Dorm Gay Scene

By the middle of my freshman year, I had sexual contact only with Rod. He was a known Gandoo, Habitual Bottom, and the worst repute would be being his slave. Although he did not advertise our relationship or sent over hungry Tops to me, but in all our couplings he acted as the dominant partner, using physical and emotional abuse to assert his superiority. Typically, he would suck my cock for a few, then ask to put my wet cock in his loose ass. He would then would position himself so that I would be sucking his cock on my knees, interminably.! Lastly he would either make me lie flat on my stomach or on all fours and push his fat, soft and cold cock in my ass. A few lunges and he would be done.

So I was looking for a more desirable partner. It was sad but all gay relationships were considered sleazy and more often than not the bottoms bore the brunt of social disgrace. Very few tops were discrete or honorable enough to protect their partners, But sex was sex and bubble-butts, soft spoken small stature types were probed by groping or touching. I too, was subjected to invitations by gentle body contact in crowded places; even though Rod had not disclosed our liaison.

Now in our campus only the Medical Arts, Graduate, Business, and Law Schools were coed. All others were male only. The male students in the coed units were the epitome of being proper preppies. What with button-down shirts; tailored trousers, tie or cravat, polished shoes and a real close shave..

I had a classmate whose appearance, except for a constant 5’o clock shadow. seemed like that of a coed student, In my eyes that enhanced his masculinity. He was tall, dark complexioned, and full fleshed in upper legs and hips. That combination was for me was a killer. He didn’t live in my hall or had a class with me. I asked around but could not find a mutual acquaintance.

I was getting frustrated by this lack of workable contacts. I felt that I would be done with college soon enough, find a job, get married to a cousin and would never have my fill of male company. I was almost depressed and most unhappy.

The mid-terms were upon us and that was the priority of the moment. To cover the vast course work, there were several study groups that met on Sundays. And so on a particular Sunday, I was most excited to find the object of my desire in our study group for Sociology.

“Hello, I am Rocky” he said with a smile, and extended his hand to me. I grabbed his warm hand and almost didn’t let go.

“I’m Adam, very pleased to meet you.” I stammered as I introduced myself. At the end of group meeting. I wanted to latch onto him, but only asked “How about a coffee?”

“Sure, why not.” He said and grabbing my arm he led me out. We chewed the fat, exchanging likes and dislikes. I learned why was he always so properly, indeed formally dressed? No he did not have a girl friend. He had made a promise to his Dad to not waste time and money and to be serious about his studies. So his dressing up and personal grooming was a reminder for him to stay on the straight and narrow.

“But that does not mean I cannot enjoy myself.” He whispered in my ear as he elbowed me lightly. Going off to his dorm he promised to meet after the exams and hang out. I jerked away several times on his imaginary tool and his powerful thighs.

Rod gave signals a few times that his Taliban keeper is away and the space is available but I used the exams as an excuse.

During the winter break I returned home and refreshed my steady friends and fuck buddies. The first was Sam who had now stated working in his family’s dairy business, He was the most satisfying top.With a smooth, pliable, soft and hot cock. It wasn’t flaccid or drooping. After insertion it would swell and fill the gand. (ass). With him there was no foreplay, blowing.or rimming From the very first time he entered painlessly, only using spittle on my asshole. He would push it in slowly and when the head was in, he would mount fully on top of me and pulling up my ass would start pumping and fucking rapidly till he filled it fully with cum.. At times, conditions allowing, he would take off his pants and squeeze my butt with his a cowboy on a fractious horse. His long hairless thighs rubbing up and down my backside He knew that I loved his body’s touch and so he always lingered after he had come to help me do my wanking, by keeping his knob inside and do more fucking He had several friendly bottoms in the neighborhood and was not sex starved. but he liked me owing to my smarts and a tanned plump bottom that was not overly loose. Top rating in sexual satisfaction.

Returning to the campus, I was resolved to cut away from Rod, for my self esteem and making more satisfying connections. He came over to me in the coffee shop and I greeted him politely enough but sort of conveyed a certain coolness. Rod took no notice and whispered that his roomie is not back yet. But I went to the movies and avoided him.

I looked for Rocky and adapted a route to class rooms that would cut across his path. On the third day we bumped into each other and he embraced me warmly. We decided to meet next Sunday in his dorm room.

Rocky’s roommate was Matt, a pre-med sophomore. A very studious and ever-pissed type. After a few minutes he appeared annoyed with our chatter. Rocky suggested that we go for a walk. Going around the quad, he nonchalantly held my hand in a firm grip. Now in Pakistani society holding hands in public is not being gay. Simply it says we are friends and and have no bad feelings.amongst us We went out of the quad and trekked along the canal bank. He let go of my hand. We walked and exchanged family stories.

Crossing a shady grove, He put his arm around my shoulders, (again means nothing,) We bumped along and then I, too, put my arm around his back. Now this was a sure expression of interest, indeed an intent to pursue the next stage of knowing each other. No hard feelings if it is politely returned. Rocky, though, squeezed my shoulders and linked his arms through mine. An ambivalent non-committal response. We continued to walk and told each other our life stories. He had wasted a year in a party school and was determined now to make his folks proud,

“How would you like to move in with me?” He suddenly asked as he looked at me. searchingly.

“I would love it, but is it at all possible?”

“There are several students who do not return after a semester and if one has a friend in Residence Life, anything can be arranged.”

“Do you have such connections?”

“Yes” he said and hugged me tightly. Alas, I felt no hardness or a rubbing by his crotch. I pulled myself back. The thought of losing sexual intimacy with such a desirable body was quite depressing; but I took solace from his expression of friendship and what d’ya know, he still had his arm around me back!

Home during the spring break, I ran into my very first fuck buddy, Wajid. He was short, thin, almost black with ugly hirsute legs, But he was very powerful and knew a few wrestling moves. Most abusive and aggressive. He was known to my folks and after greetings went up to my room with me. Locking the door he grabbed me and dropped his pants.

“I missed your plump ass!” He said, handling his erect cock that had matured into larger size. It was standing straight up and was dripping pre-cum. He turned me around, forcibly bending me over the bed, he dropped my shalwar and dripped his warm spit directly on my asshole.

That was enough! I turned around, freeing myself from his grasp and told him to get out! He was visibly shaken, but left in a huff. For the rest of my stay I remained celibate and spent more time with family.

Rocky came to my room the day after we returned from spring break.

“Hey stranger. how’s tricks?” I hoped he knew what is meant by ‘tricks’.

“Not many customers, pard; How’s the fitting and filling trade” I retorted and hugged him. He put his hands around me and squeezed, I was able to feel a small rise around his fly, so I wiggled a bit and he bent down and kissed me on the cheek, Still, expressions of good feelings not necessarily sexual advances. So, I put caution to the wind and reached up to kiss him on the lips! He was taken aback and fell backwards on the bed. I fell alongside and snuggled into him. He turned towards me and said:

“Vow!” He moved away a bit “Do you like me in this way?”

I moved right back into him “I love you, man, in every which way.” He was silent for a while. Getting up on an elbow, he looked down on me, while his cock started probing my crotch:

“I got news for you, dear little faggot, I loved you from the moment I met you! I wanna fuck you now and forever!” He bore down on me and started kissing me with his tongue darting around my mouth. I groped over his fly and felt a largish cock.

Jumping up, I locked the door and put my face on his fly. I undid his buttons and freed his cock. It was, of course large, over 6 inches, with a heavy thick cylinder, The head was spongy and conical; tailor-made for an easy insertion. Without any prompting I started to lick it bottom to top; while he, too, found my small four-and-a-half inch tool and rubbed it up and down. H pulled down my pants and turned me over. As I reached back yo put spit on my asshole and he pressed the head in effortlessly. The shaft, thickest part of his cock, was difficult to get in, and he had to rock it back and forth. He came, after a few strokes, spurting a cupful of man-juice in my ass, I wanted to lick his cum off his tool, but he moved away. He was crying!

“What, what? I stammered “Whats the matter?”

He said “I wanted us to be a real friends, because I like and respect your smarts. Sex ruins all. Thats what happened to me at the other school and I can see things not going well here.”

I was taken aback. I didn’t know how to respond. So I nuzzled next to him and slobbered over his wet cheeks.

“Stop” He croaked, “let me tell you something else” He pulled away and sat upright on the bed, “My contact in Residence life came through and I have a choice of moving into a cubicle or a double room.”But, we cant be fucking each other if we are roomies. I have to do well in school, and that cannot happen if we are together all the time.”

“So take the cubicle, we can still be together as and when we want.” I said.

“Precisely thats the problem, I’ll want it all the time and seeing how you’re acting; you will, too! Also, we will soon be known as an item if we are always locked in my cubicle.”

I was ready to swear on anything as long as I could have his beautiful body next to mine, his cock reaming my ass and his weight crushing my butt.

“Take the cubicle and you have my word that we will do well in studies and for all to see we will be regular classmates.” I swore all the oaths that I could recall, Also, I promised monogamy to him. This had always been my bane. I needed different bodies as fuck buddies, never finding the one who could satisfy my sexual appetite as well camaraderie and companionship.

Now I slowly took off his clothes and kissed his gorgeous legs, his powerful thighs, his bulging biceps and of course, his magnificent tool, and his shaved pubes with a few days growth that irritates the ass like a wire brush. He, too, undressed me and aroused me completely by kissing my ears, pinching my tits and sucking my cock. He had me bending over the bed and slowly pushed in his cock’s head followed by the thick shaft. He pulled it almost completely out and slammed it in with mild force. It was a bit painful but by the fourth stroke, I fell in with his rhythm. The pleasure was unbearable. Rocky fucked me senseless.

And so, we ended the freshman year better than our high school grades and went home, eager to return to sexual bliss and friendship.