Velvet Taboo

Janet and I had been married nearly 12 years and had two kids. Things hadn’t been that great in our marriage for a couple of years, but I figured it was sort of typical. I admit that I was spending way too much time at work, but I was at the peak of my career and moving into more and more responsibility. Janet had her hands full with the kids and her job and there were times when we hardly spoke other than to talk about which bills had to be paid first. Then one day, she hit me with a brick from out of the clouds. She wanted a divorce. Turns out that she had been having an affair with some married guy for nearly two years, and they both decided that it would better for both of them to break out of their respective marriages and ride off into the sunset together. Shit. Easy for her to say. I felt like a spear had been pushed slowly through my heart.

I moved out to my own apartment, and all of that horrible divorce paperwork and crap started. I was a fucking mess, and went into a deep depression. I didn’t eat right. I didn’t sleep right. I drank way too much. Somehow I kept my career together, but after work my life consisted of coming home, eating a TV dinner which I washed down with beer and followed that up with scotch for the rest of the evening till I passed out on the sofa. Mom and dad were worried and must have made that concern well known to Linda. One Friday evening she called me. “Hey, Baby Bro,” she said pretty quietly, “We are all pretty worried about you. You can’t keep living like a hermit. I know you’re hurt as hell, but you need to get back on the horse and back into life. I’m coming up there tomorrow for the weekend so we can have a good heart-to-heart. I’m not accepting ‘no’, so I’m going to hang up the phone and not answer it if you are stupid enough to call back. I’ll see you about lunch time tomorrow. Just do me one favor and make sure your apartment doesn’t look and smell like baboons have been living there.”

I quietly agreed. I did my best that evening and the next morning to clean up a little, and the doorbell rang a little after noon. She stood in the doorway with her overnight bag. She didn’t say a word. Just came in and hugged me for a long time. Finally, she came in, took off her coat and went to freshen up. I made sandwiches.

“Beer or wine?” I asked.

“Something much stronger,” she suggested. I poured two healthy scotches over ice and we sat on the sofa where she started in with the sisterly lecture about needing to get out of my funk and back into the world. Maybe the scotch on and empty stomach that early in the day was getting to both of us, but the next thing I knew, she was stroking my thighs. I didn’t stop her. She undid my belt buckle and unzipped my pants.

“Just roll with this, Brad. I’ve been thinking about this and how you seemed to be in pretty much the same state of mind as you were about 20 years ago. Just please let your Big Sis be here for you again.”

She pulled down my pants and began licking my balls and cock. Pretty soon my cock was in her mouth, and I didn’t protest at all despite that part of my brain that said I should. Instead, I sat up and gently pushed her head back and looked into her eyes. Without a word, I started to pull her sweater over her head and unbutton her blouse. I undid her bra, and then pulled off her jeans and panties. There, again, my big sister, totally naked before my eyes for the first time in nearly two decades. Time had softened her thighs and breasts a little and had added a little layer of pillow around her middle, but for a woman over 40 she was outstanding. I pushed her knees open and started slowly kissing and nibbling up her thighs. I looked up at her. “Please don’t stop me,” I whispered. “I really do need this.”

With that, my face went to her crotch. The scent of her and taste of her was as if it had been burned into my memory banks. As similar as various women smell and taste, there is always a bit of a difference. Just like a wine or a single malt scotch, there are always nuances that let you recognize one from the other. I continued licking and nibbling and pressed my face into the warm wetness of her most secret woman parts. Soon she was writhing and moaning, and it wasn’t long before she pulled my face hard to her and let out that bellow that I remembered from the summer long ago. She held me there till I felt her relax and then I got up to my knees between her legs and slid my hard cock into her accepting cunt. I started to fuck her slowly and gently and then faster and harder. Then even harder. Something inside me snapped and all of the frustration and anger and pent up stress of the past 6 months was rushing through me like a flood-swollen river. I fucked her harder and harder, slamming into her. I couldn’t control myself. She never stopped me, but just held her legs wide, and took it. She submitted herself to letting me fuck her like a pent up bull in heat. I could feel myself getting closer to a breaking point, but I never forgot one of her main rules. I pulled my cock out and volleys of cum shot all over her tits and face as I screamed out like a bull just given the coup de grace by a matador under a brutal Spanish summer sun. I collapsed onto her. She folded me into her arms and for the first time in as long as I could remember, felt safe, and warm, and loved.

We laid there for a good while. I had almost dozed when I felt her push my head up and looked me in the eyes. “Man,” she grinned. “I think my Baby Bro was in real need to let it all out. I hope that’s a good first step back to the real world.”

I sat up and said a bit sheepishly, “I hope I didn’t hurt you and I hope you aren’t upset with me for going a little crazy.”

She put her arm over my shoulder. “Baby Bro, I couldn’t have fantasized that this afternoon could be any better.” She gave my shoulder a little kiss and said, “I think those sandwiches you made are sitting there drying out and I’m actually pretty hungry.” With that, she gave me one of her little punches on the arm and got up to go to the table. She never bothered to get dressed, but sat down and started eating. I followed.

We ate, we talked about the divorce, my job, the kids, Frank, mom and dad. Finally she said. “How about a nice hot shower together? We haven’t done that since forever. Remember the fun we had that summer?”

She headed to the bathroom. I put the dishes in the sink and followed. She was already under the hot stream of water when I joined her. We soaped each other up, making sure we relished washing each other’s most intimate parts as we laughed. We hugged and washed each other’s backs. Finally we toweled off and found our way to my bed where we had a slightly calmer repeat of what had happened before lunch. We ended up dozing in each other’s arms and it was almost dinner time when we woke up.

“Holy crap,” I said. “We just slept the afternoon away.” She just rolled over and agreed that we perhaps both needed it. She sat up and ran her hands through her hair. She reached for the phone on my night stand and said, “I need to call Frank and tell him I got here ok. I should have called when I got here and he’s probably worried.”

It was pretty weird lying naked next to my sister who was also naked while she talked to her husband. However, I don’t think either of us had any worry about the security of Frank’s position. I knew she really loved him, and she knew I did as well, and this whole thing truly posed no threat to Frank as long as he never found out. I’m sure he would have been totally grossed out by it, and I know the type of relationship I had with my sister would not be understood by 99.9% of the general population. She handed me the phone because Frank wanted to talk to me to see how I was doing. “Much better since Linda’s here,” I said. “It has really helped to see her.”

After I hung up the phone she said, “How about you take your big sister out for a nice dinner. Some good local place, I’m too tired for a trip into the city.”

We went to this nice Italian neighborhood place I know that had been owned and operated by the same family for nearly 40 years. We talked. We drank wine and ate. We talked some more. Finally we went back to my place. Earlier I had put Linda’s overnight bag on the bet in the second bedroom. She looked in, turned and said, “Spare bedrooms are for guests and I’d like to think I’m not just some guest.” We hugged. After washing up, we climbed into my bed, cuddled, and had sweet sex, not like the raging bull I had been earlier. We fell asleep.

Next morning, I awoke to Linda fondling me. “Time to get up,” she grinned. “I think part of you already has.”

We had that nice relaxed early-morning sex that most people love on Sunday mornings. Showered and I made a late breakfast. Hell, it was almost more of a lunch. Linda finished her coffee and took my hand. “I’d better be hitting the road. I know Frank wouldn’t want me getting back too late. Besides, I think you may be starting to get out of that funk you’ve been in for the past half year.”

“You got that right.” I agreed. “I think you finally fucked me out of my funk.” She busted out in a belly laugh. I watched her pack her bag and we hugged before she headed to the door saying, “Please call me and let me know you’re doing ok. We all worry about you, Baby Bro.” One more hug and she was headed to the elevator. I watched out the window till I saw her car pull onto the street.

I did come out of my funk over the next couple of weeks. I started feeling like a man again and even started going out with the guys and getting back into running and then into skiing when the winter came. The following spring, I met Sarah at a 5K run. She was struggling at the last half mile e as I was. We started seeing each other, and about a year later got married. She had two kids of her own, and it wasn’t long before we were functioning like a real family.

Time marched on as it does with most families. I’d usually only see Linda at the holidays, weddings, and funerals. Unfortunately, one of those funerals in the early 90’s was my dad’s. Mom tried to act the stoic, but I could see she was hurting to her core. We all tried to help, but I think it was even harder on Linda than mom. She’d visit mom a lot more than I did, and I felt a little guilty about that, but she was a good 3-4 hours closer to her than I was. Eventually, we talked mom into moving into a retirement community where she didn’t have to worry about the house and all the maintenance. She could still have her own apartment and take care of herself, but it was a “gated” community, so she would be safe. They also had onsite care and services for anything. She and her lady friends went to shows, traveled, the whole nine yards.

All was pretty good until about 6 years later, mom passed. It was tough for all of us, but we got through that and we all settled back in, until a couple of years later, Frank went suddenly. An aneurism the doctors said. He just go up to get a drink, fell over, and was gone. Just like that. It was actually Linda’s daughter that called. She said her mom was totally devastated by the suddenness of it all. I could see that at the funeral. Linda looked like she was shell shocked. Just sitting there. Seven or so months went by and we spoke very sparingly. My niece kept calling me and saying how worried she was about her mom, but that she seemed to have shut her and her brother out.

I struggled with the thoughts in my mind for almost a month. Finally I called her. “Sis,” I think I need to come see you. Don’t say no. Just know I’ll be there tomorrow.”

It was late afternoon when I rang the bell. The door opened and she just stood there looking at me as I enveloped her in my arms. I brought my bag in and went to use the bathroom. When I came out, she was just sitting on the sofa with a drink. She offered me one, and I accepted. After some small talk, there was a silence, and I just reached over and pulled her to me. It pained me to see my protective big sister being so docile and weak. I started to rub her back and shoulders and neck. She just pressed herself to me enjoying the sensuous pleasure of it. I took a risk and pulled her sweater up and undid her bra. No resistance. I pulled the sweater and bra over her head and laid her back against the arm of the sofa. Her eyes were closed. The breasts that once were so firm and perky were now full and pendulous. She was still beautiful especially given that she was now nearly 60. I cupped both breasts, and she let out a sigh. Then I brought my lips to her right nipple and gently drew it between my lips. She squirmed and held my face to her breast as I slowly licked and gently sucked. She started to rock her hips against me as I moved to her left breast.

Her eyes were still closed as I sat up and undid the button of her jeans and pulled them down, bringing her panties with them. She now lay totally naked in front of me, and it brought back memories of the first time I had seen her naked nearly 40 years earlier. The years had added some flesh to her legs and there was a mature softness in her belly, but still a beauty. I looked up to her face and her eyes now met mine.

She smiled, “The years have taken their toll, Baby Bro. Sorry about that.”

I smiled back. “You’re wrong, Sis. The years may have mellowed both of us, but you are every bit as beautiful as the first day I saw you in my room that summer.”

With that, I bent forward and kissed her belly, rolling my tongue in her navel. Then I kissed and licked down to the top of her hair line, but by passed her pussy to her thighs, just as on that first day. Slowly she opened her legs to reveal her warm wet pussy. I gently kissed her lips and then opened them with my tongue to explore her hole and up to her clit. She squirmed and whimpered. Without saying a word, she sat up and began opening my belt and pants. I stood so she could pull them down. In the past, my cock would have probably already have been standing out like a flag pole, but the years had had their effect on me too. She said nothing but simply took my cock into her mouth. Within seconds of feeling her lips around me and her tongue licking at the head of my dick, it began to respond and fill to more useful proportions.

She laid back and lifted her knees out. “Fuck me, Brad. Please. I so badly need to feel like a woman again.”

I pushed my cock into the yielding warm moist softness between her legs. She lifted her hips to meet me. I fucked her slowly and deeply and she met my rhythm in perfect synchronism. Her hand went to her clit and rotated as I fucked her. Soon she was breathing harder and working her hips and hand. I could feel like I was losing control and said, “Time for rule 2, Sis”, but she wrapped her legs around me.

“No need for that anymore. Just let it go. Please,” she cried.

I lost it. I could feel my juice pumping into her as I bellowed out, “Oh my GOD!”

She met me with her own scream squeezing her legs tighter around me. I just kept cumming and thinking, “Oh God, I’m actually cumming into my sister. After 40 years I’m pumping my whole load into her.” Logically I knew she must be past menopause, and there was no longer any risk of pregnancy, but still, the emotion of it hit me hard. She started to cry. More than cry. She wailed like a banshee and held me tight sobbing and sobbing and I could do nothing but hold on and cry with her. I think all of her grief since Frank’s death was pouring out of her at that moment.

Ten minutes must have gone by until she stopped enough to say, “Please, Brad. Get me some tissues. I’m so sorry.”

I came back with the tissues. “Hey,” I said wrapping my arm around her shoulder. “If you say you’re sorry again, I’ll whack you. I think it’s about time that you really let it all out. You need to let your grief out.”

I pulled her down on the sofa next to me and we laid there for a long time. Finally she pushed up and said. “We need to put something on so I can make you some dinner. Please let me make you a nice dinner.” She picked up my tee shirt and pulled it over her head. I couldn’t help smiling. Déjà vu.

I put on my shorts and my shirt as I watched her in the kitchen. She pulled some shrimp out of the freezer and sautéed them with peppers and tomatoes and garlic and made fra diavalo, one of my long time favorites. I opened a bottle of Valpolicella and we ate like we hadn’t eaten for days. We took poured sambuca into some fresh brewed coffee, and took it into the living room along with cookies where we talked for nearly two hours. It seemed like Linda had a lot to pour out of her, but it also seemed like maybe she was at least starting to think about the next steps back to living again.

Finally, she took me by the hands and uttered her famous line, “We need a nice hot shower,” and lead me toward the bathroom. We stood together hugging under the stream of hot water while soaped each other, admittedly along with a lot of fondling, and finally stepped out to soft towels. It was time for bed, not necessarily sleep, but time for bed none the less. I started toward her bedroom and she steered me to the guest room. “I really don’t feel comfortable sleeping with you in Frank’s bed. Can you understand that? Can you accept that? I loved him so much,” she said.

“Absolutely,” I agreed. “I hope you know how much I loved him too.”

As we crawled into bed, she nudged me to a side-to-side 69, something both of us always had a fondness for. We lay there for a long time delighting in being orally teased and tantalized while doing the same for the other. She rolled onto her back, spread, raised her knees and said, “I want you to fuck me like you did earlier.”

I knelt between her spread legs, gently pushed my hard cock into her, watched as it penetrated all the way, and lowered myself on top of her. She held me tightly in her arms as I fucked her deeply and slowly. As earlier, her hand went to her clit, but she would also let it wander to my cock as it stroked in and out of her. She would then raise it to my nose and mouth and I would take her fingers into my mouth after which she would return to herself stimulation. I could tell she was getting close to the edge and then she went over the precipice into a spiral of orgasmic release. I knew I was nearly there too, and as before, pushed deeply into her as I got near.

“Let it go, Brad. Let it go inside me. Give it all to me.” And I did with a final thrust and an arch of my back as both of us screamed out our pleasure. She reached to grab my ass and pull me tightly into her as I finally spent every last drop and fell onto her breathing heavily. I laid there in her arms as she stroked my hair and I kissed her neck. I finally went soft and my spent dick slid out of her. I rolled off as she rolled onto her side. Then I spooned up behind her, and we both fell asleep.

In the morning, we made love again. I say “made love” for the first time in 40 years rather than just “had sex” or “fucked”, because for the first time, that’s what it sort of felt like. It wasn’t “husband-wife” love, but something perhaps even closer in some respect. I mean, we did share the same blood. We always had something out of the ordinary from what I could tell from other brothers and sisters I knew. It was so very intimate yet never in a possessive way that would have ever threatened either of our marriages. I couldn’t really explain it, but I it took me 40 years to really acknowledge it to myself. Linda went to shower, but didn’t suggest that I follow. I watched her head to the kitchen as I headed to the shower myself. We had a really nice leisurely breakfast and went for a walk along the river near her house. The early Autumn air felt good but was a little chilly when the breeze kicked up. She snuggled into me to put her arm around my waist, and I put mine around her shoulder. We found a quiet spot to sit on a rock, and just watched the water flow by carrying a flotilla of leaves to parts unknown.