Sweet Suzi

All parties having sex are over the age of 18. Enjoy, Vote (5), comment!

Matt was NOT happy. His mother had volunteered his services without asking him first. She had told her friend Suzi that he would help her with her move without consulting him, and he had plans that he wasn’t happy about having to forfeit on.

Maybe we should back up a bit so you can understand where he’s coming from!

Matt had been seeing Lexi for a few weeks now, and they had made plans to head to the beach this Saturday, and from the way she was hinting, Matt thought he had the chance to finally get somewhere with her, and he was more than ready to lose the moniker of his class’s oldest virgin, having reached the age of 18, months before.

Suzi had been Matt’s mother’s (Barb) friend since high school herself, and had known Matt since he was born. She had watched him grow from an obnoxious little brat into a good looking high school senior, that was fit and tanned from all of the outdoor work he did mowing and taking care of a number of lawns. She hadn’t asked for the help, but when Barb had offered Matt’s services, she happily accepted, not even thinking whether they should ask him first.

Suzi was getting divorced from her husband of 15 years. She had had enough of him not wanting to have anything to do with her in the bedroom, even though she was a fox for someone her age. Things had culminated for her when she walked into his office unannounced one day about 6 months ago, and found his secretary on her knees servicing his cock; the same one that never had the energy for her.

Suzi and her husband had things worked out pretty well, and the house was going to be sold, so when she found a nice apartment near her friend’s place at an affordable price, she jumped on it. Unfortunately, she hadn’t had any luck finding help to get the boxes and such across town the weekend she needed to.

Barb didn’t want to see her friend fret, so she jumped right in with the offer of Matt’s help, and that’s how they got to this point.

Matt has always thought Suzi was hot, as did anybody with a pulse and eyes. He enjoyed when she came to their house to visit, and had been to her house numerous times with his mom. They had been over there not that long ago using her pool and Matt had needed to go into the house to use the restroom. Finding her clothes that she had changed out of on the floor of the bathroom was not what he was expecting, but knowing that he was in the house alone, he couldn’t help picking up her panties and checking them out. Catching the scent of her womanhood put an instant erection into his trunks, and he knew that he couldn’t go back outside with the obscene way it was tenting them. He took care of things quickly, and thinking about Suzi in her swimsuit just hastened his efforts.

Matt would have happily helped Suzi any other day, but this was the one chance that he and Lexi had to get away to the beach, and he was NOT happy with his mother, and let her know it. He voiced his frustrations to her, and although he didn’t intend to do that, his mother was able to pick up a clue as to why it was bothering him so badly.

Barb shouldn’t have, but she found it amusing and she shared her musings with Suzi over the phone the day before the move. Suzi on the other hand was appalled at the thought of how Matt must feel, but Barb just said that he’d get over it, not to worry about it.

Matt borrowed his uncle’s old beater pick-up and showed up at Suzi’s house Saturday morning like he was told. He knew it would be a long day, and had worn cut-off jeans, and a t-shirt. Suzi was dressed about the same, but the shorts she was wearing were more worn and definitely shorter than his.

They worked on boxing things up for a couple of hours, then started taking some of the things out to the truck. It seemed that every time Matt took a box outside and saw how nice and sunny the day was, his mood got just a little bit worse. It wasn’t long before he seemed almost surly because it was bothering him that much, and there was no way Suzi could miss it.

“Matt” Suzi said, “I know that you’re not happy to be here today, but I REALLY do appreciate your help. I wish you knew how much this means to me.” “Your mother kind of mentioned that she thought maybe, you had thought you would get somewhere with your girlfriend today, and I’m sorry for getting in the way of that.”

“I know you need the help, you just don’t understand though,” Matt snapped. He knew that he shouldn’t talk that way to her, and he hadn’t meant to sound that way. “I’m sorry Suzi, I just, well, today was going to, oh, never mind.”

“Matt, honey, I’ve known you all your life; please talk to me and help me understand. I feel bad about it,” Suzi told him.

“I’m just tired of my friends kidding me and the things they say. I’m not the only virgin in my class I’m sure, but I’m the oldest one and they keep telling me that. I truly thought today might be the day, the way Lexi was talking the other day. She’s done it with a few guys at school and I thought if I could get her away from town here, then I would have my chance. There’s lots of places in the dunes at the beach we could get away from everyone else.”

Suzi put her arm around Matt’s shoulders, and gave him a hug. “It’ll happen soon, sweetie. If not with Lexi, then someone else. You’re a great looking kid and any young lady would be thrilled to be with you. Heck, I’m tempted to myself right now as long as it’s been for me,” she said.

Matt looked at her incredulously after that comment, and when she saw the look in his eye, she started thinking about it a little more seriously. While her comment had just popped out without much thought, now, she really was liking the idea.

Suzi mind was racing, and she turned to face Matt, and pulled him into a deeper hug, and said, “I’ll tell you what Matt, if you help me finish this up today, and you PROMISE never to tell your mother, I’ll happily take your virginity at my new apartment when we get done.”

Matt’s eyes grew big, and he just gulped deeply, and asked, “Are you kidding me?”

Suzi looked him square in the eyes, and solemnly told him, “I swear it.” With that, she grabbed both of his hands in hers, and pulled them to her chest. She pulled each hand across her breasts slowly, and placed them each on one of her tits, and said, “Cross my heart!” with a smile.

Suzi leaned in and gave him a quick kiss on the lips with that comment, and asked, “Sound like something you’d be interested in?” slyly.

Matt’s hands pulsed around her breasts, and he looked like a bobble-head as he told her YES with his head, mouth, and eyes, all at once.

“Just so you know,” she said, “I’m not some in-experienced young virgin that wants to jump into the back seat of a car or fumble around on the floor. We’re going to get my bed put together, in place, made, and do it there, in my bedroom. It’ll take more work, but I bet you’ll be willing to do it, and I guarantee you’re going to enjoy it more that way! And I need to have it done anyway, so I may as well get the help of a willing and eager young man.”

“Oh, that won’t be any problem Suzi, let’s get to it!” Matt said excitedly. “I’ll get the rest of these boxes out to the truck right now and we can get going.”

Matt and Suzi got the final boxes out and loaded into the truck and started across town to the new apartment. The truck was loaded to the brim, and they had their work cut out for them, but it didn’t seem as daunting of a task to Matt as it had just 30 minutes earlier.

While Matt was driving, Suzi looked over at him, and really looked him over. She was seeing more to him than she had ever noticed before. She knew he was a good looking kid, and fit too, but for the first time, she was really noticing how much he had matured. The muscles were defined, he had facial hair that was more than just peach-fuzz, and he certainly wasn’t acting like a kid. She slid a little closer across the bench seat of the old pickup, and drew circles on his thigh with her fingertip. “Have you thought about me like that before, Matt” she asked, “or have I always just been your mom’s old friend?”

“Oh God Suzi, if you knew how many times I’ve thought about you in the past. When we came swimming at your house a couple of weeks ago, I have to admit, I found your panties in the bathroom, and I had to get rid of my hard-on before I could go back outside where you and mom could see me. Since I’ve started liking girls, I’ve always thought you were hot! I still can’t believe what you’ve offered. This will be like a dream come true for me!”

Suzi smiled excitedly, and moved her hand down to the inside of his thigh now, and rubbed higher towards his crotch. “Is your cock getting hard thinking about later?”

Matt put his hand on top of hers, and told her “I’m about ready to come in my jeans with your hand teasing me right now. I don’t think I’ve ever felt this excited, or at least not since mom and dad said we were going to the circus when I was 6.” Matt smiled at her as he said that, and she laughed with him.

They pulled up to the parking in front of her new apartment, and Matt jumped from the truck as soon as it stopped. He stacked 3 boxes on top of each other and started heading for the door before she could even find the keys for the new place.

“Slow down a little bit, Matt. I don’t think you want to hurt yourself before we have time to get things done, do you?”

“I’m okay, but I will take more care Suzi. I don’t want to get hurt, you’re right, but I also want to get done with this as soon as possible and get to the good stuff!” Matt said.

“I understand sweetie, but I want you in one piece so it’s good for both of us when we do it,” Suzi said.

“And,” she said, and paused, “I want to make sure it’s as good as possible since it’ll be your first time, and maybe your second time too!” she said with a sly grin on her face.

Matt grabbed a couple more boxes and rushed towards the door with that comment.

They had the boxes all inside, and had started on the small furniture pieces she had brought with her. The bed had been one of the first things into the truck and therefore, one of the last things out. Matt grabbed pieces of the frame and carried numerous parts at a time. He needed her help with the springs and mattress, but that was more just to help guide him so he didn’t scratch things up. He was strong enough, it was just awkward, and would have been for anyone.

“Let’s go ahead and put the frame together in here, before we bring the bigger parts in so they aren’t in our way,” Suzi said.

Matt had a couple of wrenches that he had brought so the frame could be put together tightly, and he took those out of his back pocket and got to work on the floor. He quickly had the bed put together, and they then threw the springs and mattress on it.

“We’ll have to find the box that was marked bedroom” Suzi said, “that’s where the sheets and things will be. And if you see the one that says, towels, I think we could both stand a shower before we climb into the bed. And I don’t know why, but when I viewed the apartment, I noticed that the shower was big enough for 2 people, just so we could save water of course!” she said with a laugh and smile!

Matt’s erection had gone away with all of the work that they had been doing, but her words and smile brought it back quickly. “I know right where the bedroom box is, I put it on top of one of the stacks knowing that we’d need it immediately. I’m not sure why I thought of that,” he said with a grin.

As Matt pointed out the box, she opened it and grabbed the sheets out of it, and threw them on the bed. “Let’s hop in the shower first, then put these on” she said. “I know how grubby I feel, and I think it would rub off on them if we started now. Then we can get dirty again, in a different way, afterward.”

Suzi’s excited grin as she said that had Matt’s dick throbbing in his cut-off jeans. “Last one in the shower has to wash the others back first,” he said, as he started shucking his clothes off as fast as he could.

Suzi just laughed to herself, and started to slowly peel the tank top upward over her stomach. She got to her breasts, and rubbed her hands over them, pinching her excited nipples through the thin cloth. She peeled it up a couple of inches on one side, and gave Matt a peek at one breast. His dumbfounded look stopped him cold in the middle of taking his jeans off. He had one foot in his hand to take the jeans off over them, and fell sideways as he lost his balance looking at her body. She laughed and quickly threw the top off, then slid her shorts and panties down quickly and ran to the shower. From the floor, he just stared in awe of what he was seeing of her.

He got the rest of his clothes off, and went into the bathroom, where Suzi was already in the shower with the water on. The shower had a lightly frosted door on it, and he could see her form through the door. Just with that, he was nearly drooling looking at her silhouette.

“Are you just going to stand outside the door, or are you coming in?” Suzi asked. “I promise I won’t bite, at least, not yet,” she laughed.

Matt opened the door and stepped into the shower with her, and she backed up towards the corner with her back to him. “I think you were the last one here, so go ahead and start scrubbing, slave boy” she said with a big laugh.

Matt grabbed the wash cloth she had laid over the top of the door, and soaped it up well, then started washing on her shoulders, with deep, slow circles. “uhm, that feels good,” Suzi moaned. “Keep going honey” she told him.

Matt’s hands continued on down her back and he worked under her arms on her sides. “Those muscles are feeling it carrying all those boxes,” she said. He worked his fingers in deeper, and she just moaned. Then while he was working on those muscles, Suzi just pushed herself backward a little, and his hands slid around her sides onto her breasts. “Yes, work on those too, please,” she begged him quietly.

Matt’s hands felt like they were on fire, he was so excited. Suzi leaned back against him while he was doing that, and she could feel his erection pushing on her hip.

“I think I’m not the only one that thinks this feels good,” she told him with a laugh.

“Your tits are the best I’ve ever felt” Matt said. He had only gotten this far with a couple of girls before, and never with their tops completely off, but he knew that the breasts in his hands were nothing to sneeze at, and still couldn’t believe it was happening to him.

Suzi leaned in more, and started rubbing her body against Matt’s. She wasn’t tall enough that she could move his cock in between her legs, but she was enjoying what she was feeling with him pushing it against her back, and his hands caressing her breasts.

Matt tweaked her nipples between his thumb and fingers lightly, and she groaned in ecstasy. “Pull on them a little honey,” she purred. “I really like what you’re doing, but you don’t have to be so gentle,” she said. “I like having my tits handled, and knowing that a man knows what he’s doing.”

Matt used his hands a little more, and started reaching around her body to other areas. Suzi turned to face him finally, and reached up to pull his face down to her, and gave him the first kiss of the day. Suzi could feel his erection pulsing against her stomach as she did that. She moved her hand from the back of his neck down to his cock, and gently stroked it up and down. It had been a LONG time since she had felt a dick in her hand that was that hard, and it had her excited too!

Suzi took her other hand down and fondled Matt’s balls. She’d been around the block enough times that she was very gentle with them, but he was so excited by it that she probably could have used oven mitts and he still would have been close to shooting off. Matt’s cock was jerking wildly as she held him, and he told her that he was going to lose it if she kept it up.

“I think that we’re clean enough, why don’t we get out of here and head to the bedroom,” Suzi told Matt.

Matt leaned down to her, and kissed her gently, and told her, “I still can’t believe this. I keep pinching myself to wake myself up, I feel like it’s a dream.”

“Well sweetie, head into the other room, because your dream is about to come true!” Suzi told him. With that, she grabbed his dick and gave it a squeeze.

Suzi turned off the water as Matt opened the shower door. They both stepped out and grabbed towels and started to dry off. They headed into the bedroom, and went to opposite sides of the bed and grabbed the sheets.

Suzi bent down to start tucking the sheets under the mattress, and with the way her breasts hung down, Matt just stopped in awe, looking at those gorgeous orbs, hanging perfectly before his eyes.

Suzi noticed Matt had stopped, and glanced up towards him. “Hey! Do you want to look at them from 6 feet away, or suck, hold, and kiss them laying on the bed if we get it made?” she asked.

Matt snapped to it right away, and got his side done quickly, then grabbed the rest of the bedding to put it on. Suzi spoke up, and said, “We’ll wait for those, less to get tangled up in. It’s plenty warm, and going to get a lot hotter I’ll bet!”

With that, Suzi just hopped up onto the bed, and patted it beside her. Matt stared at her, gulped once, and just said, “I still can’t believe this is happening.”

“Sweetie,” Suzi said, “you can believe it. You’ve shown me that you’re a man, and a man that I want. After watching you today, and kissing you earlier, I’m not just throwing you a pity fuck, or letting you lose your virginity; I’m horny and want this more than you realize! Get down here and kiss me!”

Matt laid down on the bed beside Suzi, and she reached over and pulled him into her arms. Matt was a little shy with his lack of experience, but Suzi wasn’t going to let that be a deterrent for what she was feeling and wanting. Suzi kissed him and pulled him in tight. She rolled her body over his, and really went to town with her lips.

Suzi sat up over Matt’s body, and ran her hands down over his chest and arms. She ground lightly on his groin with her pussy, and he could feel the wetness and heat from her body. His cock was throbbing underneath her, and she slowly slid her wet lips over his hardness, drawing back and forth languidly. She grinned down at him as she could feel his excitement. She leaned down, and drug her nipples over his chest, and kissed his upper body, his shoulders, neck, nipples, and more, all the while moving slowly with her wet sex over his.

“You’re going to have to stop or I’m going to cum too soon,” Matt told her excitedly.

“Don’t worry about it, I plan on being here with you for quite a while,” Suzi told him. “I’m pretty sure that you’re going to come quickly, and also sure that you’ll be able to get it back up quickly.” “As a matter of fact, let’s see what happens with this.”

With that, Suzi slid down his body lower, and took his cock into her mouth. She used her tongue to draw circles around the head of his cock, and asked him while smiling at him, “have any of your girlfriends done this before?”

Matt gripped the sheets beside his body with both hands in a death grip, and felt his upper body just seem to melt back into the sheets and pillows. “No Suzi, I’ve never felt anything this good before. I’m going to come any second!” he yelled excitedly.

Suzi held the base of his cock with her hand, steady as she sucked him to the back of her mouth. He started shooting his jizz deep into her throat. His cock pulsed repeatedly, as she smiled and swallowed twice. She slowly withdrew his softening cock from her mouth, making a popping noise as she took it out that last inch. She licked the tip to get the final drop that was hanging on. “Can’t waste that,” she said with a smile.

“Did you enjoy that” she asked happily, “because I sure did. You taste wonderful, and I think you’ve been holding onto that for a while as much as there was.”

“Oh man,” Matt managed to gasp. “I feel like that came out from my toes. I’ve never felt anything like that when I’ve come before, and it felt to me like it emptied my body out.”

Suzi just smiled and said, “I’m happy to be the cause of that feeling. You’ve made me feel so good so far, and trust me, we’re just getting started.”

She took the head of his soft dick back into her mouth and sucked on it some more. Even though it had been just moments, she could feel life in it already. She moved back up over his body, then slid off to the side and laid down beside him. “Would you like to have me teach you how to please a woman, Matt, because I would love to have you between my legs right now?”

“I want to Suzi, but give me just a second, I’m still trying to catch my breath.”

Suzi laughed at him, and bent down to suck on his nipples again. She was turned on her side beside him, and could see his cock moving and twitching as she did that. She reached down with her hand and stroked him a couple of times. “He seems to be recovering faster than the rest of your body,” she said.

“I’m ready to try, if you don’t mind teaching me,” Matt replied. Suzi just laid back and spread her legs, and patted her closely trimmed pussy lips.

Matt moved down between her legs as she moved up so she could lean back against the pillows. “Some women or girls are going to have lots of hair. Some have very little naturally, or will trim or shave it. I keep mine closely trimmed, but it seems like the girls your age like to shave it all off, from what I hear.” She took her fingers and moved her lips apart, and started pointing out different parts of her vagina to Matt. As she directed him, she told him to lick her here, or there, as she coached him in this important life lesson. “If you get a rep at school for being able to please a woman, trust me that the girls will talk, and it will make things a lot easier to get dates, and get somewhere with the girls.”

Matt was enthralled by the aroma, and the feelings it was causing in his body. His dick was back to full strength, but he was enjoying what he was doing so much, he wasn’t ready to stop. He gently pulled at her lower lips with his, and used his tongue on her clit, feeling her squirming, and hearing her words getting more breathy and excited. He stuck his tongue deeply into her body, and licked slowly from one end to the other, then started flicking his tongue quickly over her clit. This was something he’d seen in a porno more than once, and wanted to see how she’d react. Her hands and fingers were grasping at his hair, and her thighs were tightening around his neck, and his ears felt like they were in a vice.

With Suzi’s thighs clamped on his ears, he was barely able to hear her yelling, but there was no mistaking the fact that she was coming. He’d seen some pornos where the actresses sprayed liquids all over, and others where there was no physical evidence that they had come, possibly because it was all staged, but Matt wasn’t sure what to expect given the broad scope of his viewing efforts. Having the ambrosia-like liquid pooling on his tongue gave him a start, but it was certainly one that he was enjoying. He dug his tongue inside her cavity as deeply as he could, and tried to tease more out of her. Possibly the scent, possibly the act, or possibly the whole situation, but whatever the reason, Matt felt as if he was harder than he had ever been before, and this was just minutes after having filled Suzi’s mouth with a load as large as he’d ever given out.

“Come back up here and kiss me,” Suzi said as she tugged on his hair. “I love tasting my own juices on my fingers when I play with myself, and on my lover’s face when he goes down on me.” As Matt moved up to kiss her, she stuck her tongue deep in his mouth and played with his tongue. She lapped at his cheeks and chin to get each and every drop, and as she was doing this, she could feel his hard-on pressing against her mound.

“Matt, honey, we’ve gotten the appetizers out of the way, are you ready for the main course now, sweetie?” Suzi asked.

“Oh, please, yes Suzi. I’ll do my best to please you, to make sure that you come, but please, please can we start?” Matt asked breathlessly.

Suzi smiled at him as she reached down between their bodies and grabbed his cock, and centered it at her opening. “Go ahead honey, give it a push and give it to me. I’m tired of waiting too!” Suzi said.

Matt pushed and could feel his dick entering her body, a woman’s body for the first time. The warm, wet feeling that he’d encountered as she sucked his dick a few moments ago was pushed to the back of his mind with the way that he felt now. The tightness of her pussy, the warmth, the absolute effortless gliding of his cock deep into her body was unlike anything he had ever felt. Jacking off was never going to be the same from now on, after feeling what a real pussy was like.

He could feel the inner walls of her vagina, the muscle fibers pulling, sucking at his phallus as he pushed it in and pulled it out. He raised himself to his elbows over her, and pumped slowly, in and out, feeling the friction, the sensations, and was in absolute awe at the intensity of what he was feeling. No wonder people went to the troubles they did to find sex. If he hadn’t worked himself so hard earlier, with the move, and the sexual things they’d already done, he had no doubt that he wouldn’t be able to control himself. He felt like he would have been bouncing on top of her, and would have been unable to actually absorb the different tactile nuances that his body and his cock were feeling now.

The crown of Matt’s penis flared a little more than what was normal. Not really enough that you would notice it with the eye, but a sensitive pussy was something else. As Matt slowly moved in and out of Suzi, pumping, groaning, moaning, she could feel her walls gripping that head as it moved in and out through her lower body. This wasn’t the biggest cock that she had ever taken, but something about the way it rubbed her insides made this the best she had ever had. Or maybe, it was just because she’d been so horny herself, but whatever the reason, it didn’t matter as she was moaning with pleasure herself. Maybe it would be different if he hadn’t taken the time to learn about her body with her lesson on loving a woman, but whatever the cause, she was enjoying the effect.

Matt could feel that he was nearing another orgasm, and was doing all that he could to delay it. More than anything else, as a thank you to Suzi for taking his virginity, he wanted to make sure that she was able to cum again. He lowered his forehead onto hers, and whispered to her that he was getting close, and asked if she was.

“Oh, please Matt, just keep going like you are honey, I’m so close, ugh, unghhh!” she moaned.

Matt continued on as he was, thinking about other things, trying to hold on for a little longer. He needn’t have worried too much about it.

Suzi wrapped her legs around him and pulled him in deep with them, and pulled his dick into herself as deeply as she could. “Mmh, mmmh, ohhhhyes!” she cried out as she came with him pumping deep inside her. Her orgasm was enough to finish Matt off for the second time, and he pushed his throbbing dick deep inside and just held it still as it pulsed out his cream. His back was arched and he kept himself buried to the hilt inside her. He could finally feel himself softening in her, and his dick began to withdraw from her grasp. He pushed himself up on his arms, and pulled himself out. They both looked down to her soaked, reddened lips and watched as his seed came out in a dribble, down her ass, and onto the clean sheets they’d just put on the bed.

They just smiled at each other, and Matt laid down beside her in the bed. She moved over a little bit to get out of the wet spot, and snuggled up against him.

Suzi suddenly got a serious look on her face, and gazed at Matt as she reached over him to the nightstand beside her bed, and grabbed her phone.

“I can’t believe what you’ve done young man! I’m going to have to call your mother!” Suzi seemed upset, and Matt wasn’t sure what to do.

Suzi held the phone up to her ear, and after a couple of seconds, spoked. “Barb, Matt’s been a fantastic helper, but we’ve had some problems getting the bed put together right, and he’s going to stay and work on it some more for me, so I don’t have to sleep on the floor tonight.” She listened a few moments, then spoke again. “No, I think it might take a couple more hours to get it handled properly. I don’t want to take a chance that it’s going to break down on me, so we’ll have to check it before I let him head home. Ok, I just didn’t want you to worry. And he’s offered to help me put together some other furniture I’ve got coming in the next few days, too, just so you’re aware. Thank you for insisting that he help me. I think he feels all right about it now, after the way he was feeling earlier. OK, Bye.”

“We definitely can’t assume that the bed was put together correctly, like I told your mother, we’ll just have to check it out thoroughly, if you don’t mind.”