Bimbo Tales: A Lucky Son

Author’s note: This story-series is focused on bimbo-fication. Be wary that this is written in some very crude language at times! Do not read if you have a problem with women completely submitting to men sexually.

Also, there are heavy elements of incest, bullying, BBC, cuckolding and harems in this series. Be warned!

And enjoy 🙂

“So, where is your mom, now?” Cam asked.

Billy ducked beneath the arm Cam tried to lay around his shoulders. He turned towards the direction from which his mom would usually arrive.

Cam and his two buddies laughed. “So tell us, what will we see on dear old Gaby today?”

Billy looked at them and frowned. “Stop using her first name. If you want to torment me about her, call her by her surname at least.” He tried to sound confident while putting them in their place… But as usual, they wouldn’t have any of that.

Cam straightened and put on a fake english accent. “Sorry, dear Billy. So, what kind of hot costume can we expect fine Ms. Harrison to be wearing today?”

His two sidekicks laughed hysterically.

“I loved that blue dress last Friday,” one of them said. “It looked like her tits would fall out of that every second.” The shaved meathead fondled a pair of imaginary breasts in front of him.

Billy was still watching traffic for their used black Volvo. Suddenly, Cam was right beside him, whispering in his ear: “I bet you had to rub one out when you got home, right? You have a picture of your mom in a skimpy bikini you jerk it to?”

With a quick turn, he pushed Cam away. He didn’t move much. Billy was a slender 5’6 and Cam was over 6 feet, and his frame was packed with muscle.

“If you have one, could you bring me a copy of that?”

“Or better, one where she is naked?” One of Cam’s buddies added.

Cam gave him a slight shove. “Don’t be dumb, Jeff. Why would he need a photo of hers, if he has her beautiful body living right in the room next to his. Isn’t that right, Billy-boy?”

Billy wanted to protest, but a familiar, high-pitched honk stopped him. He turned around and saw his mom, pulling up on the pavement.

Without wanting to be around Cam and his two bully-friends, Billy got in the car quickly.

“Hi, honey!” His mom smiled at him and gave him a kiss on the cheek. Feeling the heat in his face he looked out the window, seein Cam and the others chuckling.

“Hey, mom. Could you just drive, please?” He wasn’t planning to sound so pleading, but he wanted to get away from these three ASAP.

His mom looked a little puzzled, but put the car in motion. Once they got to the main street and cruised along, his mother turned to him. “Was there something wrong between you and your mates?”

Billy snorted. “They’re not my mates, Mom.”

She gave him the side-eye. “Well… you know you can talk to me if something’s wrong. Right?”

Not getting an answer, she blew out a long breath. “Okay, honey.”

Billy was still thinking about what Cam had said. Why was his mother so beautiful? When he was little, it always filled his little chest with so much pride to have a good-looking mother — although he secretly hated the compliments and advances she always received from all sorts of men.

He glanced over at her. The tight sweater did little to hide her full breasts. If anything, they made them seem like a nice present wrapped and waiting to be opened.

Billy remembered the time when he discovered the joys of online pornography, the most searched term on all of his porn-sites was ‘mom-son’. Sure, in the beginning it was just all those hot MILFs he was looking at that got his attention. But sooner rather than later when he closed his eyes while masturbating, a picture of his mother would sneak into his fantasies. Not often, but still. And the undivided attention his beautiful mom showered him with did nothing to defuse these fantasies.

Shaking his head, he looked out the window again. In a few minutes, they’d be home. There he could maybe forget about Cam and his nasty words about his sweet mother.

* * *

The next day at school, his mom texted him the moment his last bell rang.

Honey, I can’t pick you up today. Working late. But we can spend Saturday together — like in the old days, if you want 🙂

Billy didn’t know if he should feel sad or glad. On one hand he would have to walk the three miles back home today or spend the last of his pocket money on a bus ticket.

On the other hand, he was happy that their Saturdays would be shared, like they used to do before she got promoted and wasn’t home on Saturday from noon to the late evening. Maybe they could watch a movie together, just like they used to all those years ago.

“That was one tight fitting sweater she wore yesterday.” Cam’s words startled him from his thoughts.

“What?” he asked, looking at Cam who was alone for once.

His bully smiled. “Gaby’s yellow sweater yesterday. Man, you could almost feel her tits in your palms just by looking at her.”

“Fuck you!”

Cam took a step back in mock-hurt. “Don’t be so rude, Billy-boy.”

He hated when Cam called him that.

Now he smiled again. “But, you know, I would literally give an arm to fuck that gorgeous mother of yours. Just imagine her lips wrapped around my cock, the same lips she used to kiss you good-night with.” His smile got a little wider. “Or does she still do that?”

Billy mumbled and wasn’t quite sure himself what answer he could give to that question.

“Anyway, what will I have the pleasure to look at today? Mini-skirt, low cut blouse… a crop top?” He laughed.

Billy scowled at him. “None of the above. She isn’t picking me up today.”

Cam laughed even harder. “And you’re sad, right, Billy-boy? Well, I bet I know why. If one of her bosses saw her yesterday, she is probably busy right now sucking his cock instead of picking your scrawny ass up from school.”

That was it. He couldn’t take any more. Billy fought the urge to just run away crying, but braved himself, shrugged and just walked off; leaving a laughing Cam all alone to his imagination.

* * *

The first two miles were quite peaceful actually. He strolled around the city and walked between the green and white houses of the suburbs towards their own home.

Only in the last few hundred meters did he have to walk along a bigger street. Billy recognized the pharmacy on the next corner, right next to the supermarket he and his mother regularly got their groceries from. He remembered the last time he was there, a few weeks ago, when his mother caught a nasty cold and needed medicine.

He noticed a woman coming from inside and did a double take. Mom? Could that be her? No. Never. Why would she be here instead of picking him up? Surely, the nonsense Cam put in his head was clouding his mind.

The woman crossed the street and walked about half a block in front of him. Billy was certain that this wasn’t his mom, though this woman had about the same measurements as her. And to a young, hormone-driven guy like Billy, a woman with those measurements stood out like a sore thumb. He couldn’t help but catch himself while admiring her shapely rear, tapered mid-section and shiny brown hair with golden highlights.

Suddenly, she took a turn down a small footpath.

Billy tried to hold onto the image of her swaying hips when he himself got to said path.

His growing arousal getting the better of him, he tried to get one last look at her.

Then he saw it.

The woman.

And the man beside her.

He was pulling on her.

No, not her, but her handbag.

Billy didn’t need to look twice to know what he was witnessing.

For a split second he wasn’t sure what to do. But his instincts kicked in and without a second thought he rushed towards the two figures.

He put all his momentum into the impact. The man fell to the ground.

Disoriented and aching from the impact, Billy took a moment to collect himself. And that moment was long enough for the thief to strike. His shoe landed square in Billy’s face.

He knew there was a second blow coming, so he quickly put his arms in front of his face.

And waited.

The second blow didn’t come.

Then, a soft voice spoke. “Thank you!” It was the woman, the one with the beautiful backside.

Lowering his arms, Billy looked up into her concerned face. She really was pretty. Billy smiled awkwardly, and slowly got up.

“No… problem” He grunted. He noticed the woman was a little taller than him, probably in her early thirties, but most importantly, from her left shoulder hung the nearly robbed handbag.

Billy smiled. He really did it. He didn’t know what had driven him to go all-in on the larger man, but nonetheless he did it.

The woman struggled to say something more.

She fumbled for words. “Well… thank you again!”

The second time it felt even more special to Billy. “You’re welcome!” He beamed at her.

Then, the woman looked a little uncomfortable. More so than before. “Well, I would like to do something more than just saying it, but I currently don’t have any cash on me. I was just at the pharmacy back on Hill Street and… well. Anyways, a huge thank you.”

Billy was startled as for a moment, the woman pressed her body against his in a quick hug which was over before it even started and she stood back.

With a final “Thanks again!” she turned back towards Hill Street, probably uncomfortable going the quicker, less populated route after what just happened.

Billy once again couldn’t help but admire her shapely butt as it swayed.

Shaking his head, he remembered he only had a few blocks left till he was home.

After a few steps, he heard something crunch beneath his feet. There was a white and pink box on the ground. It didn’t seem like trash, not like the usual stuff people throw on the street, too lazy to find the nearest trash bin. No, this one looked like a brand new package.

Picking it up, he could see that it was some sort of medicine, pills or droplets or something. Neither the brand nor article name were familiar.

Then, it hit him. The woman came out of the pharmacy, so it had to be hers.

Running the short way to the main street, he looked left and right for some sign of the woman.

She was nowhere to be seen.

“Great!”, he muttered beneath his breath. He didn’t even know the woman’s first name, so there was no way of him finding her to give them back.

He thought for a moment. He had two options now. For once, he could head all the way back to the pharmacy and give them back, explaining what happened and hoping the woman would come back to retrieve them. Or, he could take them back home, have dinner ready in half an hour and check what kind of meds they were on the internet. If it was something serious, he would return it tomorrow, but if it were some five dollar cough drops, there was no harm in keeping them. After all, the woman even wanted to give him money for his help.

Putting the medicine in his backpack, he started the last and hopefully less exciting part of his way home.

* * *

Searching the name on the front of the small box didn’t bring up any usable results.

Maybe this wasn’t medication after all, Billy thought. But what else could it be? He even opened the box and sure enough, a few strips of plastic-wrapped pills were inside. He tried to search for the brand name. That got a few more results, mostly scientific stuff Billy had no clue how to interpret. He was smart enough to get good graces without much studying but this was PhD-level stuff.

Scrolling through the fourth page of his search engine, desperate to find something he could wrap his head around, he paused. There was a small forum entry with the brand name mentioned once.

Curious, he clicked on the link.

There was one post and a few replies. Most were uninteresting, but the last reply was by some admin:

Well, I had that problem too. You have to just go with the flow. If she wants some kinky shit, just do it. The enhanced body she sports now will surely help you to enjoy the freaky stuff.

From this alone he could dissect two things: The person writing the response has to be a little older and tried to sound like someone younger. But more importantly: This seemed to be something legit.

He went back to the more scientific sites. After almost an hour of head-hurting reading, he could make out some vague sense of what these pills actually did.

And he couldn’t quite believe it. But it was consistent with the postings from the forum.

“No way”, Billy muttered under his breath.

If this stuff was real, then he had been repaid by that woman he helped a hundred times over: in gold!

These pills were designed to make any ordinary woman into some sort of bimbo-slut, a big-titted dummy whose only purpose in life from then on was to please her man with her body. And it was easy enough, from what he had read. One pill each day for a few weeks (some sources claimed four to be enough, others said eight for full effect) and the woman in question became a goddess of sex. He wasn’t quite sure how it worked, some hormone stuff or something, but the libido was heightened to extreme levels and even the body was transformed, breasts getting fuller, waists getting smaller, rear-ends wider and firmer and hairs turning blonde.

He thought back to the woman he met on the street. Her body, if not beautiful by nature, could signal her ongoing transformation. The blonde highlights in her hair added to his theory.

But anyways, he was not going to give these pills back. Quickly counting them, he figured there was about six weeks of dosage in the package. That meant — and this was the only thought on his mind at that moment — he had the chance to turn any one woman he chose into his personal bimbo.

Images of a variety of different women he knew flashed before his inner eye. Who should I pick? He was far too into the idea of finally losing his virginity, and so much more, that he never even thought of the morality of the act. After all, these pills turn women to sex-driven goddesses, not mindless zombies.

Billy unzipped his pants and took out his slowly swelling dick. As the pictures got clearer in his mind, he started stroking.

Curiously, the first woman he thought about turning was his teacher Mrs. Hollis. She was already the spitting-image of what any young man thought of when they heard the term ‘MILF’. He wondered how her voluptuous body would feel against his scrawny one. How her bright red lips would taste and feel around his cock. And how good it would be to stick it between her enormous tits.

Thinking of big-breasted women, his mind jumped the gap to his classmate Natalie. Her boobs were far smaller than Mrs. Hollis’, but they were just so firm. In the summer, once, Billy had seen Natalie without a bra and her tits defied gravity. Her cute bubble butt and flowing platinum-blonde hair already made her every guy’s stroke-fantasy. But what if he could be the one to actually stroke his cock in and out of her undoubtedly tight pussy?

His thoughts drifted farther, away from his school and to the grocery store, where he and his mom went every week. One of the employees there caught his attention every time they were at the store. She was a cute redhead, a little tomboyish, but pretty. Small and slender, she had almost no curves, even though she must have been in her mid- to late-twenties. How would she look after these pills? He imagined her getting balloon-tits, full lips and imagined her wider ass, freckled all over.

Then, his mind put all these women together in one scene. Damn! Why did he only have a single chance to turn a woman into his personal plaything?

The thought of the voluptuous teacher-slut, the already bimbo Natalie and a balloon-titted redhead with cute freckles on their knees ready to service him brought him over the edge. With a strangled cry of ecstasy, Billy shot a load all over his desk.

Panting with relief, he only had a few seconds to enjoy the post-orgasmic bliss. Then he heard the door of the house getting unlocked.


He quickly got a few Kleenex and cleaned up the mess in front of him. Just in the nick of time. The moment he threw the last paper in the trash, his mom peeked through the door.

“Hi, honey! Sorry I didn’t get to pick you up today. I had a really important meeting, last minute.” She looked sympathetic. “But because I impressed my boss, we will have movie night once again this Saturday!”

His mom beamed at him. She missed movie night too, Billy realised. He had thought that she mostly did it because of him, but she must have felt lonely since his dad died almost five years ago. And movie night was a way to bond like nothing else they did, and to keep the tradition they already shared with his dad alive. That would also explain while she seldom, if ever, requested a romantic movie, but stuck with bloody, action or horror movies. It was what dad had mostly picked for them the last years he was alive.

Billy returned her radiant smile. “Sounds fantastic, mom!”

She gave him a kiss on his cheek and held him close. “Good to hear. I already know a movie we could watch. We haven’t finished this one particularly strange gore-movie series yet.”

He looked up to her. “SAW?”

“Yeah, that one.”

Billy’s smile widened, if that was even possible. “I thought the same.”

And while they held each other for a few moments longer, Billy felt butterflies in his stomach. It was like when he was six or seven and got it in his head that he would marry his mom. Because she was beautiful, loving and the greatest person he knew back then. (And still was.)

With a growing warmth in his chest, he suddenly knew who he would give the pills to. To the one woman he was not only sexually attracted to, but loved more than anything in the world. And with these pills, now hidden in his drawers, he had the power to take their love to the highest level imaginable.

Billy would maybe never be able to marry his mom, but he planned to love her in every way. Like a son and like a lover.

* * *

Saturday morning was the best morning of the week. Usually Billy would be the first one to awaken, being a morning bird and his mom an owl. So it had become the norm that he would start preparing breakfast before she would join him a little later.

This particular morning, it seemed almost like a wink of faith that this was their little ritual. After making sure his mom was still in the shower, he slipped out a single pill he had stuffed in his Pj’s this morning and laid it on the table. Putting the orange juice on the table, as usual refined with a squirt of lime, he threw the pill in one of the two prepared glasses.

He watched the pill dissolve in a few seconds. Quickly, before he could mix the two up in his head, he placed the spiked juice next to his mom’s plate of eggs, toast and coffee, while he sat his own glass next to his waffles and tea.

Just a minute later, his beloved mom strolled into the kitchen. The smile on her face caught his eye and didn’t let go.

“Morning, honey,” his mother said. Her hair was still tousled from the night and a few strands reached her eyebrows.

“Morning, mom.” Billy gave her a hug. Holding her close, he could smell her very own body odour. It was almost like a perfume to him, a little bit of lemon and a hint of… well, he couldn’t place it. Woman, maybe?

His mom kissed the top of his head. “Darling, that looks fantastic!” She sat down in front of her plate.

Billy took the seat on the opposite side. He was a little nervous as she reached for her orange juice. Would she notice a difference? He hadn’t read anything about a distinctive taste of the pills, but he couldn’t be certain.

His mom drank the first sip. His heart beat a little faster.

She reflexively licked her lower lip after a big sip. Then noticed his stare. “Amazing, honey. Like always.” She smiled brightly.

He returned her smile. No strange taste. Thank god!

Biting into his waffle, he got lost in thought. Thoughts of how their love would soon be not just an emotional bond, but a physical one as well.

* * *

Billy made sure to note all the changes he saw in his mother from Day One. The reports from the forum were vague, but good enough to have somewhat of an idea what would be happening. But his little diary certainly wouldn’t hurt, if something didn’t progress like he expected.

Day 1,2,3: Nothing.

Day 4: Mom is getting a little more affectionate. Kissed me on the mouth, just a peck, for the first time in years.

Day 5: Maybe I’m imagining, but her breasts seemed to get a little bigger. Her ass too.

Day 6: Mom seems a little more outgoing. Positive. Bubbly. That’s the word. A little like a sexually free girl, bubbly and affectionate.

Day 7: Another movie night. She snuggled close and kissed me on the lips twice today. The second kiss was maybe 3-4 seconds long!!! And her measurements are still(?) changing, I think.

Day 8:Definitely not imagining things. Her bust-waist-hip ratio certainly changed.

Day 9: Mom and I bought new clothes after work. She modelled them for me at the store. Got flushed, these clothes are skimpy AF.

Day 10: Head is still swimming. That was definitely no mother-son kiss.

Day 12: Cam and his buds ogled mom when she picked me up in her mini-skirt and blouse, buttons undone to her cleavage.

Day 14: After movie night, mom said good night — after another mouth-to-mouth kiss. I currently hear her masturbating. That is so hot!

Day 19: She masturbates every night for at least half an hour, until she cums. Her screams get louder each day.

Day 20: She screamed my name! Billy! Loud and clear as she came! I need to see this. Tomorrow.

* * *

Almost three weeks after he gave her the first pill, Billy kissed his mother good-night. As per usual these last week or two, they did more than their former obligatory kiss on the cheek. They even went farther than a peck on the mouth. Their lips touched for seconds on end. If it didn’t happen from looking at her sexy body in the flimsy night-gown, Billy had a hard-on after the kiss for certain.

“Good night, honey.” His mothers voice was about an octave higher than a few weeks ago. And her every word dripped with sexual promise and tension.

“Night, mom.”

His mother turned around and went down the hall to her room, stepping one foot in front of the other like a runway model. Her taut ass-cheeks swayed invitingly. He swallowed hard.

Ten minutes later, lying in his room, he jacked his cock to the sounds of her moans.

Her high-pitched squeals of joy permeated the single wall that separated her from his bedroom. Like the day before, he couldn’t quite make out what she was saying in between gasps and sighs, but she was moaning something to herself.

Then, he heard it again.

“Billy! Yes, Billy! Honey!” She moaned his name. Her son’s name.

At that moment, he almost came. But he held his spunk inside of him with all the power he possessed.

I have to see this!

Before he had any second thoughts about it, he was already pulling his briefs over his still achingly hard dick and scurried down the few meters towards her door.

Now came the moment of truth. If she had locked her door and he would try to open it, that would make a distinct sound. And if she noticed it, then it might end badly for him. On the other hand, how much longer was he going to think about it? On the other side of this door was a beautiful woman moaning his name while pleasuring herself.

His hand fondled the doorknob. It wasn’t locked.

Silently he cracked it open. Just enough to give him a good view of her bed.

In an instant his mouth was dry as a desert, his dick rock solid and his heart was beating faster. Holy shit!

His mom was lying spread-eagled on the bed. Completely naked! Her right hand was masturbating her hairless pussy, running circles around her clit furiously. Her other hand was tweaking a nipple. Her breasts had grown at least two cup sizes these last weeks.

Mouth hanging wide open, he noticed the other changes on her body too. Her butt looked like it belonged to a woman half her age; it was full, firm, rounded and tan. And the rest of her body too. Billy hadn’t noticed from her face alone, but her entire body now had a soft olive complexion. She looked like the perfect California Pin-Up MILF.

Her erect nipples drew his attention. They just looked so inviting, almost begging his lips to suck on them like they did over eighteen years ago. Every time she would pinch one of her little love-buds, a high-pitched whimper escaped her lips. Those also had changed, as he already noticed from their mouth-to-mouth kisses. They were full, warm and oh so soft to the touch.

And Billy almost jumped in excitement as he envisioned those beautiful lips wrapped around his throbbing manhood.

“Yes!”, his mom moaned. “It’s so good. Suck on my clit, honey. Do a little tremolo on mommy’s love-button.” She gasped as she did just that with her index finger. “YES! YES! Billy, please let me cum. You want mommy to cum, don’t you? Please, honey, let me have that orgasm. If you let me have it, I promise to do anything you want.” She giggled, as if she really got an answer from her imaginary lover. “Yes, honey. Even in the ass.”

Billy almost tumbled against the door frame. Did she just say that?

He had a hard time to fully comprehend that his beloved mom was turning into a wanton woman — wanton just for him. But her talking about taking it in the ass? Billy shuddered.

Stifling a moan himself, he cupped the tip of his dick and spurted hard into his own hand.

A few seconds later, his mom climaxed as well. She shuddered and groaned in pleasure, her hand furiously rubbing her swollen sex. “Billy! Honey, I’m cumming. FUCK!”

Quickly and quietly he closed the door. If she came back to her senses and saw him standing there… god knows what would happen.

As he walked away from her door, he imagined what could happen… His loving mother could urge him to come inside and finish what a fantasy version of himself had started.

Not yet, he chastised himself. It was already three weeks in the program, but the lowest source he found on the internet was four weeks for a good foundation. He promised to wait until then.

Laying on the bed, his dick still was a little engorged.

Time crept along all throughout the night. Billy just couldn’t get the images of his hot horny mom out of his head. After it was 2 am, he decided that maybe another wank would do the trick and stroked to one of his favourite porn-sites.

After the second cum of the night, he was still laying wide awake in bed.

Sometime before dawn, Billy nodded off…

… And was startled by a knock on his door. “Billy?”

His mom poked her head through the door. She was sans make-up, still her face seemed to glow and looked more beautiful than most women with professional face-paint.

Billy opened his eyes groggily. “Hi mom. What time is it?”

“Almost eleven. I know it’s Saturday, but you wouldn’t want to mess up your sleeping rhythm, right honey?”

He sighed. After all the sexual stuff he thought regarding her, deep inside she still seemed like his mom. Maybe it was for the best to wait a little before prodding her bimbo-persona.

The breakfast table was set and ready. In all that hurry, Billy almost had forgotten about her daily pill. Already sitting at the table, his mom looked at him questioningly as he hesitated to sit.

“Something wrong, honey?”

He shook his head. “Well… no. Nothing. Just have to quickly do something. Back in a minute.”

Billy dashed into his room and quickly grabbed a pill. He wondered how he could manage to sneak it into her drink today.

The question answered itself as his mom was gone when he came back. So he hurried and blended the pill in her juice with her spoon.

His mom entered the moment he was done stirring.

“What’s the matter today, Billy?” She looked as gorgeous as can be as she gently stroked a hair behind his ear. “You had a bad dream?”

Billy shook his head. “No. I was just… thinking.”

They sat down. The sorrow on his mothers face was clear as day and dark as a stormy night. “Is it about those guys from your school? Look, honey, I know it can be tough in high-school, but you’re almost finished anyway. You’ll never see these kids again. And if it gets too bad, I will talk to the principal.”

Billy shook his head again. “That’s not it, mom.” Although Cam could use a little discipline by the principal, no doubt. Then, the words just flew out his mouth. “It’s just, that as I tried to fall asleep yesterday… well-”

He didn’t need to finish. His mom held her hands in front of her mouth. Billy couldn’t help but think that her expression not only looked shocked, but a little sexy as well.

“My god!” Her face took a deep shade of red. “You… you heard me, didn’t you, honey?”

Billy gulped. “Ye-Yeah, I did. But you weren’t exactly quiet, in my defence.”

His mom curled her lips into a wry smile. “I guess you’re right. I’m so sorry, honey, if I made you uncomfortable. Hearing your own mother while pleasuring herself is something that’s certainly not on your bucket list.” She laughed nervously.

If you only knew, mom. He gave a small grin himself. “Well, that part wasn’t what made it weird.”

She cocked her eyebrow. “Not?”

He shook his head. “I heard something else. Not much, but it seemed as if you were talking to yourself while you… did it. And I overheard-”

She pulled his face to hers, giving him a quick peck on the lips. “Oh my god!” She blushed even harder. “I know what you’re getting at. I’m so, so sorry. My sweet honey, please don’t think any less of me now. I still love you with all my heart. I swear, I’m not some sort of pervert. It’s just…” She sighed. “I haven’t had any emotional connection to anybody for half a decade now. Well, except for you. My mind must have gone on auto-pilot and it filled the blank I came up with while wanting to speak out loud the name of a person I love.”

His mom put her forehead to his own. “I-I swear I won’t utter your name in that way ever again. Just please forgive me, honey. I’m not sick. I was just… in the throws of passion.”

He was floored by her statement. Did she really just admit that he is the only man in her heart so she screamed out his name in her moment of utmost pleasure? It sure seemed that way yesterday, but hearing it from her sweet, full lips was something else.

Billy gave a small nod. “I think I understand, mom. I’m not mad. I was just a little taken aback by it.”

“Then let’s forget about it”, she proposed. “Let’s make it a nice Saturday together with movie night and a little shopping, what do you say?”

Billy smiled. “That sounds wonderful, mom.”

But deep inside of himself he was oh so happy. Things were progressing fast and good. He knew that his mom felt a deep love for him as well — a love more than what a normal mother and son share. And he planned to do something about it.


* * *

By Tuesday evening Billy was already exhausted from the week. A big exam had come up rather quickly and he knew he hadn’t done as good as he should have. And to top a bad day off even worse, Cam had shown up with his buddies and openly commented on his mothers new outfit when she picked him up.

“WOAH! What’s been happening to our sweet Gaby, Billy-boy? Is she seeing someone? What is with that new mini-skirt of hers, and why do her boobs look like balloons all of a sudden?”

During the entire ride home, Billy tried to forget about their comments.

But as soon as his mothers lips touched his in their good-night kiss (or by now rather make-out session), all his bad thoughts had dissipated.

Like the last few days, he stroked his dick furiously to her loud moans and pleas for him to pleasure her. It would be so easy. That thought had run across his mind a couple of times now, but he really needed to be patient. His mom might let him do stuff to her now, but her bimbo-fication wasn’t yet completed. There was no telling if she got doubts and blocked him off in the future. Maybe she would even do something that stopped him from mixing the last few weeks of her pill-program into her smoothie.

The risk was just too great.

But even after he came this time, his dick still stayed hard. The thought of his hot mom laying just a few feet away was starting to get to him more and more.

Billy listened for sounds after she had come. It was silent.

In his state of arousal, Billy pulled up his underwear, leaving the tip of his dick sticking out the top. He crept towards his mom’s bedroom door.

He listened for a good two or three minutes. Then he heard it.

A soft, feminine snoring. The kind that even sounded a little sexy, not what his father back in the days called snoring: a chainsaw in his chest.

With sweaty palms he opened her door. And closed it right behind him.

His mom lay on the bed in nothing but a pair of flimsy panties. They were sheer and through the black material he could make out her glistening pussy lips.

A month ago he would probably have found her sleeping with granny-panties and a plain bra, but now… She looked like every guy’s wet MILF-dream. And she was just lying there in all her beauty, ready to be soaked up by her son’s eyes.

Quietly pulling his underwear down to his knees, Billy started stroking his dick to the sight of his almost naked mom.

“You’re gorgeous”, he whispered underneath his breath. He wasn’t quite ready to tell it to her face while awake, but he had the desperate urge to let her know in some way. Her balloon-tits heaved with her slow breathing. Her flat belly showed just the faintest hint of muscle underneath the tan skin. Her pussy looks like I could slide myself right in.

He shivered at the thought and as his own hand tickled the sensitive cock head.

Stepping closer to the bed, his hand went faster up and down his pole. It was so exciting for him to beat his meat just inches from his mom’s soft flesh. By now the tip of his cock was almost touching one of her gorgeous pink nipples while she breathed in.

The thought of his dick sliding in the deep valley between her tits sent him over the edge. He had enough thought left in his sex-driven brain to cup his other hand over the spurting glans, avoiding an unmistakable pool of sticky white stuff on his mother’s big breasts.

Trying to keep his breathing quiet, even though he would have liked to pant like a thirsty dog, he snuck out of her room.

Billy indeed was thirsty. Thirsty for his mothers luscious body. Soon it will belong to me. He knew that not even a month from now his mom would be everything he could ever dream of in a woman. He just had to wait a little longer.

But with each passing day, the waiting didn’t feel like getting shorter, but longer still.

By the end of the same week it had become the new norm for Billy to sneak into her bedroom to jerk off to the sight of her naked, uncovered body. Once he had to uncover her himself, but the other three nights she was already naked when he entered.

On Friday night his mom had one of the most intense orgasms yet. He could hear her scream his name loudly and shot a load equal to her volume.

When he entered her room she was naked once again. That already familiar soft snoring escaped her plump lips.

Billy pulled out his cock and started to massage it gently. He could still smell the lingering scent of her pussy juice in the air after her orgasm. The time would soon be here that he could not only smell it, but taste it — directly from the source.

He never got tired of jerking off to his beautiful goddess of a mother. Each night there were subtle differences in her posture and clothing. Today she wore a lacy pair of red panties and laid a little more on the side than the last few days. Also her mouth was open just a tad more and Billy could see her tongue hanging lazily on the side of her lip.

The image of his dick in her mouth popped into his head. He stroked a little faster.


He opened his eyes wide in shock. That was his mom’s voice saying his name. Looking into her face, he found that her eyes were still closed. The smallest hint of drool leaked out of her mouth.

“Mhhh… Billy.” His mother mumbled his name in her sleep.

Billy relaxed a little. Thank god! He didn’t know what would have happened if he got caught like this, his shorts around his ankles and his dick throbbing just before her face.

His beautiful mom murmured his name again, like a prayer, every minute or so.

He was excited that not only did he become her go-to masturbation fantasy, but he also occupied her dreams. Things were going even better than expected.

The soft moaning of his name while he stroked his boner right in front of her closed eyes was pretty erotic, he had to admit. When she whispered “Billy” in an almost ecstatic tone, the boy couldn’t contain himself. Without another thought he pumped his hips forward.

His dick and her mouth made contact. He shivered at the feeling of her soft, full lips on his glans. “Mom,” he whispered to her, almost echoing her timbre of lust.

In that moment he lost it. Spurt after spurt shot out the tip of his dick… still placed on her lips.

Later he had to admit, he didn’t even try to pull back. The thought of his cum shooting in her mouth completely fried his brain and all he could do was stand there and enjoy as his sticky sperm filled her oral cavity.

When he finished shooting, he pulled back. A few gobs of cum dripped out of his mom’s mouth. God damn! The sight caused him to dribble out a few more drops onto her cheek.

Then, post-nut clarity settled in. Billy silently hurried to the bathroom and came back with a few sheets of toilet paper. He needed to clean her face, gently enough not to wake her up, but good enough so she wouldn’t notice the cum all over her angelic features.

The problem with post-nut clarity was; it only lasted for so long. By the next night Billy once again was so excited about her murmuring his name in her sleep that he once again shot his load in her mouth.

One night later, he did it again. And again.

About a week later he came back from the bathroom with the cleaning utensils — he had by now learned a slightly wet towel did the job better than dry toilet paper — just to find something off. When he got close to her, he noticed his semen was much less.

Frowning, thinking it must have spilled out already and flowed into the mattress beneath her, he got closer.

In that moment his mom cooed softly. She whispered something so quiet he didn’t even hear what she was saying. And then his mom slurped. The residual cum in her mouth vanished.

Billy stood back up, shaken. His mom just unknowingly swallowed his cum. The white liquid had made its way down her throat. Billy couldn’t think of anything that would be more erotic in that moment.

As he headed back to his room, he jerked off once again — this time to the possibility that his mom would knowingly drink his semen.

He exploded hard at that thought.

The next morning, another Saturday, Billy had already placed her pill-spiked drink on her side of the table. He dreamily thought back to the picture of his gorgeous mom slurping up his cum. If he had thought there wasn’t anything she could do to get even more sexy in his mind, he had to reassess that.

His mom entered the kitchen around the usual time. She wore a baby blue nightgown that barely covered her butt on one side, but accentuated her full tits on the other.

She looked at her son in a way that was new to him. Usually she would smile and wish him a good morning. Today though she just sat across from him and looked a little… off.

Reaching for her drink first, like usual, she stopped the glass an inch before her lips.

“Honey?” She asked him.

He looked up from his waffles and gulped. “Yes, mom?”

“I know it’s a weird question, but was the milk you used for breakfast sour this morning?”

“No, mom. It’s almost a fresh package.”

His mom frowned.

For a second he suspected her knowing what was in her drink, with her pausing before drinking it. But now she slugged half of it down in one go like every other morning.

“Why do you ask, mom?”

She turned up her nose. “I drank that milk yesterday right before heading to bed. And this morning I woke up with a strange taste in my mouth.”

Billy froze with a piece of waffle on his fork. His heart beat fast, his throat clenching shut. Fuck! He was busted. At least a little. His mom definitely knew that something was foul in her mouth this morning — in the most literal sense.

He shook his head, feigning confusion. “Maybe it was something you ate and it… you know, came back up in your sleep. At least partly.”

His mom leaned back in her chair, causing her big firm tits to stare right in his face. Billy tried his hardest not to stare at the voluptuous hills on her chest. Instead, he focused on her eyes. They were regarding him, like they waited for something.

She sighed, leaning forward. This now caused her breasts to be pushed together and form a deep, alluring valley. “Billy, can I be honest with you?”

Ha swallowed hard. “S-sure mom. A-anything, anytime. Like always.”

His beautiful goddess of a mother reached for his hand across the table.

“I know what that strange taste was in my mouth this morning. I haven’t tasted it in years, but you don’t forget it… The consistency, the slightly salty taste… You know?”

Billy gave the smallest of nods. His beating heart raced to flee his chest.

“And there is only one person that unique fluid could come from. Am I right, honey?”

Another small nod.

His mom started to gently rub his hand. “You know, I’m not mad at you. I know I should be. It’s not right for a son to sneak into his mom’s room and jerk off into her mouth. But you know what?”

No answer. His mouth was too dry.

“I didn’t mind. In fact, I was almost sad, as when I realised what it was, it was already gone.”

Billy opened and closed his mouth without a sound, like a fish trying to breathe out of water. “Erm… what?

His mom chuckled. Billy could almost feel the bimbo side of her coming to the forefront. Her nails caressed his palms in a sensual manner.

“Like I said, I’m not mad at you honey. But I want you to be open and honest about what you did. Being open about one’s feelings is important, you know?” Her voice had pitched up a couple of tones during their chat. He remembered that this was part of the final phase of her transformation. Only it couldn’t already be this far, could it?

But if his mother wanted openness and honesty… “I snuck into your bedroom last night,” he admitted, purposefully leaving out the other times before. “I was so mesmerised by your beauty that I grew hard in my underwear. And then you moaned in your sleep and I just had to… er, well, jerk off. And some of it landed in your mouth.”

His mom smiled at him. “Now, that is some honesty if I ever heard it.” She patted his hand lovingly. “And you really think I’m beautiful? Enough so that you have to masturbate to your own mother?”

Billy was taken aback by her openness. He had read that in the final phase the woman would lose all her inhibitions when being with her man, but living it in person was something else entirely.

“Yes, mom,” he confessed. “You looked so radiant while you slept, I couldn’t help it.”

His mom nodded understandingly.

Billy chose his next words very carefully. All signs pointed to her already being in the final phase of her transformation, even if there were still a few more pills to go. But to be honest, he couldn’t control himself for another hour, much less a few days. She looked so fuckable in her blue nightgown… So he decided today was gonna be the day he finally made her his.

“In fact, you are radiant all the time. Like right now, I also have some problems with your beauty.” He quickly glanced towards his crotch, then back up.

His mother followed his gaze downwards to the tent in his underwear.

Her eyes remained glued to it for a long while.

She licked her lips. It looked like she was starving, hungry for the meaty dick in her son’s pants.

Her breathing got more laboured. “Wow, honey. I didn’t know I did this to you.” She glanced back up, before fixating his crotch again. “Does that happen a lot when you’re around me?”

“Yes, mom. To be honest, ever since you started wearing less and less around the house, I am in a constantly aroused state.”

She looked up at him. Her eyes were big, her mouth open. “You mean you get hard because of me all the time?”

“Pretty much, yeah.”

“Oh, honey.” She pulled him close, hugging him tightly. “If I’d known, I would have done something about it.”

His head rested on her soft bosom. He could smell a mix of her own scent and perfume from between her firm tits. “You mean like covering up more?” He focused really hard on not drooling in between her beautiful orbs.

His mom giggled. It sounded like a stereotypical valley girl, a mind-drained bimbo who found everything funny. “Of course not, sweety. If I’m the one to give you these erections, I should be the one responsible for getting rid of them.”

Billy looked up into her smiling face. Her blond hair made her look like an angel. “How, mom?”

She kissed him on the nose. “I don’t know, honey. You tell me. How would you like mommy to get rid of your hard-ons?”

Billy gulped hard. This was it. Her mind was willing to perform sexual acts with her man — even though that man was her very own son.

“You could use… your mouth… maybe?”

His mom chuckled. “You mean a blowjob, honey? Yes, that would be a good fix. Would you like mommy to suck your dick right now, sweety?”

This question fried his brain. His shorts tented out even more than they already were. His buxom mother had just suggested the unthinkable. Billy’s dreams were about to come true.

He nodded.

His mom quickly got to work. She scooted lower, her bare knees touching the floor. With one tug of his underwear her son was now seated naked in front of her.

Billy’s stiff boner almost knocked her in the face. She held it at the base with one hand and looked at it adoringly. Her other hand softly kneaded his balls. “Wow, honey. You have a really nice dick. Not too long, not too short. And by the looks of things, it seems to work just fine.”

She eyed a bead of pre-cum sitting on top of his glans. She flicked her tongue out and a moment later it was gone. Pursing her lips, she said “Mmmh, tasty.”

She winked at her son.

Billy looked down at his mom with amazement in his eyes. The casualness with which she just licked over his cock-head sent shivers down his spine.

With her high-pitched voice, she asked him “Would you like Mommy to suck on your balls first, honey?”

Billy panted. “Yes, please, mom. Just get me off however you see fit. But please make me cum.”

Without another word she dove down between his legs, sucking one of his nuts into her warm velvety mouth. She bathed her son’s testicles with her tongue and saliva, only letting to of his jewels after they shone like a freshly waxed floor.

He looked down in awe at his goddess of a mother who just worshipped his balls better than any pornstar ever could. “Wow, mom.”

“Just wait until the show really gets started.” His mom flicked the underside of his dick a few times with her tongue. “Lean back and relax, honey. Let Mommy suck your cock. I’ll make you cum and swallow every drop. Does that sound good, sweety?”

Billy could only nod, his mouth dry as a dessert at the prospect of it.

His mom engulfed his raging boner with one forward motion, only stopping once his pubes tickled her nostrils. She started bobbing her head with vigor immediately, giving her son pleasure he hadn’t ever felt before.

He leaned his head back, moaning out loud. “God, mom. You’re amazing at that!”

She took his dick out of her mouth, causing him to look at her. “Thank you, sweety.” She gave the crown of his throbbing pole a teasing kiss. “If you need to release, just cum in Mommy’s mouth, okay?”

Billy’s eyes stared at his gorgeous bimbo mother as she engulfed him once again. They made eye contact while she sucked, his dark orbs focusing her lighter ones with a burning fire inside of them. It seemed to him as if he was looking directly into her soul while she worshipped his erection with her warm wet mouth. He could see unbridled love in her eyes, and a certain emptiness that turned him on so much.

“Fuck, mom! I think I’m gonna cum!” He bucked his hips forward, meeting her mouth halfway down his length. Grabbing her head, he used her mouth like a pocket pussy to get off, thrusting inside it and guiding it up and down frantically.

She groaned encouragingly around his pulsing dick.

The vibrations, combined with her gorgeous looks, the feeling of her almost naked tits pressing against his thighs and her skilled tongue, still sneaking around his glans, caused him to finally shoot.

He pumped his hot cum inside his mothers mouth. Finally! In that moment everything leading up to this point was forgotten. He could only think about filling her mouth to the brim with cum, hell, until it would overflow. That’s how it was going to be from now on. His loving mother would take care of her boy in every way imaginable — especially sexually.

His mom slowly lifted her head from his lap after he finished. She looked up at Billy with a big grin, then opened her mouth. His cum was pooling inside her oral cavity like a little white see on her pink tongue.

She looked at him expectantly, still presenting his semen to her son.

Billy knew what she wanted. “Swallow my cum, mom!” He demanded.

With one big gulp her mouth was empty. She showed him her spotless pink oral cavity.

“You’re really tasty, sweety. If you feel the need to release again, just let me know. Especially if it’s me who makes you horny. I’ll gladly help you out, honey.”

* * *

Billy needed her help in that regard twice more that day. Once when she showed him what she planned to wear to the mall, as it was only a crop top and denim shorts. The small white top was stretched out obscenely by her big tits and caused her whole mid-riff to be exposed. Her toned stomach and firm thighs, not remotely covered by the denim shorts, surged new life into his dick.

She sucked him off right then and there in her bedroom. This time she didn’t bother with showing him what she caught, but instead swallowed his load down right as he shot it into her warm, welcoming mouth.

In the end opting for a regular shirt and thigh-length jeans, she still looked better than every other woman present in the mall. It was Billy who told her to wear something a little less revealing. She at first thought that he would be ashamed of his mother dressing like a slut, but her son had very different reasons.

“I just wouldn’t like other men to look at you in that outfit.” He told her.

She beamed at his statement. “Of course, honey. It’s only you who gets to enjoy to look at me in such a state of undress. You don’t want any strangers leering at Mommy’s sexy body, yes honey?”

“That’s right, mom. Now let’s get going.”

In the end, there were still plenty of men (and the occasional woman) who looked at her with a lustful gaze.

The game-store was practically empty. Only a lone gamer was standing in a corner trying to decide witch edition of some old game to buy. And of course there were two employees behind the counter, a geeky looking boy and a girl in her early 20s.

Billy could tell they were a little bored with no customers around, but that changed the moment they noticed them — or more specifically, his mom. The nerd got eyes like saucers. He stared at the busty MILF who just walked into the store. Probably the hottest women ever to set foot into the dim game-store.

“H-how can I-I help-p you?” He stuttered like crazy, his brain obviously trying to manage word-ejection and sight-injection at the same time. He looked at her budding cleavage like a man entranced. To give him credit, he has every right to be, Billy thought.

The girl noticed her pal being in another dimension quickly, so she stepped up to Billy. “What are you looking for?”

She had chestnut hair and a nice bust, albeit at least three sizes smaller than his mom. But who could realistically compete with her?

“I’m just looking for a few new games to occupy some lone hours.”

“L-lone hours?” The geeky boy stammered as he looked from him to his mother (or her chest area to be specific).

“Of course. You know how it is. Lone hours at night and you just need something to pass a bit of time.”

“Pass time… at night…” The nerd really seemed to be hypnotised by his mothers breasts, even though they were mostly covered by her shirt.

Billy turned away from him and made eye contact with the brunette. She smiled at him. He had once heard that women find it attractive when a guy shows himself in the company with another woman. Billy could see the point of that statement now. He was here once before, alone, and that same girl had just pointed to the section of new releases. Now she said: “Well, let me show you a few new ones we got.”

Following her, he looked back at his mom, who seemed to pay no mind to the geek openly leering at her. She just looked at her son, smiled and waved to go right ahead and to get what he wanted.

When they checked out, the entranced guy tried to operate the register. But he couldn’t even keep his eyes of Billy’s mom for long enough to tell them their total. His mom seemed a bit annoyed and just handed the girl a $100 and took the change.

“Have a nice day!” The girl waved them off.

“B-bye you two.” The nerd added after looking at the swaying ass-cheeks leaving the store. Billy didn’t know if he actually meant the two of them or the two assets contorting his mother’s shirt.

The rest of the day dragged on. He was forced to visit at least a dozen clothing stores with his mother. Although she bought quite a bunch of flimsy underwear, he wasn’t able to get a look at her in them. – At least not yet.

After they exited the last store, his mom turned to him.

“I know it’s not much fun for a young man to help a woman pick out her stuff.” She stopped walking, turned to her son and held him close. “But at home I’ll model each and every article of clothing we just got. Does that sound like a fair deal?”

Billy didn’t answer. He just grabbed his mom by the hand and dragged her on. Towards the food court.

“What’s gotten into you, honey?” She asked with a giggle.

Billy marched on. “Just grabbing our food, mom. And then heading home. As soon as we can.”

His mother smiled. It would be a very exciting evening, that she was sure of.

* * *

“How do I look?” His mom turned this way and that way, giving Billy a perfect view from all angles. His mouth hung open and he had to really focus on not drooling at the sight before him while his gorgeous mother modelled her underwear for him in her bedroom.

To say that her voluptuous curves were accentuated by the lacy green lingerie would have been be an understatement. Her enormous tits filled her bra to the point of overflowing. It was a size (or two) too small for her full figure, so her son could clearly make out the top of her aureole.

As she turned, her full, firm ass came into view. It wasn’t covered at all by the thin string of fabric, being swallowed whole by her gorgeous ass cheeks.

Billy slowly rubbed his dick through his underpants while his mom continued to twist and turn before him.

She looked in the mirror, then back at her son. “Isn’t it a little too obscene, honey? You can almost see my nipples.”

He forced his mouth to work. “W-well, it looks good to me.”

His mom stroked a pose and smiled at him. “That’s the important part. After all, it’s you whose eyes this is for.”

He did a double take, albeit a little fake one. “Me?”

“Who else is going to see me like this? Besides, I think you like it when your Mommy dresses all sexy for you. Am I right, honey?” She looked at his hand rubbing his erection through his underwear. “You love it when I wear such lewd things, don’t you sweety?”

She slowly approached him, like a model, putting one foot before the other. Her big breasts swayed hypnotically. Now Billy could understand the geeky boy from the store, even though he now saw more of her than that guy ever could dream about.

His mom sat on his lap. She kissed his cheek while grinding on his aching member. “I think you want Mommy to help you with that. Do you honey? Tell me what you want.”

Billy nodded hastily. “Yes, mom. I’d really love for you to help me again. But could you do it differently this time?”

She smiled cheekily at him. “Oh, I see. My mouth isn’t enough anymore.” She giggled. “And how would you like for Mommy to make you cum, sweety? You want to fill one of my other holes with your beautiful cock? You wanna sink it into my pussy and pound me like the bimbo slut your mother is, honey? Or what about my little asshole… I haven’t had anything going in there since — oh well — forever ago.”

Her son hung on her every word. Out of pure instinct he was mauling her tits while she spoke.

She took that as a hint of what his subconscious wanted. “Oh, I see honey. You want to bury your stiff dick between Mommy’s knockers.”

His mom unclasped the flimsy bra and freed her enormous breasts. Her nipples stared Billy right in the face.

She scooted a little lower, so his dick was at the height of her full melons. “Go ahead, sweety. Wrap them ’round. Mommy’s soft titties will feel sooo good around your achingly hard cock.”

The horny son took a big motherly tit in each hand and guided his dick between them.

Billy used her fun bags for his pleasure, stroking himself with her velvety flesh. Occasionally he would twist and tug on her nipples, causing her to squel in her high-pitched new voice.

Much too soon, he could feel his ball boiling over. “Mom… I’m gonna cum.”

She gave him a warm, maternal smile. “That’s wonderful, honey. Just cum on my full breasts. Let it all out, sweety. Cover Mommy’s fun bags in your sticky white goo.”

Grabbing her tits herself, she got took a more active role in jerking her son off with her big boobs.

“FUCK!” Billy screamed out, as he exploded right between her globes. His spunk was swallowed whole, smearing in the deep valley of her bosom.

He let himself sink back into the soft mattress of her bed.

His mom eyed the mess he made in between her breasts. His sperm slowly trickled down in between them. But not for long. She scooped up a bit of his goo on her finger and brought it to her lips.

Tasting his most private essence, she softly moaned around her finger. “Wow, honey. You taste really good. I think I’ll take all your loads into my mouth, if you don’t mind.”

How could I? He thought while catching his breath from the third intense orgasm in a matter of hours.

“Wow!” His mother’s voice piked him up. “You’re still hard, sweety. Wasn’t it satisfying to cum all over Mommy’s big titties?”

Looking down, he saw his bimbofied mom, full breasts still heaving from the intense blowjob she just gave him. She stared at his mostly hard cock in awe, as if it was a miracle that his manhood had anything left after her titjob. It pointed straight at the ceiling.

Billy smiled at her. “You’re just so amazing, mom. I probably could fuck you all night and still be able to get it up just by looking at you.”

She grinned back. “Is that so? I think I’ve raised a bit of a show-off.” She bent down and slowly nursed on his tip, just to get it even harder. “But we’ll see about that. How about before you ‘fuck me all night‘, you started by making love to your mommy?”

His smile got even wider. “I love you mom. I’ll make love to you, fuck you and take us both to heaven. I promise.”

And that’s what he did. First, he made love to her. He kissed all over her shapely body, sucking her nipples, flicking her clit with his tongue and licking her pussy as if it was his only purpose in life.

When he finally entered her, it felt like heaven on earth. He couldn’t last inside his bimbo mommy’s tight cunt for too long. Looking at her big tits, he creamed after a few pumps.

Instead of being disappointed or angry with her son, she just smiled at him. “Wow, honey. You really need to cream a lot, don’t you? I guess you really like my pussy, sweety, if you cum that quick after so many loads.”

Wasting no time, she scooted underneath him and sucked him back to full hardness in record time.

By nightfall, Billy had cum five times in a single day. A new record for him.

His mom bounced on his lap, riding him furiously. It was going on to midnight and she tried to coax a final, sixth load out of her panting son. They were fucking for almost an hour. Occasionally he would turn soft inside her pussy. Then she would either use her kegel-muscles to stimulate him back to fuckable hardness or she would give him a quick suck.

“Fuck mom”, Billy moaned, as she once again sat on his lap. “You really want to make me cum again, do you?”

His mom moaned in response, her head nodding up and down while she bounced. “Yes, honey. Let Mommy help you to empty your balls completely.” She leaned forward, shoving her balloon-tits in his face.

Billy happily suckled on her big melons.

She giggled. “Oh, sweety. I love it when you suck on my fun bags. You do too, right honey? Does it make the creamy cum in your bloated nutsack boil? Let loose, honey. Give Mommy your spunk.”

He bit down on her nipple. Her dirty talk was driving him insane. Still, there was one way he hadn’t cum with his mom yet. And he was going to change that, tonight.

“Use your mouth again, mom. Suck my dick.” He panted.

She wasted no time obeying his command. His cock slipped from her gushing pussy. “You want your Mommy to try and suck out very drop of cum out of your swollen balls, honey?”

He nodded. A moment later his rock-hard pole was engulfed by her wet mouth.

“Oh god! Mom, I want to cum on your face. Please! Can I cover you with my jizz?”

His mom took his dick out of her mouth. She looked up at him sternly. He swallowed.

“Never ask me that question again, honey. Of course you can.” She broke into a sweet smile. “You can empty your nuts wherever you want, sweety. Just do it. You don’t need to ask first. Mommy is always willing to help you get your sweet release.”

She dove forward again. This time though, she didn’t go for his throbbing erection. Instead, she opted for a story lower. Her pink tongue licked all around his sack, bathing his nuts in saliva.

Billy almost cried out in pleasure. His dick twitched without anyone touching it.

“Fuck, MOM! Here it CUMS!”

He took hold of his cock and aimed it at his mothers face. The first shot erupted forcefully, a big white streak of goo that covered his mom’s cheek. The second one coated her lips. They parted slightly to allow the next shot to go into her mouth.

She sat perfectly still while Billy emptied is testicles on her face.

After the longest orgasm of his life, he was drained thoroughly. “God, mom. That was so good! Thanks!”

She beamed up at him, her features blemished with white streaks. “No need to thank me, honey. If you ever want to give me a facial again, feel free to ask.”

Instead of getting up and washing, his mom scooped up his spunk on her finger and licked it off. Soft moans escaped her lips while doing so.

Billy grinned like a fool. This was definitely the best decision of his life.

* * *

“Her comes our sweet Gaby!” Cam announced on Monday after school. He, his buddies and Billy watched as the black Volvo came to a stop a little distance away.

Billy hurried towards his car. His mom was stepping out, wearing a flimsy top that did little to confine her big tits and shorts that barely covered her ass cheeks. She looked like a wet dream about to wash your car in the most sexual way imaginable.

As mother and son passed each other, they exchanged a wink and a nod.

“You’re my son’s classmates, right?” Asked the bimbofied woman. She regarded the three boys. Even though they were a few inched taller then her, they looked a little embarrassed all of a sudden.

“Yeah, we are. Why?” Cam gave a small smile while rubbing his neck.

The mother put on a more serious face. “I heard that you talk about me behind my back. And not just anything, but very inappropriate things. Is that right?” She put her hands on her curvy hips and looked at them with a frown.

Each of the three bullies nodded slowly, reduced to nothing more than boys caught with their hands in the cookie jar.

She shook her head, seemingly absent minded tugging at her shirt. She adjusted her cleavage, making sure the three young man focused on her very intently. “Well, boys, I don’t want you to talk to my son about me like that from now on. Is that clear?”

The mature beauty finished fixing her top and directed the looks of her son’s bullies at her face.

They nodded sheepishly.

“And you know, why?” She asked, but didn’t wait for an answer. “Because I only want men to talk about me like a piece of fuck-meat. Not some barely grown up boys. Understood, boys?”

The three young men stared at her in disbelieve.

She took the look they gave her as an agreement and headed back towards the car. Billy waited inside, the window on the passenger side open so he could her what was going on.

“Did I do good, sir?” His mom asked.

Billy nodded enthusiastically. “Very good, mom. In fact so well, that I think I have a treat for you tonight?”

She giggled while rubbing his thigh. “You mean you want to pummel my pussy all night, honey? Make your Mommy do everything she can to make you cum your brains out?”

Billy grinned. “Oh, even better.” He leaned in. “Tonight I’ll fill your ass with so much spunk that you’ll shit white for a whole week.”

She shivered at his words, put the car into gear and drove off. It would certainly be a great evening. And week, month and years ahead of them.

Thanks for reading!

This is part ONE of a multi-part series. Although the uploads of new parts may take their time, as I only write for a hobby, stay tuned for more!