Lust and Love at the Lake House

Author’s note: everyone is over the age of 18 in this story.


Lust and Love at the Lake House, Ch. 1


My sister Jill went off on a Caribbean cruise with her friends, a reward for completing college. But mom insisted there be some adult presence, and so she went too. I wasn’t sure if she couldn’t cut the cord, or if she just wanted mom-daughter bonding time. Regardless, she held the purse strings and so Jill had no choice. They would return after 10 days including travel days and an extra night in Miami.

Before she left, mom told me my Aunt Julie and her two daughters would be spending their summer at the Lake House, not just a week as usual. Any disappointment I had turned to anticipation.

Summers at the lake were the best. We have a mountain home that is walking distance to the lake. It started out as a vacation rental, but mom used her divorce settlement to buy it. With natural colors and log tree finishes, it matches the natural scenery. Inside it has a full kitchen, fireplace in the grand room, a master and guest bedrooms. My favorite part is the back deck, with lake views, a firepit and hot tub.

Now we come as often as we can, and summertime is prime time at the lake.

On the day of their arrival, I heard the car pull up and car doors close. I scampered down the stairs towards the front of the house as they retrieved bags from the back of the Jeep. I watched in anticipation, recalling the family of beautiful women I have lusted for over the years.

Aunt Julie was a total MILF, she kept her body in shape and had long, gorgeous brown hair. The fact that her breasts were large on her slender frame didn’t hurt either. I had lusted after her for years, seeing her at family gatherings at the lake, at the beach, and at our prior home that had a pool.

Seeing Julie in a bathing suit was always enough to give me a hard-on. Getting a hug from her had been a highlight of my day for many years now, and often required me to take care of things afterwards. Any young man with a well-endowed aunt will know what I am talking about.

Aunt Julie approached and had her hands full with groceries. I took them, and she squeezed my arm as she went inside to settle into the master.

I followed her in and put the bags in the kitchen then came back to the front door, just as Josie and Jenny approached. Along with my sister Jill, we had all had such great times playing games, swimming in the lake, riding bikes, hiking – all the fun camping and lake activities.

Just out of college now, the girls were all grown — and in the best ways.

Josie was hot and she knew it. She had light brownish blond hair, blue eyes and fair skin. Her physique was athletic and slim, with average sized breasts and nice firm ass. She wore all the right clothing get guys attention. Today’s sports top exposes her mid-section while also presenting her chest for admiration. I thought she tried too hard to show off because she didn’t have the largest breasts. It shouldn’t matter, really. But then, here I am obsessing over them, so it works both ways.

“Hey Jack!” Josie gave me a hug. I took her bag and held it while she carried on inside.

Jenny followed her closely. I remember Jenny being equally cute. She had long dark brown hair like her mom, with big, beautiful brown eyes. Her breasts were larger, and so was her bum, but I like something to hold on to. She had an extra few pounds and some curves, enough to give her body image and self-esteem issues. Today she had on a large t-shirt, and the purpose was clear. But I liked her just the same, maybe even more.

“Hi cousin!” She also gave me a hug, and I returned it with my open arm. I felt a twinge as her breasts touched my chest. Even if they were larger due to her being a bigger girl, they were still breasts. Coming into contact with them felt good regardless. I tried to hold the embrace for as long as I could. I wasn’t sure if it was obvious, or if she was doing the same. After what seemed like 10 minutes, but was probably just 10 seconds, our embrace ended. Jenny looked up with her nice smile and pretty eyes.

I took their bags and led them down the hall to the guest rooms, showing them how we had it set up. While they unpacked, I lay on my bed and day-dreamt about them.

Previously, I had tried to sneak peaks when any of them were going in or coming out of the shower or just changing into swimsuits in the spare room. Mostly it was to no avail, but once I had seen Jenny, as she took off her swimsuit and re-wrapped her towel heading into the shower. I got a good shot of those lovely breasts, and I hoped they might be accessible to me one day.


After lunch, we all changed into swim gear and headed down to the lake. As we walked, I made sure to follow the group of women, so I could check out their nice butts. They were all pretty and with something different to offer. We caught up on everything going on in our lives.

“You look like you’ve been keeping in shape, Jack.” Josie turned to me. Did she just check me out? I was no slouch, tall at 6’1 and having played volleyball and run track. I have a little hair on my chest and good muscle definition.

“I’ve been running, biking and doing a lot of swimming,” I replied.

“Your mom said you were training for the annual triathlon,” Julie added.

“I am.”

‘Which part is the hardest?” Josie asked.

“Swimming, for sure. It’s more exhausting, and you don’t want to run out of gas in the water which would be dangerous. That’s why they swim first.”

“How long is it?”

“The swim is under a kilometer, from Lookout point to North Harbor. Then you bike entirely around the lake, more than 10 miles. Finally, there is a 5K run, about 3 miles, back to the beach and the finish line.”

“Seems like a lot,” Julie added.

“There’s a meetup group, we’ve been going out on Saturday mornings in order to build up for it. I also run on my own every other day to build up stamina.”

“How competitive is it?”

“Most people just try to complete it, enjoy the event. The serious ones that race can finish in a couple of hours, maybe less. There is a $1000 prize for first and trophies for top 3.”

We reached the beach front of the lake. After some swimming, we lounged on our towels under a nearby tree. The girls read magazines, laying there in their bikinis. Josie and her perky tits next to me, Jenny and her larger breasts further away. Aunt Julie pulled shorts over her one-piece.

We were all enjoying being outdoors, the smell of nature, the view of the lake and mountain beyond.

I was also enjoying the view of 3 women in swimsuits. I got some good glimpses of cleavage and side boob from a variety of women in different types of suits. I wasn’t about to complain.

As we relaxed, I started to daydream about them coming out of the water. I imagined the cousins sort of like Phoebe Cates in that red bikini. Josie was more fit, and Jenny had nicer tits. But Aunt Julie was my Princess Leia in the gold bikini from Return of the Jedi. Oh man, I just couldn’t get enough of her!

I was daydreaming about the possibilities, and my imagination was running wild. Just then Julie started to pack up and head back. At first, I felt dismayed that the cleavage fun was over for the day. Little did I realize that the fun was about to begin.


Reaching the Lake House, we decided to shower before dinner. The master on one side of the house has a large shower. On the other side, a second bath was between my bedroom and two smaller guest rooms down the hall. Josie and Jenny went first, while Julie and I would wait our turn.

Aunt Julie sat down at the kitchen table and adjusted herself in her bathing suit. I stood by, wrapped in my beach towel. I was trying to watch her, but not look like I was watching. Apparently, I failed.

“Like what you see,” she asked.

I looked up, shifting my feet, caught. “Sorry, I uh,” I stammered.

“It’s OK,” she replied, smiling. “It’s nice to know I still garner looks from young men.”

“Aunt Julie…” I started.

“Don’t worry about it, Jack,” she softened. “You’re going to see a lot of cleavage this summer,” she laughed gently and nodded. “Just try not to stare so hard.”

“I’ll try to be more discreet.”

“That’s a polite way of saying you will still look but try not to get caught.”

“Can you blame me for admiring a beautiful woman?” I asked sheepishly.

“No. And I would be disappointed if you didn’t notice,” she replied honestly. “But Josie and Jenny might not be so forgiving. Just try not to creep them out.”


“Speaking of the girls, do you find them pretty? I mean, if they weren’t your cousins and all.”

“I hadn’t noticed.”

“Oh, sure you did,” she countered. “I bet from the moment we got here, and all day, you’ve been checking them both out.”

“Well, women in swimsuits,” I looked down at my feet. “What do you want me to say?”

“Don’t worry, I’m not here to bust your balls,” she said.

“Thanks?” It was an interesting choice of words.

“But Josie has confidence and Jenny, well, needs to find hers again. I think if she got back into shape…”

“She looks fine to me,” I was being honest.

“Don’t get me wrong. I love her however she is,” Julie added. “She just needs to establish good habits again, develop a better routine. I want you to help with that, be her personal trainer.”

“What sort of routine?”

“I will work on us eating better and have errands to keep her active. What I want you to help with is exercise mostly. Get up early every day… why don’t you take her biking and running with you while you train for your race.”

“I don’t know,” I hesitated. “I go pretty fast and pretty far. She might not be ready for the pace.”

“For sure, she needs to be eased back into it.” She thought for a moment, then added, “Maybe you do a first run at your own speed, then come back and do a 2nd lap with her, that sort of thing.”

“Well,” I said, not sure how this was going to play out. “Once in a while maybe, but every day?” I really didn’t want any added responsibility.

“I realize this is asking a lot. But she is your cousin, and family should take care of each other.” She clearly wasn’t taking ‘no’ for an answer.

“Jack, I know that your time is valuable.” She stood, letting the towel drop to the floor, then she slowly walked towards me, not hiding that her chest was full on display.

“Well…” I scratched the back of my head in contemplation. “I don’t know… I have lots of things on my plate,” I didn’t really, I just didn’t know where this was going.

“And you will be compensated for services rendered.” She moved her shoulders, was she seductively showing me ample cleavage? I was trying not to stare, but my eyes bulged, and I froze.

“Would you do it for me, please?” She whispered as she leaned in and brushed her breasts against my arm. My mind raced with the direct contact now. Was it on purpose or was I reading into it?

Her soft eyes pleaded, and I had to maintain the gaze because otherwise I would be diving into her awesome chest that begged for my attention. Right there right now, not caring who knew or saw.

I wanted her bad. I wanted to bury my face in her chest and grab her ass with both hands. But I knew better than to make a move without being totally sure. Anticipation hung in the air for a moment.

I was just about to go for it, when we heard someone walking down the hall towards us. Aunt Julie quickly released my arm, then turned towards the fridge to get a drink.

“Who’s next?” Josie asked coming into the kitchen, unaware of the tension that she just missed.

Julie collected her things to take her turn.

“Jack,” she looked at me. “Can you make sure the bathrooms are stocked with plenty of clean towels?”


I walked down the hall and retrieved clean towels from the linen closet. I knocked on the guest bathroom door.

“Yes?” Can the reply — it was Jenny.

I carefully opened the door, just enough to be heard. “Clean towels!”

“Oh thanks, just leave it on the counter.”

I crept in part way and tried to both look and not look. Steam from the shower fogged the mirror. There was no shower door, but a robe hung on the hook, blocking the view unless I fully entered. I wanted to see her naked, but another time perhaps. I placed a couple of towels and left.

I walked around to the master, pausing at the door. Aunt Julie was in the shower already. I quietly opened and walked in. The master was large, and the bathroom was around the corner and through a short hall that had mirrored closets on either side.

“I brought clean towels!” I announced my presence but didn’t immediately get a reply. I walked in farther, ready to place the towels on the sink counter. I noticed the vanity mirror wasn’t fogged, as the hot air could release into the master bedroom space.

Time slowed as I peeked around the corner. I saw my aunt washing her hair. Her back was arched, her head tilted back under the water. The caused her chest to stick out — and what a magnificent pair of breasts she had. Water and suds flowed down and in between.

I just stood there, taking it all in. There is nothing quite like a beautiful woman, wet in the shower.

I wasn’t sure how much time had passed, but it was Julie who spoke and broke the silence.

“Like what you see?”

I dropped the towels like a dolt, then quickly picked them up again. “I brought clean towels!”

“Thanks Jack,” she said, returning to rinsing out her hair.

She hadn’t asked me to leave, and she didn’t seem particularly upset that I remained either. I was finding it hard to concentrate on anything other than her tits.

Julie finished rinsing, then turned off the water. She reached for one of the towels I was still holding.

“Thanks,” she said giving me a wink. She held one arm across her chest, but it wasn’t enough to cover herself entirely. Side boob and under boob were beckoning me.

“Turn around please.” I did as she asked. I was looking in the mirror, but she was directly behind me. If I moved it would be too obvious — and I didn’t want her to get upset. There was some sort of game we were playing, but I didn’t know all the rules yet. Still, I didn’t want to cross the line unnecessarily.

She began to dry herself. “Where did we leave off, from earlier?”

“You want me to be Jenny’s personal trainer, with exercise every day.” I moved my head just enough to see her in the mirror. But she had turned sideways, now wrapping the towel around her chest which barely covered to her waist. She was beautiful from all angles.

“I think compensation was mentioned, but not yet agreed upon. I would ask what sort of compensation you would like, but since you’ve been gawking at my breasts all day, I would think the answer is obvious,” she said looking down at the bulge in my shorts. “Yup, it’s obvious.”

I was hard and it showed. She was my aunt, but I didn’t care. She was a MILF wrapped in a towel. That towel was all that kept her nakedness hidden, a body I had dreamt about and lusted over for years.

She took a step towards me, and I leaned back in reaction. Now I was half sitting against the sink counter, and she stood right in front of me. All I could think about were her magnificent tits.

“By the way you’re staring at my breasts,” Julie said, “you must want to see what they look like.” She let go of the towel from under one arm, letting it fall and exposing her chest to me.

Oh, my lord! “I’ve wanted you for so long. I’ve thought of so many things to do with you.”

“I’m sure you have,” she had a playful, mischievous look in her eye.

“Damn you are so beautiful,” I said quietly, respectfully if that was possible as I looked her up and down with desire — taking in her ample breasts, her smooth skin, a patch of hair between her legs.

“Why thank you,” she smiled bashfully, playfully, knowingly.

I must have looked like a deer caught in the headlights. Julie took my hand, placing it on her breast. Then she stepped closer, her nipples barely touching my chest. I touched tits from the side as she pressed them firmly into me. Then I reached around her body and pulled her tightly into me.

My tongue found its way into her warm mouth, and she responded with a passionate kiss.

Was this really happening? Her fabulous and now naked chest fully pressed against me, her warm mouth welcoming and kissing back at me. I wasn’t sure where the line between dreams and reality ended. Our skin warmed up with friction, and the blood pumped with intensity.

I turned her slightly and she leaned up against the bathroom wall. She reached for my shoulder, and I kneaded her tits as I lowered my head between them. I squeezed and rolled one nipple between my fingers, and then sucked on the other.

Julie moaned and gently ran her fingers through my hair as my head worked its way back and forth between her breasts, biting gently on her large, dark nipples. “That’s nice,” she cooed.

Then I reached between her legs, touching the soft patch of fur. It was soft and warm from the shower. She moved her leg to let me in. I slipped a finger inside, and she moaned with passion.

“That’s nice,” she encouraged me.

“Just nice?”

“Ask me again in a few minutes,” she replied.

I pressed my body into hers, our tongues fencing in her mouth. I slipped a second finger into her, and she wrapped her leg up and around my waist. She wanted it, and I was going to give it to her.

With my thumb I fumbled for her clit, as my fingers pushed in as far as they would go. The angle of my hand and wrist pressed against her, and she grinded back against me for many minutes.

“Finish me off Jack,” Julie whispered as she bit on my earlobe.

My cock throbbed but would have to wait. I was pleasing this woman, my partner in this sexual tryst. For whatever it was worth I was giving it my all. All my attention, all that she needed.

I knelt in front of her, putting her leg over my shoulder. I leaned in face first into her genitalia. I spread her lips with my fingers, and licked her pussy and lips, up and down, back and forth. I found her clit and bit gently, as I thrust three fingers up into her from my position below.

I grabbed an ass cheek with my free hand, pushing all the way into her as my wrist pressed up against her pelvic bone. I twisted my fingers inside her wet, warm pussy, exploring inside her.

I rubbed a finger along the outside of her butthole, teasing gently. I wanted to see if there was any resistance. But as I looked up, her gaze met mine with desire and lust in her eyes.

With one hand I worked my fingers into her pussy. With the other I spread her ass check and licked her butthole. I tongued her, making it as wet as I could. Then I slipped a finger into her tight ass.

“Oh, fuck yes!” Her head went back, and she closed her eyes enjoying the moment.

Locked in, I furiously licked at her labia and clit, nibbling occasionally.

“Fuck yea, eat me!” Her thighs squeezed in against my head, locking me in place. I drilled in, thrusting my fingers up into her. Her vagina squeezed and her butt clenched around my finger.

“Fuck yes I’m coming!” Julie screamed out in pleasure, so loud that I worried the rest of the house would hear. She grabbed the back of my head and smashed into my face so hard I couldn’t breathe.

“God yes!” Her hips bucked as she started to come. I felt the warmth of her juices on my fingers and my mouth. Her legs tensed, and her body convulsed.

With full force I ate her, pushing through the spasms of ecstasy. I thrust my tongue as far up into her as I could, lapping up juices and rubbing my face all over her.

“So, better than nice.” I replied playfully, standing up.

“Holy fuck that was great!” She said panting heavily, looking at me with pleasure and satisfaction.

I leaned in and pressed against her spent body; my hard cock touched her abdomen through my shorts. I inserted my leg between hers, lifting in, forcing my hand up and my fingers deep into her.

Julie made a noise, a whimper of both exhaustion and pleasure. She pushed down on my hand in response, meeting me halfway, squeezing every last bit of pleasure out of the orgasm.

I kissed her deeply, exploring her mouth. She sucked hard on my tongue. I pulled my fingers from her then slowly inserted two fingers between our mouths. Her tongue licked around my lips. She took in a deep inhale, and her eyes widened. She began to furiously lick then suck on my fingers.

“Oh shit, that’s hot – I can taste and smell me all over you!” Julie sucked my fingers tightly.

After a minute she released from the sloppy finger-kiss, and her body loosened. Then she wrapped her arms around me and squeezed tight.

“You have no idea how badly I needed that.” The warmth of our bodies felt wonderful.

“I could tell,” I replied with a smile, stepping out of my shorts.

“My turn?” But it was not really a question, more an indication of what was coming next. I reached out to spread her legs and insert myself into her. I was going to fuck her standing up right there.

“Just to be clear,” she put her hand to my chest to stop my attack, needing to catch her breath as well. “You only get to put that thing in me after services are rendered.”

I had a dejected look as I bowed my head in defeat. I thought she was squirming out of the entrapped position to end it. But I was wrong.

Aunt Julie lowered herself into a squatting position. She grabbed my hips and pulled me into her. Before I knew it, her warm mouth was on my hard cock. She bobbed up and down and licked my shaft.

Enthused by this development, I spread my legs to get a better position, leaning into the wall. She fondled my balls with one hand, and with the other grabbed my ass and pulled me farther into her.

Her mouth was heaven. I couldn’t believe what I was getting myself into. I had licked my aunt’s pussy and made her come, and now she was going to suck me off!

She jerked my shaft and sucked furiously, occasionally stopping to lick all around the mushroom head of my cock. I put my hand on her should for balance as she continued to suck tightly on my shaft.

After a few minutes, she leaned her head back against the wall for a break. Looking at her, we both had sex and lust and desire in our eyes. I moved closer, and she opened her mouth to receive me again.

I moved my hips and she remained, letting me control the motion. Repeatedly my cock thrust into her mouth. She grabbed my cock in one hand and used her lips to create an oral tunnel which I loved.

A couple of times, I pushed my cock in so far and held it, as she tried to deep throat me. At one point I touched the back of her throat, but she gagged and had to stop.

“Sorry,” I said. “It’s hard to hold back. I just want to get so far into you.”

“I know the feeling, but I have to breathe. I have something else in mind I think you will enjoy.”

“Yeah?” I replied with anticipation, wondering if I would get to fuck her finally.

Aunt Julie inched up until her beautiful breasts were at the same level as my hips. She pressed back against the wall and repositioned her legs for support. Then she squeezed her arms in, forcing her breasts together and out towards me.

“Will you please come on my tits?” her sexy, sultry eyes looking up at me.

I didn’t need to be asked twice. I positioned my cock between them and began to move my hips in and out to fuck them.

“That’s a good boy, Jack! I know you’ve wanted this for a long time!” my Aunt Julie encouraged me.

It was true. At first, I simply wanted to see them, in or out of her bathing suit. I had yearned to touch them, squeeze them, kiss them. I had watched plenty of point-of-view porn showing women getting tit-fucked, masturbating while fantasizing they were my Aunt Julie and her magnificent tits.

Her breasts were warm and soft, our body heat was hot from the friction. It was naughty and wrong, but it felt so right in the moment. My cock felt great going between her lovely tits, and her breasts felt great as I pushed them together with my hands to create the tight pathway for my cock.

“Your tits are fucking amazing!”

“Remember to give me fair warning,” Julie said. “It’s a mess to wash out of my hair.” She winked. It reminded me of the way my sister said it — did she know or do all women voice the concern the same?

Occasionally I pressed further into her chest and paused. I took the moment to squeeze her tits and pinch her nipples. Julie reached down, licking and sucking the head of my cock.

After repositioning her tits properly, I pushed back in between her breasts and resumed tit-fucking her. The naughtiness and the friction were all too much – I was consumed with sexual desire as I exploded onto her chest. I had wanted to give her warning, but it just came on suddenly.

“Oh fuck, I’m coming!” Gobs of cum shot out at her, on her tits and neck.

“That I can tell,” she quickly leaned in with her lips to take me in. The last few shots were in her mouth, and she sucked on my head then fully engulfed me.

With her hand Julie brought my cock to her breasts. She used the head to wipe up the cum from her chest. Then she licked it off, seductively looking at me straight in the eyes.

“Holy shit that’s hot!” I exclaimed as I gasped for breath. I didn’t realize she had a naughty streak in her too. But then I considered, women like it just as much as men, although perhaps just not as often.

Julie continued to rub her hands around my cock shaft and head, until it seemed all the cum was gone.

“Well, that’s quite a down payment, don’t you think?”

I was still reeling from the most amazing blowjob / tit-fuck with my Aunt Julie, momentarily trying to clear my head to process everything going on.

“Down payment?” I asked as nervously. Something in the way she said it, and the choice of words.

“Oh yeah, I heard about your incestual tryst.” Julie stood up from her position. “Taking advantage of your sister like that!” She wagged her finger at me and mocked disapproval, but her face betrayed those feelings – it was naughty, and she liked it.

I was momentarily shocked. My sister had manipulated me to get what she wanted. But we were consenting adults both getting what we needed – and then some.

“If anything, she took advantage of me…”

It was hard to tell if she was surprised, considering what just happened between us.

“Thanks for confirming it!” She laughed. “She also said you knew what you were doing. And that letting you fuck her tits as down payment for something more seemed to motivate you properly.”

I was stunned. “Well, that’s not exactly how it happened…” I tried to interject, but it was no use.

“Mm-Hm,” she countered. “Your mother was also very impressed with your skills,” Julie was on the other side of the bedroom now getting dressed.

Holy shit — did she know everything? “You know about that, too?”

“Who do you think told me? She said you gave her the best orgasm of her life.”

I realize this all seems shocking — but it was true. My sister’s plan involved getting my mom laid so she would happily approve (and pay for) my sister going off to the Caribbean with her friends. But there was no time to concoct and execute some convoluted plan with anyone else that might not work anyway.

So, in the end I had to get mom off three times, and Jill had to help as well. It was quite the threesome, and it was all worth it. Jill got her vacation, and I got mom’s ass.

“Wait, she said what?”

“I know, right? It was a bit disappointing, considering I held that position previously.”

“Come again?” I looked at her in amazement.

“Maybe later,” she replied coyly. Wait – did she just indicate she had sex with my mom, her sister?

Aunt Julie finished dressing and came over. She pressed her chest into mine and gave me quite the hug. This time, I didn’t have to pretend it was just a normal hug between aunt and nephew.

“I am looking forward to seeing what else you can do, Jack.” Julie squeezed my cock with her free hand.

“But please don’t make me wait until the end of summer.”