Enjoy Yourselves (Youfilthysinners)

hello! thank you for reading. feel free to skip down to the dotted line, this has nothing to do with the story, just a little something i wanted to say beforehand.

first things first, a public service announcement:

I do not believe that incest is a morally right thing to do. I have not nor will I ever have any desire to engage in any kind of sexual activity with any of my immediate family members, and I am appalled that anyone finds their parents or siblings a suitable sexual partner. Or their underage children. Pedophilia is disgusting mental disorder and if that’s what you look for in incest porn, get out. Everyone in my pornographic works is and will be 18 and above, thank you very much.

cool. now that that’s out of the way, let me explain to any vanillas who have stumbled upon this story why i, and everyone else who watches or reads incestual porn, enjoy it. it’s forbidden. against the law. you’re not supposed to fuck this person, but that just makes you want to fuck them more. this might be just me, but i find it hard to meet new people, so an attractive person traipsing around in your home, taunting you, is both hotter and more believable. they already know and love each other, sex is just one more step. it skips the awkward meeting phase that other pornographic genres have. the people you live with are (in general) much more readily available.

but all the incest porn these days is so mainstream. so boring. unoriginal. “step sister is annoying so i fucked her,” “step mom teaches me how to use my dick” and of course, “help me step-bro, i’m stuck in the washing machine!” boo. yawn. 0/5 stars. every video is the same, every story has the same few things happening with terrible dialog and even more boring and unlikeable characters. (not all of them are like this, i’m just generalizing)

so i wrote something. it’s mostly for myself, but i think it turned out pretty good, so why not post it?

another thing. including incest, Enjoy Yourselves includes kinks such as: breeding/impregnation, overly large cocks/excessive cum, anal(so obscene i know), and cuckolding. the only ones in this particular section are big cocks and excessive cum. perhaps a bit of impregnation setup. seriously, if you don’t like size kinks, don’t bother reading this. i love big dicks, but even i have to admit i might have overdone it. the extent women gush over the main character’s genitals is a little over the top. but hey, who doesn’t like a little praising now and then?(maybe i should add praising kink to the later tags…)

please enjoy, and leave a comment! i would love to hear some constructive criticism and improve my work. (btw, Enjoy Yourselves is a slow burn. just thought i should mention it incase you came here for a quick nut)

– W


Eddy Wellman was a deep sleeper. His family knew that he preferred to sleep in late, often long into the afternoon. What his family didn’t know was that Edd spent most of the night lying awake, staring at the ceiling. He only managed to get a full eight hours on weekends or other various breaks from school. Edd had spent the last four days on a trip with several of his other classmates, an extra-curricular activity that he managed to get into through his after-school involvement in art. It had been fun, but exhausting. The gangly teenager was now trying to catch up on the many hours of rest he had lost on his trip.

It was ten-thirty in the morning. Eddy’s sister, Alexandra, cracked the door open and poked her head into the room. Greeted by the visage of Eddy’s sleeping form on the bed partnered with his faint snores, Alex bit back a laugh, gently tip-toed her way past him and turned on his console.

The quiet beep it made when she pressed the power button wasn’t enough to wake Eddy. It never was. But she still glanced over at him, nervous that she’d startle him somehow. He wouldn’t yell at her, not for this. Edd may not have been a morning person, but that never made him crabby. He always let her use his PS4 whenever she wanted. Well, unless he was already using it. So she always tried to return the favor by not waking him up. Not when he seemed to desperately need the rest.

Without even realizing it, Alex had been staring at the lean muscles in Eddy’s back. She shook her head and turned back to the tv screen. This was her little brother, not one of the many high school boys she liked to hook up with these days. What was happening at that school. All the guys there seemed strangely attractive. Admittedly her brother among them. Alex certainly never remembered the guys in school being this hot when she had gone there. The new college student was happy she had decided to stay at her parent’s house for the summer.

The bright red haired girl turned Breath of the Wild on and started wandering around. She had finished the main game, but still had a few side stories that she wanted to finish.

About fifteen minutes in, Alex’s phone buzzed. She flicked her eyes down to see it was a text from her for now boyfriend, Zach.

“U wanna come over?”

A smile tugged at Alex’s lips. She knew what that meant, and even if she didn’t, the second text would’ve definitely tipped her off.

“My parents just left.”

Alex had been with Zach for about two weeks now. They met on a date. Not a blind date, the two of them had been on dates with two other people. Alex had gone back to grab some more popcorn to find her then boyfriend, Michael, making out with Zach’s then girlfriend, Atricia. She remembered not caring that much actually. Mike had been becoming more and more disinterested in their relationship, and if she was being totally honest with herself, so had Alex. She waved at the happy new couple with a freshly filled bucket of popcorn, then promptly plopped herself next to Zach. She explained the situation to him, then proceeded to suck all the cum out of his cock.

Alex smiled fondly at the memory, a small blush on her cheeks. She could already envision Zach’s thick six inch dick pounding her ass into his mattress. But Alex was in the middle of a time-sensitive mission right now. She picked up her phone and responded, “be over in a few. gotta finish this thing with botw rn.”

He responded almost immediately. “The struggles of having a gamergirl for a girlfriend.” An eye roll emoji, then, “I’ll be waiting.”

Alex laughed softly to herself. “just a few minutes, then you can have your way with me.” She hiked up her booty shorts and sent him a nice picture of her ass. “something to get you hot and bothered.”

“JO material? Your too kind.”

“dont tire urself out b4 i even get there.”

“Can do baby. See u in a few.”

Alex put her phone down and picked the controller back up. This weekend was going to be fun.



Edd woke up to the majesty of his sister’s ass, two holy globes of soft, milky-white flesh, practically glowing in the afternoon sun. He leaned up and rubbed his eyes. Eddy was suddenly glad his body had decided to roll over on its side sometime in the middle of the night. His morning, or in this case, afternoon wood throbbing against his abdomen, pressed between his body and his mattress. Even though she was his sister, Eddy could never force himself to look away from Alex’s massive dump truck whenever the opportunity presented itself.

“Fuck me,” she complained, mashing several buttons on the controller. The death screen of Breath of the Wild wiggled on screen, taunting his sister with the bright red words, “lol u ded.” It was a small mod Edd had installed about a month ago. It had made Alex laugh then, but it wasn’t making her laugh now.

“Well, good morning to you too.”

“Actually, good afternoon,” she corrected haughtily. “Did my gamer rage wake you up?”

“Nah, I think I woke up on my own.” Edd’s cock throbbed hungrily against his stomach. Funnily enough, the generous view his sister was giving him was not helping his erection go away. When was the last time he jerked off? God, it felt like days ago. Alex had her short shorts pulled up into her ass cheeks, completely unaware she was taunting him by accentuating her already erotic position. He was going to need to jerk off soon.

But how was he going to relieve his balls without his sister noticing?

Eddy made the executive decision to masturbate in the shower. Jerking off while his sister was playing video games not two feet away from him seemed like a very bad idea. He swung his legs over the side of the bed and looked down at his pants.

His rock hard cock was jutting out a good foot in front of him, straining angrily against the fabric of his underwear.

“Down boy.” He muttered to it.

“What?” Alex asked absentmindedly. She mashed some buttons, beating the ever-loving shit out of a group of random moblins.

“I’m gonna go take a shower.” Edd quietly slid his obvious tent up into his shirt. Thankfully his sister was facing the opposite direction, or else things could have gotten a little awkward. His thick rod stuck out about seven or eight inches above his underwear band.

“Don’t take too long, I have a date in a couple…” Alex looked at her phone, “hours ago.”

Eddy laughed. “Cheating on Zach with Zelda again? You know he’s going to get jealous.”

She pouted at the screen. “I knowwwww. He’s getting a little clingy.”

“You gonna dump him?”

“I don’t know yet.” Alex pursed her lips. “I think I’m gonna start looking for a replacement first.”

Grinning devilishly, Eddy asked, “A big dicked replacement?” before his filter had the time to process the words that were coming out of his mouth.

“Eddy!” Alex said his name in a way that made it sound like she was trying to sound offended or grossed out by what he said, but actually thought it was funny. “You can’t say shit like that.” But yes. A big dick was going to be the first thing Alex looked for in her new boyfriend.

“Sorry.” Edd shrugged, not sounding very sorry.

“Get out of here and go take your shower so I can get out of here.”

Eddy left the room, eager to release some of the cum sloshing around in his balls.



“Eddy!!” Alex pounded on the door. “Get out of there, it’s been like thirty minutes!”

Bucking his hips and sliding both hands up and down his meat, Eddy groaned in response. Not a sexy groan, more like a frustrated, whiny groan. He was so close.

“Five more minutes!” He yelled back at her.

“Zach keeps texting me! I have to go now!”

“Can’t you shower at his place? Could be hot!” Edd sped up his desperate mastubatory actions. He had a feeling that he wasn’t going to finish this one in time.

“Eww. No.” Zach may have a nice cock, but Alex had been in his bathroom before. Even she had standards. She had always made sure she emptied her bladder before going over to Zach’s place. “Have you seen his bathroom? Absolutely not. Plus, his parents are going to be home soon and I’d rather not be caught soaking wet with zero clothes on.”

Eddy grinned, thinking that that was probably going to happen anyway, but decided not to say anything. “I just need five more minutes! Can’t you wait until then?”

“No! I have to go now!” Eddy could hear her stomp her foot, even through the door and over the shower. And the wet shlicking sounds. “What are you even doing in there?”

“Nothing!” Fuck. “Showering!”

“Oh?” Eddy could hear the smile in his sister’s voice. “I know what that means!”

“No you don’t!”

“Is my widdle brother jerking his cock in the shower?”


“I think he iii-iiiiiis.” She said in a sing-songy voice.

Suddenly, Eddy felt his balls clench up. He gasped as thick, white ropes of cum started spurting out of his cock. The teenager quietly groaned with relief as his orgasm racked through his body. The world seemed to fade away, but some part of him remembered to try and keep quiet.

Not quiet enough, however. Mid-tease, Alex heard the unmistakable groans of her little brother cumming his brains out in the shower. She felt heat rise to her face as she realized that her little brother was, in fact, jerking his cock in the shower.

Eddy sighed, leaning his back against the cool ceramic wall. God that felt good.

“You done?” Alex’s voice sounded a little shaky. Uh oh. Did she actually know he was masturbating, or was she still trying to make him uncomfortable?

“Yeah, I’m done.” Eddy turned off the shower and clambered over the side of the tub. He quickly dried himself off and opened the door. He hadn’t brushed his teeth, but he could do that after Alex left.

When he opened the door, he was immediately greeted with a punch in the chest and was forcefully ejected from the room by a bright red Alexandra. “Don’t take forty-five fucking minutes next time dumbass.”

Eddy sighed and turned to leave, but whirled back around when Alex screamed, “Ugh!”

“And clean up your fucking cum next time!” She screeched. “Gross!”

Blanching, Eddy hurried back to his room, mentally kicking himself for not washing his load down the drain before giving the bathroom to his sister.



After changing into a red t-shirt and some sweatpants, Eddy made his way downstairs, where he was greeted with a warm smile from his mother, Amanda. She was washing the dishes from their lunch, which Edd had apparently missed. Eddy liked the kitchen more than any other part of the house. When his father had made it big with his private bank, Eagle’s Shares, he had immediately hired a builder and designed a home for himself and his new wife. Amanda had insisted on designing the kitchen. It was the place she was going to be working in, his father had insisted on that, so she should at least have a say in how it looked. She had received pushback from him, but Amanda had put her foot down. The kitchen had turned out beautiful. White marble countertops and small tasteful golden lamps hung from the ceiling. Black and grey tiles, which were very easy to clean, covered the floor. She had even convinced their father to buy a wood burning pizza oven, which had been the best investment he ever made, at least in the cornucopia-like way delicious food would pour out of the thing.

“Morning mom,” Eddy said as he sat himself at the well-polished counter.

“Good morning sweetheart,” she said happily. “Did you sleep well?”

“Yeah, pretty good.”

“You’ve been sleeping in pretty late recently,” Amanda said, concern written on her face. “Is everything alright?”

“Yup.” Edd lied, “Everything is totally fine.”

His mom took a deep sigh and said, “Alright. You know you can tell me when something is wrong, right?”

“I know, mom.”

“Ok sweetie. I just want to make sure you’re sleeping enough.” She finished washing and turned off the sink, grabbing a hand towel. She said, “By the way, what was your sister yelling about upstairs?”

Eddy blushed. “Oh. That. I think she was just mad I accidentally left a mess in the bathroom.”

“Oh?” His mom raised her eyebrow. “What kind of mess?”


“Ah.” She turned back to the oven and turned it on, unfazed by Eddy’s response. Amanda believed in not sexually shaming her children. Teenagers masturbated. Her son hadn’t left his mess there on purpose, so it should be fine. A small, forgettable mistake that would have absolutely no bearing on their lives whatsoever. “What do you want for lunch, or I guess it’s your breakfast?”

“You don’t have to make anything.” Eddy didn’t want to make more work for his mother. She had already made two other meals for two other people. “I can just make a sandwich, it’s no big deal.”

“No, no!” Eddy’s mom gave him an adoring smile. Her dark eyes glittered with love. “I love making food for you kids. It gives me life.”

She went around the counter and planted a kiss on the top of Eddy’s head. “So what do you want with your sandwich? A soup? Salad?”

While he did like the sound of a nice, piping hot bowl of soup… “I’ll take a salad. I’m trying to make 165 for wrestling.”

Eddy wasn’t the most athletic kid, but he did love wrestling. It was the one sport his father could convince him to join. It was the one thing they could talk about, honestly.

“Of course, sweetie.” Amanda pursed her lips in concern. She didn’t like how the wrestling coach encouraged his team to practically starve themselves just so they could get in a better weight class. She was glad her son was feeling included and getting some exercise, but she wasn’t sure if it was actually healthy for him. As a bit of a larger woman herself, Amanda knew the importance of good food and how her boy desperately needed it at the beginning of his life.

As Amanda reluctantly turned off the oven, Alex made her way down the stairs and grabbed an apple from the fruit bowl that had been tastefully placed on the kitchen table.

“Bye mom! Later loser.” The fiery redhead said as she grabbed her keys and went into the garage.

Amanda frowned at her daughter as she bounced down the driveway to her car. “I don’t like that she calls you names. A sister should be kind to her little brother.”

Eddy shrugged. “Sibling rivalry and whatnot. Besides, I’m not really her little brother anymore, now am I?”

Amanda smiled at her son. He had sprouted a few inches last summer, overtaking his sister in height. “No, I suppose you aren’t.” She walked back over to him and planted a kiss on his cheek. “My little boy has grown into a big strong man!”

“C’mon mom…” Edd groaned under the onslaught of kisses. He could feel his mother’s large breasts pressed up against his shoulder. Big boobs were something Alexandra had not inherited from their mother. Her ass on the other hand… The Wellman women were both blessed with gloriously voluptuous rear ends.

Eddy’s mom sighed and ruffled his hair. “You kids grow up too fast. I can remember when you were just nine pounds! Such an adorable little baby.”

“Mom…” Eddy whined again. “You’re coddling.”

“I know.” She planted another kiss on the top of his head, then made her way back to the fridge to start making Eddy’s sandwich. “Your father went out with a couple of his buddies to go golfing. He didn’t say, but I’m pretty sure they’re going to go drinking later so he won’t be back till late tonight.”

“Late late?”

“Late late.”

“Hence why Alex is going out today?”

Amanda sighed while she chopped up some lettuce. “Probably.”

“You do know what she’s doing today, right?”

“Zach Brown, I believe.”

Eddy raised an eyebrow at her. “And you’re ok with that?”

She sighed again and stopped chopping. “I know your father doesn’t approve. He just wants to protect her. But Alex should go out and explore! I know I did at her age. Your grandparents hated that.” She started chopping again. “They tried to lock me up in the house. And I resented them for it. I don’t want my daughter to resent me for something like that.”

Eddy made a goofy face when his mother turned around and pointed at him. “And I would extend the same leniency to you too, you know. If you actually got out and started dating.”

“I know mom.”

Amanda finished making his lunch and served it to him with another kiss on his cheek. She told Eddy, “I’m going out to sunbathe,” and walked out of the kitchen.

The starving teenager tore into his sandwich with vigor. It was delicious. His mom was the best cook, even though making a sandwich wasn’t cooking. The salad was refreshing, if a little bland. But hey, that was totally his fault. His mom loved to annihilate her salads with croutons and ranch dressing, but Eddy always asked for his without. Not because he didn’t like the condiments, but because of the extra calorie intake. If you were going to eat a salad, you might as well make it as healthy as possible, right?

Amanda walked back in the kitchen, now clad in a skin tight, black bikini. She waved to Eddy, who felt his cock throb and swell in his sweatpants. He was entranced by her jiggling ass as she walked out through the sliding glass door that led to the family’s backyard and pool. It had a hypnotic wobble to it that made his eyes glaze over.

God damn his mom was hot. Eddy would always get mad at the kids at school when they would call her a MILF, but he couldn’t disagree with them. At least they were complimenting her. The kids who called Amanda fat got punched in the face. His mother was a beautiful lady. She ate a lot of food, but it was nutritious and well balanced. The weight had all gone to her hips and breasts, giving an attractive hourglass shape to her body. Eddy looked down at his crotch as he took another bite of salad. His dick was straining against his sweatpants, its head poked against the bottom of the counter.

“Down boy.” Eddy told it again. He just jerked off ten minutes ago. Why did his balls feel like they were full already?

Well, at least his mom was outside.

Eddy jumped at the sound of the glass door rolling open. Not thinking, he whirled around to look at his mom, face stuffed with sandwich and pants stuffed with cock.

“Sweetie, I almost forgot. Could you–” His mother immediately froze once she saw Eddy’s canvas tent, her eyes glued to his bulge. “Oh my.”

The two of them froze. For just a moment, mother and son made eye contact, both of them red as beats. Then Edd jumped out of his seat and dashed up the stairs.

“I was going to ask if you could mow the lawn!” Amanda called to her retreating son.

“Yeah! No problem!” He said back to her, taking the steps two at a time. His dick slapped against his stomach every time his foot hit the ground.

Amanda put a hand on her chest, her face flushed. She had never been so morbidly embarrassed. Oh my. Oh my indeed. Her words from earlier in the kitchen rang in her ear. Yes, her little boy had indeed grown into a big strong man. A very large man indeed.

He certainly hadn’t inherited that from his father. Actually, if Eddy’s father was that hung young Italian man she fucked a couple weeks before she found out she was pregnant, then he had most definitely inherited that from his father. Honestly, Amanda suspected her husband was sterile, because the exact same thing had happened two years earlier with Alexandra’s conception, except with an ex from high school.

As Amanda made her way back outside, she glanced down at her chest to see that her nipples were as hard as diamonds.

Almost as hard as her son’s massive cock just a few moments ago.

The large woman shook her head. Wavy, long, black hair spilling over her shoulders. She shouldn’t be thinking about him like that. That was her son, her sweet little boy.

I’m not really her little brother anymore, now am I?

No. No he was not.

Eddy was desperately jerking off in his room, mentally kicking himself again. Eighteen years. Eighteen years he kept his twelve inch cock a secret from his family and today, not only did his sister find over a pint of his cum in the shower, but his mother had basically seen his dick. Not directly, but there was no way she didn’t know how big it was.

Frustrated, he let out a huff and a small growl. The cum wasn’t coming out. Godammit. He let go of his throbbing dick and watched it bounce between his knees.

“Why aren’t you coming out?” He asked it.

Eddy’s cock leaned to the side. Not a very helpful response.

He sighed and stood up. He walked over to the window and looked down at his mother sunbathing in her bikini. His dick throbbed again, slapping against his stomach. This weekend was not going to be fun.



As he stepped outside in fresh shorts(his sweatpants and underwear had gotten soaked in precum), Eddy made a beeline straight for his mother. Besides the bikini, which had been pushed down for maximum cleavage, Amanda now wore a pair of brown sunglasses and a pair of bright red heels. She was fanning herself with a handheld fan that read, “Bitches be Crazy,” and appeared totally unaffected by their previous encounter.

“Mom, I just wanted to tell you–”

“Ap.” She interrupted, raising a finger in the air. “You have nothing to apologise for. You’re a young man and that was completely natural. Your body is raging with hormones and there’s nothing you can do about that.”

Eddy sighed with relief. He should have known she would be cool about it. “Thanks mom.”

“Besides,” Amanda pulled down her sunglasses to look him straight in the eye. “You have a lot to be proud of.”

Eddy flushed. Was his mother… flirting with him? No. His cock had barely managed to settle down before going outside. Once again it began to swell, pressing against his shorts. Edd thanked his lucky stars that he decided to put these on instead of another pair of sweatpants. Amanda– His mom would have seen the bulge immediately.

“I’m… gonna go mow the lawn.”

“Alright sweetie. Have fun.”

As he started to make his way over to the shed, Eddy heard his mother call after him. “Oh and Eddy?”

He turned back to look at her. She had fully taken off her sunglasses and was preparing to flip over to tan her backside. Her arms were behind her back.

“I don’t mind if you watch me sunbathe.” She removed her bikini top before lying face down onto her lawn chair. Giving her son the briefest glimpse of her tits.

Oh boy. Eddy swallowed. Did that mean she saw him looking at her through the window? He glanced up to realize that he could see into his room from here. Eddy could even read one of the posters hanging on his wall.

Oh boy. This erection was not going to go away today, was it?



Amanda Wellman pondered her life choices while Eddy mowed the lawn. Was she really trying to make a move on her son? Just because he had a big cock?

Of course, moral ambiguity didn’t stop her eyeballing him whenever he entered her line of sight. Or thinking about his half-naked form in the window. She couldn’t imagine he wasn’t feasting his eyes on her ass whenever he thought she wasn’t looking. His eyes always dipped below her neckline whenever he talked to her. Of course, before today, she had just chalked those kinds of things as teenager hormones, something he couldn’t help. But now… She was excited. A man who wasn’t her husband was interested in her. That was exciting.

But her son. The boy she had given birth to. Ignoring the fact that they were immediately related, Eddy was still much too young for her. He was still a teenager, barely eighteen. Practically a child. They threw a birthday party for him just this May. Still far too young to responsibly have sex.

It took Amanda fifteen minutes to realize that the odd thing hanging out of her precious Eddy’s shorts was the head of a fat cock.

Oh my. Even if he was the Italian’s son, he certainly hadn’t been that hung.

Oh my, oh my. My my my.

Amanda rolled onto her back, “forgetting” to put her top back on.



Eddy was both in heaven and hell. His erection was beginning to become painful. Even stuffed down his pant leg, it jutted out and scraped against the bottom ridge of his shorts.

On the other hand, the view was incredible. His mother’s bulging, taut ass stretched the fabric of her bikini to its very limit. Eddy thought it might break. He was starting to hope it would break. Her smooth legs went on for miles. Her full, natural breasts spilled out from under her chest. For the thousandth time, Eddy wondered how his father had managed to convince Amanda to marry him. Hopelessly distracted, the horny teenager slammed the lawnmower against the white fence for the fifth time in a row.

Then, something incredible happened. Edd made another pass across the lawn, looked over at Amanda, and saw that she had flipped onto her back again. But she completely forgot her top was off. His mother’s massive breasts exposed for the whole world to see.

Edd thought the fabric of his shorts would break.

Should he tell her? Did she want him to tell her? Maybe she was trying out European sunbathing. She sure loved those Italian magazines. Maybe they had rubbed off on her. Eddy stared shamelessly at Amanda. Those things utterly defied gravity.

Eddy finished mowing. He started to rush inside while his cock desperately tried to explode out of his pants. He felt his heart leap and his stomach drop when his mother called out to him again.

“Eddy! Could you come here for a moment?”

He was still facing away from her. Maybe he could undo his pants and point his dick upwards. It was much easier to manage then. Pointing it down had been such a bad idea.


“I’m coming!” He tried to readjust, failed, tried again, failed, then sighed and made his way over to her. She was cool about it before, maybe she’d be cool about it again.

Amanda was rubbing sunscreen on her legs. As Eddy came up to her, she switched to her chest, greasing up her breasts until they were glistening bronze. She still hadn’t replaced her top. He could see that her nipples puffed out from her giant milky tits, as erect as he was. His mom had to realise she was half naked, right? She wouldn’t do something like this on purpose.

“Yeah?” Eddy swallowed.

Amanda looked up at him, mercifully avoiding his obvious tent. And the bulbous red cockhead sticking out of the leg of his shorts. “Sweetheart, could you please put some sunscreen on my back? I’m starting to bake a little.”

Eddy never got sunburned. Alex never got sunburned. Their mother definitely never got sunburned. Her golden bronze skin had built up a permanent immunity to the sun long ago. The only reason they had sunscreen in the house was because of their father.

“You’re getting sunburnt?”

“Not yet, but I think I might.” She said, rubbing some more on her legs. “It’s a little hot today, isn’t it?”

Eddy’s cock throbbed. “Yes. Yes it is.”

“Wonderful.” Amanda placed the bottle on the table next to her chair and laid back onto her stomach. Eddy could her tits bulge out from her sides. “Have at it, handsome.”

Handsome? The two remaining brain cells in Eddy’s head looked at each other, then back at Amanda in absolute confusion. But he picked up the bottle and kneeled on the mat that his mother had placed over the rough cement. Edd rubbed some lotion on his hands, then started massaging Amanda’s shoulders.

“Mmmm,” she sighed. “That feels nice.”

Eddy massaged her neck, shoulders, and lower back. She had only told him to put some sunscreen on her, but he figured he should give his beautiful mother a nice, relaxing massage too. She worked herself too hard sometimes. And those happy sighs she kept giving him were more than enough to earn a good back rub. He was about to ask her if that was enough when she said, “A little lower sweetheart.”

Lower? Any lower and he’d be… Oh boy. He decided to not take the obvious opportunity and started to spread sunscreen on her lower, lower back. The top half of her ass. Questionable, but not forbidden territory.

“Just a bit lower sweetie.” Amanda shifted a bit, jiggling her butt. Not too much that it looked like it was on purpose.

Eddy’s cock throbbed excitedly. His tip poked what he thought was the side of the chair, but was actually his mother’s hand, which had moved to be just underneath that footlong bulge in his pants. Amanda smiled to herself, the wet sensation of precum in her palm told her that her plan was working beautifully.

Well. She said lower. Twice. Eddy gave in to his desires and started pushing and pulling at the sea of assflesh his mother had been blessed with. Amanda bit back a moan of pleasure. She didn’t want to scare him off when he’d just begun.

Kneading and mashing, squishing and spreading. Eddy was rough, but not too rough. He kept expecting to hear his mother tell him to knock it off, but she had been completely silent the entire time. He turned to look at her face, and noticed she was biting her bottom lip. His cock throbbed hungrily again. He wanted to slap that fat ass, watch it jiggle. But even in this situation, Edd felt that was too much.

Amanda was in heaven. Was she certain her litt– big man wasn’t plowing the phuck out of a couple of girlfriends in his freetime? The boy knew how to hit all the right places. Her bikini bottom was absolutely soaked. She was enjoying her massage so much, she didn’t even realize her hand was unconsciously closing the very short distance to Eddy’s massive rod of meat.

Eddy yelped when he felt a warm hand grasp his exposed head. He jumped up and took a step back in surprise.

“I’m so sorry!” His mom jumped up from her seat, instantly regretting her impulsive behavior. She messed up and freaked him out. “I didn’t mean to–”

Eddy’s cock gave a massive lurch for freedom. You couldn’t even call it a throb or a twitch, his dick literally flexed out of his pants. His shorts must have been at the perfect angle, bunched up just enough when he leapt into the air. Eddy’s twelve inch cock shoved his pant leg off itself and stood at full attention. And if that wasn’t mortifying enough, a giant glob of precum spurt out and landed directly on his mom’s face and tits, covering her in hot, clear liquid.

Amanda gasped in surprise, then wiped off her face. Maybe she teased her baby a little too much. She opened her eyes to see the biggest, fattest, hardest cock she had ever seen in her life, dripping and throbbing only a few inches away. Oh my. Her heart was beating a mile a minute. That was a lot of precum. She could only imagine how much cum Eddy was actually able to shoot off. Amanda’s eyes flicked down to her son’s massive testicles. Good lord. They looked ready to burst. Hadn’t Alex just found one of his loads in the shower? His balls were bigger than clementines.

“Oh my.” She swallowed. Her mouth was watering. She hadn’t sucked a dick this big since high school. She opened her mouth to–

Eddy bolted back into the house.

Amanda blinked in surprise. That had never happened to her before. Oh dear, her poor baby must have gotten embarrassed. That would have been cute, except her throat was feeling very empty. It should have been stuffed full of cock by now.

“Eddy!” She called. Too late. The sliding glass door slammed behind him. “Come back here!”