Dr. Dad Will You Be Mine?

Jenn moves in with her Dad to go to college and her girlfriend Piper comes along for a week. Jenn’s Dad finds himself being pursued by Piper, but her wanton sexuality has caused him to notice his daughter that has ripened and grown into a beautiful woman. The lusty couple finds that they share more in DNA than just hair and eye color.


This is a Summer Lovin’ contest story. Please vote for my story!


Dr. Dad Will You Be Mine?

“Are you fucking kidding me, Jenn? A week to get your Dad into my bed?” Piper shrieked.

“Yeah, sure, whatever. Just don’t tell me about it,” I said with a dramatic eye roll. “We’ve been best friends forever, did our eighteenth birthdays with each other, and you’ve always crushed on Dad.” I laughed, although I had to wonder how she suddenly went from crush to planned seduction.

Piper sniffed. “The sad part is that you’ll stay there for college, and I’ll come back by myself,” she said, ending with that crackling cry voice that comes before the actual sobbing sets in.

“I know. I’m sad about it too. But we can go back and forth on breaks. Winter, you come to Gainesville to see me, and summer I’ll come to Cleveland to see you. Deal?”

She was full-blown ugly crying now. I knew. I’d seen it often. I wiped my own tears and we hung up. Piper had to depend on college loans while my Dad was footing my tuition. But only because I had chosen the same career. Sort of. I wanted to be a veterinarian. He was a veterinary cardiologist, and he wanted me to go on after graduation and take up a specialty too.

I began to pack for my move from Mom’s house, where I’d lived since their divorce, to Dad’s house where I would live while I worked towards my degree at the University of Florida.

Two weeks later we were landing at GNV for a week together of our summer vacation. We grabbed our stuff at baggage claim and found my Dad waiting at the curb in a big black Mercedes SUV. I gave him a quick hug and jumped in the front seat, Piper, not one to pass up an opportunity gave him a full-body hug before sliding into the back seat. Full body from Piper was her thirty-six C’s smashed into you, and likely accompanied by a little bump and grind for dad.

“Figured you guys wanted to settle in and maybe hit the pool so I thought we’d stop now and pick up some food from Bangkok Square?”

“Sounds good, Jeff!” Piper said from the back seat and I agreed.

As soon as Dad went in to order, Piper whispered theatrically, “Oh my god he is so hot, Jenn.”

I laughed. “If you say so!” I had to admit that my Dad had a charisma that made both men and women gravitate towards him. He always did. Which was what my Mom let eat at her until she was accusing him of everything. Sex with women, sex with men, anything lurid she could come up with.

He always included her, so I could not understand why it was such an issue for her. Even when he and I went somewhere, he always kept me by his side, never making me feel left out. He could only take so many of her allegations and he finally left her, immediately filing for divorce.

I was sixteen and although I was heartbroken to see their breakup, I understood why he did it. Sadly, she was even more miserable after he left. I couldn’t console her, and after two years of trying, college was my way out.

Dad automatically gained respect because he was a very talented well-known veterinary cardiologist. He has been to Japan and the United Kingdom to learn open heart surgery from some of the best. In Gainesville he works with cardiologists at Shands, the UF teaching hospital. I’ve always been so proud of him.

He came back carrying enough food for a small country and I laughed at him as he handed the bags in. “Geez Dad, are you sure it’s enough food?”

“I didn’t know what you guys like, so I got a variety,” he grinned, shrugging, and getting us on the road again. “If you guys are interested in going to the beach before Piper leaves, I can arrange my schedule and we can go to Crescent beach in St. Augustine?”

“A little beach time would be great, Dad!”

Dad pulled up to an imposing gate that slowly started to swing open. Behind it was a Spanish style Florida stucco home that soared three floors. He pulled into the main floor garage that also housed a red sports car and a pickup truck. I laughed to myself thinking he was ready for anything. Between suitcases and food, we all made a few trips back and forth.

The interior was the same Spanish vibe and the living area was open into the kitchen as well as out onto the lanai and pool. It was a house made for parties and I was sure he had many. Piper walked around oohing and aahing while we spread the food out on the kitchen island. We often used chopsticks when I was growing up and Piper was all rapt attention as Dad showed her how. After a lot of laughing and giggling, at her and with her, she gave up and picked up a fork.

“So it’s early and I figured you guys might want to just hang out at the pool today?” His look went from me to Piper. “I arranged the day off so we could go somewhere if you want? Shopping maybe?”

Piper was the first to speak up. “I think I’d rather stay here and get some sun and pool time?” She looked at me and I nodded. Since she would only be here a week, I wanted her to do what she wanted. I lived here now and would have plenty of time to check out the shopping situation.

“Okay then, that’s settled!” Dad said diving into the last of the massaman curry. “Y’all go ahead, I’ll clean this up.”

“You’re the best, Jeff!” Piper gave him her best seductive smile before she ran up the steps to change.

“She has really grown up,” Dad said, watching her for a moment. “I remember when you two were wanting to get your driver’s licenses and you were only thirteen,” he said laughing.

We both grew up, I thought.

By the time I got there, Piper and Dad were already in the pool. She had him in the corner, although he didn’t seem to mind much as his arms were spread on the edges of the pool, and his head was tipped back laughing at something she was saying. She wasn’t but a foot in front of him and I could see her kicking her legs which kept her bumping into him.

“Jenn! You made it,” Dad said when he saw me. “C’mon in baby girl.” That was his childhood nickname for me and my green eyes leaked a little at the memory. I couldn’t remember the last time he called me that.

I tied my blonde hair up on top of my head and dove in to remove any telltale emotions before Piper noticed. I swam down to that end of the pool and Piper reluctantly backed off. I ignored her pointed look, obvious she didn’t appreciate being interrupted. But I had news for her, I wasn’t about to let her commandeer his whole life this week.

“This isn’t the best time of year for visiting. We don’t have the advantage of the coastal breezes and the summer heat can be overwhelming when you’re not used to it. But at least we have the pool and plenty of shade.”

The backyard was landscaped for total privacy. The perimeter was thick and tropical with palms, bright orange bird of paradise, and bamboo rustling in what little breeze there was. The fans on the lanai turned lazily over a seating area with a drop down television. Outdoor seating and dining areas had cooling misters and were adjacent to a fire pit for cooler evenings.

“This place was definitely built for parties,” I said, thinking of the glass wall that slides open between the lanai and the house, bringing the outdoors in and vice versa.

He laughed. “You’re right, it is great for entertaining. I’ve had some pretty good size parties and it never felt crowded. I do entertain a lot for business, Jenn.” He smiled at me. “I’m going to enjoy having you here for them.”

Having had enough of being left out, Piper grabbed a beach ball at the edge of the pool and tossed it to Dad, who in turn tossed it to me. I grinned at Piper before lobbing it back to her. She threw it a few more times then went to the ladder and took her time climbing out.

She had pulled out all the stops in her campaign to seduce my Dad. A brief black bikini called attention to all her curves. She was 36C like me and the triangles didn’t begin to cover her breasts. She grabbed a towel but made no move to adjust her wet suit, which had worked high on her ass and sucked into the valley between.

Dad hadn’t taken his eyes off of her. I swam to the steps and even though my bikini was more modest, I tried to put on a similar performance. Why I don’t know. You are jealous. You are also nuts, I thought, silencing my inner voice.

After I adjusedt the lounger for optimal sun angle, I spread my towel and stretched out. I must have dozed for a bit because when I woke, Piper and Dad were gone and the sun was much lower in the sky. Could she have gotten to him that soon?

I was done with the sun anyhow and went to see where they had disappeared to.

I heard laughter and followed it. “Baby girl, I was just getting ready to get you out of the sun so you don’ burn to a crisp.” He stood at the kitchen island with the cartons from lunch spread out. “Executive decision to eat leftovers for dinner, but if you want to go out, we’ll shower and head out.”

“No no, leftovers are fine but I’m really not hungry now. Don’t want to get fat while I’m here,” I said, pointedly looking at Piper who was literally using chopsticks to shovel food into her mouth from a carton. A suave nineteen-year-old she wasn’t. She stopped and glared at me but I turned and headed upstairs to my room.

I showered and changed into soft peach sleep shorts and top. Dad was already on the sofa, remote in hand, scrolling through the channels. He patted the cushion next to him and I snuggled under his arm, just like we used to watch television.

“I’m so glad you decided to come here, Jenn. I’ve missed you more than I could say.”

“Missed you too, Daddy. A lot.” I wrapped my arm across his chest and hugged him.

“I’m sorry that you had to go through so much with your Mom after I left.”

“It was terrible and I hated that I couldn’t do anything for her, but she refused to see anyone about her depression, and there was nothing else I could do. She’s close to her two sisters so she has a lot of support around her.” I sniffed. “I just had to leave. She was smothering me. Just like she did to you.”

“I know baby girl. You did your best.” He kissed the top of my head.

Piper walked into the room wearing similar sleepwear to mine, but hers was white and a size too small. The top stretched across her breasts, the knit so thin you could see the shadow of her aureoles and her nipples poked through almost obscenely. She sat directly across from us, her legs across the arm of the chair.

“You guys interested in any movies?” Dad asked, scanning the movie channels. Piper stopped him at one and he pulled up the information. It was adult-themed and didn’t look all that raunchy.

“Yes! That one,” Piper said, but Dad continued to scan. We chose a movie that wasn’t sexually graphic as the other, but Piper sat in the chair pouting. “This is sort of a kid’s movie.”

Dad ignored her and went to make popcorn.

“Let me sit there,” she hissed, indicating my seat on the sofa.

“No! That would look weird.”

“No, it wouldn’t. C’mon! I’d do it for you.”

“You’re so obvious, Piper.” I stage whispered. She frowned, began to say something but looked over my shoulder and I knew that discussion was over.

“Did I miss anything?” Dad asked, handing her a bowl and one for us to share.

“Nothing at all,” I said turning my attention back to the movie and ignoring her dirty looks.

After a few minutes Piper said, ‘I need something to drink, can I grab us all some of those beers I saw in the refrig?”

“No, no beer for you two.”

“It’s not like we’re going out in public or driving anywhere,” Piper said, attempting to plead her case. “No one will even know.” She shrugged, throwing her hands up.

“I will and I don’t want you drinking on my watch.”

His tone invited no debate and we went back to watching the movie. It was a comedy and pretty funny and Dad laughed as much as I did. Piper was pouting about the beer now and saw no humor in the movie. Her first day here was not going well.

Dad had to go into his clinic the next day but promised to leave as early as he could. He gave me the keys to a smaller sedan parked in the basement garage. He took me aside before he left and handed me a credit card with my name on it.

“You’re going to need a lot of new clothes since you’ll be living in Florida. Get what you need. The mall isn’t far from here.”

“Daddy! That’s too much but thank you. You can trust me with this.”

“I know baby girl,” he said, hugging me against him. “I wouldn’t do it if I didn’t trust you implicitly.”

Piper and I cooked a couple of eggs and some bacon for breakfast, then cleaned the kitchen and went to dress for the mall.

“You know Jenn, you need to give me some time with your Dad. It seems like you’re always butting in,” Piper said, holding a dress up in front of her in the mirror. She made a face and put it back on the rack.

“Butting in?” I put my hands on my hips.”I would like to spend time with him too. He is my Dad after all and I haven’t seen him in a long time.”

“I get that, yeah, but it might have been nice if you would have left us along during the movie. And you could have backed me up about the beer, too. Maybe just make yourself scarce huh.”

I was out of the mood for shopping now that I discovered that the real reason she came with me was to seduce my Dad. She had always crushed on my Dad, but I didn’t think she was that serious. I vaguely flipped through the racks intending to come back alone, after she was gone.

“You didn’t find anything?” She had an armload of clothes to take to the fitting room.

“Nothing. I’ll meet you at the coffee shop in the middle of the mall when you’re done.” She seemed irritated, but nodded and flounced away.

I ordered a latte and sat down to people watch and think. There was no way I was going out of my way to leave them alone. They would just have to find the time on their own.

I missed my old friend and had looked forward to our week together to do things just like this, but it seemed the whole week would be nothing but her chasing him. I know my Dad dated and it never bothered me before so I did not know why now, with Piper. I guess I did actually feel some jealousy.

I watched her coming towards me loaded down with bags from several clothing stores. She dropped her bags on the seat and plopped in the other.

“Florida has the best stores!”

“Pink Zebra huh. Pretty sexy stuff in there.”

“Ohmygosh you can’t believe what it got there,” she gushed, fanning herself with her hand. “They have the sexiest gowns and lingerie!”

“They’ll go great in your dorm,’ I said laughing. I drank the last of my latte and stood up to go.

“Don’t be silly! They’re for your Dad! I’m sure he would love it if I wore them for him.”

“Right,” I said, turning and heading to the exit doors.

Piper dragged all her bags up to her room when we got back. I didn’t expect Dad until late dinner and he said he’d grab a pizza on the way home. I planned on doing a lot of cooking while I lived here, but probably not until after Piper left. This whole thing had me out of the mood. Out of sorts in general.

The pool shimmered invitingly in the sun. l put my suit on and went out with my Kindle. I stretched out on a lounger in the shade. Mom called and began making me feel guilty I hadn’t called her, complaining about how I just left her by herself, and how could I choose my Dad over her. It was the normal topic of conversation I usually had with Mom but on top of everything going on with Piper, it hit me harder than usual.

Right then she came out wearing a new bikini. “Check this out, Jenn!” She twirled. The top was two triangles that barely covered her nipples, the bottoms were thong back and didn’t cover much. “Florida is the best place for swimsuits!”

I nodded, embarrassed for her. The bikini was way beyond her normal and there was little doubt she got it to allure my Dad. “I’m not sure showing more skin is the answer, Piper.”

“Oh come on! You’re downright archaic, Jenn! Loosen up!” She arranged her lounger in the sun and practiced posing. I rolled my eyes behind my sunglasses. “He’s a man, Jenn. We’re used to dealing with boys.”

“Uh-huh. We’re so the experienced women of the world.” I snickered.

“What better way to gain experience but have a real man teach us? An older man.”

“You do it your way, I’ll do it mine.”

That’s all I had for her. This was supposed to be a relaxing week and instead, it had been anything but. I picked up my book and pretended to read and Piper continued to try different poses on her lounger, presumably to decide on the sexiest one.

“I’m going to have to sneak out of work early more often if I’m going to find two gorgeous mermaids at my pool!” My Dad’s voice boomed from the house.

“Put your suit on and join us, Jeff!” Piper trilled.

He walked out a few minutes later. “Hi, Daddy.” He leaned over and kissed me on top of my head.

“Glad to you see having fun, baby girl.”

Piper was posed with a bent knee, back arched and fingers hooked on the back corners of her lounger. Dad didn’t spare but a glance towards her before diving into the pool.

He came up, water streaming off his body. He kept his hair trimmed and I saw a couple glints of silver in the black. He began to swim laps. His form and speed indicated that he swam daily and his trim body was the result. His chest hair was neither too much or too sparse, and just about perfect in my estimation.

Not surprisingly Piper did a runway walk over the pool and slipped into the water. She did remain off to the side while he lapped, but was ready to spring on her prey the first opportunity. The last lap brought him out of the water and up the steps in one smooth maneuver and it made me wonder if he knew she was lying in wait. He grabbed a towel and a bottle of suntan lotion.

“Jenn, can you put some on my back and shoulders? I want to get some sun but those places are first to burn.” He sat on the edge of my lounger and although I wanted to look at Piper, I knew the daggers would be flying from her eyes, so I chose to ignore her.


I toweled the water off and rubbed the sunblock between my hands, stroking from his shoulders down his upper arms. I felt his muscles flex under his skin as I ran my hands over them. His back was already hot from the sun and the lotion melted between his skin and my hands as I applied it. I heard and saw a big sigh and continued to rub his back beyond what was needed.

He looked over his shoulder and said in a low voice, “That feels good baby girl.”

His voice was different. Deeper, low toned. It sent a little tingle straight to my pussy along with a soft mew. He smiled, his eyes were searing as they quickly ran over my body. He picked up his towel, moved to a chair in the sun with the towel on his lap.

“Hey Jenn, you coming in or what?”

I jumped up, ran, and dove into the pool. I needed to cool off one way or the other. The other would have to wait until I got in the privacy of my bedroom.

We batted the beach ball back and forth and got back to the laughs we used to have before Piper’s libido snatched it away. We chased each other, diving under and behind each other. One time she came up laughing waving my bikini top in the air.

“Hey!!” I went after her but she tossed it out of the pool and skittered away just as I got to her. She was a better swimmer and used it to her advantage, quickly gliding to the steps and getting out. “Give me my top, Piper!”

She picked up a towel and began drying herself, bending over in front of Dad and going through a few suggestive poses. Dad’s sunglasses blocked his eyes, but it didn’t take much guessing where he would be looking. Piper leaned over her lounger to straighten her towel, tits swaying, those tiny triangles in a heroic effort to cover her nipples.

I’m still not sure why I did it. To piss Piper off or get my Dad’s attention, or maybe both, but I got out of the pool topless. I walked over to my bikini top and hung it over the back of a chair and casually went back to my lounger.

Piper’s mouth hung open, obviously thinking I’d stay in the pool until someone took pity on me. Dad’s head moved with me as I walked around the pool.

I laid back and stretched my arms above my head, arched my back, and sighed.

“Better put some sunblock on baby girl, the sun here is brutal on tender skin.”

“Good idea! Thanks, Daddy.” My nipples grew hard knowing he was looking.

I picked the bottle off the ground, squirted lotion in my palm, and rubbed my hands together. I slowly smoothed the cool lotion over my neck, shoulders, and down my arms. I dripped more lotion in my hands and stroked it across my upper chest, then down over my breasts.

My nipples tightened harder from my touch. I rubbed circles of the white cream around my nipples making sure the lotion covered each tit. Thirty-six Cs were more than a handful for me so I had to make sure the lotion covered each fleshy globe.

I stroked more lotion from beneath my tits to the top edge of my bikini. I ran a finger under the edge across my abdomen. I stretched my arms up and put my hands behind my head, back slightly arched, knee up. I looked over at Piper who was staring by now and winked.

I did doze a bit and Dad woke me up. “Baby girl, you’re burning.” I looked and the part of my breasts that had never seen the sun was pink.

“Oh shoot,” I murmured. As he pulled an umbrella over me I noticed Piper was gone.

He rummaged around through a cabinet in the outdoor kitchen and came back with a bottle of aloe that glowed almost fluorescent green. I giggled.

He laughed and sat on the edge of my lounger. “The color is wild, isn’t it? But it really helps.” I put my hands behind my head and arched my back, thrusting my tits out. “Oh, you want me to do it huh,” he grinned.

“You are the doctor right?” He grinned and dipped his head, not arguing.

The green gel dribbled onto his fingers and he started to lightly stroke across my upper chest. I jerked when the cooling gel hit my hot skin, and immediately moaned when the gel began to cool my skin.

He swallowed hard. “I’m going to lay this on pretty thick to get your skin cooled off. You can reapply it after you shower for maximum effect.”

“You even sound like a doctor,” I laughed, and after a thoughtful secon he did too.

He spread the gel with the tips of his fingers in a semicircle on the upper curve of my breast until he got to my nipple. He went to the other and did the same. He began working it over the sensitive under curve of my breast and I sucked in an arousing breath. His sunglasses were off and he quickly glanced at me. My breasts were shiny and slick with the cooling gel.

“Feels so good, Daddy,” I breathed.

He finally tipped his fingers with gel and rolled them over my nipples that tightened and lengthened at his touch. I mewed at the sensation and my pussy gushed more wetness. He was concentrating on my nipples and his lips parted, the tip of his tongue sliding back and forth.

There was a sound that came from the house and although we were positioned that we couldn’t be seen, he stopped and sat up. “That should do it.”

“Feels a lot better, thanks,” I smiled, wondering if my face showed how aroused I was but at the same time seeing the lust and confusion on my Dad’s face.

I was just as confused. I started out just wanting to annoy Piper by getting my Dad’s attention but during that time, I began to see him as a man, a man that I was attracted to. Oddly enough he seemed less like Dad as time went on. In my heart, I knew that was wrong, but the floodgates were open and I didn’t know how to stop it. Nor did I know if I wanted to.

I showered and reapplied the aloe gel. I was naked and the fan lazily circled and cooled my skin even more. I opened the drawer next to the bed and found my bullet. I fantasized that Dad was here in my room running his cool hands over my fiery skin. Then I felt his lips on my soft skin. His teeth tugging at my nipples while they grew longer and harder for him.

“Daddy,” I moaned, running my finger through my wet slit. I was still so aroused from his hands that it didn’t take long to get worked up. I slid a finger inside me, then two, imagining they were his fingers. I spread my thighs imagining he would be between my thighs. I heard his low growls and vibrations. Smelled the scent that was always him.

I clicked the vibrator on and with just a touch on my clit, I went rigid and fireworks went off. Wave after wave crashed over me hard. My body arched off the bed, the vibrator taking me higher and higher. Everything went black and I launched off the edge into a numbing free fall. All the tension flowed out and I collapsed on the bed. I gripped the bedclothes wanting my hands on him. On his body. Smoothing over his hot skin. I fell asleep with the arousing fantasy of his body next to mine.

A sound woke me in the middle of the night and I eased the door open. Nightlights were spaced at regular intervals down the long hall and illuminated the sheer silk gown that Piper had purchased at the mall. Dad was in the dark shadows, but as soon I heard his deep whisper I quietly closed my door.

I fell asleep knowing that Piper had her dream come true, and I lost mine.

It was two more days until Piper flew back north so Dad suggested the next day for the beach. It was a bit of a drive from Gainesville, but I knew he didn’t have much free time so I better take advantage. My mood had changed radically and I know Dad noticed because he looked at me curiously several times. To get through it I tried to remember that she would be leaving soon, their fling would be over, and we would get back to our normal father-daughter relationship.

Piper and I stuffed our beach bags, Dad put a cooler of drinks together saying we would find somewhere there to eat. It was a weekday in the heat of summer so we pretty much had the beach to ourselves. Piper and I played in the frothy surf and collected shells along the sandy beach.

Dad leaned back on his beach chair and and laughed as we ran screaming in and out of the splashing waves. He had set up three beach umbrellas with blankets in the shade. I came and plopped down on the blanket and dug into my bag for another pair of sunglasses that weren’t covered with salt spray.

“Looks like Piper found herself a friend,” Dad mused. “More her age.”

I looked and she was animatedly talking to a guy we had seen coming down the beach. He did look to be about our age, but I did wonder what Dad was alluding to.

I was on my stomach next to Dad and he reached over and brushed the sand off my ass. A jolt shot right into my pussy just at his touch and I jerked.

His hand still on me, he smiled and said, “Sorry baby girl.”

“No, that’s fine Daddy, you just startled me is all,” I lied. His hand lingered before moving.

Piper hollered up that she was going for a walk down the beach with him and we both waved.

“That guy won’t know what hit him,” Dad mused and I laughed.

“She does come on a little strong sometimes.”

“Yes she certainly does, but I’m glad to see that there’s someone else she’s setting her sights on. At least until we leave,” he chuckled.

“I thought most older guys would love young girls coming after them?”

“Well, yeah… I guess some guys like inexperience and gravitate towards younger girls. Personally, I don’t want to feel as though I’m being stalked no matter what her age.”

I didn’t answer right away to ponder the inexperienced comment and wonder how, or if, it related to him. Maybe he as isn’t interested in Piper as I thought. But what about the middle of the night tryst in the hall? It could all have been very innocent, I thought. Oh sure.

“Come play in the surf with me, baby girl!” he said, standing up and holding his hand out. We ran out into the warm water hand in hand until we were waist-deep.

A wave rolled out and moved us a little deeper, then the next one in lifted us into each other. I yelped as the wave splashed over our heads and shoved us together. Dad laughed and grabbed me around the waist just as it rolled back out again, pushing him even harder into me. I had my hands on his shoulders and upper arms and relished the flexing of his muscles under his skin.

I laughed when another more brutal wave hit me and slammed my body against his. He grabbed my ass and held me tight as the water swirled around our legs. By now the water came up to my tits, pushing up the valley in between.

“You’re going to lose your top again,” he laughed looking down and the water sucked at the cups. He hadn’t taken his hands off my ass and as the water moved me, I bumped into his hardness, making my cunt tingle.

Water got behind them and they ballooned out away from my body-baring my tits. “I think so,” I grinned. “I think Florida wants me topless!”

“Mmmm, yeah,” he murmured as the current kept bouncing me against his hard cock.

The next wave out I wrapped my legs around him and hung on. We laughed as he tried to keep his footing and hold me. The water swirled around my open legs pushing my cunt against his cock with only our suits between.

He moaned. “Baby girl, we’re playing with fire.” His hands slid inside my suit so he cupped my bare ass and pulled me against him. ‘Oh god, you feel so good.” His head tipped back as he ground his hardness against my open pussy.

“Daddy, I’m aching.”

“I know baby girl but we have to think about this. Once we step over that line there’s no going back. We have to make sure it’s what we both want. I know I had no intention of anything like this happening, but it just seems so natural now. That doesn’t mean it’s right and we shouldn’t use common sense though.”

I nodded. It did sneak up on me. I started out just being annoyed by Piper’s focus on my Dad. And it morphed into me being jealous into wanting him myself. But I knew at that moment what I wanted. He was a man I wanted to kiss right now. I wanted to slip my hands in his suit and weigh his fat his balls, and squeeze his hard cock in my fingers. I wanted it to just be the two of us. But it wasn’t just the two of us.

We began to walk back in but I had to stop and ask, ‘Daddy, were you hard for me?”

“Hell yes! You’ve been doing that to me since you got here.”

“I didn’t know if Piper did it.”

“At first she did, sure. But she got too pushy and it worked the opposite of what she wanted. You were just sexy and womanly without even trying. Without putting in any effort.”

When she returned, we found a beach bar and sat at a high top. Dad ordered us all sodas and was waiting for us to decide what we wanted to eat. The server was older than us, but not quite as old as Dad, and she gave him special attention. She hung at the table giving Dad special attention in soft chitchat, while Piper made her decision.

The server left to put in our order and I looked around at those seated near us. Piper left her beach cover-up unzipped, her breasts rode above the table looking like two ripe melons. The tiny triangles were tied high on her tits so they totally bared her globes from beneath her nipples down. All eyes were glued to them, including Dad. Was he now just enjoying the show along with the other guys here I wondered.

A small band was setting up for the evening and once they began playing, couples got up to dance on the sand. Our sandwiches arrived about then and I wasted no time digging in because I was famished. Dad dove into his as well, but by then Piper noticed the attention she was getting and food was the furthest thing from her mind. A guy a few years older than us asked her to dance.

“She was waiting for that,” Dad said, chuckling. I nodded, knowing we would see a real show. I was sure everything Piper did was designed to get my Dad’s attention. She was sure she could get his interest by being as provocative as possible. As though reading my mind he said, “Baby girl, I’m a man. I’m going to look. It’s what we do. But with me it’s just entertainment and means nothing beyond that.”

Her dancing partner held her tightly around her back pulling her tits into his chest. She looked up, laughing and eagerly talking to him. Her arms went around his neck and her head on his shoulder. I saw his hand snake between their bodies and by her reaction, he had a handful of a tit she had on display earlier.

Dad called the server over, paid the check, and had Piper’s sandwich wrapped to-go. By the time Dad got to the dance area, they were clenched in a lip lock and he wasn’t hiding his fondling of her tits.

“Time to go, Piper!”

“Awh man, I’ll bring her home,” the guy whined, just getting warmed up for some real fun.

“C’mon Piper,” he wrapped his fingers around her upper arm.

“I gotta go,” she huffed, but didn’t argue, and just stomped ahead of us to the car.

Tomorrow was the day she flew out, and none too soon for me. She had ruined what I thought would be a fun week for us because she was so determined to get my Dad. I sat in her room that last night while she packed.

“I”m going to miss you, Jenn,” she sniffed. You’re going to miss who? I thought.

“We’re both going to be so busy with college we won’t have time to think of much else,” I laughed.

“Yeah, you’re lucky to have the rest of the summer here before you start. I wish I had planned to stay longer.”

“It’s okay Pipe, we’ll see each other for vacations and breaks!” She nodded, clearly upset.

The next morning I dressed because I knew we were taking her on an early flight. I went into the kitchen to tense silence. She sat at the island, my Dad read the news on his tablet.

“Morning, baby girl,” he said somberly and got up to pour me a cup of coffee. He handed it to me but wouldn’t meet my eyes. Neither would Piper.

Obviously, something had happened between them. I noticed her suitcase and bag were already parked by the door. I gulped down my coffee when it became apparent we were leaving early for the airport.

While Dad unloaded her suitcase I got out on the airline curb and hugged her. She was cool and still wouldn’t meet my eyes. He handed her the bag, nodded curtly, turned, and got in the car.

“Summer vacation is over and totally ruined,” she said so low I could barely hear but I did notice her eyes rimmed with tears.

I waved but she never looked back.

He pulled into a popular breakfast spot in Gainesville and got seated and handed menus. He still hadn’t said much.

‘I’m sure you’re wondering what was going on,” he said, his jaw clenching.

“Yeah, it seemed pretty bad.” I was half embarrassed because it was my friend hat acted that way and I brought her into his house. I assume this last situation was the worst.

“I can’t go into details here,” he said, looking around. “But I will tell you everything when we get home.”

He seemed relieved to get that much off his chest and the rest of the meal was back to our normal chatter. I knew it had something to do with her practically forcing herself on him and almost didn’t want to hear. But I felt some responsibility because I did bring her here.

We got home and he suggested some pool time, which I loved since it was normally relaxing and I thought we’d need all of that we could get. I forgot to rinse the saltwater out of my suit and had to dig around to find the only other one I had. It was a bikini, but much more modest than Piper had been wearing.

I dropped my cover-up and Kindle on the chair and pushed off the steps to swim to the other end. The water felt cool and I floated on my back, my blonde hair spreading out in the water around me like a halo.

“You’re fast,” Dad said, laughing as he tossed his towel on the chair and jumped in, splashing and bouncing me.

I laughed, dove under, and swam between his legs, coming up on the other side. We played and laughed for a while but then he became more somber and I knew he had to get it out.

“So yeah, something happened I guess, but I first want to say had I known she was going to act batshit crazy, I never would have invited her.”

“Baby girl, it had nothing to do with you. She was your childhood friend, I would have never guessed either.”

He hooked an elbow on the edge of the pool and began.

“Last night, about an hour after I went to sleep… Well, I was dreaming, to begin with. Deeply asleep. I felt a soft body behind me. Spooned close… An arm wrapped around me… And to be sure how much of this was real and how much was a dream I still don’t know.” He swallowed. “Soft breasts pressed into my back and I felt a hand on me… I was hard from the dream… Because… Well because it was a sexual dream.”

I nodded, getting that, but not saying anything and trying to keep my face as neutral as possible because I could tell he was nervous.

“A soft hand rubbed my chest and down to my stomach… I heard myself moan and I think that was when I began to wake up. It was so real, but I was still confused if it was still a dream or not… I felt hard nipples digging into my back… Fingers playing in the hair at the base of my cock.”

His breathing was quicker and I know he was aroused telling me about it. I just wanted to know how far she got with him. Did they fuck? If so it was a good damn thing she was gone.

“When the fingers wrapped around my shaft and squeezed, I was fully awake… I was so horny because she had been teasing me all week, and I was watching and wanting you… To be honest I wanted the release… Needed it.”

I felt my face flush and my nipples harden at his words. That he was thinking about me and wanted me as much as I wanted him. That he was my Dad be damned.

“I rolled back because honestly, I thought it was you… It was you I was dreaming about, Jenn.”

“I fantasized about you, Daddy. I used my vibrator and fantasized you were with me.” I let myself float closer to him and he caught me around the waist.

He hissed through his teeth. “Baby, you don’t know how that affects me… You telling me that,” he groaned, his voice vibrating.

He pulled me against him and I wrapped my legs around him just as we did in the ocean, only this time I slipped my hands in his suit. This time I did take his cock in my hand and cup his fat balls in the other.

He buried his face in my neck. “Oh god Jenn, are you sure this is what you want?”

“I want you. I want to be in your bed every night. I want to taste you. Feel you inside me.” I squeezed his throbbing shaft.”I’m going to be here a long time while I’m in school and I want to take care of you like I know you’ll take care of me.” I hesitated. “I know this isn’t right, but I don’t know why it’s wrong.”

“Come out,” he swam to the steps and tugged his shorts off, and left them on the edge. His cock was hard and throbbed with his pulse He pulled me out and untied the strings on my bikini baring my body to his eyes.

He moaned and pulled me against him. I whimpered when I felt his hot hard cock grind against me. He cupped my ass and pulled me tighter against him. He groaned, took my hand and led me to the corner of the lanai, and started the shower. The first flush of water was cool but quickly changed. He grabbed a bar of soap and began running it over me, quickly and efficiently. He did the same for himself, rinsed us, turned the water off, and toweled us both dry.

“I want you in my bed.”

Those words were like a spark between my heart and my pussy and I followed him to his bedroom. I looked at his bed and he said, “I changed the sheets.” And I was relieved.

“You’re not a virgin, are you? I need you too much to take care. I need to be buried inside you. Feel your tight cunt around my cock.” My pussy gushed at his words and coated his fingers.

I shook my head. I wasn’t a virgin nor was I very experienced but I would learn what drove him wild.

“Spread your legs,” he settled into the cradle of my thighs. His cock rubbed my wet slit and I reached between us to rub the head on my clit and position him at my entrance. He pushed in. “Oh yeah,” he moaned. “Fuck, you’re so tight.” He ground in and I felt his curls abrading my soft smooth pussy lips.

I pushed up and we began a hard rhythm. Our bodies slammed together. My nipples were pinched in his teeth and he tugged them longer. I arched and groaned for more.

“Fuck me harder Daddy… Harder dammit…” We were frenzied and were focused on getting to the peak. I wailed. Went rigid. My cunt clenched his cock hard. He shouted, rose over me, slammed in, and pumped his seed deep inside my body.

“Oh my god,” he gritted, rolling off me and pulling me into his side. “What the fuck just happened.”

I nibbled on his nipple and nipped hard and he moaned. “We just fucked, Daddy. You shoved that big fat cock into your daughter’s tight cunt. And we only just started.”

He had a forearm over his eyes. “I think we both just discovered that we had something in common that we never would have dreamed.”

“You unleashed it in me. I didn’t know I wanted it like that. Needed it like that.”

“I know I can get rough, baby girl. I don’t want to hurt you.”

“You won’t.” But maybe I’ll hurt you.




“Your Mom wants to come see you, Jenn.”

I had just slid his eggs on the plate and hesitated. “Really?” I filled our mugs with coffee and sat at the kitchen island next to him. I only went back north to visit her on one break and I did feel a little guilty about that. “Maybe I should just go up.”

“No, she wants to see us both.”

I looked at him but couldn’t really read his feelings about that. We had both changed in the year I had been living with him. We were intimate. We were a couple now.

Some time back we had found a small group that not only accepted us for what we were, but were also the same. Some were mother and son, some father and daughter. We didn’t share but we did spend intimate time together with them, because most of liked to watch and be watched. Others enjoyed pain with pleasure like Dad and me, but recently we had drifted away because of work and school commitments.

“Do you want her to stay here?”

“She could. She only wants to be gone for a few days.” I nodded, thinking.

“We would have to behave,” I warned.

He nodded and said, “There are locks on the doors.”

I nodded and said, “I guess it would be okay although I’m not sure how I can keep my hands off you for that long.”

“Or I you.” He reached over and tweaked my nipple clamps and created a gush to my cunt. He laughed. “Did I make you wet, baby girl?”

“When would I be able to suck that big fat Daddy cock of yours if she was around?”

He groaned. “I need to get to the clinic but now you’ve gone and got me all hard to fuck you.”

I stood next to his stool and unzipped his pants, pulled his cock out, and gave it a couple of strokes.

“Poor Daddy,” I crooned leaning in to nibble on his lip.

He grabbed the back of my head and dipped his tongue in, and I sucked on it. Our tongues dueled and I opened his pants to allow more room.

I dropped to my knees in front of him and released his cock and balls from his briefs. “I better take care of this big fat Daddy cock.”

I licked the precum that glistened on the tip and ran the edge of my teeth across the sensitive head. I tugged at his piercing with my teeth. He moaned and held my head. His frenum piercing had just healed enough for play and he loved it. I circled my lips around the deep ridge and sucked the tip hard. Then harder. He sucked air through his teeth and his body trembled.

I squeezed the shaft of his cock and sucked one of his smooth shaved balls into my mouth. I toyed with it with my tongue. I slid my hands under his shirt and played with his nipple piercings.

“Oh god yeah, Jenn. Fuck,” he moaned. “Suck it, baby.”

He jerked when his cock hit the back of my throat. I tugged on his balls while I fucked his cock with my steamy hot mouth. A few flicks of his nipple piercings brought more shudders and moans and his cock swelled thicker. He held my head down so I’d keep his cock deep in my mouth and sucked rhythmically. He let off and I sucked on the head while I gripped his cock with two fingers and stroked.

His moans vibrated from the intensity. He twisted his nipple piercings adding to the total sensations going on. I swung his balls back and forth with the tips of my fingers while sucking and stroking. His vibrating moan was constant now and I knew he was cumming soon.

Seconds later a loud deep grunt and he splashed all over my face and tits.

“Have a good day, Daddy,” I chirped as he went to work.

I wondered what he was thinking having Mom stay here, even just for a couple of days. For one she couldn’t know that her daughter was in her ex-husband’s bed every night. They made me with the same seed he regularly filled me with. Any hint of indecency that his cock is ever out of his pants when I’m around could bring everything down on our heads.

If nothing else Mom had taken care of herself through the years. Sunblock kept her skin looking thirty, yoga kept her flexible, weight training gave her dimension and she always watched what she ate. It seemed her health routine kept her going through her bouts of depression.

I went in to wait for her by baggage claim while Dad waited at the curb. As always she looked perfect and still carried herself like a model. Where everyone else that flew anymore was casual, she wore a suit, hose, and heels. The jacket was fitted and enhanced her ample breasts. I got my big tits from her, but she was a thirty-eight D to my thirty-six C.

“Mom!” I hugged her and she held me.

“I missed you, honey,” she said hugging me tightly.

“Dad’s waiting at the curb”

“Nice to see you again, Jeff,” Mom said as he took her luggage.

“You’re looking well, Lucinda. I’m glad you could come down to see Jenn.” If Mom had any illusions that she and Dad might get back together, he was putting a stop to them right now.

“Jenn and I thought you might want to stop for brunch somewhere, or we could just go back to the house and rustle something up?”

“I think I’d rather just go to your house and relax. The flight was tiring.”

I was sure it was for her. She essentially went nowhere, much less a trip away from her home. She had told me she was seeing a doctor for her depression and he had her on medication. She certainly did seem to be in better spirits than I had seen her in a long time and I was so thankful for that.

“You have a beautiful home, Jeff.”

“Thanks, we like it,” Dad said glancing at me while Mom looked out at the pool. I grimaced and mouthed we to him in a question.

“Did you bring a swimsuit Mom? We could go to the pool if you like?”

“I think I would like that, yes thanks.”

“I’ll take your bag up and show you your room.”

“Oh good, is it near Jenn’s room?”

“Yes, right next to it.”

I was using that closet in the room for off-season clothing and a few other odds and ends. I just added a few more things to make it look like I slept there.

I had followed them up to change and noticed how happy Mom seemed. Dad relaxed a bit too. We just weren’t sure what to expect. I quickly changed and ducked into Dad’s room.

“Soooo, it’s not too bad huh?” He walked out of the bathroom naked and I swallowed hard. Normally we would have ended up on the bed, or against the wall, or strapped down. Whatever our mood.

I watched his cock grown. “Quit looking at me like that, baby girl. Like you want to devour me. You know we can’t and you know you better not push me or I’ll fuck you and I won’t care who knows.”

I jumped up off the bed. “See you at the pool!” I left.

Mom was already at the pool looking out over the tropical backyard. She turned when she heard me and said, “Your father has a beautiful place here.”

From the back, she could have passed for a thirty something. Her ass was firm, her waist still cinched in for the hourglass figure she always had. Her bikini was similar in modesty to mine, but since her tits were bigger, there was less coverage. She was still a knockout I thought and wondered what Dad would think.

It wasn’t long until I found out because he brought towels and lotions as well as a pitcher of icy drinks.

I watched him look up and see her gazing out on the back yard and he swallowed hard. I wasn’t shocked because I can remember how sexually active they were before Mom became so possessive. They couldn’t keep their hands off each other and I could almost see the reels playing in Dad’s head from those days.

“Lucinda, would you like an iced tea?”

She turned and smiled, “I would thanks.”

We all sat at the glass table under the umbrella. She told us about her family, her sisters and caught us up on old friends. I told her about my college courses and that it was too early for me to be taking any classes towards my veterinary degree yet. She was disappointed but Dad explained how many years I would be going to get my diploma, and any specialty would be another three to five years beyond.

“I’m glad you have your Dad to help you,” she said. “You’re smart and empathetic like him and you’ll make a good doctor as well.”

Thank you, Mom,” I said, clasping her hand.

We had a nice afternoon swimming and sunning and decided to order pizza for dinner. Mom wanted to call it an early night because she was tired from the trip. I followed her up and went into the room next door, closed the door loudly, then slowly cracked it open and softly closed again before going to our bedroom.

“She didn’t hear you did she?” he asked. I shook my head.

“I need a shower.”

“Yes, we do.”

He held me against him under the spray of warm water. “God I’ve been wanting to do this all day. I need you so bad.” His hard cock pushed against me and I wrapped my fingers around it and squeezed.

“Fuck me, Daddy.”

I turned around and spread my legs and leaned against the tile wall. He ran his cock head up and down my slit teasing my clit. I reached between my legs and held his cock at my tunnel.

“Fuck me. Shove it in me. My pussy is tight and wet for you, Daddy. Fuck me hard like you want to do it!”

He growled and shoved in deep with one stroke. I pushed back and rode. Our bodies met and slammed together. I moaned. His balls slapped my clit. His piercing abraded my tunnel in such a delicious way. He reached under me and squeezed my tits. I had taken my nipple clamps off before Mom arrived because I didn’t want her noticing them. He pinched my nipples and pulled them longer.

I moaned long and low and went off the edge soaring in wave after wave of pleasure. My cunt clenched his cock rhythmically and he held my hips, slammed into me, and exploded deep in my cunt.

“Fuck,” he gasped. We both had to catch our breath. Keeping our hands off each other made it fast and furious. “I don’t know if I can take four days of this.”

I agreed. “We’re going to have to. Mom can never ever find out about us.”

I slept with Dad but set the alarm on my phone so I could get back to the other room before Mom would be up. I hated leaving the warmth of his body for a bed I’d virtually never slept in before, but I rallied when I thought it was just for another couple of days.

Dad was up early and gone to the clinic and Mom and I decided to hit the mall and have lunch. I knew this trip would go better than when I was here with Piper.

Walking through one of the anchor stores Mom wanted to stop at a sale rack and I spotted the men’s department. The model on top was wearing tight-knit boxers with a large pouch on the front. I often made Daddy go with his cock and balls in a ring which would make his stuff stand out out front and center. These briefs would be perfect for that. I had two pairs in my hand and was looking for the registers.

“What’d you find, honey,” Mom asked, looking at the shorts in my hand. At that moment it registered what I had and how I was going to explain it. “Oh, nice. A boyfriend I haven’t heard about?”

“Yes! We haven’t been dating long and really haven’t talked about him much.”

“Buying him underwear seems pretty intimate though.”

“Right! You’re right! Too much.” I ran and put them back on the display thinking I needed to be much more careful around her.

“Your Dad seems happier than I think I’ve ever seen him.”

“I think he is too,” I said, measuring each word carefully.

“He must have a girlfriend,” she said, more of a statement that I didn’t need to reply to.

“Are you having dessert, Mom?” I asked, opening the menu and changing the subject.

We shopped and would sit to people watch on occasion until early afternoon. It was fun and I was glad to have someone to talk to other than a few classmates I studied with. I never did party much and wouldn’t have here either if I was on my own.

We came back and took our packages upstairs. I walked right by my room and Mom said, “Where are you going?”

“Oh, silly me, just walked right by my room!” I laughed and ducked in. Holy fuck I was going to really have to be careful.

I left everything in bags so I could switch it to my other closet later and went to the kitchen to make a pitcher of iced tea.

“Hey,” Dad said, walking in the door and glancing around.

“You’re earlier than I thought you’d be.” I poured two glasses of tea and pushed one across the island to him.

“I had a couple of cancellations and could get away a little earlier. I thought you and your Mom might like to go out to a nice place for dinner.”

“Oh, that’d be great, Daddy. I’m sure she’d like that.”

Reservations were required, but Dad made a phone a call and we got a time for that evening. I had heard about the restaurant so I looked forward to it. Perfect that I bought a dress when Mom and I were at the mall. He told Mom when she came down for breakfast. I didn’t have classes that week but needed to catch up on some reading and remained in my room most of the day. Dad was at work and Mom was left to her own devices.

Because we would all order steaks, Dad opted for a seafood platter for us to share, which was nearly a meal in itself. He got a rib eye, and Mom and opted for filet mignon. They were perfect. He said dessert was a requirement there and we ordered the beignets to share. It was a wonderful evening because my parents were finally able to communicate as friends. Mom had her depression under control and she was much happier for it, as we all were. I could see their married relationship sustained too much damage to revisit, but they began forging a friendship, which was wonderful.

The remainder of her time with us flew by. I had no more close calls so she left having no clue about the relationship between her ex-husband and her daughter. We made plans for her to come back again. Her flight was late afternoon so we stopped for a quick bite on our way home.

“It wasn’t near as bad as I thought it would be, but I am glad to get our privacy back again,” he said when we walked in the door.

“Yeah, I’ll be more relaxed not having to measure every word. I almost blew it a couple of times.”

“You did? Maybe that’s why she asked a couple of odd questions.” He thought back to their conversation. “I don’t think she had any clue really, but she did seem to think our situation was different.” I shrugged.

“At least we don’t have to worry about it. I’m going to go out to the pool.”

It was nearly dark and one of my favorite things was being in the pool naked at night. Dad had a colored light show installed that I admit, was a real toy for me. It was all changeable and variable and the remote for it was my toy.

Dad came out, naked with a glass of scotch, and sat at the table. He had a tough week at the clinic along with trying to entertain Mom while she was here. Not having the freedom we were used to added to the equation.

I stepped out of the pool and leaned on the arms of his chair and kissed him. He was already hard and moaned wanting to pull me into his lap but I resisted because I had another plan. Something I was sure he’d enjoy much much more.

“You know I’ve never tasted scotch before.”

“You’ll be twenty-one soon, you can try some,” he said offering me his glass.

“Ummm, no, not that way.”

“Okay then.” He placed the glass back on the table.

“Stand up.”

He did and I dropped to my knees. I held his cock and sucked the head in my mouth, then slid my lips down until his cock was buried in my hot steamy mouth. He tipped his head back and hummed deep in his chest.

I picked up the glass of scotch and dipped the head of his cock in, then lapped it off. He jerked from the hot to cold sensation and looked down.

“Oh my god,” he gritted, wrapping his fingers in my hair.

I continued to suck, getting his cock hot in my mouth, then dipping it into the cooler alcohol. Sometimes I blew on it before sucking the scotch off. He trembled and thrust his hips, needing more. I brought the glass higher and dipped his cock in deeper and he hissed through his teeth. I even dipped his balls in the caramel colored scotch and sucked it off.

“Fuck, that feels incredible, Jenn.” He hissed again as I dipped and sucked. “I’m going to fuck you hard and fast real soon baby girl. Real soon,” he murmured and I nodded, knowing we were headed for hard and rough and I was ready to feel him deep inside my tight cunt.

I soaked his cock then swirled my tongue around the head and shaft as I took it deep in my mouth. My teeth grazed the head and all the way down, and I sucked hard on the way up.

Suddenly he pulled me up and bent me over the chair. Luckily his backyard was private enough no one would see us, but they could hear.

“Fuck me! Shove that big fat Daddy cock into me,”

I groaned and rubbed my clit as he pushed in deeper. I moaned louder and pushed back riding his cock. He grabbed my hips and began pounding his cock into me. I tightened my cunt muscles around his marauding meat and he grunted, thrusting faster. I leaned on the chair, my tits swaying, hand between my legs, wave after wave washing over me keeping me in one long continuous orgasm.

“Oh my god yeah,” he shouted, held my hips, and locked into me. His cock throbbed pumping his seed deep inside me.

We stayed like that for a moment catching our breath. When I stood up our hot juices ran out of me and down my thigh.

“Oh baby girl, where did you come up with that?” He nuzzled my neck from behind.

“I don’t know… The scotch was there… I wanted to taste it… What better way than on your dick?”

He growled. “I’ve missed you so much.”

I knew what he meant. Although we slept together every night Mom was here, we really didn’t fuck much. Partly because we were afraid she’d hear us, and mostly because we just didn’t want her to have any hint of our relationship. Besides being taboo, it was just something we both wanted to be normal. We could have easily lived as a couple, albeit age difference couple, but too many here in Gainesville knew I was his daughter. So our private life would remain just that.




Mom had found a beau and was busy with him, so we didn’t see her. Although I wanted to get up to see both her and Piper on one of my college breaks, I mostly studied right through them all. My classes were consistently tougher and although I never struggled in school, I knew it would be all too easy to get behind.

One morning while we had our after fuck snuggle Dad asked if I would have enough time for a trip to California with him. We discussed timing and it looked like it would work out.

“I know it’s not a vacation. You don’t take vacations,” I said, running my fingers through the curls on his chest.

“No, you’re right. I’ve been offered a research position and an opportunity to teach. I can accept it right now, but thought you would want to go out first.”

“Really? In California.”

That was stunning and my mind quickly began to process what that would mean for me. The ramifications were great and I wasn’t sure I could see my way around the obstacles. But there was no way I could hold Dad back from that kind of career move.

I toyed with his cock and freshly shaved balls while I thought. Could I leave him? Stay here and continue college while he lived in California. I loved him in all ways and it would feel like a divorce. But would I have to give up my dreams? We had just finished fucking and I was surprised to see him growing hard in my hand.

“Look what you do to your old man, baby girl.”

“Old,” I scoffed.

“You keep me young you know. We are so sexually attuned that we give each other what we want, and fulfill our own needs at the same time. I often wonder if that comes from our connection.”

“That you fill me with the seed you made me with.” He groaned and his cock jerked in my hand.

“Oh god yes,’ he moaned. “We have the same DNA and it certainly goes beyond our hair and eye color. It would make us compatible in many other ways.”

I thumbed the drop of precum that formed at the hole and rubbed it on the underside, just below the hole. He hissed and pulled my thigh over his hip.

“Just let me slide inside you baby girl. I don’t know that I can cum that soon again, but I need to be in you.”

He slid in deep and I squeezed my cunt muscles on his welcome meat. We kissed and made out like we were in the back row of the theater. I clenched my cunt every once in a while to keep his cock happy.”

“I don’t know if I could give up everything to go to California with you… But if that’s what you really wanted me to do…”

“Of course I want you with me. Just as long as you want the same. I wouldn’t expect you to give up everything. The college where I’d be teaching has a stellar veterinary program and I would be creating and heading up the new veterinary cardiology department.”

“Really?!” I started really getting excited about it, and pushed him on his back and straddled him.

“Oh baby,” he moaned when I ground down on him.

“So no one would know our relationship in California either.” I rocked.

He gasped and ground out, “Nope. No one would know you were my daughter.” He pushed up. “In fact, they would likely think you were my wife since we do have the same last name.”

I leaned on his shoulders and made long deep strokes on his cock. I pulled up until he was nearly out, then tightened my cunt and ground down.

“So I’d be your trophy wife,” I giggled and shimmied so my breasts bounced.

“Oh my god, you’re killing me here, baby girl.” He cupped my tits and kneaded until I moaned. “Yes, you’d be my very young beautiful wife.”

I rocked and clenched. “And I’d need the student information.”

“It’s on my desk.” I laughed knowing I had been set up. But I was okay with it.

Three months later we were moved across the country, settled in, Dad was teaching and researching and I was back in school. As he promised, the classes were more in tune with my aspirations as a veterinarian, although at this point I was still unsure of my specialty.

We took a drive on Mullholand in Dad’s new convertible sports car and he pulled off in one of the overlooks near the Hollywood sign.

“Are you happy, baby girl?”

“I am. Are you?”

“More than I’ve ever been.”

As we drove we began to get into some of the more deserted areas. I pulled my tank top over my head exposing my breasts to the sun, Dad, and anyone else that might be along the way. The close quarters of the car allowed me to easily reach over and squeeze his hard bulge occasionally so he was hot and hard by the time we parked.

He leaned over and sucked a nipple into his mouth, then bit and soothingly licked it. He pinched the two nipples together and tugged. I arched and moaned at the pain-pleasure.

I pushed him back in his seat and opened his pants pulling out his cock and balls. “What the hell Jenn, someone will see us.”

“I don’t give a fuck,” I murmured, taking his cock into my mouth.

I tweaked the gold balls on his frenum piercing which was guaranteed to drive him wild. He moaned and leaned his head back on the headrest. I licked up a liberal amount of precum and scraped my teeth across the mushroom head. He sucked through his teeth and reached under to knead my tit.

I moaned deeply vibrating his cock. A car whizzed by behind us. I began to fuck his cock with my mouth at a faster pace. His ass lifted off the seat and I let him set the pace. He held my head and fucked my mouth, grunting and panting with each thrust. Suddenly his cock exploded in my mouth and I swallowed all I could.

I sat up and wiped the corners of my mouth, grinned, and said, “That was fun. A quickie on Mulholland.”

He tossed my shirt at me, shook his head, started the car, and pulled back on the highway.

We had to quickly settle into a routine because my classes started almost immediately on our arrival in California. Dad’s employer had leased a house for him up in Malibu until we could find suitable housing. I would have been happy to stay right there and watch the Pacific churn until I was old, but we actually needed something more spacious for entertaining so we were set to go house hunting soon.

We enjoyed the front deck high above the beach.

“I have an event coming up I’d like you to attend with me.”

“Oh? Sure, whatever you want Daddy.” This would be our first public event togther and I was already excited.

“What I’ll want is for you to stop calling me Dad in public and then I’ll start calling you Mrs. in public.”

“Really?!” I all but hollered and jumped in his arms.

He grinned. “Do you think you can handle being Mrs. Jennifer Baxter now? Although nothing much changed there but that little Mrs.”

“Little?!” I kissed him all over his face. “We can go out in public and be who we are now. Lovers.”

“We can. So I take it you’re excited about that,” he laughed.

“Oh my gosh yes! What will I wear?” I asked, a little worried because the social events in California were much different than what I was used to.

“Okay baby, take your credit card and stop at one of those little dress shops on the avenue. They’ll help you choose.”

The next day was an early class so I could stop by on my way back to the house. The woman that owned the shop was there and was such a kind person. She was more interested in my comfort instead of selling the most expensive dress. For that I let her choose all my accessories with a promise I would tell everyone and come back. A hug and a French-style kiss miss on each cheek and I was back out the door from what I worried would be a painful experience.

The afternoon of the event I took a long bath, oiling, and creaming until my skin was unimaginably soft and buffed.

I wore my hair coiled on top of my head with two black sticks with shimmering crystals dropping off the ends.

The black matte crepe dress was stunning without being provocative. It did fit me like a glove and the darted bust allowed it to cling to my breasts. It was off-shoulder and had no hint of cleavage which was just what I was looking for. At 38D anything remotely scoop looked plunging and would have been too much for this social but business event.

As soon as he told me about it I began to use Dad or Daddy only in bed and the rest of the time, Jeff. He reserved baby girl for intimate times too.

Just as we pulled into the venue I asked, “Do you think they’ll have any scotch here?”

He groaned. “You just had to remind me, didn’t you! Now I’ll be remembering that blow job all evening.”

“Good,” I smirked as the valet approached my door.

Dad never left my side and was in his glory introducing me as his wife all evening. I couldn’t hear it enough either. Dr. and Mrs. Baxter. I felt like I just started a new life, with a new me, with a new man. Oddly, at this point, that he was my Dad wasn’t the first thing that came to mind other than we were in bed.

Our father-daughter relationship was still, and would always be, the underlying excitement. It was something I couldn’t avoid and I wouldn’t want to. Since we knew no one, we didn’t have to hide here in California and could be ourselves. We decided to fly to see Mom because we couldn’t afford to have her here to see our living situation.

I excused myself and went to find the ladies’ room, which turned out the be the end of a long hallway. Suddenly someone grabbed me and pushed me through a door into a dark room.

“Don’t scream, baby girl.”

“Damn you scared the crap out of me.”

“Pull your skirt up. And face the wall.”

I hiked my skirt to my waist and leaned against the wall, arms and legs spread.

“Oh my god,” he moaned, running his hands over my bare ass. “You wanted to get fucked didn’t you.”

“Yesss,” I hissed. “Fuck me now… I need it now… Big fat Daddy cock.. Shove it in me.”

I felt his hot breath on my neck and he shoved his cock deep in one hard thrust. He mauled my tits while he slammed into me. My cunt clenched over and over as I rode waves of orgasm. He was quick to grit out a deep groan while he pumped into me.

On the way back down the hall again I said, “Now I’ll have your seed running down my thigh all evening.” He rolled his eyes and groaned.




“Congratulations Doctor Baxter,” Dad said, kissing me.

“Thank you, Doctor Baxter.” I smiled. “I made it.”

“I knew you would baby girl. There was no doubt in my mind.”

We snuggled together under a light blanket on our own balcony overlooking the Pacific, and watched waves crashed in over and over. Never-ending. Just like our love for each other.


-the end –


This is a Summer Lovin’ contest story. Please vote for my story!