I Get What I Want

Hospital Harpies Series


Healthcare workers and the healthcare setting, in my estimation, provide an exceptional milieu for exotic liaisons. There is something about the combination of working in close quarters in a high stress environment with energetic, outgoing and compassionate people that dissolves social constraints and inspires heated coupling. Furthermore, you find yourself doing things you never dreamed of with partners you’d have thought unattainable. The grand design for ‘Hospital Harpies’ is to give life to some fantasies that have been bouncing around in my brain for some time now. While some tales will be concocted whole cloth, many will be based on actual events. Most will feature actual individuals and places encountered during a long career spent saving lives and stamping out disease. Hopefully readers will find these adventures entertaining and perhaps will encourage others to share similar stories.


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I get what I want.


Stepping through the doorway from the hostess station to the main bar area, I expected to see my usual gaggle of locals. Drink specials sometimes drew in a few strangers, and that was what I was hoping for. It was a Thursday, ladies’ night at my local watering hole and I was looking to mingle and catch a buzz.

The Shannon, it was called, an Irish themed pub. A passing patron might think it was named for the famous river, but we more frequent barflies knew better. While the proprietor, Megan Shannon, did claim to have family in the old country, she also had a proclivity for bending the truth. So, who knew? Located right around the corner from my apartment made it convenient. Additionally, it was frequented by many of my old friends, some of which I’d known since high school.

I could be found there a couple nights a week, but almost always on Thursday night. My game was simple but somewhat affective. Being around that many people I knew gave me confidence, a kind of home field advantage. I’d look around for non-local chicks, usually in small groups and try to lure one over to my place. A fair amount of the time, hand to God, I could score some strange. Even if I didn’t, I’d at least exchange digits or maybe start a dialog that could get lead to something later. Last resort: hell, maybe one of my fellow lushes and I would get drunk and lonely enough that we’d just settle for one another.

My thirtieth birthday would be coming up this fall. These were interesting times, as best I remember; a young professional, confirmed bachelor. I really felt like I had the world by the short and curlies.

Well established in my job as an ER nurse, I was doing well enough by most standards. I mean, I wasn’t rich, but could pay my bills with enough left over to have fun. I had my own place, a small one bedroom stabbin’ cabin and could afford hobbies, like fixing up classic cars, fishing and cycling. Best of all, I had the resources to chase pussy at will.

The chill of the air conditioning took a minute to adjust to after walking across the hot parking lot. Once inside, I looked around and beheld a familiar scene. A few guys I went to high school with were playing cutthroat at one of the pool tables. Jerry and Tracy, a couple in their early forties, were at one end of the bar entrance playing one of those electronic puzzle games. A mish mash of familiar faces sounds of classic rock and the smells of deep-fried comfort food made me feel like I was right at home.

I had a talent for spotting hot, single women like a shark smelling chum in the water and it did not fail me today. My intuition drew me to the main bar. There sat a long lean young lady with wavy blonde hair. She wore a long black dress with a red rose pattern. It probably wasn’t her Sunday best, but she was overdressed for this mob. She sat alone in the middle of the bar, plenty of stools on either side. If my assessment was correct, I knew I had better pounce before anybody else did.

Kyle was working the bar and must have seen me walking in. He was already pouring a pint of hefeweizen, which I usually ordered. He looked up at me before I approached the bar and I gestured, wide eyed at the lone interloper. With a shrug and a nod, he communicated that she indeed was indeed a tourist. Also, the look on his face made it clear she would be prime pick-up material.

As I made my approach, Kyle was so kind as to place my beer near her on the bar. With a hearty handshake, we exchanged the usual loud and obnoxious bro greetings followed by some trivial small talk. He played wing man, letting me peacock while seemingly ignoring the babe next to me.

“Your Braves are sure in a skid.” I jabbed.

“Shit, Ted, tell me about it,” he groaned. “I can’t even watch.”

We carried on like that for a minute or two until he was flagged down by a customer. “Be right there,” he called. “I’ll catch up with you in a little while,” he said to me before getting back to work.

“Yeah, no prob.” I replied.

I took a long, slow sip of my beer before even acknowledging her. When I did turn to take a glimpse, I was awestruck. Chiseled facial features, full lips painted dark red, she looked like a runway model. Actually, she looked more like a fitness model. Her sleeveless dress showed off her sleek arms, rippled with muscles and veins from shoulder to wrist. I knew the type and was dreading the inevitable conversation about Cross-fit that she would insist on bringing up within the first five minutes, but it would be worth sitting through if it meant I could get a shot at getting her naked.

While trying not to sound cliché, I started. “Can’t say I’ve ever seen you here.”

Cocking her head to the side, she whipped her hair back. Her haunting green eyes met mine and they narrowed against a welcoming grin, which enveloped her face. “I guess I could say the same.” She quipped back.

“Fair enough,” I ceded, smiling to match her expression. “You look about half empty, can I buy you another?”

She agreed and we introduced ourselves. Her name was Amy. I repeated it over and over in my head, as I tended to forget names. Many a time I made a fool of myself that way, but not today.

Small talk followed and soon, I began asking slightly more personal questions. I found out she was single, not from around here and was at least intelligent enough to hold down a conversation.

“Public relations,” she replied when I inquired about her job. She did her best to explain the ins and outs of what she did, but to be honest, I was distracted. I was just so floored that a chick this hot was giving me the time of day. While I looked like I was hanging on her every word, I was secretly thinking of all the crazy things I wanted to do to that body.

When I mentioned that I was an ER nurse, she seemed to be impressed.

“Emergency room, that sounds exciting. I’ll bet you have some crazy stories to tell.” She gushed.

Trying to sound humble, I replied. “It’s a job, I guess, but yeah things do get crazy.”

“So, how long have you been a nurse?” she asked.

“Eight years as of a month ago.” I said proudly.

“Wow, congratulations. Whole time in the ER? She probed.

“No,” I said. “I’ve done other stuff; clinic work, ICU, step down. I just usually come back to the ER.” I also mentioned ‘by the way’ that I spent a couple of years working for St. Timothy’s, which is a prestigious cancer research hospital. The place was known the world over for treating children with all kinds of diseases but was best known for oncology. As a result of their aggressive fund raising and publicity, mere mentioning of it, would always pique interest.

She was enamored. Her face lit up and she inclined in my direction. A volley of questions followed as she wanted to know all about it.

“When did you work there? How long? Why did you leave?”

The queries came so fast, I could barely keep up. I have had success bringing up St. Timothy’s before, but it has never worked this well. At this rate, if I could keep her attention, we would possibly be locking legs and trading gravy before long.

I was elated at how well I was doing. Normally, I’d expect some push-back. Even if a girl had her mind made up that she liked you, usually she’d make you work for it. This chick was eating up everything I could dish. For some reason I wasn’t put off by how forward she was.

More than once, I peeked down at her well sculpted body and more than once she caught me. My pervy glances didn’t seem to bother her. In fact, she was giving me every indication that I was welcome to look and probably more. She mimicked my posture and laughed at anything remotely funny I said. Soon I began to notice her gently touching me while she talked and would sometimes put a finger in her mouth or play with her hair. Delicately she was giving every sign that she was here to hook up and I was being given the go ahead.

While telling one of my best anecdotes from work about a woman that got so horny, she stuck a crochet hook up her urethra, I noticed a change in her demeanor. A kind of far-off look washed over her. Her brow furrowed like she was frustrated. So put off by the drastic character swap, I looked over my shoulder to see what distracted her.

Normally this story was a hit. I understood it was kind of a lewd topic, especially for an unfamiliar audience, but she didn’t seem the prudish type. When I turned back trying to try to resume the story, she interrupted.

“You really don’t recognize me. Do you? Her eyes squinted with disgust and she shook her head. “I thought you did for a minute, but you really don’t know who I am.”

“You have to be confusing me with someone,” I said, trying to appear flippant. Fact is, I was panicking inside. While she did not look familiar, it is possible she was a drunken hook up. It’s possible I somehow scorned her in the past and she was here to exact revenge.

“Besides, a pretty face like that, there’s no way I would just forget.” I said, hoping a little flattery would gain me favor.

“I’m serious,” she said swiveling on her stool to face me. “Okay, I used to wear glasses. Maybe that’s throwing you off.”

“Sorry, not ringing any bells.” I declared. Frustrated, I said, “Look, Amy is it? You clearly have me at a disadvantage. Why don’t you tell me where I should know you from?”

“No,” she bemoaned. “You’re going to get this.” She stared at the ceiling for a moment and then exclaimed, “got it!”

With a mischievous smirk she erected her posture and sat facing me, knees together and palms in her lap. Once set, she gestured for me to do the same. I complied, wondering what she was up to as she grasped my hand in hers and moved it to her left knee. Excited with this new development, I let my hand creep up to her thigh, daring to push the boundaries.

“I like where your head is at.” I said with a goading smile.

She squeezed my hand and forced it back. A wag of her finger put me back in my place. Reaching out with her other hand she took mine and placed it on her right knee. At least, it should have been a knee. Whereas my right hand was met by the warm, sinewy, flesh of a young woman, my left found some cold and unnatural material. “A brace, maybe?” I thought. “No, definitely a prosthetic limb,” I decided.

Drawing on my experience as a nurse, things quickly calculated in my head. A woman her age with a prosthetic leg meant one of very few things. Either she was in some traumatic accident or she had some infection, disease or something. From working at Timothy’s, I was familiar with osteosarcoma, a type of bone cancer, which almost certainly meant amputation.

“Come on, Teddy Bear.” She urged.

When it hit me, I was equal parts jubilant and embarrassed. Of course, I knew her. Dumbstruck, all I could say was the nickname, I gave her years ago. “Skully?”


* * * * *


She was a patient of mine, Amy Skullark, to be precise, back when I was a new nurse at St. Timothy’s. While she was months past her eighteenth birthday by the time we met, she was diagnosed as a young teen. The cruel disease demanded that her leg be taken off. At first below the knee, but later, above after finding out the cancer had spread.

It was my job to care for her while she got chemotherapy and radiation treatments in the hospital. She had to be cared for on an inpatient basis, sometimes a month at a time due to the harsh side effects of the chemo. A port was surgically implanted in her chest through which she got all her meds including three to five infusions of chemo per week. That was our routine. We gave the drugs and tried to keep the pain and nausea at bay until she was discharged home. A month or two later, she’d be back to start all over again.

The other staff hated having to be assigned to her, so she generally fell to the new guy; me. She, in the past, had been difficult to deal with, and I guess I understood why. She was a young woman in a childrens’ hospital. If I were in her shoes, or rather, shoe, I’d probably be difficult too. It was undoubtedly hard not to resent it all and act out her frustrations with the staff.

She was willful and opinionated, but a good patient, as best I remember. I admired her for never letting others see her looking down in the mouth. Additionally, she didn’t take herself too seriously, always willing to laugh at herself. Once she was admitted over Halloween weekend and she showed up dressed like a pirate, proudly brandishing her stump.

Before long, she took to me. It might be that I didn’t put up with her bullshit, and insisted she show me the respect I was due. Perhaps it was that I spoke to her like a peer and not like a child. Most likely, it was because she had a bit of a girl crush on me.

Whenever she came in for treatment, she would badger the staff to find out when I worked and insist that I be assigned to her. Her mother, a hot, tall, thin, blonde divorcee in her early to mid-forties was always with her. They loved it when I worked, and both would flirt relentlessly with me. I’ll admit I reciprocated a little, but always maintained a professional posture.

Don’t get me wrong, if the situation was different, I’d have taken a run at either……or hell, both. They were each a beauty, Amy, a spunky, vibrant young hottie and her mom a statuesque golden MILF. As tempting as they were, I never breached my ethics and kept up a healthy nurse-patient relationship.

That didn’t keep me from daydreaming. I made up fantasy sagas where we would meet by chance and each one ended up with me plowing one or both of them. I knew it was perverted, and something that could get me fired, but it was all safely hidden in my head. No harm could be done there.

My favorite little reverie was particularly twisted. I often had to check her private areas for sores as part of my assessment. She would have been wearing only a hospital gown, lying on her side facing away from me with her leg and stump spread apart to give me unfettered access. Without exception, I would have a fellow nurse, a female, accompany us as to witness that nothing untoward happened.

One time, I dreamed I did my assessment without a chaperone. While doing my checks slipped a finger into her tight little pussy, making it look like an accident. Feigning embarrassment, I pulled it out only to have her beg me to put it back into her. I took off my exam gloves and forcefully shoved two fingers into her, making her raspy voice moan. Thrusting vigorously, I brought her to climax just as her mother entered.

Unphased, she began disrobing and clasped her hand tightly around the tent in my scrub pants. Grabbing the back of my head with the other hand, she forced my face down onto her tit. Dutifully, I sucked at each nipple as I removed my fingers from her daughter’s pussy and plunged them into hers. She bit onto my earlobe and groaned with pleasure. Still wet from Amy’s juices, I met no resistance and reached deep into her canal.

Amy then untied the string holding my pants up and took a mouthful of my cock. Unable to take any more, Amy’s mom snatched me away from her, spun around and grabbed the footboard. Heeding her cue, I slammed full force into her. Content to wait her turn, Amy flipped onto her back, discarded her gown and began playing with her tiny tits and dripping wet cunt. Fearing I might cum too quickly, I withdrew and pushed her down onto the bed next to Amy.

I lined them up horizontally on the bed and adjusted the height so that their slits perfectly level with my throbbing rod. Hooking an arm around Amy’s good leg, I began pounding her mercilessly. Just as her passions reached crescendo, I switched over and started into her mom. This time, I plowed her until she came, making her daughter watch. In turn I did the same for Amy.

This went on for hours before I, at mother’s insistence, I blew my load onto both of their faces. Cheek to cheek they took it, some in their mouths, but most on their necks and chins. After the last dribble of cum left me, they turned and sloppily kissed each other, sharing the savory goop. The vivid image ended with the three of us cuddled together on the hospital bed. We kissed and fondled each other as all five of our legs lay intertwined.

That is all it was though, fantasy. Although I enjoyed the attention that they gave me, I’d never betray my professionalism nor risk losing my job. Even with all the catcalling, suggestive language and the occasional goosing, I never broke character. It wasn’t unusual, though, for me to get a little to wrapped up in my daydreams and feel the need to lock myself in a restroom to rub one out.


* * * * *


The shock of seeing her in my bar was mind boggling. I hadn’t even thought of her in years. Since working there, I had taken the emergency room job at another hospital. Hell, I had barely talked to any of my former co-workers, never mind former patients.

On top of that, she wasn’t even from here. She, like most of my patients, traveled to the hospital for treatment; most from the states, but many from other countries. Her family was from Florida, and I was certain she had moved back there for college after her last round of chemo.

“What in God’s name are you doing here?” I gassed.

“I work here.” She said, “at the hospital……at least I did until this week. I had an internship in the PR department.” She went on to explain that she had gotten her degree and took the intern spot to boost her resume. Now that it was over, she was headed home to consider her options.

“Holy shit, how long has it been? You’re already finished with college? It couldn’t possibly have been that long.”

“Yep, over four years now.” She stated bluntly. “I’ve had this gig for almost a year. I’ll be flying out to LA tomorrow, then it’s back home to interview for some jobs.”

“Well, that’s amazing. I’m so happy for you.” I trumpeted, squeezing her in a warm embrace. I gave her a look again, head to toe. “You look amazing.” I gushed, now more than a little embarrassed that I was trying to pick her up. “How is the whole…”

“Oh great,” she interrupted. “I’m pretty much cancer free. They’ve been watching this spot on my lungs for a while now, but it hasn’t changed. My oncologist says it’s operable, so I’m getting it taken out ASAP”

“Hell yeah! That’s great! I’m so proud of you,” I said. I couldn’t help but go in for another hug. “So, when will that be?”

“I have a consult on Monday. That’s why I’m going to LA.” She explained. “I’ve arranged to have the surgery there and while I’m under anesthesia, I have a world-class plastic surgeon that is going to take care of a couple of…” She paused, clearing her throat. “…vanity projects that I wanted done.”

“Plastics?” I queried.

Yep, a little lypo, a little nip-tuck and then…” she grabbed her breasts and boasted. “…getting these puppies done, five hundred cc implants. That should take me from killer B’s to double D’s.” She laughed.

Shocked, I went right into big brother mode. “Why in the world would you do that to yourself. You’re so pretty just as you are.”

“I just want it. I shouldn’t have to explain myself. I’m grown and I can, so I will.” She said plainly. “I’m living my life and I know more than most, that life is fleeting. I’m not going to spend it second guessing myself or trying to live up to someone else’s standards.”

She then went into telling me a story about her going away party that the office threw her last week. I thought she was making the point that she was a big girl and that she could curse, drink and party like one. That’s when her story went dark.

“Yeah, so there were three guys in the office that I had a secret crush on, and they all showed up to the party. I knew they wouldn’t date me, so I just told them straight up to come over to my apartment and I would suck them off.” She said bragging.

“Three dudes,” I gasped.

“Oh yeah.” She said proudly. “I actually propositioned each of them privately, so none of them knew there would be two more joining us. I rode home with one guy, and we were careful to make sure nobody saw us leave together. The second knocked on the door about five minutes after we arrived at my place. Neither of them backed down when I confessed my intentions. By the time the third got there, we were already going at it. I answered the door wrapped in a sheet and just waved him in. He needed no explanation, just geared down, picked a hole and started fucking. They proceeded to run a train on me until daylight. When I was sick of them, I just kicked them out.”

I just sat there, mouth agape.

“What?” She huffed. In a frustrated tone, she said, “Don’t tell me you’re going to get all judgmental on me.”

“It’s just, I can’t imagine why…”

She didn’t let me finish. As if she had rehearsed a thousand times, she laid into me with a lecture about how she was an adult and could do what she wanted. She let me have it, getting more and more angry until her voice cracked and tears started to well up in her eyes.

“Where do you get off? You have no idea what I went through.” She complained. “You have no right to talk down to me. That goddamned disease took my leg, took the best years of my life.” Jeering, she added, “What the fuck were you doing at that age, huh? Did you drink, smoke a little pot? I bet you fucked your share of little skanks, didn’t you? You probably have way better fuck stories than I do. You got to be young and make stupid choices. All I got was sick. Best years of my fucking life spent in a bed, getting chemo, radiation, having to learn how to walk again.”

When I finally could get in a word, I did my best to apologize. “You’re right,” I interjected. “I’m sorry, you just caught me off guard. I can’t possibly know what you went through. Fact is, I admire you. I always have. You went through all that and I remember how brave you always were. Knowing that chemo was going to wreck you, you took it and with a great attitude always. You cheated death, so I guess you are entitled to live.”

I stood and hugged her again. Her tears wet the collar of my shirt. “I’m so sorry,” I reenforced. When we let go of each other, I reached over the bar, got a few napkins and gave them to her. We stared at our drinks for a while composing ourselves.

“I’m sorry too,” she declared from behind the bar napkin, drying her eyes. “I didn’t mean to go off like that. You’ve been nothing but kind to me ever since we first met. I just…”

“I know, you don’t owe me an explanation.” I added. “I mean, for what it’s worth, it was a great fucking story. If I were there, I might have asked if you could take a fourth.”

She laughed, “no way. I was so full of cum it was coming out my ears, plus I was sore as hell. I only got to where I can sit down comfortably a few days ago. Call it lesson learned.”

“You let them cum in you?” I asked in a gasp.

“God, yes. It’s my favorite.” She gasped. “Besides, why the hell not. Radiation cooked my ovaries years ago. No chance of getting preggo. I’m sure as hell not scared of any pissant STD. I beat cancer, bitch!”

We both howled, laughing.

When we finally calmed down, I asked something that I was curious about since she revealed her identity to me. “What on earth made you come to this bar? I come here all the time and I’ve never seen you.”

She seemed rattled a bit by the question, or maybe she was still reeling from her emotional tirade. “Crazy coincidence,” she reported. “Yesterday was my last day at St. Timothy’s. My landlord cut me a break and let me out of my lease, but he had a renter that he needed to move in right away. I’ve been staying in the hotel across the street since I moved out of my apartment. All my belongings have already been shipped back home, even my car. It’s just really boring up there alone, so I thought I’d pop in for a few drinks.”

“Well, I’m glad. I’d hate for you to walk out of my life again without saying goodbye.” I said smiling. “I confess, though I may have a few sex stories to tell, they’re nothing like yours. One time, I had a chance at a three way, and it fell through. A four way, though? No way in hell that would happen to me.” I stroked my chin and pretended to ponder. Then I cocked my head to the side and proposed. “What do you say if I just tell people I was in your orgy? You wouldn’t mind, would you?” I joked.

Sternly she retorted, “Yes I would mind. You can’t be in my orgy story.” Her tone softened and placed her hand tenderly on my chest. “Besides, don’t you think we can make some great memories with just the two of us?”

I chortled, thinking to myself, “same old Skully, always flirting.” When our eyes met again, I could tell she was not joking. Embarrassed at the notion, I could feel myself turning red.

“Yeah, your mom would find out and kill us both,” I said, deflecting.

“No, she’d be jealous.” She quipped back. “I’m so glad you brought that up. I can’t wait to tell her. She really had the hots for you. I bet she literally turns green at the idea.”

I couldn’t believe what I was hearing. She was honestly considering having sex with me and then going home to brag to her mom about it. “You’re serious,” I indicted. Her hand was still on my chest. Consolingly, I covered it with mine.

“Well, yeah,” she said sarcastically, snatching her hand away. “Isn’t that what you had in mind to begin with? You’ve been eyeball fucking me since you got here; trying hard to get in my panties. What’s the matter?”

“Don’t get me wrong, I would, it’s just……it’s kind of inappropriate. Wouldn’t you agree?” I sheepishly noted.

“Don’t be such a pompous dickhead!” She scoffed. “When I was a stranger you were all over me. Now you’re not interested. Is it this?” She said, gesturing where to her right leg once was. “Does this bother you?

“Skully, come on.” I begged. “You know me. I’m not that kind of asshole. I just don’t want to take advantage of you. I’ve always thought you were gorgeous, and now……goddamn, you’re a knockout. I just feel like it wouldn’t be right.”

“Look,” she levied. “I’m not your patient anymore. You’re not my nurse either. I’m not that little sickling in a hospital bed, haven’t been for a while. I’m a grown ass woman and I get what I want.” She reached out and clasped onto my hand again and sincerely declared. “Right now, I want you.”

Her grave appearance made it clear she would not be refused or bargained with. I had to admit, she had made a great case. Any rule I was obliged to keep to did not apply now. This would be a literal dream come true, maybe even for her too. Besides, if she badass enough to take on three dicks at once, then mine certainly would not ruin her. In my head only one question remained.

“Your place or mine?” I relented.

In a blur, we paid our tabs and hastily left the bar. Kyle noticed us leaving and gave me a wink and a thumbs up, showing his approval. When we emerged, it was dark outside. It was clear evening still warm from the summer heat. Noting that there were no prying eyes around, I reeled her in, wrapped my arms around her waist and kissed her.

We kissed deep and long. Briefly, I reflected on the many shifts spent serving as her nurse. I used to go home alone, wishing there was some way; some loophole that would allow us an intimate moment together. Now it was real. The boundaries that held us apart were gone. She wanted me and I wanted her too.

That day I was driving my hobby car, a 1964 Ford Falcon. It was running and driving, fully licensed and insured, but far from being restored. The condition of the vehicle warranted some explanation, but she thought it was charming. I opened her door and she slid right onto the bench seat in front. She scooted to the middle so when I sat down, we’d be right next to each other.

A car that old always needed to run a while before you could drive it. No problem, that just gave us more time for necking. On the second attempt, the engine turned over and we immediately smashed our faces and bodies together. She sat so close to me that you couldn’t fit a razor between us. Mouths sloppily entangled, our hands fervently exploring each other. As the motor idled down, she was massaging between my thighs, enticing a torrent of blood flow to the area. When we finally split apart so that I could put it into reverse, she was stroking my now turgid cock over my jeans.

I only took my hands off her long enough to make a three-point turn and direct the car to the street. After that it was one hand on the wheel and one on her taut ass cheek. To my surprise, she did not bother wearing panties.

On the road, I could hear the Cruise-o matic transmission whine as we climbed to the speed limit. She sunk down and started pawing at my pants trying to get them unfastened. Happily, I assisted. A few steady and deliberate strokes from her hand before she hungrily inhaled my cock. She took as much as she could into her mouth and kept it there, savoring the moment.

She seemed somehow relieved by having me in her mouth. I could feel the muscles in her lower back repose as she drew in a long slow breath. After taking a painfully long delay, she gathered her lips and tongue, forming a snug fit. Sliding back, a purr came from her throat sending vibrations through my whole body.

Reeling from the sensation, my eyes closed for a second. When they opened, I found myself half in the wrong lane. Jerking the wheel, I corrected. Losing her balance for a moment, Amy’s teeth scraped the side of my cock before she could recover.

Looking up at me wide eyed, she begged, “Oh my God, I’m sorry.”

“I’m ok.” I said, petrified. “Look, as much as I’m loving this, but we might have to put a pin in it for now before I end up killing us both.” She straightened herself in her seat with a glowing swagger. “You’re amazing at that. Who knew, Skully was so good at giving skull?” I chuckled.

With a smile, she replied, “I’m glad you enjoyed it. There’s more where that came from.”

Speeding home, I must have been on two wheels whipping into the parking lot. My member, chilly from the being exposed to the night air and moisture longed to get back into her. With a squeak of the tires, we came to a stop in a space close to my apartment. I leaned in for a kiss, trying to rekindle the moment, but she had other plans. Eager to get back to her task, she plunged down onto my lap. I complied, leaning back as far as the seat would let me.

No teasing this time; she started manically face fucking me. Each time she ducked down I could feel my head ramming into her gullet. Gulps and slurps here and there, she aptly worked me with as much as her mouth could take and her hand worked the rest. When she felt the need to give her mouth a break, both hands took over, caressing up and down while twisting in opposing directions.

Peeking back at me briefly, she said, “good?” As if she had to ask.

“Fucking wonderful!” I blurted between pants.

She went down for a few more quick pumps and then once more; this time slowly, more purposeful. I could see her tongue was protruding and when I reached the back of her throat, she pushed further down against the resistance. Her mouth gaped open helping her throat relax. When her tongue reached my balls, she paused for a moment and then started rocking her upper body up and down.

The sensation was so incredible that I could barely breathe. My body twitched uncontrollably as her narrow windpipe wrenched the end of my prick. She gorged herself for a few fervid seconds before coming up for a breath. Keeping me primed, her mitts were back on the job, pumping and twisting.

Going down again, I felt the need to warn her. “I swear, if you are going to keep doing that, I don’t think I can take it. You might come up with a mouth full of mayo.” I said, still winded.

She let go of me, sat up on her knee and pinched my nipple hard through my shirt. “The fuck you are,” she ordered. “You will cum when I say and where I say.”

With a sarcastic British accent, I sniped back. “…and just when and where does the lady want her cum?”

She pulled her dress up in front and reached underneath with the other. With her fingers, she inspected herself and leaving no doubt. Satisfied she was ready; she then gave me the ‘fuck me eyes’ and started inching toward me. I assisted her as she clambered onto my lap, lifting the clunky fiberglass limb over. She gathered her dress in front of her and we aligned ourselves for coitus.

Her hand had stirred her feminine musk and it wafted through the car, only stoking my lust. Our respirations quickened in anticipation. Just as I could feel the heat from her honeypot on me, the car horn blared out and like a cold shower it shocked us back to reality.

In our jockeying to get into position, she must have leaned against the steering wheel. Passions sobered, we froze, there. The last thing I needed was a neighbor catching me banging in the parking lot.

“Oopsie,” she said giggling. “Think we should move this party indoors?”

“Good idea.” I agreed.

With that we both slid out the driver side door and headed upstairs to my apartment. As soon as the door closed behind us, we immediately locked faces again. Having hastily tucked in my junk and fastening only the top button, she had no trouble getting my pants back down. She reached into my boxers and squeezed my balls. My scrotum grew taut from ceding all its spare flesh to my regrowing erection. Her fingers felt electric fondling me.

We slowly made our way into the living room as we toyed with each other. I felt around her back, found the zipper on her dress and glided it down the curve of her spine. She stepped back from me, shrugged and wriggled out one arm and then the other, relinquishing the garment to the floor.

She moved to rejoin me, but I had to hold her back a moment to take in the spectacle before me. From being her nurse, I had seen her naked before many times, so in my mind, I knew what to expect. Clearly, she had taken an interest in physical fitness. She always had a flat tummy, but now it was creased with muscles. In fact, her whole body was absolutely ripped.

Clearly, I remember she had this distinctively unruly amber bush. While not usually my favorite, on her, I thought it was uncommonly delightful. Now it was completely shorn. The light from the overhead fixture caught the light from her pubic area and glared back.

“Wow, you really let yourself go,” I japed, pulling my shirt over my head.

She laughed. “Yeah, I’m a regular gym rat now. I even teach classes. Plus, I’m OCD about what I eat. Being fed a ritual diet of radioactive chemicals and hospital food for several years; I guess that made me more critical about what goes in my body.”

“I’d say it’s working.” I blurted. “About things that go in your body, I’ve got an idea or two.” I added snootily.

We embraced and smooched some more and slyly; I unhooked her black strapless bra. I pulled it out from between us and pressed her warm chiseled body against mine. Her almost tiny bosom, pliable against my embrace, differed significantly to the touch from the rest of her hard physique.

“Come on,” she whined. She tugged at the elastic waistband of my boxers. “I want you naked.”

“Right away, my lady.” I quipped.

I scooped her up, my arms around her bottom and hers around my neck. Her leg wrapped around me and her heel dug into my back. The other wagged behind us as I shuffled, pants around my thighs over to the couch. I stooped placing her gently on the center cushion. With a click, she detached her prosthesis as I removed what was left of my clothing. She rolled down and removed the stump sock as well.

My exposed cock and balls were so near her face, that she impulsively clasped onto it and started tonguing. Asserting dominance, I firmly nabbed her wrist, pulled it back and took her tongue into my mouth. Letting go of her with a shove, I dropped to my knees. I grabbed her by the hips and dragged her into position on her back with her ass hanging half off. Promptly, I elevated and separated her leg and stump, burying my face in her snatch.

“No,” she sniveled. “I want…” Her thought interrupted by a wave of bliss. “…inside me. Just make love to me.”

As the tip of my tongue thronged over her clitoris, she moaned. With her protest silenced, I went on dining on her. Her hips and legs twitched and squirmed while my pace hastened, and my focus drew more to the front of her slit.

When she came, she pushed my face away and gave a muffled scream. She had a throw pillow pressed hard against her face to quiet her cries. I tried to retake my spot, but she clasped her thigh and nub tightly together and rolled to her side. She continued to buck and grunt with the height of her orgasm pouring over her.

Since all she would let me do is watch her, I groped her with one hand while tending my hardon with the other. Reaching over, I grasped her left tit, squeezing her erect nipple between my middle fingers. Her groans and pants sang my praises while I stoked myself back to life and exploited her naughty parts. When I squeezed her ass cheek, it parted just enough so I could get a look between. Just then, I noticed a trickle of clear fluid wrap half around her leg and dribble onto the floor.

“Oh, God,” She cried. “I swear, that’s not piss. I’m not peeing, I swear.”

I couldn’t help but laugh, which did not remedy her embarrassment, I’m sure. “Skully, my baby.” I said, trying to give comfort. Tucking an arm under her waist, I reeled her in to me. She remained stiff, resisting at first, but then submitted, letting me place her on my lap. “I know exactly what it is.” I cradled the small of her back and neck respectively and fixed my gaze to hers. “It’s evidence that you have had your pussy eaten proper.”

With that she smiled, still winded. “Well, I guess you are a proper pussy eater.” She said in a low sexy voice.

Extending around her back my fingers made their way to her sopping trench and two of them probed their way inside. Breathily, I said in her ear. “Compliments to the chef.” Juices continued to drip freely onto my legs while I filed up and down her gash. She squealed and arched her back orienting her perfectly for insertion. Parting her lips, I gave a mighty upward thrust, I threaded my cock between my fingers and right into her pussy.

“Oh, God yes.” She said with a whimper. Her body went limp and she listed forward resting her head on my shoulder. She spread wide in effort to accommodate me. Inching the rest of the way in, I pinned her against the couch. Again, she seemed to relax, somehow just as at ease as when I was in her mouth.

She wasn’t tight, but it was a cozy fit. Her slick pussy so comfortably accommodated my phallus that it was almost a crime to withdraw it. Dutifully though, I situated myself to start the stabbing.

“Wait,” she said, pushing back against my shoulders. “Lean back.”

I did as she ordered, resting on my haunches. My expression must have given away what I was thinking. I was sure she wanted to ride me, but I wasn’t clear how she could pull it off. Left side, sure, she could get plenty of traction there, but the right couldn’t quite reach the carpet.

Seeing my face, she hissed, rolling her eyes. “Don’t worry,” she explained. “It looks a little awkward, but I can do it. Now sit up straight.”

She crossed her arms behind my neck and used them to lift and propel herself forward. The good leg pushed off the ground, like normal, but made the ride kind of off balance. Her stump swung back and forth in rhythm with her motion like it was rowing a boat. True to her word, it looked odd, but she was fucking me.

It felt incredible, too. My prick rocked to and fro with her as she grinded. The sensation was like no other, and I loved it. The only drawback is that she couldn’t get that full in and out affect like when gets up on her feet and bounces up and down. Pretty soon the base of by dick began to get sore from the friction and I felt the need to reposition.

Cradling her again, I balanced her in place and raised to my knees. At first, I was sure she would have to dismount so that I could stand, but she was so light, I was able to sway back and pop to my feet. I stood, our baby makers still engaged, spun around and toted her to the bedroom.

Disappointed, I guess, from not being in control again she whined. “What are you doing?”

“Going someplace more comfortable. Besides, I can’t let you do all the work.”

When I placed her on the bed, her golden locks fanned out framing her lovely face. As I crawled into bed, she slid in unison as to not allow me to slip out. Finally situated on top of her, thighs spread wide in the missionary, we made love.

Heatedly, I started pumping away. It wasn’t long before I discovered that there was a reality that I would soon have to face. This angle had a completely different feel. Like I mentioned, she wasn’t that tight, but I could feel every ridge in her vaginal canal. Additionally, the petals of her sweet little flower gripped as I receded with every stroke causing a kind of negative pressure, a mild suction. It was way too much. At once, I stopped, still inside her as not to push my luck.

“I have to tell you something.” I said remaining cautiously still.

“What is it, Teddy Bear?” She coyly remitted.

Nervously, I confessed, “I don’t think this is going to last as long as I had liked it to.”

“Want me back on top?” She asked. “We can do that if you’re tired.”

“No, baby, it’s not that. I feel like I’m close. When I get like this I just know. I mean, we could stop, but I don’t want that.” I rambled on until she caught onto what I was saying.

She placed her hand on the side of my neck and reassured me, saying, “It’s ok Teddy Bear. I want you to.”

Her sexy smile and soothing voice were all the encouragement I needed. I propped myself up on my hands and drew my knees underneath me. Reverting to a less rapid rate, purposefully ramming the full length and relishing all of it. When I began going faster and harder, she egged me on.

“Yes, baby. Do it! Fucking use me! I want your cum, baby.” She cried. “Fill my pussy up!”

The whole experience flashed through my head. The splendor of her naked body lay sprawled out for me to enjoy. Her desire for me made evident, she surrendered to me totally. She was begging me to give my seed to her. Her magnificent cunny pampered my manhood, probably ruining me for other women.

“Give me that dick, Teddy Bear. I want your cum. Fill me up, baby!”

It was unstoppable now. The low ache in my balls started to ease anticipating release. My engorged cock head glowed with rapture. I could feel the hot goo piping up from inside. My body convulsed as I spat a stream into her, then again. I pumped right through pausing only momentarily each time I squirted. Finally done, I slowed to a crawl and then to a stop.

“My God, that was better than I ever dreamed.” She gushed.

We lay there for a while until the phenomenal climax began to recede. I slowly eased out and pushed back in. It was beginning to soften, but there was enough rigidity to keep it effective. Keeping that up, I sloshed around in my own spooge until I had practically nothing to work with and it pitifully popped out.

Still out of breath, I gave her a kiss and dismounted. I scanned the dimly lit floor for something I could use as a cum rag. Soon, I found a tee shirt under the bed. Only once warn since it was last washed, it didn’t smell bad, so I crawled back onto the mattress and offered it to her.

“No, baby.” She said lovingly. “I want to keep it, for now.”

She lay there with her stump crossed over her leg, tightly holding it in. I went ahead and mopped our secretions off myself and nestled in beside her, resting my head on her shoulder. Silently, we lay there recovering, each reliving the evening in our heads. Her breathing slowed and eventually became more rhythmic, indicating she had fallen asleep.

I guess I was tired too, but not sleepy. The last thing I wanted was to rob her of any rest, so I eased myself off her shoulder and crept off the bed. There was a throw blanket in the living room, which I retrieved to cover her with.

Before I did, though, I took the time to marvel at her exquisite body again. While her tits were small, they were beautifully formed and complimented her well. I thought it a shame she felt the need for implants.

While I ogled, I also noticed the scar on her chest where the port once was. It made me think of her in the hospital and how sickly she would get. The weight loss, hair loss, nausea, all the pain she endured, it made me sad. At the same time, I was proud that I had a hand in her defeating cancer and becoming the woman she now was.

Once I had her tucked in, I grabbed a beer from the fridge, another throw from the linen closet. Before I plopped down on the couch, I wrapped the blanket around me, so my naked skin wouldn’t stick to the leather. There I sat in the glow of the TV drinking. I remember getting up more than once to get another beer and to piss, but I’m not sure how much time passed. My eyes were dry, so I blinked.

When my eyes opened again, I did not recognize the show I was watching. My beer lay on the carpet in a small puddle. The clock on the wall read just past two in the morning. I had been out a while.

Blanket wrapped around my waist, I peered into the dark bedroom. At some time during my hiatus, she had made herself at home. She had gotten under the comforter and sheet and was resting prone, clinging to my pillow. I tip-toed around and slid under the blankets to join her. When settled, I glanced over at her only to see her looking back at me.

“Missed you.” She whispered.

“Sorry, baby. I wanted to let you rest a while. I must have passed out on the couch.” I mutedly replied.

“It’s ok.” She rolled toward me onto her back and stretched out her arms, letting out an obnoxiously loud yawn. “You have anything to eat? I’m starving.” She bellowed, now sounding spryer.

“Sure,” I mumbled. “I guess I could eat too.”

She sprang up on her side of the bed and bossed. “Well, come on. I didn’t bring my crutches, so you’re going to have to get your ass up and help.”

As instructed, I rolled out of bed, scurried around to her and draped her arm around my shoulders. From there I walked, and she hopped to the kitchen. She tore open the refrigerator and helped herself. Sensing that she did not need any more help, I resigned myself to the counter, where I perched while she raided my fridge and pantry.

By the time she had her loot, it looked like a convenience store Thanksgiving. Chips, dips, crackers, peanut butter, colas, beer all littered my countertops. Like stray cats, we picked through the menagerie and feasted. When we had our fill, I didn’t bother picking up. I grabbed a couple more beers, scooped up my lover and carried her off to the couch again.

I placed one blanked under us and the other we stayed warm under. We cuddled and chatted about everything. I dared not ask what the morning would hold, as I didn’t want to think about this evening ending.

“I still can’t believe you are here.” I said, bewildered.

“Well I can’t believe we sat there talking for so long and you didn’t recognize me.” She added.

“You have to give me a pass on that one. All I saw was a fast-little cutie at my bar and I knew I had to catch your fancy before someone else did.” I explained. “Different setting, your whole new look and attitude, cut me some slack.”

“Okay, okay, I’ll let you off.” She said groaning.

“You were joking about telling your mother, right? I asked.

“Oh, no. I was serious. Plus, I get to rub it in her face. She wanted you so bad back then. She just knew you were going to ask her out one night and fuck her brains out. I’m going to give her every detail.” She boasted.

“You both are crazy as hell. There’s no way I could have gone out with her. I’d have gotten canned.” I grumbled.

“We wouldn’t have told anybody. We made a pact that if either of us had a shot at you, we’d keep it a secret.”

“To be honest, If I’d known you were so good at giving head, I’d have given up a kingdom for you.” I smirked.

Laughing, she relented. “Thanks, but I’m afraid that’s a recent development.”

“Really,” I queried.

“Yeah, I still practically had my V card until just over a year ago. Living away from home, I really let loose. In the meantime, I’ve acquired some, well, talents.” She gloated.

“And, just how, for the record does one attain such talents?”

Satirically, she replied “You’re asking how does one become, let’s say, a good cocksucker? You suck a lot of cock, that’s how.

Through our laughter, I added, “well, that’s one dream I won’t see through.” Earnestly, I caught her eye and said, “sure glad this one came true.” We engaged in a kiss and held each other. “When you do tell your mom, can you spare at least some of the details. At least for my sake, I’m not sure I want your mom knowing everything.”

“Not a chance. In fact, I might embellish a little. You have a good-sized dick but wait until I tell it. She thought I was deranged to come find you and throw myself at you. She didn’t think I could pull it off. Even if I did, she was sure you’d get Truly she’s just mad that I thought of it first.” She ranted.

Looking at her, she avoided direct eye contact. She had her head down with a half-smile peering up to me through wispy locks, like a hunter in a blind. I was embarrassed at how long it took me to dissect what she had just said, but ultimately, I did.

“Wait…” I yelped out, still piecing it all together. “Your mom knew?” I slid away from her on the couch and scanned her up and down. “You planned this?”

“I debated about whether I should tell you or just let you believe that we just ran into each other.” She confessed.

Still floored, “How?”

“A little cyber stalking got me started. Emily still works on your old floor; she was the one who told me where you normally hang out. When I found the bar, I asked, Kyle, one of the bartenders, and he told me I was almost guaranteed to see you there on Thursday night.” She stated, almost like she was reciting a cake recipe. Somberly, she added. “Don’t be mad, I just really wanted this to happen. If I told you all I had done to set the wheels in motion, I knew you would freak out. I didn’t want to scare you off.”

The trembling in her voice marked that her emotions were beginning to stir again. She was right, though. Had I known what she did, I’d have gone running for the hills. I had every right to be mad, but I knew I couldn’t. She took an enormous chance and went to great lengths just to give me this glorious night of debauchery.

I grabbed her leg and jerked it, causing her to fall flat on her back. Climbing on top of her I kissed her passionately. Throwing the blanket in the floor, I began caressing her body again, soon she began to reciprocate.

“Skully, you are full of surprises.” I said staring deep into her emerald eyes. “Let’s really give your mom to jealous about.”

Kissing and licking my way down her neck and to her breasts, I resolved that this evening was far from over. When I took her supple tit in my mouth, she sighed and squirmed. My fingers found her cunt and I pet and stroked at it trying to bring it back to life.

Still with her nipple in my mouth, she cradled my face in her hands and pleaded with me to stop. “Wait, lets……I want to.” Finally prying my face off her chest, she implored. “I want to please you.”

With a smile, I returned. “You are, or at least you will be. What are you talking about?”

“I mean,” she said with a sigh. “Anything you want. Name it. I want nothing more than to please you.”

“Holy shit,” I thought. “Anything?” My eyes darted around the room while the possibilities flooded my brain. The way she went full cowgirl earlier gave me no doubt as to her capabilities. I thought about her deep throating me. Her asshole was watertight, but I probably couldn’t get needle up there even if I had a sledgehammer.

Looking back down at her, I figured I could at least consider what would make her happy as well. She seemed so thrilled when I came inside her earlier. I decided on a compromise, something mildly kinky, but ensuring she got her creamy filling.

“Anything, huh?” I pretended not to have decided. Popping up, I paced next to the couch, leaving her exposed. “You mean like butt stuff? Hey, I know. I could invite some neighbors over and I can finally have a real orgy.” I joked.

Except for a flat smile, she kept a straight face and only said, “if that is what you want, then that is what I want to do.”

“Alright, I’ve got it. I know what will please me.” With that, I picked her up and threw her over my shoulder. I rushed into the bedroom, tossed all the bed clothes onto the floor and tossed her on the mattress like a rag doll.

She squealed the whole trip and when she came to rest on the bed. Unable to hide her impatience, she asked, “What did you decide?”

I bounded onto the bed and lay flat next to her. “First,” I said. “I want you to ride my face.”

“Ooh,” she said, almost sarcastically. “You have such a filthy mind.”

“Well, you said, whatever I want, and you can’t get all bashful on me this time. When you cum, I want to be like a day at the ocean complete with the saltwater spray in my face. After that, you get on all fours, uh, I mean threes and I’ll give it to you from behind.” I instructed.

She blushed a little and giggled. “Fair enough,” she pled, and she posted herself astride my mouth. While, I had envisioned her facing the headboard, she sat backward, which was just fine with me. Instead of looking up at her torso and face, I was going to get up close and personal with her fanny.

With the table set, I commenced to chow down. Oddly, I noticed a different flavor this time. I was licking and sucking fervently, and she was near climax before, I realized I was tasting my own cum. Not that it would have deterred me. I was recklessly laboring to get her off so she would literally shower me with gratitude.

Her effort to return the favor was welcome, but poorly executed. It seemed her superpower for giving head was no match for mine. She did try to felate me, but the more hungrily I gobbled, the more useless she became. When she quit trying all together, I knew she was on the fringe. Screaming, she unleashed a stream into my mouth and up my nose. I took the occasion to enjoy and then when the deluge subsided, I went back to lapping, prolonging her blissful climax.

By this time, I was so amped up, I felt like I could explode. I scrambled into position, while she obediently stayed in the modified downward dog. Firmly and surely, I rejoined my cock with her sloppy trench and gripped tightly her hips. Once I was resolutely holstered, she groaned, and I began mercilessly jabbing away. As I did, she wobbled and her stump flailed, trying to keep her balance. She eventually tried widening her hands, lowering her center of gravity, but it seemed to make it worse. After about the third time I slipped out due to her inability to brace against my throttling, my ferocity began to fizzle.

Watching her try so hard to keep that pose triggered me to empathize and opt for a slight alteration. Reaching behind me, I grabbed her ankle and jerked her leg straight, causing her to fall prostrate. She took notice and tilted her hips, giving me the choice of both her orifices. Tempting as it was to try squeezing into that tight little brown eye, I glided right back into the pink. Encircling my hands around her waist, thumbs crossing at her spine, it looked like I was trying to strangle her by the torso. Once set, I laid into her with the speed and precision of a sewing machine. Each time my hips smashed into her lush ass, it warped and sprang back to shape when I pulled back.

Between the spectacle of her jiggling keister and the added friction of her thighs latched together, I could have blown at any time. When I felt I couldn’t hold on any longer, I pulled out. I flipped her onto her side and pulled her close to me.

“What’s wrong,” she asked.

“Oh, nothing, just switching it up.” I said, hovering over her good leg, I took a handful of ass and nestled back into her crotch. With my urge to nut somewhat quelled, I felt confident I could re-enter and possibly endure some more. Soon, I found my rhythm. With her thighs now spanned apart, I could use the whole measure of my baton, and she was obviously feeling it. Her back arched and her head rocked back with each stab.

“Look at me,” I said panting from exertion. “I want to see your face when I cum.”

She nodded and we locked eyes. I began driving at a dizzying pace. Hard, deep strokes pummeled her as I fucked with all my might. Without realizing it I had grabbed onto her stump with both hands, lifting and pulling with each stride. Our eyes fixed on each other, neither of us noticed me having her limb in a chokehold. It wasn’t due to some fetish or anything. Subconsciously, I felt the need to grab onto something for leverage while delivering such a ferocious pounding, and there it was.

There was no way I could keep that up for long, but I wouldn’t need to. The first glob, I planted deep inside her before I shortened my strokes savoring the nut and injecting every bit inside. She hummed with approval sensing her womb brimming with my semen.

The excitement waned quickly, and I felt myself flushed and dizzy. Collapsing onto the bed next to her dripping with sweat, I was completely spent. I laid next to her, hyperventilating, trying to recover.

“Goddamn, you really went for it.” She said pulling my hand over her to cup her breast. “That is probably going to hurt tomorrow.”

With a kiss on her cheek, I responded panting. “I guess you bring out the best in me.”

“Well, thanks for putting it in me.” She replied, smiling with her eyes closed.

I reached down and found a sheet and pulled it over us before returning to spoon. Our violent passions had devolved to the cyclic lullaby of our chests rising and falling together. We held each other like that until we both gave in to exhaustion and fell asleep.


* * * * *


When I woke, I searched in vain for my one-legged lover. Only the tangled bedsheets accompanied me in the bed. Assuming she was in the restroom, I took my time getting up, until I remembered that her prosthesis was still in the living room. I then sprang up, thinking she might need help getting around.

The distinct creak of my front door opening took me off guard as I emerged from the bedroom. Fully dressed, she stood at the threshold on both limbs, looking surprised to see me. She exhaled and her shoulders slumped, foiled by my presence.

“What are you doing?” I asked.

“My plane leaves soon. A car is coming to get me, should be here soon.” She said somberly. “I um……didn’t want to wake you. I left a note.”

“Wait, what, a fucking note? You were just going to sneak out on me.” I barked back, my ire beginning to emerge.

Raising her voice in concert with mine, she came back. “This is exactly what I was trying to avoid. I’m not trying to fight with you. I’m just leaving. I didn’t want a scene.”

“This is bullshit. I can’t believe this. What did I do? Is it something I said?” I begged.

“No, damnit! Why are you being such a baby about this. You know you probably had the best sex of your life and you didn’t have to lift a finger for it, plus no strings! I thought this was every guy’s dream. Just take the fucking win!” She charged before hobbling through the door and slamming it behind her.

Starting after her, I realized I was still in the buff. I scrambled around looking for the first thing I could find to cover myself, which turned out to be a pair of old gym shorts. They were a little shorter than I’d have liked, which is why I only wore them around the house. Either way, they would have to serve so I could catch her before she was gone.

By the time I made it outside she had gotten all the way down the stairs and was making her way to the parking lot. I darted down all thirteen steps in two or three bounds and seized her by the elbow. She turned to me, face already red hot with what I thought was anger. When she blinked, tears sprinted down her cheeks.

Disarmed by her sad state, I turned apologetic, as if I were in the wrong. In a more hushed voice, I pleaded. “Wait, I know you have to leave, but don’t go away mad at me. Look, we don’t even have to clear things up now. Give me your number or email or something. Please, Skully. I don’t know what I’ve done, just let me have a chance to make it up.”

Whimpering now, she replied, “no.”

Confused and frustrated, I couldn’t form the words to make my case to her. I stammered and grunted trying desperately to not lose her. All I could manage was to pull her close to me and try to console whatever vexed her.

Finally, she continued. “This has to be goodbye, forever. And no, it’s not anything you’ve done. It’s just……that’s just what I’ve decided.”

“Skully, I don’t understand. I’m just asking to keep in touch. What is wrong with that?” I begged.

“So, if you had my number, you’d call me?” she sneered back.

“Well, yeah.” I shrugged. “Why not?”

“What if I wanted to meet up, maybe have a replay of last night?” She asked with an unsettling, caustic tone.

With a chuckle, I confessed. “Well yes, thank you. I’ll definitely take some more of that.”

“What if I asked you to be my boyfriend?” She scoffed.

Admittedly, I recoiled some, but before I could form a reply, she cut in again.

“What if we just eloped?” She asked.

“Look, if you think you’re going to scare me off, you’re wrong. I’m not one of those guys who live in fear of commitment. Besides, I adore you. I’d be lucky to end up with someone like you.” I implored.

“You just don’t get it.” She said, pushing back from me. “I mean, sure, if things were normal; Like, your run of the mill boy meets girl scenario, I would love to be with you too. Fact is, this is a fucked-up situation. Even if we started dating, I just know we’d never be on equal footing.” She expressed earnestly, then smirked. “Laugh at that and I’ll slug you.

Noting the play on words, I couldn’t help myself, and she, as promised struck me on the shoulder. I feigned being wounded, hoping to keep the playful mood going. Unfortunately, it didn’t. She took a long, deep breath and her face went grim again.

“It wouldn’t be fair, to you or me.” She continued. “I just……I love you.”

Out of reflex, I tried to respond, but before I could even utter a syllable, I was cut off.

“Stop! Don’t you dare fucking say it. This is hard enough without you patronizing me.” She shook her head, exasperated. “Seriously, before last night, when was the last time you even thought of me? Me, I’ve pined over you nonstop from the jump. You were godlike to me. You cared for me when I was at my lowest, built me up, gave me hope, confidence. You were like a big brother, a father figure, and now lover. I’ve been hopelessly in love with you since we first met. The way I’ve built you up, it wouldn’t be fair. Nobody, not even you, could dream to live up to it.”

“You could give me a chance. Maybe I’ll surprise you.” I pleaded. “You talk about fair. I think that it’s unfair that I don’t even have a say.”

“I can’t. Don’t you get it?” She loudly asked. “I have to say no to you now, while I have my resolve. I’m afraid if I don’t, then I would never be able to refuse you.” She sighed and brushed the hair out of her eyes. “So, no. I don’t want to be your pen pal. Keeping in touch is not an option for me. It would never be enough. I would want you all to myself.”

I was starting to see her side, but still, I tartly interjected, “…and you get what you want.”

“I’m sorry, but it has to be this way. Being with you last night was everything I dreamed it to be. For a moment, I was the center of your universe. I had the privilege of pleasing you every way you asked.”

A black crossover SUV pulled past us in the parking lot, then reversed, stopping right in front of my building. We both took notice, but still, the driver felt the need to beep the horn anyway. She turned, waved and then faced me again.

“Truth be told, if you asked me right now to stay, to forgo all my plans, my career, everything and stay with you, I would. I’m begging you, though, don’t. I just know I’d be powerless to deny you. That’s how it would be. I’d never be able to tell you no. That’s no way to live.” She explained.

“I would never be that way. I’d never try to take advantage of you,” I said.

“Sure, I know, but what if we found out we were not good for each other? I don’t think I’d be strong enough to admit it. Certainly, I wouldn’t be able to leave you, and I’d always wonder if you were with me out of pity, or something.” She said, expounding. “This is me starting over. I want to start a career, a life that is not dictated by cancer. I also want love, but on my terms, not where I start out hopelessly in love with a man who was barely aware of my existence just a few hours ago. My hope is that last night was as wonderful for you as it was for me, and that it can serve as some sort of closure. You’ve had this spell on me, but I need to be free so I can begin a normal existence.”

Thinking on it, I knew she was right. Once again, I underestimated how mature she was. She had thought of everything, and had her mind made up. If I was really being honest with myself, then plainly, we could not be together.

She started toward the car, with no intention of prolonging our goodbye. I stretched out and clasped her palm, spinning her around and into my arms. There we kissed one last time and then I let her go. I tried to take a mental picture of her, knowing I would never behold her beauty again, but my sight grew blurry with the ensuing waterworks.

Standing there on the curb, I watched the car drive off until it vanished into a patch of low-lying fog. Then, I turned back toward my apartment. Heartache struck just as I reached the stairs and I found myself unable to climb. Sitting on the bottom step, I began sobbing, which evolved quickly to blubbering.

It was light already, but not quite early enough for the neighbors to be stirring. Not one soul was there to witness this pathetic scene. The humidity was at a criminally high and the moisture clung to my skin only adding to my misery.

The sadness of losing her came on so suddenly, that I felt paralyzed. She had swooped into my life and in a few short hours fucked my brains out and then ripped my heart out. The shock of it all was too much to process, which, I guess is what triggered this fit I was in. The pain was so severe, I wasn’t sure when I would recover.

Feeling useless, I hung my head and when I looked down, I saw my balls hanging out of my shorts. The pitiful sight made me snicker, snapping me out of my sad state. After that, I was quickly able to get myself together and retreat indoors to hide my shame.

That was it. We never contacted each other again, not a text, phone call, nothing. She had tracked me down once, so she was plenty capable of finding me, were she to have a moment of weakness. Part of me hoped that she would, but she didn’t, and that reminded me how strong her resolve was.

She was wrong about one thing. I did love her. I guess she proved it to me that crazy, sexy night. When she left, I must have thought of her daily. Ironic how I went so long without her in my life and now I longed for her almost obsessively. The idea had occurred to me, looking her up the way she did me, turning the tables. In truth, I never could. I’m not near as daring as her.

That made me happy, though, the idea that she had become brave and confident under my watch while she was in the hospital. I liked thinking that her life turned out the way she planned thanks to her determination and grit, and that I might have had a small hand in that. Maybe she ultimately got everything she wanted. I could picture her out there somewhere: working at some new job by now sporting her new tits, probably dating a very lucky, new guy.