
Author’s note:

*This is an edited version*

Credits to s0rethr0at for helping me edit the story.



All characters are above 18 years old. The story is mostly but not strictly under the incest/taboo genre.

This is my first story and attempt. Still trying to figure out how this works. Appreciate the patience to read through my story and hope that it’ll provide some entertainment.


I heard someone calling my name faintly. Slowly it became louder, and I began to open my eyes. Dazed, I saw my Mum looking worried, holding me. My eyes adjusted to the bright light in the room. Confused, I tried to sit up but felt incredible pain in my body.

“Don’t move!” I heard her say.

As my vision became clearer, I realized I was in the hospital.

“You got into an accident, Jason.” I grabbed my head and tried to remember.

I remembered going on a trip with my friends. They were a wild bunch, and we were speeding down the highway. That was the last I could remember.

I looked around and saw my hands in a cast. Mom told me I had fractured my arms and would need a while to recover.

I saw a doctor walk in; she was mature-looking but still attractive for her age. She had short hair and glasses.

“You’re a lucky kid. I’m not sure how, but you didn’t break any bones. But we’re going to have you in a cast for a few days, just in case. You are free to go home now.”

My body was in pain as I slowly walked. Mom held me as I left the hospital. I couldn’t remember the last time I was this close physically to my Mom. I had never felt safer.

My dad passed on when I was still young, so Mom was the pillar of the family. She raised both my older sister and me as well as she could. She was the modest and conservative kind, introverted. She used dancing as an outlet and was very good at it. She owned her own dance studio.

My mom, Olivia, was busy working most of the time to make ends meet. She was only usually home for dinner, and at home, she was busy doing house chores. I love my mom, but we’re not exactly super close because of the limited time we spend together. We had an almost formal relationship.

Physically my mom had a petite build. She had what people call a tight body for her age. Being a dancer, she had a slim and toned body. She was in her 40’s and had a really good figure. She’s about 5’4” and has flawless fair porcelain skin. There’s barely any freckle or blemish on her.

She was of mixed ethnicities and had beautiful features, and kept shoulder-length hair. However, mom kept her appearance rather plain and simple, while dressing rather conservatively most of the time.

I’m Jason, 18 years old. Personality-wise, I took after my mom. I’m rather shy and quiet. I am 6’2 and have above average appearance. Despite being an introvert, I clicked well with people who were the opposite of me.

My friends were wild and notorious, which was how the accident happened.

Then there’s Janice, my older sister. She’s 21. Janice is more of a best friend than a sister to me. Growing up, she was pretty tomboyish, and I almost looked up at her like an older brother who took care of me.

She’s slightly taller than my mom, at around 5’7”. Personality-wise, though, Janice is the opposite of us. She’s very confident and sociable. Janice was the popular girl in school.

She’s well aware of how attractive she is. She is naturally busty; she looked to be around a 34C. But because of how athletic she was, she’s unbelievably fit. She has the perfect curves in all the right places.

Janice is the natural leader of any group she was in and was the one usually calling the shots. That sort of helped me out in high school, as everyone knew who I was because of her.

Being left at home alone together most of the time, we were incredibly close and often confided in each other. But she moved out 2 years ago to stay on campus for her studies. We didn’t contact each other often since.


“ARE YOU HUNGRY, JASON?” Mom yelled to me from the kitchen.

“I’m good. Thanks, Mom!” I answered. She was really worried and kept checking on me.

I couldn’t do much as I didn’t have much strength, so I watched TV the whole day.

Mom is usually busy with work. She would leave to the studio in the morning for work and comes back around dinner time. She left food for me.

However, because of my accident, she took a couple days of leave.

I spent the day watching TV in the living room. I watched as my mom kept herself busy doing house chores. I rarely got to spend time with Mom since she was only back at home at night. We’d probably spend time eating dinner before we went back to our own rooms.

Mom usually dresses very simply at home. It’s usually a t-shirt and shorts.

Sometimes, it’s a long dress.

The evening soon came, and suddenly I realized something. How am I going to take a bath? We were in a tropical climate part of the country which was quite warm, so we have to bathe daily.

Just as my mind was going through the possibilities, Mom came into my room. Mom usually comes in to say goodnight at the end of the day.

“You’re starting to smell,” she said.

“Yeah, I’m quite sweaty from the heat,” I answered.

“I guess it’s time for your bath,” she said.

“Err…okay?” I responded.

“I will have to help you out in that as well Jason, you can’t stand on your own.” She said as she helped me up and into the bathroom.

“It’s kind of weird Mom, I think I can manage.” I tried to argue.

“The doctor advised against getting your bandages wet. How can you manage? Don’t worry, there’s nothing I haven’t seen before.”

Mom is very thorough with anything she does. She’s a neat freak who keeps the house sparkling clean all the time. She also uses the bathroom for a very long time.

She spends up to an hour when she takes her bath. As she led me into the bathroom, I was starting to feel embarrassed. It felt weird being alone in the bathroom with her.

I was always independent as Mom was very busy working; I figured most of the things out myself with the help of Janice, my sister. Mom is rarely around to take care of us, and I don’t blame her. Hence being in this situation with my mom was incredibly awkward. We weren’t the kind to share skinship.

Mom was a lot smaller than me; she was petite, so there was a stool for me to sit on as she helped me. She started helping me undress. As she pulls my shirt from me, she proceeds to kneel in front of me.

“Up,” she said, telling me to lift my bum.

I was already blushing like a tomato. In one swift move, she took my pants and underwear off. I was facing away from her with my back facing her.

The air of awkwardness was immense. I was totally naked in front of my mother. Perhaps we were both thinking this was a bad idea. We could hear a pin drop as it was dead silent in the bathroom. The silence went away as mom turned the shower on and started with my head. My hands instinctively covered my privates.

My mind wandered, thinking if my mom would be touching my privates.

*Olivia’s thought will be in italics*

I realized haven’t seen another man’s naked body since his father died. I hope it’ll be okay.

She started shampooing my hair. She knelt behind me as she was doing it. Mom took her time with it, and it felt better than the hair salon, to be honest. Her finger massages my scalp with gentle tenderness.

She then moved to my back, slowly scrubbing every inch, not missing a spot. I could see why she spent so long in the bathroom. She was meticulous.

Maybe that’s why her skin is so nice. As my thought wondered, I was interrupted by Mom’s hand over my shoulder. She was standing over my shoulder as her hands ran down my arms.

Her fingers are reaching under my arms to scrub my armpits. Soon her hands were reached down to scrub my chest. The air of awkwardness was still lingering. I felt her fingers doing circles on my chest. The touch of her on my bare skin weirdly excited me.

Because she was behind me, it was tough for her to reach around me. Her body was squished against my back. I could feel her breasts press against my back. Her clothes were definitely getting wet as well.

Oh my, Jason sure has grown. It’s hard for me to reach around him.

Finally, she reached the area where it couldn’t get any more awkward. I was super embarrassed, and I could sense she was too by the way she was flushing. She pulled my arms up to uncover my crotch.

God forgive me, I can’t believe I’m going to touch my son’s cock.

Mom paused, her hands hovering above my crotch. I felt her take a deep breath and felt her cold, wet hands reach around to wash my crotch.

I felt her fingers enveloping my dick as she started soaping it slowly and gently. My dick twitched a little as I felt her fingers on my skin. She took her time cleaning every inch like the other parts of my body. She held it as gently as she could

The last cock I had in my hands was his dad’s, yet…Why am I aroused? I can’t believe I’m getting aroused by touching my son’s cock. I’m getting goosebumps, and I can feel my panties are soaked. What’s wrong with you, Olivia?

She lathered soap and smeared it all over me. She then gently cupped my balls and scrubbed, rubbing the length of my cock slowly. Needless to say, having someone of the opposite sex touching my cock has its effects.

I was starting to be turned on. My cock naturally started to harden.

Fortunately, Mom moved onwards to my thighs and leg. I was relieved. As my mom helped me dress, I wondered if she could see my semi-hard cock dangling from behind.

Fuck, Jason, she’s your mom. Stop having such sick thoughts. I tried to snap myself out of it.

“Thanks, Mom,” I said, finally breaking the silence between us.

“You’re welcome, Jason,” She said as she leaned in to kiss me goodnight on my forehead.

He looks so much like his dad.

I was glad the day was over.


The day went on, as usual, Mom was her usual self, going about her chores, and I was stuck in bed all day. I started watching some shows.

Along the way, some sex scenes came up and really stirred me. Being the teenager I was, I’m used to jacking off daily. It’s been a couple of days now, and it’s beginning to pent up.

The sex scene just triggered it more. I was getting horny. I reached for my phone to browse social media to try to get it out of my head. But right as I got my phone, Mom came into my room.

“Hey Jason, how are you doing?” Mom asked.

“I’m alright, just kind of bored.”

“I can keep you company. I know the accident was unfortunate but look at the bright side. We can spend some time together now.”

“Yea, I guess so, Mom.”

“Look, I know I haven’t had much time for both you and Janice when you were growing up…”

“No, mom, I know. We never did blame you, and we’re very grateful for the sacrifices you made bringing us up.”

“Thanks, Jason. What are you watching?”

“Oh, just Game of Thrones.”

“Ah, I’ve heard of that. Can I join?”


Mom took a seat next to my bed. About ten minutes into the show, some sex scenes came up. If you know The Game Of Thrones, there are incest sex scenes involved.

Wait, aren’t they related?

“Oh my, shows these days don’t really hold back anymore, do they?”

I laughed nervously, “Haha, I guess not.”

“Well, I guess it’s probably time for you to shower Jason, I’ll need to change into something different after getting myself so wet yesterday.”

Gosh, my clothes hadn’t been the only wet thing. Damn it, why am I having such dirty thoughts?

I took a double-take when I saw Mom return. She was wearing something she usually doesn’t wear. It was a spaghetti top with tight hot pants. I guess she figured it was because she got really wet when she had given me a bath, so she decided to wear less clothing.

I don’t usually wear this, but at least I won’t get that wet. I hope Jason won’t think less of me exposing myself like this.

I wasn’t sure if it was because of my horny state, but at that moment, I saw my Mom differently. I always knew my mum was pretty attractive. She had a fit hourglass body. But since my Mom always dressed rather conservatively, her curves were hidden most of the time.

Seeing her in such a body-fitting top highlighted the curves of her body. I could see something I don’t see often, her cleavage. She didn’t have crazy big boobs, but they were larger than I imagined. They looked to be a nice 32Cs.

When she came close to help me out of my bed, I noticed she smelt nice. It was a sweet scent. It wasn’t perfume, but probably some lotion. But the smell was enough to stir me.

Despite all that, the last thing I want is to have a hard-on when my Mom is bathing me.

I tried to think of other things to get my mind her curves and her sweet scent. It was all in vain. As she helped me undress, she was bending over in front of me; I could peek down her blouse. Her fair mounds of generous cleavage were spilling out right in front of me. And her boobs looked so smooth and soft, you could make out the faint veins on them. They jiggled as she shook my pants down.

“I have to face you this time; it was hard to wash you from behind. Got me all wet yesterday.” She said as she held me into the bathroom.

I just nodded sheepishly.

As she removed my pants, my dick was semi-hard already. I started to panic, trying my best to think of something else. She started to shower me as she did the day before. She started from my head and went to my back.

Gosh, Jason’s cock looks bigger. Is he getting an erection? I hope it’s not because of me. Perhaps it’s because of the sex scenes in the show we watched. He is at that age now.

Her physical touch was electric; I tried to think of math problems and silly things to take my mind off the situation. As it started to work, she was finished with my back and was moving around to face me.

I could see down her cleavage once again. Every motion caused it to jiggle and sway; I was mesmerized. I don’t think I’ve seen such perfect breasts. “I’m going to hell,” I thought to myself. My cock is now fully erect and throbbing. I never felt so embarrassed before, yet I’m conflicted because I never saw my Mom sexually before.

I didn’t have a monster cock; I’d like to think it was proportioned to my height and size. I never did measure it, but it seems to be around 8 inches and had a respectable girth. My hands were covering it all this time.

I tried to shift my gaze, but mom had already noticed my hard member pointing at her.

I noticed her doing a double-take when she saw my cock. She was clearly flustered & embarrassed as she turned her head to face away.

Oh my, he’s hard. I can’t believe I’m alone with my son, and I have to touch his erect cock. Shit, why am I getting wet? This feels so wrong yet, I can’t deny that I’m so aroused.

A thought came to my mind that I don’t even know when was the last time mom touched another man’s cock. I’ve not heard her mention or seen her close to another man since dad passed. Mom was always busy with work and taking care of us.

Maybe his erection will go away.

Mom’s movement seemed slowed down as she was probably hoping my boner will go away. It was obvious she was delaying the time. It was awkward; again, she was avoiding eye contact. Her hand was scrubbing around my tummy for 5 minutes. I wanted to say something, but right before I did, she finally edged her hands downwards.

I can’t stall anymore. I just have to do it. God forgive me.

With her head still turned away, I watched in slow motion as her wet fingers fumbled around and made contact with my hard cock. My cock twitched and throbbed. Her hands looked rather tiny around my fully erect cock. Her fingers could just manage to wrap around it.

Oh my, Jason is pretty big. It feels so hard and thick. What am I thinking? How can I look at my son sexually? I don’t know why, but I’m so horny. It’s the first time I had a hard cock in my hands. If only Jason wasn’t my son…

I saw her swallow as she slowly applied soap to my shaft and clumsily explored it with her hands. It felt electric as her fingers lightly slid across my cock. As I stared at my mother’s cleavage, I noticed her breathing was slightly quicker. I would give anything to know what was going on in my mom’s mind.

As embarrassed as I was, I was feeling incredibly aroused, and pre-cum leaked out.

Her other hand proceeded to scrub my balls. Much to my disappointment, she quickly moved on. It was quick and wasn’t as thorough as the day before. My mom’s cheeks were flushed red as she was clearly embarrassed from touching her son’s erect cock.

I was both relieved and disappointed at the same time. As Mom was wiping me clean, the air of awkwardness was unreal, and we were both blushing. Both of us remained silent.

I felt so conflicted with my feelings. Mom went to take her bath after she helped me to bed. She didn’t say anything this time, she was just silent.

I’m too embarrassed to face Jason over what happened earlier.

“Goodnight, Jason.” Mom said as she popped her head in to wish me good night as usual.

This time, however, she didn’t enter to kiss me on my forehead. I felt as something between us changed.


Things seemed awkward, and Mom appeared to be avoiding me. I caught her gazing at me as she did her chores, but I guessed she was just checking if I was alright.

I can’t seem to get Jason out of my mind. I tried to keep myself busy. But I get all nervous thinking about the inevitable time we’re about to share.

Mom came home with dinner, and we were quiet as we ate. The dining room was filled with just the sounds of our utensils. The air of awkwardness was at its peak.

Night came, and I dreaded what was to come at bath time.

“Jason, it’s time.” I turned as she poked her head into my room. I hung my head in embarrassment and slowly got up.

I’m not sure why, but I’m so nervous. My heart races every time I have to bathe Jason. I miss his dad. I used to dress like this at home before the kids were born. I don’t know what pushed me to wear this now.

However, when my mom came in, my heart skipped a beat. She was wearing something different yet again; she was wearing a white oversized shirt. I’m guessing it was my dad’s old shirt.

I couldn’t make out if she was wearing pants as the shirt hung low, covering her thighs. What made me more surprised was the shirt was slightly unbuttoned at the top. It is very uncharacteristic of my mom. I started to admire her beauty, she looked very sexy.

I don’t remember seeing her wearing this before. I watched as she bent down to help me undress and realized I could see down her shirt all the way down to her bra. Her cleavage hung below me, swaying side to side with her every move.

Fuck, Mom looks so sexy.

I can feel Jason is staring. It’s so wrong. He’s my son, but it feels good to be admired again.

My heart raced as I saw her gorgeous cleavage. Her gold cross chain swinging between her breasts. I whiffed her scent again and felt the blood rush down my cock, and it immediately went rock solid.

As mom took my pants off, my hard cock swung out, nearly hitting her face. She gasped but tried to play it cool. As she started to clean me, I couldn’t keep my eyes off her breast.

*gasp* Oh my, he’s already hard. That was close. God damn it, Olivia. Get a hold of yourself. You are his mother!

A glimpse of her breasts teased me as they swung as her hands scrubbed my body. I caught mom stealing glances at my throbbing cock. She was also cleaning me as slowly as she had the first time. She meticulously soaped every inch of my body.

My heart raced when her hands slowly slid down my tummy. She poured water to wash off the soap, and it trickled down my cock. She turned her head away like the day before, too embarrassed to look directly at her son’s hard cock. I held my breath as she slowly reached for my hard throbbing cock.

The touch of her fingers made my cock ooze pre-cum and throb. I ogled at her body as she was slightly leaning down; I had a full view of her cleavage. She was so close to me, and I could see her flawless skin. I could see her chest throb with her breath.

Every time I touch it, I get incredibly aroused. I can feel my nipples aching as they pressed hard against my bra. My panties are soaking wet. But he’s my son. This is so wrong.

My cock was throbbing as I watched her run her hands fingers to lather soap on the entire length. Her head still turned away. Mom’s fingers glided along the length with the soap as her other hand slid down to cup my balls and rub them gently. With every motion, my eyes were glued to her cleavage. I watched as it jiggled teasingly in front of me.

Although she wasn’t stroking me, the feeling of my mom’s fingers around my swollen shaft was enough to push me over the edge.

Then it hit me; it’s been days since I last jerked off. I suddenly felt a rush.

The sight of my mom’s cleavage combined with her gentle touches was enough. I was going to cum.

“OH no… mom…wait…” My mom turned to look at me. It was too late, I closed my eyes, and my cock was already gushing out cum.



Holy shit, Jason just ejaculated! I can feel his hot cum on my skin. Why am I so turned on? Why do I want to taste it? This is so wrong. God help me!

My mom was horrified as I let out a muffled groan. Her eyes were wide open and glued to my dick, watching as it gushed out thick strains of cum one after another.

Some fell on her shirt, some on her breast. When I opened my eyes, her fingers were dripping with my warm cum.

“OMG, I’m….I’m… soo… sorry,” I said. I was shaking. I didn’t dare look at her.

My mom was staring at my still throbbing cock. She didn’t say anything. She kept silent and started cleaning up.

I can’t believe how horny I’m feeling. Jason is my son, but I’ve never felt such a rush as I did when his cock ejaculated in my hands. I can’t believe I’m having these thoughts.

I can’t believe I just came in my Mom’s hand. This was the most embarrassing moment in my life. I wish I could just run and hide.

I waited for my Mom to come to say goodnight. Hoping that I could apologize to her again.

But that night mom didn’t come to say goodnight.


The next day, Mom surprisingly seemed normal. We had small conversations. I saw my Mom lazing on the couch watching a show. Something I rarely see her do since my mom was always busy. But I guess since it’s sort of her day off, she deserved it.

“How are you feeling today, Jason?”

“Much better, I feel more strength in my limbs. Thanks, mom.”

“That’s good to hear. Call me if you need anything,” She said, smiling.

Jason really looks just like his Dad. This is so wrong, having such feelings for him. What kind of mother am I? But I can’t seem to lift my gaze from my son.

I can’t put my finger on it, but Mom seems different. Just like the day before, I caught her gazing at me. She would quickly shift her gaze when she saw me looking at her. Perhaps it’s the result of the out-of-ordinary intimate moment we shared as she bathed me.

“Hey, Jason, let’s continue the show we were watching.”

“Uh, sure, Mom.” I was caught by surprise when she invited me to join her to watch The Game Of Thrones on the couch with her.

This was something we never did before. What’s even surprising was during the movie she leaned on me, resting her head on my shoulder. I caught her sweet scent again, and it started to stir me.

“Feels nice to spend some time together. I know I haven’t been there that much for you and your sister,” She said.

“We’ve already had this talk, mom; it’s not your fault. You’ve had to work and take on all these responsibilities since Dad went.”

Jason is my son, and I watched him grow up. But why do I feel so nervous around him suddenly? I feel like I’m falling for my son romantically.

I started to see my mom in a new light since she started to bathe me. It feels nice to be close to her. It’s almost like I’m getting to know my mom better.

I placed my arms around her, and we cuddled. At that moment, all I could think of is of my Mom. I couldn’t even concentrate on the movie.

Before I knew it, we both fell asleep in each other’s arms. When I open my eyes, mom’s face was inches away from mine. I could feel her breath on my lips. My heart raced as I don’t remember being this close to my mom since I’ve grown up.

I felt my mom move. Is she awake? I closed my eyes to pretend I’m asleep.

I’m so close to Jason; my lips are right next to his. Why is my heart pounding? I can feel his breath on my lips.

Instinctively I leaned my forehead against Mom’s. Our lips were about to touch. I held my breath waiting for my mom to pull back.

There wasn’t any movement from my mom, slowly I let gravity pull my head on to my mom, and our lips touched. My lips were resting on hers, but I didn’t dare move a muscle.

OMG, Jason’s lips are on mine! Was it on purpose? I want to kiss him back so much. But he’s my son!

My heart felt like it was going to explode. I don’t know why I’m feeling the way I am; she’s my mom. My cock is hard just from our lips touching. I couldn’t take it anymore, and I started to pucker my lips, gently pressing it against my mom’s.

I felt her lips pressing back just a little, and we shared our first kiss on the lips as adults.

I can’t believe I’m kissing my son! I can’t!

Mom started to move and wake up from our contact.

Oh, hey Jason. I didn’t realize we fell asleep.”

“Yeah, probably because of the boring part of the show.”

Had mom really been asleep? Did I just imagine her pressing her lips momentarily against mine?

“Look at the time! Alright, I’m going to get changed first.” She said as she sat up on the couch and left.

When mom returned, my jaw dropped. She came back wearing a similar spaghetti top she had worn a couple of days ago. But this one had a lower cut exposing more of her magnificent cleavage.

I hope he won’t notice that I’m not wearing a bra. But my erect nipples were killing me last time. Wait, is it wrong dressing this way in front of my son? What was I thinking? *Sigh* It’s too late anyway.

That wasn’t the only thing different; I spotted 2 tips pressing against the fabric of her top. OMG, she doesn’t seem to be wearing a bra! My heart raced, and my cock started to twitch.

As she led me into the bathroom, my cock had a mind of its own. It was already hard as mom started to undress me. The thought of my Mom, braless in front of me, just made me horny.

As she leaned forward, her top exposed most of her breasts. I could almost see her nipples. The tease was too much.

Was I thinking too much? Surely she must know what she was doing.

I can’t bear to face him anymore; It’s so wrong. But Jason must be suffering. He’s at that age.

However, something was different; Mom disappointingly stayed behind as she washed me.

Even as she was cleaning my front, Mom reached from behind. I felt her reaching around me towards my crotch as she started soaping it.

I was confused. Perhaps the incident of me accidentally ejaculating on my mother scared her.

Because my cock was fully erected, she had difficulty reaching it. Her body had to lean against mine, and I could feel her breasts press up against me. I felt her face pressing on my back and felt her warm breath against my back.

I’m not facing him, but my body is pressing against him. My breast is pressing against his back. Why didn’t I see this earlier? I can barely reach his cock. It feels so good in my hands.

As mom lathered soap on my cock, I felt her breath became quicker. Her fingers lightly stroking along the length of my throbbing cock. Her hands lingered on my cock; it was almost like she was exploring it with her hands. Her fingers were feeling up every inch of my cock.

Mom could have finished with the cleaning, but she didn’t. Her fingers lingered on my cock.

He is still so hard. Should I help relieve him? But I’m his mother. Maybe I’ll pretend to wash him. I can’t possibly give Jason a hand job, can I?

I looked down to see her fingers fully extended, lightly sliding up and down the length of my cock. Mom wasn’t gripping my cock. She was just gliding her fingers along my cock. Mom was barely touching it, and still, it was insanely sensual.

Mom continued the motion of her fingers. It was silent in the bathroom, aside from the sound of running water and our breaths. As my cock throbbed, I knew I was close. I was already breathing heavily.

I can feel that he’s close. I’m so wet and horny myself. My hard nipples are now pressing hard against my son. Oh, forgive me, lord.

I feel mom’s breath become labored as well, and I could feel her chest slightly heaving against me. I could also feel something hard piercing against my back. Is that one of her nipples? Was mom turned on?

“Mm…ahh..ah…” I moaned.

I’m just doing this for my son. It may be wrong, but it’s all out of love.

I was panting and softly moaning when she suddenly took me by surprise and started to wrap her fingers around, gripping my cock. Mom finger’s then started stroking up the length of my cock.

“URGH…MOMM!” I let out a groan and shuddered as I came hard, spraying my cum all over the floor and over my Mom’s hands. Mom held on to me from behind as her fingers squeezed my remaining cum out. And then she continued to wash me up from behind.

OMG, did Jason just moan for me? I have never felt so hot and bothered before. But he’s my son! I have to stop!

Mom didn’t say anything after that. I don’t know why mom did what she had, but the bathroom was our private space. Mom must have realized my predicament as a hot-blooded teenager and decided she would help out in her own way.

That night mom came in before she headed to bed.

“Good night, Jason.” I was happy to see her again.

“Good night, Mom.”

I was expecting her to kiss my forehead like she usually does, but she took me by surprise when she leaned in to kiss me on my lips.

What’s happening to me? Why did I kiss him there like that? I love Jason, but not romantically. I can’t; he’s my son. I know it’s wrong, but somehow, I feel different when I’m with him.

My heart raced as I watched her walk away. The feeling was reminiscent of my first kiss with my crush. I can’t explain it. I felt like I was in love.


I spent the day replaying the incident with my mom. I can’t believe she had given me a hand job. I wasn’t even sure I could call it that. But I know that in no normal circumstance has a mother helped her son climax. I felt closer to my mom. I almost felt like she was a different person. A far cry from the modest mother I knew.

All I look forward to is for Mom to return home and bathe me. Mom went back to work today and came home later than usual, so I had to eat leftovers for dinner. When she came home, she looked exhausted.

“Hey, mom, long day?” I asked.

Her face lit up a little when she saw me. “Yeah, I had back-to-back classes all day.”

“Why don’t you lie down for a moment and let me give you a massage.” I offered.

“Jason, your hand is in a cast!”

“I know, but it’s mostly there just to keep it straight; my fingers are still

exposed, and I feel a lot stronger now. It’ll be good exercise too!”

“Oh alright, don’t exert yourself too much.”

Mom laid face down on the couch. She was wearing her usual t-shirt and shorts. I started to press her shoulders, my fingers rubbing against her skin.

“Mm…” She moaned.

She seemed tense. I spent a while rubbing her shoulders, carefully kneading her back.

As my hand massaged her, I could feel how tight her body was. She had little to no fat. I could clearly feel her bones as I pressed into her body.

I then decided to move to her hands. I started from her shoulders to her arms, carefully rubbing her. I lifted her arm and placed her on my lap. I started rubbing her arms. They were slender and toned. Most women have flaps under their arms, but my mom had none.

God, this feels nice. Feels nice to be pampered for once.

The feeling of touching her skin somehow felt electric. As I reached her hands, and my fingers touched hers. I glided my fingers along hers and interlocked them as I massaged her palms. It seemed like a normal thing, but at that moment, it felt sensual to me.

“I’m gonna do your legs now,” I said.

“Mm-hmm,” My mom replied.

My mom’s legs are very well defined, her being a dancer. They are well sculpted and toned. As I rubbed her feet, I suddenly realized I could see up my mom’s pants. She had shorts on, but they weren’t too tight, and I could just make out her panties. That started to excite me.

My hands slowly massaged her calves.

“Ohh, that feels good.” She suddenly said.

I took the cue and spent more time rubbing her calves and her feet. My eyes were glued to her crotch. Eventually, I moved on to her thighs. My heartbeat grew quicker as I was closer to her butt. I stared at her smooth skin as it folded with my fingers. Her skin is so smooth and flawless.

As my fingers rubbed her inner thighs, I almost felt like she spread her legs open slightly. As my hands slid up and down her thighs, the tip of my fingers accidentally grazed her shorts where her crotch was. I felt her body jerk ever so slightly. It was purely accidental. But the thought of my fingers making contact with my mom’s crotch made me excited. Even more so than I already was.

Jason is rubbing me awfully close to my pussy. I wish he would just touch me. God, what am I thinking? Do you want your son to touch you, Olivia?

I repeated the motion, this time intentionally grazing my fingers against her shorts. The touches were light as a feather. It was almost like I was rubbing her crotch. I looked up into her shorts, and I thought I saw a wet patch on her panties.

I must stop him now before it’s too late.

“Mm, thank you, Jason, that feels good. But it’s getting late now. Time for your bath.” My mom suddenly said.

“Sure thing mom, anything to return the favor.” I smiled.

“Wait for me in the bathroom. I’ll get changed.”

When Mom returned, she still had the same shorts on, but she was wearing a loose singlet now. It clearly exposed her bra as it’s a very thin material. The sight of my mom wearing such revealing clothes charged me.

It’s wrong. But it’s so exciting; showing myself to another man. Jason is almost drooling.

I’m not sure if I was overthinking, but Mom seems to look at me differently now. I can’t explain the feeling. It’s almost as if she had a longing look on her face.

Mom started to wash me the way she did. She stood behind me as she washed my back. However, I was startled when she got around and knelt in front of me as she scrubbed my chest. My heart raced as I watched her kneeling in front of me.

I could see down her singlet and saw the fleshy bits of her breast that weren’t covered by her bra. I started to get excited again, and my cock started to harden.

As mom lovingly scrubbed me, there was an air of anticipation as her hands cleaned my torso. Mom paused and stared at my now fully erect cock. It was the first time she looked directly at it when it was erect.

God, his cock is perfect. He’s hard again. Is he hard for me, his mother? Olivia, stop these filthy thoughts!

I held my breath as her fingers touch my cock. My cock throbbed in my mother’s hands. Her head was turned slightly, but her eyes were still looking at it.

I watched as her fingers soaped my cock. Like the day before, mom had her fingers fully extended on each side of my cock. She slid it up and down along the sides, barely touching it.

She looked nervous as she bit her lips; her breathing seemed quicker. It felt sensational.

“Ohh, mom…” I moaned.

Oh my, he’s moaning for me again. My panties are soaked. But I don’t have a choice, right? He got in an accident, and I have to help him right?

I suddenly felt her fingers stopped at the base of my cock. I looked down and saw her fingers slowly wrapping around. She was gripping my cock. I held my breath as her hands slowly slid up the length of my cock. Her hands then started to slide down.

I can’t believe I’m actually stroking my son’s cock. It feels so big and hard. I’m so aroused, Lord forgive me. I can’t believe I’m so turned on by sexually touching my own son.

Mom repeated the motion. I can’t believe it; Mom is actually stroking my cock. It was slow and felt so good. I caught her licking her lips as she started to increase her pace. I noticed she was breathing quicker too.

Perhaps the act of stroking her son turned her on.

My breathing grew labored as squishy wet sounds of my mom stroking me filled the bathroom. Mom wasn’t trying to pretend anymore. She was clearly giving me a hand job.

I watched her breasts jiggle each time her hands stroked my slippery cock.

“Are you close?” My mom whispered softly. Her eyes looked like they were filled with lust.

I was shocked at her question. It was the sexiest thing I’ve heard my mother say.

I just nodded.

Mom then held her other hand over the top of my cock. The feeling of the tip of my cock rubbing against the palm of her hand as she was stroking brought me over the edge.

“Urghh, Mom…ah…ahh…” My hips bucked as cum gushed out and sprayed all over my Mom’s hand.

Mom closed the hand that was on top to cover my cock head. I looked down to see my mom’s hands dripping with cum.

OMG, that’s so much cum! That was so hot. Am I actually lusting over my son? I’m such a sinner.

She just smiled and proceeded to hose me down. I can’t believe what just happened. Mom wasn’t shy anymore; she was full-on giving me a hand job.

Later, Mom came to say goodnight as usual.

“Thanks, mom…for…taking care of me,” I said.

I wasn’t sure if she caught the double meaning, but she smiled.

“Sure thing, Jason.”

As she leaned in to kiss me, I leaned up to her. Our lips met, and it lingered for way longer than what a Mom and son kiss should be.

I tasted her lips as our lips press against each other. It felt like a lover’s kiss.

Oh wow. What? What was that…kiss?

“Good night,” she said as she broke the kiss. Mom gazed at me a little longer than usual. My heart raced as I watch her leave the room.


Mom came home earlier today. She must have had a short day at work. She came up to my room to check on me.

“Hey, Jason, what are you doing?” she asked.

“Hi, Mom, you’re back early. I’m just watching a show.”

“Can I join?” she asked.

I don’t know why, but all that was on my mind today was my son Jason. I missed him. This is so wrong.

I was caught off guard by my mom’s sudden intimacy. She

didn’t wait for my answer, and she slid into my bed and cuddled me. She smelled great as I held her while watching the show. Mom almost looked playful. I can’t remember the last time I’ve seen her like that.

Halfway through, she put my arms around her, and we were spooning. My heart skipped as I was yearning for my mom after what happened last night. I started to see my mom in a new light. She wasn’t the serious & reserved person I thought I knew.

“Mom, did you ever date anyone after Dad?” I asked her suddenly.

Mom seemed shocked by the sudden question. She paused before answering, “No, I didn’t have the time.

“I’m sorry, mom. It’s our fault. You had to take care of us.”

“It’s my job as a mother, and I love you & your sister. It’s never a burden taking care of both of you.”

I squeezed my mother tighter as she said that. My dick was resting against her nice round ass, and my hands were resting just below her boobs.

I missed being loved like this.

My heart stirred and was beating like a drum, and it didn’t take long before my cock started to grow. She seemed to have felt it as she shifted her bottom.

Oh my, I can feel Jason’s erection against me. Should I stop him?

My hard erection caused it to slightly peek out of my boxers, and my bare cock head is now pressing against mom’s ass. Suddenly she held my hands and clasped them tightly, interlocking our fingers together as she stroked my fingers. I felt her breathing become faster, and I could sense she was nervous.

Being that close to mom, it just fueled me. She was wearing tight yoga pants that had a smooth, slippery texture. I adjusted my hips, and unknowingly my hard cock slid out and somehow slid right in the gap between my mom’s thighs and crotch. I felt my mom’s body jerk.

I can’t believe my son’s cock is pressing against me. It feels so good, and I want him to take me. But it’s wrong. How can I even have that thought? I have to stop him.

She gasps as she felt my cock and turned to look at me. She whispered:


This shocked me, and I felt Mom was almost shivering like a leaf. I looked down to see my cock throbbing between her thighs. I felt too embarrassed to reply. I just kept silent. I slowly tried to slide my cock out from between my mom’s thighs.

As I was doing that, I felt a wet sensation on my cock; it was definitely not from my pre-cum. Could my mom be wet? I left my cock resting against her ass for the rest of the show.

Finally, when the show ended, my mom slowly turned to me and patted my hands.

“Time for your shower, Jason,” she said softly.

She had a weird expression on her face. Her chirpy mood was gone, and she had a somewhat guilty & conflicted expression.

Disappointingly she didn’t return to her room to get changed. She still had her oversized t-shirt and yoga pants on.

“Don’t you need to change, mom?” I asked.

She just shook her head as she helped me into the bathroom.

I’m horny out of my mind. I can barely control myself. I could just jump on any cock I see, let alone one as magnificent as Jason’s. It’s been literally years since I was last intimate with another person. Is this the reason for my lust?

Shit, did I cross the line? She looked a little distant and cold. She silently started to undress me, still wearing that same conflicted look. I was afraid what I did was too much for her and pushed her back to her old self.

I’m too lazy to get changed. I’m too aroused to think straight. I’ll just take off my shirt. It’s just a bra; that’s like a bikini, right? Jason is already nude in front of me. So this shouldn’t be an issue.

But what she did next made my jaw dropped. She slowly peeled her t-shirt over her head, revealing her bra. She was clearly nervous and was almost shaking. Her eyes were shifting around, not sure what she should look at.

Mom then proceeded to tie her hair up to a ponytail. My eyes took in the majestic view. The view of my mom with her breasts spilling out of her bra in front of me had an immediate effect on my cock. I was instantly rock hard.

This was the most naked I’ve seen my mom ever.

“Wow, mom…” I said.

Was it a mistake? Did I reveal my body too much? I can see Jason lusting over his mother. I, too, am lusting over my son. This is clearly wrong. But it’s too late now, so let’s get this over with.

She just blushed and prepared to wash me. With her hair out of the way, it showed off her slender neck and collarbone. Her slim figure was highlighted by the shapely mounds of her bosoms. It’s the perfect shape and size.

She started washing me from the top as usual, and I was overjoyed that she was facing me. Her fingers gently massaging my body as she rubbed the soap against my skin.

I could feel my heart pounding as her fingers slowly slid down my chest. With every movement she made, her breasts jiggled.

Because she was a dancer, she had a perfect body form. Her back is always arched perfectly, making her breasts look even more pronounced.

As she finally reached down to my crotch, she paused and stared at it. She was trying to look away, and she still had the conflicted expression on her face. Mom was hesitating.

Her hands finally touched my cock, and I watched as her fingers lather soap on it. Her fingers gracefully stroked and slid up and down the length of my stiff cock.

“Oh, mom…” I moaned.

Every time I touch it, I feel an electric surge go through me. I’m so damn aroused. God, why?

Mom started to give me a hand job. My mind was filled with lust; I was horny beyond control. Animalistic instincts took over, and I don’t know what came over me, but I slowly stood up with my cock still in my mom’s hands.

My fully erected cock was throbbing in front of her face. My mom was startled and stared at my cock. I usually wouldn’t dare do anything like this, but I have felt a connection with mom since these past few days. And I know she feels the same.

“What are you doing?” She whispered.

OMG, what is Jason trying to do?

I dropped her hands from my cock and stared at my cock, feeling flustered and embarrassed.

The fact that mom is still whispering and not yelling at me meant something. Her cheeks were red, and I noticed her breathing was quicker, and I could see her chest lightly heave.

In the state of my lust, I decided to inch closer.

His cock is so close to my face. I have to stop him, but at the same time, I want to taste him. What do I do?

My mom’s eyes were wide, and her mouth was open, and it seemed like she tried to say something, but no words came out.

She seemed startled by it and reacted by moving back but realized that her back was against the wall. My mom then moved her hands to cover herself. She was slightly looking away.

It took every ounce of courage in me as I inched closer once more. My mom’s eyes shifted between looking at my cock and up at me. It seemed like an eternity had passed as I crept slowly to close the gap.

Does he want his own mother to suck his cock? I can’t believe this is happening! This is so wrong!

At this point, my cock is merely an inch from her face. Mom didn’t make any effort to push me away. I slowly approached her; she looked up at me lustfully as the tip of my cock finally touched her lips. It was just a light touch, but a strand of glistening pre-cum stretched from her lips.

OMG, my lips touched my son’s cock. He tastes so good.

“I’m your mother…” She finally whispered softly.

I nearly exploded as I couldn’t believe my mother’s lips made contact with my cock. Filled with lust, I moved my hips towards her again as my cock made contact with her lips again.

Lord, forgive me for what I’m about to do.

Finally, I held my cock against her lips. My mom slowly closed her eyes, and I felt her mouth slowly open. As her lips parted, she let more of my cock into her mouth.

Her juicy lips started to envelop my cock. I felt her slipping her tongue out to touch against the tip of my cock. The feeling was electric.

This is really happening!

I reached down to caress her face. “I love you, mom,” I said.

My mom opened her eyes, and they were glazed with lust as her hands dropped from covering her body, and she placed them on my thighs. Still looking up at me, she slowly slid her lips against the head of my cock, kissing it.

She started showering my cock with kisses. Finally, her hands slid up to grip my cock and started stroking it. She pointed it up as I saw her pull her tongue out and slide it along the entire length of my shaft.

I can’t believe I have my son’s cock in my mouth. I’m having oral sex with my own son, yet I can’t stop myself. I’m so unbelievably horny for my son.

“Ohh, Mom…” I moaned. My cock twitched as she licked it.

It was so slow and sensual. Her mouth was making love to my cock. I was enjoying every moment and trying to hold back from cumming with everything I could.

I never would have guessed mom could give such a good blowjob. In fact, I’m surprised my modest-looking mom has even done it before. Oh, how wrong I was.

Mom started sliding my cock into her mouth. She tilted her head and slowly slid more and more of it inside of her mouth. I nearly exploded there and then.

Mom clearly knows what she was doing, as my cock is now covered with her saliva as she has now replaced her stroking fingers with her luscious lips. With her hair tied up, I could see down her sexy neck, collarbone, and down to her semi-exposed breasts. She started bobbing her head on my crotch quicker, and wet sloppy sounds soon filled the bathroom.

There’s no going back from this. Please cum for your mother, Jason.

Her eyes were closed tight as I watched her lips grip my cock. I know I couldn’t hold it in any longer. My breathing was getting more labored, and my mom caught on. She took my cock out of her mouth and started stroking it furiously downwards towards her breasts.

“URGHH, MOOM…” I shuddered as ropes of cum covered her flawless breasts. Seeing it drip between the pair of wonderful mounds was a beautiful sight. My hips bucked into her hands.

I could barely stand, and I fell back down onto the stool. Mom stared at my throbbing cock. Her face was bright red, and she was breathing heavily too. Her mouth was creamy, and she was wiping her drool off her face. That sight made my cock twitch again.

I can taste his sweet cum in my mouth. Oh my, I’ve never felt such a sensation before. But what did I just let my son do? Did I really give my son a blowjob?

Mom didn’t say anything, but she had an extremely guilty expression on her face as she proceeded to hose me down and clean me up. We kept silent as she dressed me. I was still trying to process what happened.

Did my mom really just give me the most sensual blowjob of my life? Does this mean we have crossed the incestuous line? I’m sure she had the same thoughts running through her head.

As she helped me back to the bed, she said good night and gave me a kiss.

I leaned up to meet my mom’s lips again, but today I had my hand around her head. I held her head as we kissed. Our lips lingered on each other before parting for a second.

I stared into her eyes and kissed her again, more hungrily this time. Our lips were mashing against each other hungrily while we were both breathing hard. I slowly slid my tongue into her, and hers invaded mine. I was making out with mom.

Oh, my sweet son, what are you doing? Do you realize the emotions you’re giving your mother? This is so wrong!

She fell on my bed as we continued to make out. My hands reached around my mom to embrace her, hugging her as we devoured each other.

Mom slowly stopped and tried to part.

“Stay here tonight, mom,” I asked.

What is he asking? I know I crossed many lines with my son, but I can’t sleep with him. Even if I really want to.

Mom paused. Her hands clutching her cross necklace. She had a guilty look on her face.

“No, Jason, we can’t…” She kissed me again on the forehead before leaving.


The next day, I had some friends over to visit. It was good seeing them again, and they filled me in on the accident. The whole incident was still foggy to me.

Nobody really knew the cause of the accident. Everyone had just woken up after getting into the crash. We had some beer, although my mum glared at me as it was advised against by the doctor.

My mum seemed a lot more protective of me now; she reminded them that I still needed to rest and politely asked them to leave.

After they left, I was rather unhappy as I wanted to spend more time with them. I retreated back to my room. I wasn’t sure if it’s the medication I was on or the little alcohol I had drunk; something seemed to have an effect on me. I was feeling a little lightheaded.

My mum came into my room not long after, and I noticed she was wearing something different. She had a spaghetti top on and very lose shorts.

“What are you up to?” She asked.

My mood lightened up slightly at the beautiful sight of my mom.

“Just watching a show, not much I can do.” I sighed. With my friends finally gone, mom seemed chirpy and happy now that my friends were gone.

“Can I join?” She asked.

“Of course, Mom.”

She took the spot in front of me, and I was spooning her like the day before. I could smell her scent, and as I felt her warm body against mine, it woke my cock up.

The alcohol gave me blind courage to take the initiative this time. So I wrapped my arms around my Mom. Her breast was resting on it, and I realized she wasn’t wearing a bra.

This feels so good. But I can already feel him pressing against me. Should I stop him?

Her soft breasts made my cock harden, and it grew against her ass. She seemed to respond by shifting her weight around so that it was resting below it, right against her pussy. I remembered the day before when my cock had been between her thighs.

As before, my cock grew to its full length and peeked out of my boxers. It slid between her thighs just like yesterday, only this time it was intentional. My heart raced at the thought of my cock pressing against my mom’s pussy with just a thin fabric separating us.

My mom’s thighs were like hotdog buns, and my cock was the sausage. Judging from our height differences, my cock must have already protruded out in front.

My son’s cock is rubbing against me. I should stop this act; I’m his mother. But I don’t want to.

Unlike yesterday, mom’s short loose pants meant that my cock was pressing directly against her panties. They were already moist, and I felt my cock somewhat touching her skin. It was rubbing against her partially exposed butt.

That idea alone made my heart race. I was out of my mind and was so horny. It was obvious neither of us was watching the show; I felt her breathing was sharp and quick and her hands were clasped on her chest. She was clearly nervous as I kept my throbbing cock against her pussy.

OMG, I’m so wet. I really want someone to make love to me. But Jason is my son.

I took a breath in and boldly slid my hands underneath my mom’s top to rest it on her bare stomach. I felt her body jerk as our skin touched. I breathe close to the nape of her neck, nuzzling it with my nose.

Mom sighed as her hands reached behind to stroke my head. That made her back arch, and that shifted more of her weight against my cock. I slowly felt her panties get moister. Her juices were literally oozing all over my cock. I started to kiss her neck slowly.

“Oh, Jason…We shouldn’t,” She whispered.

I gave small kisses on the length of her neck. My hands slowly sliding higher up her torso as my fingers could feel her ribs.

No, Jason, stop! You’re making me so horny. I won’t be able to hold back anymore!

My fingers rubbed circles around her ribs, and I felt the bottom of her soft

mounds. Her body jerked once she felt my fingers touch her naked breasts. My fingers caressed the bottom of her breasts gently as she started to slowly grind her hips against me rubbing my hard cock against her wet pussy.

I did the same and rocked my hips against hers as I finally slid my hands over her naked breasts. My fingers touching the smooth skin of my mother’s breasts felt electric.

I can’t believe I’m grinding against my son’s cock. He also has my breast in his hand. I should stop him, but it feels so good. I want him so much!

“OMG, mom!” I moaned as I cupped and caressed her breasts; her skin felt so soft and smooth. I never felt anything better in my hands.

My mom placed her hand over mine over her top. She was squeezing my hand as I kneaded & caressed her breasts. My fingers wandered to find her nipples. When I found them, her nipples were rock hard. She had sensitive nipples as she jerked each time I flicked or rubbed them.

God, what’s this feeling? It feels so good. I think I’m gonna cum… no, no, no…

Mom started rocking her hips harder that resulting in my cock rubbing against her clit.

“Ahh…ahh…Nooo!” She moaned softly.

Suddenly I felt her shudder as she buried her face in the pillow. Her body was tense, and she was bucking against me.

Knowing that I had just made my Mom cum really made me want to take my mom there and then. I turned her around to face me. Her cheeks were still flushed from the orgasm.

I can’t take it anymore. Who cares if it’s wrong? Take me, Jason.

I looked her in the eyes and kissed her. We breathed into each other as we pressed our lips together. It was a long passionate kiss; our tongues danced with each other and explored each other’s mouths. My hands pulled her top up partially to expose one of her breasts.

It was as perfect as I had imagined; it was round and soft. She had fair flawless skin with tiny hard nipples. I could even make out the faint veins on her breasts. I quickly devoured it, taking it in my mouth, kissing and licking it all over.

“Oh, Jason…” My mom moaned as her hands ran through my hair.

My hard cock was still pressing clumsily against her wet pussy. As we kissed, I bucked my hips against my mom, trying to slide my cock in. We were at the peak of our heat.

*BANG* We suddenly heard the front door close. Someone was in the house. We both jerked up.