The Twelve Tables

Peri walked on clouds in the weeks following the weekend away, and Josh, satisfied that he had his soul mate, set her the task of working on the family history. She would need to be well versed in the ways of his extended family before meeting them and in his eagerness to propose he planned to take her home to the farm for the holiday season.

While her nights were filled with passion and pleasure, her days though filled with love, were devoted to researching the extraordinarily extended alliance of families that Josh belonged to. She started at the beginning and reread the introduction she had gone through that first morning in Josh’s apartment.

During the early 1800’s twelve rich and powerful men from across Italy travelled to meet in Rome. They had participated in the defeated revolts against the despotic rulers of Modena, Naples, Venice, Milan, Bologna, Rome and other cities. Drawn together by dealings in business and pleasure, they discovered within each other like-minded patrician sentiment and a reverence for the customs of their ancestors. Each had established the power of the pater familias within the community of his own extended familia. He held legal privilege over the property of the familia, and varying levels of authority over his dependents: these included his wife and children, certain other relatives through blood or adoptions, clients, freedmen and slaves.

Each family had agreed to send a younger son, his wife and a body of slaves to the new British Colony to set up a new seat of power for the table of twelve they had created. The Sons would regain their lost family names for their travel documents leaving behind the tainted label of Esposito and the legacy of a bastard ancestor. In 1883, with the successful migration of the families younger sons to the new America’s fifty years before, the treaty between Italy and the British Isles allowing citizens of both countries to travel an work freely within each other’s states set the wheels in motion for immigration of the fore runners of the families to the new colony, Australia.

A new generation of younger sons could forge their way as pater familias and bring success to the Twelve tables from yet another land. This would safe guard the families against the losses they had suffered during the world war two which came close to mirroring the near extinction of the families during the revolts against the Austrian French and Swiss usurpers of their lands, in the not so distant past.

Each of the twelve men bore the name Esposito or a variant of it. In ancient times, the surname was given to children who were abandoned or given up for adoption and handed over to an orphanage and each man had traced his origins back to a noble and distinguished family and a slave girl. The text went on to list the families and regions their estates lay in and Peri felt her eyebrows rise at some of the names listed.

Using some specially designed software Peri began tracking each family branch that joined to make the twelve tables of Australia and their links back to noble and proud family heritage. This was where the waters got murky for Peri. Italy had a history of changing the landscape of its Nobility. Before Italian Unification in the mid-19th century, the existence of the Kingdom of Sardinia- Piedmont, the Grand Duchy of Tuscany, the Duchy of Parma, the Duchy of Modena, the Duchy of Savoy, the Duchy of Milan, the Papal States, various republics and the Austrian and French dependencies in Northern Italy led to parallel nobilities with different traditions and rules.

16th-, 17th- and 18th-century Italy (after the Renaissance) was home to myriad noble families that had risen to prominence via judicial appointment, election to the various regional senates or appointment to Catholic Church office. There were also families which had been part of Italian nobility for many decades or even centuries. In the middle of the seventeenth century, there were computed to be fifty noble families in Rome of three hundred years’ standing, thirty-five of two hundred, and sixteen of one hundred years. None were permitted to claim a more ancient descent, as they were generally traced to an obscure, or even a low origin.

She sighed realising that this was to be a huge undertaking as there was also Papal Nobility which had two warring sides and the post-unification Nobility. As each claimed lineage back to the time before unification Peri concentrated her searches here and found, many of the family names she had needed to be accounted for but the ever changing borders of the warring peoples made it hard to identify exactly which principality, duchy or kingdom each claimed as ancestors. Fixing a set date at 1500 she drew up a map of the regions as they were then dividing the country carefully and labelling the regions as they were then known with their ruling families and tried to cross match each family to the person they claimed as an ancestor.

Having done this it was easy then to trace the names back through history to the founders of the families at least six could find their lineage harking back to medieval kings but two could place their ancestors in the senate of ancient Rome. A month had passed as she worked obsessively to find the links and follow the known trails of family names when it occurred to her that perhaps she needed to find if these men of the past did, in fact, have mistresses or slaves that bore them illegitimate children. Perhaps like any doctrine of family law it was given to be a truth simply because that is what their extended family networks were based on.

Closing down her computer and putting the book safely away, Peri began packing up for the end of the day. Josh had gone to an afternoon meeting on the top floor, and she was going home to see Andie and have dinner which she tried to do at least once a week now. As her eyes did a final sweep around the office to make sure everything was exactly as it should be, Peri saw the svelte woman striding towards her door and cringed.

“Well, well,” Sabrina said as she leant against the doorframe of Peri’s office. “Didn’t’t I underestimate the little research mouse? Who would have thought you would be capable of such underhanded bitchiness.”

“What exactly am I supposed to have done?” Peri stood up straighter refusing to be cowed by the statuesque woman. She had not seen her since her promotion to the top floor and for that she was grateful.

“I had an interesting chat with Nik today, I know all about you and Josh. I expect it’s no co-incidence the day I try to make friends with you; I got moved to another department manager?” She sneered.

“I was as surprised as you were, that with the amount of time you spent gossiping and lunching with friends, I was truly shocked that you were promoted,” she shrugged, “Just goes to show you can never tell what goes on in the minds of men.”

Sabrina rose to her full height and stared hard at Peri, “You better watch you back, because you have made enemies of the wrong people. I just came to gloat and take a last look at you because I don’t think you will be here much longer.” She looked Peri up and down coldly. “At least you have the good sense to let your mother dress you these days but it still doesn’t’t hide the frumpy little fat girl that will never be good enough to mingle with the people that matter.” With that, she turned on her heel and marched away.

Peri was shaking, and she collapsed into the chair behind her desk and closed her eyes forcing herself not to cry. Cocooned by Josh’s love and the general good will of everyone who worked on the floor now, it had been over a month since Peri had felt her old insecurities overwhelm her as they did now. She considered calling Josh but decided not to rock the boat and gathered her shattered feelings picturing him in her mind, tall, handsome and loving. She smiled, so Sabrina had talked to Nik and found out about their relationship, people had to find out sometime and if she lost her job she would find another. She gathered her bag and left her small office bumping into Louisa.

“I was just coming to see if you were all right, she was pretty loud, I doubt your secret is a secret anymore,” she indicated the cubicles behind her.

“Oh, shit! I better tell Josh then; I was just going to let it pass but…” she looked past Louisa to the other people in the office slowly making their way towards the lifts and looking at her furtively, “Shit! Shit! Shit!” she cursed again and for no other reason than the shock of the verbal attack she burst into tears.

“You can’t leave like this let me call Josh,” Louisa said softly.

“No, really I am fine, don’t disturb his meeting,” she gave her friend a crooked smile.

“You’re not fine, just sit down for a few minutes at least, besides I sort of already called him,” she watched the look of horror appear on Peri’s face. “Well, I don’t want to lose my job just because Sabrina wants it back. I am finally getting the hang of everything. I am sorry, that was selfish of me.”

“Oh, Louisa I didn’t’t even think of that, am I so self-absorbed these days?” Peri began to cry again.


Josh had listened as Louisa spoke quickly and asked her to send five specific people to him in Mario’s office. Hanging up he had rung security and asked them to stop Sabrina at the foyer, he knew she rarely drove to work, and they took her directly to HR where she was detained.

Having heard the recounted stories Mario picked a few of his people and called them into his office. He then rang HR and put it on speaker phone as he talked.

“I called Josh to a meeting in my office this afternoon regard Sabrina Hayes; I believe she is there with you at the moment. Could you put me on speaker phone please?” Mario waited as there was a click and a dull echo sounded around the voice of the HR manager.

“As I said I called Josh Craig up for a meeting this afternoon regarding some complaints I have received from my staff regarding workplace harassment and bullying, Josh said he had similar reports on his level but as Sabrina was very efficient at her job, he thought the promotion she was due would be enough to curb her sense of importance among the people on his floor. I have within my office nine people from both floors who have filed complaints over the last nine months with both myself and Josh. I believe you have copies of some of them.” He paused and allowed the manager to agree and quiet the spluttering rebuttal of Sabrina.

“It has come to my attention that perhaps the wheels of justice are spinning a bit slowly in HR regarding these complaints and having just been informed of gross misconduct by Miss Hayes I felt it imperative it be dealt with directly,” once again he paused as he heard Sabrina swear and begin to shout her own complaints until the manager once again gained control.

“Contrary to Miss Hayes belief the girl involved in the incident does not wish to make a statement at this time but I have…” Josh held up his fingers, “six emails all sent to the manager of that floor at the time of the incident detailing the exact words used and their own distress at having to witness such a threatening act of harassment,” Mario smiled at the women in front of him.

“I will take Miss Hayes Statement, and you can send me the emails unless any of the witnesses wish to come directly to me to give a statement, and I will consider the incident this evening and talk with you and the other parties in the morning,” the hollow voice of the manager sounded through the phone.

“Thank you, I will expect to hear from you early then,” Mario said and hung up without the usual pleasantries. “If any of you wish to go down and see HR management this evening or first thing in the morning I will support you as I am sure Josh will also,” he addressed the people before him before dismissing them from his office.

“So, what will she do when they fire her?” Mario leaned back in his chair looking at Josh.

“Sabrina is sexy, smart and good at her job they won’t fire her,” Josh said, “they will wait until she gets the mandatory warnings before anything that drastic,” Josh said.

“Not her, this girl you’re fucking that caused Sabrina to have a jealous tantrum? You know it will all come out now; HR doesn’t like the prospect of sexual harassment suits,” Mario said seriously, “Trust me. I know.”

“Fuck!” Josh exclaimed. “Okay, give me your wisdom, how do I manage this?”


As the time lengthened waiting for Josh, Peri rang her mother and explain she was held up and would be late and perhaps they could reschedule for maybe a shopping trip on Thursday. Mollified by the idea of shopping Andie agreed and didn’t’t push her daughter on the worried sound in her voice.

“You don’t have to stay, I am fine,” Peri smiled at Louisa showing how much better she felt.

“What sort of friend would I be after that little show if I left you alone now,” she grinned, “I don’t have any plans anyway.”

“She’s not alone,” Josh’s voice said softly as he came into her office and picked her up hugging her tightly. “Still planning on seeing Andie tonight?” he asked looking at her face.

“No, I rang and cancelled promising her a shopping trip on Thursday night,” Peri grinned.

“In that case,” Josh turned to Louisa, “Would you like to join us for dinner and a trip to a special art gallery?” he turned back to Peri, “Now that the cat is out of the bag no need to sneak around anymore.”

“That sounds great!” Louisa gushed.

“Great let’s go. I know just the place to eat,” he grinned and escorted them both to the car park. Louisa had caught the train to work, so Josh promised to drop her home later that night as they climbed into his car.

Flicking his phone to hands-free he dialled a number and gunned the engine pulling out of the car park unnecessary speed making Louisa grip the seat at her sides. “Hey, Lil bro,” came a familiar voice through the speakers of the car.

“Hey, D. I fixed you up on a blind date with one of Peri’s friends, meet us at Orlando’s, fifteen minutes, be there,” he said as he ran a barely yellow light.

“Is Peri gonna be there?” Dante asked.

“Of course,” Josh chuckled.

“Yeah okay, then. See you in ten,” the phone hung up.

“I guess I should have warned you that Josh only knows two speeds, fast and faster,” Peri turned looking over her shoulder at her friend.

“It’s terrifying but in a good way like a rollercoaster,” Louisa laughed as they took another corner and her seatbelt pulled tight holding her in place.

Pulling up in front of the restaurant Josh swore, “Fuck! How does he always beat me here?”

When they walked in Dante was lounging at the bar grinning at them, “Too slow little bro.”

Josh rolled his eyes and introduced Louisa, who smiled, liking Josh’s brother already, before walking over to talk to the owner and request a table for four and get drinks for them all. Dante led them to a small table in the bar area.

“So how goes it stumpy?” Dante asked Peri.

“Slowly,” she laughed, holding up her leg, “No boots.”

“Do you think boots are an optical illusion making women’s legs look longer?” he asked Louisa.

“Oh sure, every girl knows that,” she laughed playing along with Peri, “I don’t need them of course,” she stretched out her long slim legs. Unlike Peri, who was short and curvy, Louisa was tall with a solid athletic build, not quite slim but more muscled than overweight.

“I see,” Dante smiled appreciatively as Josh arrived with drinks for the girls. They made small talk through the drinks and the meal, and Peri was grateful that Josh had not grilled her about the incident with Sabrina that blew up earlier. Unknowing of what had happened in Mario’s office she hoped that everything could just go back to normal tomorrow, and that everyone would forget it ever happened.

Before the girls had finished their main meals, Josh turned to Dante and said, “Let’s go see Zia before we get scolded.”

“He just wants to send you some amazing desert that’s not on the menu by sweet talking the cook,” Dante laughed, “He always was a show off.”

They left the girls to talk and headed for the kitchen. “I sort of promised the girls a tour of the gallery, tonight,” Josh said quietly knowing that Dante rarely opened the gallery except for special showings like the one he had taken Peri to on their first date.

“Better be a good reason,” he tilted his head and stared at his brother.

“I think it will be mutually beneficial,” Josh said, “Did I ever tell you that Peri has a degree in Art History? Her dream job is at a gallery or museum and that place of yours with a special private collection…”

Dante raised his eyebrows a moment before Zia encompassed them both in messy hugs and loud kisses on their cheeks. Josh organised flamboyant desserts for the girls and promised to return soon before taking Dante aside.

“Look she is researching and rewriting the family book for me as her main project, I haven’t told her about the collection yet but I bet she can give you a run down on any piece you put before her,” Josh promised him.

“What’s prompted this? Is she difficult for you to work with all of a sudden?” Dante was genuinely curious.

“Nik blew the whistle or got one of her cronies to, in the worst way. Peri was put through a threatening scene today by the office barracuda, and this particular firm doesn’t tolerate fraternization, so it’s only a matter of time,” he let his voice trail off.

“So start your own publishing firm, you know Ben would back you on it,” Dante shrugged.

“I am not ready to be a fully-fledged family man yet,” Josh grimaced, “and Nik is being such a bitch, she can’t bear that I found a girl I think I could live with forever.”

“Yeah, I get that vibe from the two of you, and she understands about the family?” Dante was skeptical but mellowing.

“As much as she knows so far, but she has been working on the book so she knows a lot more than most of the people we have brought into the fold,” Josh sounded confident.

“All right, but I have to get Lio there, or he will veto anything we on agree on. Let me call him, Nik’s on his shit list anyway, so he will probably agree just to piss her off,” Dante gave a half smile.


“I remember being here,” Peri said as she walked into the cavernous warehouse gallery. It seemed huge now that it was empty of people and the partition walls that had divided the space during the showing. Dante raised an inquiring eyebrow at her, and she explained, “Josh brought me here on our first date.”

“After he burnt you and starved you to the point of fainting he brought you here?” Dante smirked, “and after all that you accepted a second date?” Peri giggled as Josh scowled.

“Your brother has his charms,” Peri grinned.

“I do indeed,” A voice sounded behind them and Emilio walked out from a large double doorway. Startled, Louisa looked between Dante and Emilio, her eyes wide at the identical twins. “Just a shame I have to share most of them with Dante. How are you, Peri? Long-time no see,” He said embracing her and kissing her cheek. Peri introduced her friend Louisa and said she hadn’t expected him to be here, but she was very glad he was.

“Josh promised the girls a tour of the private gallery, says there’s something in it for us,” Dante chuckled.

In a perfect copy of Dante’s expression, Emilio raised an inquiring eyebrow at his little brother, “Is that right? Well you only brought one stunner with you, unless, of course, you’re tired of Peri already.” He said making Louisa blush and Peri laugh and shake her head at Josh, who moved closer putting an arm around her waist.

“Yeah, right,” Josh chuckled, “That’s not happening.”

“Some of the stuff in here is pretty old,” Emilio explained as he handed them soft white gloves to put on, “So we take precautions to protect it. Family history and all, we can’t be too careful, it costs a fortune to restore, and the real restoration experts don’t live in this country.”
“Actually a woman who used to work in Louvre restoration lives in Melbourne now,” Peri said, “I met her once when I went down to Canberra for an exhibition on the Renaissance Masters. One of my lecturers set it up for me, and we have kept in touch,” she looked at their stunned expressions, “You know, occasional emails and stuff. She lets me know if any interesting shows are happening, they get a lot more of the big ones down there than come up north.”

“Well do I have a surprise for you,” Emilio took her arm and walked her through the large double doors he had opened when he arrived. Josh hung back a little with Louisa as Dante walked on the other side of Peri into an equally vast space that was full of paintings and sculpture.

“There’s something over here that I think will interest you, it’s my favourite part of this giant reliquary,” Josh said quietly to Louisa leaving his brothers to show off their treasures to Peri. Standing before a small group of shelves he nodded, “Help yourself, just keep the gloves on,” Louisa was beside herself. She took an old tome from the shelf and gently placed it on the reading stand before opening to the first illuminated page and gasping.

The time went by too fast for Peri; every new piece was a discovery for her. This had to be one of the most valuable private collections of art and historical relics she had ever heard of or not heard of as the case maybe.

“Josh, I could spend days, weeks, months, and years in here and not be satisfied,” she gushed as he appeared behind her wrapping his arms around her waist.

“I’d offer you a catalogue, but their research and detailing leaves a lot to be desired,” Josh laughed. “I doubt it’s even up to date.”

The twins rolled their eyes. “Locating and securing the missing objects and things we want to collect takes a lot of time and effort, we update everyone in our family newsletter,” Dante defended their roles as trustees of the family archive. “Bad enough we let you take over the family history.”

“I’ll do it!” Peri cut in, “Oh, my god this is a dream come true, just to be here and see them all, but to be able to study and research and…” her head was swimming as she continued to look at the paintings in front of her.

“There are six rooms this size; it takes up the whole block in total, including an auction house and the big gallery we went through; it’s probably too big of a job for one person,” Josh said softly but smiling at her. “Let alone someone who would just do it part-time as a hobby.”

“That’s why they need help, any help is good help, right?” Peri looked up at Josh hopefully.

“Wholly shit!” Louisa’s voice exclaimed from the other side of the room somewhere, and Josh led the way to where he had left her. Seeing them converge on her, she looked up and said, “That’s it, I am not leaving, I am just going to sit here and grow old and you can keep me as a relic.” She was hugging a book to her chest.

“I guess it might be nice to have something pretty to look at around here, until she starts to decay that is,” Emilio said with a perfectly straight face.

Dante and Josh chuckled, but Peri understood her friend’s sentiment and went to see what it was Louisa hugged so fiercely. The men moved away from the girls murmuring quietly amongst themselves.

“If enthusiasm counts for anything, I say we hire them both, it would be good to get the cataloguing up to date,” Dante chuckled, “but the family will probably not approve.”

“We’ll get them to sign a waiver, Ben can draw it up, that’ll make everyone happy,” Emilio said quietly as if thinking through the issues. “Tell me why this is going to piss off Nik first so I can be sure I am not fighting a losing battle.”

“I’m going to take Peri home for the holidays to meet Papa,” Josh turned to look at the woman he loved.

“So soon? Yeah, I can imagine Nik has steam coming out of her ears. It must be killing her that you care what a girl other than her,” Emilio laughed. Josh explained what had occurred this afternoon and what the fall out would probably be and he wanted to pre-empt it ever happening again.

“Geez that’s bitchy even for Nik, getting two girls fired just because you are not listening to her,” Emilio sympathised. “Doesn’t’t surprise me though, I wouldn’t’t let her borrow some heirloom jewellery for a fashion show she had and she has been dogging my steps ever since, I have never seen Ben so much as I have lately, he will probably appreciate an up-to-date catalogue as much as anyone, and if she is about to become part of the family anyway.”

“We could hire Peri as a freelance contractor through the auction house rather than the gallery to take the heat off,” Dante suggested. “You know Nik, she can be vengeful; Peri could use a middle name or something. I’ll get to know Louisa a bit better, I think, before we offer her anything,” he grinned at his brothers.

“All right you work out the details. I’ll talk to Peri tonight when we get home. Thanks, Lio,” he embraced his brother in a macho hug, “Dan” he said doing the same, “I knew I could count on you.” He turned back to the girls who were leafing through the book with wonder. “It’s getting late,” he called, “I better get you both home I hear your boss is a bastard when it comes to tardiness,” he smirked at them.

“His barks worse than his bite,” Louisa smiled but reluctantly closed the book and went to place it back on the shelf.

“I’ll take Louisa home if you like,” Dante offered.

“It’s up to her; I guess,” Josh said dubiously.

“Sure, I don’t mind. I know you two still have stuff to talk about after… well stuff to talk about,” she changed what she was about to say seeing Peri’s face fall.

“No, so much, we both know what happened,” he shrugged, “It’s more about what comes next, although she did offer to work here so maybe she’s planning on leaving me now.” He frowned at her.

“Well they do have a lot to offer a girl like me,” she grinned looking around her and winking at Dante, who burst out laughing in his low, slow chuckle.

“The look on Josh’s face right now is enough to make me seriously consider it,” Emilio grinned, “I guess I’ll go find Ben and see what he thinks about hiring some help.”

The small group left the warehouse and went in different directions. As they drove, Josh talked about his concern that the company policy about sleeping with the boss, would be brought to bear by Sabrina, who wouldn’t go down without a fight.

“We both knew it would happen sometime, and I will still work on your book while I look for another job, who knows maybe your brothers really will let me work on their cataloguing system with them,” Peri said easily. “I won’t deny it or apologise for falling in love with you Josh but I will miss seeing you as much as I do every day.”

“My feelings exactly,” Josh said and reached over taking her hand as he drove seemingly in even more of a hurry than usual. Practically dragging her from the car after he parked hastily, he began to undress her in the elevator, the buttons on her blouse coming undone easily under the pressure of his fingers. He kissed her deeply as he pulled each breast from her flimsy bra and played with the rapidly hardening nipples.

Peri could feel the urgency of his need as his hands and mouth possessed her, and she knew the evening would be filled with painful pleasure and the heights of ecstasy he could give her. Pushing her into the apartment, he growled, “Hands on the wall.” Without any further acknowledgement, he reefed her skirt up around her waist and then ripped the thin piece of lace that was her g string from her body. She heard his fly unzip and then he entered her from behind his hands moving to maul her breasts.

His pace did not slow as his need overrode his thoughts, one hand drifted down to her cunt, his fingers seeking out and strumming her sensitive clit the other moved up to encircle her throat. He did not hold back, and his fingers tightened cruelly on both areas of flesh as he came feeling her shudder as she gave a strangled cry her hands slipping down the wall with the intensity of what she felt.

Pulling her to the bed, he held her in his arms surprisingly gently in stark contrast to the recklessness with which he has just fucked her. He stroked over her body his hands lingering over her breasts caressing and teasing the high pink nipples. “I love you,” he murmured as he nuzzled the red marks that had been left on her neck.

Smiling, Peri wrapped her arms around him. “I know, Mine, I love you too.” This man had come into her life and changed her world completely. So much had happened in the short time they had been together that she had no doubt in her mind that the love they shared was real and lasting.


It was three weeks later, and Peri was firmly ensconced in an over-crowded office at the House of Lorraine, an auction house attached to the galleries owned and maintained by Dante and Emilio. Her departure from the publishing house had been swift and brutal, but she had the satisfaction of knowing Sabrina had been fired too, due to the extraordinary amount of complaints against her by co-workers.

After four of the brothers had met and discussed the idea of Peri researching the family collection while already working on the family book it was decided she could do both. The idea appealed to her as she was certain one line of research would inform both projects, so she divided her day in half giving equal time to both projects.

She had worried that Ben, who seemed to be the family patriarch in his father’s absence, would not be happy to have an outsider working with their family heirlooms. Josh said he had planned to take Peri to the farm for the holidays; he had then been enthusiastic about getting someone with a professional view to update the cataloguing of the treasures. He also suggested that when she was ready she contact the members of the family to find out which pieces they had in their homes to add those to the database she would create.

Peri was in heaven; this was a dream job in her chosen field and the fact that she felt so close to many members of the family only served to heighten her joy in coming to work every day. Josh had commented that she didn’t’t seem to miss him at all, but she had kissed him sweetly and whispered, “Absence makes the heart grow fonder, and I hardly thought that possible until now.” He had laughed and launched into a torrid scene of sexual use that had seen her so weak he had to carry her to bed afterwards, She still carried the bruising from the ropes that had bound her so completely a week before.

A regal looking woman with grey streaked brown hair walked into her office and stood looking at her for a moment. Startled Peri stood and said quietly, “Can I help you to find someone? I am only new here myself but…”

In a thick Italian accent, the woman said, “Oh, I am sorry dear; I was looking for Dante and Emilio,” she walked forward and held out her hand in greeting, “I’m Antonia.”

“It’s a pleasure to meet you,” Peri said in a friendly voice. “I am afraid they have both gone to attend a family meeting. Could I give them a message for you?” Peri asked trying to be helpful and wondering how the woman had got past all of the people who worked here to make it to her office which was hidden away at the rear of the building.

“You could help me perhaps,” the woman said looking around the room and taking a chair placing her handbag on the floor and picking up a large hat box. “I found this in a lovely little antiques store down on the coast in some little country town when I was visiting my sister. She opened the box and pulled out a well packaged neatly wrapped parcel. Carefully unwrapping it Antonia placed the porcelain mask on the desk before Peri.

“It’s stunning!” Peri gasped at the beauty, “I can see why you bought it.” She looked up and smiled at the woman. “May I?” she indicated the mask asking before picking it up.

“Yes, of course, that’s why I am here in this place,” Antonia laughed softly.

“I am not really an expert in porcelain,” Peri admitted, “but I would happily research it for you, if you would like to leave it with me for a day or two,” she began turning the mask over in her hands to see if there was a marking.

“Just tell me what you think and then we will see,” Antonia was not about to let the girl off so easily.

“Well,” Peri swallowed, “This mark here,” she held the mask out and pointed, “I believe comes from an area in Italy called Daruta, but they have had many marks over time, and it would be almost impossible to date it precisely without looking up the makers mark, if I had to guess though I would think maybe late eighteenth century. It would only be an informed guess though.” She smiled at the woman and placed the mask back on the desk looking at the intricate work in the vines and grapes surrounding its stark white face.

Antonia said nothing, but sat back appraising the girl, so Peri rushed on feeling uncomfortable, “Travelling minstrels used masks like this in harvest plays that long ago, but it could just be a very good copy there is no way to know without doing the background work.”

“Yes, I have to agree, it always pays to check out the background of something before you acquire it but sometimes passion overrules good sense,” she smiled.

“It’s truly lovely though, even if it did turn out to be a copy, it would still be a piece worth owning if you were a collector,” Peri stroked a finger lightly over the mask. “I am sorry I wasn’t better help to you but I would hate to raise your hopes falsely.”

“Well, it seems like I have some time to kill, did they tell you when they would return?” She asked pleasantly.

“It was a lunchtime meeting, I expect they will be at least another hour or so,” Peri felt like she should apologise or something but couldn’t’t work out why.

“Have you eaten yet?” she inquired.

“I was just about to have a break actually. I got a bit lost in the project I was working on this morning. That’s what happens when you enjoy your work I guess,” she smiled.

“And I came and took up your break time,” Antonia said with a little remorse, “Well, I will take you out for lunch, you can keep me company while I wait for them.”

“I am not sure…” Peri began, but Antonia cut across her words.

“Those boys know it pays to keep me happy. They will not mind trust me,” she smiled beneficently.

“Well in that case,” Peri did not want to cause waves with a potentially valuable customer, so she began to repackage the mask for her.

“Don’t bother with that. You can keep it until you have definite answers for me,” she waved her hand dismissing the debris of packaging on Peri’s desk and stood waiting for her to follow.

They walked through the large showroom and Antonia stopped and told the manager she was taking Peri to lunch. Then they walked two blocks down to a small Asian restaurant where they were seated like royalty.

“Anything you don’t like or are allergic to?” Antonia asked as they took their seats.

“No, I eat most things happily,” Peri smiled letting herself enjoy the break from work and meeting a new person in the form of Antonia, who obviously had good taste in antiques so they would have something to talk about.

Antonia looked up at the waiter, “The usual then, for two.” Within minutes, Peri had a glass of wine in her hand and was clinking it to Antonia’s as she gave a salute. “You haven’t worked at the House of Lorraine long you said?”

“Only a couple of weeks, but it’s my dream job I am so grateful they hired me,” Peri said with feeling.

“Why did you leave your last job was it so very terrible?” Antonia asked.

“Quite the opposite really, I was very happy there. I met the man of my dreams and fell in love there,” she stopped herself and smiled self-consciously, “I sound dreadful don’t I, the man of my dreams and the job of my dreams, but life is pretty good for me at the moment.”

“Life is always better when you are in love,” Antonia laughed, “Me, I have been married so long but still we love with a passion. Tell me about your love, I would like to hear happy thoughts while we eat.”

As the plates of food came and went and their glasses filled up many times Peri talked about meeting Josh and her initial impressions, of how he took her from the dungeon up to her own office and the fateful day where he scalded her with pasta, though to the date, and the lightning bolt moment where she just knew that he was the love of her life.

Antonia listened and asked questions and added to Peri’s story with little anecdotes of her own. Relaxed with the good food and the wine Peri really enjoyed herself and was genuinely disappointed when she looked at her watch.

“Oh gosh, the time has flown so fast, after telling you what a dream job I had, I may not have it much longer if I take lunch breaks this long,” she smiled crookedly, “I have had a really nice time though; it was just what I needed. I miss my friends that I used to eat lunch with.”

“Oh, sit down,” Antonia commanded imperiously, “Just relax you’re with me.” She pulled her phone from her bag and dialled a number. “Benedicto, tell your brothers, the girl won’t be back to work this afternoon and she switched to speak Italian, “Tell your stupid sister she is wrong,… Yes, that’s the one,… Yes, I know they are all stupid at times,” she laughed and hung up the phone.

Peri sat wide eyed through the whole conversation; she had just told Josh’s mother how they met and fell in love, “wholly shit!” she said to herself over and over again as her mouth opened and closed again as words failed her.

“Oh dear, that was a bit mean of me not telling you who I was exactly but I didn’t’t want to make you nervous,” Antonia explained.

“I am sorry, if I had known I would never have told you about…” Peri gulped realising what she had said about Josh, and while she hadn’t gone into details she made it very clear that he rocked her world. “Oh God,” she blushed deeply.

“That’s the best part,” she grinned, “Now I know you satisfy each other on all levels. Love should always be passionate.”


Dante looked at Ben as he hung up, “Mama’s got Peri hasn’t she?” he said quietly.

“Yeah, she won’t be back at work this afternoon,” Ben stifled a chuckle, “But here’s the fun part.”

“Hey Nik,” Ben called to the other end of the table getting his sister’s attention as she sat talking to Josh.

“What?” she looked up obviously frustrated by the interruption.

“How about you tell us all why you wanted us all here for lunch today?” Ben said with a serious face.

“I just miss you all; I hardly see Josh anymore,” she said sweetly.

“Mama just rang, she said to tell you that you were wrong, and I believe she used the word stupid,” he smirked, “Would you like to tell everyone whom she came to town to see today?”

“I don’t believe you,” Nik tossed her head sending her hair flying back around her shoulders as she sat straighter ready to stare down her older brother.

“Give her a call, the two of them are still at lunch together,” Ben shrugged, “I’ve got no reason to lie, wasn’t me who called this family meeting, and has yet to bring anything up for discussion.” He watched as Nik’s haughty veneer dropped momentarily, and she seemed unsure of herself. “If I didn’t know any better I would think we are here so that we didn’t realise where Mama was.”

“Fuck, Nik! Why would you do that?” Joshua had seen Dante and Emilio murmur quietly between themselves. He realised exactly who his mother had come to the city to see, “I don’t get it, Nik, why?”

Nik had a look of horror on her face. She was sure that her mother would end the relationship, and she could walk away with clean hands. She had never considered the scenario where her twin would be look at her with such disappointment and confusion. Ben could hear the pain in Josh’s voice and stepped in, “Let’s go give her a call and make sure she is all right, but from what Mama said she liked Peri, everyone does, even Dante and we all know he doesn’t like anyone.”
It was Maryann who spoke up as Ben walked Josh slightly away from the table, “I think you have finally out bitched yourself this time.”

“Shut up Maryann, you don’t understand,” Nik spat.

“Well here’s what I understand,” Dante said in a hard voice, “Josh loves that girl, and at this point in time I believe he would walk away from you before he would walk away from her.”

“Don’t be stupid,” Nik snarled, “We all do what we’re told in the end; you did, didn’t you?”

“The difference being,” Emilio said quietly, “I would never have made him choose or tell Mama and Papa until he was ready, let alone go behind his back to wreck it for him. Perhaps we should suggest that you need to settle down and worry about your own family instead of who Josh is or isn’t doing.”

“You wouldn’t!” Nik glared at him.

“He wouldn’t, he’s too nice, but I might,” Dante smiled benignly.

“Okay, okay, someone better fill us mere plebs in on what’s going on exactly, because this is getting out of hand,” Romy said and Jules nodded mumbling his agreement.

“Well from what I understand,” Ben said coming back to the table, “Nik set a workplace bully onto Peri making her life hell for a while, and eventually got her fired from her last job and then when that didn’t work she called Mama with a story about… let’s see what would have got Mama here so fast, gold digging tramp? A member of the wrong family?”

“Yes tell us Nik, what exactly did you call the woman I love?” Josh stared at her with anger in his eyes.

“You don’t understand,” she said desperately, “I was just trying to protect you from heartache later on. You know she won’t be able to handle the farm and the whole family.”

“She’s not answering her phone,” Josh said to the Ben turning his back on Nik.

“Come on, let’s go crash their lunch date then,” Ben stood up and walked from the restaurant with Josh.

Nik got up to follow them, but Lucia stood in her way, “If you want him to forgive you one day, now would be the time to back off.”

Nik watched the two men leave, “You don’t understand,” she whispered.


“Just ignore it,” Antonia smiled, “They know where you are, and we were having such a good time, plus I am sure Ben knows where we are, they will come to make sure I have not made you cry.”

“You have been a fabulous lunch date,” Peri smiled, “I haven’t felt more relaxed with a stranger than you made me feel, which is not like me at all usually,” She looked down at her bag as the phone stopped ringing yet again.

“So now that you know who I am, tell me honestly why did you leave your last job if you were so happy there?” Antonia asked her original question again.

“It was a combination of things really,” Peri hedged but she had already told the woman so much and she had an inkling she knew part of the story anyway. “Josh and I had started dating but this woman in the office who is beautiful and used to getting what she wanted… she recounted the bullying, the promotion, what Josh had said and then the final confrontation with the woman.

“And how did the woman find out about your secret relationship, you said you were so careful,” Antonia pressed.

“I think someone who was a mutual acquaintance with Josh and herself told her,” Peri didn’t want to blame Nik in case it caused a family problem.

“You know the person but you don’t like to blame, is that it?” Antonia looked at her shrewdly.

“I don’t think they knew the harm it would do,” she said softly in response, “and well look at me now, I have never been happier.” Peri smiled genuinely happy with her life, “So if they were trying to hurt me it sort of backfired on them. Don’t tell Dan or Lio but I would have done this job for free in my spare time I enjoy it so much.” She took a sip of her wine and on a topic she loved she said tentatively, “Can I ask you some things about family that could help me with the research I am doing?”

Antonia laughed at the girl’s enthusiasm and nodded taking a sip of her drink, “Perhaps another day, when we have more time, I expect my sons will be here to scold me soon.” Her laugh was warm and generous, and Peri laughed softly with her. “Put your number into my phone, and I will call you and you can ask as many questions as you like,” she passed her phone to Peri and continued her laugh.

“Mothers and grandmothers are always the keepers of family information, they know everything!” Peri lowered her voice, “Despite what their husbands think.” To which, Antonia laughed so hard she had tears forming in her eyes as she nodded enthusiastically and called for another bottle of wine. It was about that moment that Ben and Josh arrived to find them roaring with laughter and clinking their glasses together like life-long friends.

“Hello Ladies,” Ben said jovially, “Having a good time are we?”

“Benedicto! Come join us,” she took in Joshua face which was dark and surly, she lapsed into Italian again, “You too Wah-wah. Stop pouting I haven’t traumatised the girl, yet.”

“I really need to learn Italian,” Peri giggled and smiled up at Josh, “Did she just call you Wah-wah?”

“When Maryann was little she couldn’t say Joshua, so she just called him Wah-wah, so anytime he pouts we call him that,” Ben explained helpfully as Josh kissed his mother’s cheek and took a seat.

“I haven’t laughed this much in an age,” Antonia took a tissue form her bag and dabbed at her eyes. The waiter arrived with the new bottle of wine and seeing their companions two extra glasses.

“Maybe some coffee or at least some water,” Josh suggested to Peri and she was about to agree automatically until Antonia cut into the small silence.

“Don’t be silly, pour the wine. I need to go powder my nose, help me will you Bene?” she held out her hand to him.

“Of course, Mama,” he took her hand and helped her up escorting her across the room.

“I didn’t know Josh,” Peri said quickly. “She came wandering into my office looking for Dan and Lio, then asked me to appraise a mask for her in their absence; she only introduced herself as Antonia. I thought she was some important client, and she asked me to keep her company at lunch while she waited for them to return. I thought I was doing the right thing, I had no idea until she rang Ben.” The words come out rushed and almost garbled as she tried to explain herself under his steely gaze.

“We’ll talk about it at home,” he said in a hard voice making her cringe.

“How was I supposed to know?” she was hurt, by the way, he was acting, he hadn’t touched her since arriving, “I haven’t done anything wrong, why are you acting like I committed a cardinal sin?”

“Why didn’t you answer your phone? I have been calling non-stop,” He growled.

“Antonia wouldn’t let me and I was trying to give a good impression once I knew who she was,” Peri was flustered, she hadn’t seen Josh act like this for some time, “You should be more worried about what I did and said before I knew who she was,” and she immediately regretted her words as his face grew darker, but after all the wine she didn’t seem to be able to stop herself from being hurt and blurting out exactly how she felt.

“What did you say? Fuck, how am I supposed to make this right now. I walk in and find you drunk with my mother saying god knows what about god knows who and what exactly did you tell her about us?” His voice was harsh and gravelly, “Did you tell that old fashion Italian Mama that we live together and fuck each other’s brains out every night? Was she suitably shocked? Fuck, how could you be so stupid?”

“You don’t think I am good enough to meet your parents, do you? That’s why you’re all dark and stormy,. I was just the good enough for now girl, until you found someone suitable for you traditional Italian familia,” she was horrified by the thought but she could find no other explanation for his words, Antonia was far from the prude he made her out to be.

“Don’t be absurd,” he muttered without conviction and she heard the hesitation in his voice. Panic settled on her like a blanket heightened by the wine and the strange situation she had found herself in this afternoon. Her heart began to thump in her chest, and she felt sick. She visibly paled, and she felt tears prick her eyes as they sat in stony silence.

When Antonia and Ben returned Peri put on a smile, “Thank you so much for lunch, but I believe the wine is getting to me. I’m so grateful for the fabulous time we had and meeting you but I am just going to call a cab and go home,” she said standing and leaning across to kiss Antonia’s cheek.

“Nonsense, you don’t need a cab when I have two sons,” Josh had already risen from his chair.

“Oh, I think that it’s best, I promised my mother I would see her tonight as I thought Josh would be in meetings. Stay, all of you and catch-up with each other. I know what a close family you all are; I insist,” she heard her own voice crack as she said the last and she smiled again, “Thank you again, Antonia, I hope we can do it again sometime.” With that Peri, turned and walked away. Josh followed her and grabbed her arm to halt her progress, but she shrugged him off.

“Trust me, you do not want to talk to me anymore right now because if you say one more thing like that, I may not be able to forgive you or you me for the things I would say in response,” she said quietly, “I love you Josh, but please let me go so that we don’t say things we will regret forever.”

“No,” he growled taking her arm and all but dragging her from the restaurant. “I will drive you home, and you will stay there until I get back,” he growled.

They didn’t speak at all until he finally took her up to his apartment, “Keys,” he held out his hand, and she took her keys from her bag and placed them in his hand assuming he was kicking her out. She began to cry and turned into the room to begin packing her stuff. It was only when she heard the deadbolt click into place that she realised he had locked her in.


Ben had filled his mother in on all he knew about Josh and Peri’s relationship and what he knew of the girl. When Josh returned claiming everything was fine, they went back to the House of Loraine, where Nik waited with Dante and Emilio, looking morose.

“Oh, good you’re here, Veronica,” Antonia said lightly taking in her daughters mood. “It seems you got your wish and she and Josh have had a quarrel after all.” Nik’s mood changed almost instantly, and Antonia smiled as she went on. “I can’t really understand why, we had the most wonderful time, have you ever taken the time to get to know Peri?”

“No, I have only met her once before,” Nik said slowly unsure of her footing.

“Well whose fault is that? Only takes a minute to pick up the phone,” Antonia said lightly in a conversational tone. “Tell me, was it you who told this Sabrina woman about Josh and Peri?”

“She told you that just to cause problems between us,” Nik was quick to accuse.

“Actually she tried to protect you and wouldn’t tell me who did it, even though she knew. Veronica, how can you make such judgments about someone without getting to know them?”

“I know enough; she comes from an awful family; she has no father; they have nothing, no money, no class, and the mother is…” Nik stopped seeing the look on Josh’s face.

“So you condemn her for a family that is much like our own history and how we originally lost the name we so embrace currently,” Antonia shook her head. “Perhaps it is best you come home for a while, I think being in the big city so long has made you forget your own origins and respect for your family, poor Joshua, you are not his keeper. He has done nothing to bring the family name into disrepute, in fact, after talking to the girl, I think it is quite the opposite.”

“Do not look so surprised Joshua, I am not so stuck in the past I cannot appreciate why you would love the girl,” she laughed, “What is it she told me before she realised I was your mother, oh yes, you rock her world in the bedroom.” Joshua’s mouth dropped open, but his brother’s laughter was loud and long. “She is also passionate about many things, like her work, it was a good idea to bring her here,” she nodded at Ben.

“Veronica,” she looked at her dejected daughter, “If you cannot learn to share Joshua’s affection with someone else, I will talk to your father about arranging an appropriate match for you as we did for Lucia when she had lost her way.”

“No, Mama, please…” Nik whispered looking at Joshua to help her, but he just looked back with no expression and for the first time she realised she how much she had pushed him into a corner and that Dante might be right.

“Then you must find a way to make this right,” Antonia said softly. She looked at the five of her children who stood in the room with her. She was their mother, and she would step in at any time and meddle in their lives, they all knew it was her right, but she loved them and just wanted them to be happy above all else. “Joshua, you can drive me to Lucia’s, I am staying with her tonight,” she finally said ending the conversation.


Joshua let himself into the apartment, it was eerily dark and silent. Turning on a lamp rather than the bright ceiling lights Joshua saw Peri curled up on the lounge asleep, her luggage neatly stacked beside the door. Quietly he took the luggage back into the bedroom before returning and lifting her into his arms and carrying her to bed. She automatically wrapped her arms around his neck and murmured softly into his chest.

“I’m sorry,” he said, “I love you.” He lay her in the bed crawling in beside her and wrapping his arms around her.

“You don’t think I am good enough for them. I never expected you to make me feel that bad about myself,” she untangled herself from his arms and began to sit up.

“I never said that, you did” he accused pulling her back down to him and pinning her arms. “I was shocked, other stuff had happened and then I walk in and find you and my mother drunk. I don’t think I have ever seen her drink that much before or treat any of our girlfriends as a long lost friend. I couldn’t work out what was going on. Try to understand, please.” He kissed her.

“You didn’t deny it,” she said sadly, “You were so cold and nasty at the restaurant; you were angry with me. I didn’t invite her; I didn’t order the wine; I didn’t even know who she was,” Peri tried to explain again.

“I know that, I do. None of what happened today was your fault, it was all mine, and I am sorry,” he kissed her deeply. “Let me make it up to you, please,” he whispered into her ear. “I need you, I love you and I want you to meet my whole family down on the farm, over the holidays.” She looked at him wide eyed, but he kissed her before adding, “Andie can come too.”

“I’m not just Miss Right now?” she asked.

“I would have asked you to marry me a long time ago if I had thought you would say yes,” he leaned up on his elbow and looked into her eyes showing the seriousness of his statement. “I didn’t think you were ready to hear the question, and I don’t take rejection well so, don’t answer yet, but know that I fully intend to ask when the time is right.”

Peri looked up at him in amazement; he never ceased to confuse and surprise her. This time it was her that wrapped her arms around his neck pulling him down into a passionate kiss.

“That’s the passion my mother said I was lucky to have; I’ll take more, please, then I will, what were the words she said you used,” he grinned, “Rock your world?” Peri blushed deeply as she kissed him again both of them smiling into the kiss.

“You have thirty seconds to strip before I start tearing the clothes from you,” Josh said pulling her up from the bed with him. He then turned and opened the closet that his tool chest lay in, placing it at the foot of the bed before turning back to her. Her breasts had already been freed, and they bounced wonderfully as she struggled with the rest of her clothes. Flipping the chest open he took a length of soft nylon rope and approached her.

“If we have kids after we get married, I won’t be happy about sharing these,” he grinned as he stroked her breasts with the rope before taking his time and binding them tightly, the darkness of restricted blood flow showing rapidly as they swelled. He bent his head to kiss and lap at her swollen nipples as she stood with her hands behind her neck whimpering softly as she submitted willingly to his needs. Taking a second longer length of rope he quickly tied it about her waist and ran the length between her legs pressing it into the folds of her cunt to caress her clit and turning her around he tied her wrists together with the ends.

“Mmmm,” he murmured standing back to survey his work as he too stripped off his clothes, “You are almost perfect just like that.” He took an egg from the chest and turned it on before pushing it past the rope into her already dripping cunt as she hissed her breath and closed her eyes at the intense feeling the rope rubbing over her clit gave her.

Approaching her with a leather paddle he spoke with a voice thick with desire, “You, my sexy, amazing girl did not answer your phone when I rang,” he let the paddle land on her ass, “and I called at least six times,” the paddle landed again until he had counted six in his head and was satisfied not only with the colour of her ass but the loud cries of apology she let out through gritted teeth.

Peri was breathing heavily, and tears stained her face but she had held her position taking the paddling he gave her. She quivered as he kissed the tears from her cheeks and lowered his head once more to her throbbing breasts as he slowly undid the bindings there. Each movement she made as he manhandled her filled her body with the pleasure and pain they both enjoyed as the rope between her legs would put pressure on her now swollen clit making her whimper even louder. The egg buzzed away ensuring her body’s natural response to his torments, and she felt her thighs begin to tremble.

“I could punish you for so many misdemeanors today but…” he paused and threw the small rope back toward the chest, “as I bear some responsibility for the other issues you will be given a reprieve this time.” In truth, his need for her was urgent, and while he loved to toy with her body for hours at times, he needed to possess her, to fill her and to make her cry for him in her need.

Rather than being surprised at the swift punishment and the undoing of her bondage, Peri accepted that Josh had not been in control of his relationship with her today. As happened when the trouble had blown up at work, his need to reassure himself of her love for him made him rush what would have otherwise been a drawn out scene. It seemed that only his family could make him this anxious and lose control, and as the ropes fell from her waist she realised it must have been Nik who had instigated her mother’s visit.

Josh pushed his fingers into her as the rope fell away seeking out the egg; his thumb rolled over her swollen clit, and he stared into her eyes watching her build higher in her need. Keeping his free hand around her waist, her teased her until she arched and spasmed, her eyes glazing over as she came loudly, crying out and gasping for breath. He picked her up then and pulled her legs around his hips walking the two steps to the wall. Peri wrapped her body around his knowing that if he could crawl inside her skin he would at this moment and she cried out as he entered her roughly and kissing her deeply.

Josh staggered to the bed and lowered Peri onto it pulling her legs up along his body before leaning over her, doubling her in half. Josh pounded into her like a man possessed staring down into her eyes as he felt himself reach the point of no return rapidly. He growled, stiffening as he came and releasing his hold on her legs collapsed on top of her before rolling to the side dragging her with him, unwilling to withdraw from her body, he held her tightly to him. They let the sound of their own ragged breathing fill the silence as they clung to each other each feeling that they had overcome another hurdle in their relationship in their own ways.