experienced in her life. This felt right, felt true, everything before a dream.

A fantasy come to life, he stood big and muscled. When he held her there was no thought of anything else there wasn’t room for anyone else. He kissed her throat, and ran a hand over her breast teasing the nipple into a hard bud before sealing his mouth around it sucking hard. Her back arched and a low husky moaned escaped from her. He lifted her body up on his so he could reach her better. She wrapped her legs around him sealing her body to his only separated by her panties. She was astounded by his length and hardness. Maybe overjoyed would have been a better adjective.

“Keltrina.” The Irish lilt caressed her ear. He found her mouth again the kiss stole her breath away.

“Oh yes!” She responded.

Trina slept curled against Daniel’s warm, naked body. Her head cradled on his shoulder. She woke several times during the night when Daniel shifted in his sleep. He rose several times to check the watch and monitor the weather. Whenever she surfaced from sleep he was right there with her, kissing her back into slumber.

Daniel sat on the edge of the birth, still naked polishing his boots when she finally burst awake. She blinked at him her mind fuzzy with passionate dreams. He leaned over and kissed her softly.

“You are beautiful.” He nuzzled her neck before returning to his boots. She sat up on the bed to watch him.

“What is a selchie?” Trina asked. Daniel stiffened and slowly turned to look at her his eyes wary.

“What makes you ask?” He inquired, his Irish accent very pronounced.

“Evans said you were like a selchie in the water.”

“Selchies are legendary creatures from the sea. They are part seal part human.” He answered, watching her closely.

“He must have been making the point that you’re a very good swimmer.” Trina leaned over and touched his shoulder. It was almost like she wanted to convince herself he was flesh. His skin was so warm and silky. A fine frosting of dark hair covered his chest and arms but it too was more like velvet than usual chest hair. She reached up to touch his hair. The black curls were soft and fine like a baby’s. His ice blue eyes followed her every movement but he never moved at all, like he had turned to stone.

“Yes, he must have been.” Daniel breathed before leaning down for another kiss. This one tender and gentle. His soft lips brushed over hers catching her bottom lip between his teeth and running his tongue over it sending delicious shivers over her. “You need dress, we put into port at mid-day and we are very nearly there.”

“Daniel, I don’t want to leave.” Trina pulled her knees up and wrapped her arms around them.

“I understand. You have to work out the problem with your husband.” Daniel twisted a lock of hair around his finger. He took her hand, kissed the palm and without dressing left the cabin. She stared after him and began to cry for losing him felt would be the end of her life. Funny, the end of her marriage hadn’t felt so real. She felt alive now and for the first time ever knew exactly what she was going to do.

Trina dressed in her old clothes which had been regulated to a drawer during her stay on board. What on earth was she going to do now? She went topside to join the vacationers on their final journey into port. Most of them too had dressed in their civilian clothes. Captain Daniel was nowhere to be seen. Evans was on the helm. She went to stand next to him.

“Aye, Lass. Almost there.” Evans nodded toward the dock.

“I don’t want to go home.” Trina said and she was aware of the petulance in her voice.

“We all have to go home sometime. You were only on vacation, right?” Evans asked.

“Yes, and what a vacation it turned out to be.” She griped. Evans snorted. She looked at the man and his lips twitched. It might have been a smile but she wasn’t sure, it was hard to judge emotion on the man since he looked so much like a gargoyle.

Trina looked at the dock and was horrified to see Gabe, Maggie, and Nathan waiting for her. Her heart sank. She was truly hoping that maybe her father would be here and she would never have to see Gabe again. Apparently, that was way too much to hope for. She squared her shoulders and went to the other side of the ship to watch the horizon until such a time they were docked and she was forcibly ejected from the Mermaid.

Trina stood at the rails trying to think of what she could possibly say to Gabe when all she wanted to do was punch him in the throat and throw him overboard.

“You cannot throw him overboard, Treena.” Daniel said softly. He touched her arm. She looked up at him. He was stripped to the waist and his hair was dripping like he had just come up from the water. Her breath caught in her throat.

“And why the hell not?” she demanded showing that sexy fiery side.

“Because throwing him into the water would simply not solve the problem.” He answered.

“What is the problem?” she asked, she herself not certain of the answer.

“That is for you two to determine. Throwing him in the water would not start the conversation, it would end it.”

“I know that this is simple for you but it is not for me. I do not want to see the man, I do not want to speak to the man I want him gone. Well, after I punch him in the throat and throw him in the water.” Daniel laughed. Trina was a beauty. Her jade eyes flashed with life that had been absent when he’d first met her as a stowaway. In the short two weeks, she had wormed her way into his heart and oddly enough into Evans’ heart and until it had happened he would have claimed that was impossible.

Daniel knew that his transgression with Trina could have him fired but somehow he knew that he would do it all over again. In fact, if he was less of a man he would grab her up right now, take her below and never ever let her out of his sight again. Oh how his people would laugh. The prince seduced by a human woman. Oh his brother’s would never let the laughter end.

Too soon, they were docked and all the vacationers had left the ship. The standard crew was busy cleaning the decks and the cabins so they too could leave the ship and engage in furlough. Daniel nudged Trina toward the gang plank. She skidded to a halt and watched Gabe try to push his way through to the ship. She looked at Maggie and watched her watching Gabe.

“You have to go.” Daniel whispered into her ear. “If you want to come back, we leave in three days. I will wait for you.”

Trina looked up at him. “You’ll wait?”

“If you like.” He nodded toward the gangplank. Gabe was half way up his eyes boring into hers.

They both knew she’d be back, their story was just beginning.