Opening Up to You

An original work of fiction. Please do not reproduce without permission.

It’s been – what — 10 months that we’ve been working together? That’s close to a year of showing up for boring meetings, working on joint projects our two departments run and, much more pleasurably, occasionally hanging out socially. I wonder how many hours we’ve spent in each other’s company?

I’ve always felt relaxed around you, never had to worry about you suddenly making a move on me. You know I’m in a relationship with someone else and respect those boundaries. That’s not usual you know. I’m so tired of guys hitting on me even when they know about my boyfriend. So there’s been no real tension on my part, we really are just colleagues, just friends.

Of course I’ve known all along that your interest in me has always been there. No matter how much a man tries to hide his attraction to me, I can always tell. I see it in the way you greet me every morning with genuine pleasure. It’s there in how you mumble a joke under your breath to me when we’re both unwilling participants in a particularly tedious meeting.

And isn’t it surprising (not!) that in those meetings your chair somehow always ends up positioned next to mine? It’s been fun sharing a coffee break here and there, or happening on you at lunchtime in the cafeteria, and just talking, laughing, not feeling uncomfortable when we both fall silent for a while.

Of course I remember that time last Christmas when the whole department went out for a drink after work and you found me in a quiet spot in the bar? You were clearly pretty high but I still recall what you said.

“I just want you to know that I think you’re really fantastic and I hope your boyfriend knows what an incredibly lucky guy he is. If you ever do find yourself unattached you only have to call.”

It could have come across as you ignoring those unofficial boundaries we have but it didn’t feel that way. I took it just as a genuine appreciation of me. You’ve probably forgotten you ever said it but I haven’t. And lately your words have been more and more on my mind.

Over the months we’ve become pretty good friends. I like how you check in at work to tell me you’re going to get coffee and would I like some too? I like the way you ask me how I’m doing each day and somehow it doesn’t sound formulaic; you always seem to be genuinely interested in my response. And sometimes after work we’ve even taken in new movies that we both wanted to see — always with no pressure from you – and then gone for a quick drink afterwards to talk about the film.

But I love the most how you make me laugh. You’re quick and witty and you get a kick out of seeing that I’m genuinely amused. You hear me laugh at something you say and immediately declare “my work is done here” before ambling back to your desk. It’s nice to know I have someone dedicated to making me laugh, someone who wants me to feel good about my day, who expects nothing in return. I feel very seen, very appreciated.

And I know that behind all the banter, jokes and chats there’s always that faint longing for me. It’s like I can feel it coming off your body. It’s nothing you ever say, and nothing you ever do, at least in any explicit way. But there’s something behind your eyes, something in the intensity of your focus on me that tells me you’ve not lost the pull of the physical attraction I know you have for me.

I remember so clearly when you walked into our offices for the first time. You turned your head to meet me and I saw your eyes momentarily widen. A slight flush come into your cheeks. That faint huskiness in your voice when you said ‘hello’ was a big tell. You were struggling to keep your reaction hidden from and I’m sure no one else saw anything going on, but I caught the intensity of your attention.

So it was no surprise when, only a few days after meeting me, you asked me out. Of course given my status at the time I had to tell you I was in a relationship. You were so quick to apologize and started to chastise yourself for not checking my Facebook page. If you’d just done that simple thing, you exclaimed, you wouldn’t have put me in an embarrassing position.

It was sweet to see your confusion and watch you trying quickly to move back to talking in a jokey way. You didn’t push any more, there was no more pressure – just a quick apology and then back to business as usual.

Well my friend you don’t know it but that moment of my being unattached has finally arrived.

My Facebook status still says ‘in a relationship’ but I’m really lying to the world, keeping at bay all those tiresome guys who check my profile out online after they’ve seen me at the office.

Over the last few months the relationship I’ve had with my boyfriend has become long distance in every sense of that phrase. We’ve become increasingly separated emotionally as well as physically and seem gradually to be losing interest in each other. Neither of us is making much effort to keep things going.

In fact, it’s been so low energy between us that there’s not even been a formal split. But the phone calls between us have stopped and neither of us have made any travel plans to visit each other. We both know it’s over.

But I’m not feeling sad because tonight you are I have arranged to do one of our after work movies in the usual ‘just friends hanging out’ mode. The day has really dragged for me but five o’clock has finally rolled around so I retire to the Ladies room to shed my business clothes and change into something more relaxed for the evening.

I’m feeling more than usually particular about how I’ll look tonight. It’s hot in the city — one of those ‘dog days’ of summer when you wish you could come to work wearing the flimsiest clothes you have. So I change into a light cotton summer dress and sandals.

I don’t want to feel encumbered or trapped this evening. It’s a time for me to breathe, to feel free, to risk. The straps on my dress show off my nicely tanned shoulders, always one of my best features. I apply the slightest touch of gloss to my lips, a little eyeliner, and a dab of perfume behind my ears.

Of course, you’re blissfully unaware of my plans but I have to admit that I’m a little excited about what might happen tonight. There’s a frisson of anticipation, a slight but pleasurable level of nervous tension. And there’s a secret to my preparations that thrills me the most.

Tonight is a no pantie night.

As we leave work to walk to the movie theater you’re talking about how glad you are that we’re taking in an early show because you’re meeting a friend later for a drink. You apologize for not being able to have our usual post-movie chat and tell me you have to leave soon after it ends for your appointment.

I know that ‘friend’ is someone you’ve been seeing for a while and, though you’d never dream of telling me, I sense that you’re intimate with her. What you don’t know is that now I want to be the ‘friend’ you see, the one you look forward to touching, caressing and laughing with.

I don’t remember that much about the movie because I’m too preoccupied with what’s going to happen once it’s over. There’s no need for you to walk me home afterwards but, as usual, you do that, purely because you like my company. It’s not a male protection thing, you just want an excuse to try to make me laugh one more time, a last chance to find out what’s on my mind. So we leave the theater and stroll through the warm evening air, chatting about ‘stuff’ as we get closer to my apartment.

I can feel the cotton fabric of my dress moving over my skin and am very aware of my no pantie status. There’s a warm evening breeze and occasionally it steals up my skirt to caress my thighs. My pubic hairs tingle as the air brushes over them and occasionally they brush against the inside of my dress as we’re walking home. When that happens my labia tightens slightly in pleasure. I feel my lips get just that little bit puffier.

A pleasing wetness begins to lubricate me as I walk. I imagine my lips glistening slightly, shining as if they’re covered in dewdrops.

Of course, you’re oblivious to all this as you stroll beside me, chatting of future movies you’d like to catch.

Outside my building you thank me for taking in the film with you and begin to turn away to keep your date.

“Actually” I say, “would you mind coming up just for a minute? There’s something I want to talk to you about.”

I can see a quick expression of concern flash across your face and your eyes open a little wider as you worry that I’m in sort of trouble. But a simple ‘of course’ is all you say. Always the dependable friend.

We ride the elevator up to my floor and don’t say much to each other. I’m feeling a tension in that small space but know that you’re blissfully unaware of there being anything different about the evening. To you it’s just a quick chat before you go to your lover. I didn’t even say ‘would you like to come up for coffee?’ for God’s sake.

The elevator opens and as I walk to my door my hands are shaking a little. Somehow it’s a bit more difficult than usual for me to put the key in the lock and to turn it to the left. But I manage it and in we go.

“Fancy a drink?” I ask but you reply, “No, I’m fine”.

I know you’re thinking about not being late for your appointment with your ‘friend’.

“There’s something I saw online that I just wanted to get your reaction to,” I say. “It’ll only take a second.”

I signal you to come over to the table in the living room where I keep my laptop. A couple of clicks and I’ve pulled up my Facebook page.

“I just wanted to show you this,” I say and move the cursor to the heart icon marking my relationship status. As usual it reads ‘in a relationship’.

“Okay,” you say non-committedly. You’re obviously wondering what the hell’s going on.

“Now pay close attention,” I order.

As you watch I click on the icon and with a few taps I delete the phrase ‘in a relationship’. Then I type in the word ‘single’.

“Remember you asking me to let you know if my status ever changed?” I ask.

“Well, it just did.”

You’re looking a bit confused, uncertain by what this all means. I can tell you’ve been taken by surprise. You’re clearly caught off guard, trying to process what exactly this all means.

I straighten up and turn to face you directly.

“You know,” I murmur as look straight into your eyes, “I’ve been wondering if maybe you’d like to stay with me tonight?”

The silence that follows is deafening. It’s as if the whole world has stopped and is waiting to hear your response.

There’s a long pause and a serious expression quietly settles on your face, one that I’ve never seen before. I think you sense that how you reply is going to have serious implications for you.

Then you look, oh so intensely, straight at me. I see a strange mixture of longing and gratitude in your eyes and a warm flush goes through me. I don’t need to hear you answer my question because I know it already. But you break the silence anyway and there’s a soft, almost croaked, response from you.

“I would…really…really…love that.”

Then, “do you mind if I make a quick call?”

You walk into the kitchen looking for some privacy.

Ever considerate, I know you’re going to let your ‘friend’ know that you can’t make it tonight. You don’t want her standing alone, waiting for you while she wonders what’s happening. I wonder what you’re going to say to her? I force myself not to move closer to try and listen.

During the couple of minutes or so you’re on the phone I do my best to compose myself but the butterflies in my stomach are colliding with each other. I can’t ever remember a situation in which I’ve basically offered sex to someone I’ve already come to know as a friend. Usually sex happens after a man has pursued, romanced and seduced me, with his intentions always being very clear.

When you come back into the room I have a sudden attack of shyness. I look down but you catch my chin and raise my face up to look directly into yours.

“I never thought this would happen but I’m so glad it is,” you say.

Your hands take mine and we stand facing each other taking in this moment. Neither of us knows what this evening will mean for us but I sense that in some way it’s going to be significant.

You place your hands on the outside of my wrists and then slowly move them up the outside of my arms caressing my skin. They’re so warm! You must be burning up with desire. You reach my shoulders and glide your palms gently over them. It feels very sensual. You look directly at me and, because of the intensity I see in your eyes, having my shoulders stroked suddenly feels very intimate.

I catch my breath as your hands slide back down the outside of my arms. I see pleasure all over your face, but also other things — confidence, desire and purpose. It’s clear you’re in no rush and, once again, our eyes meet. Again, you look intently at me.

“Are you sure this is what you want?” you ask me.

“I’m sure.”

I appreciate that you’re trying to make sure I’m not making a rash decision I’ll regret tomorrow morning. What you don’t know is that as spring turned to summer and my old relationship faded a lot of that was down to you. I looked forward to your company in a way that wasn’t there any more with my boyfriend. Tonight has actually been a long time coming.

I guess you’re satisfied with my response and know that I really want this evening to happen.

You walk me over to the sofa and sit down before gently pulling me down to sit on your lap. I’m perched at a sideways angle to you, quite prim and proper really. I could be a schoolgirl or daughter waiting for fatherly advice. My legs are closed and it’s a very demure tableau.

I turn my head toward you and look directly into your eyes. There it is. The longing you’ve kept buried for these last ten months is now blazing directly out at me, warming me and causing my own temperature to rise.

I move my face down towards yours.

This is it, the moment of truth. This first kiss will be everything. I’ll know in an instant if the evening is going to go anywhere close to where I want it to go. But there’s a quiet certainty inside me telling me that everything will be all right.

Our lips meet and I feel a current of desire transmitting between us. We both just seem to graze against each other’s mouth. The tingle is electric. Your lips feel so soft, so full, and you part them slightly as you brush them over mine.

We kiss gently, you moving your face so that your lips can settle on different parts of mine. You run your tongue over my mouth to moisten me and then our lips glide over each other’s. Softly we brushing against the sensitive nerve endings that lie just underneath our skin.

This kind of soft kissing feels so erotically charged. There’s no thrusting tongues ramming down throats, none of the hungry chomping so characteristic of movie scenes. You just seem to know implicitly that what thrills me the most is to feel your soft lips running gently over mine.

So we slide together dancing over each other’s moist lips in such a tenderly erotic way. Occasionally one of gives a little nibble of the other’s bottom lip and we both laugh.

No first kiss has ever had this effect on me before. With no instruction manual we both seem to know instinctively what will please the other. It’s a wonderfully unplanned sensual coming together, a shared desire for a gentle brushing, a moist lingering, a soft touching of tongues from parted mouths.

I feel myself stir and tighten inside and hear breath quickening and small sighs escaping. Is it you or me who’s making those quiet sounds? Right now I don’t care because I’m sliding to the edge of desire, feeling like I want to open myself to you in the most intimate way I can.

Or, if I’m really honest, I want you to open me up in the same sensual and gentle way you’re kissing me. I can tell you’re going to take your time with me. There’s going to be no rush to orgasm, no hurtling to the moment you get your rocks off. I’ve known from your humor that you like to tease. Now I sense excitedly that you’re going to tease me in a whole different, very delicious, way.

Without saying anything you move me off your lap and stand up. You reach your hand down to mine and pull me up off the coach so we stand face to face. Slowly you slide the straps of my dress down my shoulders and I see a smile cross your face. I never thought a man could look at my body so intently that it would make me feel completely naked even when fully clothed. Waves of heat seem to emanate from your eyes and warm my shoulders.

You start to kiss each of my shoulders. It feels so tender, so loving. I turn my head slightly upwards and to the side so you can kiss up my neck. Up you go, alternating small licks with your kisses. I let out a slight sigh of pleasure and her a quiet moan, almost of pain, escape from you. The desire smoldering in you for the last now months is unleashing itself.

Your eyes hold my gaze very steadily as you slowly lower my dress down me. You’re undressing me so tenderly, so gently, so appreciatively. You raise your eyebrows slightly, implicitly asking me the question, “is it okay if I do this?”

I look directly back at you and give a tiny nod.

You slide the dress down over my breasts and I can feel my nipples harden as the fabric grazes against them. The tops of my breasts appear and you kiss their skin lightly to mark the moment. Moving my dress down my chest just a couple of inches has sent a powerful charge through my body.

Suddenly all I want to do is be naked in front of you. I’m desperate for my breasts to be exposed to the warm night air. Sensing this you pull the dress further down my arms and there they are. Round, soft and full, their nipples stiffening as they wait for the attention they know is coming.

I don’t even need to wonder if you’re going to be a grabber. I know what you’ll do. And here you are doing it! You gently caress one breast, then the other, and I hear you sigh as you do so.

“So beautiful.” Is that what I hear you murmur?

But before I can ask you kiss my lips softly as you slowly massage each of my globes. It feels so wonderful to have you take your time with me, for your hands to cup and rub each breast in turn as your lips brush across my mouth. You become a wonderful human bra, squeezing me, massaging me, all the time kissing me softly.

Now I can tell that you’re starting to squirm. Your body is twisting ever so slightly, and it’s obvious to me that you’re in a state of deep arousal. I know that right now you’re on fire.

But, and this is so great, you don’t guide my hand to your groin, or strip my dress hurriedly off me. It’s clear you’ve decided that giving me pleasure, making me feel good, is what’s on your mind. I guess I’ve always sensed that for you giving pleasure to someone – seeing them laugh, making them feel good — is what pleases you the most.

So you pull my dress down to my waist and your hands are all over my upper body. Oh! They’re so deliciously warm. You stroke my arms, caress my back, massage my shoulders and then draw my chest directly to yours so you can kiss me as my breasts brush against the fabric of your shirt. My nipples are now completely erect and extremely sensitive. I honestly don’t know if I could bear them to be touched anymore.

Slowly you unbutton your shirt, all the while looking directly into my eyes. You kiss me softly and pull me to you, so that my breasts press gently on your skin. This is so sensual, our two naked chests gliding slowly back and forth across each other, the side of my breasts occasionally brushing against your shirt.

Reaching down to the bottom of my dress you pull it up a few inches. My vagina feels so deliciously naked and exposed under the fabric. And what makes it even more delicious is the fact that you don’t know I’m completely bare down there!

You slide the dress from side to side across my pubic bone and I feel the fabric brushing my mons then pulling at my hairs ever so slightly. The movement is traveling to all those nerve ends dancing underneath my clitoris, teasing them so subtly.

My nakedness is such a sweet secret I’m holding!

“Hmm, that feels lovely,” I sigh.

You kiss my neck and your arms go round me and down my back and you start to pull the bottom of my dress from side to side across my naked buns.

Then you slide your hands beneath my dress to knead my buttocks. You caress my buns cupping and kneading them so gently.

Suddenly you stop. You must have just realized that you can’t feel the fabric of any panties there.

“I had no idea,” you say, almost wonderingly.

“It was my present to you if you decided to stay,” I reply in a low voice.

“You feel…wonderful,” you croak.

Now your hands come up to cup my face and you turn it up so our lips can meet. We savor the softness of each other and give small nibbles on each other’s mouth. You pull back and speak.

“I’ve waited a long time for you…but I always knew the wait would be worth it.”

“I’d love to see all of you. Are you ready?”

I give a small nod. “I want you to undress me”.

You reach down to the hem of my dress and slowly you pull it up. It brushes my labia as it comes up to my groin, sending shivers of desire through me. Further up it goes, sliding across my breasts as you pull it up to my shoulders and then…there! It’s off! I shake my head and brush my hair back into place with my hands.

Now I’m standing fully naked before you. But it doesn’t feel demeaning or submissive in any way. I’m proud of my vulnerability. I feel sincerely desired yet also completely in control. I’ve decided to offer my nakedness to you fully, frankly and honestly, knowing that you only want to make me feel good. Stimulating my pleasure is clearly your priority.

You take your shirt completely off and now we’re kissing, standing with our bodies locked together as tightly as we can. You still have your jeans on and there’s something very sensual about feeling my bare legs, my hips, my groin, my whole pubic area brushing against your denim as you pull me to you.

Your hands are moving up and down my back and then they’re gently squeezing and kneading my buttocks. The movement of your hands tugging at my cheeks sends little shock waves directly to my labia. I let out the slightest of groans.

Each time you knead me the friction you create pulls my labial lips slightly away from each other. It’s delicious! Your hands grasp my buns firmly pulling them from side to side and then up and down. There’s this fantastic ripple effect as the bottom of my vagina moves in rhythm to your hands. I can feel myself being opened up and exposed and then closed again.

I pull back from our embrace to look at you and see that your eyes are closed. I can tell you’re completely focused on how my body feels under your hands, enjoying every skin to skin touch we’re experiencing.

My hand moves down to your groin and as I touch you there, oh so slightly, your whole body twitches and a very clear and distinct moan comes from the back of your throat. It’s obvious that one part of you wants nothing more than to have my fingers pull your zipper open and slide inside your shorts. I’ll bet you’re desperate for me to glide my hands over the shaft of your penis and direct the head gently into my mouth. Or probably even more importantly for you, into my vagina. I know I have such power over you. It’s really quite thrilling.

But instead of trying to get me to do anything like that you take a step back from me and then lower me back down onto the sofa.

“Right now,” you whisper, “this is all about you”.

You sit down next to me and I wonder what’s going to happen next. Turning your face to me, you kiss me again as you slide a hand along the outside of my thigh. Back and forth you go, from my knee up to the top of my leg and then back again down to my knee. It feels so nice. As your hands are caressing my thighs you’re kissing me gently on my mouth, my cheek, occasionally my breasts. I feel so loved, so safe. It’s as if you’re worshipping me, paying tribute to my sensuality.

Your hands begin to stroke the top of my legs and then there they are, just resting at the top of my inner thighs. I’m sitting really quite decorously with my legs closed yet I’m completely naked.

I know that the most delicious of all moments has now arrived. You’re going to open me up.

Your hands come down to my knees and using the smallest amount of pressure you move my legs, oh so gently, apart. It’s a millimeter by millimeter thing. There’s no sudden forcing wide, just a tender insistence applied to make the gap between my legs become ever so slightly wider. I can’t stand it! It’s so delicious! My whole body is alive, tingling!

Now the pressure is a little more deliberate. I feel the space between my thighs widening half-inch by half-inch. You’re kissing me on my face, mouth and shoulders, saying soft and gentle things that I can’t really hear because they’re drowned out by the moaning that I suddenly realize is coming from me.

Then there’s a change. You position the sofa pillows behind me so that they’re plumped up and gathered to support me. Slowly you lean me back onto them. You take my right leg and guide it so it stretches out to rest along the back of sofa. Then you move my left leg down to the floor. That means that suddenly the most private part of me is on full public view to you.

You position yourself so that you’re sitting on the sofa perched between my legs. You still haven’t touched me anywhere close to my vagina even though it’s now directly exposed to you. I can’t wait for you to explore me yet, at the same time, it’s kind of exciting knowing that you’re holding back, waiting to choose the moment of contact. I love ceding to you the responsibility for deciding when and how I will be brought to bliss.

For a moment you just look at me, taking me in as I lie back with my eyes half closed. My legs are spread wide and here I am — ready for you, primed to accept your caress, waiting for you to tease me tenderly. The air seems to be flowing over the most intimate part of me and my whole being feels as if it’s just been lovingly opened up. I’m prized apart emotionally and physically, completely bare to you.

Your hands start to slide up my inner thighs.

“So smooth,” I hear you murmur as your hands cross my skin. The tension is delicious!

You bend your face down to kiss the skin at the top of my inner thigh and then trace a line of kisses back and forth across my stomach. I put my hands in your hair and knead it as I feel your kisses on me. Suddenly your tongue licks the top of my bush slightly and you nuzzle your nose in it, laughing as you do so. You inhale deeply, savoring and obviously loving my sensual aroma. It’s clear you’re getting very aroused by attending to me this way.

As you kiss my inner thighs and then trace your lips over my stomach, my groin starts aching. Now I’m completely exposed to you I need your full attention. I need to feel you right there. I want your fingers on my labia and I’m starting to anticipate your touch on my clitoris.

Suddenly a new tingling sensation washes over me. You’ve started to rub your fingers up and down the sensual channel between my lips and my inner thighs. The skin there is so sensitive and pressure you’re creating is having a fabulous effect. Ever so slightly my lips are being pulled apart. It seems like there’s hardly any movement at all happening but I can feel the small tugs opening them up. It’s almost as if my own skin is willing them to part.

‘Oh God,’ I moan.

You bend your head and again run your mouth up and down my inner thighs, kissing and licking me. I hear little sounds of pleasure — are they coming from you or me? Who cares?!

I swear I can feel my lips starting to swell. God they must be so engorged right now, so puffy with desire. I’m dying for something, anything to graze against them because I know that will send me right over the top.

I start to move my arms down so I can touch myself but you catch them and move them way.

‘Not yet,’ you murmur. “Let me do this to you.”

Very deliberately you place my right arm firmly over the back of the sofa. Then you position my left arm so it drapes over the side arm. The purposeful way you do this communicates a silent injunction that I am not to move either of them. Something in me assents to your wish and I settle back deeper into the sofa cushions behind me, waiting for your touch.

Your hands massage and stretch the skin at the top of my thighs, but there’s still no direct contact anywhere near my petal from you. You’re just sending shivers and vibrations down to me as you gently manipulate the inside of my upper legs.

But wait — what’s this? Oh, now I feel it. Your fingers move fractionally closer to the outside of my lips. And now it’s the skin either side of my labia that is being tugged. The feeling is so intense, so pleasurable. I start to squirm and my desire is seriously intensifying.

How did you know I loved to be teased? How did you know that the build-up and gradually heightening tension is what I crave in sex? I guess that somehow I’d sensed all along that this is what it would be like with you.

My thoughts are interrupted as your fingers gently run up the outside of each of my lips. Up and down they trail, gliding slowly. I’m so moist that my nectar is covering my labia and your fingers are naturally lubricated by me. Oh God, this is heavenly!

Just as I think I can’t take any more there’s a new pressure point. You move inside my lips and run two fingertips down the inside of my opening. The pinkness inside my vagina is the softest, most sensitive skin of my whole body and you treat it as such. Each finger lightly rubs up and down the velvety softness just inside my lips as honey seeps out of me and onto you. I’m dizzy, almost faint.

You sigh in rhythm to the movement of your fingers. An ‘ooh’ as you move to the top of my vagina, an ‘ah’ as you go back down to the bottom.

I can’t take much more than this! A though flashes through my mind, quite randomly — is it possible to have a clitoral orgasm without ever being touched on my little bud?

You pull back and look at me. “Does this feel good?” you ask in a low voice. I just nod. I don’t trust myself to speak.

You return to the flower between my legs but now there’s a gorgeous change. You dip your fingers into me to make yourself nice and slippery again.

You pause to allow me to focus on the sensations that I know are just a few seconds away. Then, once again you place the fingers of your two hands on my lips and start to pull them apart. Your hold is gentle but it’s also firm and I luxuriate in how it feels to be teased to the point where my most private treasure is completely exposed and accessible to you.

I hear a sticky sound each time you separate my lips and realize that my juices are flowing copiously, lubricating me so I can feel the maximum pleasure from each touch.

Each teasing tug opens a new variation of ecstasy for me. I know that now my clitoris must be fully revealed to you, completely open and naked in its soft pinkness. I can’t wait for you touch me there, to feel your finger or tongue on me. But still you hold off. You seem to have an instinctive appreciation for what teases me the most deliciously.

“Thank you,” I hear you say in a soft voice. “You’re all I hoped you would be.”

I feel tears well up behind my eyes. You’re thanking me? It’s so amazing to find a lover who is so turned on from gently manipulating the most delicately vulnerable part of me.

Now, almost as if it’s outside of any conscious control, I start to thrust my groin up from the sofa to meet each of your touches. My body is begging for you to brush, graze, slide over my clit — anything, just let me feel your skin on me!

Then, even though I didn’t think it was possible to do this, I move my legs even further apart. My body has its own needs and has completely taken over so my conscious mind clearly has very little to do with what’s going. I just want my clit to be as exposed as it can be. I want to feel everything that I know is coming. I want to focus totally on wave of pleasure building up inside me.

Your fingers continue teasing my lips apart but now they’re also sliding up, down, inside, and then outside them. They travel to the bottom of my slit and suddenly I feel your hand go a little further south, almost to my anus. I don’t think I’ve realized before how sensitive I am down there. Wow! A finger settles on my perineum and you trace small circles around that sensitive mound. You’re so covered in my juices that it doesn’t feel at all invasive when your fingertip grazes that delicate skin. I’m just feeling ripples of pleasure emanating from somewhere between my thighs.

Then you move your fingers up from my perineum, tracing the slightest of patterns as you go back to my labia. Ah, there…you’ve come home to me! You caress my lips again, widening them, tugging them gently apart. I imagine myself down there, so wet, so pink, so glistening.

Your hand brushes against my pubis. You’re gently rubbing my stomach, right above my pubic bone. I’m getting anxious now. Please, please, move down and touch me there!

And then — whoa! My whole body convulses as one soaked and slippery fingertip gently brushes across my clitoris. You dip your finger inside me again so as to moisten it gently with my juices. I know you want your massage of my clit to feel deliriously pleasurable.

When you touch my clit again I feel my own wonderful viscosity being smeared over me. Slowly your fingertip moves back and forth over the layers of skin protecting my little bud. They graze over me, barely touching that sensitive little portal of pleasure.

Now there’s a new kind of wetness touching me and I realize it’s your tongue, gently kissing me down there. Your tongue and your fingers are alternately swirling around my clit as slowly you push my folds of skin gently aside to reveal the most delicate part of me.

She’s now peeking out from the protective covers you’ve moved off her. My little erotic friend who brings me such joy when she decides she has been treated properly.

You lick her sensitive pink surface and your fingertip traces tiny patterns around her. Your whole being is focused on licking and flicking that one tiny slip of skin in the most erotic way possible. I slide into bliss with the wonderful pleasure of your tongue and fingertip grazing me, smearing my own sticky nectar over me.

Now you’ve pulled back. What’s happening? I wait for a second then feel a finger at the bottom of my vagina, sliding inside me ever so slightly. Oh God! That feels so good!

In all the lovemaking I’ve done I think that this penetration right now is the most intimate thing I’ve ever experienced! Your finger probes me very gently, going slowly in and out, sometimes turning slightly so you can find a new ridge, a new part to tease inside of my soft folds. You rub the G-Spot that’s on a ledge just inside my opening and I feel like I’m about to pass out. I know I’m completely soaked down there from the way your fingertip moves around so easily in me covered in my own honey.

Now another finger joins in. You hold them tightly together and move them slowly in and out of me. It’s such a gentle, yet incredibly intense, way of penetrating me. I feel my labia pulsing with blood as it becomes more and more engorged. My lips fold open when your fingers slide into me and you move them slightly apart to put pressure on my vaginal walls. When you withdraw they close back together for a moment’s respite.

I’m becoming weak with desire and my body is begging for release and you sense the urgency of my need for release. So you slide your fingers slowly out of my vagina and take one of them lazily back up to my clitoris. I swear I stop breathing as you move to the top of my opening and then start to trace light circles and swirls around and across my bud.

My clit moves this way and that and ripples of pleasure travel from the tiny petal out across my groin. That little mountain of sensitive skin is being gently dragged this way and that, flicked from side to side and up and down, touched lightly by your skin and then licked by your tongue.

I can feel the waves of tension and pressure building, building. My groin moves up and down, pushing up towards you and then coming back down to gather energy for the next urgent thrust. We’re so completely in sync, you know instinctively what will make me lose control.

Now you’re rubbing my clitoris ever more deliberately. This isn’t a chance touch, a random grazing across my bud anymore. You’re accelerating the pace and now your whole hand presses my pubis as your finger brushes my clit — pulling it, stroking it, manipulating it in different directions.

Suddenly there’s a whole new set of sensations but I’ve no idea what’s going on. I only know it feels so, so good! Gradually I become aware that as one wet finger strokes my clit others are at the bottom of my vagina. You’re pulling my outer lips as wide apart as you can with one hand and stroking my clitoris with the other. This is so lovely! But so intense! I can feel the pressure growing and growing. Sensations dance all over my vulva as multiple pleasure centers respond to all your touches. But at the center there’s always that insistent pulsing as my little bud shoots wave after wave of pleasure to my brain.

I’m almost there. Your fingers are opening my lips apart and your hand is clamped directly over my clit as you move from side to side tugging that sensitive slip of skin every which way. Occasionally I feel one of your fingers slide in and out of me again. Please let me come!

My body is now just one mass of sensations and I don’t know where each source of pleasure is coming from anymore. I’m just a collection of sensual vibrations. The part of me that’s the most private and intimate is a throbbing chunk of erotic joy as lips are moved, skin is tugged, and fingers move up, down and across me.

I hear low moans coming from me as the wave builds. I’m rolling my head side to side, my eyes are tightly closed, concentrating only on the pleasure building.

“My love,” you whisper very softly to me. You can tell I’m almost there.

Your arms tighten around me as I gasp and my body starts to twitch. You’re holding me firmly sensing I’m almost at my point of release.

“Let it come,” you whisper tenderly.

Your erotic command suddenly takes me there.

My body is shaking and I’m half crying, half laughing as a wave of total, complete, unutterable pleasure suffuses my whole body. My head raises and moves from side to side as I moan.

I’ve completely lost control. Again and again paroxysms of pleasure shoot through me, again and again I thrust myself upwards to meet your touch and then — oh! I explode again. There’s nothing else in the world except these waves of intense, erotic bliss. I’m bathed in the joy that’s washing over me, on me, under me, around me. I’m laughing, sobbing and moaning, all at the same time. I’ve never felt anything even close to this before.

Gradually, after I don’t know how many spasms of exquisite release, how many involuntary twitches of my torso, arms or legs, things start to subside. My head falls back onto the pillow. I don’t seem to have a corporeal body any more. My whole being is just a feeling. I’m immersed in a wonderful warmth that’s deeper than the longest soak in the most relaxing tub could ever induce.

I open my eyes to come back into the world and there you are, smiling at me with complete and total pleasure. My good friend…and now my lover.

“That was so wonderful,” you say. “I’m so happy I could share that with you.”

Then, “you are just amazing.”

I don’t say anything. I just sit up and beckon you to come and stretch out on the sofa behind me. Then I lie back in your arms as they enfold me, warm, safe, protective. I’m my own person who’s totally confident in her own skin, but it’s been wonderful to expose myself to you so utterly and completely. I’ve done it with total confidence sensing that you would be attuned to my rhythms, hyper aware of whatever slight movement or touch would take me closer and closer to bliss. Finally, a lover who really gets me, who is willing to put my pleasure first.

Later, we’re in bed wrapped in each other’s arms. We’ve made love, this time in a way that I hope was attentive to you and I’ve taken you completely inside me for the very first time and felt you shake and growl in pleasure. I stroke your chest and you sigh contentedly and then, a few minutes later, your whole body goes limp as you fall asleep.

It’s then that I slip quietly out of bed to do the one thing I’d hoped I’d be able to do before this day was done. I push the top of my laptop open to reveal my Facebook page and go to the relationship status icon. With a few keystrokes I change my one-day status of ‘single’ back to ‘in a relationship’.