The Hole in the Attic


Jimmy discovers a hole in the attic and watches his big sister, Maggie undress, masturbate and have sex with her college boyfriend. The theme of this story is incest. If you are not comfortable with that subject, then I recommend you move on.

I grew up in a close-knit family in the small town of Marietta, Georgia. My sister Maggie and I hit the lottery with the great parents that brought us into this world. My Mom, Betty, was a high school chemistry teacher, and my Dad, Charlie, owned an auto repair shop in Marietta specializing in foreign cars. Both of my parents are good-looking and smart. Dad has the brains of a nerd housed in an athlete’s body, and Mom could have been a model for Victoria’s Secret.

Luckily, Maggie and I had inherited our parent’s good looks and intelligence. Maggie is a genius when it comes to chemistry and physics. I, for some reason, had a keen interest in computers. I took to programming and coding like a duck to water. By age ten, I was building my own computers, and by sixteen, I was writing my own programs. While my young peers were busy competing in video games, I was designing video games. I became a master at hacking network systems. And for the record, I was smart enough not to hack into any government networks.

My favorite hacking adventures consisted of hacking into my friends’ computers. I knew how to activate the computer’s camera and often caught them surfing porn. On a few occasions, I stumbled across the computer of their sisters or mother. I shouldn’t admit it, but I got to see a lot of nude feminine bodies. My bad.

My Dad had always loved working on small engines and graduated college with a degree in mechanical engineering. Dad was a mechanical genius when it came to combustible engines. At sixteen, he built his own car out of spare parts bought from junkyards. Upon graduation from college, he was heavily recruited by several large auto manufacturers. He went to work for the Mercedes-Benz Company at their Atlanta Headquarters designing engines for about ten years before he tired of the corporate rat race and decided to open his repair shop.

Dad wanted a small business where he could pace himself and enjoy working on engines. Dad opened his shop in Marietta, Georgia, and my mother joined the faculty of Marietta High School. However, Dad was very good at what he did, and his prices were so reasonable his business grew large almost overnight. As a result, he worked more hours than before, and Mother was equally busy teaching high school chemistry and grading papers, so my sister Maggie was left to take care of me more or less.

Mom and Dad usually left for work early each morning, so Maggie had to fix my breakfast and get me off to school. It was also her responsibility to make sure I brushed my teeth and put on clean underwear and clothes. She did all this in addition to getting herself ready for school. In the afternoons, she helped me with my homework and prepared dinner. Sometimes Mom helped Maggie prepare dinner if she didn’t have a lot of papers to grade. After dinner, while Mom cleaned the kitchen, Maggie would make sure I had my bath and helped me get ready for bed. Maggie more or less became my surrogate mother. My name is Jimmy, and I want to tell you why I fell in love with my big sister.

I have always loved Maggie as much as my own mother and was very protective of her. Sigmond Freud spoke of the Oedipus Complex, where young boys become protective and sexually attracted to their mother during their teenage development. I guess you could say I went through that phase. However, I unintentionally focused my Oedipus Complex toward my sister, Maggie, instead of my mother. Once I realized that, I was careful not to let Maggie know how I felt toward her. Maggie and I became very close, and we could talk about anything. Maggie is three years older than me, and I depended on her for many things that a parent should have provided.

If I were to describe Maggie, I would have to say she’s intelligent, funny, witty, caring, loveable, and very, very attractive. Yes, you heard me right. I genuinely consider my own sister to be a natural beauty. Maggie had alluring sexuality in everything she did with everyone she came in contact with. Whether I liked it or not, there was an attraction to her from everyone, male or female. She had a way of making you feel like the most important person in her life when she was with you.

She is 5′ 7″, 110 pounds on a slender frame. Her boobs are shaped nicely and are well proportioned to her body. She wears her straw blond hair in a ponytail. She did not need to dress provocatively to attract attention as it was easy to imagine uncovering the delicious curves that were beneath whatever she wore. I read it in men’s eyes as they swept over her body. She turned heads everywhere she went. And it’s not only me saying that; most of my high school friends reminded me almost daily that they thought she was gorgeous as well. I’m ashamed to admit it, but I harbored the same lustful thoughts about Maggie as the others.

Behind my back, some of them even refer to her as the so-called ‘SILF’ of our high school. And to be completely honest, she lived up to that nickname. If any guy ever thought about fucking one of his buddy’s sisters, Maggie would be at the top of their list. That was another reason I was so protective of her. I knew what was going on in the minds of those high school boys when a pretty girl was around. I had been just like them when I was in high school and college. I am somewhat ashamed to admit it, but I had the same sexual desires toward Maggie but never acted upon them.

My sister IS a beauty, and if she wanted to be, she could be a model. But, Maggie wasn’t always the beauty she is today. As a young girl in middle school, she was skinny and awkward. Maggie was uncoordinated and didn’t have any self-confidence or assertiveness. Maggie didn’t really start to blossom into what she is today until Mom enrolled her in ballet classes. I am still amazed at the transformation that took place in Maggie with those ballet classes. Mom knew best, and by the time Maggie entered junior high school, she was a real knockout. She was the proverbial ugly duckling that grew into the beautiful swan. Maggie had become a tall, athletic woman with straw-colored hair and emerald green eyes. On her 18th birthday, everyone voted Maggie the most beautiful girl in our school and selected her prom queen.

Maggie was a junior in high school when I reached puberty and became interested in the opposite sex. The first difference I noticed between boys and girls was Maggie’s boobs. She always slept in a tee-shirt that came down to her thighs and a pair of cotton panties. I was fascinated by the way her boobs would sway and jiggle when she walked. Sometimes little bumps would appear on the end of her boobs and poke against her tee-shirt. I had seen pictures of women’s breasts, and I knew her nipples were making those little bumps. I really wanted to see Maggie’s naked breasts, but I was never lucky enough to catch her at the right time during my developing years.

Maggie’s senior year was my freshman year in high school. There was a school dance coming up for kids my age. It would be the perfect place to meet girls, but I had decided not to attend because I didn’t know how to dance. I also didn’t know how to interact with girls. I was awkward and clumsy around girls. I knew I could go to Maggie for any questions or advice on behaving around girls, and I did. Maggie understood my plight immediately and offered to teach me how to dance. She spent several weeks teaching me all the dance steps that were popular at the time. She was very patient with me. Teaching me how to dance was no easy task. I remember how serious she looked while teaching me how to dance.

“Here, Jimmy, take my hand,” Maggie stood, offering me her hand.

“What, you expect me to try it with no music?” I questioned.

“Just learn the steps for now. Here, let me show you,” Maggie smiled.

Maggie was very reassuring. She proceeded to count off steps, turning and swaying. She was dressed comfortably as usual in her typical cut-off shorts, tee-shirt, and bare feet. She repeated the steps several times, getting me to follow the count.

“All you have to do, Jimmy, is just hold me like this and turn when I tell you.”

Maggie placed my right hand on her lower back and took my left hand in her right hand. She put her left hand on my right shoulder. We start with her counting and doing her steps. I follow, holding her hand then turning her as she would request. It took several attempts to get me to quit stepping on her feet and turn her as she wanted. Actually, it took me many, many tries. Finally, it became smooth, and I stopped thinking about the dance steps and more about Maggie. Even though she is my sister, I thought she looked gorgeous, concentrating on her dance moves. She started humming notes to a song as we dance.

As Maggie became more confident in my ability, she added extra steps and a spin. I had one hand on the small of her back and my other hand in hers. We started swaying more as she hummed. Maggie stepped nearer to me, and we were now close together, with her body against mine. She had closed her eyes and seemed to be very relaxed. I think Maggie was daydreaming about her upcoming Senior Prom. I was in heaven holding my beautiful sister in my arms as we glided around the room. Unfortunately, Maggie’s closeness had a predictable effect on me, and she noticed. She slowly opened her eyes and stared at me with the weirdest expression, then tactfully explained how to hold a girl in my arms properly and cautioned me about not allowing her to move too close if I became overly excited.

The school dance turned out to be an excellent way to meet girls, but I realized I was not hitting it off with the girls like some of my buddies claim to be doing. After a few dates, I felt awkward and clumsy around the girls I dated or wanted to date. Other boys my age had progressed to making out with the girls they dated, not me. I knew nothing about how to kiss a girl. I didn’t even know if or when the girl wanted to be kissed by me. Maggie came through for me and explained how important it was for me to watch the girl’s eyes for clues about what she wanted. Maggie told me that if a girl’s eyes danced back and forth from my lips to my eyes, she probably wanted to be kissed. I had never really kissed a girl, and she thought I was kidding when I told Maggie.

“Are you seriously telling me you have never kissed a girl?” Maggie scoffed.

“I never really wanted to until recently,” I sadly admitted. “My friends would have mocked me if I talked about kissing a girl. A year ago, girls were something we tried to avoid.”

“Well, you need to get over that shit and get with the program,” Maggie laughed. “Come here and show me how you kiss a girl or how you think you should kiss a girl.”

I stood dumbfounded, staring at Maggie like she was from outer space. I had dreamed of what it would be like to kiss my beautiful sister. Here I was faced with the opportunity to live my fantasy, and I stood frozen in my tracks. My head was spinning, my heart beating ninety miles an hour, my palms were sweating, and my tongue twisted into knots. Several agonizing seconds later, I was finally able to ask her what she wanted me to do. “Why do you want me to come there?” I timidly asked.

“Don’t play stupid, Jimmy. I want you to demonstrate to me how you kiss a girl.”

Maggie evidently didn’t think there was anything odd about a practice kiss when learning the skill. I learned later that teenage girls often practiced kissing each other at slumber parties. For them, it was nothing more than a learning experience.

“Do you want me to kiss you like you were a real girl?” I mumbled incoherently.

“I am a real girl, stupid,” Maggie grumbled. “Now get over here and press your lips to mine. I need to know how much you know about kissing.”

Now understand, I know guys aren’t supposed to go around kissing their sister, at least not like that. I am a dumb-ass sometimes, but even I know you don’t kiss your sister like she was your girlfriend. I didn’t move until Maggie lost her patience and shouted, “Damn it, Jimmy, if you want my help, then get your ass over here and kiss me!”

For a split second, we stood nose to nose. Maggie’s eyes are staring into mine with a mixture of frustration and annoyance toward me. I leaned in and gave Maggie a quick peck on the lips and then stepped back. Maggie stared at me like I was hopeless. After a pause that seemed to last forever, Maggie said, “I think we need to start with the simple basics. Otherwise, you are destined to go through life with no female companionship whatsoever.”

Maggie positioned me the way she wanted me to stand. She took a deep breath, and her head turns towards me, eyes closed. Her lips are right there. As I said, I wasn’t very adept at such things as kissing. I had kissed a girl on the cheek once, but that’s a different story. I had dreamed of this moment for some time, but now that it was here, my stomach was doing flip-flops.

Well, I assumed it was time for me to get serious. So, I did. I wasn’t going for a small peck on the lips this time. I was going to give my big sister a real kiss. Well, what I thought at the time would be a real kiss. I soon discovered that real kisses would come later after much practice. But this little smack, lips closed, lasted all of maybe five seconds before Maggie opened her eyes and looked at me. Her eyes went from soft to shocked in seconds but then changed to this weird look like she thought I was trying to make a joke out of the whole situation. For me, the kiss wasn’t intended as a joke, but by the time it was over, and I was watching her reaction, I guess she thought I was joking around. We didn’t continue the kiss. Instead, she pulled away, looked disappointedly at me but still held my hand.

“Jimmy, I am going to give you some precise instruction on how to kiss a girl, and if you don’t grasp the idea, I think you will have to find someone else to teach you.”

I gave Maggie my full attention and nodded my approval. She took a deep breath and began her instructions.

“Jimmy, if you’re on a date with a girl, it is not inappropriate for you to move to kiss her at some point. So, if a part of your mind thinks kissing girls is wrong, get rid of that because that will make it awkward. So, move in for the kiss slowly, obviously, and confidently. It’s always best if you move slow enough to make it easy and possible for her to reject your kiss if she feels so inclined. So no surprises or fast motions. However, you should move in confidently, assuming she wants to kiss you too. And lastly, If she turns her head or says “NO,” then back off and don’t get upset. That’s not a problem. Your timing may have been off, and it’s not a big deal. Learn from it and move on. When the time is right, she will hopefully welcome your kiss.”

“I understand all that, Sis, but I want to know is how to kiss a girl using my tongue. I hear other guys talking about how enjoyable it is when tongues are involved.”

Maggie stepped close to me then stopped. I thought she would take me in her arms and plant a big juicy tongue kiss on me, but instead, she looked me in the eyes as though she was in deep thought. After hesitating a moment, she took me by the hand, led me to the sofa, and directed me to sit. She sat next to me and placed both of my hands in her lap. I could tell she was collecting her thoughts.

“Jimmy, you were right not to demonstrate to me how you would kiss a girl. I don’t know what I was thinking. A brother is not supposed to kiss his sister, not in the same manner as his lover. I will describe how to do it, and it will be up to you to take it from there. Do you understand what I am saying?”

I smiled and nodded my agreement.

“Remember, Jimmy, to take the time to set the mood. Start slow and build toward the kiss. When your lips touch her lips, your mouth should be slightly open. Offering unrestricted access invites the other person to make the first tentative tongue contact. If she doesn’t part her lips, then clamp your lips so that her lower lip is between your two lips. Next, lightly sweep the tip of your tongue over her lower lip. If she doesn’t respond by parting her lips, then you should know to pull back. She more than likely does not want a kiss involving your tongue. At least not at that point. If you’ve tried both of the mentioned techniques and your partner hasn’t responded with parted lips, simply leave it alone until next time and focus on regular kissing.”

Maggie gave me a quick peck on the cheek and sprang to her feet.

“That’s it in a nutshell, Jimmy. I know you are going to do just fine with whoever you date. Remember what I just told you, and good luck with the girls you date.”


Maggie graduated in the top 5% of her class and received a full scholarship at the University of Georgia. We live in Marietta, and the University is a two-hour drive away in Athens. That meant Maggie would be living in the dorm and would come home only on weekends and holidays. That made me sad. I was going to miss Maggie.

The summer before Maggie left for school was, for me, a mixture of gloom and unbelievable fun. Maggie had several of her girlfriends over every day to sunbathe and frolic around our swimming pool. I spent more time outside doing chores than I had in all the summers past. I couldn’t keep my eyes off the girls in their skimpy bikini swimsuits. It was both exhilarating and agonizing to watch the girls apply sunscreen to each other. Watching them smear crème all over each other’s bodies was better than watching porn. I had a ringside seat watching in the flesh beauties touch each other in ways I could only dream. My balls would ache so severely by the end of each day; I had to spend most evenings alone in my bedroom.

All of Maggie’s friends were good-looking and sexy, but there was this one girl named Gina who really turned me on. She was an Italian girl who tanned beautifully in the summer. She was 5′ 4″ 110 pounds with wavy brunette hair that hung just below her shoulders. Gina had curves in all the right places, but her boobs were a bit large in proportion to the rest of her body. When she walked around the pool in our backyard, they would bounce and jiggle as though they would jump out of her tiny bikini top. I wanted to see her tits as badly as I wanted to see Maggie’s.

Gina knew I couldn’t keep my eyes off her, so she delighted in teasing me when they sunbathed. She would lay on her stomach, untie her bikini top and rise on her elbows when talking to my sister. She was careful not to expose her nipples. I was able to see just enough of her dangling boobs to drive me crazy. I think Maggie conspired with Gina just to get me hard because they would giggle and sneak a peek at the bulge that would instantly develop in my bathing suit.

One afternoon my fantasy finally came true. Gina walked onto the diving board, bounced a few times, and made direct eye contact to ensure I watched. Her tits strained her bikini top to the absolute limits but remained confined. Gina bounced one last time then dove into the pool. She surfaced and swam to the shallow end of the pool, and began walking toward the stairs. Her bikini top was around her waist. She had the most beautiful tits I had ever seen. In fact, they were the only bare tits I had ever seen other than in magazines or porn websites. They stood high on her chest with half-dollar size dark nipples. She was unaware she was exposed until my sister shouted.

“Hey Gina, wardrobe malfunction! What are you trying to do, give my little brother a “hard” attack?”

Gina looked down, her nipples hardened, and she immediately turned her back to us. After she corrected her wardrobe malfunction, she sheepishly returned to her chaise lounge and covered her face with both hands. Maggie winked at her and said, “Thanks Gina, for giving my over-sexed little brother the amazing tit show. He has been trying to sneak a peek at mine for years.”

I was beyond thrilled with what I had seen but had to retreat to my bedroom because my obvious erection had embarrassingly become the center of their attention. The summer ended on that high note, and in the fall, Maggie left for the University.

Maggie came home during the weekends for the first few months. We spent hours talking about how exciting college life was. I loved seeing Maggie so excited about her new life. Maggie had met a lot of new friends, and then she became involved in school activities. Her weekly visits home began to taper off. I didn’t tell her, but I started to feel left out of her life. She joined a sorority and began dating college guys. I was jealous of her new college boyfriends, and I didn’t even know them. Her trips home became even less frequent and confined to holidays and school breaks.

When Maggie came home for Thanksgiving, she couldn’t stop talking about Bubba Willis, the star quarterback. They had been on a couple of dates, and he was quickly becoming the new love in her life. I was devastated. I hated him, and I didn’t even know him. When Maggie came home for Christmas, she had developed a keen interest in football. She had memorized all of Bubba’s stats. Bubba had completed 65.3 percent of his passes for 2,688 yards, 13 touchdowns, and only five interceptions at the end of the regular season. Thanks to Bubba, Georgia won the Conference Title and would play in the Orange Bowl on New Year’s Day.

Bubba, Bubba, Bubba was all Maggie could talk about when she spoke. I decided to busy myself with decorating the Christmas tree just to get away from Maggie’s rantings about Mister Wonderful. We kept our Christmas decorations stored in the attic, so I headed there for a bit of solace. When I stepped into the attic, I was careful not to kick up too much dust because I have terrible allergies and would spend the rest of the day sneezing my head off. As I slowly moved towards the box marked Xmas decorations. I noticed that a shaft of light pierced the attic just beyond the box, telling me that the light was on in the room below. I had never seen the light before, so I put my eye to the hole. For a small hole, it gave quite a good view of the room below. I peered through the hole and saw a bed below. It was my sister’s bedroom. I could tell because of the fancy pillows and her cute stuffed animals on the bed. But disappointingly, I found the room was also unoccupied. I was hoping Maggie would be in a state of undress. I wanted to see Maggie in her bra and panties. I had seen her in a bikini many times but never in just panties and a bra. Not that it would be much different from seeing her in a bikini. However, I would’ve considered myself really lucky if, by chance, I had seen her bare tits.

Just before leaving the attic, I heard Maggie talking on the phone. I could tell it was Bubba she spoke with, telling him how much she missed him and how she couldn’t wait to return to school and be with him. She had made plans with her sorority sisters to attend the Orange Bowl on New Years Day. When I heard that, I was hurt and boiling over with anger. I usually spent New Year’s Eve and New Years Day with Maggie and my parents. Now was the first I had heard about the plans being changed. I wanted Bubba out of my sister’s life. Maggie was my sister, and I didn’t particularly appreciate sharing her with Bubba.

That bit of news pretty much ruined my Christmas spirit. I was a grump the rest of the holiday, and I couldn’t tell anyone why. I wanted to be around Maggie, but at the same time, I didn’t want to lose my temper and ruin Christmas for everyone else. I spent a lot of time in my room brooding. My parents didn’t seem to notice my absence because I usually spend time in my room studying and working on my computer. Maggie didn’t detect my absence either because she was too busy talking with Bubba on her cell phone. I remained in my room feeling sorry for myself.

We always take our Christmas decorations down the week between Christmas and New Year. I had everything neatly packed in the box and carried it back to the attic. I planned to place the decorations box over the hole above Maggie’s bedroom so no one else would discover it. When I entered the attic, a light was shining through the hole. And as you would expect, I did what any teenage boy would do. I peered through the hole. If she hadn’t been in her room, there would have been nothing to see, and I would have covered the hole and return downstairs. But she was in her room, talking on the phone. I knew she was preparing to change into her sleepwear because they were on the bed beside her. In my defense, I did try to do the right thing by walking away. However, after only a couple of steps, I stopped, and then I went back to the hole. I decided it wouldn’t hurt to have a quick peek at my big sister.

When my eye was back to the hole, I could see that Maggie was still sitting on her bed talking on the phone. I heard her say,” I love you too, and I miss you more than you know.”

She made a few kiss, kiss sounds, and the call ended. Maggie tossed the phone on her bed then cupped her breasts in her hands. A minute later, she was unbuttoning her top. I’d wait until it was off, and then I’d stop watching. There was no harm in seeing her in her bra. I tried to fight off guilt by reasoning her bra was like a bikini top. Her bra is no more revealing than seeing her in a bikini, and I’d seen that lots of times before. But when her blouse was off, she did something that I wasn’t expecting her to do. She closed her eyes and started pinching her nipples through her bra. I had never seen her touch her breasts. Maggie’s face flushed red as she pulled and tugged on her nipples. I knew I should walk away, but there was no way because her actions were exciting me.

A minute later, Maggie’s eyes slowly open, and she stopped touching her breasts. I figured the show was over and started to leave, but I quickly realized she stopped so that she could take her bra off. My breathing increased, and my heart was racing as I watched her unhooking her bra. I kept my eyes glued to her tits. I almost gasped out loud when I saw her breasts fully exposed. That would not have been very smart. My sister discovering that I was spying on her would change our whole sibling relationship. And worse, she could possibly tell Mother. That would lead to a conversation I didn’t want to have with my parents.

I lay happily admiring her wonderfully shaped breasts through that damn hole. They had always been on display around our swimming pool during the summer, but she had kept her prominent nipples hidden from my view. And now I was seeing them for the first time. Just looking at them was making my mouth water. They were perfect, and I wanted to suck on them.

When she’d just had her bra on, she’d played with her nipples through the bra. Now that she was topless, she massaged both her breasts with her hands. After lying down on the bed, her touch became slower, gentler, and sexier. She closed her eyes and was caressing her breasts as a lover would do. And I wished that I could be that lover. While she was stroking her breasts, she occasionally moaned, especially when her fingers were on her nipples. Maggie’s moans were driving me crazy.

I can’t remember the last time that I was as excited as this. And I wasn’t even taking part. All I was doing was watching. Maggie’s hands became more forceful as the caressing became groping. She was unmistakably highly aroused. Maggie was doing to her breasts what I had dreamed of doing to them. That was frustrating because there was no way that I would ever be allowed to join in her pleasure. Maggie started shivering and shaking. Her face flushed red, and she made several guttural sounds I had never heard a woman make. I assumed that they were the sounds women made when they experienced an orgasm. That was the first time I had ever witnessed a woman’s orgasm. And it was my sister, no less. It was apparent she had highly sensitive breasts. I became so aroused that my balls ached, and my cock felt like it would explode if I touched it. I had to get back to my room before losing control of my emotions and making my presence known.

Two days later, Maggie left to join her sorority sisters at the Orange Bowl in Florida, and I celebrated New Year’s Eve with my parents. It wasn’t the same without Maggie. My whole life seemed to be sinking into a giant shit hole. I missed my big sister. To make matters worse, Maggie didn’t come home during spring break. She and many of her sorority sisters joined the spring breakers at Hilton Head Beach. She told Mom and Dad she would be sharing a hotel room with several of her sorority sisters. I wondered if that was code for shacking up with their boyfriends. I had a nightmare one night and woke up in a cold sweat. I dreamed Maggie was making love to Bubba.

Summer rolled around, and I went to work in my Dad’s repair shop. Dad thought I should get used to work since I would be a high school senior when school resumed in the fall. He wanted me to decide if I wanted to go to college or attend a trade school. Dad said I should pick a career I would enjoy and work toward that goal. He pointed out that a good plumber could make more money than a dentist. Dad told me it was all about enjoying your work, not what school you attended.

Maggie came home for the summer and spent her time working on her tan with the same gorgeous girls from the previous summer. I didn’t hang out with them because I was at the repair shop each day with Dad from dawn to sundown. There weren’t many opportunities to spy on Maggie from the attic, but I took advantage of all that presented itself. Maggie and I talked every chance we got, mainly in the evenings after dinner. I talked about the different girls I had dated during the year, and of course, Maggie couldn’t stop talking about how wonderful Bubba was and how much she loved him. Maggie told me Bubba had mentioned marriage to her. I wasn’t thrilled about that, but apparently, she was.


Summer was over before we knew it. I started my senior year, and Maggie returned to the University of Georgia for her sophomore year. The next time I saw Maggie was when she came home for Thanksgiving. The first couple of days, I couldn’t tear myself away from the hole in the attic. And I was fortunate, and I’d finally gotten a better view of her pussy. Up to then, when she’d been entirely naked, she’d always been standing up, so from above, all I’d been able to see was her bush. Ideally, I wanted her lying naked on the bed, with her legs wide open.

I never knew my sister masturbated so much until I found that hole in the attic. To my surprise, she masturbated first thing every morning and most afternoons. I tried to watch her at night, but she usually turned the light out. However, even with the lights out, I could always tell when she was masturbating. I could tell by her movements and because a streetlight dimly lighted her room.

The following morning Dad left for work early as usual but asked if I would come in later and help him finish a project. I told him I could get there by noon. It’s typically just Mother and me having breakfast together, but for some reason, Maggie was up ahead of schedule, and she’d joined us just as Dad went out the door. Luckily he didn’t see she was wearing her usual sleepwear–a thin tee-shirt and panties. The tee-shirt was long enough to cover her panties but light enough her nipples showed prominently through her shirt when her nipples hardened. Dad would never let her come to breakfast dressed like that, but Mom was a bit more relaxed when it came to how Maggie dressed around the house.

The three of us enjoyed a leisurely breakfast together. That was unusual because Maggie likes to sleep in when she is home from school. It was out of character for Maggie to give up her sleep time to eat with Mom and me. I suspected Maggie had an ulterior reason. I didn’t care what her motivation was because I enjoyed seeing her dressed so skimpily. While Maggie was eating, I took the opportunity to sneak a quick look at her breasts. They were impressive. Hopefully, I’d get to see more of them tonight, especially her sexy nipples, when I was in the attic.

Maggie broke the silence when out of the blue, she asked, “Can Bubba come for Christmas?”

Mother looked confused, and then she said, “I thought Bubba lived in Tennesse.”

After a nervous laugh, Maggie said, “He does, but he is willing to give up time with his family to come here and meet my family.”

“It sounds like things are more serious between the two of you than I thought,” Mom remarked.

“We are in love, Mom. I thought you understood that we are an exclusive couple.”

“Is he going to fly in for the day?”

“One day wouldn’t be enough time for him to meet the family and let you and Dad get to know him.”

“So, are you saying he would be here overnight?”

“Well, duh. Surely you don’t expect Bubba to come all the way down to Georgia for just a few hours. I would expect him to stay at least two or three days.”

“Where would he sleep? You know your Dad, and I don’t sanction a boyfriend sleeping over. It’s the same rule for Jimmy and his girlfriends.”

“But Jimmy doesn’t have a girlfriend.”

“You know what I mean, Maggie. The same rules apply to you as they would to Jimmy.”

“There’s a difference, Mom. I’m twenty-one, and Jimmy is eighteen. I am a full-fledged adult, responsible for my actions, and Jimmy is in principle an adult by law.”

“For the record, Maggie. It’s only been six months since I had a steady girlfriend. I have been fairly successful with the girls I know.” I offered in my defense.

Maggie and Mom both ignored my rebuttal.

“Please, Mom, can Bubba come and spend a few days?”

“Where would he sleep? Surely you don’t expect your brother to give up his room.” Mom argued.

“He would sleep in my room with me. I am over twenty-one, and we love each other. I expect we will be announcing our engagement at the end of this school year.”

Mom looked shocked and was about to answer her, but I knew that the answer would be a no. so before Mom could nix Maggie’s plans, I jumped in with my support for Maggie.

“You should let him sleep here, Mom. Maggie is twenty-one. She’s an adult, so you and Dad should treat her like one.”

That surprised both of them because I was sticking up for my big sister. We had always gotten along well, and unlike most siblings, there was never a rivalry between us. For a few seconds, there was silence while Mom processed what I’d said, and then Mother spoke.

“I’ll talk to your Dad about that.”

When she said that, she would discuss it with Dad, Maggie, and I knew she was on board with Maggie’s plan. Dad always went along with whatever Mom decided. Maggie quietly mouthed, “Thank you” to me.”

I smiled and nodded my head. Maggie didn’t know I was doing it for my benefit and not hers. She had no way of knowing I’d be in the attic and be able to see them together. That evening, when I got back from Dad’s repair shop, Maggie greeted me with a big hug. It was so tight that her hard nipples squashed against my chest. I liked that, and my cock liked it even better. I struggled to keep it under control.

“Thanks, Jimmy, I owe you one. If there’s anything you want me to do for you, then just let me know.” Maggie smiled, and there was an unusual glow about her.

I winked at Maggie and headed toward my bedroom before she notices the bulge in my pants. So Dad had agreed with Mom, and his answer was yes; I smiled to myself. Bubba would be sleeping with Maggie when he comes at Christmas. And there was something that I wanted her to do for me, but I couldn’t ask her. “When Bubba spends the night, could she please keep the light on while they were fucking!”

All during the rest of Maggie’s Thanksgiving break, I was in the attic every chance I got. I love the sounds she makes when she has a perfect orgasm. I wished that just once, I could be the one giving her that orgasm.


The week before Christmas, the airport was a madhouse. Bubba arrived around five o’clock on an afternoon flight. Maggie picked him up at the airport and brought him home. She was smiling from ear to ear as she introduced him to the family. He seemed like a nice guy, and he was a cut above the usual football player because he actually had a brain. Bubba was at University on an academic scholarship, studying mathematics, and Maggie was studying physics. For some reason, I’d never been able to figure out that in high school, Maggie preferred boyfriends that were always a bit dim. Good looking, yes, but not the sharpest knives in the drawer. Bubba was the exception. Bubba was also more physically impressive than some of her other boyfriends and certainly her equal in intelligence.

Dinner was a get-acquainted period. Bubba was on his best behavior. It was apparent he was trying to impress my parents. There was nothing Bubba could do to impress me. He had stolen my sister’s heart, and I was jealous. I tried to act civil towards him, but I think he could see through my pretense. Mom and Dad seemed to like him, though. And their endorsement was what really counted.

At ten o’clock, Maggie and Bubba politely excused themselves and went to Maggie’s bedroom. I watched Mom’s face to see if there was a look of disapproval. I didn’t detect anything out of the ordinary, so I excused myself as well. As soon as I was in my room, I place my ear to the wall to see if I could hear Maggie and Bubba. They were talking, but I couldn’t make out what they were saying. I quickly made my way to the attic. There was a smile on my face. The show I was about to see was going to be good, I told myself.

The attic was dark but not pitch-black, so I could safely make my way to the hole without making my presence known if I were cautious. As I walked towards it, I could hear them laughing. When I got to the box covering it, the anticipation was almost too much for me. For a brief moment, I wondered if I was going to be disappointed? Then I almost laughed. My sister is twenty-one, her boyfriend was alone with her in her bedroom, and my parent seemed to have given their approval for them to be intimate. It was a certainty that they would be having sex.

The box didn’t contain anything of value or anything that would break if I dropped it. But still, I moved it with the utmost caution because the noise would alert Maggie and Bubba if I were to drop it. They would then know that there was somebody in the attic. It wouldn’t take them long to figure it was me. I am the only eighteen-year-old pervert in the house.

I had a good feeling about what I was going to see when I peer through the hole. I know that sometimes one’s hopes are dashed. They want something so much that it hurts, but it doesn’t happen, and they are often bitterly disappointed. But occasionally, like now, a person gets just what they want. Maggie and Bubba were kissing, and the light was on! When Bubba started feeling her tits, my hand went to my cock. She let him have a quick feel, and then she moved away from him, and I thought she was going to reject his move. I quickly realized Maggie had moved so that she could take her Tee-shirt off. When it was off, she turned around so that Bubba could unfasten her bra. He quickly did it, and when she turned to face him, she was topless. I was barely able to stifle the urge to gasp loudly. Maggie’s nipples were hard and swollen. My cock was equally hard and swollen.

Bubba’s reaction was quick, and he gave her tits the attention that they deserved. He knew what she wanted and greedily sucked on one nipple while his fingers tweaked the other. Maggie was showing her appreciation of what he was doing by moaning loudly. Everything Bubba was doing to her tits was good, but I knew it would get even better when he starts to please her pussy.

They were sitting on the bed, but when my Sister started to take Bubba’s shirt off, they stood up, and then they quickly undressed each other. As soon as they were naked, her hand was on his cock, and his hand was stroking her bush. While watching them, I slowly stroked my cock, but I had to stop doing it because I was getting too excited too fast. Cuming now would spoil everything for me. They were taking their time, making it last. So, I needed to do the same.

I wanted Maggie back on the bed, with her legs wide open, so that I could see her pussy. They made me wait while Bubba gave more attention to each of Maggie’s breasts. She, in turn, nibbled on each of his nipples. That was the first time I had given any thought to what it may feel like to have my nipples sucked by a girl.

When they finally laid on the bed, I got the perfect view. Maggie was on her back, and her legs weren’t just open; her knees were high and tilted wide. Bubba was sitting to the side of her and thankfully wasn’t blocking my view. He was vigorously fingering her vagina. I couldn’t believe it. If I’d choreographed it myself, I couldn’t have done a better job.

As I admired my sister’s pussy, my hand went back onto my cock. She had large labia. There was a lot of meat between her legs. Her clit was hidden under all the folds. It was agonizing for me. If I were going to see her clit, Bubba would have to part her labia. Hopefully, he would do that, but he was content to just move his two fingers in and out of her for now. And from the noises that she was making, she was happy with what he was doing.

A tinge of jealousy and strange oddness came over me when I realized I wanted to see Bubba fuck my beautiful sister. I wondered if Bubba had a monster cock, one that would stretch my sister’s pussy to its limit? Would it be so big that it would make me envious? The answer was No, and when I saw it, I felt good because mine was at least half an inch longer than his and much thicker. The last time I measured my cock, it was six and five-eights inches fully erect. I like to round up and say it is seven inches.

“Rub my clit.” Maggie pleaded.

“I will if I can find it,” Bubba replied.

That made Maggie giggle, and I smiled. They weren’t just giving me the perfect view; they were also speaking loud enough for me to hear. Their show was turning out to be better than any porn video I had seen. Bubba parted her hairy labia. And there it was. Maggie’s little nub that gave her so much pleasure, and it appeared swollen. But I knew that it would get even more prominent when he gave it some attention because I had seen it do so when I watched her masturbate. However, Bubba seemed more interested in looking at it rather than playing with it. I wanted Bubba to continue fingering her while he stroked her clit, but he didn’t. Instead, he removed his fingers from her pussy and just sat gazing at it as though he was in a trance. I could see by the expression on Maggie’s face; she was becoming impatient with him.

“If it’s not too much trouble, Sweetheart, do you think that you could rub my clit?”

What could Bubba be thinking? I knew my sister well. She’d said it calmly and without even a hint of sarcasm, but if Bubba didn’t do what she had asked and do it soon, I knew he would be in big trouble. Thankfully for him, he had the good sense to act straight away. He stroked her clit gently a few times with his thumb. Maggie sighed and said, “That’s the spot, Honey. Rub it harder…. Please!”

He did, and it made her moan softly.

“And you can finger me as well.” She growled.

That shocked me. Not that Maggie wanted Bubba’s fingers inside her, but that she had more or less commanded him to do so. My sister never seemed that controlling before. It was definitely out of character, but I liked her taking control. It hadn’t just shocked me, and it had also excited me. I had a sudden fantasy of her commanding me to get naked and stroke my cock in front of her. I was abruptly shaken from my daydream when I heard Maggie moan loudly. Bubba’s fingers were moving in and out of Maggie briskly, but it was her clit that he was concentrating on. He was rapidly taking her towards a climax. I wanted to have one as well, but I was saving it for when they were fucking.

I’d seen Maggie orgasm many times when I spied on her masturbating. The first ones surprised me, but not this one because I now know the signs and sounds. Her breathing changes; it’s as if she’s gasping for air. Then she makes a strange noise that’s difficult to describe, but it tells me that her climax is imminent. I patiently listened for those clues and, seconds later, she was into what appeared to be a powerful orgasm. To Bubba’s credit, he didn’t give her any time to recover. He was between her legs and pushing his cock into her as soon as her orgasm was receding. If it had been me down there with Maggie, I would have eaten her pussy to another earth-shaking orgasm before fucking her. But I couldn’t blame Bubba. If I were down there in his place, I would probably be eager to get my cock deep into her moist pussy. And she wasn’t complaining, so it must be what she wanted.

Up to now, their performance had been perfect. The light was on, and I’d had a clear view of everything that had happened. But I was insatiable, and I wanted more. I had a desired to come at the same time they did. When Bubba does empty his balls into Maggie, I wanted to spurt as well. And while I unloaded, I’d be imagining that I was coming inside my beautiful big sister. However, for that to happen, I needed to concentrate.

Bubba was fucking her slowly as if he was giving her time to adjust to his cock. At first, I was okay because it was easy for me to keep pace. Then Bubba quickly shifted gears. Slow had now become fast and frantic. Within seconds, Maggie was gasping, and I was playing catch-up. When Maggie did explode, I managed to cum as well, but Bubba was still humping away in her cunt. My orgasm was a long, satisfying one, just what I needed. After giving a loud grunt, Bubba finally unloaded in Maggie. I couldn’t help smiling. I’d timed my orgasm to perfection, but he’d been late! I told myself that if I ever got a chance to have sex with Maggie, our orgasm would be timed to perfection. It would be the most satisfying fuck of her life.

In the morning, while we all had breakfast together, Maggie and Bubba were all lovey-dovey. It was nice to see, but I was jealous. It made me realize that I needed a relationship. I told myself I should find a steady girlfriend, and by the time I’d finished eating breakfast, I’d made a decision. Bubba was due to leave the day after Christmas to spend New Year with his parents. I would have Maggie all to myself before she returns to school. I planned to ask Maggie to coach me on finding a girl I could develop a lasting relationship with. I could still keep thinking of having sex with Maggie, but I needed a real girl to dump my load into because I was using too many tissues masturbating.

Near Dad’s repair shop was a small supermarket. One of the cashiers there was cute and sexy. She was a petite brunette with big blue eyes, very easy on my eyes, and the last time I shopped there, she’d given me a big friendly smile. I was going to ask her out. Maybe she would become my regular cum receptacle. When I left Dad’s shop, there was a spring in my step. I was confident that she would say yes. However, when I asked her out, she just laughed. I was embarrassed and crushed. I lost all my confidence and spent a lot of time in my room trying to overcome her rejection.

A few days later, after I was over my initial hurt feelings, I asked Maggie to come to my room so I could explain my dating situation. Maggie took a seat on the foot of my bed and was sympathetic but didn’t offer much hope she could help me. She said the girls I should focus on were high school girls in my age range. Maggie lost contact with girls in that age range when she went away to college.

“I can give you some general pointers on how to approach a girl that you are interested in, but offhand I don’t know any girls personally. What kind of girl are you interested in dating, Jimmy. What would your ideal girlfriend look like?”

“Well, basically, I want a girl who is intelligent, funny, witty, caring, loveable, and very, very attractive. Since I am six feet tall, I would like her to be at least 5′ 7″ and around 110 pounds on a slender frame. Her boobs need to be shaped nicely and well proportioned to her body. I prefer her to be blond, or redhead but I would settle for light brown or brunette. Her hair should be long enough to be worn in a ponytail on occasion.”

“Wow! That’s pretty specific,” Maggie laughed. “Do you have someone in particular in mind?”

“Well, Yes and no. I do, but I don’t think I stand a chance at this time,” I answered.

“Why not?”

I briefly toyed with the idea of coming right out and professing my love for her but was afraid of her reaction.

“Well, for one thing, she is already taken, and the other thing is that it gets extremely complicated from there.”

Maggie scooted to the edge of my bed and said, “Well, we will come back to that later. Let’s start with the simple basics. When you approach a girl whom you are interested in dating, what is the first thing you say?”

“Hi! You are so cute!” I remarked.

Maggie made a face and shook her head no.

“You’re so… pretty?” I hesitantly replied.

Maggie made the same face and shook her head.

“You’re the prettiest girl in the whole…”

Maggie interrupted me before I could finish my reply. “No, no, no, no, Jimmy. You don’t sound sincere? You sound like you’re just trying to get in the girl’s pants or something.”

“Well, practicing pick-up lines on my big sister is kind of weird,” I sighed and stared at the floor. “Everything about it feels awkward.”

“Better to feel awkward with me than with some poor unsuspecting girl your age,” she rightly said with a slight giggle. “I won’t judge you, but the girls you approach with lame pick-up lines will.”

“You have always been easy for me to talk with, Maggie. I’m sorry, can we try again?” I asked.

“Sure. And if it makes you feel less awkward, pretend you are saying those things to me.” Maggie smiled.

“Yeah. That would be a big help,” I replied, knowing that what I was about to say was how I truly felt toward Maggie.

“Also, keep in mind that you’ve been looking at me generally. And this time, try looking directly into my eyes. Always make direct eye-to-eye contact. Girls like good eye contact with the opposite sex. It makes you appear more sincere.

Instead of sitting beside Maggie, I stood up. I cleared my throat and took a step towards my sister.

“Maggie,” I said, with the utmost sincerity, “My eyes desperately await the sight of your… beauty!”

I saw something peculiar in her eyes. Her smile changed into something else, and I saw a tear roll down her cheek. Maggie’s eyes broke contact with mine as she said. “That was very good, Jimmy. That’s exactly the way to approach a girl. I am sure with confidence like that you will make some lucky girl a perfect boyfriend someday.”

“Maggie, I don’t want to be just anyone’s boyfriend – I want to be your boyfriend.”

“Excellent,” Maggie responded, “I heard sincerity that time, Jimmy. So when you are around that special girl, you need to be sincere just like that.”

“Maggie,” I shouted, getting her attention, “It’s easy to be sincere when I’m near the one girl whom I’m not nervous around.”

“That’s even better, Jimmy. You are beginning to show real passion and sincerity. What girl in her right mind could resist that?”

“No, Maggie! You don’t understand what I am really trying to say to you.”

Maggie wrinkled her nose and had a puzzled look on her face. “What are you trying saying, Jimmy?”

“I’m saying I am not nervous around you, my big sister.

“Of course, you are not nervous around me, but what does that have to do with you confidently coming on strong with the girl you want to date?” she asked.

I put my hands on Maggie’s shoulders and looked directly into her eyes as I said, “Maggie, you ARE the girl I want as my girlfriend. I want YOU, as my sister AND as my girlfriend.”

“Stop joking around, Jimmy. You told me that there was a special girl that you wanted to ask out,” she said.

My heart started to beat rapidly. My chest tightened, and my breathing became labored. “That’s right — a charmingly beautiful girl. A girl to go out with, have dinner with, make out with. Maggie, I am talking about YOU. You are the only girl in this world that I have ever truly loved. The only girl I want to be with.”

Maggie looked at me for a very long moment and then said, “Jimmy get serious. I am trying to help you, and you are making a joke out of it.”

“I am not joking around, Maggie. I am deeply in love with you, my big sister, and I want you, my big sister, to be my girlfriend.”

“Don’t be ridiculous, Jimmy. I’m your sister. Brothers and sisters can’t be girlfriend and boyfriend. And for another thing, I am already taken. You are my brother, and I love you dearly, but Bubba is the man I have chosen to spend my life with as his wife.”

Maggie darted out my bedroom door before I had a chance to say another word. The next thing I heard was her bedroom door slamming shut. I didn’t know how I was going to recover from her reaction. How was I going to face her? What would I say?

When Mom called us to dinner, I almost didn’t go down. I was afraid to face Maggie. I just knew there would be friction between us, and our parents would pick up on it and expect an explanation. However, there was no tension between Maggie and Me. It was as though nothing had happened between Maggie and me. She was her usual cheerful self. The conversation around the table was more about what the new year would bring.

After dinner, I was back up in my room, playing some video games on my computer. There was a knock on my door.

“Come in, Maggie,” I said.

Maggie stuck her head in my room and said, “You… were expecting me?”

I motioned Maggie into my room, shut down my computer, and offered Maggie a seat on my bed.

“I was hoping it was you because I didn’t mean to shock you with what I said earlier. You dashed out of here so quickly I didn’t get to explain. I need to talk more with you about how I feel about you. Is that all right?”

“Sure,” she said, sitting on my bed, tucking her legs underneath her. I was still standing.

When I did sit down, I left some space between us. Maggie smiled at me with a puzzled expression, so I moved over next to her. I took her hand and explained how my feelings had changed, from being her little brother who idolized her to a slightly younger brother who had fallen deeply in love with her.

All through this, I saw her eyes moistening, but she stayed quiet, letting me finish. When I finished with my explanation, she started.

“Jimmy, when I rushed out of here earlier, I wasn’t angry with you. I was overwhelmed with emotion. I had never been so flattered in my life. I felt love in my heart for my sweet little brother.”

“Then you weren’t upset with me?”

“Jimmy, I’ve noticed you growing up as well. You’ve been growing into a man before my very eyes. However, I don’t know how to respond to what you’ve said. I know you’re hoping that I may just fall into your arms, and we can live happily ever after, but this is the real world. Brothers don’t fall in love with their sisters. That only happens on those websites; I notice you like to read.”

“But…” I started to respond, but Maggie interrupted me before I could finish.

“Honey, that’s all make-believe. That’s all lustful fantasies. They aren’t real life. Normal fathers and daughters aren’t hooking up with each other, and Brothers and sisters aren’t having secret love affairs,’ nor or sons and their mothers. You’re living in a make-believe world.”

“Maggie, I’ve read not only those internet stories but also statistics that say that practically every boy falls in love with either his sister or his mother.”

“I know, Jimmy. I studied that in psychology. It’s called the Oedipus Complex, but they grow out of it, Jimmy, and in time they have a normal relationship ending with the girl they’re destined to be with,” Maggie explained.

“But… I love you, Maggie!” I said, knowing that I meant it with all my heart.

“What you feel is not romantic love, Jimmy. What you feel is lust. Teenage hormone-driven animal instinct lust. That’s what you feel for me right now, and I assure you it will pass.”

“I — I don’t really know anymore, Maggie. I’m sorry if I made you uncomfortable. In my head, it’s love. Genuine boy, girl romantic type love, but as you say, it may be lust. I’m truly sorry. Can you forgive me?” I said, breaking eye contact.

Putting her arm around me, Maggie said, “It’s not a problem, Jimmy. It shows that you are capable of love. You just need to re-direct that feeling to someone who can reciprocate, and you’ll forget all about me.”

“I’ll never forget about you, Maggie — ever!”


The following year was the start of a rollercoaster year for everyone. Dad’s repair shop was busier than ever, and Mom received a promotion to Vice-Principal at the high school. I started my senior year in high school, Maggie her junior year at University, and Bubba his senior year. Maggie and Bubba announced their engagement and moved into an apartment off-campus. Dad pitched a fit at first but soon realized he could do nothing about it because Maggie was now twenty-two. Bubba led the University to another NCAA Conference Title and then to a win in the Sugar Bowl at New Orleans.

My senior year went pretty much the way my Junior year had. I began dating a few different girls. None of them measured up to Maggie in looks or elegance. But there was this one girl I met at school who came very close to Maggie’s class and beauty. Unfortunately, she was Mom’s new twenty-five-year-old PA (personal assistant), Becky Cunningham. I get hard just looking at her. Becky is a real beauty at 5′ 5″, with shoulder-length brunette hair and tits the size of grapefruits. When I am around Becky, I try not to stare at her magnificent tits by focusing on her clear blue eyes, but her eyes almost hypnotize me. Becky occupies the small office just outside Mom’s office and controls access to Mom. In the past, Becky would have been referred to as a secretary, but she had a secretary of her own who tended to most of the secretarial duties. Becky’s primary responsibility was to ensure my Mom got everything she needed to function throughout the day.

In my senior year, I finally lost my virginity to a college girl visiting her cousin. I couldn’t wait to tell Maggie about my good fortune. Maggie and Bubba came to our house for Thanksgiving break. I didn’t get a chance to tell her I lost my virginity, but I did watch some pretty good sex between Maggie and Bubba from the attic. Christmas Maggie came home without Bubba because he had a lot to do in preparation for the Sugar Bowl. She had plans to meet him in New Orleans for New Year’s Eve. I watched Maggie from the attic during the Christmas holiday each time I heard her in her room. Maggie seemed to get hornier as she got older.

The Sugar Bowl was Bubba’s big break. He passed for 236 yards and lobbed the winning touchdown to win the Sugar Bowl. Every scout in the country watches the bowl games for new talent. Upon graduation, Bubba put his name in the hat for the NFL drafts. Bubba was drafted in the second round by the North Carolina Panthers and signed to a four-year, twenty-one million dollar contract. His signing bonus was just a little over six million dollars.

Things got very hectic for Maggie and Bubba when he had to report to North Carolina for training. They gave up their apartment in Athens because Bubba had to move to North Carolina for training. Despite Maggie wanting to move with him, Bubba encouraged her to move back home for the summer. I was thrilled to have Maggie back home. I looked forward to spending the summer with her. However, she was in a terrible mood because she couldn’t accompany Bubba to training. They spoke on the phone most evenings. If they went many days without talking, Maggie was hard to be around.

I graduated high school with a high GPA. And because of my grades, plus my unique skills with the computer, I was offered a scholarship at Emory University in Atlanta. It was a full scholarship like Maggie received and covered tuition, books, lab fees, and supplies. It also covered dorm and meals. Since Emory was only a forty-five-minute drive from Marietta, I decided to stay at home. I met a lot of opposition to that decision.

Everyone, including Maggie, suggested I would be better off staying in the dorm. Dad said the morning traffic was horrendous and would take me much longer than forty-five minutes to make the trip one way. Mom said she would love it if I stayed at home. However, she pointed out to me that the driving time was only part of it. I had to find a parking space and consider the time it would take to walk to my first class. Maggie said I would get the whole experience of college if I lived in the dorm. She suggested I join a fraternity and devote my off time to dating college girls. As usual, Maggie was right on target, and I knew it.

I was glad Dad didn’t insist I work at his auto repair shop during the summer because that gave me more time to sleep in and more time to spend with Maggie before we both left for college in the fall. I had gotten into the habit of sleeping until noon most days. That’s why I was surprised when the sounds of moaning awakened me from a deep sleep. I looked at the clock on my nightstand, and it was only ten o’clock. The moaning sounded like someone was either in pain or the throes of a powerful orgasm. I leaped out of bed and put my ear to the wall separating my room from Maggie’s.

I could hear Maggie thrashing about in her bed. I slipped on a pair of gym shorts and made a mad dash to the attic. It was dark, but I was able to make it to the peephole without making a sound. When I peered through the hole, Maggie was lying naked on her back. Two fingers of her right hand were tunneling away at her pussy, and the fingers on her left hand were alternately tweaking the nipples of each breast. I rolled to my side to free my stiff cock and accidentally kicked over a stack of boxes. Maggie’s eyes flew open, and she focused on the hole in her ceiling. I don’t think she saw me, but I sprinted for the stairs out of the attic. I made it to the hallway, but when I turned to go to my room, Maggie stood there in her bathrobe with her arms folded over her chest.

“Were you just in the attic, Jimmy?”

“Nuh… nuh… no,” I lied. My voice quivered, and I turned a beet red.

“Don’t lie to me, Jimmy. I just saw you exit the door to the attic.” Maggie scowled.

“I thought I heard a noise up there and was going to check it out but decided against it,” I mumbled.

“Bullshit, Jimmy! I know you were in the attic. Come with me; we need to talk,” Maggie said as she turned toward her bedroom.

I hung my head in shame and followed her into her bedroom. I felt like a school kid called to the principal’s office.

“Close the door, Jimmy, and then explain to me what you were really doing in the attic.” There was determination in her voice, and I knew she was serious. I briefly toyed with the idea of lying to Maggie but couldn’t think of a convincing lie, so I stood there silently like an idiot.

“I have always known you were fascinated with my tits. You haven’t been able to take your eyes off them since they bloomed. How long have you been spying on me, Jimmy?”

I could tell by the expression on my big sister’s face it wouldn’t be wise to lie to her. If ever honesty was the best policy, it was now. Maggie hadn’t seen Bubba for eight weeks, and she wasn’t in any mood for aggravation. I had always heard that horny women were the worst to infuriate.

“I found the hole last year just before Christmas when I went into the attic to get our Christmas decorations,” I reluctantly admitted. “I found it by accident because the light was on in your room and cast a beam into the attic.”

“Jimmy, are you sure it was last year?”

“Yeah… It was after you started dating Bubba and was raving about him.”

“Are you absolutely sure it was last year and not the year before that, Jimmy?”

“I’m sure it was last year, Maggie. Why does it make a difference which year it was?”

“It makes a difference because that hole has been in my ceiling for over two years. It’s there because Daddy took down that awful light fixture I hated. I had asked him several times to get it patched, but he always has an excuse to put it off.”

“And that makes a difference… why?”

“It makes a difference because…. ” Maggie put her hand over her mouth and gasped. “Jimmy, are you sure you have never watched me through that hole before last Christmas?”

“I’m sure, Maggie!”

“Oh my God, no. No! No! No!” Maggie bellowed.

“What?” I yelled. “I don’t understand why you are so upset.”

“It’s Daddy! My Daddy has been watching me through that hole. I kept hearing noises in the attic, and I thought it was a squirrel or some other creature.”

“You’re wrong, Maggie. I don’t think Dad would spy on you like that.”

“Yes… he would!” Maggie screamed. “I’ve seen him gawking at my tits ever since they became large enough to fill my tee-shirt. Up until just now, I never really gave it much thought.”

“I think you are wrong, Maggie, but what difference would it make if he did see you naked? It’s not like he would do anything to harm you. You have beautiful boobs, and you can’t blame anyone for wanting to see them.”

“I don’t care if he saw me naked. That’s not the point. There were times when I wanted him to see me naked, but I couldn’t find a way to let him see me without coming right out and flashing him.”

“Well, then what is the problem, Maggie? You wanted Dad to see you naked, and it appears he did just that.” I shrugged my shoulders and waited for her to explain her concerns.

“What if he saw me playing with myself? She sighed. “I don’t think I could face him if I knew he saw me fingering myself or playing with my tits. Oh, shit, Jimmy, what am I going to do?”

“You don’t have to do anything, Maggie. You have magnificent breasts that are nothing to be ashamed about.”

“I don’t think I can face him knowing he has been watching me finger myself and drooling over my breasts like a high school teenager. I would be so embarrassed, and I am afraid he may pick up on my change around him and… and… Oh, fuck, Jimmy, I am so screwed.

“Don’t worry about it, Maggie. You don’t know if he saw you doing that or not, but if he did, he would never say anything. If he did see you fingering yourself, he probably did the same thing I do after I’ve watched you masturbating. He more than likely slipped away to the bathroom and spanked his monkey.”

“He did what?”

“Spanked his monkey. You know… ” I said while pumping my clenched fist, making the universal sign for jacking-off.

“Jimmy, are you saying you masturbate each time after watching me?”

“Maggie, my dear sister, I masturbated while I watched you and after I watched you. And then I would masturbate again, most night while thinking about your beautiful tits just before falling to sleep.” I smiled.

Maggie slapped my arm and laughed, “You devious little pervert. For years I wanted to show you my tits because I saw how hard they made you when I wore my bikini.”

“Well, why didn’t you?”

“I didn’t want to corrupt you any more than you already were.”

“You just called me a devious little pervert. I can’t get any more corrupt than that.”

Maggie chuckled and said, “Are you saying that you still haven’t had a good look at them already?”

She was smiling when she’d said it, so I knew that she wasn’t annoyed.

“Yes, I’ve had several good looks, but I’d like to touch them.”

Touching them was one of my greatest fantasies, but had I REALLY just said it out loud? The shocked look on Maggie’s face told me that I must have. I needed to apologize, but before I could, she spoke.

“Has Mother returned from her hair appointment?”

I looked at her wide-eyed. I wasn’t sure I’d heard her correctly, but unless I was mistaken, my sister was considering letting me touch her tits if my answer is no. I was afraid that if I opened my mouth to speak, the words wouldn’t come out right, so I just shook my head no.

Maggie threw her shoulders back, and her bathrobe slips off to the floor. She smiled and said, “Okay, little brother, you can touch them, but don’t get carried away,” then, after giving a nervous giggle, she added, “I don’t want you mauling my sensitive breasts.”

I didn’t say anything because I didn’t want to make a promise that I was reasonably sure I would not be able to keep. I gently cupped both breasts like they would break if I dropped them. My hands had been on lots of tits since Maggie schooled me on how to behave around girls. And some of those boobs had been even bigger than Maggie’s. However, none had excited me as much as these were doing now. And I still hadn’t gotten to her nipples.

My first touch had been tentative, but my next one was bolder. I liked the feel of Maggie’s soft flesh in my hands. Maggie’s breasts were medium C-cup, proportional to her body. And, because she was in her early twenties, they were firm. Maggie’s nipples were her best feature. I couldn’t wait to take one into my mouth. She giggled when I swirled my tongue around her hard nipple and when my fingers pulled on the other nipple, she uttered a low moan. When my teeth tenderly clamped down on the first nipple, she moaned again, but this time a lot louder.

Maggie shivered as I slipped a finger into her soaked pussy. She didn’t resist when I stealthy guided her toward her bed. I knew where I wanted this to go next. I wanted my cock to find its way deep into her pussy. A gentle nudge and my sister was on her back with me nestled between her legs. But I couldn’t decide if I should eat her pussy before going for the grand prize. I couldn’t decide if I should give my sister her first orgasm with my tongue or a couple of fingers. I needed to decide fast before she decided to shut me down. She might not want it to go that far. However, I was determined to take it as far as I could. I pushed my gym shorts down to my ankles and kicked them away. I rubbed the head of my cock up and down her slit, making sure my cockhead was lubricated enough to slip in without hurting her.

“I’m Home!” Mom shouted from the kitchen.

Maggie panicked and shoved me so hard I fell to the floor on my butt. She then scrambled into her bathrobe and pushed me toward the door while I fumbled to get my gym shorts back on.

Out of guilt, I went downstairs to greet my Mom. There was no reason for me to feel she might be suspicious because Maggie and I had never done anything to draw suspicion. At least not until this morning. I commented on Mom’s new hairstyle.

“Thank you, Jimmy. That’s very sweet of you to say. I hope you are not just saying that to boost an aging woman’s ego.”

At forty-five years of age, I didn’t view my Mom as an aging old woman. On the contrary, I saw Mom as an older version of Maggie. And she was every bit as beautiful as my gorgeous twenty-two-year-old sister. My Mom was approximately the same height and weight as Maggie, and her boobs were a carbon copy of Maggie’s. The big difference besides age is hair color. Mom is a strawberry blond, and Maggie’s hair is more a straw-colored blond.

“Mom, you are like a fine wine. You get better with age.”

Mom slapped my arm and said, “Stop it, Jimmy. You are going to make me blush.”

I could swear I saw my Mom’s nipples harden, but I couldn’t verify that because I didn’t want her to catch me checking out her breasts. Maggie stayed in her room, and I mowed the lawn and clipped the hedges in the backyard. When I came in for lunch, I was soaking wet and smelling to high heaven. Mom suggests I shower while she fixed me a sandwich. While I cut the grass, Mom had changed into a pair of cut-off denim shorts and a knit polo shirt. She wasn’t wearing a bra, and that knit shirt made her nipples more obvious. I couldn’t help but wonder if the change was because she had caught me checking out her breasts. As I passed Maggie’s room, I heard her talking on the phone. It sounded like she was having a serious conversation with Bubba. I hoped that whatever was going on between the two didn’t put her into a pissy mood.

After my shower, I returned to my bedroom and put on a clean tee-shirt and a pair of jeans. Maggie was still on the phone but talking too low for me to hear what she was saying. She giggled a couple of times, and I assumed her conversation had changed from somber to cheerful. During lunch, I caught Mom checking me out. At least she seemed to be checking me out. It could’ve been my imagination because I was still horny from my encounter with Maggie.

When Maggie came down for dinner, she wore a brightly colored floral sundress, nylons, and high heels. She was in a very cheerful mood. So I guessed things were good between her and Bubba. It was also obvious she was braless, and I wondered if she was also pantiless. In any event, she took my and Dad’s breath away. We were speechless and both carelessly gawking. Mom simply told her she looked beautiful. Dad opened a bottle of his best wine.

All through dinner, I couldn’t take my eyes off of Maggie. She wisely ignored my ogling. Thank God Mom and Dad didn’t seem to be suspicious of my stupid drooling over my sister. Dinner was pleasant but tense in some ways. I knew Maggie could feel my eyes on her throughout the meal. Whenever she looked at me, I would smile and wink. Maggie’s face suddenly became red. Then she looked guiltily over at Mom and Dad, who seemed not to notice. When dinner was over, Maggie got up and said, “I’ll clean up the dishes while the rest of you go into the living room and pick a good movie.”

Maggie seemed to be almost relieved to be able to get out of the room and get her thoughts together. My actions seem to be frustrating her. I felt guilty and wanted to make up for my thoughtlessness.

“I’ll help you with the dishes,” I volunteered. “I can watch TV later.”

Mom and Dad moved into the living room while I helped Maggie carry the dishes into the kitchen. After clearing the table, we stood side by side at the sink. Maggie rinsed the dishes, handed them to me, and I placed them into the dishwasher. Maggie stood nervously at the sink, occasionally glancing at Mom and Dad. I could almost hear her heart beating loudly in her chest. I think she was aware of my eyes scanning her body. Mom and Dad were watching a game show in the living room. We had a perfect view of the back of their heads through the kitchen door. The sink and dishwasher are built into the center island in the kitchen, and from where we stood, we had an unobstructed view of the living room.

“You look beautiful tonight, Maggie,” I whispered as I glanced down at her from my six-foot height.

Maggie had slipped off her high heels, and my 6-foot height made me appear to tower over her. She had put on an apron, but it barely covered her sexy figure. With my size, I had an excellent view down the front of her low-cut sundress. Every time she leaned forward, I would catch just a glimpse of her pink areolae. I could feel my still semi-firm cock begin to stir inside my pants.

“Thank you for volunteering to help me clean the kitchen,” Maggie sighed.

“My pleasure, I assure you.”

Maggie didn’t look up at me. She knew exactly where my eyes were focused. I think Maggie loved that her breasts were appreciated by the man standing next to her even though I am her little brother. Her face turned red again, and I could see her nipples hardening.

“I do believe you are embarrassed about what happened between us this afternoon,” I teased.

“No! I mean…uh, well, I never dreamed something like that would ever happen with us,” she muttered nervously.

Maggie gave a sudden glance up at me, and a plate almost let slip from her hand. She was very jumpy and looked to be nearly on the verge of tears. It seemed to be frustrating for Maggie being so close to me yet unable to act on the wild impulses obviously floating around in her head. I think it was driving her crazy.

“I think you wanted it to happen as much as I did,” I whispered and leaned a little closer to her ear. “Your beautiful face was glowing with passion, and your gorgeous emerald eyes were sparkling.”

Maggie didn’t reply. I think it was because she was afraid her voice would quiver. I could smell her alluring fragrance and moved closer until our hips were touching. Maggie released a soft moan. It was apparent I was making it hard for her to concentrate on what she was doing. Our parents were not twenty feet away, and she was trembling with desire for the man standing beside her.

“You know I love that perfume, too.”

“You should, Silly. You bought it for me last Christmas,” Maggie snickered.

Maggie handed me a dish and observed the gleam in my eyes. “Oh my god, Jimmy, am I that obvious,” she gasped?

“What do you mean, Maggie? Obvious?”

“I dressed to please you tonight, and I am wearing a perfume you gave me. So I may as well turn to you and ask you to FUCK me!”

Suddenly, Maggie felt extreme guilt and quickly glanced at our parents in the living room. She had to put a stop to this foolishness dictating her actions. “It would destroy our parents if they knew we were even considering fucking each other,” she whispered.

I placed my hand on the small of Maggie’s back, and she gasped. It was apparent she knew I was going to caress her bottom. She nervously looked into my eyes. “Jimmy, don’t. Please,” Maggie whispered, as she trembled, “Please behave yourself. Our parents are in the other room. It’s not safe to take chances.”

She gave me a stern look, yet, she made no move to push my hand away. So, I squeezed her butt gently and felt her tremble again. I could feel her warm, soft flesh under her thin dress. I kissed her on the neck and then nibbled at her earlobe.

“I’ve wanted to make love to you for as long as I can remember, Maggie.”

Maggie blushed, and then she went back to rinsing the dishes without replying. Her nipples were erect and pushing against the fabric of her sundress. I took her silence as an okay to proceed. I began to move my hand around the soft contours of her butt. Slowly, I grew bolder until I was kneading the flesh of her firm ass. I could feel my cock stirring in my pants again. I intentionally dropped a fork on the floor and knelt to pick it up. While still on my knee, I placed a hand on the calf of her right leg. Maggie shuddered as my hand slowly drifted up until my fingers bypassed the hem of her dress. I held my breath as I gradually moved my hand past her knee onto the back of her nylon-covered thigh. Maggie tensed, but still, she made no move to stop me. When I edged my hand up another couple of inches, I heard a sharp intake of breath from Maggie. My fingers felt the soft, warm flesh of her bare thigh above the thigh-high nylon. Maggie’s legs started to tremble.

“Jimmy, please don’t,” Maggie hissed. “We can’t do this right now!”

Maggie gripped the sink tightly for support. Then, almost without her conscious control, her legs gradually moved apart. I smiled as I felt her subtle movement. The movement gave me the room to ease my hand higher. A slight moan escaped Maggie’s lips, and then a delicious shudder shook her body. It felt like sparks were jumping from her nipples.

“Please, I beg you, Jimmy. Our parents are in the other room,” Maggie whimpered faintly.

But still, I heard no rebuke in her voice, so I slid my fingers gently up her warm thigh until I could feel the gusset of her panties. This time I gasped and released my breath. I encountered her wetness that had soaked through her panties, and I could feel her swollen folds under her thin silk panties. When I started to use my index finger to pull the material aside, Maggie grabbed my hand. However, she seemed to lack the strength or desire to push my hand away. The lips of her vagina felt positively huge and bulged from her panties.

“Jimmy! We can’t do this; Our parents are right there. They could turn and see us at any minute,” Maggie whispered through clenched teeth.

“I know. Isn’t it thrilling?” I whispered.

A quake of pleasure rushed through her, and I knew she didn’t really want me to stop. So my hand started to move again. I stroked Maggie’s vagina through the thin silk fabric of her panties. She gasped when I slid my fingers under the material and touched her swollen lips. Another delightful shiver pass through her.

“Oh God, Jimmy, please don’t. You are going to make me cum,” Maggie panted as my large finger stroked her labia.

I added slight pressure to the entrance of her vagina. Maggie went up on her tiptoes as I slowly slid my finger into her wet, pulsating vagina. Despite her disingenuous protests, Maggie relaxed and let her hips settled down onto my finger. Maggie’s vaginal walls gripped my finger as she dropped back down to the flat of her nylon-covered feet. Maggie shuddered as she took my finger deep into her body. She slowly released the breath she had been holding. My heart raced as I imagined it was my cock entering her quivering vagina.

“Jimmy…Jimmy, oh God, you are going to make me cum,” Maggie gasped as her body began to tremble and quake.

Maggie was on the verge of a massive orgasm, and her knees trembled like they were about to buckle. However, Maggie knew she couldn’t let that orgasm reach fruition because she was sure a loud squeal from her would follow it. Finally, Maggie found the strength to pull my hand away from her throbbing wet vagina from somewhere. When my finger eventually left her, she groaned in self-imposed frustration. Maggie leaned forward on the sink, trembling and mentally chastising herself for letting it go so far. I could feel her vaginal fluids soaking through her panties as they began to trickle down her thighs.

“Why couldn’t we have been somewhere alone and let this follow its natural course?” Maggie whispered.

It took her a minute to regain her wits and balance before standing up straight. I caught Maggie’s eye as I stood beside her with a smug smile on my face. I lewdly brought my wet finger to my lips. She gasped as I inserted the finger into my mouth slowly.

“Mmmmmm,” I moaned as I sucked her nectar from my finger.

“Oh my god, Jimmy. Stop it! You are driving me crazy,” Maggie hissed as she glanced toward the living room and then watched me remove my finger and smack my lips.

I smiled as I stared into Maggie’s wide eyes and tried to put that finger into her mouth. Maggie almost opened her mouth to receive it but quickly came to her senses. I turned to my side so Maggie could view my obvious erection. Maggie smiled at the tent in my trousers. I knew she wanted to touch it, but that would make matters worse. I leaned against the sink as I continued to watch Maggie’s eyes. I could see her glancing down at the prominent bulge in my pants and then at our parents in the living room. I knew she was trying to make a decision.

Maggie whispered she wanted to take me into her mouth, but our parents could come into the kitchen at any moment. She began to wipe the counter with a dishtowel nervously. Maggie mentioned dropping to her knees below the sink out of our parent’s view. Maggie said she could take my cock into her mouth without our parents seeing. However, Maggie quickly dismissed that thought as only a fantasy. Instead, she brazenly took my cock into her hand and gasped as she felt my hardness. Maggie said she could feel my heartbeat as my cock twitched in her hand. As soon as Maggie realized that she was making me more excited, she pulled her hand away like she had touched a hot stove. Her eyes darted towards the living room and then up at me. She could see me smiling at her uneasiness.

“Oh, my God, Jimmy, I would love to kiss you right now, but I can’t risk them seeing us,” Maggie sighed.

Once the dishes were in the washer, Maggie and I joined our parents in the living room. I grabbed another bottle of wine and a couple of glasses. To my dismay, no one wanted more wine. I returned it to the kitchen. Dad had picked a classic John Wayne movie to watch. Mom always yielded to Dad’s choice in movies. I think she had a secret crush on John Wayne. Maggie decided to skip the movie and went to her room. I loved the movie Dad had picked. I had seen it many times over the years. It lasted until almost eleven o’clock, and when the final credits started to roll, I head to my bedroom. I quickly stripped naked and fell into my bed, exhausted.

I was just drifting off to sleep when I felt the bed move and a slender frame slip in beside me. Maggie was naked and had slipped into my room and bed. Immediately she climbed on top of me, putting a hand over my mouth to stop me from speaking.

“I think Mom and Dad are still awake, so don’t get too loud, Jimmy.”

“Mom and Dad’s bedroom is on the ground floor at the other end of the house. Just how loud do you think I would be?”

Maggie didn’t answer. Her hand dropped to my hardening cock and, with confidence, positioned it flat on my belly. She enveloped its length in the crevice of her vagina. Maggie slid her cameltoe along my stiff cock, coating it with her juices.

“Maggie, what are you doing? What if Mom or Dad came upstairs? They could catch us!”

“Just shut up, Jimmy, and kiss me!”

Maggie and I kissed. Not heated, but patient and sweet and deep. She was a good kisser, her lips moving on mine as if there was a part of her brain programmed just for kissing. After a while, she kissed my nose, my cheeks, and then my eyes. Then she moved back and looked at me in the dimly lit room. A streetlight cast a soft glow over the room. I could see a radiant smile on her face, the kind of smile that occupies your whole face, and she said, “This is nice, isn’t it.”

“Yeah, it is,” I answered. “So, are we going to become lovers?”

“Yes, we are, Jimmy.”

I rolled her over onto her back, kissed her mouth, dropped my head to lick her nipple with the flat of my tongue, blew a stream of cool air on it, and watched her nipple transform into a hard little nub.

“Oooohhhhh, shit, Jimmy. That felt wonderful.”

“You have sensitive breasts. I take it.”

“Always have.”

Opening my mouth wide, moving it close to her breast, I exhaled, the warm air flowing over her wet nipple in a gentle warm wave.

“Uuunnnnhhhhh, Jimmy, where the hell did you learn to do that?” Maggie squealed.

Without answering my sister, I trailed my nose along the bottom of her right breast. I paused long enough to flick a nipple with my tongue. Maggie giggled, and I continued along the bottom of the other before kissing my way up the middle between her breasts. I brushed my lips over her nipples, switching from one to the other. I raised my head, kissed her lips, and then returned my mouth to her breasts. Maggie squealed as I explored one of her nipples with the tip of my tongue, flicking up, down, and around it, tracking its shape, its contours while caressing her other breast. Then with the tips of my fingers, using the lightest of touches, I caused goosebumps to erupt on her naked breasts.

“Oh god, that feels good,” Maggie moaned. “I never dreamed my little brother was such a skilled lover.”

Remembering she said her breasts are ultra-sensitive, I start at the bottom and lick up her breast with the flat of my tongue, pushing down hard as I rolled over her nipple again.

“Oh shit, Jimmy. I think I might cum.”

My lips cradling her nipple, I sucked, methodically, more diligently, then harder. Finally, her arousal spiking, Maggie, undulated her body, pushing her breast into my mouth.

“Oooooooohhhhhhhhhhhhh mmyyyy, God!” She screamed.

Maggie hadn’t exaggerated. She did have sensitive breasts, and I decided to push the envelope a little. I tried something a little bit daring. I held her nipple between my teeth, sucked on it, licked it, then bit down on it with a bare minimum of pressure. Her reaction was immediate.

“Oh god yeah, I love that, Jimmy. Don’t stop! Do my other tit that way!”

I switched to her other tit and applied pressure on that nipple. I rolled it back and forth between my teeth. Maggie’s head dropped back, her breathing deepened, and she began to quiver. I quickly bit down on her nipple, and she wailed as an orgasm shook her whole body.

Emboldened, after causing that orgasm, I moved my head down and kissed her belly button. Keeping my eyes on hers, I captured her nipples with my thumbs and forefingers, rotated my wrists outward while tugging on her nipples. Eyes full of lust, she groaned loudly, and I moved my wrists in a full circle, pulling and twisting her nipples, then squeezed, forcing her nipples up and away from her breasts. Maggie’s nipples felt like marble when I sucked and soothingly licked the pain away.

“Oh god, Jimmy so good, yes, yes, yes, but I’m ready now. I need you inside me. Don’t tease me any longer, but please be careful. Go nice and slow. I don’t want to give you the big head, but you do have a very large cock, and it’s been a while since I’ve had one that size in me.”

The last time I measured my cock, it measured six and five-eighths inches fully erect. Once when I was really excited, it measured precisely seven inches. The thickness is what I am most proud of because girls like the way it stretches them.

“Are you saying I am larger than Bubba?”

Maggie slapped my arm and said, “Just shut up, little brother and fuck your big sister.”

On my knees between Maggie’s legs, I sit back on my heels, my erect cock wiggling in the air before me. I wet my finger in my mouth and ran it along her labia, spreading her juices all around. When I reached her clit I flicked it; she squealed.

Then I asked, “Are you ready?”

She nodded her approval, and I moved my index finger inside her with a wiggling motion. Her pussy lips were swollen and hot, and her vagina was wet. I took my time, watching her face, making sure she was ready as I slipped my finger inside her bit by bit, sometimes stopping, giving the walls of her vagina the chance to stretch and adapt.

When it was deep inside, I leaned forward and kissed her. Maggie’s tongue moved against my lips, and, as she had taught me a year earlier, I parted my lips, welcoming her tongue into my mouth. She explored, slid, danced, and curled her tongue on mine. When she withdrew her tongue, I chased it back to her mouth, where our tongues continued to play together.

Moving my finger back and forth, in and out, I started finger-fucking my sister’s tight pussy. Maggie tilted her head forward, brought her mouth to my ear, and ran her tongue on my earlobe. When she blew on it, my cock quivered, and I almost blew my load.

Maggie whispered, “Go ahead and add another finger, Jimmy.”

I added a second finger to the first and searched for her G-spot. When I found it, I start that ‘come here’ motion. Maggie took a deep breath and squeezed my hand with her thighs.

“It feels so good, Jimmy. But, oh god, do you think we’re perverts? Forget all that incest bullshit. Does it make it hotter knowing I’m your sister?”

“I wasn’t going to bring it up, but yeah. It is extra special because it is you!”

With a wicked smile, Maggie reached down, wrapped her soft fingers around my cock, and, teasing me, said, “So are you ready to put this big fella inside your sister?

“How bad do you want it,” I teased.

Maggie slapped my arm and said, “Your sister wants it. She wants it real bad.”

“Do you want it bad enough to beg?”

I continued stroking my fingers on her G-spot, and she tilted me forward, whimpering in desire as she pulled my cockhead to her clit. Lost in the sensations, she closed her eyes. Then, slipping my fingers from her vagina, I moved forward until, my forearms resting on the bed beside her head, my legs between hers, I was suspended over her.

“Put it inside you, Maggie,” I said. “If you want it so bad, then shove it in there where it belongs.”

Maggie placed my cock on the opening of her pussy and rotated her hips, getting the head of my cock wet. Then she told me she wanted me on my back. I rolled over, and she straddled me. She took my cock into her hand and pressed it against the smoothest, silkiest pussy I had ever felt. Maggie rubbed her slit along my shaft, smearing her warm, slick ooze over my rigid flesh. Placing her hands on my chest, she again rubbed her lubricated cameltoe the length of my hard cock, sending lightning bolts of pleasure down my cock and up my spine, where they exploded in my mind as brilliantly as a 4th of July fireworks display

“Oh fuck, Maggie, that’s amazing.”

“I learned a few tricks around the sorority house,” She giggled, raising her hips, so the head of my cock could move inside her; we both moaned.

She rolled over onto her back again and cautioned me not to slam into her like a hormone-driven teenage boy.

“Remember Jimmy, you’re big, bigger than anyone I have ever had inside me, so go slow.”

“Don’t worry, Sis, we have all the time in the world, and I don’t intend to rush this.”

She nodded her okay and then pushed the domed tip of my cock into her warm hole. I moved slowly inside her, watching her face, monitoring her reactions; I knew when to stop and when she was ready for more. Once my cock was in her, Maggie brought my mouth to hers. We kissed, our tongues dueled, and rejoiced. We rotated our pelvic girdle, grinding our hips together, and I plunged my cock deep inside her.

Grabbing the back of my head with both hands, Maggie pulled me into the nape of her neck and whispered, “Yes, just like that, Jimmy. Keep fucking me just like that.”

I tried to match her pace and enthusiasm without having a premature orgasm. Maggie ground her hips into mine, letting out a tiny, charming giggle each time my pubic bone rolled over her clit.

“Fuck me, Jimmy, fuck me,” she panted.

I fucked her the same way I’d finger-fucked her, inch by careful inch. I started with short measured strokes, gaging them by the way she pushed against me. I gradually increased the length of my strokes until my entire cock moved within her. I ground my cock into her pussy, catching her clit with my pubic bone every chance I got. Maggie wrapped her legs around my waist Jubilantly, pushing her pelvis into mine, increasing the pressure on her clit. Maggie hooked her arms underneath mine, grasped my back, bound her legs tighter around my buttocks, and pulled herself into me. I retaliated by grabbing her wrists, pinning her hands to the bed above her head, and drove my cock deeper into her pussy. Maggie flexed her legs, pulling me even deeper still.

“I love your giant cock, Jimmy. Fuck me, fuck your big sister.”

“Oh, my God, Sis, you are so fucking tight. And so fucking hot.”

I rhythmically slammed all I had into her, trying to be the best fuck she had ever experienced. She could barely get her words out with me pounding her so vigorously.

“I’m… uh… glad… uh… you… uh… like… uh…your big sister’s…uh… cunt, little brother.” Maggie gasped with each stroke.

We found the perfect rhythm and fucked on and on. As I listen to Maggie’s moans grow longer and louder, sharper and more insistent, I became amazed that I was actually fucking my big sister. Not only that, but she was also totally into it.

I was shaken out of my amazement when Maggie’s body began shuddering and shaking. She jerked her arms hard enough to free them from my grip and bellowed, “I’m cumming, Jimmy. Oh, my God, I think I am going to explode.”

Maggie’s spasming vagina clamped down on my cock, but we continued our orchestrated sexual frolic. Then, minutes later, she pitched back on her shoulders, jammed her pussy into me, and growled, “Cumming, Jimmy, cumming again. Oh, fuck yes, oh fuck yes…! Please don’t stop, Jimmy!”

I had no idea my sister was multi-orgasmic. Locking her legs on my ass, she pulled herself off the bed into me. That forced me deeper into her cunt. I tilted my hips forward, purposely crushing her clit with a force that would have been painful when we’d started but now slashed through her like a knife through butter. I was more than sure I had rung her bell.

Maggie wrapped her arms tightly around my upper back, pinning me to her, while she continued to gyrate her hips. “Oh god, yes, Jimmy, just like that. Would you please keep fucking me just like that? Oh my God, that feels wonderful.”

I hadn’t orgasmed yet, but I was nearing exhaustion. Maggie’s cunt was clutching, contracting, and convulsing. I struggled to wait for her to finish her orgasm, but it was a losing effort. My balls were churning, and there was no going back.

Maggie was jabbering. “Oh fuck Jimmy, Jimmy, yes oh my God yes Jimmy, god oh yes!”

I couldn’t hold off any longer. All the pressure inside me let go, and I blasted cum inside my sister with a hard grunt in one, two, three powerful spurts, then I collapsed. My brain short-circuited.

“Fuck, oh fuck yes, Jimmy,” Maggie sang.

And that final orgasm ripped through her and me at the same time. Maggie’s body shook and quaked. Despite being trapped under me, she dug her nails into my back and shrieked, “Fuck, fuck, fuck, that was good, Jimmy!”

I lay there totally exhausted. I’m not sure how long. Temporary amnesia, I guess. Then I heard my sister’s voice in my ear.

“You can get off me now.”

I rolled over on my back and stared at the ceiling. It took a while for us to recover. I had never been so totally exhausted in my life. After a minute, I turned toward Maggie and gasped, “Did I do a good job, Maggie? I mean, was it as good for you as it was for me?”

Maggie gave a quick peck on my lips and said, “You did just fine, Jimmy. I couldn’t ask for a better lover.”

“Is there any chance we can do it again sometimes?” I asked.

“You can count on it, Jimmy. Bubba and I won’t be able to be together again for at least another month. I am counting on you to get me through until then. A girl can’t get by on her fingers alone,” she giggled.