Amazon Babysitter

Ryan looked up at the clock on the wall and sighed. The 48 year old couldn’t believe that only thirty minutes had passed of the eight hours he was required to put in at the Pigeon Hill Tri-County Help Center. For perhaps the hundredth time this month alone, he asked himself how he had gotten into this fix.

A few months back, he’d been involved in what he liked to refer to as a ‘traffic situation’ due to his seizures and had pulled over or rather into the middle of the road into the median, and there had been a little involvement with the police during this situation as well. And while he didn’t cause any wrecks and wasn’t given a ticket, handcuffs were involved for some strange reason and his license had been suspended for six months as well; also involving community service to prove he was an upstanding citizen and not just another crazy college student having another random reaction to their ‘weekend activities.’ So as a requirement that every citizen who had been placed into this category to prove themselves, they were required to have a hundred hours of community service in order to start the process of whatever they were trying to get out of or back to be able to be doing, which in Ryan’s case, that would be driving, and getting out of what he liked to call, getting out of being on ‘house arrest’. And while it did involve an investment of time and energy, most people had no problem meeting this task.

They volunteered a day or two a week and finished up their prerequisite fairly quickly, usually only taking a month or two to complete, because for most people, namely drunken college students, none of them also had a full-time job to clog up their schedules. Ryan however, who lived nowhere close to the Pigeon Hill Tri-County Help Center, he worked 9 hours a day, knew almost no one in town, and could only get rides to and from work during the day because his mom couldn’t take much time away from his crazy dad who was battling dementia and selfishness disease. So this meant filling his eight hour requirements at night, the worst time of all and borrowing his mom’s bike to make the 8 mile trek to ‘The Hill’ as everyone like to call it if you were from around that area…which unfortunately for Ryan, had been his high school nickname, making this requirement that much more fun, or in Ryan’s case, a nightmare.

To make matters even worse, because of time restraints, Ryan’s community service now also took up most of every weekend and all of the really good jobs were already taken by college students who had been at them a while and could do them during the day. All Ryan had been able to come up with was the graveyard shift answering phones at the help center. A job he really thought sucked the big one. After all, who wanted to spend every Saturday night listening to a bunch of loser’s problems? Especially when they could be at the movies with Charlene Darling, namely him!

Ryan had been dating Charlene for three weeks now, and while he hadn’t gotten halfway to second base, he was sure that it was only a matter of time before he went for the gold. The word was that Charlene was the kind of girl who went all the way. You just had to catch her on the right night, when she was really in the mood. At least that was what he’d heard around where he was working.

The big problem was, with most of his weekends tied up with this community service nonsense, Charlene wasn’t the type to spend her nights at home. So while she was dating Ryan, she was also going out with Eb Dawson. The Brown-haired work-a-holic was pretty sure that Eb hadn’t gotten any further with Charlene than he had, but that could change with the flip of a coin. It would be just Ryan’s luck for Eb to be the one out with her on a night when she had a major case of hot pants.

“Pigeon Hill Help Center,” Ryan said into the microphone of his headset as he answered another call.

It didn’t take more than a few seconds for Ryan to realize that this was what was considered a Class Two call. Those he could handle, as they were usually just people who were lonely and wanted someone to listen. Class One calls were people with real problems and Ryan always passed them along to the supervisor on duty without fail. He had enough problems of his own without trying to solve anyone else’s.

As he listened to his current caller’s tale of woe, Ryan’s mind drifted back to the night one of his calls had turned out to be an obscene phone call. He had only been at the center three weeks and, thankfully, the supervisors had just stopped monitoring his calls on a regular basic. The female caller had been incredibly vivid in describing her body and all the things that she wanted him to do to her, and her to him. It hadn’t even mattered that she sounded a little old, because she had given him a major hard on. By the time she was finished, Ryan had to hold a newspaper in front of him just to make his way to the bathroom.

The voice on the other end of the line this time was hardly as interesting as the one from that night, and Ryan was glad when he was able to finally bring it to a close. The call had lasted almost a half hour. Only a dozen more like it and he could call it a night.

“Mr. Hill, I’d like a word with you,” La-a Jenkins, the shift supervisor called out across the room. “In my office.” she added in a harder and much louder tone that meant right now.

“Great, what did I do now?” Ryan asked himself as he took off his headset and punched the code into his phone position that would list him as being unavailable for incoming calls.

Crossing the floor to the small, mug walled enclosure in the far corner, Ryan racked his brain for anything he might have done wrong and came up empty. It was an unusual feeling to not be guilty of something or other when called into the office, here or at work. He couldn’t remember the last time, if ever, it had happened.

“Yes, Mr. Hueston, I’ll see to it personally,” La-a was saying into the phone as she motioned to the empty chair in front of her desk. “No, it’s no problem at all. We’re more than happy to help out when we can. Yes, sir, you have a good night as well, and enjoy your trip.”

La-a took another minute to make an entry in the folder on her desk before turning her attention to Ryan. With nothing else to do during the short delay, Ryan reviewed what he knew of the shift supervisor. In her mid-forties, La-a Jenkins was one of the Center’s few permanent employees, having been there for over ten years. She wasn’t married, he knew, and even with all of the gossip that got traded back and forth about who was seeing who, none of it had ever involved Miss Jenkins. If she had a social life, it was kept quite private.

Not that she was unattractive, at least not bad looking for a woman her age, Ryan thought. She was probably pretty hot back when she was in high school. The Hispanic woman had a nice face, short, reddish brown braided hair and a body that, while not the kind of figure you’d find in some of the men’s magazines Ryan liked to look at, was a lot better than his mother’s or most of her friends, who were much older than Miss Jenkins’s age.

In fact, the only thing negative that Ryan could really say about the woman was that she was a little too straight-laced and talked a little too loud for his taste. The center was probably her life and when she was on shift, she ran it by the book. There were three other shift supervisors, and all of them were a lot more laid back. Still, he had to also admit that, except for one time when he’d really screwed up, La-a Jenkins hadn’t come down on him too hard. So he really didn’t have anything to complain about.

“I have a special job for you, Mr. Hill,” La-a said as she closed the folder and dropped it into the completed box on her right.

Ryan wasn’t sure he liked the sound of that. Her voice was a little too friendly and not nearly as loud as she usually was when she talked to most people around the center, something that was never a good sign.

“Don’t look do worried, Ryan, I have a feeling that this is going to be right up your alley,” La-a added as she took note of the worried look on his face.

Her use of his first name didn’t exactly inspire confidence, but then again, maybe he was reading it wrong he told himself.

“You have a car, right?”

“Unfortunately no,” he answered looking down at his shoes. “but I do have a bike which I use regularly to get back and forth to here.”

“Good enough, I’d like you to go to this address, and see a…Miss. Hueston.” she answered as she handed him a small card with the address on it.

“And what do I do when I get there?”

“Basically, the same thing you do here, listen to someone’s problems and see that they don’t get into any further ones.”

“Since when do we make personal visits?” he asked, thinking there was a lot more to this then she was telling him.

“Well normally, we don’t,” La-a admitted, “but Miss. Hueston is a very special case.

Hueston, Ryan realized, was the name of the man she had been speaking to on the phone when he came into the office.

“Look, let me put it all on the table and you’ll see how this can work to your advantage,” La-a said, he tone shifting ever so slightly.

This caused warning bells to go off in the young man’s head. It had been his experience that it was never good when someone wanted to tell you how something they needed done was to your advantage.

“Woody Hueston, is one of the single biggest contributors to this center,” La-a began. “His donations help keep us in business so to speak. So, when the situation calls for it, we’re willing to go a bit further than we normally would for other people.”

“Some pigs were more equal than others,” Ryan thought, remembering a quote from one of his English courses back in his own college days.

“So what’s the problem?” Ryan asked, when what he really was thinking, what can I get out of this?

“Before I go any further, I have to ask for your promise not to discuss this with anyone else. After all, Mr. Hueston is an important man and he values his privacy.” she stated. “I can count on your discretion, can’t I, Ryan?”

“Of course,” he smiled, suddenly remembering where he’d heard the name Hueston before, hearing his music on the local radio stations and on Youtube. There was a picture of him in the outer office turning over a check at some charity dinner. An old guy in his later stages of life, Ryan remembered.

“Good,” La-a smiled. “So let me explain.”

Ryan was all ears.

“From time to time, Mr. Hueston is called out of town to take care of his business and his music concerns,” she began. “When he does, he usually arranges for someone to stay over with his granddaughter Miss. Hueston while he’s away since Miss Hueston’s kids are all off to school or doing otherwise and other unfortunate events have left her flying solo. Sad to say, this afternoon he was called away somewhat unexpectedly and it wasn’t possible for him to make those arrangements. When this had happened in the past, we have provided a substitute.”

“So what’s the deal with this Miss. Hueston? What does she need with a baby-sitter?” Ryan asked. “Is she sick or something?”

“More in the area of something, I’m afraid,” La-a went on. “Miss. Hueston is a lonely woman, and when she gets too lonely, she at times has a tendency to drink a little and more so, go a little crazy with Amazon and buying pretty much anything and everything causing more problems that you can imagine not only with her bank account but with the delivery drivers transporting all those items as well. Needless to say, They’ve already filed a complaint against her too! That is something her Grandfather would rather not have happen again and it would only be for a few hours, maybe 4 or 5 at the most until your normal end time at 12. Her housekeeper has the night off, but will be home by midnight to relieve you.”

“So I’m supposed to do what exactly?”

“Just keep her company, basically,” La-a explained, “listen to her if she wants to talk and just make sure that she doesn’t have anything to drink and more so she stays off her phone or computer and away from her damn Amazon app. You’ll also be given access to her bank account to check on an hourly basis just to reaffirm that she hasn’t made any orders additionally, as her grandfather disclosed that “she’s one of the most persistent and sneakiest sob’s east of the Pacific Ocean.”

“That’s it?”

“That’s it,” she smiled. “Simple isn’t it? By the way, her Wi-Fi has been deactivated until you get there so if you want to use your phone when you get there, here’s the password.”

“Why me?” he asked. “Why not DiShonda or Billy Lee, they’ve both been here a lot longer than me?”

“Billy Lee is a nice enough kid, but I really wouldn’t trust him to go out with the dinner order, much less something like this,” La-a said. ” DiShonda is the best I have, which is exactly why I need to keep her here. I have few enough phone reps that can handle Class One calls as it is.”

That was exactly what Ryan wanted to hear. Now that he knew how much she needed his cooperation, he could gauge how much he could get for it.

“So want do I get out of this?” he asked directly.

“What do you want out of it?” she countered just as directly.

It suddenly occurred to Ryan that he really had no idea what he should ask for. Something that was reflected by the look on his face as well.

“How about I make this easy for you,” La-a offered. “You baby-sit Miss Hueston, as you put it, and I’ll count the time you spend doing it at two, no let’s make it three times the rate we count it here. I’ll even count the part of your shift you already worked.”

Ryan quickly did the math. Not counting tonight, he still had thirty-two hours of service to go. Twenty-four hours would just about wipe that out. Still, why not go for broke?

“How about we make that four times?” he said, holding his breath for the answer.

La-a didn’t give him an immediate response. Instead, she seemed to be considering her options. It was obvious that she knew that would totally complete his community service requirement towards getting his driver’s license back.

“I don’t know if I can go that far,” she hesitated, stuttering, bringing a smirk to Ryan’s face. “To be frankly honest, it’s not as if your work here has been much of an asset. But…”

Ryan couldn’t help but agree with her, not taking any offense at her assessment at all.

“But…” La-a repeated, “given that you’ll still have only 8 hour remaining, I’ll see to you it your last 8 hours are as painless as can be, and when it comes time to getting your license back, there are no ‘speedbumps’ per se to cause any problems as I know a few down there who might be able to help a little if you catch my drift. However Mr. Ryan, there is one condition,” she added, grabbing his full attention. He didn’t like where this ‘however was going for some reason.

“You have to make totally sure, above all else, that Miss Hueston doesn’t get at the booze, AND” she emphasized. “If…IF there is one single purchase on Amazon for ANY amount, the deal is off and you have to come back here to finish the other twenty-four hours. Think of that as an incentive to make sure the job gets done. Do we have a deal?”

It didn’t take a moment for Ryan to say yes. After all, how hard could it be to keep one old lady from her phone and drinking Kool-Aid or chocolate milk for a few hours and watching Gomer Pyle or baseball?

The address La-a Jenkins had given him was just outside of town in the suburb of Sherwood Oaks; a small, private upper class community, populated by businessmen and professionals. It’d probably be a 20 minute bike ride but one that he’d be able to make considering the ramifications.

Wiping his brow and straightening his clothes, he’d had little trouble finding the house, a large two story colonial with a two-car garage surrounded by trees. He’d been on this side of town plenty of times in his life, but since moving back a few years ago, he still didn’t know anyone who lived in these parts.

Looking at a house though that was far beyond the apartment complex he lived in; Ryan wondered if maybe he should’ve changed clothes before coming over. La-a had said that the T-shirt and shorts he had on were fine, but now he wasn’t so sure. Some older people had a strange way of looking at things so this Miss Hueston might take his casual dress as an insult.

Well it was too late now, seeing as it was almost 8 o’clock, he thought as he rang the doorbell. If she had a problem with his clothes, there was nothing he could do about it now.

A minute passed, then two, and Ryan was beginning to think that maybe the old lady had just fallen asleep, or maybe she was hard of hearing. By the time a third minute passed and he tried the bell again, he wondered if he’d still get some extra credit for just coming out here.

“Who’s there?” a voice called out from behind the front door.

“My name is Ryan Hill,” he responded, “Miss Jenkins sent me. I’m from the Pigeon Hill Tri-County Help Center.”

Another long minute followed, during which not another sound came from behind the door. Ryan figured the old lady wasn’t going to let him in and turned to head back to his bike.

“At least I can take my time heading back to the center and kill another hour or two,” Ryan thought as he reached the porch steps

The sound of the door opening behind him caused Ryan to stop and turn around. He retraced his steps but it wasn’t until the porch light came on that he got his first real look at Miss Hueston. A look that left him greatly surprised.

Based on the picture of Mr. Hueston at the center, Ryan just naturally assumed that Miss Hueston would be about 20 years younger, maybe in her 60s. If he hadn’t already been told that the housekeeper had the night off, he would’ve assumed that she was the one standing in the doorway.

Standing six inches below his own Six foot three frame, Sarah Hueston had long flowing brown hair and a build that was even nicer that the one on La-a Jenkins. He’d remembered seeing some adult magazines on the newsstands that had women their age, not that he could’ve imagined himself looking at them, but Miss Hueston was the kind of woman they must feature. She was just that impressive. Ryan would’ve thought her even more impressive if he’d know that his guess at her age was almost seven years short, and that she’d just passed her forty-third birthday a few weeks ago.

Seeing the casual sun dress she was wearing, the sort he had seen his mom wear a hundred times, Ryan no longer felt himself underdressed. Still, he was so taken by her appearance not being what he had expected; he hadn’t heard what she’d said to him as she also looked him over.

“Are you the Grub Hub guy or are you the delivery guy for Amazon? Which is it?” Miss Hueston belted out; her purple travel mug in hand. His eyes not as good as they used to be and the night skies beginning to grow darker, Ryan could barely make out the words on the mug she had in hand which read, ‘Soul of a Mermaid, Mouth of a Sailor’, which he was beginning to believe both within the first few minutes of meeting her, although he had no complaints with either. Yet.

“If you’re not here for either of those, are you just going to stand out here all night looking silly, or are you coming in?” Sarah wailed, this time getting his full attention.

“Oh yeah,” Ryan grunted as he stepped inside into the foyer as the door closed behind him.

“I guess you drew the short straw,” Sarah said as she turned the lock.

“Excuse me?”

“Whenever my grandpa goes out of town on short notice, he arranges for the help center to send someone over to baby-sit me. Usually it’s some dingy college girl.” she laughed as she led him through the hallway into a large, well furnished living room. “He’s always worried that I can’t handle myself and I’ll go on an Amazon spending bender, you see.”

“Well I…” Ryan started to say, realizing that this might be more difficult than he thought.

“It’s okay, I know you’re probably just some drunk or college student working off his community service requirement,” Sarah went on. “And it’s not your fault. I’m even going to make it easy for you. There’s soda and snacks in the fridge, and over two hundred channels on the digital cable. I have no plans for the evening other than curling up with the latest Cathy Donohue novel.”

“Great,” Ryan thought as a smile filled his face as his momentary worry faded. “This is going to be even easier than I thought.”

True to her word, Sarah Hueston curled up on a comfortable chair to read her novel, leaving her “baby-sitter” the wide couch and possession of the remote control. She didn’t even seem to mind when he channel surfed to one of the sports channels to watch a baseball game.

“That book must be really good,” Ryan though as he glanced over in Sarah’s direction, “she hasn’t looked up from it in over an hour or picked up her phone to look at Amazon!”

But books weren’t really his thing, and he only cracked one when he absolutely had to. Turning his attention back to the game on the television, where the two pennant contenders were locked in a 4-4 tie, Ryan tossed another mouthful of popcorn into his mouth and washed it down with his soda. He remembered the Wi-Fi password and punched it in his own phone and the bank account information as well and without Miss Hueston noticing, he checked to see that her account had been untouched since he’d left the center an hour ago. He could already see the end of the night, and his community service requirement going the way of a bad dream.

During the middle of the seventh inning, Ryan glanced over at his charge, and was surprised to see her filling her travel mug with a jug of pink lemonade which she’d kept on the table near her recliner. He’d made sure to check the label when she’d sat down but he’d been so involved in the game that he didn’t even notice her getting up to more

With the first batter slamming an opening pitch for a triple, Ryan’s attention turned totally back to the game. The next two batters went down swinging and there was a pause in the game as the home team called for a pitch hitter to take the place of the pitcher. While the station went to a commercial break, he again looked over at Sarah and her book and then decided to go back to the kitchen to get more to drink to himself.

“Holy shit!” Ryan gasped, dropping his soda that he was trying to grab from the fridge, suddenly the furthest thing from his mind. The first time he’d been in the kitchen searching for something to drink, he’d also noticed a bottle of Strawberry Margarita Mix as well, mostly full and towards the back of the top shelf, and given that Sarah already had the bottle of pink lemonade, he figured, nothing he needed to be concerned about.

This time however, as he was reaching for another Coke, that same bottle of Strawberry Margarita Mix was now a little closer to the front of the top shelf and was now half empty!

In one hand, Sarah was holding the travel mug of what Ryan had taken to be pink lemonade. In her other, was the larger bottle she had supposedly been refilling it from that had been sitting on the table next to her chair still mostly full as well.

“I don’t think you’re supposed to be drinking that,” Ryan said as he saw his sweet deal coming undone.

“Oh it’s just a little bit,” Sarah smiled as she lifted the mug to her lips and drained almost half of it. “Just a taste really.”

Ryan might have just let it go at that, but no sooner had Sarah brought the drained mug down, she was again reaching for the bottle to refill it. Not knowing how much of the half empty bottle she had already drank, Ryan didn’t think it would take much more to get her plastered.

“Maybe I should take that,” he said as he reached over from the edge of the couch and took hold of the lemonade bottle.

At first, Ryan was worried that Sarah was going to give him a problem as she resisted letting go of the bottle. He was a lot stronger than her of course, but he doubted his instructions to keep her from drinking extended to using physical force.

Then, just as he felt her trying to pull the bottle back, she unexpectedly released her grip on the base of the bottle and let Ryan have it. Relieved, he quickly dropped back onto the couch and put the still opened bottle against the large cushion to his left.

As if to show she hadn’t totally lost, tipping it towards him, Sarah lifted her mug, which was still a quarter filled with Margarita mix and almost dared her baby-sitter to take that away too. Ryan quickly decided that the bottle was the important thing and it was better to just leave things as they were.

Once she realized that Ryan wasn’t going to try and take the mug as well, Sarah defiantly drained the rest of its contents. Then, again to the his relief, she went back to her book. After watching for a few minutes more, he concluded the crisis had passed and he went back to catch the last innings of the game.

The top of the order went up and down in quick succession, but Ryan found that his mind wasn’t really on the game anymore. He found himself picking up the strawberry lemonade bottle to look at it. The label was almost entirely worn off now, so he really had no idea what it said. Curious, he sniffed the contents, only to find that it really didn’t smell like anything.

Then he remembered hearing joke about a boss telling his salesmen that they could drink anything at a business lunch except for Margarita mix. He would prefer having clients think his employees were drunk rather than stupid. Evidently, Ryan concluded, Margarita mix didn’t have any odor that showed people that you had been drinking it.

His own experience with drinking was pretty much limited to a few beers at parties. He had gotten really drunk once and remembered that he hadn’t liked the after-effects much. Still he wondered what the more potent drink was like.

“What the hell,” he thought as he brought the bottle to his lips and took a quick sip from it, just a taste, thinking that if he did it quick enough, Miss Hueston wouldn’t notice.

He was still trying to decide what he thought of the taste when it became quite obvious that he hadn’t been quick enough after all.

“Hey,” Sarah called out in protest, “that’s not fair! If you get to take a drink, then so do I?”

“You already had a drink,” Ryan pointed out.

“But I want another.”

“I think you’ve had enough,” he answered, hoping again that would settle the matter.

Then he realized that taking a drink from the bottle himself was the worst thing that he could’ve done. Sarah wasn’t about to take no for an answer this time. She got off the chair and leaned over Ryan as she reached for the bottle, which he now held out of reach.

“Miss Hueston, please,” Ryan said, wondering if dumping the bottle out might not be a bad move, then decided it would leave a big stain on the couch.

“It’s mine,” Sarah insisted laughing at him and daring him to not give in to her requests.

“I’m not allowed to let you have it,” Ryan said, asking himself what was he thinking when he took this assignment.

“Just a little bit,” she implored, “just half a mug. It’s either that or I get thirty minutes on my phone. You decide and I won’t take no for an answer!”

“No,” Ryan said as he tried to push her off him without hurting her.

“Dammit, I said…NOW!” she added, as she did something totally unexpected. She kissed him on his cheek.

Ryan was stunned. So much so that Sarah was able to reach out and pull the bottle half way back to her side of the couch. Only at the last moment did Ryan pull it back.

But now, Sarah was not to be deterred. She brought both hands up and grabbed the sides of his face. This time, kissing him right on his lips.

“Miss Hueston!!” he opened his mouth to protest, only to have his words cut off by the press of her tongue as it snaked between his lips.

She pulled him even closer to her, as her tongue explored the recesses of his mouth. For a woman like this, Miss Hueston put Charlene Darling’s kisses to shame.

A second kiss followed, and this time Sarah didn’t have to hold him down. In fact, she didn’t even try as her right hand dropped down, coming to rest right between Ryan’s legs, or to be more specific, on the bulge that was quickly growing in his pants.

“Shit!” he gasped as he realized that not only had she just groped him, but her hand was still there.

Sarah continued to massage his cock, even as her tongue slipped from his mouth and moved to his ear. Her wetness left a trail along his cheek, before pressing into his inner canal.

“Fuck it,” Ryan moaned, “you can have the bottle but NO AMAZON.”

“Maybe I don’t want the bottle and I don’t think Amazon sells what I’m really wanting right now,” Sarah laughed as she climbed all the way onto Ryan, putting her full weight against his body.

Ryan’s eyes opened wide as if to say, this couldn’t really be happening. Sarah continued to kiss and caress his face with her tongue, even as she ground her lower body against him. Not that either of them noticed, but the Pink Lemonade / Margarita mix bottle skipped from Ryan’s fingers to land straight up on the carpet.

It was now quite apparent that the semi-inebriated woman now wanted something more from her secret bottle or any Amazon delivery guy. She slid her hands up under his T-shirt, rubbing her fingers against his nipples. Ryan felt them growing hard, even as she brought her hands back down, and this time pulled up his shirt to expose an almost hairless chest.

He knew he should protest, to get up and leave. That the woman was under some kind of influence and it wasn’t right to take advantage of her in the state she was in. That she was old enough to be something more than worthy, as he felt her tongue tickle his nipples, something no girl had ever done, all of those quite correct arguments along with thoughts about his license and keeping Amazon at bay went right out the window.

Even if they hadn’t, they most surely would’ve a few minutes later. After having her work her tongue and mouth up and down his chest and stomach, Ryan was shocked to realize that Miss Hueston was now undoing his shorts.

Her fingers quickly undid his belt, then seeing as the shorts he’d been wearing were missing buttons, it made it that much easier as her hand reached inside and emerged a heartbeat later with his semi-erect cock between her fingers.

Sarah paused for a long moment, even as just the light touch of her fingers against his flesh was enough to bring his cock to an even firmer state. Her hesitation make Ryan think that perhaps she had finally realized what she was doing, and maybe this would be a good time for him to say something.

That thought, prudent as it might have been, also passed unheeded as well as she began stroking his cock with her fingers, completing its journey to full erection. It was the last time he would have any such thoughts.

“So very pretty,” Sarah said as she moved closer to his cock, a slip second before she reached out and ran the tip of her tongue against the underside of its head.

Ryan’s heart skipped a beat, then he worried that it might just stop altogether as, after taking a full more long, wet licks along its length, Sarah closed her lips all the way around it and took him totally into her mouth. She sucked down on it hard, before letting it slip free. A soft kiss on the tip followed, then another along the base. All the while, her fingers continued to gently stroke the sides and base.

Ryan was afraid to say something, least he break the mood, or worse, wake up to find it all a dream. How many nights had be lain awake in bed, thinking what it would feel like to have Charlene just touch his cock, and here was this full grown woman who just had it in her mouth. No woman that he could ever remember had ever made him feel like this before.

A situation that repeated itself short seconds later as this time, Sarah deep throated him and took it all the way down to his balls. The feelings that raced up and down his body was beyond his ability to describe. Ryan only knew that if he died tomorrow, he would do so a happy man.

Sarah continued to suck his cock a bit more, bobbing her head up and down as she covered it with her wetness. She let it fall from her mouth, gazing appreciatively as it now stood straight up on its own. Reaching out again with just the tip of her tongue, she started at the base of his balls, and then worked her up to the top of his shaft. She did so, with a calculated slowness. Calculated to drive any man totally insane, or at least willing to obey her every whim.

“Take off your clothes,” Sarah whispered as she looked up from between Ryan’s legs. The words had been barely audible, but they carried the same force as it they had been shouted at the top of her lungs.

Ryan grabbed his shirt and pulled it up over his head while, at the same time, Sarah pulled down his shorts and the underwear beneath them. She had to let him get up in order to get them totally off, and then sit down again to remove his socks and sneakers.

Easing the now-naked man down onto the cushions, stretching him along the length of the couch, Sarah slipped out of her shoes, then out of her sundress as well. Beneath the simple, but comfortable garment, she wore a lacy green bra that seemed to do little to contain the rounded globes beneath it. Between her legs rested a pair of panties of similar hue. Like the bra, they seemed to accentuate more than conceal what was beneath them.

Sarah spread out on top of Ryan, rubbing their bodies together. She kissed him once, then twice, sharing the passion that was building inside of her. Again she kissed his nipples, playing with them with her tongue as she stroked the flesh around them with her fingers.

Her eyes spotted the upright Margarita mix bottle, and she reached down and picked it up. She took a long swallow from the open top, then offered it to Ryan to also share. He took as long a drink from it as she had, amazed that he was able to take so much alcohol at once without gagging as he normally did.

It wasn’t something he wanted to dwell on, however, not when Sarah, after giving him the warmest of smiles, was working her way back to his cock. This time, there was no slowness about it. She took him deep inside her, and began sucking him as hard as she could. Up and down her head bobbed, as Ryan laid back and wallowed in orgasmic delight.

Then, just as the familiar signs, learned through many nights of practice with his hand, began to manifest themselves, Sarah abruptly stopped. She again lifted herself up and smiled at him as if to simply say, not yet.

Slipping her thumbs under the top straps of her bra, Sarah pulled them down over her shoulders and along her upper arms. There, Ryan’s eyes were riveted on her movements as she reached for the small metal clasp behind her back as the lacy hemispheres that held it all together and pulled it apart. Ryan’s eyes opened even wider as her pink nipples came into full view.

Her hands closed around her mounds, massaging the ample flesh. Nimble thumbs played with her nipples, bringing them to a saucy stiffness before she reached for his hands to continue doing the same, lifting each breast as far upward as he could, just high enough for him to place a kiss just above the areola on both.

Moving off the couch with her bended knees on the floor, Sarah again took hold of her of Ryan’s cock with her hands, the envelopment of his balls and her grip of his manhood by her caused Ryan to moan loudly. A cry of appreciation that grew even louder as continued to rub her hands up and down around it.

Sarah managed to position herself so that she was able reach his cock with her mouth as it emerged from between her slowly moving hands, only taking in the uppermost part, but Ryan didn’t seem too willing to complain. Faster and faster she pumped his cock, tickling it with her tongue each time it appeared.

Finally, it was too much for Ryan to resist and without any of the usual warnings, because of what she had been doing with her other hand and his pressure points below, his cock exploded. Splashes of white covered Sarah’s breasts, as a roaring wave of delight washed across his body. It was the most intense climax he’d ever had.

“Oh shit,” Ryan gasped as, once the surge of erotic energy faded from his body; he looked down and saw the results of his climax all over Sarah’s chest.

Rather than be angry, which Ryan erroneously assumed any woman would be, Sarah was wearing an even bigger smile as she brought her left hand up to her face and wiped it clean after she’d removed it from her mouth which caused him to be even more amazed when she brought that same hand to her mouth again and sucked the white residue off of it.

“Damn,” he said silently to himself.

Sarah wasn’t done yet. She lifted herself higher and put her arms around Ryan’s neck. Pulling him closer, she gave him a kiss so deep that he could taste his own juices on her tongue. That just the thought of it didn’t gross him out was his biggest surprise yet not to mention that they were now stuck together due to his own homemade glue which he’d just spewed a few moments ago from her marvelous sucking skills.. A second kiss followed, then another, and by the time the fifth one came around, he no longer even noticed the particular tang.

When they finally broke apart, Sarah had them reverse positions on the couch. Now she was the one stretched out on the cushions, with Ryan standing over her. With an unspoken invitation, Sarah gave him permission to do anything he wanted.

Faced with every horny man’s dream, Ryan was uncertain what to do first. Sarah helped fill that void by drawing his attention to her quivering breasts, and the hard tips that reached out invitingly from the center of them.

Without any further hesitation, Ryan climbed on top of her, pressing his body against hers as she had earlier done to him sticking together again instantly. A soft kiss on her lips led to one more on her neck, then her shoulder, continuing downward toward her breasts. His hands then came from the other direction as he cupped each mound, squeezing the supple flesh as hard as he could.

His mouth caught up with his hands quickly and it closed around the bright pink circle that capped her left breast. Sarah let out a soft moan as his tongue whirled around her nipples, sending tiny jolts of delight into the surrounding flesh. Enthusiastically, he pulled it deeper into his mouth, fulfilling yet another long held dream.

Sarah gripped the back of his head, pressing his mouth even harder against her breast. The effect was instantaneous as she let out an even louder moan causing her own first orgasmic rush to progress through her body..

Ryan moved to her other mound, giving it the same intense attention. Not to ignore the one he’d just left, as he continued to massage it with his other hand. A process he repeated back and forth, growing better at it with each repetition.

“Fuck me!” Sarah cried into his ear as she gripped the back of his head and pulled in deep into the valley between her breasts. “I want you to fuck me! I want to feel your cock inside of me!”

Ryan stopped cold. No matter what had been happening for the last hour, those were words he never imagined that he’d ever hear. Forget about just wanting to live to the morning, he’d settle for just another fifteen minutes.

Snapping out of his momentary stupor, Ryan turned his attention back to the woman beneath him. He gave each of her breasts one last kiss, and then moved further down her body. Unsticking himself from her one last time and passing over her stomach, he kissed the damp center of her panties, then the side of her thighs.

Ryan knew he was way out of his league right now, as he tried to remember every detail of the few porn movies he had ever seen. His hands closed on the sides of her panties, pulling them down as Sarah lifted her ass just high enough for him to get them off, stretching her legs up into the air as he continued to slide her panties along them until they cleared her feet.

Acting totally on impulse now, Ryan ran his hands back down her legs, pulling them apart. Sarah helped him then by bending one leg against the side of the couch and stretching the other out to the floor resting her ankle against the bottle of Margarita mix. Seeing this, it left Ryan a clear path between both of them.

Looking down, he saw a beautiful pussy almost totally bare in front of him, with only a small wisp of hair at the top. Running his hand across her smooth mound, without any further hesitation, he reached out and traced the outline of her with his finger, then moved to the center and rubbed against it before slowly sliding it between the folds. A soft gasp escaped Sarah’s lips as Ryan repeatedly slid his finger in and out of her with another finger that was soon joined by a third.

It was then only a few minutes more until Ryan replaced his fingers with his tongue, shifting his hands to the side to clear an open path. This change brought even louder moans from Sarah.

“Oh God, yes! FUCK! FUCK! FUCK!” she exclaimed as she felt his wet tongue glide into the depths of her valley.

Sarah again shifted positions, lifting her legs to give Ryan even more room to partake of her delights which in response he kissed to the left and right of his goal, before bringing one hand back to expose the precious pearl hidden within.

A loud cry filled his ears as the tip of his tongue found that of her clit. Dropping her head back against one of the couch pillows, Sarah closed her eyes and lost herself in the warm sensations washing over her.

The wetness between her legs was growing stronger with each transit of her babysitter’s tongue, especially since he’d again reinserted two of his fingers to supplement the movements of his tongue. Quickly they moved with alternate thrusts, causing both the waves of delight and their accompanying cries to double, and then double once more.

“Oh yes, Ryan,” Sarah called out as he equally returned the gift she had given him earlier. “Fuck my pussy with your tongue!”

Twin streams of sweat ran down the valley of her breasts as that last encouragement soon gave way to inarticulate but equally motivating moans and cries; the rising passion quickly taking control of her body, the flush of excitement covering her like a blanket. A blanket that did little to smother the eruption of fire between her legs as her body exploded in orgasmic fury. A surge that, despite the flood of sweet ambrosia that accompanied it, failed to dampen Ryan’s enthusiasm as he continued to work his own particular brand of magic.

The rapid currents that had gripped her had hardly faded before Sarah shifted to an upright position and, with a burst of energy, practically dragged Ryan along. She kissed him hard, tasting the fruits of her climax in his mouth and on his cheeks as she alternated the focus of her attention. Wearing the result of his efforts on the lower half of his face like a badge of honor, Ryan returned those kisses with such intensity that as their tongues mixed in her mouth, he also tasted the last remnants of his own orgasm. Caught up in the moment, he barely gave it a thought.

The fire that began deep within her took a long while to cool, but cool it finally did and they finally untangled themselves. Sarah looked deep into his eyes, even as her hand gently stroked his still wet cheek all the while, taking his hand he had finger fucked her with and one by one, licking his fingers clean. Evidently, showing she had no problem with what she tasted like.

Still Ryan knew, Sarah wanted something more substantial than his fingers down there. Yes, there was one more thing he needed to try. If not, who knew when he’d ever get another chance like this? Thankfully, it wasn’t a pussy licking that Sarah was growing even more restless for.

“Now I want the real thing,” she whispered into his ear, again making her quietest suggestion more than a command. “Do remember what I said I wanted you to do earlier?”

Smiling a little bigger this time, almost with a ‘shit eating grin’ on his face, Ryan stated politely, “I might need reminded again please.”

“I want you to fuck me! I want to feel your cock inside of me!” Sarah yelled directly into his mouth as his lips attached to his and she reached down between his legs and took hold of his cock and then leaned back to check his reaction. Seeing his small state of shock, she smiled to discover that he was still rock hard and guided it to the entrance of her pussy where she again whispered into his ear, this time to proceed with her request. An instruction he hardly needed. Not when he was about to cross the threshold between being possibly more than just a babysitter. Or at least what he thought that threshold to be.

“I hope you’re able to handle this.” She moaned as he entered her further.

This woman was so wet that he slid into her easily, feeling the sides of her sex wrap around his cock, just as they had earlier pressed against his fingers. It happened so easily, so effortlessly, that it took him a moment to realize he had actually done it. He had his cock inside a real live woman for the first time in who knew how long, and not just a late night’s fantasy with one of his hands.

Sarah lifted her legs up onto his shoulders, while at the same time, took hold of the cheeks of his ass to pull him further inside. He penetrated deeper, until he could go no farther and then he pulled back and repeated the action. It didn’t take long for him to build up a rhythm, with the woman who was taking his community service virginity rising up to meet his every thrust.

He continued to drive into her, as she brought her hands to her breasts and played with them as he fucked her. And fuck was exactly the word to describe what they were doing. There was no love involved this time, yet; just raw, unadulterated sex.

Leaving one hand to play with her bouncing breasts, Sarah brought her other down between her legs, adding the motion of her fingers to that of Ryan’s cock. They followed a familiar path to her clit, rubbing it furiously.

On they went for what seemed the longest time, until Sarah reached out with both hands and pulled Ryan tight against her. In one quick motion, she rolled the two of them off the couch and on the carpeted floor.

The sudden motion startled Ryan, but not so much that he stopped what he was doing. Or the fact that he wasn’t in control any longer. She was now the one in charge.

Sarah lifted her body into the air, bringing it down on his cock with a driving force. She rode him with unbridled fury, pulling him ever deeper with each new penetration. She took hold of his hands, raising them to her breasts and again inviting him to play with them. Tossing her head back, her long brown hair flying in all directions across her face, she could tell he was close, it was time for her to collect her prize from a different kind of ‘Amazon’.

Sliding off him, Sarah got down on all fours and lifted half her body onto the center of the couch, inviting him to enter her from behind. Ryan moved into position and, holding his cock with one hand, slid it back inside her. It moved deep within even easier than before.

It didn’t take long for both their bodies to reach the edge of bliss. A barrier soon to give way under a relentless assault as Ryan grabbed hold of her swaying mounds, holding them tight as he pushed into her once more. Sweat ran down both their backs, even as their bodies stiffened with the arrival of their final moment of joy for the evening. It was a moment forever etched in Ryan’s memory that brief instant that would be forever different than all others.

Reality returned a short time later, as Ryan and Sarah lifted their now drained bodies off the floor both ’empty’ and yet also ‘filled’, both in different ways. Ryan felt both exhilarated and fearful at the same time. He had lived his wildest fantasy, but did it now come with a price? At the time, it was near impossible, as the old saying went, to argue with a stiff dick. But that was then, and this was now. How would Miss Hueston react now that the heat of passion had passed?

The answer to that question was his final, and biggest surprise of the evening. In a voice that was suddenly quite lucid, a still-naked Sarah Hueston walked over to him, his clothes in her hand. She gave him a soft kiss on the cheek, gently stroking it with her hand.

“It’s getting late,” she said as she handed him the small bundle of clothes. “I think you’d better get going.”

Not sure what to make of her amazing transformation, Ryan quickly put his clothes back on and headed to the bathroom to clean himself up a bit. A task suddenly made more urgent as he looked at the television and saw that the eleven o’clock news was just ending. The housekeeper, he remembered, was due home at midnight.

Sarah had put on her dress, not bothering with the undergarments. The dampness of her skin soaked the thin material, leaving a clear impression of the night’s activities on it.

“Don’t worry, love,” she assured him, yelling from outside the bathroom, “I’m sure the wind will clean you up on your bike ride home,” She giggled, walking away with his phone in hand which she’d found tucked in one of the couch cushions.

As she led him to the door, “If anyone asks, I’ll be sure to tell them you were a great babysitter. Oh and Ryan I enjoyed putting a smile on your face. You didn’t look like a happy camper when you first got here. If you get a chance to babysit again, let me know and I’ll give you a nice freebie BJ or a hand job. And if you feel like bending me over the couch or table and using me, go for it. I will tell you if I don’t want you to and I can just from our first get together I know you will respect that. And…” Sarah smiled, “Just so you know I plan on using you as well for MY enjoyment every once in a while and in the future and maaaybe for other reasons too other than if I need another babysitter and if you don’t ‘get off’ by us doing such, I won’t feel bad about it.” Sarah giggled handing him back his phone.

“By the way, you left this on the couch. It must have fallen out during your ‘babysitting’ activities.” She whispered into his ear while sliding his phone into his front pocket.

“Was this woman awesome or what?” Ryan thought to himself, trying to hide his obvious smile.

Checking out Miss Hueston one last time as he stood by the door, he made sure to check the bank account one last time and the living room as well assuring himself that all was sufficient and he’d be able to hold his head high and get full credit for his hours back at Pigeon Hill. As well he made sure to let Miss Hueston know that he’d shut the Wi-Fi back off and that he’d figure her housekeeper should be arriving within the next 10 minutes and that he’d enjoyed his time with her and hoped she’d had a good evening as well and thanked her for a nice evening.

As the door closed behind him and he headed towards his bike, Ryan wondered if he’d ever fully understand, marveling at what had just happened.

Probably not, he answered himself, but one thing he was sure of, it was a night he would never forget. Too bad there was no way he could ever really thank Miss Jenkins. He was sure that a straight-laced woman like that would never understand.

As he climbed on his mom’s bike however he did get one last surprise for the night as the door to the house flew open again and Miss Hueston ran out towards him. “By the way, while you were in the bathroom, if you remember, I found your phone in the couch! You really should think about putting a password on that thing! Hope you don’t mind but I ordered you a new bike on Amazon. It should be here in a couple days. Hopefully it’ll be a little better than that granny go-round you’re riding now. And I also order a new bra and panty set too for myself when you get to babysit me again.” She winked.

“It should be here early next week. I hope you don’t mind and I’ll pay you back for everything I ordered if you need me to.” Sarah whispered as she kissed him on the cheek. “I’m sure you’ll enjoy it too!”

With one last kiss she stepped back from Ryan holding his hand, “You don’t know how much I needed you tonight. You can ‘babysit’ me anytime you want!”, and with that she walked back inside without looking back and closed the door, turning off the front porch lights and leaving him to sit in confused coma with one last smile.

Once back inside the house, a mischievous grin filled Sarah’s face as she watched Ryan ride away. ‘Wow!’, she thought as she closed the curtain. Stepping into the living room, Sarah made a mental note that she was going to have to call La-a Jenkins in the morning and thank her. In fact, it was probably time to get her grandpa to write another check for the center. She was sure he wouldn’t mind, as it was, after all, one of his favorite charities.

Walking over to the couch, Sarah picked up the bottle of Margarita mix from where it had fallen before. She really needed a drink or something, she thought, but the mix was not going to do the job this time. She needed something stronger, something real, not this pink lemonade laced Margarita mix shit that would only make her feel more alone.

Pouring the remainder of the bottle down the drain of the kitchen sink, Sarah decided that it was a win-win night for everyone. Ryan got his triple his hours deleted, she got her chimes rung, and the center was going to get another nice donation. Even her grandpa came up a winner since he didn’t have to worry her draining the bank account with another 20 items from Amazon and the delivery guys wouldn’t be bitching because they couldn’t fit it all in their trucks.

“You know,” she thought to herself smiling, as she turned the Wi-Fi back on, always knowing the password but never mentioning it to anyone worthy as she grabbed her phone from the kitchen so she could hop on Amazon to search for some lubricant, “Maybe I can find other things to do with my time, and my hands, other than surf on Amazon all the time in the future once Ryan gets his community service completed and his license back.

Hitting ‘Place Your Order’ on her Amazon account, she smiled again and placed her phone down on the counter and headed to her bedroom. While she wasn’t exactly sleepy, she knew of something or rather someone who was still on her mind that could probably help her fall asleep that night rather easily and her hands still were a little lonely and her phone and Amazon was off limits for the night which meant only one other option.

If only she could have a babysitter instead of a housekeeper at midnight, both her brain and her hands and a few other things along with maybe a couple additional people would be a lot happier.

“I wonder what Eb and Charlene did tonight?” Sarah grinned, sliding into bed, her thoughts instantly running back to the few hours prior with Ryan. “Doubtful Eb is any bit as good of a babysitter as mine was tonight. Let my coma begin!”