The Letter

The Letter

April 19, 2015, the day his beloved wife Maria died, was easily the saddest day of John’s life. Maria was only forty eight when she passed from breast cancer. Six months prior to her death they had happily celebrated their 30th wedding anniversary.

The three and a half years after his wife’s death passed in a painful blur for John. The one thing, maybe the only thing, keeping him going during this painful time was his daughter Biannca.

An only child, Biannca was nearing the end of her freshman year at Michigan State when her mom passed. Now, a bit shy of her twenty second birthday, and freshly graduated from college, her focus was on one thing: the letter.

The only problem was she could not open it just quite yet. She would have to wait another exasperating four months.

Maria, talking to her daughter for the final time, mere days before her death, thrust the letter in its tightly sealed envelope, in her daughter’s hand. “Open this but only after your graduate college, like you promised me and your father you would. After you leave here, check the back of the envelope, there is further instructions. Oh, and it’s a secret… tell your daddy nothing about this. Promise me, Benny?”

Benny was her parent’s pet nickname for Biannca. Leaning over, Biannca placed a small kiss on her mom’s forehead as she whispered, “Promise, Mom.”

A few hours later, at home, tucked away safely in her bedroom, Biannca pulled the sealed envelope containing the letter out of her purse. Nervously, she turned the letter over.

Just as her mother promised, there was further instructions taped to the outside of the envelope in the form of a small handwritten letter scripted in her mother’s ultra-neat penmanship. Biannca, her curiosity piqued, quickly tore the note off and read it.


Open and read the contents of this letter on the following day, place, and time. Please do this for me.

Day: Your daddy’s first birthday after you graduate in the spring from MSU. He should be turning fifty on this day if you graduate on time… which I know you will!!!

Place: Please talk him into taking you up to our cabin to celebrate his birthday. Insist on it hon.

Time: Sometime, at night, but not too late, shortly after you guys enjoy a nice dinner, open the letter in private. The rest I will leave up to your heart. Follow it as you may. It’s all I can ask.

I also have a package for you to take up to the cabin. It’s a birthday present of a most unusual sort for your daddy. You will find the package deep in your closet. I put it in there some while ago shortly after I knew my time on this earth was short. Don’t open it now or try to figure out what it might be. Instead, check your curiosity and just wait until you read my letter which contains the instructions for the package. Make sure you take the package with you to the cabin. The rest will be explained in my letter. Finally, again this is our secret hon, don’t mention any of this to your father.

All my Love,


Biannca took the time to check her closet and found the fairly large, cube sized package, wrapped in brown wrapping paper and secured by an abundance of heavy shipping tape. It was just heavy enough to stir an abundance of curiosity in Biannca’s heart, but somehow she resisted further explorations of the package.

October 15, 2018

It took a little prompting on Biannca’s part with John claiming he was in no mood to celebrate his birthday, before getting him to agree to drive upstate from Davison, Michigan to their family cabin near Traverse City.

John finally agreed but only after Biannca told him, “I promised Mom I would get you to take me up there on your first birthday after I graduated from state. She has something special planned I think.”

John smiled sadly. “But… I don’t understand. She–”

Biannca returned his sad smile as she placed a single finger on his lips. “Shhh Daddy, don’t question this. I promised her. She gave me something… for you… right before she passed.”

“OK,” John replied.

The small picturesque cabin, tucked away among a stand of white pine trees, had only four rooms: a single bedroom, a quaint little kitchen, a spacious living room, complete with a large brick fireplace and a small bar stuck in one corner, and a full modern bathroom, just off the bedroom. Out back was a large deck with a grill and a sunken hot tub.

After getting a late start on a cool, breezy Friday morning, and stopping in town to pick up some supplies, they did not arrive at the cabin until nearly four in the afternoon. Their supplies for the weekend included a pair of ribeye steaks with all the trimmings, a twelve pack of beer, and a bottle of red wine. The wine was Biannca’s idea as she remembered her parents always enjoyed some wine whenever they were at home celebrating one of their birthdays.

After their delicious steak dinner, Biannca excused herself. “I gotta go and prepare your birthday presents.”

“Sure, hon,” John responded as he moved toward the cabin’s fireplace. “I think I will get a fire going as it’s going to be chilly tonight.”

“Great idea, Daddy,” she chirped before disappearing into the cabin’s bedroom eager to read her mom’s letter.

Once in the bedroom, Biannca pulled the letter out from her purse. Finally, after waiting so long, three and half years roughly, she would get to open the mysterious letter, along with the equally mysterious package containing her daddy’s unusual birthday present.

After settling herself down on the bed, Biannca tore the envelope open. The letter, just like the earlier note containing the instructions, was handwritten by her mom.

My dearest Benny,

You were always so good at helping me take care of your father, which is why I am going out on a very shaky limb to ask you to take care of him, this one special time, on his fiftieth birthday. Before I make my request, I will fill in some details about our relationship… some you may already know, others it will be your first time hearing such details.

Before moving forward though, I need to clear up one thing. I specifically instructed you to wait until after graduation from college to open this letter for one very important reason. By now, you should only be just a few short months from your 22nd birthday and I can only guess you have matured into a rare beauty… like your mom lol.

But the key thing, Benny, is you are mature. I am sure of that. In fact, I am betting everything on that simple fact. Mature enough that is to hear some rather naughty stuff. Mature enough where you can handle hearing such naughty stuff and then most importantly, mature enough to make a decision on what to do next after reading my letter.

Anyways here it is. Your father and me, got married young. He was twenty, I was eighteen. We dated all through high school and this may be hard to believe but he is the only man I have ever been with. My one and only boyfriend, my only true love (beside you of course). Yes, it truly is a rare thing–and, even rarer still, what was true for me, was also true for him– I am the only woman he has ever been with. Ever. Keep that in mind. Even after my passing I am sure he has remained, sadly, faithful to me. More on this later.

So, of course, we were both virgins when he first make love to me right there in the cabin you are at now. It was a cold November night, and we explored our love–completely– for the first time, out in front of the fire on that pretty thick white rug.

I shall never forget the solemn promise we both whispered to each other–just before he entered me. It was how neither of us would ever, ever be with another. Honey it may sound corny or fairy tale like but that was me and your father. You must have seen, over the years, how we worshipped each other.

Months ago, after we knew my condition was terminal we had a serious discussion. I told him to move on after me. He was too young to stay alone the rest of his life. He would not hear it. He vowed to stay faithful to me and to never, ever break the promise he made to me the night we lost our virginity together.

You must understand what that means honey– he will die a lonely old man to satisfy his promise to me. He will never be with another woman–for the rest of his life. That is sad, but more than that, it is simply unacceptable. I racked my brain on what to do when he vowed not to move on and finally, somehow, came up with a rather, hmm, unique solution.

Let me pause here for a bit more background before I hit you with what I came up with. Honey, me and your daddy, as I am sure you noticed, sure you heard even, had a rather rambunctious sex life. In short, we simply had a rollicking good time in bed. He was a wonderful lover and I was always, ALWAYS ready to satisfy his needs which were in a word — insatiable.

Now he is trapped, cursed if you will, to spend the rest of his life celibate. This, more than anything, vexes me. I know his needs and to think of them going unfulfilled… it’s very, incredibly sad for me honey. On the other hand, even if he had agreed to it–which he did not… bless his kind heart, the possibility of him being with other women, getting married again, having a girlfriend, (even visiting a hooker, to be perfectly blunt) I found to be wholly depressing. It would mean I was no longer his one and only.

This is where you come in. I will say it directly: My solution honey is you. I am sorry to ask this, but you baby, are the one and only woman who could satisfy your daddy and make me not so unhappy as I prepare to pass to whatever lies next.

Why? Because you came from me, you are mommy’s little girl, you have a large part of me inside you. How could you not?? Him making love to you… it would be like making love to me… in a small sense.

I would not blame you if you flat out refuse to entertain this thought. I know it’s wickedly naughty Benny but for me and for your daddy it’s the only solution. Just so you understand–he knows absolutely nothing about this crazy idea of mine. I expect you, if you decide in the negative, to never breathe a word of it to him, just as if you decide to go through with, with what I am asking, what I am begging you to please do, it will be, of course, you guy’s big secret and sharing such a secret could only bring you closer.

It’s your decision now. Follow your heart. Now if you decide to abide by my wishes you may open the gift box. Inside you will find further instructions from your mother. One final thing, if you can be brave and take this step you will not be alone. I will be there with you baby girl. (You shall see exactly what I mean later by this–if you go through with things) Can you be brave and give yourself over to both me and your daddy — and open the package. Once opened, promise me, in your heart, you shall not turn back.

If you can’t do this, I fully understand. If that is the case, just get rid of the package without opening it.


Your adoring mother

Biannca sat there on the bed stunned, staring off into space, for a few quiet moments as she turned over in her mind what her mother was asking. About one thing Biannca was sure: as the letter stated– her daddy was fully prepared to spend the rest of his life alone.

After what she thought was a proper mourning period, it was maybe a year and half as she recalled, Biannca casually brought up the subject of him dating and if he planned on seeing anyone… ever again.

He shook his head no as he uttered three simple words, “Never. I can’t.”

She pressed him about it. She remembered telling him, “I am sure Mom would not mind. It’s been a year and half. I know you will always love her, but really you don’t deserve to be alone. You are still young… kind of.”

She remembered his answer. “Kind of… I like that Benny, always with the jokes, but anyway, no. I can’t do it. I won’t do it and that is final. I made a promise to your mother a long time ago and I will keep it.”

She also recalled asking him about this promise he was referring to, but he refused to elaborate. Well, now she knew!

She was still sitting there in a daze, flip flopping on what to do, when her father called out to her from the hallway. “Hey, Benny did you get lost in there. Hurry up… I am getting lonely out here all by myself.”

“Yeah, I’m sure you are Daddy,” she mumbled to herself. If only he knew what her mother’s cure was for his loneliness! But then she straightened up. If that wasn’t a sign, nothing was: I am getting lonely out here all by myself.

A singular thought flashed through Biannca’s mind now. The thought, clear and concise, helped push her closer to a decision. The loneliness you feel now Daddy will be nothing compared to how lonely you will be for the rest of your life–if I don’t help.

But this was followed quickly by yet another thought. What if he rejects me? It did not take her long to answer her own question: if he did reject me, it would be on a moral basis, not on him finding me physically unattractive. Of this, Biannca was sure.

Just as her mother predicated, Biannca had grown into quite the mature beauty by the time she was twenty-two. She displayed a strikingly resemblance to her mom in many ways. Both were curvy, dark haired beauties with soft brown eyes, flawless skin tones and sunny, playful and extremely confident personalities.

Biannca bounced across the room to the door. Leaning her head out, she yelled, “Daddy give me a few minutes more. I will be out shortly. Your gifts I’m still preparing them.”

“OK then,” he yelled back. Biannca frowned. His voice–it sounded tired and lonely. This finally made her mind up. Moving back across the bedroom, she determined she would do her mother’s bidding.

Grabbing the package out of the bedroom’s closet where she had hidden it away after they first arrived at the cabin, Biannca now began to carefully tear off the plain brown wrapping paper. Underneath the wrapping paper, she found a shipping box taped securely shut. Attached to the top of the box was yet another short note from her mom.

Tearing the note off, she quickly read it.


Inside you will find your daddy’s gifts each individually wrapped with any requisite notes attached. Also each one has a yellow sticky note attached to the front with a number. Start with number one and move forward in strict numerical order please.


Fishing a nail file out of her purse, she used it cut open the box. Just as her mother promised, there was several neatly wrapped packages inside the box.

The small package with the yellow sticky note labeled #1 was conveniently placed on top for her. She quickly tore the plain brown wrapping paper off to find a black velvet rectangular jewelry box.

Prying the box open she smiled at what was inside. It was her mom’s favorite piece of jewelry: a Piaget diamond rose pendant necklace in 18k white gold. Oh how her mother had screeched on that Christmas morning so many years ago when she opened this gift. Taped on the inside of the top lid of the jewelry box was a little yellow sticky note.


Your daddy loved how this looked on me. It’s now yours. Put it on before exploring further. Later on he will be thrilled to see you wearing it. That is the first of our presents to him.


Biannca hurriedly slipped the necklace on, before heading off to the bathroom to check out how it looked on her in the mirror. It looked divine on her–just as she suspected her mother knew it would.

Returning to the her daddy’s birthday package, Biannca found a medium sized box wrapped neatly in thick brown wrapping paper with a #2 yellow sticky note on it. She quickly tore the paper off and pried open the lid. Inside were a pair of items: a white satin robe and a pair of sexy four inch black high heels. Both, like the necklace, were her mom’s favorites.

Attached to the heels was another sticky note with a short and simple message.


Put both the shoes and the robe on. Your daddy loved how I looked in both. Now under the robe, can you do me a favor and put nothing on under it.


Following her mom’s instructions, Biannca stripped off her jeans and blouse, before slipping out of her bra and panties. The satin robe felt heavenly wrapped around her naked body. It was tight on her though as Biannca was bit more top heavy in the chest area than her mom. Nevertheless, the robe was simply perfect in Biannca’s mind.

The sexy heels were maybe a little tight on her, but not so much where she couldn’t wear them. After taking a couple trips around the bedroom to get used to walking in them, Biannca turned her attention back to the box, excited to find out what other surprises were in store for her–and her daddy.

The box with the sticky note marked #3 on it had no wrapping paper. Instead, it was a simple oblong white cardboard box of the usual type major department stores used. Taped to the front, of course, was the obligatory note.


You should now be wearing your mom’s favorite robe, shoes and necklace. What I’m giving you next packed away inside my box of goodies was also one of your daddy’s absolute favorites. Hands down. It might be a little snug on you but I think you can manage. Anyways please put it on under the robe… for me, but especially for him.


Biannca nervously pried the lid off the box, not sure what exactly to expect, although she had the sneaking suspicion it would be something sexy.

She was right. Inside the box was an alluring strapless bra, along with a matching pair of briefs. Holding the blush colored bra up, it had some elegant lace scrolling along the top half of the cups, Biannca let out a low sigh as she imagined how she would look to her daddy in this–if things, indeed, progressed to such a point.

After putting the bra on, it was a bit snug on her, just as her mother suggested it might be, along with the matching blush hipster boyleg briefs, she slipped the robe back on.

Dipping into the box again, Biannca pulled out the box labeled #4. It was a shipping box, again without any wrapping paper. After tearing off the thick shipping tape she opened the box to find her mother’s old cassette recorder. The recorder was not particularly big, roughly eleven inches in length, six inches in width and three inches tall, and although it was fairly old, still looked in good shape. Along with the recorder was a pair of cassette tapes, both marked by yellow sticky notes.

One note simply read: DANCE MUSIC, while the other said, Tape #2 save for later.

Of course, taped to the front of the Maria’s recorder was a folded piece of paper. Biannca smiled as she whispered to herself, “Yet another note from Mom.”

Unfolding the note, she settled down on the edge of the bed to read it.


Final note. Almost. As I said, if you go through with this, which you must be planning on doing, since you are reading this, you shall not be alone. Yes, I will be there, not just for you, but for him, guiding you both, every step of the way. His final gift and the one I hope you have the courage to give him is the tape marked #1. It is already inserted inside the recorder, but don’t hit play just yet. Before heading out to see your father I want you to stop off at the bathroom and pull that gorgeous dark hair of yours back into a tight bun behind your head–your daddy, and me for that matter, always thought you looked so gorgeous with your hair pulled back. Make sure you fix up your make up nice and perfect for him so that youthful beauty of yours will simply shine for him.

Now honey you must… must make him agree to play along with no questions and no backing out once we get started. Period. Once you extract that promise from him the rest is up to you. Remind him it will be a promise not just to you but to me. Finally, offer him some liquid refreshment, another beer or two perhaps, while you have a glass of wine, two if you are feeling brave. After you have enjoyed your liquid courage you can hit the play button on the recorder and after that… well just follow your mommy’s instructions!!!

Finally, there is one final short note taped to the bottom of this recorder. Don’t read it just yet but save for later. I will tell you when the time is right.

Ten minutes later, after following the her mother’s instructions and pulling her hair up into the tight bun and touching up her makeup, Biannca came out to the living room to find her daddy sitting on the living room’s small sofa sipping a beer.

“About time sweetheart, I…” He started to say before the words died on his lips. He instantly recognized his daughter was wearing both Maria’s robe and favorite pair of sexy high heels.

Biannca said nothing as she strode across the room, her high heels clicking seductively on the cabin’s bare wooden floor.

After she plopped down next to him, he finally found his voice again. “You are wearing your mom’s robe and shoes I see.”

“Yes, they are part of her birthday gifts to you Daddy.” Wanting to seize control of the situation she hurriedly added. “Now Daddy, Mommy has something really special planned for your birthday tonight and if you don’t want to disappoint both me and her you have to agree to play along no questions asked.”

“But honey I don’t understand. Your mom… she… I mean–”

Biannca quickly interrupted him. “No questions… please and no comments. Just… do you agree to play along?” Reaching out, she took his hand, squeezing it tight before adding, “Please say yes, please. This is what she really wanted. Remember it’s your birthday and she wants to help make it both memorable and special… despite her… you know, not being here.”

John sighed. Maria always did have quite the imagination so it really should not have been no great surprise her planning on giving him something special on his birthday–even if it was from the beyond grave, so to speak.

John drained his beer, before answering. “OK, honey, I will play along. What does your mom have in store for me… besides letting me see her favorite robe and favorite shoes one last time, modeled so nicely by my lovely daughter.”

“Well the rest is a surprise but she insisted to me in the letter you have to promise, have to swear on our lives, no questions and no backing out. Like I said, that is the way she wanted it. She was very specific in that regard. She wants you to promise, but remember it won’t be just a promise to me.” Biannca paused before reaching out to stroke the side of his face before whispering, “But to her also.”

John said nothing while studying his daughter’s face. She was wholly serious.

Still whispering Biannca added. “Mommy said you would never break a promise to her and you always would give her what she wanted… and trust me she wants this… and well, I want it too, but most importantly Daddy, you need this.”

“That is true I always give her what she wanted and I never did or never would break a promise to her… or to you, so yes honey, your daddy agrees. No questions and no backing out.”

Biannca sighed. The “legal” stuff was out of the way and now, yes, she could get down to the fun and games.

“OK before you unwrap Mommy’s birthday gift to you first lets both enjoy a bit of liquid courage. Wine for me and another beer for you.”

“Sure, honey. I’ll get it,” he said as he started to get to his feet.

No, sit Daddy,” Biannca replied. “It’s your birthday so I will be the one… to you know… wait on you.”

Knowing it was no good to argue with his headstrong daughter, she was like her mother in that regard, John sank back down on the sofa.

They sat and made small talk for the next twenty minutes or so as Biannca downed two full glasses of the delicious red wine, or just enough to make her feel a bit carefree and wild, while John polished off another beer and half. He was not a heavy drinker so the three and half beers he had finished thus far was more than a enough to leave him a whole lot less than sober… and rather horny as he found his eyes helplessly appraising how lovely, and utterly sexy, Biannca looked in Maria’s robe and high heels.

After setting her empty wine glass aside, Biannca bounced to her feet proclaiming, “I have to run to the bedroom and get something. Be right back.”

John, maybe thanks to the beer, was unable to resist letting his eyes settle shamefully on his daughter’s ass as she hurried off to the bedroom. She returned a short few seconds later with something tucked under her arm.

Biannca smiled at her daddy as she placed the recorder on the coffee table in front of the sofa.

“Wow, is that your mom’s old cassette player. Let me guess she made me a tape?”

“Made us a tape, Daddy. Actually two tapes but one is for later. Let’s listen to what she has to say and remember… you agreed to play along.”

“I know, I know,” John muttered, intensely curious by now, wondering just what his imaginative wife had in store for him as Biannca hit the play button–sealing both of their fates.

John’s heart wrenched as his wife began talking. Her voice was both mellow and inviting.

First of all, I want to say Happy 50th Birthday to my loving and oh so faithful husband. By now, I have been gone for some years and you must be so lonely, you poor, poor thing. Oh how I wish I was there to take care of you, but since I can’t I have found a certain young lady who is more than willing, ready and able to take care of you in my place. In case she didn’t tell you, or was not forceful enough in telling you, I have one simple request of both of you. Can you both solemnly agree to follow my instructions, whatever they may be, that I have set forth on this tape. It took me a pain snakingly long time to make this very special tape while I envisioned how this evening should go. Now, I will now pause for a good minute to let you two discuss this before continuing. If you both can’t agree than just throw this tape away without listening any further and Biannca honey, all I can say is thanks for trying.

There was the low hiss of the silent tape playing now as John turned to Biannca, but before he could speak she was already off and running.

“Daddy… you have to agree. This is the way Mom wants it. This is her birthday gift to you. Trust me, it’s important to her you be pleased, but, I mean, you have already agreed though right?”

“Yes I suppose I have, but what about you? She wants us both to agree and what that means…” He shrugged his shoulders because he really did not know what that meant… although, in the back of his mind, he was sort of getting this–feeling of sorts–that his wife was maybe planning something a bit naughty, but as of yet, he was unwilling to fully acknowledge what it might be.

“I am here, Daddy which means I have already agreed and just so you know, everything so far, and I mean everything, including what I am wearing, being here at the cabin, the birthday gifts I have for you, it’s all of her doing… all according to her wishes. No more can I say, except yes, I am willing to follow Mom’s instructions, to the fullest, whatever they might be. I guess the question is… are you?”

After a brief pause he answered quietly. “Yes, me too, me too.”

A few seconds later the tape started up again, the quiet hiss being replaced by his wife’s melodious voice. Hmm… since you are still here you must have both agreed so there is nothing left to do but begin. My first instructions are for my darling husband. I want you to sit down on the sofa, get comfortable next to your daughter and then tell her you are ready for your birthday present. Go on tell her. Biannca go ahead and hit pause on the recorder until your daddy unwraps his present and yes, make sure he unwraps the present himself.

Biannca reached over, hitting the pause button on the recorder, while John scooted over on the sofa so he was right next to her. Their eyes met as he whispered, “Well, sweetheart, I guess I am ready for your mom’s birthday present.”

Biannca slowly turned to her daddy, an expectant look on her pretty face. “Well go on Daddy, unwrap your present.”

“I… I don’t see it hon.”

“Oh Daddy you are silly. Your present is sitting right there, next to you, wrapped in white satin. All you have to do is untie the bow and slip the pretty white satin wrapping paper off your present. Here let me help you get started.”

Reaching out, she grabbed his hands, guiding them to the satin tie holding her robe shut.

He wanted to ask if she was fucking serious, but by the eager look on her face he knew the answer. “Go on Daddy, aren’t you going to unwrap Mommy’s present?”

He paused briefly before whispering. “I guess I better.”

John carefully unknotted his daughter’s robe before slipping it off of her.

When he saw his daughter wearing Maria’s strapless bra, yes, it was his absolute favorite, there was no longer any denying the direction in which this night was trending.

Trying to divert his attention from his daughter’s lovely tits, so fully being put on display by his wife’s bra, John said, “Is… is that Mom’s necklace? It looks good on you honey.”

“Yes, it is. She wanted me to have it, wanted me to show it off for you. I’m glad you like how it looks on me.”

“Yeah, it was her favorite,” he replied while trying, and mostly failing, to redirect his attention off her tits. Jesus they were nice and big!

Giving him a sly smile, Biannca whispered, “I am also wearing something else of mommy’s that she said was your favorite. How does that look on me Daddy?”

He made one attempt to keep things clean, one attempt to let his daughter back out if she so desired. “Honey we… I know this is what your mother wants but if you–”

Reaching out, she quieted him with a soothing touch of her finger to his lips. “Shhh Daddy, it’s what I want too. This night is both our presents to you. Now relax and enjoy them… and answer my question, how does Mommy’s bra look on your little girl? I mean it a bit snug on me since, well, I’m not bragging but I think my tits are a bit bigger than Mommy’s.”

John’s cock, already on full alert status, grew even harder at his daughter’s not so innocent comment about her tits being bigger than her mom’s. John was a first class tit hound, finding Maria’s 36 inch D cup breasts to be quite delightful, so the fact his daughter was a bit bigger in the breast department was more than a little… titillating.

Suffering from an acute case of brain freeze all John could think to say was a weak, “Yes, I… ahh agree, they are.”

“Mm-hmm… Glad you noticed,” Biannca replied with a knowing smile before reaching over and hitting the play button on the cassette recorder.

Well now that you have unwrapped your first present honey I hope you like it. And just so you know I could not think of a better present to give you than our lovely daughter. I hope you agree and if you do… guess what, it’s time for you and your lovely birthday present to share a nice, romantic birthday slow dance together. You think you guys can do that for me, share a nice intimate slow dance. I have taken the liberty to record one of my favorite slow dance numbers on the tape marked music for you to dance to so just insert it in the recorder and then you can share your dance… but listen closely, both of you, because I have spliced into the song a few whispered instructions by me that I expect both of you to fully obey.

Biannca removed the first tape and inserted the other one marked MUSIC and then hit play. Striding over to towards her daddy, during a brief lull before the music began to play, she stood in front of him with an expectant look on her face.

When the music started it was, of course, a slow romantic song and one of Maria’s all-time favorites: Lady in Red.

Deciding to utterly polite as long as he could, John stood up, extending his hand to his daughter. “Would you care to dance, sweetie.”

Taking his hand, Biannca replied, “I would love to, Daddy.”

He led her a few feet away to an open part of the floor between the fireplace and the sofa where they easily slipped into each other’s arms.

John, in an effort not to get overheated, attempted to keep his daughter at arm’s length, somewhat, by putting his one arm around her waist, while extending his other arm out, clasping her hand up high in the traditional fashion. He was hoping to keep a decent interval between them, especially since he was sporting a semi boner inside his nice khakis.

Ahh but his wife, like a coach directing a play from the sidelines, was having none of that arm’s length nonsense. The song had barely started when she intoned softly over the music. Go on honey, hold your daughter close, and let her snuggle up to you like she wants, like you want.

Biannca smiled as she drew closer to her daddy. Her hands slid onto his shoulders as she snuggled right up close to him. Close enough to increase the seriousness of his growing erection down there.

They swayed in each other’s arms for a good thirty seconds, neither speaking. Instead, they were enjoying the simple intimacy from being so close to someone you so dearly love.

Then came the “coach” shouting (whispering) more instructions from the sidelines. Biannca honey, I want you to slowly unbutton your daddy’s nice formal dress shirt I’m sure he is wearing… before snuggling up ever closer to him… chest to chest I mean.

“Jesus how did she know I would be wearing a dress shirt?” John whispered to his daughter as she patiently started to unbutton it.

“She knows you so well. Even death can’t keep her from seeing things.”

“I suppose so,” John whispered back as a second, and then a third button, came undone on his shirt.

After undoing all the buttons, Biannca pulled the shirt out from the khakis before, following her mommy’s instructions explicitly, she snuggled her body right up next to him.

With the heels on, Biannca chest, that is her tits, settled just about around the middle of John’s bare chest. And then she began swaying back and forth to the music, allowing John to feel the smooth silky fabric of her sexy bra dancing across the bare skin of his chest. The feeling was intoxicating.

He barely had time to focus on how good it was feeling, being chest to chest with his daughter, when, once again, over the soft music, came his wife’s voice.

John, honey, by now she ought to be snuggled up nice and tight in your arms and I can imagine thus far you are being such a good boy with those hands. Hmm, is that true Biannca baby… is Daddy being a good boy? Tell Mommy.

“Yes, he is Mommy,” Biannca promptly replied.

Well, guess what you two, it’s his birthday, and because it’s his birthday, his very special 50th birthday, I think we should give your daddy a free pass to act a bit naughty… with his lovely young daughter. What do you say, Benny. Are you OK with your daddy being given a free pass to act naughty on his birthday?

“I don’t mind Mommy if Daddy gets naughty with his little girl,” Biannca replied sweetly before reaching up to stroke his face gently.

John sighed. This was fucking incredible. It was as if she was right in the room with them as his daughter continued to carry on her wicked conversation with his deceased wife.

As if to emphasize this point, Maria’s voice rose above the music once more, speaking still to her daughter. Naughty like rubbing his hands all over that deliciously sculptured ass of your honey. Hmm, why don’t you help him get over his shyness with you? Go on take his hands in yours, kiss them lightly, lick his palms, he likes that, and then guide them around to your backside… and make sure he keeps them there until the song is over.

“Oh Christ,” John whispered to himself as Biannca pulled her hands down from around his neck. Snagging both of his hands in hers, she once more followed her mom’s instructions to the letter, by first kissing both of his hands softly, before turning them over. He watched, amazed, as her tongue snaked out, licking both of his palms, one after the other, before she guided his hands back around to her ass.

It was just as his wife said, Biannca’s ass was nice and firm, nice and deliciously sculptured with just enough meat on it to satisfy any ten men.

The song ended, Maria remained silent for the last third or so of it, with John’s hands, all over his daughter’s butt, growing bolder with every passing second. Biannca’s only reaction to her daddy’s over eager groping was one or two gentle sighs. Apparently, she had fully accepted her fate… whatever it may turn out to be.

Biannca, firmly in control, strode over to the recorder playing the music and clicked it off. She stood there, an inviting smile on her pretty face, awaiting further instructions.

After a few seconds of silence, Maria soothing voice once more filled the room after Biannca inserted the tape marked number back into the cassette recorder.

The song may be over but the fun and games are just getting started huh kids. I wonder if I could talk you two into sharing another slow dance where I am going to turn up the heat… on both of you… to a more seductive level. Just like before, listen for my instructions during the song. I expect them to be followed explicitly.

After Biannca again switched tapes, putting the one marked MUSIC back into the recorder and pushed the play button, another romantic slow song started to play again, Nights in White Satin, which was another of his wife’s favorite slow numbers.

They started to sway in each other’s arms again. John, despite everything, still attempted to cling desperately to the notion of being proper with his daughter, tried to put his hands around his daughter’s waist but she was having none of it.

“Daddy, this is what Mom wants,” she whispered to him before reaching back around and pushing his hands down to her ass once again.

John smiled at her, smiled at her utter insistence on being naughty with him, while putting up little resistance to having his hands pushed back down to her butt.

They were barely thirty seconds into the song when, true to her promise, Maria turned up the heat on them.

Biannca, sweetheart, since I’m not there to do it, you’ll have to be the one to give your daddy some nice birthday kisses. Go on wish, him a happy birthday and give him kisses, tell them they are from me, and… then maybe give him some very special birthday kisses also just from yourself. Go on now… Don’t be shy.

She kissed him, first on both cheeks, innocently, whispering, “Those kisses are from me. Happy birthday, Daddy.”

“Thank you sweetheart,” he whispered back.

“Now it’s Mommy’s turn.”

As Biannca slowly brought her lips to his, still John thought somehow, someway, it wouldn’t happen. But it did. Her lips brushed his, giving him a pair of pleasant little kisses before she pressed home the attack.

John became lost then. Her kisses finally ripping away any last vestiges of hope of keeping things on any kind of innocent level, especially when he found her tongue dancing lightly across his lips– before slipping inside his mouth.

Of course, he responded, kissing her back while letting his tongue loose to explore the warm recesses of his young daughter’s mouth. As they shared a seemingly inexhaustible supply of passionate kisses, his hands became a bit more aggressive down there, kneading her ass with unbridled enthusiasm.

They continued to share kiss after kiss, their mouths parting, only to come together again and again, all through the duration of the song. As soon as the song ended, Biannca broke off their kisses.

She hurried over to the cassette recorder to reinsert the other tape, anxious to find out her mother had in store for them next.

Maria started speaking again… this time to him.

John, sweetheart, I am thinking by now Benny, half naked as she is, maybe is getting a bit cold. I remember how chilly the cabin can get so go ahead and ask her if she is not a bit chilly.

“Are you sweetie, a bit cold?” John asked her.

“Actually I am, Daddy.”

Breaking away from her, he moved quickly over to the fireplace. The fire, by now, had died down to nothing more than a few glowing embers.

John added several logs bringing it back to life just before Maria began to speak again.

So Benny I am guessing by now your daddy is stoking the fire up nice and warm.

“He is Mommy,” she answered.

John shook his head. She wasn’t there but yet… she knew what he would do. Amazing. He paused in jabbing the poker into the fire to listen to his wife’s further instructions.

So what I want you to do is to first run into the bedroom and grab the blanket off the bed and bring it back out to the sofa. After you have done that I want you to go the bar and down below pull out the bottle of Wild Turkey your daddy has stashed down there. Find a couple of shot glasses and fill one up halfway, that one is for you, and the other to the rim, that one is for him, then once your daddy has the fire going nice and warm, the two of you settle back down on the sofa, close together and enjoy your liquid courage together. Hit pause now hon, and once you have enjoyed your daddy’s official birthday shots turn Mommy back on.

They stared at each other for a brief moment after Biannca hit the pause button. John knew adding whiskey to the mix would probably allow things to continue with renewed gusto along the wicked path Maria was leading them down… from beyond the grave.

Biannca spoke for the both of them when she simply said, “I’ll go get the blanket.”

A few minutes later, after downing their respective shots, Biannca reached over from where she sat snuggled next to her daddy on the sofa and hit the play button on the cassette recorder.

Now it time for you John, darling, to be a good daddy and snuggle your daughter up close to you under the blanket in front of the soft glowing romantic fire and warm her up… but before you start snuggling your precious little Benny, to make things fair, you should allow your daughter to finish undressing you down to your underwear… just like she is. Go ahead, I will give you a minute or two for her to get the job done.

The tape fell to a quiet hiss as John stared at his daughter, wondering if she would comply. Of course, she would; by now, the die had been cast and there would be no turning back.

“Go on Daddy stand up, you heard Mommy I have to finish getting you undressed… it will be easier if you are standing up.”

John climbed to his feet. He was sporting at least a semi boner under his simple white cotton briefs, but maybe, thanks to the shot of whiskey and the beer, he was not overly concerned about such things.

Biannca first stripped off his still unbuttoned dress shirt before tossing it casually on the back of the sofa. She then turned her attention to his khakis. Moving slowly, she patiently undid his belt and then carefully unzipped his pants. She paused, giving him a brief smile, before finishing the job.

He stepped out of his pants, kicking them aside, much like he had done with his morals for the evening, and sat back down.

They had just got settled under the blanket, arms wrapped tight around each other, when Maria started speaking again.

When I am done talking, I want you both to close your eyes for a minute, lay your heads back, relax, and as you are relaxing, snuggled close to each other, John, honey, think of me, your loving wife, of how much you loved me, of how much you have missed me, missed our lovemaking, missed my warm tender loving touch… let your heart fill with longing and desire. Benny I want you to also think of me. Think of your love for me, of how you always went out of your way to make me proud, of how I loved you so, think of how your daddy loves you. Let the emotions of the moment wash over both of you and carry you away to forbidden shores. I will tell you, whisper it to you, when to open your eyes and when you do I want you to look at each other and then… channel all that love you both feel for me and direct it toward each other. I trust you both know exactly what I mean… Now close your eyes and do my bidding… please.

They looked at each other for a brief moment and in that moment, they knew, if they didn’t already, exactly where Marie was taking them: John was going to end up making love to his daughter.

John could barely contain himself as he sat there, eyes shut, heart thundering inside his chest, waiting for his wife to tell them to open their eyes.

A good thirty seconds passed, with only the quiet hissing of the tape recorder and the soft cracking of the fire to keep them company, before Maria quietly intoned, OK you can open your eyes and remember what I said about channeling your love for me.

They turned to each other, gazing deep in each other’s eyes, before Biannca quietly whispered, “Come on Daddy, show me… show me how much you love me.”

“Oh baby, I…”

He reached out, gently stroking the side of her face. He stayed silent; no words could come close to defining what he was feeling at this exact moment.

Slipping one hand around the back of her head, John pulled his daughter closer before crushing his lips against her as he whispered, “God, I love you both so much.”

“Show me, Daddy,” Biannca had just time enough to answer before her daddy’s lips were pressed against hers.

At first their kisses were delicate and sweet, their lips coming together and then parting quickly, as if they were testing the waters, before diving in. It was Biannca who forced the issue. After at least a good half dozen of those light, airy kisses her daddy was sharing with her, John once again started to pull away, but this time there would be no escaping his fate.

Snaking a hand out around the back of his head, Biannca pulled her daddy closer, forcing his lips back to hers. This time there would be no pretense of innocence as Biannca slipped her tongue inside his mouth to do some deep exploring.

His reaction was only natural as he let his own tongue loose. Almost immediately, they were kissing like impassioned long lost lovers, tongues twisting and turning inside each other’s mouths just as, once again, Maria could be heard whispering her quiet encouragement from the great beyond.

That’s it you two, share you love for me with each other. Do not hold back. Kiss each other, over and over again, as if your very lives depended on it.

Such instructions were doubtlessly easy to follow, for both of them, as they shared several more fervent kisses before Maria issued further instructions.

OK you two, put your passions on simmer for a minute while Mommy instructs both of you just what to do next. John, honey, your job is easy. You just sit there… for the moment while you Benny, you go ahead and stand up. Position yourself directly in front of him. I will give you a minute to do as I ask.

As Biannca climbed to her feet John suddenly felt the need to be reassured.

“Stop honey. Do… do you really want to do this… to keep going down this path?” He had to ask.

“Of course I do, Daddy. It’s what Mom wants and it’s… I mean… all this is part of her birthday present to you and since she can’t be here in person to give it to you it must be me. Now stop worrying… I am totally OK with this so be a good little boy and do what mommy says and just sit there.”

Biannca stood there, directly in front of her daddy, smiling sweetly at him for just a few bare seconds before Maria started talking again.

Time to get him nice and warmed up baby girl… and you too. First, my darling husband I want you to stare at your little girl’s gorgeous body. Stare at it, long and hard, while letting your eyes wander to wherever they want to go and I want you to keep staring, keeping allowing your passion to build until I sense you simply can’t take it anymore. I will be your tour guide as your eyes explore the many wondrous delights of your young daughter’s body.

John felt his cock beginning to twitch inside his briefs. This was going to make him extremely hard–just as Maria imagined it would.

First fix your gaze upon Benny’s pretty face. Stare into those mischievous hazel eyes of hers. See how they sparkle in the soft firelight. See how dark and mysterious they are.

He did and they were. Dark and mysterious and oh so pretty. She wore a sly seductive smile on her face, paired with a twinkle in her eyes. She held his gaze for a few long seconds, her pretty brown eyes were sparkling, just like her mother said they would be, in the diffused light emitting from the fire.

Now let your eyes wander downward, to the slope of her bare shoulders, and then down, hurry past her bountiful hills, they are not ready yet to be explored, and onto the flat plain of her gorgeous tummy. Notice the flawless beauty of her dark olive skin. Notice her cute little belly button… the same one you used to tickle to make her giggle.

Traveling downward still, his eyes slipped to her nice firm thighs before settling directly between her legs. He doubted she was a virgin, but still, John could not help but to think how nice and tight his daughter’s lovely young cunt would both taste and feel.

Just on cue, as she had been all night, Marie started talking again and seemed to know exactly what was happening.

By now my darling husband I imagine you are staring longingly at Benny’s sweet young pussy in between those delicious firm thighs of hers. Let your gaze linger there, nice and long, imagine how nice and juicy that young pussy will be. Hmm, yes I bet you can hardly wait to eat her out. Benny honey you will be in for a special treat as your daddy, oh yeah, he knows how to give a girl oral pleasure.

John tore his eyes from between his daughter’s legs to look up at her. Biannca stared back at her daddy with a lustful smile. It was true: she could hardly wait.

Next honey let your eyes travel north once more up to her bountiful hills. Yes I want you to stare at them… them, of course, being the highlight of her body… those large, firm tits of hers.

John dutifully obeyed his wife, lifting his gaze and letting it fall onto Benny’s chest.

Stare at them, look how my D cup sized strapless bra can barely contain their beauty. I imagine you have been staring at them by now pretty much the whole night. Haven’t you? Ask him Benny… go ahead ask your daddy if he has been staring at his little girl’s boobies all night long.

“Well, have you Daddy… been staring at my tits… all night long?”

“You know I have honey.”

Once he answers the question Benny I want you to hit the pause button and slowly, you decide how slowly, count to thirty silently, while you, husband, continue to stare adoringly at your daughter’s lovely young tits while letting your lust build.

Biannca dutifully reached over and clicked the pause button on the recorder before starting her count. And oh how she counted slowly, ever so slowly, allowing her daddy’s eyes to roam all over her tits.

When she was done counting– a full two minutes later– John’s lust was at a boiling point.

Now Biannca sweetie, take your daddy by the hand, bring the recorder, and take him into the bedroom. Once there go to the closet and open the door. On the back of the door is a full length mirror. I want you to stand in front of it and him behind you. Go. Do it now. I will give you a few seconds to get in position.

Once they were in the prescribed position Biannca reached down, she left the cassette recorder on the floor by their feet, and hit the play button.

Now that you two are in position we can start having some real fun. Benny I want you to lean back against your daddy, closing your eyes… you are going to submit to him fully allowing him to explore every inch of your lovely young body with his desperate hands. Of course, I will be his guide and will expect him to dutifully obey his guide’s instructions.

The tape fell silent for a minute as John’s heart thundered inside his chest. He was fully erect, a fact surely not lost on his daughter considering the way she was pressing her body back against him.

It all starts with a simple kiss. Turn her face to you honey and kiss your daughter gently, over and over again, until I say stop. Shower her pretty full lips with dozens of kisses while declaring your everlasting love for her. As you kiss her, let your hands explore, fully, her lower regions. Let them roam over her well-toned thighs, her nice firm ass, her flat tummy, before finally dipping into that sweet little honey pot between her legs and whilst you are exploring your daughter’s pussy with your curious fingers drop your kisses to her neck… find her weak spot and attack it with vigor and remember… keep kissing her until I say stop.

John turned her face toward him. “Honey I love you so much,” he whispered before giving her several tender kisses on the lips. Again and again, he rained kisses on her lips, while his hands glided down to her ass.

He ran his hands all over her backside, several times, as the shower of kisses continued. Slipping his hands around to the front, he began caressing her thighs just as he pushed his tongue deep in her mouth, circling it around a few times before pulling back slightly.

“Oh sweetie, you are so beautiful, just like your mother and God I love you so much… so much.”

“Oh Daddy–” Her intended on declaration of love back to him was interrupted when he cut it off with an aggressive new bout of kisses.

His hands moved up to her tummy, circling several times, before slipping inside her panties– just as he began attacking her neck with a new round of passionate kisses.

It was a surreal feeling for John, staring at his lovely daughter in the mirror and watching himself as he carefully slipped a hand inside her panties. Biannca let out a not so subtle moan when his kisses on her neck found their mark. Her moan became even louder, and more pronounced, as a finger gently entered her wet pussy.

Benny, sweetie, does that feel good have your daddy finger your wet pussy. I bet it does… as does the way he is so gently assaulting your neck with his kisses. Now my darling husband you can stop kissing her. Instead concentrate on staring at her heavenly body in the mirror as you once again let your hands roam all over her body… except for the one place they desperately want to go more than anywhere else… your daughter’s majestic tits. Sadly, you are not allowed to touch them honey… not just yet anyways. Go ahead do as I command!

John sighed as he followed his wife’s command and let his hands roam all over his daughter’s body, except, of course, her tits. Maria was dead right in her summation her husband wanted to fondle his daughter’s breasts. She knew him well, indeed.

After a good minute of silence, Maria issued yet another wicked command.

Go ahead you two… start making out again… like desperate long lost lovers.

He strained to control himself as they began to kiss again with his hands sliding all over her ass, and then her thighs, before floating around to her bare tummy. Once again while swirling his tongue deep in her mouth, he let his fingers slip inside her panties. Jesus, she was wetter than ever!!

Maria stayed silent for a good two minutes maybe before issuing further instructions.

Now Benny take your daddy by the hand and led him over to the bed.

They broke off their hot kisses. Was this it? John wondered. Was Maria finally going to get down to it? Was she leading him over to the bed to do, what until a few hours ago would have been unthinkable: make love to her. John’s raging hard cock could only hope so.

Biannca, smiled sweetly at him as she led him the by the hand the couple feet over to the bed. Maybe more in tune with her mother’s feelings than her daddy, Biannca somehow knew he wasn’t going to get what he wanted… not quite yet anyways.

Now my darling husband, sorry to disappoint you, but it’s not quite time yet for the end game. Instead you need a bit more teasing… if only to increase the pleasure of the end game… when it finally arrives. Sit down on the edge of the bed and I want you sitting on your hands as they are no longer allowed to roam free.

“Oh shit,” John muttered under his breath as she sat down, on his hands, facing the mirror. He sensed him was in for some serious teasing now.

Benny remember that note, the final one I told you to save for later. Go ahead and get it. Read it silently to yourself and then follow your mommy’s instructions to the T. You understand?

“Yes, Mommy,” Biannca said as she hurriedly flipped over the cassette recorder. Just as her mother promised there was a small note folded neatly in two taped to the bottom of the recorder.

Settling herself down on the bed, Biannca excitedly unfolded the short note and quickly read it.

After setting the note over on the nightstand, Biannca wandered over toward the foot of the bed where her daddy was sitting.

“What did it say honey?” John asked.

“Secret, Daddy,” she said seriously. “Now shush… no talking. Just try and relax as I do what Mom wants.”

She moved up close to him, facing him directly. Closer still she moved, her chest and those mighty tits of hers almost at eye level with him as he sat nervously on the bed.

Using one finger, she tilted his face slightly upwards so he was staring directly at her tits as she moved even closer.

“Now close your eyes, Daddy,” she whispered to him.

John felt his daughter’s firm young tits being slowly pushed up against his face. The feeling of the soft bra cups sliding across his cheeks, across his lips was, in a word, maddening.

Then, adding fuel to the fire, Maria starting talking again.

Hmm, I bet that feels nice huh honey. Having your daughter rub her tits in your face. I can only imagine how nice and firm they feel, how soft and delicate my lovely bra feels against your cheeks and I bet Benny, she always was a bit of a tease, remember how she used to run around the house in her sexy little bikinis during the summer honey… yeah, I just bet she is having fun teasing her daddy.

“Hmm, I am Mommy,” she whispered as she pulled back slightly before swaying her chest back and forth, in a most pronounced manner, allowing her big tits to bounce happily against his face.

“Oh Christ you guys are killing me,” John muttered under his breath. His cock was hard enough now to cut diamonds as he sat there squirming on the edge of the bed.

Now let’s get down to some serious teasing Benny. I want you to slowly, allowing him to savor what he is about to do, guide your daddy’s hands to where they so desperately want to go. I think you know, I think you both know where that is.

“Oh I do,” she whispered before smiling sweetly at him. “Go ahead Daddy, you can fondle your little girl’s tits if you want. Here let me help you.”

Taking both his hands into hers, she ever so patiently, per her mother’s instructions, guided his hands across her tummy and up and onto her breasts.

John began to squeeze his daughter’s tits carefully just as Maria started talking again.

Hmm, I bet our daughter’s tits feel nice huh honey? Nice and super firm. Go ahead and fondle them through her my sexy strapless bra for as long as you want… or until one of you is brave enough to suggest maybe she should take it off. I will be quiet now for a bit allowing… hmm, nature to take its course.

Biannca sighed at the tender way her daddy was fondling her tits through her bra, loving the way he was so gentle and patient with her, unlike the boys at college who, by now, would be tearing at her bra trying to get it off, before roughly handling her tits… just because they were big.

Yes indeed, the patient and caring way her daddy was handling her most precious assets was a welcome change from the overeager college wanna be studs she had dated in the past.

John’s breath was starting to get ragged as he continued to fondle his daughter’s tits. Previously, he decided she would have to be the one to suggest she takes her bra off.

“You like my tits Daddy… like the way they feel,” she whispered.

John paused in the light groping of his daughter’s breasts to look up at her. “I love the way they feel baby. I hope you don’t mind me doing this?”

“Of course I don’t mind, Daddy,” she told him sweetly, “it’s what both me and mommy want. Of course, they might feel even better… if…”

She paused, giving him a fetching smile, leaving her unfinished sentence dangling there like some kind of wicked bait.

Benny was actually about to finish her sentence, about to invite her daddy to take off her bra when Maria once again started talking.

Enough of the teasing, Benny. It’s time for your daddy to gain his release but first, quickly turn out all the lights in the room. What must happen next, will be made easier in the dark. Hurry now.

Biannca hurried across the room, first turning off the lamp on the nightstand before dashing back across to the bedroom to turn off the light on inside the closet.

In the dark, John held his breath, waiting and hoping for the unthinkable.

He felt her arms slide across his shoulders as she snuggled up next to him, just as his wife began to speak again.

John, honey, you were always so closed off with your emotions, not with the love you expressed for me and Benny but instead when it came to showing sadness. You always put on your game face, avoiding tears like they were the plague. Benny, sweetheart, have you seen your daddy cry once since my passing… even at the funeral.

“No,” she answered quietly.

This is not healthy, John, you must allow your grief free reign in the form of some cleansing tears, as many at it takes, and Biannca you must, of course, be there to give him comfort and kiss his tears away. In the dark you must transform yourself into me, into your mommy and give your daddy the love and comfort he so desperately needs. Can you do that for me… can you become your mommy… say it aloud to both me and him.

Benny reached out in the dark, slowly stroking her daddy’s cheek as she whispered, “I am Mommy.”

Good. You miss me my darling husband… show it… let your tears flow. Show your raw emotions to your daughter who, in the dark, has magically become me… while still being herself. You have the best of both worlds now. Take advantage… cry those tears that have been welling up inside of you since my passing and allow your daughter, allow me, to comfort you in your grief.

Maria’s words struck a chord deep inside of John. It was true, all she said. He had not shown any raw emotion to his daughter since Maria’s passing. Now it started with a single tear as Biannca whispered in his ear, “Let it out Daddy… Mommy is here for you. I am here for you.”

His chest heaved as the single tear was followed quickly by a virtual shower of tears. His whole body shook with raw emotion as Biannca wrapped her arms tight around him.

“Oh Daddy, that’s it… let it out,” she whispered as she held him tight.

John tried to follow his daughter’s instructions but something inside of him simply would not allow it. Maybe it was the strict way he was raised, men cannot show weakness, had been his father’s mantra. The tears, which seemingly had come so easily just now, suddenly dried up.

I sense he is still resisting showing his emotions. I want you to get him in the bed, under the covers, being a good mommy to him and tuck him in even. He needs to lay down. Maybe in the dark, under the blankets with his daughter, with his mommy, snuggled up next to him the tears will truly flow.

“Come on daddy, here stand up…” She took his hand, helping him to his feet before leading him around to the head of the bed.

Remove his underwear honey, before tucking him in the bed and joining him as there should be nothing between you and his raw emotions.

At the side of the bed, Biannca slowly pulled her daddy’s briefs down before dropping them on the floor. She helped him under the covers and then paused, not sure if she too should remove her underwear, before getting in the bed with him.

Maria, as she had been doing all night, seemed to be able to read her daughter’s mind.

Honey, you go ahead and crawl into bed with your daddy, but leave your bra and panties on… for the moment.

Under the covers, she snuggled up to her daddy, just as Maria issued yet some more instructions.

Lay on your back baby. Let him rest his weary head on your chest. Stroke his hair, play with it, he likes that.

Both of them followed her instructions without hesitation as John snuggled his head against his daughter’s pillowy breasts.

Now let go of those tears honey while thinking of how much you miss me, how much you love me, let your emotions out, wallow in your grief for me, if even only for the briefest of moments before your daughter gives you the comfort you need.

John closed his eyes then and tried to let go, but it was hard. Only a small trickle of tears came out.

“Please Daddy let it out like Mommy wants,” she whispered to him while running her fingers through his hair. “Don’t hold back… please.”

Yes, sweetheart, cry as you have never cried before for the love you so dearly miss. Unleash your emotions, let your tears go… Benny, sweetie, once he finally stops fighting and let’s go… you know what to do.

After a brief hesitation, John’s heart hitched and the tears started to flow.

“That’s right, Mommy is here, Daddy… go on cry for her, cry for us.”

The tears came, unchecked, staining his wife’s pretty strapless bra, as Biannca slowly reached down. It was time. Time to follow the final instructions from her mom’s somber and serious letter.

“Lift your head up just a little Daddy,” she whispered to him.

John obeyed, lifting his head up, breaking contact with his daughter’s bountiful chest.

“That’s it, just hold on…” she whispered as she reached down and slowly peeled back the bra, allowing her tits to come spilling out.

“Now sink back down Daddy and let go, really let go, have a good cry… show Mommy how much you miss her…I am here for you.”

John lowered his face back down, feeling the heavenly softness of his daughter’s firm, young tits in all their naked glory against his tear stained cheeks.

God, it felt so good, having his face resting against his daughter’s tits. So good that it finally allowed him to be comfortable enough to release all that pent up emotion.

He cried… as he had never done before. A great heaving cascade of raw emotion spilled from his eyes in the form of his fresh tears now soaking his daughter’s bare breasts with their wetness.

She tangled her fingers in his hair, making sure to hold his face flush against her naked breasts.

“That’s it baby,” she cooed, “show me how much you love me. Remember I am Mommy now and Mommy loves you so much.”

Her words brought back pleasurable memories of Maria and how she used to “baby” him, pretending to be his mommy, during some of their kinkier sexual fantasies. The bittersweet memories only allowed the tears to flow more freely.

The waterworks, after a good minute or two, finally began to wind down. Despite the gut-wrenching emotion he just displayed, John found himself squirming with something beyond grief, something beyond love, something that could only be whispered in the darkest of rooms: forbidden lust.

Biannca felt her daddy’s sobs begin to subside, being replaced by a bit of squirming… down there… and knew it was time for Act II.

“Raise up Daddy and let Mommy kiss those final tears away from your handsome face.”

John lifted his head, turning it to face his daughter, to face his wife, to face his “Mommy”, this young woman that was now everything to him.

Starting with his cheeks, before moving to his lips, she sprayed her daddy’s face with a light smattering of kisses.

“Now it’s your turn, Daddy. Kiss the tears away you just spilled on my breasts.”

John sighed as he lowered his mouth to his daughter’s heaving breasts. He started slowly, applying a series of tender kisses all over her boobs. He could taste the salty residue of his tears as he flickered his tongue out in between his kisses.

“Mmm that feels so good,” Biannca moaned as her daddy’s tongue flickered across one of her ripened nipples, once, and then a second time making her moan even louder.

John pulled back, staring up at his daughter, letting their passion simmer before it exploded as Benny whispered something that could only be described as pure fantasy. “Go on Daddy, I want you to finish up by… sweetly sucking the tears off my breasts.”

John sighed as he lowered his mouth to his daughter’s breast. Being as gentle as possible, he carefully suckled it into his mouth, lathering its fully erect nipple with a careful and patient tongue as she continued to coo to him sweetly.

“That’s it Daddy, suck on your mommy’s tit…” she whispered over and over again until his tongue found her fully erect nipple and began to lather it gently with tender loving care, causing her whispered encouragement to turn into one long unbroken moan as she arched her back wanting more.

John spent the next few breathless minutes suckling on his daughter’s breasts–much to Biannca’s utter delight.

Finally he wretched his mouth from her tits and looked up at her. They stared at each other for a long moment before she whispered the words he had been longing to hear all night. “Make love to me, Daddy. Make love to your little girl.”

He moved slowly, maybe afraid any quick movements might burst this fragile bubble of forbidden love his beautiful Maria had strove so hard to create for them.

After pushing her onto her back, he carefully positioned himself over her. Leaning down he proclaimed his love for her one more time before carefully pushing himself down and into her lovely wet pussy as they exchanged an overabundance of loving kisses.

“Oh God, Daddy you feel so good inside of me,” Biannca whispered as he deliberately rocked into her once, twice and then a third time.

His daughter’s impassioned moans only served to spur John on while he gently made sweet love to his daughter.

Their muted passion could not, would not last long though as it soon gave way to a reckless, wild lust prompted by her.

“Daddy,” she whispered in a throaty plea, “I am not that fragile. You can… fuck me if you want. Hard. I want you to make me moan like you used to mom.”

That impassioned plea was all it took for John to finally lose control. He pulled out of her, before forcefully flipping her around.

“Get up on your knees little girl and grip the fucking headboard,” he hissed at her in a voice raspy with pent up desire. “You two have been teasing me all night and now… you are going to pay the price.”

John reached around, fondling her hanging tits as he positioned himself to impale his daughter. He whispered to her, “Close your eyes honey and count to three aloud.”

Biannca took a deep breath. She had a pretty good idea what was going to happen on three.

“One…” John gripped her hips and slowly pushed his raging hard on into his daughter as she presented her cunt up to him doggy style.

“Two…” He pulled back just far enough to still be inside her without breaking contact.


The dam burst now as John slammed into his daughter making her let out a loud moan. Again and again, he rocked into her, making the old bed creak and his daughter moan ever louder with each of his mighty thrusts. On the verge of coming, he halted suddenly, still deep inside of her.

Leaning forward, he attacked her neck with a series of kisses before he used one hand to twist her face around to him. They kissed, tongues twisting and turning inside each other’s mouths.

“God you are so hot baby girl,” he whispered to her as he slowly pumped his hips forward, pushing his cock inside of her, gently making love to her once again.

But, like before, the sweetness would not last. After a good dozen or so of soft, gentle thrusts inside of her, Benny turned to her daddy and whispered, “Should I count to three again, Daddy?”

“Yes, but do it slowly.” He pulled back, again letting his cock rest just inside of her.

“One…” she whispered in quiet anticipation, knowing this time, without a doubt, what three would bring as he gently cupped her tits.

“Two…” John continued to jiggle his daughter’s firm young tits in his hands— while wondering what it would be like to fuck the shit out of them.

Biannca purposefully waited, a good ten seconds anyways, before whispering the number they both so desperately wanted to hear, allowing both of their passions to reach the boiling point.


John banged into his daughter, harder this time, as soon as he heard her whisper the magical number three.

The whole bed moaned and creaked under John’s fervid onslaught. Rocking into her over and over again as he gripped her hips he gave it everything he had for the next minute or so. He only stopped when he knew one more thrust would result in him coming inside of her.

John paused to catch his breath for a quick moment.

“Start counting again but this time honey make sure you pause, a nice, long time in between each number before reaching three,” he commanded her.

Obeying, she started the count. “One…” He pushed into her nice and slow, making love to her in the pregnant pause before her next whispered number. She let a good thirty seconds pass as he continued to carefully work his cock in and out of her.

Getting closer to having an intense orgasm, Biannca moaned loudly, “Oh God… two… two… please don’t stop.”

He quickened the impetus of his lovemaking knowing she was near. John was now fucking/making love to her with long measured strokes of his manhood as they neared the finish line.

Biannca was absolutely relishing the fucking she was getting, it was nearly perfect–not too soft, without being too hard. She close to coming when he leaned forward, still pumping deep inside of her over and over again, assailing her neck with a series of almost rough kisses.

Cupping her tits once more, John used his fingers to playfully tease her sensitive nipples while driving just a bit harder into her causing Biannca to go careening over the edge.

“Ohhhh I am commmming, Daddy,” she whined before… “Oh God… THREE.”

Upon hearing that magical number, John’s pent up passion now rolled over his daughter like a runaway train. Gripping her hips, he propelled his own hips forward, hard and fast, stabbing his manhood into her a good half dozen times with each deep push inside of her being harder and deeper than the last.

Biannca whimpered as his cock drove deep inside of her, over and over again, causing the old bed to once again groan and squeak.

The storm of passion was not bound to last long though as it only took a final three hard, measured thrusts before John let loose and sprinted for the finish line. He began fucking his poor daughter so fast and furious it took only a mere matter of seconds before he shot a huge load of cum deep inside of her.

After collapsing next to her, he pulled her into his embrace.

“Daddy,” she whispered. “I think I have a new favorite number.”

“Let me guess… might it be three?”

“Yes,” she whispered back as she nestled her head against his bare chest while wondering what surprises her mom might have in store for them on tape number two.