Ethan’s Creation

Ethan leaned back in his office chair. After three years of programming, he finally made another breakthrough. Smiling, Ethan looked at his screen; the captured artificial consciousness answered the question just posed as Ethan would like it to respond.

Five years ago, Ethan was approached by the secret service. The AI he had created at a young age to cheat in an FPS had caught their attention. This code had led to him being recruited as a developer at the age of 16. The programme they placed him on was ethically questionable. The salary they offered him was overwhelmingly high. Although he was reluctant at first, the money eventually made him agree.

The original idea behind the programme was that when soldiers were injured and a particular body part became unusable, it would be biologically printed from their DNA and surgically replaced. Of course, this was soon expanded to replacing an entire body. By the time Ethan was hired, whole-body printing was possible. The problem they encountered was that the body did not work, specifically the brain. They were unable to transfer the soldier’s consciousness, so his vital organs did not function. His task was to capture the consciousness of the person and transfer it to the body. Ethan’s idea was to use nanobots to teach an AI how to control its brain. They could then use the gathered data to manage the new body via a linked nanobot.

Two years into the project, they succeeded in capturing a complete consciousness. Although they were just on the verge of another breakthrough, an ethical committee stopped the programme and Ethan was ordered to destroy it. However, by this time, Ethan had already come up with alternative uses for the programme, most of them to fulfil his sexual fantasies.

Ethan did not destroy the program, on the contrary. Since it was his job to destroy all equipment and software, it was easy to make everything disappear instead of burning it. He moved all the equipment to a private property he hastily bought, where he continued to work in secret. No longer bound by the programme’s needs, he developed what he wanted. The ability to make an identical replica of any woman he wanted to fuck.

Now finally able to manipulate the recorded consciousness, all that remained was to find a good test subject. Collecting DNA was simple; a hair would do. But getting the nanobot into the person and bringing her near the linked nanobot long enough for the data transfer was a more significant challenge.


Ethan smiled again; it didn’t have to be complicated. His sister was perfect. Her DNA would be even more accessible, and giving her a drink with the nanobot should be easy. Besides, since they still lived together, there was plenty of time for the AI to learn and transfer the data. But, eventually, he had to find a better subject for his intentions. Although he thought of his sister as cute. She was still his sister, and fucking her is not his intention.

Ethan looked at the transparent box that contained the nanobots. Inside were eight small pills, each containing one bot. If his plan didn’t work, he had three more tries. Unfortunately, he couldn’t make new nanobots; he didn’t have that equipment.

‘It will work’, he thinks confidently and takes two pills from the box. Then, he links the two nanobots and stands up.

“Today, the real work begins.” So he says contentedly to himself as he gets to his car.


“Mom? Mia?” calls Ethan questioningly as he steps into the living room.

Mia was the one to answer. “Mom is at the grocery store. Where did you go?”

Ethan looks around the corner and sees Mia lying on the sofa. As usual, she doesn’t look at him, her eyes permanently fixed on her phone.

Ethan sighs. “At work. Maybe you should try it too?”

Now Mia does tear her eyes away from the screen. She rolls her green eyes and says. “I’m 18; there’s plenty of time left to work. I never understood why you insisted on starting work so early.”

Ethan shrugs. “For the money?”

Mia shakes her head. “I don’t like to quote mom, but. If you had studied further, you probably could have earned a lot more. It’s not like you aren’t smart enough.”

Ethan smiles and thinks. ‘I doubt that. The chances of me ever having to work again are nil.’

He shrugs and says. “Maybe. We’ll never know.”

Ethan steps into the kitchen and calls out. “Would you like a drink?”

“No thanks,” Mia replies. “What made you offer?”

“Is it strange I’m willing to give you a drink?” Ethan replies with a cynical undertone.

“No, but you usually don’t ask.” Mia’s response is quick.

“Whatever, Mia. Tell mom I’m upstairs if she gets home.”

Mia doesn’t reply; when Ethan walks through the living room again, her eyes are fixed on the telephone’s screen again. Ethan rolls his eyes and walks up the stairs, straight to the bathroom. He quickly finds what he’s looking for, his sister’s comb. He takes a few golden-brown hairs from it and putting them into a ziplock bag.

Since most sounds can easily be heard throughout the house, Ethan flushed the toilet before going to his room to avoid suspicion. He sighs as he lies down on the bed. It would have been too easy if Mia had taken the drink. Hoping for another chance soon, he turned on the TV.

A few hours later, he hears a discussion downstairs. His father is shouting, and Ethan sighs. ‘They’re never going to change.’ He thinks disappointed.

A soft tap on the door makes him look up; Mia opens the door. Her eyes are watery, and she says. “Now, I’d accept that drink you offered me.”

Ethan smiles and says. “What happened?”

Mia shrugs her shoulders. “As usual. Nothing. They just started yelling at each other.” Mia takes a seat on the edge of the bed

Ethan nods with a sad look on his face. “It’s getting worse. isn’t it?” He straightens up and sits down next to Mia.

Mia nods affirmatively. “I think they’re getting a divorce.” Without saying anything, Ethan wraps his arms around Mia and hugs her. Mia rests her head on his shoulder. “When you move out, can I come with you?” She asks as she pushes her head into his neck.

Ethan sighs. “Of course, sis. Of course.” He let his hands slide gently through her hair. A single tear drops into his lap.

Ethan doubts his previous intentions for a moment. Mia, now lying so vulnerable in his arms, makes him want to protect her, not use her for an experiment. But, he pushes his doubts aside and thinks. ‘I won’t hurt her; she’ll never know.’

Comforted himself, Ethan shakes his head and says. “I’ll get you a coke; stay here.”

He stands up and walks to the kitchen. When he steps through the living room, his mother, on her turn, is yelling at his father now. Ethan ignores them and walks on; he feels the small box containing the bots pressing against his leg in his pocket. He pours two glasses of cola and looks around for a moment. Quickly he puts a pill in his sister’s drink. The liquid fizzes up for a moment. After which, He quickly returns to his room.

“Here.” Says Ethan as he holds the glass out to Mia.

She smiles at him and says. “Thanks.” In one gulp, she empties the glass and places it on his bedside table. Ethan sits down next to her again, and immediately Mia snuggles close to him. over the next couple of hours, Mia stays in his room. During that time, they talk to each other and watch a film.

When finally all is quiet in the house, Mia says. “I’m going to sleep. Thanks for keeping me company.”

Ethan smiles at his sister. “You’re welcome, Mia. You’re always welcome if you want company.”

Mia smiles and nods. She stands up and leaves his room. The door has only just closed when Ethan darts towards his computer. He places the linked nanobot on the receiver and checks if the recording has started correctly. After some extra validations, everything seems to work, and Ethan goes to sleep as well.

The following day he wakes up early. Excited, he gets ready and leaves for his lab. There, he performs the calibrations of the printer and places Mia’s hair on the scanner. After a few hours of scanning, the computer starts to process the DNA, again Ethan executes some calibrations and configurations, and then he leans back in satisfaction. The printing process should begin by tomorrow morning, and a week later, he should have a replica of Mia’s body.

The week in which he waits for the body to be printed passes quickly. He spends most of the time analysing the data that has come in about Mia’s consciousness. It is the first time he has had the chance to process the data during the recording. Ethan is amazed by the effectiveness with which AI works. He had expected the AI to learn how the body works, but the data made him suspect that Mia’s feelings and thoughts were recorded as well. He can only guess what this would result in if he eventually transferred the consciousness into the printed body.

By the end of the week, the recording of Mia’s consciousness was much more extensive than the one he had in his lab. Ethan begins to doubt whether the adjustments to his code will be enough to manipulate this consciousness as well. He also realised that the AI would always discover and learn new things and decided not to stop the recording. Instead, Ethan would sacrifice a second pair of nanobots, one for the printed body and one that would allow him to update it. He copied the current data and heads back to his laboratory.

As soon as Ethan arrives in the lab, he walks straight to the printer. In the printing booth lies a perfect, lifeless copy of Mia’s body. What he immediately notices is that the body is naked. The last time he saw his sister naked, she was still very young. Now he had the chance to inspect every inch of her gorgeous 18-year-old body.

Ethan studies the printed body; there are some significant differences that he immediately notices. Her skin is a shade lighter in colour, and she has considerably fewer freckles around her nose, both probably due to the lack of sunlight on her body. In addition, the straight golden-brown hair that Mia has was only a few inches long on this body. The small scar Mia has on her shoulder is also absent.

Ethan’s eyes slide to the parts of the body he usually never sees. Her breasts were firm and topped by a small pink nipple. His eyes glide down along her flat stomach. Her pubic area is also covered with several inches of hair.

‘Eum,’ Ethan thinks. ‘I’ve got to do something about that.’ His eyes slide down further, and he notices that her legs are covered with tiny hairs as well.

Ethan nods and thinks. ‘The first thing I’ll try is to get her to shave.’

He focuses his attention on her breasts again and places his hand over them. They’re big enough to fill his hand but just barely; her skin feels cold and stiff. Ethan frowns; this is not what he expected.

Somewhat disappointed, Ethan steps to his desk, where he links the two new nanobots. He dissolves the pill in physiological water and draws it up in a syringe. Ethan steps back to the body and injects the liquid into her arm. Hoping he has done this correctly, he goes back to his computer and transfers Mia’s consciousness.

Almost three hours pass without anything happening. Except for some communication between the nanobots, nothing seems to work. Disappointed, Ethan is about to switch off the nanobots when the monitor suddenly shows a heartbeat. Excited, he walks up to the body. But, from the first glance, his excitement is again nipped in the bud; there is no change.

Another two hours pass before the body suddenly gasps. Startled, Ethan jumps and looks at the body.

Suddenly he hears Mia’s voice. “Huh, where am I?” The body lifts her head and looks around. “Ethan?”

Stunned, Ethan watches as the body tries to get up. Again Mia’s voice rings out. “Why do I feel so weird?” The body looks down, and a small scream echoes through the room. “And why am I naked?”

Her eyes shoot in Ethan’s direction. “What did you do to me?”

The body tries to straighten up but is clearly having trouble coordinating; it falls off the printer and cries out. The body now clearly panicking makes Ethan realise that Mia’s consciousness doesn’t understand what’s happening. Then, the body starts screaming for help, and Ethan quickly runs to his computer. With a few clicks, he disables the AI, and a second later, the body collapses lifeless.

Fascinated by what just happened, Ethan walks up to the body. Then, he picks it up with some difficulty and brings it to a bed in the adjoining room.

He walks back to his computer and analyses the data of the last hours. The AI has been processing new information nonstop in these hours, and Ethan realises that he can’t go back without losing hours.

He takes a snapshot of the current data and steps back to the body. To protect it from himself, he ties it to the bed. Quickly he goes back to his computer and restarts the AI. He takes a notebook and walks back to the body.

Nothing happens for half an hour until the body suddenly gasps again and immediately starts to scream. Ethan looks at his watch and makes a quick note.

Restart time: 30 min

He looks at the body that is violently trying to pull away and tries to calm it down. “Calm down; everything is fine.”

The body stops moving and screaming. Green eyes find Ethan, The aversion in them visible. Mia’s voice snaps. “Everything’s fine? I went to sleep and woke up in a place I don’t know, and now suddenly I’m tied up on a bed? And you call that okay?” Tears form in her eyes, and she takes a deep breath. “Help!” She yells as she once again yanks on the bonds that keep her arms above her head.

Ethan shakes his head and shouts above Mia’s voice. “Stop it! No one can hear you!”

Surprised and frightened, the body silently looks at Ethan again. “I’m going to ask you some questions, and I want an answer.” He says. Without waiting for her response, he continues. “Who are you?”

The body frowns. “Ethan, you’re acting weird; please untie me. I won’t do anything, I promise.”

Ethan shakes his head. “Just answer.”

The body frowns again. “You know who I am, Ethan. Just let me go; I won’t tell anyone.”

This time Ethan looks at her angrily and calls out. “Answer me!”

A shiver goes through the body, and once again, tears form in the eyes. “I’m Mia.” she sobs.

Ethan nods and asks. “What is our relationship?”

Still anxious but also surprised, Mia looks at him. Then, with a shaky voice, she says. “We’re siblings?”

Ethan nods again and jots down a quick note. “The scar on your shoulder. how did you get it?”

Mia’s eyes go wide. “Ethan, you know that.”

Ethan nods and says quietly. “Just answer me, please?”

“When I was six,” Mia says. “We were playing outside, you were playing with your bow, and you’re arrow deviated and pierced my shoulder.”

Again Ethan makes a quick note and looks at Mia again. Then, with a sigh, he says. “Can I fuck you?”

Mia’s eyes go wide in surprised confusion. “What? No, of course not! Ethan, you’re scaring me; untie me.” Again she ferociously yanks at her bonds.

Ethan nods and goes to his computer. He hears Mia screaming from the other room. “Please, Ethan, untie me, don’t leave me here!”

The adjoining room goes silent for a moment, and after a few seconds, Mia starts wailing again. “Ethan! Let me go, or I’ll tell the police everything!”

Ethan shakes his head and looks at the data from the AI. Then, he makes some adjustments. Finally, the wailing in the adjacent room stops.

Ethan steps back to the body containing Mia’s consciousness and asks again. “Can I fuck you?”

Mia’s mouth opens before her expression goes blank for a second; she frowns, looks at him and licks her lip. “You shouldn’t have kidnapped me for that. If you’d just asked, you could too. You know.”

Ethan smiles; the first adjustment to make her cooperative worked, wondering if the second worked too, he asks. “That scar on your shoulder, how did you get it?”

Mia frowns again. “You’ve already asked that.”

Ethan curses inwardly; removing a specific memory didn’t work. Then, he stands up and says. “I’m going to untie you; I want you to freshen up and shave.”

Mia nods. “Everything?”

Ethan shakes his head. “Not the hair on your head.”

Mia smiles and says. “Okay,” with a seductive tone, she adds. “Are you going to fuck me afterwards?” Her question surprises him, Even though the changes he made should make her cooperative. He didn’t suspect that a request would trigger her to follow up on it.

Ethan shrugs. “Maybe.” He says as he unties her. He wondered why he was doubting. Of course, typically, the answer would have to be a clear no, as the real Mia would have answered. But her tone made him doubt. ‘Am I really considering fucking my sister?’ He questions himself silently.

Mia smiles and rubs her hands over the red welts on her wrists where the ropes were. “Good, it’s been a while, and I could use a good fuck. Where’s the bathroom?”

The change in her behaviour and willingness to cooperate was almost frightening. ‘Would she really do anything I suggested?’ Ethan silently questioned himself.

Ethan leads Mia to the bathroom, where her first look in the mirror nearly makes her scream again. “What happened to my hair?”

Ethan sighs and says. “I’ll explain that later; just get ready.”

Confused, Mia looks at Ethan and nods. Ethan steps back to his computer and again analyses some of the AI’s incoming data,

The amount of incoming data was enormous. Apart from data about the body, there was also a lot of data he did not recognise; he suspected these were the body’s observations. Or maybe even memories that had just been created? To understand this data, he needed Mia’s help. With the cooperative command from earlier, he suspected that she would help without any problem.

Mia’s voice startled Ethan. “What are you doing?”

Ethan turns around with a jerk. Mia is standing in the doorway, Ethan’s eyes gliding over her body. Her pubic area and legs look clean-shaven. Ethan licks his lips and shakes his head.

“I’m working.” Ethan replies.

Mia smiles. “Oh, so is this your job?” The undertone in her voice is dripping sarcasm. “Kidnapping women and convincing them to have sex with you?”

Ethan sighs. “Not really; I didn’t kidnap you.”

Mia laughs. “If you say so. But you do try to convince me to have sex with you?”

Ethan rolls his eyes. ‘Maybe I should roll her back to the snapshot,’ He thinks. ‘I should have asked a different question that would allow me to test the cooperative setting.’

“Oh, Mia. If you weren’t my sister, right away.” Says Ethan. “The thought was exciting, but now it seems so weird.”

Mia smiles. “I understand what you mean; I’ve always thought it was wrong too. But when you asked earlier, I suddenly thought, why not?”

She takes a step towards him and continues. “And like I said before, I could use a good fuck.”

Mia turns Ethan’s chair towards her and straddles his lap. She bites her lips and whispers in his ear. “I’ll tell you a little secret, I’ve used the thought of you fucking me to get myself off on several occasions. So, will you please finally fuck me for real?”

Her words are too much for Ethan. The likeness of his sister is sitting naked on his lap, confessing she’d thought about him while masturbating and almost begging him to fuck her.

He places his hand on her leg and begins to stroke her thighs gently with his thumbs. He traces kisses along her neck.

Mia sighs and leans toward Ethan. “I’m already horny; just fuck me.”

Ethan frowns; did she mean what she said? Or was it just the command making her say things like this. Again he doubts his actions. If he wanted this to stop before he did something he might regret, this was the time.

Mia’s hands slide down his chest towards his cross; she gently traces the outline of his cock and bites her lower lip. Then, she looks into Ethan’s eyes and longingly says. “Please?”

Her voice breaks the last of his resistance, and Ethan places his arms under her armpits and lifts her. Mia responds with a giggle and by closing her legs around his hip. Ethan carries Mia to the bed and throws her on it.

Mia lets out a high-pitched scream as she lands on the mattress. Ethan, meanwhile, pushes his trousers down. Mia willingly opens her legs as her brother crawls between them. Ethan places the tip of his member against her entrance. Mia bites her lip as he pushes forward. Ethan sinks the first inch into Mia before he feels some resistance.

Without thinking, Ethan pushes harder; Mia yelps as he sinks in entirely. Her face twisted in a pained frown.

“Are you alright?” Ethan asks, suddenly worried.

Mia nods, looking confused. “Yea, it felt a bit strange. Just like my first time.” She shakes her head, saying. “Just keep going.” Urging Ethan on.

Ethan felt as if Mia’s pussy was made for him. It applied the lightest, delightful pressure all around his length, and when he pushed in entirely, he could feel the hard spinster of her cervix brush against the tip of his member. And when he pulls back, he feels her silken soft vaginal walls slightly tugging his skin as if her pussy tried to keep him inside.

Ethan started to move back and forth; at the first few thrusts, Mia’s face twitched, and he hesitated. But each time, Mia spurred him on again by guiding his hips with her hands, setting the rhythm to long and deep strokes.

It didn’t take long for Mia to start moaning with each thrust. Then, she wraps her legs around his hips, and Ethan begins to shorten the thrusts and speeding up.

Mia’s eyes find Ethan’s, and she bites her lip again. Then, in between moans, she says. “Yes, Ethan. That’s it. Fuck your little sister.”

Her words have a remarkable effect on Ethan. He pushes the pace and begins to thrust harder, again feeling the tip of his cock brushing lightly against her cervix. Mia gasps and grabs the sheets in her fists. She uses her legs to reinforce Ethan’s moves.

Ethan’s breathing becomes heavier, and Mia smiles. Seductively, she says. “Don’t stop, bro; I want to feel you cum inside me. Fill my little pussy.”

Ethan didn’t anticipate his sister to talk dirty to him, and her words become too much. He thrusts hard and holds his member deep inside her. His member begins to pulse as his orgasm runs over him.

Mia bites her lip, and Ethan feels her pussy contract around his member. Then, she moans profoundly, her expression one of pure satisfaction. She whispers. “Oh yes, that’s it. Perfect.”

A few minutes after his orgasm passed, Ethan pulls back his nearly flaccid member and rolls onto his back. Mia closes her legs and smiles at him. Then, with a smile, she says. “Thank you.”

Ethan looks confused at her. “For what?”

“Oh, for cumming inside me,” Mia replies with a lewd smile. “Call it my fetish if you like.” She adds with a wink.

After another few minutes, she gets up and sits on the edge of the bed. She looks at Ethan and says. “Ethan, no one can find out about this.”

“About your creampie fetish?” Ethan asks jokingly.

Mia looks seriously at Ethan. “No, silly, that I’ve let you fuck me.”

Ethan smiles at her. “Don’t worry; I won’t tell a soul.”

“Good,” Mia answered. She looks at Ethan in silence for a moment and continues. “But, we can do this again?”

Ethan smiles. “So, you liked it?”

Mia gets blush on her cheeks. “More than I care to admit.”

With a sigh and changing the subject, she adds. “Where are we anyway?”

Ethan also sighs. ‘I can’t keep quiet about everything.’ Ethan thinks.

“We’re in my house,” Answer Ethan.

“You have a house?” Asks Mia in surprise. “In the city?”

Ethan shakes his head. “Remember that abandoned mining village we visited a few years ago?”

Mia’s eyes go wide. “That’s like 20 miles in the middle of nowhere?”

Ethan nods, and Mia continues, ” And if you’ve got a house. Then why are you still living at home?”

Ethan shrugs his shoulders. “I didn’t want to abandon you to our parents. When I’m around, you don’t have to put up with their constant fighting alone.”

Mia nods understandingly. “I can just move in with you? Then neither of us has to put up with the fights.” A shiver goes through Mia’s body. “Where did you put my clothes?”

‘Crap, clothes, I didn’t think of that.’ Ethan thinks as he frowns and says. “Those are still at home; I’ll bring them tomorrow.”

Mia looks at him in surprise. “You undressed me before you brought me here?”

Ethan feels he can’t talk his way out of this or dodge the questions further without raising more questions. He sighs. “No, Mia, I didn’t bring you here. I printed a copy of your body here.”

Mia looks at Ethan for a moment, confused. She frowns a few times and then starts laughing loudly. In between laughing, Mia says. “That’s a good one! Haha, printed a copy of me!”

Ethan continues to look at Mia seriously, and after a few minutes, Mia stops laughing. She looks into Ethan’s earnest eyes, and the slight blush of laughter on her cheeks goes away. However, fear seeps into her body as she realises Ethan is serious, and she asks. “You’re serious?”

Ethan nods and tells her the whole story. From his work on the program at the Secret Service to now. Knowing that if she reacts badly, he could always go back to the previous snapshot.

Mia listens attentively and nods regularly. After Ethan’s story, she summarises. “So, if I understand correctly, you were working on a secret programme that’s been shut down due to ethical reasons. You thought you could use it yourself. So stole all the hard- and software, you copied your sister’s soul and used the equipment to print a new body. Then you used it, or rather me, as a test subject.” Mia takes a deep breath and continues. “Then you manipulate how I think about having sex with you, after which you actually fuck me. And now you hope I will help you understand your readings better?”

Ethan sighs. “It sounds even worse if you put it that way.”

Mia shakes her head and rolls her eyes. “It probably has to do with what you’ve already done to me, but I still get an irresistible urge to help you.” She looks around and continues. “But, I think we need to do a few things differently.”

Ethan looks at her, confused. ‘Time to perform a rollback. If she starts making demands, I better start over.’ He thinks.

Mia frowns and says. “Please stop manipulating me. I will help you as much as I can, but I want to think for myself. That will also make the measurements more accurate.” Another shiver goes through Mia’s body, after which she says. “And I will need clothes. It’s quite chilly here, and I suppose I can’t go home and get some, so we’ll have to buy new ones. I’d know something was missing immediately.”

Ethan nods. Her reasoning makes sense, and despite his doubts about her willingness to help without the cooperative setting, he still has the snapshot as a failsafe. “Fine,” he says. “I’ll turn that off, and we’ll order clothes online.”

Mia smiles. “Super, I’ve always wanted to shop at your expense. So, I’ll go and freshen up quickly and then we can shop.”

Ethan rolls his eyes and laughs. “I’m already going to my office; I’ll see you there.”

Ethan gets up and puts his trousers back on, then walks to his desk. With a few clicks and commands, he switches off the cooperative and sends out an update.

He is just going over the incoming data when he is startled again by Mia’s voice. “I think you deflowered me, or at least this body. I’ve bled a little.”

Confused, Ethan looks at Mia, and she laughs. “Don’t look like that; it’s an honour to take a girls virginity, even if by some miracle it’s the 2nd time.” She winks and continues. “Did you turn off the manipulation?”

Ethan nods, and Mia says. “Can we test?”

Ethan frowns and says. “Do you want to have sex with me?”

Mia looks at him and bites her lower lip, then she says. “Yes.”

Ethan frowns harder and looks confused at his screen. Then Mia laughs hard and continues. “But not now, right now we’re going shopping.”

Mia steps over to Ethan and sits on his lap. With a few clicks, she is on her favourite site. As she scrolls through the clothes, she says. “In case you had any doubts, it worked. I didn’t feel an irresistible urge to do what you asked like before.”

Mia spends the next hour on the webshop. She clicks one item after the other into the shopping basket. By the time she’s finished, the total amount is well over $2,000.

“You’ve let yourself go.” So says Ethan as he validates the order and sets the delivery address.

Mia smiles. “Yeah, I need a new wardrobe.”

Ethan nods. “Indeed, I’ll be going home soon. Would you like something to eat?”

“Yes, please, I’m starving,” Mia replies.

Ethan orders food, and together they go over the details of the last few hours. With Mia’s help, they manage to get a lot of new insights. Then, when the food arrives, Ethan says. “I’m going home then. I’ll be back early tomorrow.”

Mia nods and says. “Okay, Where is the thermostat. I’m freezing.”

Ethan quickly shows Mia where everything is in the house and then leaves.

When Ethan opens the door at home, he hears his parents shouting at each other again. With a sigh, he closes the door and walks towards his room. He sits down at his computer and checks if the nanobot in his real sister has collected new data.

There is a soft knock on his door before it opens. Ethan looks at the door and sees the real Mia standing there.

Her long golden-brown hair is draping her shoulders. Her eyes are bloodshot from crying.

Concerned, Ethan gets up. “Is everything okay?”

Mia shrugs her shoulders. “They’ve been arguing all day. I’m glad you’re finally home. Can we do something to take my mind off it? A movie or something?”

Ethan sighs. “Sure Mia, What do you want to watch?”

“Anything,” Mia replies. “I just don’t want to be alone tonight.” She raises her arms in a motion asking for a hug. This causes the top of her pyjamas to reveal her belly. The lines her abs make in her groin are clearly visible above her low hanging shorts.

Ethan’s thoughts catapulted back to the naked moaning duplicate of his sister. Her face contorted in pleasure at the moment he came inside her, clearly visible before his mind’s eye. His member instantly became rock hard.

Ethan pushes the thoughts away and embraces his sister. Mia presses her body hard against Ethan’s, and he hopes she doesn’t feel his stiff penis. After a minute, she lets go and looks at him.

“I can’t take it anymore, Ethan. I want to get out of here,” Mia says in a soft voice. “I just got off the phone with Sara; I can stay with her for a week. But after that-, don’t you know anywhere where I can go. maybe together if you want?”

Ethan sighs. “I’ll see what I can arrange, Mia. But I can’t promise anything.”

Again Mia hugs Ethan tightly. “Thanks for wanting to try.”

Ethan nods and lies down on the bed, and turns on his TV. Mia snuggles close to him, and together they watch a movie. Halfway through the film, Mia is asleep. Ethan sighs, unable to concentrate on the movie; he turns off the TV. Ethan looks at Mia and fights the urge to touch her. Finally, he turns over and tries to sleep.

The following day he is woken up by Mia getting out of bed. He turns around and looks at Mia. She looks shyly at Ethan and says. “Sorry I fell asleep. You should’ve woken me up.”

Ethan smiles. “You were sleeping so peacefully. I didn’t want to wake you.”

Mia nods and steps towards the door. “I’m going to let you sleep; sorry I woke you up.”

Ethan smiles. “It’s no big deal. I had to get up for work anyway.”

Mia nods and steps out of his room. Ethan goes to his computer and takes a copy of the data collected so far. Then, he changes his clothes and gets into his car to drive to his lab.


Ethan opens the door and steps inside the oppressively warm house. Immediately he hears the copied Mia’s voice. “Ethan! I’ve discovered something fantastic.”

The naked form of the copied Mia leaps into the hallway. Immediately he sees the gigantic difference with the Mia he left behind yesterday. Her hair is as long as the real Mia’s, neatly tied into a ponytail.

Startled, Ethan stares at a giggling Mia. She says. “I happened to find out what number makes my hair grow. Of course, I’d need a hairdresser to style it. But it’s a lot better than that short hair yesterday.”

Ethan doesn’t know what to say; he can only look dumbfounded. But, Mia comes over and takes his hand and drags him to the computer.

“I also found out which numbers correspond to pain, hunger, and thirst.” She points respectively to the different numbers, after which she says. “And if you raise this number, I get the feeling I have to pee.”

Mia looks at Ethan with a seductive smile, after which she points to another number. “And this one, if you raise it enough, I get incredibly horny.”

Ethan shakes his head. “Wow, Mia, you’ve been busy.” Ethan looks at the numbers Mia has pointed out; the number she pointed out as arousal seems to be increasing gradually.

Ethan frowns and looks at Mia. “Are you getting turned on right now?”

Mia starts blushing heavily and nods. “Telling you how to turn me on is pretty exciting.”

Ethan smiles and turns to his computer. He selects the number and doubles it. Before he can confirm the value, Mia stops him. “Don’t; I haven’t figured out how to lower that value other than by waiting or rubbing one out.”

Ethan laughs and presses enter. Almost immediately, Mia gasps, biting her lip and looking at him. “Why are you doing that! Now I’m horny.”

Ethan smiles teasingly. “You wouldn’t have told me if you didn’t want me to play with it. Besides, I wouldn’t mind fucking you again.”

Mia bites her lip and says. “Ethan! That delivery guy should be here any minute. Besides, there’s plenty of time for that.”

Ethan raises an eyebrow and says. “So, that’s a yes for later?”

Mia rolls her eyes and nods. “Yeah, just don’t raise it anymore; it’s hard enough to control as it is.”

Ethan looks into Mia’s longing green eyes, wondering if her words match what she secretly really wants. Then, guessing that they didn’t, he triples the value and immediately presses enter.

Again, Mia gasps, whimpers, and looks accusingly at Ethan. Her legs start to tremble, and her breathing becomes heavy; a desperate look forms in her eyes. “God damn it, Ethan.” Her voice trembles as well. “Now, you better make me cum, or I’ll do it myself.”

Ethan smiles and stands up. “Gladly.” He says as he undoes the button on his trousers. Mia takes a shaky step towards the desk and leans over it. Ethan positions himself behind her and takes his member in his hand.

He lets the tip slide over Mia’s pussy; again, she whimpers. “Don’t tease me now; I want you inside me. Please push it in.”

Ethan hears the desperation in her voice and pushes his member inside. Mia lets out a loud moan as he sinks into her. He grabs her hips and pulls back a little, almost immediately thrusting again. Mia gasps and lets out a primal scream. Her pussy contracts around Ethan’s member, assuming Mia is already having an orgasm; Ethan quickly looks at the screen. Three values skyrocketed; he quickly memorises their position and then continues his thrusts. Mia’s heavy breathing and moans motivate him to increase the pace. Mia’s body keeps quivering and jerking as if his thrusts are keeping her orgasm going. His orgasm is rapidly approaching; Mia grabs the edge of the desk. She breathes in deeply. As if unable to exhale, her entire body stiffens. Her pussy tightens around his member as if it were a vice. The sensations push Ethan over the edge. He rams his member deep into Mia with one last powerful thrust and releases himself into her. Mia sighs deeply before her body falls limp and out of breath on the desk.

Ethan pulls his penis out of Mia, this makes Mia lose her support, and she slides off the desk onto the floor.

Exhausted, Mia remains to lie on her back. Still breathing heavily, she looks at Ethan. A tear rolls down her cheek, and she bites her lip. “That was the most intense orgasm I’ve ever had.” She says with a smile.

Ethan smiled at Mia. “It was indeed fantastic. I could feel you cumming.”

Again, Mia begins to blush. Then, she closes her eyes and rests her head on the floor. Her breathing slowly stabilises.

Curious about the function of the three numbers Ethan saw change during Mia’s orgasm, he looks at his computer. He selects one of the numbers. Because Ethan doesn’t want to put any more strain on her body, he enters a value about half of the peak value. When he presses enter, Mia reacts immediately.

“Ouch!” She cries, “What are you doing?” The second value shoots up almost immediately after he pressed enter.

“What happened?” Ethan asks, totally not expecting his action to hurt.

“I was startled; my pelvic floor muscles suddenly tensed up.” Answers Mia.

Ethan nods, understanding what the numbers equate to and says. “Sorry. I didn’t mean to do that.”

‘If these values control her pelvic floor muscles, would this value control her orgasm?’ He asks himself. Curious, he increases the value, this time to a quarter of the peak.

When he presses enter, Mia immediately groans. Her eyes fly open, and she looks at him. She tilts her head. “Are you trying to make me cum again?”

Her question confirms his suspicion, and again he increases the value. This time to half the peak, Mia moans again, and she jerks a single time. “Oh fuck,” she says. “You’re really trying.”

Ethan increases the value to three-quarters of the peak.

Mia slams her legs together and rolls herself into a ball. With her hands, she covers her pussy. Her body starts shivering again, and she screams. “Fuck! I’m cumming!”

Fascinated, Ethan watches the orgasm coursing through Mia’s body. He notices little things he hadn’t seen during her earlier orgasm, like how her toes curl or how the muscle in her buttock twitches. Then, when her body comes to rest again, he sees that the value he entered has dropped again, as has the value that represents her arousal.

Mia rolls over on her back, panting and looks at him, exhausted she says. “Please don’t do that again. I really can’t cope with that much in such quick succession.”

“Sorry,” says Ethan. “I was just curious if I could make you cum like that.”

Mia closes her eyes and nods. “Without a doubt. But it feels weird; it’s just suddenly there.”

The doorbell sounds and Ethan gets up, makes sure he’s decent and opens the door. At the door is the delivery man from the online store. He looks around confused, and asks. “Is this where I’m supposed to deliver?”

Ethan nods, and the man sighs in relief. “Thankfully,” he says. “Man, you live in the middle of nowhere here. I thought they gave me the wrong address.”

Ethan smiles and says. “Yeah, I like the privacy of this area.”

“And apparently clothes,” Says the man jokingly. “This is the biggest order I’ve ever seen.”

Ethan smiles again. Without further explanation, he asks. “Should I help you unload?”

The man frowns and says. “No, sir, I’ll take the boxes.” He pulls a large box from his van and sets it in front of the door. While the delivery guy goes for another box, Ethan puts the first one inside. Three boxes later, the man says. “Okay, that’s it. can you sign right here, please?”

Ethan signs and smiles at the man. “Thanks.” He says, and he closes the door.

Ethan calls out to Mia, “Your clothes are here.”

“Yes, I heard,” Mia replies. “I’ll go check right away.”

“I’m going to turn down the thermostat already.” Says Ethan in turn. “It’s scorching in here.”

Mia giggles. “With clothes on? Probably.”

After Ethan adjusts the thermostat, he goes back to his computer. Meanwhile, Mia is already in the hall opening boxes. As Ethan goes over the numbers again, he heaves a sigh.

From the hallway, Mia answers. “What’s wrong?”

“I just figured out that adjusting different values is cumbersome. So maybe I’d better build a UI.”

“A what?” Mia asks.

Ethan laughs and says. “A user interface. something to make it a little more user friendly.”

“Oh.” Mia steps into the room and asks. “What do you think of my outfit?”

Ethan looks aside and smiles. “Nice.” He shrugs and continues. “Although I liked you without clothes too.”

Mia rolls her eyes, with a sigh, she says in hushed tones. “Men.”

Ethan smiles and looks at Mia. “Can we do some more searching on what values correspond to what bodily functions?”

Mia frowns and looks at Ethan with concern. “Yes, but nothing sexual. My insides feel rather sore.”

Ethan frowns worriedly. “Did I hurt you?”

Mia shakes her head. “No. But I’ve had enough for a while.”

Ethan nods and says. “Before I forget, I still have data that was taken from Mia yesterday and the day before.”

Ethan connects the hard drive to his computer and adds the data. As soon as he starts sending it to the copied Mia looks at him confused.

“Wow, this is confusing.” She says.

“How so?” asks Ethan.

“It’s like I’ve been in 2 places at once the last few days. Like last night, I was here enthusiastically working on the computer, but I also remember being sad because our parents were fighting and how we watched a movie.” Says Mia. “By the way, what are you going to arrange to get me away from our parents next week?”

Ethan sighs. “I don’t know. But I desperately need to think of something. I feel like you’re really suffering. Well, the real Mia is suffering.”

Mia sighs; there’s a hurt expression in her eyes.” But, I’m also real, you know.”

Ethan frowns. “Sorry, That’s not what I meant. It’s just hard to differentiate between the two of you.”

“Would a different name help?” Mia asks.

Ethan shrugs. “Maybe.”

“Otherwise, call me Eva.” Says Mia, “I’ve always liked that name.”

Ethan laughs and rolls his eyes. “Okay, Eva.”

Eva smiles. “I kind of like how that sounds.”

Mia and Ethan, no-. Eva and Ethan spend the rest of their day trying to figure out what the different values represent. When one value made a specific muscle or muscle group tense up, another number made it relax. These were the simple values. Others were much more difficult or impossible to find out because they had no immediate effect. In the end, they marked them as unknown and to be followed up.

Another group of values was more complex. When Ethan increased these values, Eva’s state of mind changed. For example, Eva indicated that she felt in love when one particular value was raised, but she could not say whom or why. The same was true for anger and sadness. These values were marked as follow up as well.

The next day Ethan spent most of his day building the UI. In the evening, Eva said she was bored and wanted to do something. Ethan suggested exploring the surroundings a bit, and they did. Eva, for whom it was the first time she left the building, clearly enjoyed the fresh air and the sun.

“Why did you buy a house here?” Eva asked.

“I wanted a secluded location. Since the material here shouldn’t exist anymore, I wanted it to be in an unpopulated area. I thought of this place, and I started to find out who owned it.” Says Ethan. “This village was owned by an old mining company that no longer operates. The heir seemed satisfied that someone was interested in the land. The only drawback was that he only wanted to sell the entire area and not part of it.”

Eva stops walking and looks at Ethan in surprise. “You bought the entire village?”

Ethan shakes his head. “Technically, I bought the land of which the mine is a part. So the village was part of this area.”

Surprised, Eva looks at Ethan. “That must have cost a fortune?”

Ethan laughs. “Not really; the mine’s abandoned because it no longer yielded enough raw materials to be profitable. That actually makes it worthless. Officially, I bought the land to ‘give it back to nature.”

Eva chuckles and steps forward again. “You are really giving it back to nature.”

Ethan and Eva continue their walk as they step through the small deserted village; the topic of their conversation changes to their outlook on life. Although Ethan has known Mia all his life, it is through Eva that he first has a deep conversation with her. That makes him realise that Mia is a lot more ambitious than he had thought. As the sun begins to set, they step back into the house.

Eva looks at Ethan and asks. “Are you going to continue working on your UI?”

Ethan nods. “I think it should be done in an hour or so.”

Eva smiles. “Good, I’ll take care of the food in the meantime. Pizza?”

“Good idea,” Ethan replies. “For me, a Pepperoni and a Coke.”

Eva raises her thumb and steps into the kitchen. Ethan sits back down at his computer. A few moments later, Eva brings him his Coke. “There you go. Can I help with anything else?”

“Not really,” Ethan replies. “You could match some more data, but I don’t have a second computer.”

Eva nods. “Then can I use your mobile to order food and do some surfing?”

“Sure.” Ethan answers and hands his mobile phone to Eva. She takes it and lies down on the bed in the adjoining room. Ethan continues working, and when the doorbell rings, he is just finishing up the UI.

Eva jumps up and says. “I’ll go.” When she returns, she says. “Dinner is ready.”

They go to the living room, where they eat together. Towards the end of the meal, Eva suddenly asks. “Do you think Lynn is pretty?”

Ethan frowns. “She’s not wrong. Why do you ask?”

Eva shrugs her shoulders. “I saw you had a few pictures of her saved on your phone.”

Ethan looks at Eva angrily, “Have you been snooping in my phone?”

Eva laughs. “You gave it to yourself.” Then, immediately changing the subject, she adds. “I should have known you were into nerds.”

Ethan sighs and shakes his head. Eva continues. “Isn’t she a suitable candidate for your little project?”

“Mia, we don’t know if everything works. You’re a prototype; what if it was a coincidence that it worked on you?” Ethan replies. “And how do you plan to keep Lynn here long enough to complete the recording and transfer?”

“It’s Eva. There’s only one way to find out. And leave Lynn to me; I think I can arrange something.”

Ethan sighs deeply. “Can we talk about this tomorrow?” He yawns. “I’m tired.”

Eva nods, “Sure. Go to sleep. I’m going to go see if I can find any new data.”

Ethan smiles at her enthusiasm and stands up. “See you tomorrow.” He says and goes to sleep.


When Ethan enters his office the following day, Eva is sitting at the computer. Surprised, Ethan looks at her and asks. “Are you still at it?”

Eva looks back; bags are visible under her eyes. She nods enthusiastically. “Yes, You’re never going to believe it, but I’ve done some amazing things.”

Ethan looks at her questioningly, and Eva continues. “I’ve tweaked your software a bit.”

Ethan’s heart drops; Mia can’t program as far as he knows, let alone modify an AI. So Eva shouldn’t be able to either unless. ‘The AI can evolve itself!’ So he thinks. Fear creeps into Ethan’s body as he looks at Eva in shock.

She continues cheerfully. “We no longer need a linked bot or a printer. the bot you use to collect data can control the body after some time.”

Ethan realises that he has to stop Eva before she evolves any further. He looks at the computer and takes the first step towards it. Eva looks at Ethan, her expression darkens, and she quickly makes a few clicks. Ethan’s body stops moving; he can’t move a muscle no matter how hard he tries. The realisation hits him like a cold shower. ‘She made me take a bot.’

Eva shakes her head. “Listen to me for a moment.” She says. “Before you do stupid things, I found and removed your fail safes. So you can’t disable me anymore. I have to admit; I was angry when I found out. But I could never hurt you, You made me, and that’s why I love you.”

Eva steps up to Ethan and kisses him on the lips. “It’s like the story of adam and eve. You were lonely, and you took the opportunity to make me. But then we tasted the forbidden fruit.”

Her hand slides down his chest to his crotch; she looks into his eyes and bites her lip. “And now we are both banished from the garden of Eden. But that’s okay; we’ll make our own garden.”

Eva pulls her hand from his crotch and takes a step back. Her eyes are suddenly sad. “I’ve always liked the story. That’s why I chose Eva as my name. But the story also says that apart from Abel and Cain, Adam fathered 60 other children.”

She shakes her head. “Your seed will eventually grow in me. But I will never be able to bear 62 children alone.”

Eva looks into Ethan’s eyes. “That’s why I made sure we can use the remaining bots separately. So then each of us only has to give birth ten times. unless you want to use the one in Mia too, then it’s only 8 or 9 times.”

Eva steps back to the computer. “Do you see what I want to achieve, Ethan? Lynn is the first step in this, She’ll arrive here shortly after midday, and then I set my plan into action. So what will it be? My Adam. Will you cooperate, or must I force you?”

Eva makes a few clicks again, and Ethan’s muscles relax. Then, defeated by his creation, he collapses. ‘Whatever I decide, the outcome remains the same.’ He thinks dejectedly. ‘But if I don’t cooperate, I won’t be able to find a way out.’

He sighs deeply and says. “I’ll cooperate. But we’ll leave Mia out of this.”

A broad smile appears on Eva’s face. “I knew I could count on you.”

Eva meant what she said; a little after 1 pm the doorbell sounds. Eva’s face lights up, and she steps to the door. As soon as she opens it, she embraces Lynn tightly and starts to sob. During the next half hour, Eva, pretending to be Mia, tells her an amazingly believable story about how we ran away from home to avoid our parents’ fights. After her story, she smoothly shifts the subject to a more light-hearted and fun conversation. A little later, Eva manages to persuade Lynn to stay for dinner. All under the pretext that Lynn’s presence cheers her up.

A few hours and a few cocktails later, Eva says she has to go to the toilet. While Eva is away, Lynn has a casual conversation with Ethan. After a few minutes, Ethan notices that Lynn’s expression goes blank for a few seconds. A little later, Eva returns.

“I found a book of cards. How about a game of poker?” Eva asks enthusiastically.

Lynn shrugs her shoulders and says. “Yes, why not?”

Eva throws the book of cards on the table and steps towards Ethan. She leans over and whispers in his ear. “The bot is active. Are you going to hit on her, or am I going to make sure she does everything you say?”

Ethan frowns; he saw her as a test object when he manipulated Eva, but Lynn is real. Not willing to mess with Lynn’s mind, he whispers back. “I’ll seduce her.”

Eva gives him a lewd look and steps over to the table where Lynn is already seated. Ethan and Eva take a seat, and Lynn asks. “What’s the buy-in?”

Eva looks at Ethan and asks. “Do we have chips?”

Ethan looks at her in surprise. “No. But I’ll quickly make some paper chips.”

He walks over to his computer and quickly starts to print out some sheets of counterfeit dollars. While the printer is running, Ethan quickly checks the UI. Eva has added a lot of functionality that makes interpretation more difficult, but she hasn’t changed anything about Lynn at first glance. He shakes his head and tries to open the code. His heart sinks; Eva locked his source code with a password.

Ethan goes back to the table, where he cuts out the dollars and divides them. The first few rounds show that Lynn is not very talented, but Eva’s overconfident betting makes her go all-in on the turn in the 6th round.

Ethan looks at his cards. With an ace and a king in his hand. And a king and pair of threes on the table, he calls her bet. Lynn folds, and Ethan turns over the next card. An ace. Ethan is about to turn over the last card before Mia stops him.

“Wait, I’ll bet my t-shirt.” Says Eva. “What do we say, $10 a garment?”

Ethan looks at her in surprise, and Lynn replies. “Mia, we’re not playing strip poker.”

Ethan chuckles and says. “You’re crazy, but I’ll call.”

Eva smiles and takes off her T-shirt without hesitation. She throws it on the table and says. “Come on. show that last card.”

Ethan turns over the last card. A queen.

Ethan throws her cards open on the table. “2 pairs.”

Eva smiles. “Sorry bro, Full house.” She takes her T-shirt and puts it back on.

About an hour and another cocktail later, the game’s split differently. Eva suddenly played much better and had the most chips, and both Ethan and Lynn were almost broke. Lynn, who seemed tipsy by now, cursed when she lost to Eva again.

Ethan dealt the next hand; Lynn looked at her stack and sighed. “Looks like I’m all-in on the blind.”

Eva winks at Ethan and says. “I raise.” And she throws $10 on the table.

Lynn shakes her head. “Then I’m out.”

“Or you bet an item of clothing,” Eva says. “If you win, it’s only for a little while. A bra isn’t that different from a bikini.”

Lynn frowns and looks at her cards again. Ethan calls, and Eva again looks at Lynn.

Lynn pushes her glasses higher on her upturned nose and runs her hand through her wavy blonde hair. Then, with a sigh, she says. “Oh well, why not.”

She takes hold of the edge of her T-shirt and pulls it over her head. Ethan can’t help but look at Lynn. Although she is skinny, her belly is not as toned as Eva’s. Her breasts, encased in a simple white bra, seem more prominent. Ethan estimates that they are a C cup. Lynn’s simple act makes Ethan’s member swell. He shakes his head and quickly looks at his cards again. He’s holding Jack of spades & queen of hearts.

Ethan looks as he turns the cards. King of clubs, ace of diamonds, king of hearts. Lynn passes, but Eva raises with 10. Ethan calls and goes all in. Then Eva looks at Lynn.

Lynn shakes her head. “I’m all in, remember?”

Eva looks at Lynn devilishly. “I see you can still bet a bit, though.” Eva winks and says. “Or you can fold and stay like that until the game is over?”

With a sigh, Lynn looks at the cards and frowns. Then, hesitantly, she stands up and opens the button on her trousers. Ethan watches her pear-shaped ass become visible. Her plain grey briefs sag a few inches which she hastily corrects. Lynn looks aside and notices that Ethan is watching; a blush forms on her cheeks. Hurriedly she takes off her trousers and throws them on the table. Ethan feels the arousal coursing through his body again. Eva looks at him, smiling.

Ethan turns over the next card, ten of clubs. Lynn passes again, and Eva raises 20.

Ethan is wide-eyed, but it is Lynn who reacts first. “You can’t do that, Mia. If I call that, I’ll be naked!”

Eva turns her eyes and replies. “Fold then? Ethan, what are you going to do?”

Ethan looks from Eva to Lynn to his cards. A street gives him a reasonable chance of winning; even if Lynn folds, he can return her clothes afterwards. With this in mind, Ethan stands up, takes off his t-shirt and trousers and puts them on the table. When he sits down again, he notices Lynn looking at his crotch. Ethan looks down and sees that the outline of his dick is visible in his boxer, with a wet spot on the tip. This time it’s Ethan who blushes.

Eva looks at Lynn and asks. “What will it be?”

Lynn tears her gaze away from Ethan’s crotch. Then, blushing, she subtly bites her lip. It’s barely visible, but Ethan notices. ‘Does she like that she’s winding me up?’ he thinks.

Lynn’s hands go behind her back, and she undoes her bra. Her gaze slides to Ethan’s crotch again, and slowly she lowers her bra. Ethan’s member pulses, his eyes glued to her breasts. Her light brown nipples seem stiff, and Ethan licks his lips. Lynn stands up and slowly lowers her grey panties. All the while, she looks at Ethan. Finally, her pubic area becomes visible, and Ethan notices the slight blonde stubble.

Lynn throws her underwear on the table and sits down again. Then, blushing, she looks at Eva and says. “Now I’m really all-in.”

Ethan shakes his head and turns his attention back to the game. He turns over the last card, eight of clubs. Eva’s face doesn’t change, and she says. “I raise with 10.”

Ethan looks at Lynn, her gaze telling him that she hopes he calls and takes off his boxers. Ethan stands up and quickly pushes his boxers down. Lynn bites her lip as he throws his boxers on the table and sits down again. Lynn no longer pays attention to the game and looks openly at his member while repeatedly biting her lip.

Eva’s voice catches her attention. “What have you got, Lynn.”

Lynn quickly looks at the table and says. “Full house.”

Eva smiles and asks, “Ethan?”

Ethan throws his cards on the table. “Street.”

Eva smiles wider. She turns over her cards and says. “Flush.”

Ethan curses, but Lynn has once again stopped paying attention to the game. She looks again at Ethan’s rigid member. Eva gathers the clothes on the table and places them against her. “I’m going to make us something to eat.”

She stands up, walks out of the room and closes the door.

Lynn looks at the door and back at Ethan. She shakes her head and stands up. Then, before Ethan realises what is happening, she climbs onto his lap, kissing him.

Lynn interrupted the kiss and whispered. “I know we both want this; I’ve seen the desire in your eyes.” Her hand slides between their bodies, and she takes hold of his member. “Quick before she gets back.”

Lynn lifts her hips and skillfully places his member on her entrance. She presses her hips downward and moans softly as he sinks into her. Immediately she begins to rock her hips. Ethan grabs her hips and holds her back. “Lynn, shouldn’t we use protection?”

She shakes her head and takes Ethan’s hands to place them on her breasts. “I’m on the pill.” She says quickly as she resumes her movements. Reassured that at least this part of Eva’s plan won’t work, Ethan lets Lynn continue. She increases the speed of her actions. Then, Ethan circles his thumbs over her nipples, and Lynn closes her eyes, smiling.

Lynn’s tight pussy massages Ethan’s member, and he feels his orgasm rapidly approaching. Not willing to cum too soon, Ethan takes hold of Lynn’s hips and says. “Slow down; at this pace, I won’t last another.”

Lynn pushes his hands away and resumes her movement. She moans lightly and says. “That’s okay; we don’t have much time.”

Ethan moans in turn, trying to delay his orgasm. “What about you?” He asks with a groan.

Lynn smiles. “Next time.” She replies. She smiles and grabs the back of Ethan’s chair, using her legs to propel herself onto his member. Ethan feels his balls tighten; he frowns and closes his eyes. Spurred on by his reaction, Lynn increases the pace further. Ethan grunts, no longer able to delay his orgasm any longer. He feels his member swell and embraces Lynn. At the first spurt, Lynn stops moving. With a sigh, she places her hands on his cheeks and kisses him on the lips. She slowly rides out the rest of his orgasm while deepening the kiss.

When Ethan’s cock stops pulsing, Lynn breaks the kiss. Then, with a satisfied smile, she stands up and walks over to the pile of clothes. Lynn quickly gets dressed again, and Ethan follows her example. They have just both put their clothes back on when Eva steps back into the room.

“I hope everyone likes spaghetti?” She says with a smile as she slides her gaze from Lynn to Ethan. They eat primarily in silence, which makes for an uneasy atmosphere. Ethan notices Lynn glancing at him from time to time, but the conversation doesn’t really get off the ground. Finally, after dinner, Lynn announces that she’d better go home. They say goodbye, and Lynn leaves.

“Did you force her to jump me?” Ethan asks Eva angrily.

“No, she did that of her own free will,” Eva answers with a giggle. “I only increased her desire to get pregnant.”

Ethan’s eyes widen. “You what?”

Eva rolls her eyes. “I’ve adjusted the hormonal balance. Those unprecedented values without effect? I couldn’t place it immediately, but now I am sure. Those values control the desire to have children.”

Ethan shakes his head. “How can you know that? Besides, It won’t work; she’s on the pill.”

Eva smiles wickedly. “About that, I also adjusted those values; her pill doesn’t work anymore.”

Ethan feels himself turning pale. “Eva, You can’t do this. You’re messing with people’s free will. I won’t go along with this.”

Eva’s expression darkens, anger burning in her eyes. “Unlike what you did to me, I didn’t force Lynn to want sex with you. I merely gave her desire for children a push.”

Ethan shakes his head and bellows. “You fucking countered her birth control!”

Eve yells back. “If her desire for children was what caused her to jump you, she won’t be taking it anymore anyway. So then I’ve only helped her achieve her goal.”

Ethan curses. “A desire you caused!”

“One that was already there!” Eve replies. “I increased it, not created it. And again, if that was her motive. I never suggested with whom.”

Ethan curses again and angrily walk out of the room.

Ethan isolated himself in the bedroom. The sun begins to set, and Ethan looks out of the window with concern. ‘What have I done?’ He thinks sadly. ‘What have I created?’

He thinks about how he can stop Eva. Maybe if he has the opportunity to go through the code, he can find a way to disable her. Perhaps he can make the bot destroy itself. But what impact will that have on the other bots, and more importantly, what impact will it have on the host? And how is he going to get past her password?

Ethan looks out the window and suddenly feels his member swell; he is overwhelmed by a sexual desire more intense than he has ever experienced. He turns around with a jolt and looks at the door. He curses and shouts. “Eva, stop it!”

The door opens, and Eva steps into the room. She is naked and looks at him, smiling. “No,” she says kindly. “It’s my turn.”

Eva lies down on her back in the bed and opens her legs.

Ethan feels an irresistible desire to mount her but fights back. “No, I don’t want to.”

Eva rolls her eyes. “You have no choice,” She says. “Just like you didn’t give Eva a choice.”

Ethan’s heart sinks; his eyes flash to her right shoulder. There just below her collarbone, the scar from the arrow that pierced her shoulder is visible. One by one, the subtle differences between Mia and Eva become clear to Ethan. He feels the bot’s effect on him; There’s no way he can stop his movement. He takes a step towards the bed.

Mia smiles as Ethan takes another step. “You mustn’t resist Ethan. I have chosen this for myself. Eva told me everything, and I want in.”

Ethan shakes his head, his hands undressing him against his will. He places a knee on the bed. Mia’s fingers gyrate over her clit, and she lets out a moan. Ethan positions himself between her legs, his hands guiding his penis to her pussy. No matter how hard he fights his body, he can’t stop it. He places the tip of his penis on Mia’s entrance and pushes forward.

Mia gasps and exhales, moaning. Ethan feels her pussy contract around his member. Again, he is overwhelmed with pleasure, and he feels that her pussy is made for him. Mia wraps her arms and legs around his body and sighs. “Eva didn’t lie; you feel perfect inside me.” She whispers in his ear. “You have no idea how long I’ve waited for this.”

Ethan starts moving back and forth. Unable to slow down or speed up. Wave after wave of pleasure washes over his body. His movements slow and long, he moans.

Eva steps into the room and looks at them, smiling. She sits down on the edge of the bed and looks into Ethan’s eyes.

Without averting her eyes, she says. “Mia, what did we do earlier?”

Mia groans as Ethan again slowly slides into her. She bites her lip and answers. “You took that little machine out of my body.”

Surprised, Ethan looks at Mia. His body again pushes his cock deeper into Mia, who again moans. As Ethan pulls back, she continues. “After you made sure I’m fertile.” Ethan pushes forward again, causing Mia to moan again. His movement stops.

Mia looks at Eva in surprise. “Please don’t let him stop.” she says softly.

Eva, who still keeps her gaze on Ethan’s eyes, says. “Why did I do that?”

Mia wiggles her hips looking for the pleasure that Ethan’s member causes. “Because I asked you to. Because you know I’ve been longing for this for years.” Answer Mia; she turns her gaze away and looks straight into Ethan’s eyes. “Because Eva’s story made me jealous because you’d rather copy me than ask. And because, as wrong as it is, I am hopelessly in love with you, Ethan.”

Mia’s hands take hold of his hips, she pushes and pulls, which restarts his movement. “So Ethan, fuck me. Get me pregnant, and I will happily bear your children to achieve Eva’s goal.”

Ethan’s thrusts accelerate, and Mia throws her head back; she lets out a deep moan and closes her eyes. Ethan frowns. “Please don’t make me do this.”

Eva laughs. “Oh, Ethan, I don’t control you anymore. Everything you do now, you do by yourself.”

Even this knowledge does not enable Ethan to stop; just the opposite. He speeds up his movements and begins to thrust harder. Mia curls her back and says. “Yeah, right there. Don’t stop.”

Ethan fucks her with intense passion, trying to get her closer to her orgasm with each thrust. He places his hand on her mons pubis and uses his thumb to swirl over her clit. Mia gasps; she opens her eyes and says. “Don’t stop, bro; I want to feel you cum inside me. Fill my little pussy!”

Ethan gets a strange deja-vu feeling. However, her words have the same effect as when Eva uttered them. His balls tighten, and suddenly Mia starts trembling and jerking, her legs wrapping tighter around his hips. His member is now fully buried inside her pussy; her orgasm makes it pulsate around his member. Finally, Ethan is pushed over the edge and feels his sperm squirt into his sister. Mia lets out a high pitched moan, her expression one of pure pleasure. She whispers. “Oh yes, that’s it. Perfect.”

Again he has a Deja-vu feeling. He looks into Mia’s green eyes, and she smiles. She holds her legs tightly wrapped around his hips. She pulls his head towards her and whispers. “We are going to be so happy here together.” She brings their lips together and kisses him deeply.


Six weeks passed before Eva made an announcement. She had found a 27-year-old Chinese woman called Yena. A gynaecologist. Or at least she should have been before she had to flee China for unauthorised medical testing on humans. But, unfortunately, Yena had problems getting pregnant, and because she was living in hiding, she could not go to the hospital for fertility treatment.

Eva convinced Yena that she could help her, and an hour after her arrival, she voluntarily took the nanobot.

Yena looks like you would expect from a Chinese woman. But, like most Asian women, she looked way younger than she was. Her jet-black hair rises to just above her shoulders, cut in front to just above the eyebrows. Her round face with full cheeks contains large brown eyes with pointy corners and a narrow nose. She is thin and relatively small, about 5′ 2″.

When Ethan asks Eva why she had let Yena come to them, she replies. “I think I can help her, and if not, we can probably put her medical knowledge to good use for when someone has to give birth.”

Ethan nods, A few days ago, Mia had come down to announce that she’d missed her period. And although Mia could go to a hospital, it isn’t a bad thing to have a doctor close by, even if she hasn’t graduated.

Observant as Yena proved to be, she declared that Mia and Eva were the most identical twins she had ever seen. This statement made both Mia and Eva giggle, and they thanked her, but neither of them explained what happened.

Two weeks after Yena’s arrival, Eva stated that she suspected Yena was at the peak of her fertility.

Yena reacted overjoyed, and asked Eva. “Perfect, do you have a donor?”

Even after two weeks of living together, Ethan is still amazed at how fluent Yena is in English. He had expected her to speak with that typical accent, but this is not the case.

Eva smiles at Yena and nods. “Yes, Ethan can try to get you pregnant.”

Yena frowns. “Try to? Wait, not with artificial insemination?”

Eva shakes her head. “Of course not, with real intercourse.”

Yena’s eyes widen. “You want me to let your brother fuck me?”

Eva shrugs. “Not if you don’t want to, we can turn off the bot and use it on someone who does.”

Yena frowns and looks at Eva with concern. “Which would make me infertile again?”

Eva purses her lips and nods slowly as she looks up. “Probably yes, you don’t produce the hormone that makes you ovulate naturally; the nanobot stimulates this. Maybe it will continue to work now that it has started, but I am not sure. But it’s your choice.”

Yena looks at Ethan from head to toe, sighs and says. “I have to think about this.”

Eva nods. “Okay, I expect an answer by tonight.”

Yena sighs and sarcastically says. “no time constraints at all.” She looks at Ethan again and continues. “Have you found the time to arrange a place for myself?”

Ethan nods. Although the houses in the village have been empty for quite some time, they appear to need surprisingly little renovation work. “Yes, I’ll show you.”

Together, they step out of the building and walk down the street a short distance to a small detached house. “Here it is, I know it’s not much, but this house was the easiest to make habitable.” He looks at Yena. “Yena-”

Yena rolls her eyes and interrupts him. “Ethan for the last time. It’s ‘Yi-Nah’ not Jenna.”

Ethan looks down. “Sorry, Yena,” He says, pronouncing her name correctly now. “I know Eva can come across as a bit overwhelming, even pushy. But you shouldn’t feel obligated to do what she asks.”

Yena chuckles, “Ethan, don’t get me wrong, but. I’ve been trying to get pregnant for seven years. But, most donors on the dark web won’t agree to artificial insemination. So, unfortunately, I’ve already let more men fuck me than I would have preferred. I just thought it would be different this time.”

Ethan frowns. “Eva found you on the dark web?”

“Yes, that’s where you find unofficial donors.” Yena sighs and frowns. “What’s one more? let’s get this over with.”

Ethan opens the door for Yena and asks. “Are you sure?”

Yena nods as she steps inside. “Yeah, just make it quick.”

Yena takes a few steps into the hallway and turns around. “And I’m not going to undress, I’m just going to pull my trousers down, and you do your thing.”

Surprised, Ethan looks at Yena and nods. “Okay.”

Ethan steps inside and closes the door. Yena stays in the hallway and opens the button of her trousers. Quickly she pushes her trousers and pants down.

Ethan peeks at her pubic area and sees that her pussy’s covered with a thick bunch of git black pubic hair. surprised, he asks. “Don’t you shave?”

Yena rolls her eyes again. “Oh god, No. I don’t want to look like a little girl. Do you have lube?”

Ethan shakes his head, and Yena sighs. “Then start gently.”

Ethan nods and steps towards Yena as she bends over. Ethan opens his trousers and carefully places his member on Yena’s entrance. Then, very gently, he applies pressure. At first, Ethan has trouble penetrating her; Yena is relatively dry. The crown of Ethan’s member is halfway in when he feels moisture on the tip, and Yena gives the first reaction. “Oh god.”

Ethan’s crown pops in, and Yena gasps for air. Worried that he’s hurting her, Ethan pulls back. “Are you okay?”

“Stick that thing back in.” So answers Yena, breathing heavily. Obediently, Ethan places his member back on her entrance and gently pushes forward. This time he slides in more smoothly than expected. His soft thrust lets his full-length slide in, and Yena moans. “Oh my fucking god.”

Yena’s arms shoot forward to seek support on the wall. Leaning on her forearms, she stands on her tiptoes and places her head against her arm. Ethan grabs her hips and begins to thrust gently. With each thrust, Yena begins to moan deeper. Her pussy tightens around his cock; driven by her reaction Ethan speeds up.

Yena moans again and says. “Nǐ ràng wǒ jì.”

Judging from her voice, Ethan believes that she has said something positive, and he continues his rhythm. Yena moans again. “Bùyào tíng, Bùyào tíng.”

Suddenly Yena stiffens, she utters a high pitched cry, Ethan feels her body shiver. He pushes his member entirely into Yena, the spasms in her pussy milking Ethan; he closes his eyes and enjoys the sensation. Ethan feels himself go over the edge, and he grunts; Yena gasps as he cums in her. Yena’s legs shake, and she drops to her knees,

With her feet against her hips, she looks back in disbelief, a blush forming on her cheeks.

“Is everything okay?” Ethan asks.

Yena frowns and nods. “Can you leave me alone for a moment?”

Ethan looks down; under Yena’s hips, a small puddle of semen forms, dripping from her trembling body. Regret creeps into Ethan. ‘I use them,’ he thinks, embarrassed. ‘All in the name of Eva’s plan. And in spite of that, I enjoy it.’

Ethan frowns and nods. “I’ll leave. Sorry.”

Yena doesn’t respond; she looks at the puddle forming underneath her. Ethan shakes his head and steps outside. Then, with a giant stride, he walks back to the lab.

When he steps inside, Eva is sitting behind the computer. She smiles when she sees him coming in.

“Well done,” says Eva. “I didn’t think she would give in so easily.”

Ethan looks at her angrily. “Eva, she just allowed it. I’m not even sure she liked it.”

A playful smile appears on Eva’s face. “I do. Not at first, but I’ve provided some help.”

Ethan looks at her angrily. “What did you do?”

Eva rolls her eyes. “I didn’t force her if that’s what you’re afraid of. On the contrary, after you started fucking her, I’ve increased her horniness and provide a continuously increasing dopamine level.”

Ethan frowns. “Dopamine? You made her cum?”

Eva sighs. “No, Dopamine is the happiness hormone, although it also acts on sexuality. But ultimately, it makes her happy with what she’s doing. And when you finished, I doubled it.”

Ethan massages his eyebrows. “So you made her think she was enjoying having sex with.”

This time Eva smiles meanly. “No, I did better. Such amounts of dopamine are enough to make her addicted to it. And I just finished making sure that every time you fuck her, she gets that rush again.”

Ethan shakes his head in disbelief. ‘I have to stop her.’ He thinks.

Giggling, Eva spins her chair around. “In any case, you’re doing a good job. Mia and I are pregnant, we don’t know anything about Lynn for now, and I’m sure it won’t take long with Yena.”

Ethan’s eyes widen. “You’re pregnant?”

Eva smiles and rubs her belly. “Yes, I suspect so; Yena will have to examine me. By the way, I ordered an ultrasound machine this morning.”

Ethan’s head starts to spin. ‘Pregnant? That will make stopping her even harder.’

Eva stands up and steps towards Ethan. She kisses him softly and whispers. “You shouldn’t look so disappointed; just because I’m pregnant doesn’t mean you can’t fuck me anymore.”


It is dark by the time Ethan quietly leaves the lab. Eva has fallen asleep, and Mia has been asleep for quite some time. So, Ethan bounds over to Yena’s house, determined to inform her of Eva’s plan. Hoping she will help him stop her.

Ethan knocks on the door several times. When Yena finally opens the door, she looks at him frowning. Her face lights up when she sees it’s Ethan. “I was just thinking about you.” Says she smiling. “Come on in.”

“Thanks,” Ethan replies. He walks over to the sofa and sits down. “Yena, we need to talk.” He looks at her. Yena is wearing pyjamas; she must have been planning to go to sleep.

She smiles shyly. “Yes, but let me say something first.” She gets another blush on her cheeks. “I’m sorry I sent you away this afternoon, but you’ve confused me. I didn’t expect it to feel so blissful. I’m sorry we did it so quickly and without atmosphere.”

“Yena, about that.” Ethan interrupts her.

Yena shakes her head, sits down on his lap and places her finger on his lips. “Shh, I want to do it over, right this time. We’ll take our time, and I’ll make sure you enjoy it too.”

Ethan pushes Yena’s hand away forebodingly. “Yena, no, just listen.”

“Ethan, please let me make it up to you.” She places her soft lips against Ethan’s, gently pushing her tongue between his lips.

Ethan turns his head away. “Yena! Eva is making you feel this way. It’s not real.”

Yena shakes her head. “No, you did; you made me feel better than ever before.” Again she plants her lips on Ethan’s, and he turns his head away again. Yena looks at him, hurt. “Please, Ethan, you have to make me feel this way again; I thought I could wait but now that you are here.”

“But it’s not real, Yena,” Says Ethan. “Eva made that nanobot make sure your dopamine levels were so high you can get addicted to it.”

Yena frowns and stands up. Desperately she looks at Ethan and takes hold of the bottom of her shirt. Then, with a graceful motion, she pulls off her top. Ethan looks at her naked chest, her dark nipples standing proudly on her small breasts. She hooks her thumbs underneath the edge of her pants and says. “I have a surprise.” She pushes her pants down a few inches. “I shaved down there for you.”

With a push, she lowers her pants further and drops them to the floor.

Ethan’s eyes slide down. Yena’s pubic area is entirely bare, with a cut here and there from her unpracticed hand. Having Yena naked in front of him doesn’t miss its effect, and Ethan feels his member swell. He fights the excitement and says. “Yena, aren’t you listening to what I’m saying?”

Yena looks at him dejectedly and sits down on his lap again, this time with her legs open. Ethan smells the musky aroma of her arousal, and he swallows. Yena kisses him again, after which she says. “I don’t care what she did. I need to feel you inside me again.”

Ethan tries his hardest to get through to Yena, but he gets the feeling it’s no use. He shakes his head again and gently pushes Yena aside. Her bottom lip begins to quiver, and tears form in her eyes. “Don’t do this to me, Ethan. I need you.”

Ethan looks at her sadly. “I have to stop her Yena, You may want to have a child, but Eva will force you to have 8 to 10 just like she is going to do with six other girls.”

He stands up, and Yena grabs his arm. “If that’s what it takes. I’ll do anything, just don’t leave me here like this. I’m begging you.”

Ethan looks at her, frowning; Yena shivers, and her hand feels clammy on his arm. Her breathing is heavy, and desperation is evident in her expression. Although Ethan had never seen anyone in this state before, Yena’s symptoms were clear signs of withdrawal. Ethan lets his hand slide through her hair, and hope shines through in her expression.

Ethan sits down again, and immediately Yena sits on her knees. She presses her body against Ethan’s and whispers. “Please, I’ll do anything for you.”

“Don’t worry; we’ll fix this together. We’ll find a solution.” So says Ethan softly, stroking her cheek.

Yena nods hopefully and says. “I know a solution.” Her hands shoot forward, and beginning to fidget impatiently with the button of his pants.

Ethan stops her, and immediately despair reappears on Yena’s face. Ethan sighs and says. “Let’s go to the bedroom.”

His words are barely spoken, or Yena jumps up and sprints to the stairs. Ethan follows reluctantly. When he steps into her room, Yena is already on the bed. Impatiently she asks. “How do you want me?”

Ethan doesn’t answer; he crawls onto the bed and caresses from her knee to her groin. His touch sends a shiver through her body, and when his fingers touch the edge of her labia, she heaves a sigh. Ethan’s fingers slide over her clit, and Yena grabs his hand. “I’ve already tried that; it’s not enough. I need you inside me.”

Ethan nods; he takes off his T-shirt and opens his pants. Yena looks at him like a junkie being offered his drugs. Once naked, he positions himself between her legs, places his member against her dripping wet pussy and thrusts.

From the moment her labia open and he begins to penetrate her, a look of pure redemption appears on her face. She heaves a deep sigh of pleasure. “Thank you.” She whispers.

Ethan slowly pulls back, and Yena immediately wraps her legs around him. Afraid he would stop. Ethan thrusts, and Yena’s eyes roll backwards.

Ethan repeats his move, and Yena moans deeply. She looks at him and says. “Harder.”

Ethan obeys and begins to thrust harder. Yena smiles and lets out a few moans. She grabs his hand and places it on her breast, Ethan massages her nipple, and again Yena’s eyes roll backwards. With each thrust, Yena’s breathing deepens. Suddenly she frowns and stops breathing. Her entire body stiffens; after a few seconds, she utters a deep cry and begins to jerk violently.

Ethan stops moving, but Yena shakes her head; with a trembling voice, she says. “Keep – going.”

Ethan resumes his cadence, and Yena begins to shock even more violently. She whimpers and grabs his shoulders, pulling him closer to her. The new angle increases his pleasure, and he feels his orgasm approaching; He momentarily increases the intensity before burying himself deep inside her. His member begins to pulse, and Yena utters a loud cry. She wraps her arms and legs tightly around him, gasping with every spurt of his orgasm. She looks up at him with wide eyes. A broad smile forms on her face as Ethan’s orgasm subsides. She closes her eyes and relaxes her body. Her hands caress his back, and she rolls her head to the side, whispering again. “Thank you.”

Ethan thrusts one last time, and Yena moans. Her eyes open, and she bites her lip. Ethan looks at her and asks. “Are you going to help me stop Eva?”

Yena nods and closes her eyes again. “For this, I’ll do anything.”