Mature Women Love a Big Cock

Hi, I’ve disabled comments. This is meant to be fun, and the shitty comments and trolling are tedious. I hope that you enjoy it.

The next morning May wanted anal first; Jack gave her two orgasms, then did her pussy doggy style. May loved how deep he could go when he did her pussy doggy style. May made the breakfast; she had an early appointment, so she was in a bit of a rush. Jack told her that he’d be at her house tonight at six. May said, “Jill was very interested yesterday in the size of your cock. I have been thinking about it; the pictures that I took are for my enjoyment. Would you mind if I shared two of them with Jill? If she’s interested, then she’ll start to flit with you. I’ll attach them with a message; I can handle it, do you want it to? He goes so deep in every hole. My appointment is at eight o’clock; I will send it before then, so any messages you get after that, you’ll know that Jill has seen it.”

They kissed lovingly but hurriedly; then May left with her suitcase. Jack got to his office at eight-thirty, he made a coffee then checked his messages, he had one from mum sent at twelve last night with two pictures attached. The message read, “Gran, helped me send these, she’s so good with computers and phones. I hope that you looked after May last night. I think that she likes you a lot. I think that Gran and I could be with you soon. Gran can sleep in one of the spare bedrooms. Gran applied for her Practising Certificate online yesterday; she has a meeting with the Local Law Society on Friday, so that we may be home on Thursday night. I am missing you. Love mum xx.”

Jack was amazed by the two pictures mum had sent with her and Gran. They both looked gorgeous. One was head on the other was at an angle of twenty-five degrees; this picture showed their massive tits, flat stomachs and beautiful figures to perfection. Gran looked stunning, and so did mum. Mum was wearing a red one-piece bathing costume. Gran was wearing the same in pink. The tops were cut low and showed a lot of cleavage. Jack felt his cock stiffen as he looked at that picture.

Then he looked at the head-on picture; mum’s camera was HD and very powerful. Jack used his fingers to enlarge the tit area for both of them; their tits looked amazing. Jack then enlarged the vulva area. Both the costumes were very tight fitting. Jack then saw two of the best Camel’s Toes he had seen in his life. They were so similar that you could say that they were identical. Both had very long sex slits; both had perfect cunt lips. Both of them looked so fuckable. Jack studied them in detail for several minutes. He liked what he saw. Jack knew that both of them knew what they were showing in the pictures. Their beautiful big tits and both their amazing Camel’s Toes, mum had sent it; Gran had helped her. So it wasn’t just mum that was flirting; Gran was in it too.

Jack replied, “Dear mum, thanks for the beautiful pictures of you and Gran. You both look gorgeous, and you both look so young. To look at the pictures, you would never think it was of a mother and daughter. You would think it was two sisters with a couple of years between them. I had a lovely night with May last night. We drank two bottles of Champagne. We are so relaxed when we’re together. I am missing you, mum, but May has invited me for dinner tonight. May looks after me well. I love you mum, Jack xx.”

Jack checked the time; it was nine-fifty. Jack then got started on his work. He had six files to get through. He enjoyed this work; he would carry out Legal and factual research on these files. The more he did, the faster he was getting through them. Jack had no idea that just after eight mum had tried to phone May, May was at her early meeting, her mobile was on voice mail, mum hung up then sent May this message, “Thanks May, what a cock, I couldn’t believe the size of it, it’s enormous. It’s bigger than that guy; I can’t remember his name at University that we had threesomes with. I want Jack’s cock, I know incest happens a lot more than people are aware of, but I want to love and have that cock. The other problem is I showed mum the pictures; she wants him to. She’s deadly serious; she wants Jack’s cock too.”

“We can’t just say to him, Jack, we would love you to fuck us, let’s do it. May you must have an idea of how Jack thinks sexually? What makes him tick? We must try and think of a way to send signals to him that we’re interested in him. I can flirt with him easily, but how can mum? I sent Jack a couple of pictures late last night of mum and me in tight-fitting bathing costumes; he could see a lot of our tits, believe me, they looked good. He could also see both our Camel’s Toes; the costumes were so tight down there that they showed our long sex slits beautifully. He hasn’t replied yet, so I’ve no idea what he thinks of them. If you have any ideas, then let me know. Mum wants to know if Jack gives good anal? To be honest, I Iike it myself. I can call you if you want, but if you’re stuck for time, then please WhatsApp me. Love Jill.”

May was between clients, she replied to Jill, “Jill, Jack is amazing; he’s a gentleman. He is very caring and attentive. He doesn’t rush anything, his foreplay is phenomenal, he gives the best oral that I’ve ever had from a man, you are fantastic too, but Jack is incredible. I can only suggest that you flirt with him and send out signals; I’m sure he’ll respond. How your mum can flirt with him, I’ve no idea, but I know that he likes you both. His anal is out of this world; his cock is so long that the head of his cock stimulates my G-spot; this gives you vaginal orgasms that are so strong and powerful. I’m with Jack because of Mags; she didn’t feel comfortable with his big cock. When I saw his magnificent cock, I wanted it. I am sure one day Mags will regret her decision. Jack’s giving me the best fucks of my life. If you have any other questions, then please ask. Love May.”

Mum showed Gran May’s message; this excited Gran more then Gran said, “Jill, I’ve pulled a lot of men in my life; I’m sure with a little thought I’ll be able to pull Jack. But, of course, it will all be down to flirting with him, two sisters, what a lovely compliment, please give me his mobile number, I need to thank him for those nice words.”

Mum gave Gran Jack’s mobile number then started to think about how she could reply to Jack with a subtle flirt. Gran was already typing on her smartphone; she wrote, “Dear Jack, Jill gave me your number as I wanted to thank you personally for that lovely two sisters compliment. That was so nice of you. Thank you. I don’t know if you know that the partner that I had in a relationship sadly passed away. That’s me on the market again, but it’s so quiet here that I’ve decided to come out of retirement and work part-time with Jill. I’ve suggested that I use one of the Consulting rooms as my office. I would like you to share that office with me as I would like to work closely with you. I have a wealth of experience in every aspect of Law. I have kept myself up to date in every change in the Law since I retired. I have also suggested to Jill that I will do the Saturday morning Court work. You can assist me. By my doing this will relieve Jill and Angela from doing it. I am keeping your mum fit at the Spa; I know of two in your area, so I must check them out. My dear Jack, you will find that I’m excellent at a quick sprint, but I’m also excellent at distance events. I look forward to hearing your comments. Love gran xx.”

Jack was impressed with the ambiguity and suggestiveness of Gran’s reply; she was quite a woman. Jack thought for a moment, then replied, “Dear Gran, I’m so happy to hear from you with your so kind words. The photos mum sent showed you both in such an appealing and tempting way. I am so sorry to hear about your late partner; I’m sure with your pretty face and exciting features you will soon find someone who will look after your every need. I am so looking forward to working with you; that’s so kind of you the offer you to share your office with me. I am sure your experience and my curiosity and eagerness to assist could be an exciting opportunity for both of us in every way. Are you looking forward to your next adventure in life? Love Jack xx.”

Jack wondered how she would reply; he was sure that Gran would flirt in her reply. He didn’t have to wait long; five minutes later, Gran replied. “Dear Jack, thanks for your interesting reply, you’re going to be a great lawyer, as well as Law, I can give you the experience of life, but in that area, we both use a lot of discretion. I am happy that the photographs tempt you; my body and mind are still in excellent condition. Would you be the one to be able to look after my every need? I believe that it would be nice if you were interested. Don’t worry about my partner, he was not that good, and laterally he was not much use at all. I have a powerful libido, and hopefully, that’s in your blood too. Jill and I will be home on Thursday evening; if an opportunity for us to be alone, then we possibly could have a little sprint. If not on Saturday you could come with me back here to help me bring more of my clothes, we could have a distance event. I am now thinking a lot about you. Are you happy with my suggestions? Love gran xx.”

Just after Jack had read Gran’s message, he had a message from mum which read, “Dear Jack, what a nice thing to say about Gran and me, I never thought of two sisters but when I looked at the pictures again then yes it would be possible to think that. That sounds lovely spending time with May; I’d love to drink wine and relax with you. I’m sure that we could be very comfortable together. The house is going to be a bit crowded from Thursday with Gran coming back with me. So, I’ll come to the point, would you be interested in spending, as they say, quality time with me? I would love to know what you think. I love you, Jack, love mum xx.”

Jack then knew that Gran and mum wanted him; he wanted them too, along with May. Jack thought to himself, what a lovely and exciting situation I’ve got myself into. Jack then replied to Gran; he wrote, “Dear Gran, I am more than interested in your suggestions, but I must be honest with you, I’m having an intimate sexual relationship with May at the moment. I look at the pictures of you and mum; I get aroused and excited about having the same intimate sexual relationship with both you and mum as well as May. I am young enough and have the libido to satisfy all three of you. May has no problem with sharing me with you and mum. If we are all comfortable with this, then we don’t have any problems. I hope that this is acceptable to you? I love you Gran, love Jack xx.”

Jack then wrote a similar message to mum, saying that he wanted to spend quality time with mum, Gran and May. Jack hadn’t heard anything from May all day. He knew that she was having a busy day. Jack arrived at May’s just before six; he was happy to see her car in the driveway. He let himself into May’s house; she had given him a key. May was in the kitchen; they kissed lovingly and tenderly for several minutes, then May said, “I’ve had a busy day, and so have you, Jack. Jill phoned me, she’s going to have a chat with her mum, Jill wants what you offered, and she’s sure her mum will want the same. I want fucked as much as we can between now and Thursday; then I’ll have a night off so you, your mum and Gran can get to know each other on Thursday night, then we can all get together on Friday night. I’m happy the way things are working out.”