Camping Curiosity

“Jason, do you have your bag all packed up?” Charlotte called upstairs from the kitchen as she was putting away a few last items of food in the cooler.

“Yes dear,” Jason replied.

“Got your toothbrush and deodorant?” Charlotte asked.

“Umm, yeah,” Jason lied as he went back to grab them to throw into his bag.

“Well hurry up! Don’t forget we have to pick Ben up on the way out to the mountains,” Charlotte made no attempt to disguise her exasperation.

Jason and Charlotte were going camping for the first time this year. The spring weather had finally settled in without any lingering winter weather sticking around that made camping too uncomfortable. It still got chilly enough at night to enjoy the company of a partner in the close quarters of a sleeping bag, but otherwise it was the kind of weather they loved to enjoy outdoors. They originally planned this trip with one of Jason’s best friends, Ben, and his girlfriend. However, as was usual for Ben, his relationship was as fleeting and temperamental as the weather and the relationship ended unceremoniously about a week before the trip.

Charlotte sort of felt bad for Ben. He never seemed to be able to hold on to good women despite the fact that he was pretty good looking, kind, and easy going. The only thing she could surmise was that it had something to do with commitment issues that Ben might have harbored. He had a pattern of snagging a good girl, things going great for a while, and then around the time when she seemed to want to talk or discuss the nature of their long-term status, Ben seemed to check out and things went south. Ben appeared to have played the same pattern recently with his girlfriend Stacy that just broke up with him before the trip. Now, Charlotte was worried that it would put a damper on their trip.

“I know honey, I’m ready,” Jason said to Charlotte as he bumbled down the steps of their home. “See, all packed and ready to head out the door,” he smiled.

“Okay, grab this cooler. It’s too heavy for me to lift. Then let’s hit the road for crying out loud.”

Jason happily obliged his young wife’s request, grabbing the cooler that was carefully packed and organized by Charlotte to get through a three-day camping trip. Jason threw the cooler in the back of their tan Jeep. The paint had faded a bit from the years of abuse they and the previous owners put it through. Jason and Charlotte bought it solely for recreation and loved having something they didn’t worry about roughing up nearly as much as their other cars. Jason got in the driver’s seat and smiled over at his young bride sitting in a pair of jean shorts and a green tank top with her hair pulled back. He felt lucky to have such a beautiful wife and was excited for the break from their usual daily grind for the three night camping escape.

“Off we go,” said Jason as the Jeep’s motor roared to life.

The drive to their friend Ben’s house was a short detour into a typical urban jungle. Ben and Jason met in college and were roommates for two of their four years in college. Jason and Charlotte met their junior year, started dating, and then married about a year and a half after college and were now going on three solid years of married life. It went without saying the three of them were close friends.

Jason and Charlotte found good jobs after living in the downtown area of Raleigh for a few years near where Ben lived. They then ended up wanting to move a short distance outside of town and settled in the outskirts of Raleigh but still very much in the research triangle of North Carolina. Ben had continued living the bachelor life and never left downtown and all that it had to offer with regards to nightlife, entertainment, and culture and cuisine. Jason disliked having to spend time in the heat and downtown traffic midday on a Thursday, but knew the inconvenience would be short-lived.

They eventually pulled up alongside Ben’s apartment complex and he was already outside waiting with a duffel bag next to him on the steps and with his face buried in his phone as usual. Jason honked the horn when they pulled up in order to get his attention.

“Sorry, didn’t see you pull up!” Ben shouted before grabbing his black duffel bag and hopping in the back of the jeep.

“Yeah, that’s the problem. You’re so involved in your phone all the time you’re oblivious to shit around you. That’s why you might even need this camping trip worse than we do.” Jason knew that Ben wouldn’t take his criticism too harshly and would just laugh it off.

“Yeah, especially after things fell apart with my girlfriend, I really need to get out of dodge for a few days. That’s why I was so glued to my phone back there. She and I have still been communicating some and everybody and their mother that’s a mutual friend of ours is constantly trying to talk to me about what happened and this, that, and the other, so yeah, been spending even more time on my phone than usual even for me which isn’t good. Especially when you add the fact that I’m trying some online dating again. Sorry Stacy can’t make it by the way, guys. I hope it doesn’t make the trip weird for us with me being a third wheel and all.” Ben confessed to them. Jason and Charlotte had heard similar things before and none of this was anything new for them.

“You’re trying to date again Ben? Didn’t you just break up with Stacy on Sunday?” Charlotte asked half-incredulous.

“Well…yeah, but I guess I was getting a little lonely if you know what I mean,” Ben responded suddenly unsure of himself in the face of Charlotte’s questioning.

Jason just laughed good naturedly at his friend. He knew him long enough to know exactly what Ben was looking for in the current moment since he’d been without a girlfriend for all of four days. As long as Jason knew Ben, he’d never seen someone with a higher libido in his life. Jason found it to be a small miracle he’d never heard of Ben relaying any stories of contracting anything from the various women in his life over the years. Jason had a hard time keeping up with whoever was the latest flavor of the month in Ben’s life.

“Okay, well how about this; let’s get you away from this phone for the rest of our trip. I think you need to detox from all of this screen time and maybe all of the women too. What if we all agree to just put our phones in the glovebox and just check them once each day to make sure there’s no emergencies, and otherwise they stay out of sight and out of mind,” Charlotte challenged.

“I’m all for it,” Jason said.

“Uhh…” Ben began.

“Oh come on Ben, you can make it at least one camping weekend with two of your best friends without your phone,” Charlotte challenged.

“Okay, fine, just let me send something real quick. There’s this real hot blonde I’m talking to through this one app I don’t want to miss the opportunity to date maybe,” Ben replied as he furiously began tapping away at his phone.

“Boooo,” Jason and Charlotte simultaneously heckled Ben.

“Fine, done,” Ben relinquished his phone up from the backseat towards Charlotte. Charlotte jokingly made an exaggerated motion and effort as she snatched the phone away from him and placed it in their glove compartment. Jason dutifully handed over his own phone and Charlotte locked all the phones away.

“There, isn’t that better?” Charlotte asked the group.

“Not exactly. Now I have no shot of seeing a nice rack for the rest of the weekend, you should see how fast these women send nudes over dating apps these days,” Ben lamented.

“Oh geez, try thinking with your other head for once, it’ll do you some good,” Charlotte shot back. “Besides, what happened with Stacy? You really haven’t told us much about what went wrong and why things went south so fast.”

With the joking and kidding aside, Ben began opening up about his latest failed relationship. It followed a somewhat familiar pattern to what Jason and Charlotte had heard before. Stacy asked about getting serious and then things started getting bad the moment she began expressing an interest in things like meeting his family and proposal talks. Ben had a habit of getting cold feet when women he dated talked about things like moving in and living together or what his thoughts on marriage and raising children were. Jason and Charlotte listened patiently and as any good friends would, they called him out on some of his own stuff and reminded him it was totally reasonable for someone to be looking to settle down at their age now that they were all in their mid-to-late twenties.

“Yeah, but I just get worried because I saw things between my parents not end so well and then I always just wonder about getting a divorce with a woman and what that might do to any children we had,” Ben confessed from the back seat.

“Look bro, I love you, but you got get over the fact that you’re not either one of your parents, and it’s not going to be the same thing when you’re in a relationship with someone. I’m not saying it might not be hard, or that it might not work, but so long as you don’t want to repeat the same mistakes your parents made, you can probably just avoid them by making sure to keep yourself aware of it.”

“Easy for you to say,” Ben shot back.

“Look, I went through some similar stuff back in college, it really could help if you try some counseling,” Charlotte chimed in.

“Well, I know that. I actually do need to try that, but this camping trip is supposed to be fun and now I’m worried it’s getting all serious because I’m just word-vomiting all of my problems out here to you two. So for the rest of the weekend, since I’m giving up my phone, how about we drop the dating problems of mine too and I’ll just seek counseling twelve ounces at a time,” Ben stated. Charlotte and Jason had a good laugh as they heard the sound of the cooler opening and the sudden unmistakable sound of the tab of a beer can being popped in the back seat. By now they were far enough away from town and heading up into the mountains of western North Carolina and more rural roads they didn’t fear getting pulled over.

Once arriving at the campsite, Ben was thoroughly impressed. He had been friends with Charlotte and Jason a long time, but camping and the outdoors weren’t his forte. He was pleasantly surprised when after peeling off the side of a few backroads in the mountains that they came upon a campground where there was a nearby lake, easy access to bathroom facilities a short walk from their campsite, and just how peaceful and secluded the place felt. He could practically feel the stress and tension melting away as he breathed in the fresh mountain air when he first stepped out of his friends’ old rugged Jeep.

“Damn, no wonder you two like this stuff so much, this place is beautiful,” Ben shared.

“Sure beats the hell out of a crammed bar with overpriced drinks doesn’t it?” Charlotte asked.

“Well, I don’t know. Like I said, my chances of seeing an attractive naked woman around here are shot. At least at the bars in town I might have a chance to see a nice rack this weekend. So the jury is still out on that one,” Ben chided.

“Blah blah. Whatever, city boy.” Charlotte said before she began unloading the car with the smaller items first as Jason and Ben unloaded the cooler and tent and the larger items.

The three of them leisurely spent their time unpacking, drinking and chatting as they got things set up. The combination of the cold beer and the warm sun was the perfect blend to help them all unwind, and as they did, Ben began forgetting more and more about his relationship problems as Jason and Charlotte similarly became detached from the stresses of their work.

“Damn, it’s hot out here,” Ben cut in the conversation.

“Who’s up for a swim?” Jason asked everyone.

“I’m down,” Ben replied.

“Sure,” Charlotte said. “I can get changed and ready in the tent if you all don’t mind taking a hike down to the bathrooms to change.”

“Sounds good to me, come on dickhead, let’s get our stuff and take a hike so the lady has some privacy,” Jason punched Ben in the arm playfully as he walked past to the tent. Ben motivated himself to get ready as well and pulled himself from out of his chair as he was beginning to feel the effects of the beer a little bit.

Charlotte waited patiently until the two men were gone and then hopped in the tent and closed it behind her. The heat was already causing her to sweat a bit and she was all too happy to get out of her bra. Charlotte was bustier than many of her friends, and with a D cup size, she was all too eager to get out of her bra and relished the feeling when that tension released as she unclasped her bra. Charlotte took a deep breath as that happened and then pulled off her tank top and bra along with it one quick motion. Camping life was always a little bit more awkward than the comforts of home, and since the tent offered a short ceiling, she opted to lie on her back while she shimmied her jean shorts and underwear off before pulling up her swimsuit bottoms on. She had a fairly pale complexion, and so she liked to opt for darker more colorful clothes that helped contrast with her skin tone. Her plum colored two-piece bikini helped do that well, and it was always her favorite because of the way she felt it fit on her. As she stood up and tried to tie the halter ties of the top portion of the suit behind her neck though, she looked down at her body and frowned a bit at what she saw. She felt as though her body had been betraying her and that’d she’d put on a bit of weight in all the wrong places despite her time spent in the gym. Just as she was scanning the under sides of her arm and poking at her midsection, she heard her husband’s voice call out and interrupt her thoughts.

“Hey, you almost ready in there?” Jason asked.

“Umm, yeah, almost, can you come in here and help me tie off the top honey?” Charlotte asked.

Jason stepped into the tent and sat behind his wife, automatically beginning to tie the lines of fabric tightly behind her neck and across her back as he had done many times before. Jason could sense something was up.

“Everything okay dear?”

“Yeah, I’m just feeling a bit self-conscious about my body. I guess with Ben around having known us so long I’m especially feeling self-conscious because he’s seen me when I’ve been my most fit and you have too, and I just feel a bit dumpy I guess,” Charlotte said as she poked at her stomach and frowned.

“Are you kidding me? You’re incredibly hot. You look as good as the day I met you, and trust me, Ben probably knows it too. He’s just too polite to comment on anything. He’d give his right arm to have a shot at a girl as hot as you and so would a lot of guys. I’m just lucky enough that you didn’t ask for my right arm when we started dating.” Jason leaned in and affectionately kissed his wife on the cheek for emphasis.

“Oh please, he gets with all those hot little club girls. I don’t look anything like that and men don’t notice me anymore,” Charlotte sulked.

“Yeah, you’re not one of those club chicks. You’re better and more attractive. Look, I know you’re just as hot as ever and I wish there was a way I could show you how much you still turn heads, but trust me when I tell you it’s true. Now come on and let’s go jump in the lake,” Jason squeezed his wife in a tight hug to console her and then stepped out of the tent. Charlotte took a deep breath, sighing and trying to push the negative thoughts out of her head. Her husband’s words did help a bit, and she stepped up and followed him out of the tent, thankful for his kind words.

“Took you two long enough,” Ben greeted them with when they stepped out. “I thought I was about to have to go to the lake by myself the way you two were probably getting it on in there.

“Just because sex is always on your mind doesn’t mean it’s always on everyone else’s mind. You need a hobby or something dude,” Jason said to his friend. “Grab the beer and let’s go.”

They all lounged lakeside and swam around with the place entirely to themselves. Despite the weather being nearly ideal, the place was practically abandoned besides the three of them. Jason and Charlotte could only imagine it was because of the fact that it was still a little early in the season and a Thursday afternoon nonetheless, so a lot of people probably hadn’t wanted to take the time off of work. The campground they chose was also one they picked on purpose because it was further off the beaten trail, and usually lower traffic than the others closer to the interstate. Still, even they were shocked to see they had the place entirely to themselves. Despite the warm weather, the water was still cold since it was early in the season and they were in the mountains. By July the water would likely feel far warmer. Ben and Jason and Charlotte all splashed around in the water and refilled on cold beer and water whenever they lounged on their towels. They were drinking casually and keeping a good buzz going.

Looking back on it now, Jason still probably couldn’t pinpoint exactly why it is the hair brain idea popped into his head at the time, but knew it was likely brought on by the combination of Charlotte’s earlier comments, the beer, and great atmosphere. However, somewhere along the way, while hugging and holding his wife in the cool lake water, he saw Ben across the way and got the craziest notion. After kissing her neck a bit, he leaned forward and whispered in her ear, “watch this”.

“Watch wha-“, Charlotte was cutoff mid-sentence by the sensation of her swimsuit top being pulled up from the bottom of the cups beneath her full breasts. Charlotte’s nipples were fully erect from the contrast of the warm summer air and the cold lake water, but the moment she felt the fabric go up and felt her nipples exposed to the fresh mountain air she let out a shriek. She was so surprised by her husband’s actions that she didn’t even react as fast as she ordinarily would have for an accidental wardrobe malfunction.

Ben was already close to his friends since they were all swimming around near one another, but he wouldn’t have been able to miss Jason flash him Charlotte’s breasts if he had tried. Her quick shriek echoed around the nearby mountains loudly and even he thought it was exceptionally lucky there wasn’t any nearby campers.

Charlotte finally got a grip on her thoughts after the initial shock and reached up to pull her bathing suit top back down and regain her modesty. “What the hell is wrong with you, you jerk,” Charlotte screamed at her husband. “What kind of pervert are you? That’s something I’d expect out of Ben with one of his girlfriends, not you, what the hell has gotten in to you?” Charlotte exclaimed.

“Holy shit those are gorgeous, I mean you’re gorgeous. Shit, I mean I’ll stop talking now, sorry bro, I didn’t mean to say that about Charlotte,” Ben fumbled over his words.

“It’s alright Ben, that’s kind of why I did it, I was worried Charlotte isn’t feeling as beautiful as she used to, so I thought I’d get a second opinion. It seems you approve,” Jason stated.

“You’re a fucking idiot is what you are,” Charlotte stated feeling flushed and red in the face. She splashed water at her husband relentlessly as he tried to shield his face. He kept grinning and laughing and apologizing to her and Charlotte eventually quit.

“Yeah, I gotta say, Jason is right. You look amazing, not sure how in the world you have any doubts about how good you look. Wow especially with…” Ben stopped mid-sentence as Charlotte shot him a death stare, “…I’ll shut up now.”

“Good. Thanks for the kind words, I appreciate it. As for you,” Charlotte began shooting another glare at her husband, “…another stunt like that out of you and you’re not getting laid for a month.”

“Okay, okay, I’m sorry. I just feel like you really deserve to know how gorgeous and great you look and if maybe my friend’s big dumb mouth helps illustrate that because I know he can’t help but blurt out things like that, I figured it might help. I mean you know he’s being genuine when he says it.”

“Quit before you dig the hole you’re in any deeper,” Charlotte stated firmly. She knew he was telling the truth though. You could trust that Ben was being genuine in how attractive he said he found her half-naked body. Despite herself, Charlotte was partially blushing from the attention. She had long harbored some exhibitionist tendencies and fantasies, and although she never shared them with her husband, she knew deep down she wasn’t only flushed from the embarrassment. In fact, she harbored some attraction to Ben as well she never told her husband about. The exuberant compliments from a man other than her husband helped her feel sexier, even though she was genuinely a little angry and completely caught off guard by Jason’s actions. For the life of her, she couldn’t understand why he had done such a thing.

“See, and you thought you weren’t going to have the chance to see a nice rack this weekend,” Jason called out to Ben. Jason kept surprising himself because nearly as soon as the words came out of his mouth, he second guessed whether he was pushing his luck with his wife, and furthermore, why he seemed to take any pleasure at all in his wife’s exposure. He guessed it must be the booze and the nice weather getting the best of him. He made a mental note to himself to take it easy the rest of the night and not get too carried away. He and Ben used to throw down pretty heavily back in their college days and he still occasionally had a habit of tying off a few too many with his friend.

“That’s probably the nicest pair I’ve ever seen,” Ben called back unable to hold his comments to himself with the influence of the alcohol flowing through his veins. Charlotte’s face flushed a deeper red as she heard Ben’s comment.

“I’m going to lie on my towel for a bit, you two idiots sound like you need to lend each other a hand out there.” Charlotte tried her best to march off confidently and without regard to her husband and Ben’s immature antics and snickering. She couldn’t help but feel self-aware of the way her ass swayed as she walked to her towel and resisted the urge to look back and see if Ben was checking her out. She needed to cool off and sought another cold beer to help calm her nerves from the embarrassment and excitement. Charlotte held the cool can against her chest and her cheeks and neck for a moment before cracking it open and sipping from it and lying back on the sun-warmed towel. A short while later the men came to join her up on the beach and lay out with her.

“Here you go dude, thanks for inviting me on this trip by the way,” Ben called out to Jason as he tossed him a can without even checking to see if he wanted one. Despite his earlier reservations, Jason popped the tab and joined his friend and wife in having another. He didn’t feel drunk, just a little uninhibited, so he felt it was fine to keep the good times flowing.

Charlotte meanwhile had feelings stirred inside of her she’d never consciously paid much attention to. The whole time her husband and Ben walked up out of the water to come meet her and layout in the sun by her side, Charlotte was eyeing each of them down. Her husband, Jason, was a bit more of a rugged looking guy. He had a medium build, full but manicured facial hair that was a chestnut color matching his short cropped brown hair on his head. His chest and stomach weren’t overly hairy, but he had a nice happy trail on a flat stomach that disappeared down into his swim trunks that she always found sexy. While not as muscular as he was in college, Charlotte was very happy with how toned her husband remained after three years of marriage and a job that mostly consisted of desk work.

Comparatively, her husband’s friend Ben had a body that stood in pretty good contrast to Jason’s. He was about the same height, maybe slightly shorter than her husband’s six foot frame, but he had a medium-length blonde mane of hair on his head that always seemed to fall in some unruly manner that still appeared sexy, like he was trying and somehow not trying at the same time. He was always clean shaven, and his toned abs and chest were smooth and his skin was tan. He had a bit more muscular build than her husband as well because he was pretty focused on being a gym rat in order to stay in shape as much as he could since he constantly seemed to be actively dating.

Looking at the two of them side-by-side chatting and laughing away got her thinking some rather lecherous thoughts that she tried to push away from her mind in the current moment. Ever since her husband pulled her top up, she had sexual thoughts racing through her mind that she was now trying to push away.

The remainder of the evening was filled with leisurely activities that included building a fire to lounge around and cook on. They ate a simple meal of hot dogs and chips and some pre-packaged snacks as dessert along with a few s’mores for each of them. That evening they mainly just bullshitted around the fire eating and talking about life problems and opinions. The group reminisced about old college stories and Ben lightheartedly was able to share a lot of old dating mishaps and war stories about his ex-girlfriends. Ben thanked them profusely for giving him the chance to get outdoors and out of his usual habit and routine.

Ben was the first of the three to start dozing off in his camping chair. Charlotte took notice and was the first to mention they should all start making a move to get to sleep. Ben rubbed his eyes and checked his phone at the car briefly and informed the others that they had no missed calls or messages. Ben made a quick joke about having multiple emails and app notifications on his phone, but agreed not to check them before his friends could give him too hard of a time.

Each of them grabbed a few belongings to take with them to go to the campground restrooms so they could change and brush their teeth before passing out in the tent. Charlotte looked in her bag when she got to the bathroom and realized she had brought a night gown that was a bit risqué to consider wearing with just herself, her husband, and another man alone in the tent together. It was very simple, and not meant to be exceptionally sexy lingerie, but it was older, and well-worn. Because of that, it hung a little more loosely over her ample breasts and it came up fairly short at the thigh, just falling below her ass cheeks. She remembered packing it on somewhat of a whim, not intending to wear something revealing around Ben, she threw it in her bag half-expecting him to cancel since his girlfriend and he broke up. Charlotte pondered whether to wear the black nightgown for comfort and risk more potential exposure, or just opt to sleep in a pair of shorts and a sports bra she knew would be far more modest. In the soft yellow light of the campground bathroom, she grabbed the black nightgown and pulled it over her bare breasts and soft skin. With a mischievous feeling, she reached back in the bag and grabbed out a lacy black thong. Again she remembered having packed some of these items earlier in the week anticipating it might end up just being her and her husband. She slipped the thong up her legs and could hardly contain her grin as she brushed her teeth and then went outside to wait for her husband and Ben. If he feels like it’s funny to show me off, we’ll see how much he’s laughing when his friend gets an eye full of this, Charlotte thought to herself.

“Whoa, geez Charlotte, what are you doing dressed in that?” Jason asked his wife when he stepped out of the bathroom and saw her standing there waiting in the black nightgown in the soft glow of the building’s exterior light. Even in the dim light, Charlotte’s nipples were standing out and hard to miss. There was an exceptional amount of cleavage in the front of the outfit that was on display.

“What do you mean? It’s my nightgown. I’m going to go to sleep in it, duh.” Charlotte said it as plainly and defiantly as she could muster, attempting to avoid detection of the fact that the thought of being exposed again was exciting her as well. Somehow, so long as she felt that it wasn’t intentional when she was exposed, it not only made it sexier, but somehow, it seemed to deflect any guilt she felt about inviting it to happen.

“I mean, you look like you’re about to spill right out of that thing is what I mean. Don’t you think that’s a bad idea to wear to bed with Ben sleeping in the same tent as us tonight?” Jason asked.

“It’s weird, because I would have expected you to think of that when you pulled up my bathing suit top when we were swimming earlier. So, with that being the case, I just figured maybe I could choose how I get to sleep comfortably at night and that it wouldn’t be a big deal to Mr.-Shows-His-Wife-Off’,” Charlotte snapped.

“Hey, everything ok?” Ben interrupted the two of them as he stepped out of the bathroom in a pair of pajama bottoms and a short-sleeved t-shirt. “Hey, great nightgown Charlotte,” Ben added ignorant of the minor squabble the garment had just been the center of.

“Thanks Ben, I appreciate it. It looks nice doesn’t it? I mean, it’s old, but it’s not bad,” Charlotte asked as she made a show of turning in a full circle to show it off completely to Ben’s gaze. Once half around, Charlotte looked over her shoulder at Jason with a smoldering gaze daring him to pipe up and enjoying the look of discomfort in his face. She felt it was sufficient payback to make him squirm after his little stunt earlier in the day.

“Yeah, it looks really good. Looks comfortable.” Ben was genuinely ignorant of the tension he was contributing to, but enjoyed the opportunity to look at Charlotte’s body under such close proximity. She was voluptuous in every sense of the word, average height, with curves in all the right places, and he couldn’t help finding her attractive despite the fact that she was his best friend’s wife. He’d never make a move on her out of respect for Jason, but he couldn’t help but notice how her large breasts looked as they hung freely in the nightgown unrestrained by a bra or the confines of a bathing suit top.

“Thanks Ben, why don’t we hit the tent and get to sleep.” Charlotte turned triumphantly and walked back in the direction of their campsite as Jason and Ben followed closely behind. Her ass swayed tantalizingly in front of Jason and Ben the whole way to the tent. Jason assumed that it was his own comeuppance that she was acting a bit salty after his earlier stunt in the lake. He reminded himself not to do anything dumb again the remainder of the trip. He was already feeling a bit jealous with the way she was acting in the moment and he didn’t want to see what else she might do if he provoked her any further. Jason wasn’t interested in that kind of a game of chicken.

Once they arrived back at the tent, the three of them all made arrangements to sleep as comfortably as possible. With the fire out, they all noted that it was actually a bit chilly in the evening despite the heat of the afternoon earlier. The tent was advertised as a four person tent, but true to form, tents advertised as such usually comfortably slept one or two people fewer than they were labeled for. The tent did fit all three of them in there, but not much more than a good bit of elbow space was left between them. Jason and his wife always slept facing one another at home, and their frequent camping trips sort of predisposed them to fall into old habits which meant that Charlotte took up the middle space of the tent as usual, with her husband Jason on the left side from the front opening of the tent. Ben tried to be as little of a bother as possible and appeared to want to get to sleep as quickly as possible because they were all slowly losing the wonderful buzzes they kept throughout the day. While trying to be as minor of a nuisance as he could, he slipped in to the right side of the tent without arguing. The sleeping arrangements included inflatable padding for each of them, and Charlotte and Jason were used to helping accommodate the occasional friend making a trip with them but whom wasn’t always prepared to camp. Because of this, they had a large blanket spread across the three inflatable mats. They then placed a big two-person sleeping bag atop that for Jason and Charlotte to cozy inside of. This left Ben with getting a blanket to lie beneath him, and one to cover himself with.

Slowly the group settled in with Ben on his back and snoring after only a short while. After hearing Ben doze off so quickly, Jason tried to take the opportunity to apologize to his wife as they lay facing one another in bed and kissed each other gently before saying goodnight.

“Sorry about earlier today honey, I shouldn’t have done that bit at the lake with pulling your top up. I mean, I was just trying to do something to prove to you how attractive I think you are, and how attractive I know you deserve to feel. With as much as Ben is a bit of a hound dog, I guess I just knew he’d say it like it is, you know, and with as many beautiful women as he’s been with, I just thought if he told you he saw you as hot like that it’d be something you knew was true and not just biased because I’m your husband.” Jason’s words were genuine and he tried his hardest to truly express his feelings toward his wife.

“Yeah, well, you sure have a funny way of showing how you appreciate me. I mean, I was pretty pissed off, but it’s water under the bridge. It’s not like anyone got hurt or anything out there, and despite being pretty embarrassed, or mortified might be a better way to say it, I guess it did boost my self-esteem to see how he reacted. You should have seen his eyes. They looked like they were about to pop out of his head,” Charlotte laughed.

“Well, sorry again, I’ll try better to not do anything so dumb again. Goodnight, honey,” Jason said before leaning in for a quick affectionate peck on her lips.

“Goodnight.” Charlotte felt her husband’s lips on her own and she curled up content and happy to slowly drift off to sleep. Charlotte’s eyes were closed and she was feeling nestled and the heavy feeling of her pending slumber began to wash over her when suddenly she heard the rustle of fabric behind her and then she felt a strong arm wrap around her and snake under her own arm to grab a hold of her left breast. For one brief moment, the haziness of her mind almost having slipped off to sleep caused her to feel as though it was just the pleasant familiar embrace of her husband trying to become amorous with her. The fog was lifted abruptly when she had the quick realization that it was Ben sleeping behind her and not her husband since he was in the usual position he sleeps in in their tent. “Ben!” Charlotte called out in a tone that was somewhere between a whisper and a yell. The sound was still enough to startle and alert Jason though.

“Charlotte, what’s going on?” Jason asked, sounding as though he was still lifting himself from a semi-conscious state of sleep as well.

“Ben! Are you awake?” Charlotte asked trying to address Ben directly without specifically responding to her husband’s question. Ben snored and shuffled a bit, but otherwise was unmoved and soundly asleep.

“Babe, what’s the problem, he’s asleep,” Jason whispered back in the dark.

“That’s the problem, he uhh…he kind of umm…” Charlotte began.

“What’s the problem? Just spit it out so we can get some sleep,” Jason said exasperated by his wife’s inability to complete her thought.

“He’s got his hand on my tit!” Charlotte fired back in her whisper yell.

“What the fuck?” Jason said in a normal and shocked tone of voice.

“Shhhh…I don’t think he knows it because he’s asleep. I don’t think we have to wake him up, we can probably just move him,” Charlotte stated plainly. Charlotte had since regained her composure after the initial shock. Having allowed herself to have the erotic thoughts she had earlier in the day that sort of mentally primed her sexually, she was getting even more of a kick out of this as a cheap thrill. Internally, Charlotte thought about her attraction to Ben and her husband both, and somehow felt okay to accept and allow herself the opportunity to cheekily enjoy the situation knowing that Ben was passed out behind her. She even nudged him with her elbow a couple of times, trying to see if he’d move. No response came other than the occasional snore. He’d shuffle a bit and grab her breast even harder for a split second and nuzzled into the back of her neck as he spooned her. Charlotte felt the heat rising in her cheeks all over again as Ben’s hand cupped her breast. His unconscious manipulations even had popped her left nipple out of the top of her nightgown and she had to work to suppress both a giggle and a moan from the sensations of Ben’s touch.

“What do you mean he grabbed your breast?” Jason’s voice returned to a whisper.

“I think he must just be used to spooning Stacy when they slept together because he’s just kind of absentmindedly spooning me as if it’s the most natural thing in the world. Here, I’m going to try and move him,” Charlotte said as she tried to push back harder with her left elbow. This time she was genuinely trying to move Ben in a gentle manner. She felt she got her quick cheap thrill and was trying to fix the problem before Jason had a fit.

“Let me see,” Jason said as he clicked on the soft blue light of their battery-operated lamp. It was only meant as a soft light for relaxing or doing minimal tasks inside of a tent or finding your way on a trail without stumbling over everything in your path. The light was faint enough not to disturb Ben from waking up, and Jason remembered not being sure why he cared about waking him up at this point, but for some reason he did. Sure enough, once he lifted the sleeping bag, Jason could see his wife was telling the truth. Ben had curled up behind her and snaked his hand through the open end of the sleeping bag on Charlotte’s side. In the soft glow, he saw his wife gently trying to elbow Ben back and Ben had his left paw draped over Charlotte with it clutching a healthy handful of his wife’s large breast. He saw his wife’s exposed nipple poking out through two of his friend’s fingers and a quick pain of jealousy welled up inside of him. He surprised himself with how quickly he felt the heat of that jealous emotion race through his body. Despite himself though, he knew Ben was really asleep and this wasn’t his fault, so he tried to rationalize that if they acted calmly, the best bet was to try and move him without him knowing. For some reason, Jason had a fear that if Ben woke up with his hand on Charlotte’s half-naked body, it’d be something Ben would rib him about forever.

“What should we do?” Charlotte asked.

“Here, I’ll try to just move his hand and I’m sure it’ll be fine.” Jason convinced himself this was both a simple and logical solution. In his mind, Jason envisioned simply moving Ben’s hand and that he’d just roll over and away from his wife and that’d be the end of it. Jason lifted his friends hand at the wrist and placed it back and behind his wife’s body. In the process of extricating Ben’s hand, the side of Charlotte’s nightgown was pulled away even more, completely exposing Charlotte’s entire left breast as the loose material fell down further. Charlotte tried to help add an elbow to push him back and the two of them, quietly succeeded in gently pushing Ben back without him waking up.

They quickly found the solution to be temporary. Ben, having been placed in an awkward sleeping position, rustled a bit and again moved to fall back into a natural spooning position behind Charlotte. He again wrapped a left arm over her waist, with his hand coming home to roost on her now completely bare breast. Jason looked on as it happened, and he could have sworn he saw Charlotte’s nipple harden in response to Ben’s touch, and saw her breathe change cadence with him holding her breast once again.

“Well that didn’t work,” Charlotte responded in a more shallow sound as she caught her breath trying to not let Jason catch on to her growing arousal.

“I can see that,” Jason muttered. Jason and Charlotte tried again several more times to quietly move Ben off of Charlotte and away from that spooning position without waking him. Try as they might, their attempts were unsuccessful. They only succeeded in subsequent efforts to further expose his wife’s large breast, and even had her nightgown bunch up over her hips some as Ben’s hand kept getting pushed over and across her waist. Having risen over her hips, Jason eventually saw that his wife had chosen to wear a pair of lacy black panties, a thong if he remembered them correctly, and wondered silently why she had chosen those to sleep in. He reckoned it may have been partially as a ploy to pay him back from what he did earlier, so rather than throw fuel on an already bad fire he pushed the thought from his mind. Finally, after several failed attempts, they were able to get Ben’s hand to rest on her hip and not stray towards her breast.

“Look, I think this is a compromise for now, besides, he’ll probably roll over the other direction before the end of the night and that way, when he wakes up, he won’t remember this and we don’t have to say anything, okay hun?” Charlotte suggested.

“You’re probably right,” Jason lamented. “Fine, let’s cut this light off before we wake him up and let’s get some sleep and we can make different arrangements tomorrow night.”

“Oh my god,” Charlotte suddenly exclaimed, still in a whispered tone to avoid waking Ben.

“What?” Jason asked almost afraid to know the answer.

“I think he just got a boner. I can feel it poking at me,” Charlotte couldn’t hold back a giggle as she relayed the information to her husband.

“This isn’t funny, we need to just figure out something to stop this now and get it over with even if we have to wake him up,” Jason said. Jason’s jealousy was increasing with every new trespass against his wife by Ben’s unwitting actions.

“Hold on, I think I can fix it dear. Besides, you wouldn’t want him to wake up like this and then him be able to hold this whole thing over your head forever would you?” Charlotte asked. Jason swallowed hard as he was unaware of how she had somehow been able to intuitively know exactly what he was afraid of. Charlotte reached behind her back with her left arm and gently tried to push back against Ben’s heavy and lifeless body. If Charlotte thought she was aroused before, she had no idea what she was in for. She couldn’t help but take the opportunity to grind her mostly naked ass back toward Ben’s fully erect cock and to even place her hand over it through his pajamas as she tried to force his manhood away from her body. Charlotte had all manner of sultry thoughts racing through her mind as she tried to gain some space between herself and Ben in a manner that still somehow tried to not jolt him awake. She again surmised that the opportunity to cop a feel on his manhood through his pajamas was a well-deserved cheap thrill after her husband’s stunt at the lake, but eventually she managed to try and keep her arousal in check, and grabbed a hold of the waist band of Ben’s pajamas and tried to use that as leverage to push him back. Tugging at them created a new and unexpected problem for her, but she did end up creating a bit of distance between her backside and his groin, at least temporarily.

Jason looked on with sweat building on his forehead. It was cool outside, but he felt as though it might as well have been a hundred degrees with all the heat he was feeling from the anxiety, tension, and jealousy coursing through his veins. Jason held the light and blanket up, looking on as his wife manipulated Ben behind her, but her torso blocked his view from being able to see exactly what Charlotte was doing to fix the situation. Jason thought he saw his wife’s arm make a stroking motion behind her back, but he convinced himself he must be seeing things. After a few moments went by, he saw his wife suddenly grow still, and then a wide-eyed look of shock come across her eyes and her mouth fell slightly agape but she made no sound.

“What? What happened?” Jason asked.

“His cock just slipped out through the hole in the front of his pajamas and is poking out through it! I guess he must be wearing boxers under it or is going commando under his pajamas. Holy crap, I can feel it sort of poking me in my butt cheeks,” Charlotte’s initial shock transformed into a stifled giggle and look of amusement.

“Jesus Christ, how’d this just get worse?” Jason asked his wife. Charlotte was somewhat oblivious to his questions though as her mind was reeling from the novel sensation of the hot head of another man’s cock pushing against the exposed flesh of her ass. Due to the thin fabric of her thong being the only thing separating his cock from pressing into her ass crack without obstruction, Charlotte was hyper aware of where his cock was pressing against her. What she didn’t tell Jason was that she couldn’t resist the urge to grab a hold of Ben’s long warm cock, and was stroking it gently behind her back away from his view.

“Now what should we do?” Charlotte asked. Charlotte was afraid her husband would catch on to her subtle strokes of Ben’s cock, so she stopped and simply held her hand wrapped around its firm girth as it throbbed in her hand. Charlotte didn’t know where this was going to end, but she decided she’d enjoy it while it lasted.

“What is your hand doing back there?” Jason asked.

“Nothing really, just trying to keep him from poking into my ass,” Charlotte giggled again. To be fair, Charlotte thought she was being pretty truthful with that response. “Ohh,” Charlotte let out a quick breath of surprise as Ben again moved in his sleep and changed the whole dynamics of the situation once again.

Ben was an unbelievably heavy sleeper and Jason knew this from the years they spent living together in college. Still, Jason was a bit dumbfounded as he looked on as Ben moved his position again and squeezed and held on to spoon his wife once more. Ben closed the distance between him and Charlotte and pulled his hand up once again to squeeze and hold on to Charlotte’s firm breast. He buried his face in her neck and snored a few times before his breathing subsided to a gentle and soft rhythm once more. Jason again watched as a look of surprise came over Charlotte’s face. He figured it had something to do with the distance between Ben’s groin and Charlotte’s ass as he shuffled. Jason wasn’t sure why, but he had now developed a full erection himself. Jason wasn’t sure he wanted to, but he couldn’t help but look down at his wife’s thong-covered pussy. There, between her legs, was the angry purple swollen head of Ben’s cock, poking out between Charlotte’s beautifully smooth, tan, and toned thighs.

“What the fuck, is that his dick between your legs?” Jason asked unnecessarily.

“Yeah,” Charlotte confessed. She felt a bit constrained from Ben’s arm wrapped around her and she tried to stifle a moan as the sensations were getting to be a bit too much to suppress her arousal. She began circling her ass a bit back towards Ben’s crotch and alternately and subtly squeezing her thighs and ass around his shaft and the head of his cock. Charlotte could feel her juices beginning to flow and could already tell her pussy was wet as her underwear felt damp against her labia. The sensation was amplified by Ben’s hard cock pressing up against them. Charlotte was a little bit concerned that Jason could see her subtle movements, but she was struggling at this point to remain calm enough to disguise it.

“Charlotte, this isn’t anything to laugh about. What has gotten into you?” Jason asked her.

“Nothing yet, but Ben might if he keeps it up,” Charlotte teased. “What about you huh?” Charlotte asked before she fumbled at the opening in the front of her husband’s pajamas trying to reach inside of them. Jason was caught off guard and tried to fend off his wife’s probing fingers and tried to hide his turgid cock from her greedy hands. He felt ashamed that he had an erection despite the inappropriateness of the situation. “Oh wow, look at how hard you are too. You’re enjoying this as much or more than I am aren’t you? Mmm, is something just in the water out here making all these cocks hard, or is it just little ol’ me?” Charlotte whispered to her husband as she stroked her husband’s cock having successfully freed it from its flannel restraints.

“Charlotte, what are you doing? Stop, please,” Jason tried to grab her wrist to peel off her persistent hand, but Charlotte wasn’t having it. She was completely immersed in the oddly inappropriate, yet undeniably erotic sandwich she found herself in.

“Well I’m stuck here between a cock and a hard place and trying to make the best of a situation. Looks like you’re enjoying this too,” Charlotte couldn’t resist adding a little play on words to help try and cut the tension. Charlotte’s arousal kept growing after she found her husband was hard and thought maybe she could end up getting away with more than just a cheap thrill.

“Very funny Charlotte. Now let’s just…dammit, let’s just try and get Ben back away from you before he wakes up and just go to sleep and forget about this whole thing,” Jason stuttered and struggled to concentrate on finishing his statement whilst his wife stroked him insistently.

“Having a hard time concentrating dear?” Charlotte cooed quietly at her husband. She could feel him throbbing a bit in her left hand all while she pulled up and down his swollen shaft. “Tell you what, how about we play a game? I’ll keep stroking you with my hand, and I’ll just squeeze my thighs over Ben’s cock, and let’s see which of you I can make come first?” Charlotte couldn’t hide a guilty and mischievous grin from forming across her lips and immediately started squeezing and flexing her thighs around Ben’s cock which remained firmly lodged between her legs.

“What? Are you kidding me right now? What the hell are you thinking?” Jason angrily whispered toward her. For some unexplained reason Jason was still worried about Ben waking up and being able to hold this weird situation against him later on.

“Oh relax, it’s not like he’s having sex with me, see, look,” Charlotte said with some noticeably more labored breathing.

Despite himself, Jason lifted the top of the sleeping bag a little higher and looked back down in the dim light of the lamp to see Charlotte slowly squeezing and rocking back and forth over top of Ben’s hard cock. When she pulled forward only the swollen purplish-hued head poked out, planted firmly against the gusset of her thong. When she rocked back a good inch or two the thick veiny shaft became exposed to his view. Beyond his own conscious control, Jason’s dick throbbed and jerked in response to the lewd display in front of his eyes and small bit of precum came out of him onto Charlotte’s hand.

“See, you think this is kind of hot don’t you? I mean, you’ve always talked about having a threesome with a chick being so hot, isn’t this kind of hot too?” Charlotte closed her eyes and concentrated on the sensation of the heat emanating from Ben’s shaft up against her vulva, with only the thin fabric of her thong separating it from her wet pussy.

“No, it’s not that I think it’s hot, it’s just a normal reaction for a guy to seeing something sexual and having his dick tugged on,” Jason contested.

“Oh yeah, well you feel like you’re getting close to coming. Aren’t you? You like it when I’m naughty don’t you, you little pervert? How about this? This make you any closer to cumming in my hand baby?” Charlotte asked as she pushed the envelope further. Charlotte was losing all control in light of her own increasing desire and need for sexual release. After asking her question, Charlotte reached down with her right hand and pulled her thong to the side, exposing a small neatly trimmed triangle of hair above her labia that were now in direct contact with the top side of Ben’s shaft. Charlotte relentlessly kept sawing it back and forth tightly between her thighs and could feel her own flowing juices spreading across Ben’s shaft. Jason looked on horrified and unable to tear his eyes away, like watching a train wreck as he witnessed her wet lips coat a slight sheen of her excitement on the top of Ben’s cock and it shone subtly in the dim light. Once again his cock betrayed him and jerked strongly in his wife’s hands. She took this as a sign he was as aroused as she was and she gripped her husband’s member tighter in her left hand. “I bet I can make him come first. I’ll make it quick. It won’t go inside me. I just had to move that thong so it didn’t rub me raw. You want to race to see if I can get you off first still honey?”

Charlotte’s movements had become a bit too amorous, and the building and steady rhythms and manipulation of his cock stirred Ben, but not enough to wake him up. He let out a few quick snoring sounds and fidgeted around, still grasping her breast the whole time while cuddling her in his sleep. In his sleeping state, it almost could have looked cutely innocent the way he appeared to snuggle her from behind if it weren’t for the fact that his movements caused a slight change in the angle and when he pulled back close to spoon Charlotte in his unconscious state, Charlotte’s wet and extremely aroused pussy was all too willing to accept Ben’s cock the moment his head probed and then pierced into her from behind.

“Oh fuck,” Charlotte’s guttural response came as she slumped forward and shut her eyes and squeezed her husband’s dick, momentarily stopping her stroking of his cock.

“What? Charlotte, where’d his dick go?” Jason asked dumbly.

“Oh fuck, he slipped inside, oh god honey, shit that feels good,” Charlotte stated.

“What do you mean it slipped inside?” Jason’s anxious whispering called out to his wife.

“Oh shit he’s fucking me a little bit dear,” Charlotte stated matter-of-factly.

“Fucking you a little bit? Are you serious right now? What do you mean a little bit, what the hell does that mean?” Jason’s exasperation continued.

“His cock’s up in me about halfway I guess.” Charlotte had opened her eyes and looked her husband in the eye as she made the statement as plainly as she would inform him the sky was blue. Ben was still miraculously sound asleep despite the odd turn of events. Despite that, his brain still read the physical sensations from having penetrated Charlotte’s wet pussy. As a result, Ben unconsciously began humping into Charlotte as his brain encouraged him to grind toward the source of his nocturnal pleasure.

“Oh, only halfway, like that’s not a problem. Jesus, is he humping you in his sleep?” Jason’s last question was a mix of genuine shock and intrigue. He struggled to understand how Ben possibly slept through all of this, yet, every indication including his occasional snores still indicated he was out like a light.

“Fuck, yeah…oh shit he’s fucking me kind of slow and gentle. I don’t even think he realizes he’s doing it. Holy fuck that’s nice and thick and deep,” Charlotte cooed as she breathed out slowly as Ben fully penetrated her pussy. Charlotte was trying to suppress her own pleasure, but she was failing miserably. She restarted stroking her husband’s cock again, aroused by the fact that he hadn’t completely blown up at her and remained rock hard for the duration of her antics. Charlotte started rolling her hips back to meet Ben’s shallow and gentle thrusts. With Ben fully penetrating her now, and her left hand full of her husband’s cock, Charlotte reached out with her right hand and grabbed a hold of the collar of her husband’s t-shirt. The effort it took to try to subdue her own pleasure only amplified her awareness of the sensation of Ben’s thrusting dick stimulating the walls of her vagina. This heightened awareness slowly pushed her closer to a pending orgasm.

“Are you enjoying this Charlotte?” Jason’s focus had shifted, and he was somehow trying more now to wrap his head around his wife’s behavior and thinking than the gravity of the situation itself. Truth be told, Jason wasn’t sure why, but he was still trying to wrap his head around why he was unable to put a stop to it and why he remained so hard the whole time. His erection was so firm it ached, and he tried with all he could to hold back the load inside him that was threatening to erupt any second. Jason looked on, amazed at seeing his wife’s neatly trimmed pussy as her labia were splayed around the glistening veiny shaft of Ben’s cock as it slid in and out of her.

“Yessss! I guess it’s what I get for acting so slutty. I can’t help it. Oh god, I haven’t told you before, but sometimes I just love acting naughty, like a complete slut. I swear, I didn’t mean to let it slip in. I just wanted to tease you. Oh fuck, it feels so damn good though watching you watch me. Stroking your cock and knowing how hard you are watching me get fucked. You like watching me don’t you baby? It’s ok, you can admit you like it,” Charlotte implored between muted gasps for breath as she continued to try and keep from raising her voice.

“No I don’t like it,” Jason said with all the firmness he could muster to try and convince Charlotte. Hearing his own tone, Jason wasn’t even sure he convinced himself.

“Yes you do, and I can prove it. It’s why your dick throbbed so hard when you first saw his penis poking out from between my thighs isn’t it? It’s why you started leaking pre-cum and throbbing even more when I rocked on it and it slipped inside of me isn’t it? Oh shit, oh baby, I think I’m getting close. Ooooh, I never even thought I could be this naughty. I think he’s going to cum inside of me soon. Oh, you like hearing that don’t you? That make you want to cum yet honey? Hearing that he’s about to erupt inside of me? I’m getting close Jason, I’m going to cum all over his cock, and I’m squeezing him tight with my pussy while I do it.” Charlotte’s remarks came with increasing urgency with each passing moment.

“He’s not wearing a condom,” Jason blurted out.

“I’m on the pill, and you said he’s clean, he just called you about it earlier this week after his breakup, remember? Oh shit, he’s there, he’s about to do it I can feel it throbbing honey,” Charlotte cried out.

“Shit shit shit shit shit,” Jason called out as he started shooting stream after stream of semen into his wife’s palm. His wife’s declaration that Ben was about to climax pushed Jason over the edge. The intense orgasm came with the usual rush of elation through his body, but given the current circumstances it also came with an odd sense of guilt, shame, and embarrassment about the surreal situation at hand. Jason couldn’t understand why the scene that played out before him was so wildly erotic, but now he was soundly settled into a space to begin questioning the consequences of their actions. Jason didn’t have long to contemplate that though as the sensation of Jason’s hot load covering Charlotte’s hand seemed to send her over the edge.

“Mmmmmmmphhhhh” Charlotte squealed silently into her husband’s mouth. Feeling her orgasm approaching after Jason erupted into her hand; Charlotte thought to pull her husband in close for a kiss in order to muffle her cries of ecstasy. She tried her best to keep her body stiff as the waves of her orgasm washed over her and the muscle spasms rocked her core and limbs. Even with her best efforts, her legs still shook a bit. Her spasms seemed to be the straw that broke the camel’s back for Ben as well. Charlotte felt the rhythmic pulsing of Ben’s cock as he came inside of her, coating the lining of her wet pussy with his hot load. The feeling of Ben’s orgasm inside of her kept her orgasm riding out for an unusually long time, and Charlotte almost felt overstimulated as her muted cries were muffled by her by embracing her husband in a kiss. Eventually, her orgasm finally started fading. Cruising down from her high, Charlotte finally relinquished her husband’s face from her forceful kiss but wasn’t done feeling naughty just yet.

Charlotte drew her hand up from between her and her husband. Looking deeply into her husband’s shocked eyes the entire time; Charlotte slowly licked her hand clean of his semen as if it was a decadent dessert. Charlotte wasn’t particularly fond of the taste, but also didn’t feel strongly negative about it either. The look on her husband’s face though as he watched her continue to surprise him with her lewd behavior was priceless and intoxicating. Despite himself, Jason was mesmerized and impressed with his wife’s unexpected debauchery. He’d never seen anything in her behavior to have indicated such a sexual deviant was lurking below the surface. Jason didn’t think he ever wanted to see a repeat performance of the evening, but some of her behavior he was growing rather fond of.

Behind her, Ben had softened his grip on her breast since climaxing, and his lifeless spent form slumped over and back onto his back next to Charlotte. Charlotte sighed out with contentment as his now flaccid cock slipped out of her. She could feel the combination of their fluids seeping down, and she slipped the gusset of her underwear back into place in order to keep it all from leaking out onto their sleeping bag.

“Shit, how are we going to get him clean so he doesn’t wake up thinking he had sex. I don’t want him to get any ideas or clues about what happened and then be able to rub it in my face later.” Jason could tell an odd change was taking place in his mind when he started questioning things like that and not addressing that he and his wife had just brought a new person into their sex life; reluctantly or otherwise.

“Don’t worry, I’ll take care of that,” Charlotte smiled.


Without waiting to address Jason’s question, Charlotte quietly tossed off the side of the sleeping bag that was partially covering her before. Having slipped out of his own blanket earlier when he rolled over to spoon Charlotte in his slumber, Ben was already out of his blanket and facing up toward the top of the tent. His spent rod was flopped over the end of the flap in the front of his plaid pajamas and hung there limply. Charlotte kept an eye on Ben’s head, and slowly inched her way down to where her face was near his cock. Jason caught on to what she was planning and wanted to say something but had no idea of how to stop her. Helplessly he watched his wife cast a wicked grin in his direction before softly picking up Ben’s cock and carefully cleaning it by sucking it and licking all evidence of their copulation clean from his shaft. Jason was amazed his wife still had the capacity to surprise him with everything that happened thus far, but the image of her bent over with her perfectly round ass poking out from under her nightgown as she licked another man’s cock clean certainly did the trick. After completing the task at hand, Charlotte deftly tucked Ben’s cock back away inside of his pajamas. The whole time, he hardly stirred. Charlotte straightened her nightgown up and slinked back into her sleeping spot before pulling the bag back over her.

“Zip up that side of the bag so it doesn’t happen again,” Jason requested.

“Yes sir. Maybe you’ll have to punish me tomorrow since I was so naughty tonight,” Charlotte smirked before leaning in to kiss her husband. “Goodnight dear.”

“Goodnight,” Jason replied. As he settled in he looked up to the top of the tent and marveled at how normal the sound of the forest around them seemed. His life felt as though a seismic shift had just occurred, and yet his wife and the stirring and sound of the forest around their tent carried on as normally as if nothing had happened at all. Jason slept restlessly the remainder of the night but eventually was able to get some deep sleep.

“Hey bud, ’bout time you woke up!” Ben’s familiar and loud voice greeted Jason along with the bright light of the sun as he walked out of the tent the following morning.

“Hey Ben. Hey! Where’s Charlotte at?” Jason asked defensively after not seeing his wife and the images from the night before came flooding back into his mind.

“Oh, she said she had to go get a shower as soon as possible because she was feeling sticky from sweating in all this humid weather last night. We only just woke up about ten minutes ago honestly, I was just giving you shit about waking up late but you didn’t,” Ben replied. Jason’s stomach momentarily tightened into a knot at hearing Ben say his wife’s name and the word sticky in the same sentence. Jason could tell though by Ben’s behavior that he appeared to be totally oblivious to what had transpired the night before.

“Oh, ok,” Jason scratched his head and looked around for signs of his wife returning from the bathrooms. “So, what’s for breakfast?” Jason could smell something cooking behind Ben on their camp stove.

“Eggs and beer,” Ben answered with a smile as he turned around and slapped a paper plate of eggs and cold can on the picnic table in front of Jason. “Breakfast of champions.”

Jason couldn’t help but be puzzled a little bit at the ridiculousness of it all. We’re fucking swingers, or something, and Ben doesn’t even know he was a part of a threesome that made it happen, Jason thought as he sat down in front of the food that had been prepared for him. Seeing the slightly runny yoke made him recall the viscous fluids from when he came in his wife’s hand, and strange aftershocks of arousal and jealousy came and went occasionally as Jason tried to keep the thoughts from his mind. He made a mental note that he needed to address the events with his wife so there wouldn’t be a repeat performance. He reckoned he hadn’t protested enough the night before, maybe, but he was sure…he was mostly sure anyway, that he never wanted to see it happen again.

“Hey, there you are. Just in time for some of Ben’s famous eggs and beer breakfast,” Ben said as Charlotte rejoined the group at the table upon returning from her shower.

“Ooh, this looks good,” Charlotte smiled at the plate of eggs being handed to her.

They all sat down and silently ate their breakfast looking around and taking in the sounds of the birds chirping and the crisp morning mountain air. Jason was able to let go of his worries from the night before just a tad as he looked around and soaked in all the natural beauty around them.

“Hey, how’d you guys sleep last night by the way? I was meaning to ask all morning,” Ben randomly interrupted the silence at the table. Jason’s stomach immediately began churning the eggs he just consumed.

“What do you mean?” Charlotte asked.

“Well, I mean, I slept really well. I mean, I got a lot of good sound sleep I mean. At least I think I did. I just had the strangest and weirdest dreams I think I’ve ever had,” Ben replied as he looked back and forth between Charlotte and Jason.

“What kinds of dreams?” Charlotte’s questioning continued. Jason’s stomach lurched and his nerves felt shot. He could have sworn he saw Charlotte smirk as she seemed intrigued and coquettish in response to Ben’s comments.

“Well, I guess it was just odd because I had these kind of weird vivid dreams about an old babysitter I used to have a crush on as a child. Totally unexpected and came out of nowhere. Was wondering if you two had any odd dreams last night,” Ben inquired.

“So you got a good night’s sleep and some wild dreams on your first night camping huh?” Charlotte asked back.

“Yeah, I suppose so,” Ben answered.

“See, Jason and I told you this mountain air and getting away from electronics would do you some damn good. And just think, we still have two whole days left to camp. Who knows what else good this trip will do your body and mind,” Charlotte smiled at Ben then turned with her warm affectionate smile toward Jason and arched a single eyebrow in his direction.

“Yeah, camping trips are always full of surprises,” Jason confirmed. “I know I won’t ever forget this weekend.”