A Mile in His Shoes

“Good night mom.” Jason kissed his mother on her cheek before going to his room and passing out.

After what was maybe a few hours he is awoken by a smell, a very unfamiliar smell. A damp, old, musky smell. “The hell is that?” He asked aloud with his eyes still closed. Turning his face up he grunted, rolled over on his stomach and buried his head in his pillow. “Blech.” He retched as the smell got stronger. Kicking the covers off he got out of bed, marched towards his door, grabbing the knob, turning and opening. The sight he was greeted with made him wonder if he was still sleeping, he blinked and rubbed his eyes just to make sure.

Before him was a long, dimly lit hallway, nothing at all like the apartment he shared with his mother. This hallway had torches every ten feet or so, and it was made completely of stone, and the foul smell seemed to grow with each step he took. He could hear conversation in a language he didn’t recognize.

Looking down he could see that he was no longer in his preferred sleeping attire; his boxers. Now dressed in light leather rogue armor that looked like it had seen a few battles and leather boots that muffled his steps. It seemed to fit perfectly even though he had no recollection of purchasing, or even being fitted for it.

He crept ever closer to the voices, and the closer he got the more aware he was of the weapons he was carrying. Two blades, sheathed on either side of his hip, that were no longer than his forearm and curved slightly backwards. Also, the recurve bow slung around his back and the quiver of arrows accompanying it.

Reaching the junction in the hallway he pressed his head against the wall and peaked around the corner. “Goblins!” He cursed quietly, chastising himself for not being aware of their language sooner.

The strangeness of the situation didn’t seem to faze him, he saw goblins and knew they were likely guarding gold, or some treasure. He’d be damned if five little goblins were going to stop him from pilfering their haul. Taking them all out at once would be a problem though, and doing it quietly would be even more difficult, impossible even as there were no places to hide.

Pulling two arrows from the quiver, he nocked one and held the other with his draw hand, taking a deep breath he turned the corner with his bow drawn and let the first arrow fly, before it was midway to it’s target he had the next arrow nocked and sent it. Tossing the bow in the air in front of him he grabbed his blades and flung them towards the heads of the smallest of the two goblins, catching the bow he nocked the final arrow, sending it down the hallway to the last goblin standing in front of the door.

Each shot struck their mark with perfect accuracy, the final arrow even piercing the goblins head and sticking it to the door it was guarding. What Jason had not planned for was the clattering of the goblins weapons as they hit the floor, he grimaced and held still, awaiting the arrival of reinforcements. Cautiously he approached the door, collecting his blades and returning them to their sheaths after cleaning the blood from them. Just as his hand reached out to open the door, he heard another being smashed open from down the hallway. “Shit!” He cursed.

Lumbering down the hallway towards Jason was an orc the size of a mountain, followed by ten or so goblins. The orc looked as stunned to see Jason as Jason did to see the orc. Hefting his mighty but rusty sword, it clanged and scraped the walls as he swung it around in anger.

Seeing his chance, Jason ran towards the orc at full speed, flinging his bow towards it’s face as he got close.

The orc tried to bring his sword down over his head, to cut the bow in half, but its sheer size meant that it scraped the wall behind him and ceiling above him before crashing into the ground showering sparks from the impact. More importantly missing the bow and being hit in the face by it.

Jason knew this would cause no damage, he meant it only as a distraction. He had closed the distance to the orc and by the time his sword hit the ground he was already in front of him; he leapt off the wall to his left and over the orc’s shoulder, deftly severing the straps of his armor as he slid down his back. Behind the still bewildered orc he sliced the back of his knees, bringing him down to size.

Sensing his impending doom the orc flailed about trying to find the human causing him so much pain. His left elbow swung back with force hoping to land on the head of his attacker.

Jason saw the elbow coming, nearly in slow motion, ducking under it he leaned forward and brought his blade up under the chin of the orc and into its skull.

The giant orc went limp as all the life drained from his body, it collapsed forward and hit the ground with a loud thud.

Jason looked at the goblins who just stood by and watched, then he laughed as they all dropped their weapons and fled, knocking each other over to be the first one to escape. Picking up his bow, he returned it to his back and made his way towards the door and through it. His eyes widened at the sight, piles of gold coins just laying around, chests filled with untold treasure. “I’ll have to make several trips.” He mused.

Before he could begin to collect the bounty he heard a faint voice call his name, at least he thought it was his name. It sounded so far away, he had to close his eyes and concentrate to try and make sense of it. The dungeon was surely empty, and there was no other source of noise. The voice was ethereal in nature, seemingly not of this world, but somehow familiar to him.

Amid the shining piles of gold laying around there was one thing that caught his attention; the silver door knob opposite the door he came in, a doorknob very much out of place in this dank dungeon. It glinted every few seconds, calling him towards it, begging him to pass through it’s threshold. Abandoning the bounty surrounding him he reached out, grasping the knob, twisting it.

The door flung open with a gail of ice cold wind bursting through it, crashing against Jason causing him to recoil, putting his hand up in front of his face to protect it from the biting wind.

Once it had died down a bit, he looked around; gone was the musky dungeon he was in minutes ago. He now stood atop the peak of a mountain with a view of unfamiliar snow capped mountains in the distance. Bitter cold, but fresh air and the sun on his face, he took his first steps, the packed snow crunching underneath his foot. Now dressed perfectly for the task ahead, whatever that may be, he adjusted the backpack and marched forward.

Hours had gone by and he made it little more than a mile from his starting position, the sun was beginning to set and the wind was picking up. “Better set up camp soon.” He thought to himself, oddly, as he had never camped a day in his life and knew nothing of it. Finding a decently flat area after about another half hour he began erecting his small one person tent. Once done he climbed into his sleeping bag, eating a meal bar before drifting off to sleep.

It must have been quite early in the morning, as the sun was just barely above the horizon, when he heard that voice calling for him. Even amidst the howling wind shaking his tent he could hear it, not making out what it was saying, but certainly a voice calling to him. Clear he was getting no more sleep he packed up camp, and just as he was securing the tent to his pack a glint of light far in the distance caught his eye. This bewildered him as nearly everything surrounding him was white snow with occasional grey rock peaking out.

Trudging through the sometimes knee deep snow he continued on, stumbling and falling, backtracking, resting, setting up camp, night after night. Only able to travel about a mile and a half each day, icy ledges to traverse, impassable areas that looked manageable from a distance. Gross, calorie dense bars, for dinner and lunch, cold hard ground to sleep on, and that glinting light. “THAT GLINTING, FUCKING, LIGHT!” He shouted out in frustration, his breath quickly stolen by the icy wind invading his lungs.

Jason set up his tent for the night, he had lost count how many nights it had been, ten, fifteen maybe. Eating half of the meal bar and rationing the rest for the next day as he was beginning to run low and he seemed to be making less and less progress each day. He lay in his sleeping bag, the wind not blowing nearly as hard as it has been in days past, the glinting light seemed to lull him to sleep.

As with each morning, that voice woke him, something that he now looked forward to as it was the only conversation he had. Even if he couldn’t understand what was being said. “I’m up. I’m up.” He replied seeing the first glint of the day as he rolled up his sleeping bag and stuffed it into his pack. He took a deep breath and exited to a surprisingly beautiful day, the wind only gently harassed him as he broke down the tent. Glancing around he made a mental map for the route he would take today.

The wind wasn’t the only thing that was in his favor, the sun was now at his back, and his path was relatively clear of any danger. The snow, even, was not as deep as when he started, making each step easier and faster. By mid day he had already traveled two miles, and by the time the sun was setting he had made it another two more. Setting up camp in good spirits he crawled into his sleeping bag to see one last glint before he closed his eyes. “Soon.” He whispered just before he started snoring.

Today, he woke before the voice spoke to him, and he was already on his way before he heard it. “I’m already up.” He announced with a smile. “There.” He pointed to a cave where the glinting light was coming from. “Tomorrow. I’ll be there tomorrow.” With determination he marched forward all day, not even stopping to rest or eat, only when the sun began to set.

Waking the next day, again before the voice. “I’m almost there.” He said. “Noon.” Nodding his head as he ate the last half of his meal bar.

Several hours later he stood outside the cave, it was larger than it looked from a distance and even with the sun high in the sky he couldn’t see inside it. In the dungeon he opened a door, but this was just a dark cave, who knows what awaits him inside. He felt nudged forward and looking behind him he saw nothing, shrugging he walked through the entrance of the cave.

There was nothingness, not even sound, no echo, no light, no nothing. In fact he wasn’t even sure he was walking, his brain was sending the message to his legs, but couldn’t be sure.

Then, in the blink of an eye, all of the darkness that surrounded him was dotted with pinpricks of light. Some were shining bright and twinkling brilliantly, others were just a faint glow.

Jason stared blankly at the vastness of it, making him feel small and insignificant, but bestowing a sense of calm within him.

That sense of calm was quickly washed away with the sounds of alarms blaring and a flashing red light in the cockpit of his spaceship. He slapped at buttons on the holographic display trying to get the noise to stop. “ted-E! What’s going on?!” He shouted to his droid and partner.

“Magnus was able to follow us!” He replied in a semi robotic tone.

“Shit!” He cursed.

“I told you not to take it from him.” The robotic tone was replaced with sarcastic chastising.

Jason spun around to look at him. “Do you know how much Crash will pay me for that?” He pointed towards the rear of the ship with his thumb.

“But will you be alive long enough to spend the creds?” Now he was just being sarcastic.

Jason rolled his eyes and shook his head. “I’m taking us out of the hyper-lane.”

“That’s a bad idea.” He switched back to his robotic voice.

With one wave of his hand the speed of his spacecraft drastically reduced and a giant lush planet dominated the view out of the window. “Wow.” He remarked.

“That’s…” Before he could finish his sentence ted-E was cut off by an incoming communication from Magnus. An imposing figure on a vid-screen, even more so in person; the deep red skinned humanoid alien stands at nearly ten feet and more muscular than seems possible. His deep voice commands any room he’s in, with a legendary temper that is not to be tested.

“That was unwise, boy.” His calm tone denoted his anger.

“Magnus, I’m sure I have no idea what you’re talking about.” A feigned smile as he tried to plot a course.

Aboard his capital ship, and standing at the helm, Magnus clenched his jaw in frustration.

“Sir.” One of Magnus’s men meekly interrupts and points at his screen with a nod.

Magnus returns his nod.

“Bossman, we’re being targeted with a…” Cut off again, this time by a precision pulse designed to disable the crafts engines.

Unfazed, Jason kicked his feet up on the console of his ship while ted-E gets to work getting the engines back online. “Magnus, buddy. Why all the hostilities?”

“Return what you stole, boy.” His lips barely moved in an attempt to stifle his growing anger.

Jason contemplates it for a second, then shakes his head no.

“I will blast you out of the sky.” Magnus was quite reserved for how angry he actually was.

“And then your precious little box will be destroyed along with me.” Jason replied cutely.

Magnus snorted angrily through his large nose. “Jettison the cargo. And you can go.”

“Now who would ever believe the ruthless Magnus would just let them go after having stolen from him?” Jason replied matter-of-factly.

Fed up with the games Magnus brings down a fist on his console, shattering it. “LAND ON THE PLANET! I’ll send an unarmed transport. We’ll leave. You can go.”

Jason looks at ted-E and receives a nod. “I have a better idea.” Tapping a glowing button on his console. “I’m just gonna get out of here, you take care now big fella.” He flashes him a grin dripping with sarcasm.

“There’s nowhere you can go that I can’t follow!” Magnus said, his anger boiling over.

“Sir, we detected a fold device powering up!”

Magnus looks to the screen of his engineering officer. “That’s impossible. His craft’s too small. Not enough power.” He answered confidently then looking back at the vidscreen. “Last chance.”

“Bye bud.” He waved at the screen then instantly he was on the other side of the galaxy roaring with laughter imagining Magnus screaming in anger.

“Have you had your fun? Shall I plot a course for Crash’s hideout?” ted-E asked.

Just as he was about to answer something caught his eye, a glint of light off in the distance. “Did you see that?” Pointing.

“See what?”

“That glint of light.”

“We’re in space, every star is a glint of light.” ted-E replied in a deadpan manner.

“No, no. This was different. THERE! THERE! DID YOU SEE IT!?” He brought up his galaxy map. “Plot a course to there!”

“That’s the Nephrem cluster. There’s nothing there but wrecked starships.”

“Just go!”

“Very well, plotting a course to the Nephrem cluster. Site of the Nephrem battle, the deadliest battle in the galaxy.”

“I could do with a little less sarcasm.” Jason said as he walked out of the cockpit.

ted-E mimicked the robot dance. “Beep beep, boop boop, beep beep beep.”

Squinting narrowly. “I hate you.” Jason said as he passed him.

“The hyper lane can only get us so close, it’ll take about a day after we drop out.” ted-E yelled at Jason’s back.

As soon as they dropped out of the hyper lane Jason spent all his time in the cockpit, just staring at the glinting light, dozing off at times. When ted-E wasn’t making a racket in the galley doing god knows what, he swore he could hear a voice calling him.

“Scans of the asteroid show no activity.” ted-E said in a glib tone.

“Land. I’m gonna get suited up.” Jason said as he bound out of the cockpit.

“Could be a trap.” ted-E mused, very much to himself as Jason was already in the cargo bay.

Jason took his first step out onto the reddish, rocky asteroid. “Odd.”

“What’s odd?” ted-E asked from the safety of the cockpit.

“There’s gravity.”

“It’s a large asteroid, of course there’s gravity.”

“No, there’s lots of gravity. Planet like gravity.” He jumped up and down testing it out then continued on the fifty or so meters to the glinting light that he had been watching for more than a day. Approaching it, he kneeled down to a small square patch where the light emanated from. Brushing the dirt and rocks from it he was blinded by the brightest flash of light.

The brilliant flash gave way to an equal amount of darkness, no longer was he standing on an asteroid, but in a dark corner in the confines of a building. Gripping his suppressed Ruger.22 pistol, he took a look around the corner to see two guards sporting MP5’s.

“Agent J, we have control of their surveillance. You’re free to engage.” A sultry sounding woman from his earpiece said.

“Copy that.” He whispered, then emerged from his dark corner and raised his gun, firing two shots before either guard even saw him. After they collapsed to the floor he approached them, taking the security card off of one then adjusting his tie and brushing some dust from the sleeve of his suit.

Before he had a chance to progress any further his earpiece chirped again.

“Agent J, clean sweep protocol has been enacted. No one leaves.”

“Understood.” He replied stoically, then moved into the next room. Which contained banks of computer servers, in the distance he could hear someone typing away on a keyboard. Quietly he made his way around towards the person’s back, eavesdropping on his conversation.

“Sir, I don’t understand, you said this program was going to help mankind, but it seems tailored to have several exploitable backdoors.” The tired looking man held the receiver to his head and nodded hearing the response from his employer. “Yes sir, it’s just…” He nodded again. “Yes sir.” Then hung up the phone with a sigh; A stress ball rolling past his desk caught his attention. “Diaz is that you?” He called out, as he was sure he was the only one working this late. He got up from his chair and looked to where the ball rolled from.

Sneaking up behind him with his pistol drawn, he pulled the trigger and watched the poor programmer drop to the floor. He sighed as well, a heavy sigh, knowing that the man didn’t know the true evil he was working for, nor did he deserve to come to an end like this. Sitting down at his terminal he inserted a USB drive and copied the program over.

“CUT!” Shouts the director. “Aw Jason, baby, that was beautiful! All in one take! AMAZING!”

Months after shooting had wrapped, and Jason had done countless interviews promoting the movie, it’s premiere finally came around. He walked the red carpet in a similar suit that his character wore in the movie, waving to the fans and answering some softball questions along the way. Camera flashes popped off one by one, blindingly so, but one far off in the distance seemed to catch his attention. He couldn’t dwell too long on it as he was ushered further down to do more press and put on a fake smile for all the cameras.

The movie was a huge success, colossally so, in fact talks of a sequel are already happening. Jason couldn’t care less though, the life of fortune and fame didn’t really suit him, he was much happier alone in his penthouse that overlooked hollywood. Much like many mornings he sat out on his balcony and sipped his coffee until early in the afternoon. His calm was disturbed by his phone ringing.

“Jason, Baby!” His agent said. “Eight hundred million! Eight. Hundred. Million!” He laughed at the number. “I bet we’ll get to a billion by the end of the summer!”

“Yea, pretty exciting.” Jason replied in an unexcited tone.

“Pretty exciting?! This is beyond pretty exciting, you’ve got the potential for a franchise. They already want you to sign on for the sequel. Whaddya’ say?”

“Sure.” He shrugged.

“Alright! I’ll let them know. In the meantime I’m gonna keep my eyes open for a role with a little more depth. Show off those acting chops.”

“Sure thing Al.” Jason replied.

“Oh, and I sent you over a little something. My way of saying thanks for sticking with me.”

“Uh, okay. What is it?”

“You’ll see.”

Just then his doorbell rang. “Gotta go Al.”

“Yea ya do.” He said in a rather sleazy manner.

Jason peered through the peephole and saw two smoking hot women standing at his door. The tanned blond; wearing a deep v-neck plum colored tank top exposing an insane amount of cleavage, a tight black mini-skirt and black high heel boots that stopped just above her knee. The other, her skin was a deep black, had black hair done up in two pom-poms on either side of her head. Her breasts, just as large as the blonds, were also on display in a white tube top with her nipples very much poking out. She too had a black mini-skirt on but instead of the fuck-me boots, she had fuck-me heels, at least four inches and black paten leather.

Just as his hand was reaching for the knob the ethereal voice called to him, the words were muffled, but he was sure it was calling specifically to him. He turned around and saw the glint of light off in the distance, walking towards the sliding door that led to his balcony with the doorbell ringing impatiently. As soon as he walked through it he found himself back in his bedroom of the apartment he shared with his mother. His eyes darted around trying to make sense of it all. “Funky dream.” He said getting out of bed and walking into the kitchen where his mother sat, drinking her coffee as she played on her phone.

“Oh, morning sweetie.” She said brightly. “You’re up early.”

“Yea, weird dream. Dreams.” He shrugged. He met her glance and she smiled in a way that said everything would be alright. Returning her smile he was filled with a warm fuzzy feeling.

“Usually if I want you up this early I have to do it myself.” She giggled, a bit of a naughty giggle.

“Heh.” He laughed, unsure of what she meant. Drinking down a cup full of water then returning to his bedroom. Collapsing back into bed he was then struck by the weirdness of the room, it was his alright, but not as he remembered, there was furniture that he had seen before. It was his mother’s dresser, vanity and oversized mirror, even the night stand had her lamp on it, along with several of her personal belongings. The clothes hamper had both of their clothes in them, along with the closet. “Humph.” He said, the weirdness beginning to fade, as he lay back down with his arms behind his head nodding off only to wake up a half hour later.

“Hey mister.” His mother said as she walked in the room dressed in an oversized t-shirt.

“Hey.” He replied watching her climb into the bed and throw one leg over his as she cuddled him. Her hands roamed over his chest softly, venturing further south and lightly grazing his member. “Uh, hey.” He said nervously, and shifted around.

Diane giggled, pushed herself further into him, kissing his cheek, his neck, then his other cheek. “How bout a quickie before we have to get ready for work?” Less of a question than a statement.

“Oh, um. Okay.”

“Thought you’d say that.” Winking at him before reaching under her shirt and tugging off her panties. Mounting her son quickly, she fished his rapidly inflating prick from his shorts. Using his head to tease her clit she moaned and rolled her head around. Glancing at the clock. “Not enough time to tease.” She smiled and licked her hand to lubricate her son, then easily sliding him inside her.

Jason grasped his mother’s hips tightly, his fingers sinking into the ample flesh. “Fuck.” He groaned.

“Yes baby.” Diane moaned out as she started rocking her hips, wasting no time her fingers found her clit and she drew rapid circles on it. “Oh fuck baby.” Her hips flicking forward and back at a constant pace, all her weight down on him so he was always as deep in her as possible. “Oh god.” She breathlessly moaned, as her free hand reached up and pinched her nipple through the shirt. All the muscles in her legs tensed up and trembled, she hunched over with her mouth agape in an o-face and her eyes shut tight. “FUCK!” She gasped as her orgasm subsided, brushing the hair out of her face. Slowly she began to resume her rocking motion. “Your turn.” She smiled at him.

It’s not like he was going to last much longer anyway, he held on to his mother’s still rocking hips as he felt the pressure build at the base of his prick. “Oh god mom.” He said softly. One hand leaving her hip to grasp her rear, giving it a firm squeeze. “Oh jeeze!” He cried out as he felt himself explode inside her, pulse after pulse, until he was completely drained. His arms went slack and flopped on the bed.

Diane giggled, leaned down to kiss him on the cheek before trotting off to the shower. In record time; record time being twenty-five minutes, she was done with her shower and back in their bedroom. She sarcastically shook her head at the sight of her son, who hadn’t moved since she got off of him. “Let’s go mister.” Lightly tapping him in the ribs. “Or are you calling out?”

“No no, I’m up.” Rolling out of bed and lumbering towards the bathroom.

Diane poked her head in the bathroom. “Don’t forget, we have dinner with my boss on Friday. Do you think you can get out of work a little early?”

“Sure thing.” He called out over the spray of the shower.

The week went by in the blink of an eye, and Jason was walking out of work early that Friday into the waiting car and his mother behind the wheel. “Hello love.” He leaned in and pecked her on the cheek. “How was your day?”

“Good, yours?” She replied sweetly as she put the car in gear and drove the almost forty minutes home.

After a quick wardrobe change; Jason ditching his light colored khakis and polo for black dress slacks and a white button up. Diane opted for a simple black halter top dress with a frilly hem.

“Are these heels too much you think?” She showed her son the profile of her four inch black leather pumps.

“Mmmm.” He moaned as he pulled her into him, pressing his hip into hers. “Not at all.” Planting a quick kiss on her lips.

She pressed her forehead against his and kissed him back. “Love you.” She said as she squeezed his butt.

“Love you.” As he gave hers a light slap.

“Say, can you drive, I still have to put my makeup on.”

Jason watched out of the corner of his eye as his mother applied her makeup artfully even while the car jostled around a bit. About thirty or so minutes later they arrived at Diane’s boss’s house and rang the doorbell.

“Come on in.” Richard, her boss, said after opening the door. “My wife Kelly.” He pointed towards the kitchen and she waved.

“My son, Jason.” She countered, pecking him quickly on the cheek with a bright smile.

The evening was wonderful, casual conversation and not ever once did the topic of work come up. Great laughs, great food, and great wine and before long the night was coming to its end. “Well, we should get going.” Diane said.

“We must do this again.” Kelly offered and Richard agreed.

Diane and Jason agreed as well, leaving the house hand in hand.

“Sweetie will you drive, I think I may have had one glass too many.”

“Sure thing mom.” Jason squeezed her hand then opened the passenger door for her to get in.

“What a sweet couple.” Kelly said to Richard.

“That was a great evening.” Diane said after they were underway.

“It was.” Jason nodded his head.

Diane looked over at him and smiled, then sighed contently. Her smile turned from happy to mischievous quickly. Kicking off her heels she placed both feet on the dash and wiggled them in their shiny suntan hose, for her son to see. Pulling her dress up to her waist to show off the crotchless hose and lack of panties for him to see as well. “Ugh, I’m so fucking wet!” She moaned out as two fingers gently slapped at her clit providing auditory proof, her head resting back hard against the headrest. Taking his right hand and shoving two of his fingers in her mouth, she sucked on them, simulating giving him a blowjob. Replacing her fingers with his she easily slid them inside her and rocked into them. “Fuck baby.” She cried out.

Doing his best to keep both eyes on the road and both eyes between his mother’s legs, he was grateful for every red light and stop sign he encountered.

With her feet firmly planted on the dash she would push off of Jason’s fingers, then with her hands grasping the seat tightly pull herself back on to them. A steady fast rhythm she rode her son’s fingers, gasping and moaning as she did so. “Oh fuck!” She cried out, one hand grasping the headrest, her knuckles going white. “Shit!” Her bottom lip began to tremble and her eyes shut tight. “Oh, baby.” She mumbled as her hips started to quiver and buck into his hand. Crying out a chorus of moans and swears as she came all over the fingers buried deep inside her. “Ahhh.” She said, satisfied with a huge smile on her face after her orgasm subsided. “That was great.” Staring at him lovingly.

“I bet. You have some admirers.” Nodding his head out her window.

Quickly she looked to her right to see a car full of teens clapping for her performance at the red light. “Oh my god!” Burying her head in her hands, snapping her legs shut and bringing her feet back to the floor of the car. “Jason, drive!” She said with an embarrassed giggle.

“It’s a red light.” He pointed out the window.

“Please.” Peaking out of the side of her hands.

“BRAVO! BRAVO!” From all the occupants of the neighboring car.

Relenting from her embarrassment, she pulled her hands from her face and took a mock bow to the boys and girls applauding her. To which they cheered even louder.

The light turned green and they made their left as the car full of horny teenagers went straight honking their horn and hooting and hollering.

“I suppose I won’t live that one down.” She mused, smiling at him.

“Not ever.” Returning her smile and resting his hand on her leg.

Just as they pulled up in front of their apartment building, Diane slipped her heels back on and leapt out of the car as soon as her son put it in park. “Race you!” She called out to him.

Jason hadn’t even gotten his seatbelt off and before he knew it he was already losing a race he didn’t know he entered. That didn’t stop him from catching up quickly though, as his mother’s high heels forced her to take every step cautiously and she was only through the front door of their building before he was behind her. However, he knew better than to try and get in front of her, as the three flights of stairs meant he would be treated to a lovely upskirt view the entire time.

“YOU’RE NOT EVEN TRYING!” She called out as she reached the first landing.

“Nope.” He said, squeezing her rear.

“Humph.” She playfully pouted and gave up running the rest of the stairs.

Jason paid her no mind as he held her dress out to watch the show.

Diane took each step in an exaggerated manner to give him a better view. In front of their door she fumbled with the key as she was being groped by her son. Once through the threshold she took him by the hand and led them to their bedroom. Pressing her body against his, planting a passionate kiss on him, their tongues danced together. Their hands held each other tightly. She broke the kiss, then pecked him quickly before speaking. “Make love to me.”

He nodded with a loving smile, pushing her towards the bed.

She fell back and spread her legs, inviting her son between them.

Jason dropped to his knees, carefully removing her heels and setting them aside. He kissed her inner thighs lightly, inhaling deeply, kissing closer and closer.

“Jason baby.” She whispered breathlessly, moving her hips anxiously to have him where she wanted him.

Barely touching his lips to her clit, he paused, breathing heavily.

Diane watched while she was being pleasurably tortured, but could wait no longer. Her hand met the back of his head and gently encouraged him to get to work.

With a light chuckle he opened his mouth and ran his tongue from bottom to top of his mother’s vagina.

“OH, GOD!” She moaned out long and loud.

Nodding his head slowly up and down the entirety of his tongue bathed his mother, making sure her clit was the center of attention, but also every sensitive area was being attended to.

“Oh Jason.” She gasped while running her hand through her hair.

Instinctively he knew just how to please her, it also helped that she was already incredibly orgasmic, but still he paid attention to all of her moans and the responses he got from her body.

Diane’s breathing became faster and faster as she neared her orgasm; her toes began to curl, her core flexed, she produced no other sounds other than a sharp exhale of breath, and her head pressed hard into the mattress. Her body writhed and twitched as she came on her son’s tongue. “FUCK!” She was finally able to say in a stuttered grunt, as her legs closed around his head to prevent him from continuing any more on her sensitive clit. “Get inside me!” Her hands pulled at his arms.

Jason undid his pants, his boxers showing a rather large stain of precum, tugging those off as well he collapsed on top of his mother. Kissing her gently on her neck and up to her lips, their tongues flicked against each other.

Between them, Diane’s hands found her son’s bobbing member and guided it to it’s target.

They both moaned into each other’s mouth as his length sank deeper and deeper, and once fully nestled they let out a very satisfied ‘Ahhh.’

Diane wrapped him up in her arms and legs, softly stroking his back. “I love you so much baby.”

He gently stroked her cheek. “I love you too.” Slowly he thrust in and out of her, maintaining a slow pace while they locked eyes. Kissing briefly every couple of seconds and exploring the other’s body with their hands.

“Let me take this off.” Diane said, pulling at the hem of the dress, flinging it to the floor once she had it off.

Jason couldn’t help himself, his mother’s large pillowy breasts were begging to be fondled. “Jeeze they’re perfect.” He moaned pressing them together, softly pinching the nipples before giving each a squeeze.

She knew they weren’t perfect, they had a few stretch marks and just a bit of sag, but she had come to love them as well. Pulling her legs by the back of her knees she looked deeply into her son’s eyes. “Pound it baby.” She said desperately.

Not needing any more encouragement he found himself back inside her, pounding away as requested. His mother’s wet pussy squelched, punctuating the end of each forceful thrust, accompanied by their moans of ecstasy. “Fuck ma!” He said, his hand replacing hers at the back of her knee. His eyes drawn, uncontrollably, to the incestious sight happening between their legs; a sight that he didn’t question or object to.

Diane’s moans grew in volume, her fingers back on her clit, and the hand grasping her leg found its way to her son’s arm that flexed with each thrust. “Oh god.” She whispered.

“Yea?” He asked happily.

“Yea.” She nodded with a smile and a nod.

“Cum for me.”

“A little harder.” She gasped.

Jason proceed to pound his mother just a bit harder; he listened as her breaths got shorter and sharper and ‘Oh God’ punctuated each of his thrusts.

Diane’s body undulated in a wave, starting from her head and ending at her hips, quivering with each one. Her moans of pleasure permeated the walls and into the ears of anyone still awake, and surly enticing them into action of their own. She collapsed back onto the mattress with a huff, wiping the sweat matted hair from her face. Smiling innocently at her son as she pulled his hip, encouraging him to resume.

Embracing her in a full body hug while still thrusting into her, he kissed her neck up to her ear. “I swear you get wetter after every orgasm.” Said with a pleased smile.

She nodded, listening to the proof. Her hands roamed his sweaty back while her pointed toes pressed into his butt with each of his thrusts.

Jason leaned up and motioned for her to turn over.

“Mmm.” She moaned seductively while getting in position, wiggling her wide hips and fat ass at him, that were framed perfectly by her crotchless hose.

He groaned uncontrollably as he felt inch after inch slide into his mother’s molten wet pussy, gripping her tightly by her hips he pulled as hard as he could.

“FUCK! You are so DEEP!” She cried out, clenching the sheets in her fists, but pushing back as hard as she could against him.

He watched as her ass, squished against his waist as much as it could be, showed a bit of cellulite wrinkle. He grinned lasciviously, as this was probably his favorite sight and he couldn’t help but to bring his hand down on it.

Diane moaned into the mattress at the feeling of her son slapping her ass, she wiggled it again then pulled away slowly, until only the head of his prick remained inside her. With all the force and speed she could muster she pushed back hard nestling him once again as deep inside her as possible.

“OH, FUCK, MA!” He groaned out slowly.

She turned her head so she could see him. “You like that baby?” Asked in a sugary sweet voice.

Meeting her gaze, he bit his lip and nodded. “Do it again.” He sighed breathlessly.

Slowly, she pulled away, dipping her back even lower in the process, once she felt just the tip of his prick begin to leave her she wiggled her ass for him. She could feel his hands squeezing her hips, almost begging without words to be back inside her. Again, hard and fast, she slammed her ass back against him.

“FUCK!” He moaned loudly, throwing his head back.

“Mmmmm.” She moaned while swaying her ass on him. “I love it when you’re loud.”

“One more time, please.”

“Of course baby.” The lips of her pussy perfectly gripped her son’s shaft as it left her, leaving behind a trail of her wetness.

Jason’s hands massaged the two large globes of his mother’s ass cheeks, and with one little twitch of his finger on her hip he signaled that he wanted to be back inside her. He watched as her ass slammed back on him with force, causing a shockwave that rippled through her cheeks. He gripped her hips, tightly, fingers digging into her flesh, ensuring that she didn’t pull away. Their moans, and grunts, and swears echoed in the room and beyond it.

“SO DEEP! SO DEEP! SO DEEP!” Her toes curled and spread and clenched seemingly randomly.

After regaining what little composure he had, Jason put his thumbs in the dimples of Venus on her back, the rest of his fingers grabbing her hip bones. His eyes fluttered as he slowly withdrew from her, they then focused on the sight of his mother; face down and ass up. “Oh god.” He softly sighed while slowly thrusting into her. “Oh god.” He said with every thrust, feeling the pressure build. “Mom, I’m so close.” Announcing to her, and anyone in earshot.

Diane pushed back against him, meeting his thrusts. This was perhaps her favorite part, she could feel him swell inside her when he was ready to cum. His fingers gripped her a little tighter as well, and he moaned wildly.

Slowly, steadily, he thrust into her, savoring her wetness that gripped him. “Oh god I’m cumming.” He whispered so that only she would hear it.

She felt him bury himself in her and hold still, his prick twitched and throbbed. Her head rolled to the side and her mouth gaped open. “Oh, baby.” She moaned while slowly rocking her hips up and down against him, milking every last drop.

Jason collapsed next to her, gasping for air with irregular breathing. “Fuck!” He managed to say.

Diane cuddled into him, throwing one leg over his and caressing his sweat covered chest. “Mmmm.” She moaned as she inhaled his scent. “We’re really good at that.” She giggled.

With his arm around her he squeezed. “Yes we are.” He laughed, nodding his head.

They enjoyed their post orgasmic bliss for a few minutes before both getting cleaned up and getting back in bed.

Jason spooned his mother and felt her wiggle back against him. “Say, how long have we been doing this?” He whispered in her ear.

Diane spun over, rather quickly considering all the energy they expended. “You think you’re so clever mister!” She poked him in the chest and gave him a sarcastic sneer.

He was obviously confused.

“I know our two year anniversary is next Saturday.” The sarcasm changed to a loving stare, followed by a sweet kiss on his lips. She rolled back over, pulling his arm so he was spooning her once again, and positioning his hand so that it held her breast. “I won’t forget like last year.”

“Two years?” He said to himself, but aloud. Then, like a flowing river, the memories of the past two years poured into his head. He smiled, on the verge of tears at all the wonderful and love filled memories now implanted forever in his brain. “Two of the most amazing years ever.” He squeezed her tightly, and kissed her on the cheek.

“Oh baby.” She said sweetly, bringing his hand up and kissing it.

They woke the next morning, relaxed and refreshed.

Jason yawned and caressed his mother’s nude body.

“You’re up early.” She mused.

“And you slept in.” He countered.

In the kitchen they made breakfast together and set it down at their tiny table.

“I have plans for us next Saturday.” He said before putting a forkful in his mouth.

“Oh really?”

He nodded his head.

“Do tell.”

He shook his head.

“Very well.” She took a bite. “I have plans for us as well.”

He raised his eyebrow.

“It’s night time activities.” She winked at him.

After breakfast, and after they cleaned their mess, and showered, they both stood in the middle of the kitchen in a sweet embrace.

“What would you like to do today?” Jason asked her, kissing the top of her head.

She looked up into his eyes. “Anything, as long as it’s with you.” Standing up on her toes she kissed him passionately.

He smiled. “We could catch up on the Zaxby’s?”

“Sounds good.”

The rest of the day they spent on the couch, watching their show, seemingly more shows than would fit in a day. They repeated this process on Sunday as well.

Unfortunately weekends always come to an end and the work week has to start, but before they knew it, it was already Friday and they were at the local bar sharing a few drinks with friends before heading home.

Diane stretched out in bed, reaching for her son to cuddle her for a little bit before she got up. She blindly patted the bed next to her but found no one there, getting up she was treated to the smell of breakfast.

“Morning.” Jason said with a bright smile. “Have a seat.” He pointed to the table with a mug of coffee ready.

“What time did you get up to do all this?” She asked with genuine appreciation.

“Don’t worry about it.” He kissed her on top of her head and set down her plate.

“Pancakes with a bacon smile.” She looked up at him with a goofy smile.

He pulled a can of whip cream and drew circles on the pancakes.

Her goofy smile got even bigger. “And whip cream eyes.”

They sat together and enjoyed their breakfast, chatting idly, checking their phones as well.

“Oh boy, getting late.” Jason said. “Come on.” He took her plate and deposited it in the sink. “Jump in the shower, and be quick about it.” He pointed to her with a grin on his face.

“Okay okay I’m going.” Diane exited the shower, dried off and returned to their bedroom to find her son holding a plain looking tee and some leggings.

“Put those on…” He checked his watch. “…we’ve got to be out of here in ten minutes.”

“Sure I won’t be overdressed for our romantic date?” She joked as she got dressed.

In the car he drove spiritedly.

“You in a rush dear?”

“A bit.” He pulled into a strip mall that they frequented, found a spot and took her by the hand to her salon.

“Ah Diane!” The woman behind the counter greeted her. “And right on time.”

“Manicure and pedicure, all paid for and tipped.” He kissed her forehead. “I’ll be back for you in a bit.”

Diane sat in a large chair while several women tended to her nails.

Jason walked back through the door just as she was finishing up.

“You like?” She held out her hands for inspection.

“I love!” He kissed her. “But we’ve got to get moving.” He ushered her to the car and sped towards their next location. He repeated the process, taking her by the hand into the massage parlor. “One hour massage. Paid and tipped.” He smiled and kissed her again. “I’ll be back to get you.”

Diane was treated to a quiet, relaxing massage; all, if any, tension she had was rubbed out of her. She all but floated back out to the reception area where she was greeted by her son.

“Relaxed?” He asked, knowing the answer.

“Mmmm, very.” Through the door of their apartment Diane inhaled a lovely flowery scent. “Smells nice, what is that?”

“Your bath.” He led her to the bathroom where the tub was filled with hot water and a floral scented bath bomb.

She hadn’t thought it possible to be any more relaxed than she already was, but as her body slipped below the water she could feel any care she had left disappear.

After twenty or so minutes Jason reappeared holding her terry cloth robe. “All done?”

“Mmmm yes.” She moaned. Standing up and turning around to have her robe placed on her. “Did you put it in the dryer too?” She snuggled up in the warm robe as her son embraced her. “If you have any more relaxing things planned I may just slip into a comma.” She mused.

“Nope. This is it.” He kissed her head. “I know you prefer actions over gifts, so I thought a day of pampering would be a great anniversary gift.”

She turned around while still being held. “It was the perfect gift.” Returning his kiss.

They lounged around for the rest of the day; Diane couldn’t help but to nap most of it away. After dinner and a glass of wine she could barely keep her eyes open. “Sweetie, I think I’m gonna go to bed.”

“Okay mom. I’ll be in soon.” He kissed her and proceed to tidy up their place.

Diane had no plans of going to sleep just yet, from the closet she took out the piece of lingerie she bought for this night; a black lace halter top with attached garters. She adjusted herself in it and pulled on the black backseam stockings, and once she was happy with it she snapped a pic of her laying on their bed and sent it to her son. She didn’t have to wait long before he burst through the door.

“WOW!” He said as he pawed at her, squeezing her breasts through the lace material. Excitedly he tugged at his own clothes, flinging them carelessly across the room, kissing his mother between each one. He pushed her back onto the bed and watched as her tits bounced, nearly out of their lacy confines.

Diane pulled her legs back and pinned them down with her elbows, then used her fingers to spread open the lips of her pussy. “Get in there.” She said in a husky voice.

A shiver ran up his spine and his prick lurched, he wasted no time in mounting her, poking her with the head of his dick. Each poke managed to get just a little deeper, his hips desperate to begin fucking. He hissed out a moan once he felt his mothers pussy swallow him and he held still for a second before he began pounding away.

“Happy anniversary baby.” She said with a sultry tone to her voice.

“Mmmm.” He moaned, her wet pussy bathing his invading shaft. “Happy anniversary mom.” He stuttered.

She reached up and held his chin in her hand, staring deep into his eyes. “You’re not gonna last long tonight, and I’m gonna make sure of it.”

He could only gasp.

Diane pushed him onto his back and mounted him, taking his hands and placing them on her tits. She worked her hips up and down, growing in speed with each second.

“Oh god mom.” He said weakly.

“Yes baby!” She said aggressively, her hands on his ribs for stability. Her dripping wet pussy milked him with each stroke.

He could only stare her in the eyes with his mouth hanging open and hold on for the ride of his life.

She bounced on his lap, her ass slapping with force as it landed in it each time, her pussy squelching around her son’s rigid member ready to blow at any second. Her bossy demeanor softened just as she spoke. “Cum for mommy baby.”

“Oh yes.” He sighed as he could take no more, his prick swelled within his mother’s wet internal embrace. His head tilted back as he felt the first pulse of his thick white load erupt into her.

Diane stopped her bouncing and rolled her hips to match him.

“FUCK!” He shouted, feeling the second stream spill forth from his balls, up his shaft and into her. His dick pumped as much of his seed as it had stored, so much so that some was already beginning to leak out of her.

Once her son’s body went slack she laid down on him, stroking his hair to soothe him. “That wasn’t your gift.” She giggled.

“No?” He replied quizzically.

She had to chuckle. “No, sex isn’t a suitable anniversary gift, silly.” From her night stand she retrieved an item, she held it in her fist in front of him. “My father hated your dad.”


“Yea, as soon as he met him too. Your dad stuck his hand out to shake, my dad looked him up and down and said ‘Nope, he’s not the one.’ I was pissed!”

“I bet.”

“But he was right, we were kids, just eighteen. And I was pregnant with you at the time.”


“Yea, but we didn’t know yet. Time went on and I slowly realized that your father wasn’t the one. We parted ways shortly after my mother died, and not long after that dad fell ill.”

“I remember.”

“Well, in the hospital, the night before he died. Dad put something in my hand and held it, and he said ‘Peanut, when you find the right man, you’ll need these.’ And he let go.”

“What was it?”

“These.” She opened her hand. “Mom and dad’s wedding rings.” She looked her son deep in his eyes. “I’ve found the right man.” She slid her fathers ring onto her son’s finger.

“Oh mom, this is moving a little too fast for me.” He had a big smirk on his face.

“You ass!” She said with a smile putting her mother’s ring in his hand and stretching hers out.

Jason slid the ring on her finger and kissed her passionately before falling into the bed holding her tight.


“Good night mom.” Jason said as he leaned in to kiss his mother on the cheek.

Diane leaned in to the kiss and smiled. “Night sweetie.” She said softly.

She was very proud of her son, and happy to have him in the house still, for several reasons. Raising a child as a single mother isn’t easy, especially with a crap job that made barely enough to pay for rent and put food in the fridge. Early on she had to spread her legs for the disgusting landlord just to take the portion off rent that she couldn’t cover. She hated herself every time she had to do it, but it was that or be homeless with a toddler.

So she was obviously excited when Jason got to the age where he could find some after school work and contribute to the household, if only just paying for some groceries. Her excitement came at a cost however, as she was conflicted over needing her teenage son, who should be out enjoying his youth, to pay for things. It did mean that she rarely had to let the landlord pathetically hump her till he finished.

As soon as Jason graduated from high school he got a job at the local lumber mill, paying a decent wage as well. He knew that his mother was still having financial difficulties, the rent and food were well paid for, but her credit card was maxed out. Having to use it to put food on the table or pay bills and only repay the minimum each month had dug her out of one hole only to leave her in another. So he decided to remain home until she was able to pay it off, paying his half of the rent and groceries, so she could have some breathing room and make more than the minimum.

Her son was nearing his twenty first birthday and she was only about a third of the way to paying off her card. For every bit that appreciated the sacrifice that he was making, she lamented again that it had to be done. She was able to find a new job, that paid a little better than her last, still it would be a few more years before she was debt free. Pushing this thought from her mind for the night, she wiped down a few of the surfaces in the kitchen, brushed her teeth and climbed into bed. Before she was able to fall asleep she heard a loud thud and thrashing around from her son’s room. Bolting out of bed she burst through his door and found him bleeding from a deep gash to the head and in the midst of what she would later find out was a grand mal seizure.

At the hospital, sitting at the side of her son, clutching his hand in hers, she listened to the doctor.

“What we believe happened is your son suffered a very mild stroke, which led to his loss of balance, suffering the head wound and triggering his seizure.”

Truly shocked by the news. “Oh. Oh. Okay.” She nodded her head despondently.

“We’ve placed your son in a medically induced coma. This will give his brain the best chance to heal.”

“Alright.” She responded blankly. “How uh, how long will he be, uh…” She couldn’t bear to finish her sentence.

The doctor sighed heavily. “Due to the amount of trauma he suffered, I believe a month, minimum, will be required.”

“A month!” She leaned forward, a bit of life coming back to her response.

“Yes, unfortunately. If it were just one trauma we would monitor him over night, but combined it has led to some significant damage.” He showed her a scan of her son’s brain, pointing out the areas that had been damaged.

Diane cast her eyes to the floor and nodded her head as the doctor left. Once alone she leaned up and kissed her son on the forehead then whispered in his ear. “I love you sweetie, please get better quickly.” She sat back down and dialed her boss. “Yes I know it’s three in the morning.” She replied to him in a very annoyed tone after he barked into the phone. “But my son is in the hospital. I won’t be in for the rest of the week.” She angrily hung up the phone without waiting for a response. She slumped back into the chair, dozed off and didn’t wake until she heard some shuffling in the room.

“Hi, I’m Erica.” A middle aged looking nurse said to her with a smile.

“Hi, I’m, uh, Diane.” Rubbing her eyes, then stretching her back.

“There’s some coffee at the nurses station.” Erica pointed out the door.

Diane nodded her head and shuffled towards the fresh pot of coffee, returning to her son’s side after taking the first sip.

“His vitals are strong. Why don’t you go home, get some rest, something to eat.” Erica said reassuringly.

Diane began to protest, but the awkward sleeping position she was in all night made it feel like all her bones were creaking. “Yea.” She replied nodding, taking a sip of coffee, kissing her son and once again whispering in his ear. “I’ll be back before you know it.”

Back home she tried to relax, but the memory of what just happened was fresh in her mind. Breaking out the cleaning supplies she mopped up the now dried blood on the floor, changed the sheets, did some laundry, tried to eat something but just wasn’t hungry. Checking her watch she sighed, seeing it was only a little after nine in the morning. She jumped in the shower, then got dressed and headed back to the hospital, waving at the nurses she saw just hours ago.

“Hi sweetie.” Kissing him on the forehead after brushing his hair out of the way. “I brought a book, would you like me to read it to you?” Diane pulled the chair closer to him and began reading, all day long, not even stopping to get herself something to eat. It wasn’t until late into the evening that she acknowledged her hunger.

“Here.” The night shift nurse set down a tray of food with a smile.

“Thank you.” Diane said as she took a bite.

The nurse, Tiffany, looked at Jason and pondered his situation. “Ya know, I got a boy bout his age.”

Diane looked up at her with tears beginning to form. “You give him a big hug when you get home.”

Tiffany nodded and placed a hand on Diane’s shoulder, giving it a reassuring squeeze as she left the room.

Every day, for the rest of the week Diane spent the majority of it at her son’s side; talking to him, reading to him, and watching movies with him. It was late Sunday night, and she knew she had to get some proper rest. “Okay sweetie, I have to go. Work tomorrow.” She shrugged. “But I promise, as soon as I’m out of work I’ll be right back here, okay?” Kissing him on his forehead again. “Love you.” Solemnly she walked out of the hospital, waving to the nurses along the way.

“Diane, I’m gonna need you to focus a bit more.” Richard said sternly while leaning on her cubicle wall.

“MY SON! Is in a coma, from a stroke, that made him black out, suffering a head wound and likely a concussion, which lead to a GRAND. MAL. SEIZURE. So you’ll have to forgive me for being a little ‘unfocused’ okay?”

Richard nodded, but not very happy about being chastised by a subordinate. “I am going to need you to work some overtime though.”

“Nope.” She didn’t even look at him, then just as he was about to press the issue she answered his question before he asked. “Every day. At five o’clock. I am leaving here. And I will be at my son’s bedside until he comes out of his COMA. After that, I will make up for any work I missed.”

Accepting her offer he shuffled off, back to his office.

Her cubemate, Albert, turned around and whispered to her. “That was so satisfying.”

Diane giggled and did her best to concentrate as she knew Richard would make her life hell if she didn’t perform to at least the minimum standards. As soon as five hit she was out the door, driving in a spirited manner towards the hospital and into a parking spot. Her heels clicked and clacked on the tile as she rounded the corner and entered her son’s room. Panic hit her as Jason was nowhere to be found, her eyes darted around the small room.

“Diane!” Tiffany called to her from the nurses station, waving her over. “They just took him for a scan, he’ll be back any minute.” Patting her hand to reassure her.

Relief washed over her instantly, she let out a large sigh and her shoulders relaxed.

“How was your day?” Tiffany asked.

“Pretty good.” She smiled. “I got to tell off my boss.”

“Lucky you.” Tiff said, then nodded towards the orderlies bringing her son back to his room.

“Hi sweetie, you gave me a bit of a scare.” Again, brushing a stray hair from his forehead and planting a kiss on it. She scooted a chair over and took a book from her purse and began reading to him. After about a half hour she was interrupted by the doctor and one of the nurses.

“Diane, hi. It’s good to see you. I wanted to go over your son’s scan with you.”

“Okay.” She said cautiously.

He put his hands up to reassure her. “Nothing bad, I promise.” He compared the initial scan to the one they just took to show her the progress, and that it was slower than they expected.

“So what does that mean?”

“Well, we may have to leave him under for longer than expected.”

“How much longer?”

“An additional two to three weeks.” He saw her expression change rapidly. “But that’s just a preliminary guess, he still has three more weeks, and anything can change from now to then.”

Diane was unsure how to respond.

“In other news, we are seeing an unusual amount of brain activity, more so than normal for someone in his state.”


“We think he’s dreaming. Which explains why his brain isn’t recovering at the rate we’re expecting.”

“Oh.” This seemed to reassure her.

Day after day Diane put in her eight hours at work, then bolted to the hospital as soon as she could. Staying by her son’s side until she could barely stay awake, only returning home to sleep and shower. The weekends she was there for the entire day, sometimes spending the night and not leaving until late Sunday night. On the Monday of the final week she left work and sped towards the hospital; every Monday they scanned him to see his progress and this would be the one that would determine if he would be in a coma for another three weeks or if they would wake him. She waved at the nurses as she passed them and waited in Jason’s room for him to return.

“Diane, hi…”

She could tell from his demeanor that he didn’t have good news for her.

“He’s just not ready yet, but on the up side, he is almost there. Just one more week and he should be good as new.”

She took a deep breath. “Okay.” Letting it out as she nodded her head and returned her attention to her son. Taking a book from her purse and reading it to him she steeled herself for another week.

Going through the motions day after day took its toll on her, she was an emotional and physical wreck. Dealing with everyone asking questions about her son, about her, getting next to no sleep, having no appetite and when she did eat it was usually unhealthy and at odd hours. The apartment suffered as well, laundry was piling up, as were the dishes and trash. On Saturday, just before she was heading to the hospital she had a breakdown, collapsing against the door she wept. Clutching her knees against her chest and sobbed into them. “Just three more days Diane!” She said as she wiped the tears away and righted herself.

At work on Monday there was no chance that she was going to be able to concentrate, she did her best, but all she could do was watch the clock. Any time her boss came by she shot him the kind of eyes that said ‘Don’t you dare!’ and he left her alone. No longer able to wait, she packed up and was out of the office at a quarter to five and made it to the hospital at five on the dot. She was a nervous wreck as she paced around the room waiting for her son to return.

“Well Diane.” The doctor said with a smile. “I have some news that will make you very happy.”

Diane was overcome with emotion knowing what he was going to say, tears had welled up in her eyes as she covered her mouth with her hands.

The doctor held out the most recent scan showing her a near complete recovery. “Now, because he’s been under for so long we have to slowly wean him off of the drugs, so don’t expect him to wake up until at least Wednesday or Thursday.”

Excitedly Diane nodded her head, just happy for the end to be in sight. She spent the rest of the night by his side happily reading to him. Tuesday she spent the night talking to him, telling him about the things he missed over the past month. Wednesday she couldn’t help but to call out of work and spend the entire day by his side.

“Ugghh.” Jason moaned.

Diane’s eyes went wide, almost like she couldn’t believe it.

He moved around in bed for a second with his eyes still closed, mumbling as he did. He opened his eyes then shut them tight as the brightness of the room pained him. He rubbed them, then slowly peaked out then leaning up. “Mom!?” He said through a scratchy throat.

“Oh baby!” She exclaimed as tears poured down her face, almost launching herself into the bed as she hugged him as tightly as she could.

“Mom, where am I?” He asked as the haze started to fade.

She sat back down and told him everything that happened to him, how long he had been in a coma, she had to take several breaks to compose herself.

“So, uh, none of it was real. The adventures, the…?”

“Oh, baby, yea. The doctors said you might have been dreaming.”

“Jason! Welcome, my name is Dr. Tosh, I’ve been looking after you for the past 5 weeks, along with the help of the entire nursing staff.”

Jason nodded at the strange man.

“We want to take one more scan then we can begin the discharge process.”

Orderlies came in to wheel Jason to get his final scan.

“Diane, there is something you should know about individuals who experience severe brain trauma, they can be rather impulsive. It’s not like a complete personality change, sometimes they tend to take greater risks than previous, but most often it manifests in the lack of a brain mouth filter. Saying what is literally on their mind without editing it for the intended audience.”

“Okay.” She nodded, more concerned with getting her son back home. “How are you feeling sweetie?” She asked him after they brought him back into the room.

“Good, uh, tired. Thirsty.” He took a large drink of water. “Mom, there’s a tube in my penis.”

She had to giggle a bit. “That’s a catheter.”

“I don’t like it.” He sighed.

“You’re gonna like it a whole lot less when they have to remove it.”

“Ughhh.” He groaned.

After some papers were signed Diane ran to the car to have it curbside for her son. On their way home she squeezed his hand and gave him a smile.

He intertwined their fingers, squeezing her hand back.

This, of course, meant something different to the both of them.

Just as Diane was pulling up to the front of their building Jason opened the car door before it had come to a stop. “JASON!” Diane shouted, slamming on the brakes.

“Huh?” He looked at his mother quizzically.

“The car wasn’t stopped.”

“Oh.” He kind of shrugged, then stepped out.

Once in the apartment Jason stood in the kitchen, surveying it.

“I haven’t had much of a chance to clean.” Pointing towards the full sink that was spilling out onto the counter, the full trash, and the thin layer of dust on nearly every surface.

“Huh. Oh, yea, that’s fine.” He replied. In truth, that wasn’t what he was paying attention to. The apartment was nothing like the way they had it, it felt foreign, almost as though he didn’t belong there. Standing in the doorway of his room he had the same feeling, seeing only the bed and two mismatched nightstands. He let out a sigh of regret. “I’m gonna take a nap.” He closed the door behind him and collapsed into the bed.

Diane busied herself with cleaning the mess of the past month, but not before opening her son’s door a crack so she could keep an eye and ear on him, just in case.

A few hours later Jason woke, this time to a pleasant smell coming from the kitchen. “Mmmm, that smells amazing!” He said as he stood next to his mother, placing one hand low on her hip as he leaned over the pot she was stirring.

She couldn’t help but to notice his hand, she felt him sort of squeeze her hip; not in a lewd way, or even a way that felt inappropriate for a mother and son, but rather in a loving way. “It’s just pasta sauce.” She finally spoke.

“Mmmm, lemmie try it!” He leaned towards the spoon she was using to stir it. “DELICIOUS!” He exclaimed after tasting it, letting his hand caress her lower back as he walked away towards the bathroom.

Jason sat down to eat and dug in. “What day is it again?” He said sort of confused.

“Wednesday sweetie.”

“Right. Right.” Nodding his head. “Well, I’ll go to work tomorrow. Catchup on what I missed out on.”

“Oh, uh. Yea. So I talked to your boss, Paul, and he said he had to fill your old position, but he told me to tell you they’d be happy to find a place anywhere in the mill for you when you return.”

Jason paused with a blank look on his face, he was desperately trying to remember what he used to do. He could remember very clearly working at the lumber mill, but the memory of what he did when he was under was beginning to fade.

“Jason.” She reached her hand across the table and touched his.

He looked up into her eyes and smiled softly, the memory of work had faded, but the memories they made together would never. He turned his palm upwards and gave her hand a gentle squeeze. “I’ll go into the mill tomorrow and see what they can do.” He resumed eating.

“I uh, I had to have them put you on disability. It was the only way I could still make rent and bills. I’m sorry, I just…”

“Hey ma! It’s okay! That’s what it’s for.” He smiled at her, grabbing her hand again and soothing it.

She nodded her head. “I only used enough to make your half.”

“You should have used it all!” He brightly smiled, taking his empty plate and kissing her on the top of the head.

This gave her a smile she couldn’t wipe off. “Hey, uh. I’m gonna have to work overtime the rest of this week and next.”

“Okay, what time do you think you’ll be home?”

“Seven or eight I imagine.”


The next morning he woke to the sound of his alarm, silencing it he rolled over to cuddle his mother only to find that she obviously wasn’t there. Lumbering out of bed he walked into the bathroom to pee.

“Uh, Jason.” Diane said from the shower, covering herself as best she could as the curtain had a few spots that were see-through.

“Yea ma?” He replied while tugging his boxers down, the situation not fully hitting him.

“I’m uh, still in here.” She said, hoping he would get the hint.

“OH! Right. Sorry ma.” He left to go pour himself a mug of coffee.

Diane dried off and wrapped herself up in the towel before emerging from the bathroom. “It’s all yours…since when do you drink coffee?” She asked with her head tilted to the side.

He looked confused. “Since always.” Moving past her he let his hand softly drift over her midsection.

She wasn’t creeped out or disgusted by it, in fact it felt quite loving and put a smile on her face.

Jason took the bus to the mill, and was all dressed for a day of hard work.

“Jason!” Paul said quite surprised to see him up and moving around. “Come on.” He motioned for him to his office. “How ya feelin?”

“Pretty good actually, a little memory loss, but nothing important.” He laughed.

“Well, I’m sure your mom told you, but we had to fill your old position. I’ve got something for you in shipping though, same pay, but it’s the AM shift.”

“Yea, alright, that’s perfect actually.” Before his accident he worked the night shift as it allowed him to sleep in. However after spending over two years with his mother while he was under, he preferred being on a similar schedule as her.

Paul laughed, remembering all the conversations he had with Jason and how much he hated getting up early. “Okay, well, you’re still on disability, so take the rest of the week and we’ll see you on Monday. Bright and early.”

Back home he spent time tidying up the place, checking his account and paying any overdue bills he had. Checking the fridge he could see that his mother had really let things go, so he did grocery shopping and made a plan for dinner.

Diane sat at her desk, staring at her computer, there was no actual work that she missed, the overtime was just a punishment for taking unscheduled time off. After what she figured was a reasonable amount of time she packed up her things and left. Walking through the door she was about to announce herself then a lovely smell wafted into her nose. “My goodness! That smells delicious!” She peered into the pan her son was standing over. “When did you learn how to cook!?” She said in amazement, as she was the one that made all the meals.

Jason shook his head with a laugh, then pecked her quickly on the lips. “Go get changed, dinner will be ready in a few minutes.”

In her room she changed, thinking nothing of the fact that her son just kissed her on the lips, in fact it seemed innocent, almost normal. At the small kitchen table a plate was set down in front of her and she marveled at it. “What is it?”

He looked at her confused. “Your favorite, butter chicken.”

“Jason, I’ve never had butter chicken.” She took a spoonful and moaned at the flavor. “It is my favorite now though.” Smiling at him from across the table as she continued to eat.


As Friday got into swing he wasn’t sure what to do with himself, this was the longest amount of time he spent away from her when he wasn’t at work also. The house was clean, there were plenty of groceries, no laundry to be done, so he had to just sit around and wait for her to return.

He had practically worn a path down from pacing around waiting to start dinner, he had everything in place and was just waiting for the text from his mother to say she was on her way home. Then, at 7:47pm, he got the text that she was packing up and leaving. Her office wasn’t too far from home so it would only take about fifteen minutes. Jason timed it perfectly so that the homemade pizza would be just coming out of the oven when she walked through the door. He had a glass of wine ready for her and by the time she changed the pizza would be cool enough to eat.

“So, how was your day?” He asked.

She shrugged her shoulders. “It’s over, so, great I suppose.” She took a bite of the pizza. “Mmmph, this is amazing!” Finishing it in two bites and then grabbing another slice.

He chuckled. “Yea, you always love when I make pizza.” He replied quite matter-of-factly.

It wasn’t particularly that comment, more so the combination of them all, but she had to ask. “You’ve said things like that, but what do you mean?”

He shrugged. “You know, whenever you’ve had a long day or week you’d ask me to make one of your favorites.”

A look of confusion washed over her face. “Jason, umm, you’ve never cooked before. At least not for me.”

It was his turn to pause as clarity hit him. “Oh yea. Sometimes I forget that it was a dream, or whatever.”

“Sweetie, what was a dream?” She said in a very caring and concerned manner.

“You know, us. The life we had, together.”

“What do you mean?” She knew full well what he meant.

He stared off into the distance, replaying the memories of the past two years, bringing a soft smile to his face.

“Jason. Honey.” She patted his hand.

This seemed to bring him back as he met her glance, holding her hand in his. “Us, being together. Dating. Although it was more than just dating.”

She pulled her hand back. “Oh.”

His demeanor changed with the change of subject. “More wine?” He asked cherily like he hadn’t just dropped a bomb on her.

“Please.” She replied, holding up her glass.


Saturday morning and Jason stumbled from his room to the bathroom then into the kitchen where he saw his mother, as per usual, drinking her coffee and staring at her phone. He poured himself a mug and sat at the table opposite her. “What’d’ya say we catch up on the Zaxby’s today?”

“The what?” She looked at him in utter confusion.

“The Zax…the Zaxby’s, our show…oh wait.” His shoulders went slack.

She was intrigued. “What’s it about?”

He instantly perked back up. “This, like, crazy rich but sweet old couple from New York City. I mean like insanely rich! Like, lost touch with reality, rich! They’re like family friends with the producer or something and they just put them in situations with normal people and film their interactions. It’s part reality show, part scripted. Oh my god mom, we loved it! We would spend the whole weekend watching it sometimes.”

“Sounds like something I would enjoy.” She chuckled.

He just nodded, smiling as he recalled spending entire days watching it with her.

The rest of the day was rather uneventful, and after eating the leftover pizza and a few drinks they both called it a night.

Diane had made it a habit to sleep with her door slightly open so she could better hear if anything happened again. Midway through the night she heard Jason get up and use the bathroom, stumbling and bumping into things as he did so. She listened for his door to close but the light knock that came on hers startled her a bit.

“Mom.” He said in a tired voice.

“Yea.” She replied in a whisper.

Jason climbed into bed with her, running his hand up her hip and kissing her neck. “I need you.” He said in an almost begging whisper into her ear.

As his hand roamed further up her body and almost came to rest on her breast before she put a stop to it. “Jason.” She patted him. “Jason!”

Snapped out of his trance-like state. “Oh Jeeze! Ma! I’m sorry!” He stammered.

“It’s okay sweetie. Go on back to bed.” She watched as he stumbled out, a very prominent tent in his shorts. Then, moments later, she could hear him groan in what was unmistakably his orgasm. She sighed “Fuck it.” Grabbing her vibrator from her nightstand and placing it between her legs, clicking it on and slowly rocking into it. “Holy shit.” She moaned softly, gripping tightly with both hands on the base as she dragged it over her clit. Her eyes fluttered a bit then rolled into the back of her head and her body arched upwards. “Oh my god!” She said breathlessly. Her hips began to tremble as she let out sharp breaths of air and her toes spread and clenched. She let out a long ‘O’ moan as she came on the buzzing toy between her legs. Letting out a satisfied ‘Ahh’ as she relaxed back into her mattress. “That was quick.” She remarked looking at the toy in amazement; normally it took a bit longer to get off. Not lending it any more thought, she was asleep before she knew it.


“Hey, uh, about last night.” Diane said, feeling something but not quite sure what, and not quite sure what she was going to say.

Jason looked confused.

“When you came into my room.” Trying to gently remind him without having to spell it out.

“Oh, right. Yea, sorry bout that. I just…hard to remember what’s what sometimes.” He shrugged as he finished his lunch.

“Well, if you need some help, someone to talk to maybe?”

“Yea, I’ll come to you.” He nodded his head then put his plate in the sink.

She was thinking more along the lines of a therapist, but didn’t want to press the issue so early. After all he only woke up a few days ago, perhaps there were still a few cobwebs that needed to be knocked loose before he was back to himself.


Monday came and went, seemingly taking longer than the weekend to pass. They both got home and collapsed into their respective beds and were asleep without even eating.

Tuesday was the same as Monday.

Wednesday same as Tuesday.

Ditto for Thursday.

Mercifully the sun dawned and it was Friday.

Jason agreed to work a twelve hour shift to cover for a coworker that had to call out, even so he was still home before his mother. He plopped down on the couch after a hot shower and flipped through the channels not knowing exactly what he was looking for. He had spent more time than anticipated there and neglected to get dinner started, realizing this as his mother walked through the door.

“Ugh.” She said as she collapsed next to him. “That was the longest week of my life!”

He nodded, remembering that the weeks seemed to go by in the blink of an eye and their weekends would last longer than normal.

“My feet are killing me.” Diane said kicking off her heels, having spent ten hours a day in them.

“Foot rub?” He offered.

“Oh that’d be lovely.” She replied sweetly.

Quickly, and without thinking, he reached up her skirt, deftly finding the waistband of her pantyhose and removing them.

Diane gasped sharply at the sudden invasion, but adjusted so he could pull them down.

“Huh.” He said as he inspected her nude colored pantyhose.

She was now more interested in what was confusing him about them. “What?”

He shook his head, tossing her hose to the side. “It’s just, you always wore crotchless pantyhose, or stockings.” He smiled at her. “Easy access.” Shrugging as his smile turned to one a bit more naughty.

“Oh.” She replied, then before she could say anything more she felt his strong hands squeeze and stretch her tired feet. Melting away the stress of the week; she moaned, and ‘Ohh’d’ and ‘Ahh’d’ allowing him to work on each foot.

After nearly a half an hour he had finished up. “Good?” He looked at her, knowing the answer already.

A relaxed look on her face was all the response she needed to offer.

“Why don’t you go get changed, I’ll order us a pizza.”

She collected her heels and hose and began to change in her room. “There’s some cash in my purse.” She called out. When she returned to the living room she was presented with a glass of wine. “How’d you know?” She joked, taking the glass and sitting next to him.

He put his arm around her and gave her shoulder a squeeze and her head a kiss, offering the remote to her as well.

“Really!?” She said, as her go to was trashy reality TV and knew he didn’t care for it.

The pizza was delivered and a few glasses of wine were had between them before they called it a night.


Much to her delight and surprise she was able to sleep in, at least for her, it was nine o’clock before she rolled out of bed. In the kitchen she was greeted by her son, sipping coffee and playing on his phone.

“Morning sleepyhead.” He said.

“That’s my line.” She giggled, taking a mug from the cupboard.

“So, what’s the plan for the weekend?”

“Well, there’s the grocery shopping, and I want to get to the nursery too.”

He nodded with a smile. “Alright, let’s go.”

“Let me finish my coffee first.”

For most of the day they ran errands that included dropping off clothes at the dry cleaners, picking up a few things at the home goods store, and what Saturday wouldn’t be complete without a stop at Target.

After all was done, and after dinner was made and enjoyed, they retired for the night.

“Hey mom.” Jason whispered after knocking on her door.

“Yea?” She said cautiously, remembering what happened before.

“Can we talk?”

“Of course sweetie.”

Jason climbed into her bed. “Can’t sleep.” He said as he spooned her, then almost instantly he began softly snoring.

She smiled, laughing softly and shook her head, taking his hand and pulling it up under her chin. For the entire time he was back home, she would get up several times during the night and check on him. She was terrified of him having another seizure, and any time he would get up she would wake up instantly. At least this way she would be right there for him if anything did happen.


Waking the next morning, with her son still holding her, she found that she was as well rested as she had ever been. Chalking it up to not getting up several times over the course of the night. Gingerly, she got out of bed and took up her usual place in the kitchen with her coffee.

Not long after Jason woke, kissing her on the top of the head before grabbing a mug as well.

This Sunday nothing of note happened, they mainly lounged around the house, resting up before braving another week.


Braving the week is what they did, and while there was no overtime to be done, it was still a slog most of the time and by Friday they were more than ready for the weekend.

Diane walked through the door of their apartment, placing her purse on the hook and plopping herself down on the couch next to her son and a waiting glass of wine. Taking a sip, a rather big sip and letting out a rather large sigh she kicked off her heels and gave her son a large smile.

“Happy weekend!” He clinked his beer can on her glass.

This gave her a chuckle. “Say um, uh, tell me about…bout us.” Taking another swallow of her wine.

Jason stared off into the distance as he recalled some of his favorite memories.

“Hey.” She gently shook his leg.

Brought back, he looked deep into her eyes and held her hand in his. “Us?” He pondered for a second.

“Yea.” She squeezed his hand and scooted a little closer to him.

“Well, we spent all our time together. Never got sick of each other, and never argued.”

“Sounds perfect.” She smirked.

“It was.” He daydreamed wistfully about those years. “We also had dinner with your boss, Richard, like all the time.”

“Really!?” She said with a turned up face.

He was confused at her response to that. “Yea.”

“He’s such an asshole.”

“Really? Him and his wife Kelly were so nice.”

“His wife’s name is Minka, or Blinka, or Inga, something like that.” She said mockingly.


“She’s a Russian mail order bride.”

“Seriously!?” He sat up.

“We aren’t sure, but that’s our guess.” Referring to everyone in the office.

“Oh, that’s a shame. Well, we went out too, usually Fridays after work to get drinks with friends.”

“And no one said anything?”


“You know, dating your mother. That’s, like, incest. Ya’know.”

“Oh, yea, nah, no one cared.” He waved his hand.

“Must have been nice.” She said, taking another sip of her wine.

“It was, and we were more than just dating.”

She raised her eyebrow to question what he meant.

“We were married, well, engaged.”

“Oh!” This seemed to surprise her, she knew that incest was a popular kink in porn, and figured her son was just living out some fantasy. Marriage though, that implied more than just a kink.

“Funny too, you proposed to me!”

She was taken aback.

Jason went on to tell her about what her father told her.

Her jaw dropped. “What!? How did you know that?”

“You, you told me.” He replied hesitantly.

“Jason, I’ve never told anyone that! How, how did you know?” The bewilderment in her voice was clear, she then leapt up towards her room.

He quickly followed. “Mom, I’m sorry, I didn’t mean to upset you.”

“I’m not upset sweetie.” She turned towards him to show him the rings.

He smiled, as they were exactly as he remembered.

Placing them down on her night stand she looked back at her son. “Tell me more.”

“Well, there was this one day, it was the first nice day of spring. You know, it wasn’t muddy, there was a cool breeze, perfect day really. We made a picnic, complete with the wicker basket and red and white checkered blanket. We spent nearly the whole day just sitting there, watching the boats go in and out of the harbor. Barely saying a word to each other, just enjoying being in the moment.”

“That’s sweet.” She reached out to hold his hand.

He wrapped his fingers up in hers, then softly chuckled.

“What’s funny?”

“Well, after a while you looked up and saw the one small dark cloud, then said ‘Rain isn’t in the forecast for today.’ Literally, seconds later, it started to pour!”

“Oh no.” She laughed.

“We scrambled up, grabbing the basket and blanket and running for this small overhang nearby. We were soaked! We watched the rain for a second and laughed at the suddenness of it. Then we both looked at each other and made out like we were high schoolers until the rain stopped.”

“And then?” She asked timidly.

“Well, then we went home and, you know.”

She took in a deep nervous breath, then leaned back onto her bed and spread her legs, showing off her crotchless black pantyhose.

He looked between her legs, then back up in her eyes. He got on top of her, carefully, certain not to rush it. Pressing his forehead against hers, his nose touching hers, and his lips just barely touching hers. “Mom…”

Diane pressed her lips hard against his, invading his mouth with her tongue, quite similar to that spring day.

He pulled away, smiled and moved the hair from her face to behind her ear. Softly he pressed his lips back against hers, kissing her tenderly, letting his hand caress her cheek before it found her hand and intertwined their fingers.

Her breathing was erratic initially, but evened out, with her free hand she held the back of his head, gently pulling it as she returned his passionate kiss. With the men she had been with in the past they were all too eager to get down to business, their pants were already around their ankles by the time the door was closed.

Jason let his hands roam her body, caressing every part then pulling her in for a full body embrace. “I missed you so much.” He whispered in her ear.

“I was so afraid I was going to lose you.” She nearly wept in response.

“Well, you took great care of me.”

Once again meaning something different to them both; whereas Diane took it to refer to her care of him while he was in the coma, Jason’s meaning was for the time they spent together.

Diane smiled, gently touching his cheek.

“We don’t have to do this if you don’t want to.” He offered as he sat up, but still between her legs.

Subtly biting the corner of her lip she grabbed the hem of her dress and lifted it over her head, tossing it away.

“God I love when you do that.” He scooped up her breasts, softly squeezing them, testing their weight in his hands. Applying kisses to each one before nuzzling between them.

“Mmmm.” She moaned; again comparing her son’s technique to former lovers who were too rough. Instantly pinching and pulling at her nipples, twisting them with no regard for her pleasure, and often only for a few seconds before they were humping away.

Removing his face from between her breasts, he pushed them together, taking one of her nipples into his mouth to gently suckle on it, giving it a gentle nibble before starting on the other.

Diane gasped a moan out feeling the perfect amount of pressure on her sensitive nipples. “Jason.” She said breathlessly.

He leaned up and before he could answer she was pulling at his clothes, he laughed pulling his shirt over his head.

Diane could feel her heart pounding in her chest while she watched her son take off his shorts. She gasped as his prick bobbed free from his boxer briefs, her eyes were trained on it, in pure shock of seeing in this state. It was hard, with a prominent vein that ran from the base all the way up to the flared head. She reached out and gingerly wrapped her fingers around the shaft, feeling the heat of it in her hand she gasped again. Slowly she began to stroke him, breathing heavily while she bit hard on the corner of her lip. Lost to lust she felt him begin to pump her hand in time with her strokes. “Oh my god.” She whispered, giving the shaft a squeeze. It was only hearing him moan that she was brought back. “Sorry.” She stammered, removing her hands from him.

Sensing her nervousness, he took her hand and placed it back on him. “I love it when you jerk me off.” Whispering to ensure she knew he was enjoying it.

Both her hands were now wrapped around her son’s member, slowly stroking him. She couldn’t believe she was doing this, she also couldn’t believe that she was enjoying it as much as she was. Looking up at him while breathing heavily, she lowered the head onto her now soaked panties. Her jaw trembled as she slowly rocked her hips upwards.

Jason smiled and in an effort to comfort and calm her took her hands in his and pressed all his weight against her, feeling her legs wrap around his waist.

Diane’s mouth was dry from breathing so heavily, but she managed to speak. “I want you.”

He kissed her, deeply, letting his tongue flit over hers and feeling her tongue push into his mouth. “I never stopped wanting you.” He said, pushing himself up to grab the waistband of the hose, carefully pulling it down. Hooking his fingers in the band of her panties he was stopped by her hands on his.

“I haven’t shaved in a while.” She said anxiously.

Looking her in the eyes so she knew he was sincere. “It’s fine.” Pulling them down to see just a bit of stubble surrounding a triangular tuft of pubic hair.

She stopped him once more before he entered her. “I uh, I don’t have any condoms, so, just pull out. Okay?”

Looking at her with nothing but love in his eyes he nodded. “Of course.” He aimed the head of his prick at her slick lips, easily parting them and slipping inside her.

Both their eyes fluttered at the feeling, it was just the head, but she was so wet and he was so hard that the feeling was otherworldly. Their bodies trembled in unison and mouths just hung agape soundless.

Jason pushed another half inch into his mother, finally eliciting a gasp from both of them.

Inch after inch she felt her son slide into her, stretching to accommodate him, but holding him snugly inside her. Once she felt all of him her head flung back against the pillow and her body shivered. “Fuck.” She mumbled.

A shiver ran up his spine as well, and while it was exactly as he remembered, it was still a marvelous feeling.

“Is it always this good?!” She asked with her eyes shut tight.

“Oh yea.” He gasped as he slowly withdrew himself from her, only to slowly insert himself deeply back within her.

Her hands found his waist as he began to slowly pick up pace, not to a pounding feverish level, but steady, and at the end of each thrust it was punctuated with their moans and grunts.

Jason watched the action, the beautiful sight of him thrusting in and out and her wet lips desperately not wanting to let go, the sounds of their passion, the feeling of their sweaty skin touching. He looked at her, into her eyes, putting his hand behind her head and pulling her in for a kiss.

Diane wrapped him up; arms behind his back and legs locked low around his waist, returning the impassioned kiss but still thrusting upwards to meet his grinding motion into her. “Oh god!” She moaned out when the kiss was broken. Her arms and legs spread and she watched as her son lean up and his hips began thrusting back into her. On the verge of an orgasm she drew small circles over her clit at the same speed of her son’s thrusts. Her eyes had rolled back into her head, she sharply exhaled with each thrust, her toes were now curled and pointed while her legs began to tremble. “Jason, I’m cumming.” She said in a stuttered whisper and in shock to herself as whenever she was with someone new for the first couple of times she never achieved orgasm. Her head flung back as her chest arched up, legs quivering as she felt every muscle begin to spasm. She moaned out loud and she didn’t care who heard and her body moved in a wave to meet each thrust as she came.

Watching his mother beneath him brought a smile of both pride and love to his face.

She licked her dry lips between ragged gulps of air as her orgasm tapered. Brushing the sweat matted hair from her face she caught her son staring at her with a big grin, instantly she felt self conscious about having been so vocal. She covered her face with her hands but couldn’t help but giggle, then let out a moan after Jason thrust his hips into her.

He took her hands, intertwined their fingers above her head, pressing his forehead to hers he slowly rocked into her. “God I love how wet you get after every orgasm.”

“Huh?” Diane said with a raised eyebrow.

“You get wetter and wetter with each one.” He stated simply as he thrust away, taking one of her legs and letting it rest in the crook of his arm.

“Sweetie, I’m one and done.” She replied, caressing his cheek.

He smirked. “No you’re not.” He countered quite confidently.

“You make me cum more than once and I’ll actually marry you.” She said with a chuckle.

His smirk turned somehow naughtier. “Where’s your toy?”

She became embarrassed for a second, then nodded towards the nightstand.

Fishing it from the drawer he looked it over, the translucent purple toy with a rabbit ear tickler looked well used. “Roll over.” He tapped her.

Diane was particularly self conscious about this position, the stretchmarks she had on her butt combined with the cellulite would, at times, eat away at her confidence. She could see them when she was looking herself over in a mirror, she was certain it had to be worse when she was bent over.

What she didn’t know is that it wasn’t worse, and this was her son’s favorite view, his hands grasped high on her waist and ran down to her rear, giving it a very healthy squeeze and an audible ‘Umph.’ He positioned the vibrator flat on the bed and pushed her down so she was laying on it. “Turn it on.” He said while massaging her ass.

The anxiety she felt was quickly washed away with the feeling of being gropped, but it was more than that, she felt as though she was being worshiped. Again, something that no other lover had done, made her feel comfortable in her own skin. Not that she NEEDED a man to make her feel this way, but it was refreshing not to have to apologize for not looking like a model. She could feel his prick brush against her thighs as his hands kneaded her cheeks, clicking on the toy she could feel it buzz to life against her clit.

As he massaged and spread her cheeks he would be treated to the sight of her lips, and each time he spread her cheeks, the lips would slightly part as well. Not able to take it any longer, he had to be back inside her, one last time he spread her cheeks then mounted her. With ease he slid inside her, inch after inch of his shaft being swallowed by her slick velvety wet embrace. Bottoming out they both moaned, deeply, gutturally, fluttering their eyes and their toes clenching and spreading.

“Jesus, you’re so deep.” She moaned.

He still had not yet opened his eyes, feeling her wetness and the dull buzzing of the vibrator was heavenly. “We did it like this to get you off the first time, worked like a charm.” He managed to say.

“Tell me.” She moaned, pushing back to meet his slow thrusts.

“We had been out with friends, had a few drinks, but we couldn’t keep our hands off each other. Everyone noticed, playfully telling us to ‘get a room.’ So we cut the night short and went home.”

She reached between her legs to keep the vibrator in place, breathing heavily punctuating each thrust.

“You came so quickly the first time, almost as soon as I was inside you.” He pushed himself deep and squeezed her ass.

Diane moaned loudly in response, gripping the sheet with her free hand.

“I could tell you wanted to cum again, you didn’t even have to say it, but I asked you. ‘I want to cum again so badly!’ You said. It was so hot!” He pressed more of his weight on her, one hand gripping firmly on her waist, the other grasping her hand.

She released her grip on the sheet and spread her fingers so they could hold hands. Pushing her ass up to meet each one of his humps into her, her clit would drag perfectly along the length of the vibrator. “Oh fuck.” She mumbled.

“We got in this exact same position, and it took a while, but I fucked you. Just. Like. This.” Each word ended with a thrust. “Until you came all over my dick.”

“I wanna cum again baby, please!” She cried out.

“I’m not gonna stop until you’re satisfied.”

She was reminded of all the men that were sexual disappointments, who just climbed on top of her to get off and made no apology or offer of reciprocation. She squeezed his hand and felt him squeeze back. “Oh, fuck!” She could feel it, build inside her, with each steady thrust into her she was brought just a bit closer to a second orgasm. “Jason.” She mumbled. “Don’t stop.”

“Never.” He whispered.

“Tell me more.” She moaned.

“When you came, I could feel it, I felt you squeeze my dick. It was amazing, it took everything I had not to cum right then.”

“Oh my god that’s so hot!” She began to slowly tremble.

“You moaned so loud, it was the sexiest thing ever.”

She shut her eyes tight, concentrating on everything, the slow trembles building to full twitches. “Fuck.” She exhaled sharply, over and over again with every thrust. “Jason, I’m so close.” The twitches turned her speech into stutters.

“I know, I can feel it.” He replied in a reassuring tone.

The twitches gave way to tremors. “FUCK!” She cried out through moans. She squeezed her son’s hand tighter. “Jason imna cum.” The tremors stopped as her whole body tensed up, she wanted to cry out but couldn’t make a sound, her hips quivered and her son slipped out of her. It didn’t matter though, she had already fallen into her first second orgasm of her life, wave after beautiful wave coursed through her body; she twitched and convulsed, unsure if she was screaming or wasn’t making a sound. After what felt, to her, minutes she gasped for breath, her body randomly convulsing in tiny orgasm aftershocks.

Jason slid next to her, pulling her into a spooning embrace. Caressing her body, softly pinching a nipple, placing kisses on her neck and shoulder.

She took his hand and wrapped it tightly up with hers. “I…I…I never…not even by myself.” She laughed, her body slowly calming down along with her breath.

“Our record is five.” He whispered in her ear.

“Ha! Five, I think I would be the one in a coma.” She felt his hands caress her body, roaming over it freely, enjoying it, and most importantly, not rushing anything. She nuzzled into his kisses, wiggled her butt against him teasing his still hard member that she could feel poking her. “Can I ride you?”