The Island

“This is unfair,” I screamed at my mom, “I have plans. The guys and I were going to spend all summer — ”

“Doing what? Staying up to 3 AM getting drunk? There will be plenty of time to do that once you are in college,” she quipped back.

My mom was cool. She did not deserve my rage, and luckily for me, she secretly agreed with me. My dad, unfortunately, had gotten it into his head that we needed to spend one last summer together. At our small and beat-up cabin, nonetheless.

I did not understand what he saw in the place. It only had two bedrooms, forcing me to bunk with my sister. At 18 and 20 years old, respectively, this was a nightmare. We had barely spoken since she left for college, and we were not on the best of terms before that. How could I be expected to share a room with her for the next two months?

It wasn’t only that we were not close. It was the lack of privacy. I had always had a separate room, so I never had an issue masturbating before. I could do it in the shower, but the walls were thin, and my mom was constantly worried about overusing water. If I spent more than 15 minutes in the shower, she started asking questions.

The worst part of the cabin was the isolation. The closest town was ten miles away, and it was nothing more than a gas station and post office. Any real civilization required an hour’s drive. While there were a couple of other houses on the lake, both were usually empty. It was my family alone in the woods for two months.

“But this is the last summer I get to spend with my friends,” I continued my protest, “Not to mention Sarah. What am I going to tell her?”

Sarah was my girlfriend. We had been together for over a year, and things were serious. We planned to stay together in college, despite attending universities in different states. We thought that our bond was strong enough to survive.

That was our official stance, but I did not believe it. We were not soul mates, and once we entered college, all bets were off. I doubted we would last past Thanksgiving break.

“I know, honey, but your dad — ”

“How am I supposed to tell my girlfriend that we can’t spend our last few months together because dad wants to go fishing?”

“That’s not fair, and you know it. Your dad is having a hard time with you leaving. It was hard enough when Janice left. He wants to spend the summer together as a family. Like when you were kids.”

“There will be plenty of summers. Why this one?”

We had not been to the cabin in years. When Janice and I were little, we would make the trek up north once a summer and spend a few weeks, sometimes more. The duration depended on how much leave my dad had. Or, more accurately, how much he would allow himself to take.

In the beginning, it would be four to six weeks. Over the years, my dad got more and more dedicated to work. As it became more encompassing, our vacations grew shorter and shorter until they ceased entirely.

He did not view burying himself with work as abandoning his family. On the contrary, he thought that he was doing the right thing by providing financially. He failed to see that his absence, not just the loss of vacations, took its toll on everyone, especially my mom.

Neither Janice nor I complained. We did not know any better. It is only in hindsight that I can see the problems now. We were in middle school, and hanging out with friends was the zenith of our summers. Not having to disappear for weeks on end felt like a win for us.

Janice and I were close as kids. Until puberty hit, then we wanted nothing to do with each other. As her body developed, she became more popular. She was the girl all the boys crushed on and that all the girls envied.

To her credit, she did not take advantage of this. She was a competitive swimmer, and with that came early mornings and Saturday competitions. There was little time to socialize and party. She still managed a solid group of friends, primarily other swimmers.

The two years separating us made all the difference at the time. Janice had developed into a grown woman, while I remained a gangly tween. She and her friends relentlessly teased me during those years. All the more painful because I alternately had a crush on each of them.

When my muscles started to fill in, the teasing tapered off. I suspected my sister’s friends secretly had crushes on me, but no one ever admitted it. By the time she graduated from high school, I was a rising star amongst the local girls, a good feeling after being ground under her friend’s heels.

Janice left for college almost two years ago, which was great for me. I had the run of the house after school. My parents worked until five or six, giving me a lot of alone time with Sarah and the girls that preceded her. I was looking forward to more of the same this summer.

Because of my dad and his insane plans, all of that was crumbling. I would be stuck sharing a room with my sister in a cabin with no WIFI and probably no cell service. I went from getting laid every day to not being able to masturbate.

Maybe I would get lucky, and my sister would take up fishing with my dad. At least I would be alone in the early mornings then. It was unlikely, but I crossed my fingers just the same.

The following week, with our bags packed into the SUV, we made the drive north to the cabin. It was four hours with no talking. Tension filled the enclosed space. Everyone was mad at my dad, but no one wanted to confront him.

My sister had come home for the summer after her sophomore year. Not because she had wanted to, but because she could not find a house to live in until the fall. Most of the turnover was then, and she was required to live in the dorms her first two years. She regretted not looking harder.

At least we were both angry at my dad. It kept us from arguing with each other. My dad pretended to be oblivious to everyone’s displeasure. He turned up the radio and set the cruise control to eight over the speed limit. He liked to speed, but not enough to draw attention from the police. He was in his zone, and nothing was going to bother him, at least on the surface.

Deep down, he was a hollow shell of his former self. Once fun and engaging, he was now a workaholic who did nothing but drink and watch TV when home, which was not as often as my mom would have liked. He always claimed to be at work, but she had her suspicions.

This summer was his way of trying to get back in our good graces, especially my mom’s. He thought that being alone without distractions would somehow draw us closer. I don’t think any of us believed that it would work.

It was a bad idea, confining us all to a small cabin in the woods, making us forgo our already set plans. It was pouring gasoline on a smoldering fire in hopes of putting it out. Unless he changed his behavior, it was going to destroy the family, not fix it.

After stopping for groceries, we made it to the cabin in time to cook a late dinner. Immediately it was clear that things were not going to improve. If my dad had been genuine in his desire to patch things up, he got off to a miserable start when he cracked a beer and watched as my mom prepared dinner.

My sister and I promptly took shelter in our room. We should have assisted my mom, but at the moment, we just wanted to get out of the way in case they started bickering. Happily, no argument ensued that evening.

There were two twin beds in the second bedroom, one against each wall. Fortunate, as I had no appetite for sharing a bed with my sister. Splitting a room was going to be awkward enough. We took stock of the space and immediately started claiming spots for our clothes and personal items.

The first few days passed as anticipated. My dad took off early in the morning to fish, usually returning only in time for dinner. My mom, sister, and I passed the time by playing board games, solved puzzles, and reading books. All very relaxing.

I was shocked at how much fun it was. I had not spent this much time with either my mom or sister in years. Despite all of our recent animosities, we quickly slid back into our childhood habits. Only now, mom let us drink the wine with her. My dad’s plan was working. We were coming together as a family. Only my dad was not part of it.

Near the end of the first week, my sister started to grow antsy. She could no longer focus and complained that she needed to get out and do something. She had spent years as an athlete, and the lack of physical activity was taking its toll. The difficulty was there was nothing to do.

There were no good hiking or biking trails nearby, not that we had bikes, and the closest town was nothing more than a few useless buildings. I sympathized, but I did not see what we could do. We needed to wait it out until our dad became board and took us home. I suspected it would not be more than another week.

One morning, I had an idea. As kids, we had both been competitive swimmers. Each summer, we would train in the lake, swimming out to the island and back. We had even built a tree fort out there after my dad had let us borrow his fishing boat to carry supplies.

“Do you want to go check out the island?” I asked, “Maybe that stupid tree fort is still there.”

“For sure. That would be awesome, but do you think you can still make it? When was the last time you swam?”

It had been almost four years for me. My sister had competed through high school and continued to swim recreationally, while I stopped after 8th grade. I appreciated the swimming but had not enjoyed the competition or the demands to improve every match. My sister, on the other hand, thrived on it. It kept her focused and got her through high school.

“Fuck you. I am not that out of shape. Anyway, it is only like, what, half a mile out there?”

“You forget how far half a mile is. Don’t expect me to save your ass when you drown.”

“Just shut up and get your suit on.”

I had not come prepared to do any serious swimming. At most, I expected to float around near the dock. My swimsuit was baggy and would undoubtedly slow me down in the water. I was a little nervous about making it, but I was not about to admit that to my sister.

I waited for Janice on the dock. When she finally approached, it was clear that she had not planned to do any actual swimming either. She was wearing a skimpy two-piece. The bottom cut high, doing little to cover her ass, only slightly more material than a thong. Stings held it together on her hips. Her top did a marginally better job concealing her but was still smaller than anything I had seen her in.

“You know there’s no one to flirt with, right?” I teased my sister.

“Shut up, you perve. It is the only none one piece that I own right now. All I thought I would be doing is getting sun on the dock. It is not like we had a ton of time to go shopping before dad dragged us up here. Just keep your eyes to yourself.”

“Don’t flatter yourself. You aren’t even that hot.”

She certainly was that hot. The problem was that she knew it. She paraded around like every guy that came within fifty feet of her wanted to sleep with her. To be fair, most guys did, but she did not have to be so arrogant about it.

“Last one there helps mom with dinner,” Janice said before she jumped off the end of the dock, catching me flat-footed.

I gave it my all, but she easily beat me. Not because of the unfair headstart, but because she was still a great swimmer. I merely wanted to get there without cramping up and drowning.

She was waiting for me on the small sandy beach, already laid out in the sun, when I drug myself out of the water. I collapsed next to her, breathing heavily, with no desire to discuss how painful that once effortless swim had been.

“I told you so,” Janice chided me.

“Shut up,” I said, splashing water at her.

We lay there until the sun became unbearable, and the sand began to burn our skin. We decided to venture inland towards the center of the island to find our old fort.

The island was the size of three or four football fields and densely forested. The travel was slow, especially barefoot and mostly naked. I should have made her pull a dry bag with a change of clothes. I might have had a chance to beat her, and we would be more comfortable now.

Janice’s top snagged on a branch with enough force to undo the knot behind her neck. She panicked as she grabbed her breasts, maintaining her decency but requiring assistance to retie the strings.

“You might as well go naked. It is just going to happen over and over,” I joked. “Those breasts of yours draw too much attention.”

“Don’t get any ideas, you sick fuck.”

“Well, I have not seen Sarah in over a week, so . . . ”

“So, you want to fuck your sister?” Janice replied with a face of disgust.

“Eww, no. Maybe watch you while I masturbate,” I said with a smile, making sure Janice knew I was teasing.

“Hmm, well, you would not be the first in your groups of friends to see me naked.”

“Wait, are you joking? Who?”

“You will have to ask them to find out,” she said with a wicked laugh.

We made it to the clearing near the center of the island. At its peak, our tree fort had been a commanding three stories tall, reaching out to multiple trees. We spent the better part of three summers working on it. We never finished it. We left one summer and never came back.

The years had not been kind. The winters were harsh, and the growing trees forced the boards apart. All that remained was the ground level, which was nothing more than some wood paneling and a dirt floor. It was a good shelter in case of a surprise storm. Otherwise, it was not worth spending time inside.

“That’s too bad. Although I am not surprised, we were not master carpenters at ten,” Janice sulked.

“True. Although, it would have been fun to see it in its old glory. I can barely remember those summers now.”

Now that we had found it, we did not know what to do. It was not stable enough to climb. Looking around, I noticed neet piles of the old lumber, all stacked to one side of the clearing.

“It looks like someone has been cleaning up our mess. Maybe we are not the only ones up here this summer?”

“Probably some 10-year-old,” I dismissed.

“How many 10-year-olds do you know that could swim out here?”

“We could.”

“Still . . . ” Janice trailed off.

Disappointed, we made our way back to the beach. Janice’s bathing suit came untied two more times on the way back, the second time being her bottoms. Somehow both sides came undone, giving me a brief glimpse of her ass and forcing her to hold the front and back in place while I assisted her. My hands trembled as I grazed her hip when retying the strings. It had been a while since I had been that nervous around a girl.

I was going crazy. Janice was my sister, and the idea of getting a peek at her naked body had my cock hard. I needed to find the opportunity to masturbate. Otherwise, I was bound to do something that I regretted.

We spent another hour or so back on the beach, alternating between the water and the sand. We had been out long enough that we were both showing the beginnings of a sunburn. We decided to call it a day rather than spend the next few days in discomfort. We headed back, resolving to return tomorrow.

We spent the next week racing back and forth to the island. My endurance grew with each leg, and soon I was only meters behind my sister. I had a feeling that she was holding back, not wanting me to feel too bad about my conditioning. I appreciated the gesture.

“At least you look good with your shirt off. You have not been slacking in the weight room.” Janice reassured me after beating me for the seventh consecutive swim.

“I bet I look better than whichever of my friends you fucked,” I replied. Not intending to sound a callous as I did.

“Who said I fucked them? I only said they saw me naked. You’re a perve just like him.”

“You’re the one complimenting your brother’s body.”

“Like your hand was not shaking with excitement when you tied my bikini yesterday. I bet you were as hard as a rock.”

I shut up. There was nothing left to say without admitting guilt and looking like the pervert she accused me of being. I walked into the water, pretending to drown myself. I bobbed face down in the lake for as long as I could endure.

I managed about 45 seconds, not bad for how out of practice I was. I glanced at my sister when I surfaced, checking if my dramatic display had any effect. I froze, thinking that I may have held my breath for too long.

Past my sister, near the treeline, was another person. A young woman, probably about my sister’s age, was staring back at me, neither one of us knowing what to do.

“What is it?” Asked my sister, who had not looked behind her.

I pointed. Janice turned to look before jumping to her feet in surprise.

“Holy shit. Who the fuck are you?” Janice shouted.

“I could ask you the same thing,” the mystery girl snarked back.

My sister relaxed, realizing that the island was public land, and this newcomer had as much right to be there as we did.

“I’m Janice, and this is Tom,” she said, changing her tone.

“I’m Liz. Are you two staying on the lake?”

“Yeah, we are here with our parents for the summer. Or at least until my dad gets bored with fishing.” Janice said as I made my way back onto the beach next to her.

“Same. We are down that way,” Liz pointed to the far end of the lake, across from where our cabin was.

“We are over here,” Janice indicated over her shoulder.

“You two have a much shorter swim,” Liz chuckled.

We all stood awkwardly, not knowing what else to say. A week in the wilderness, and we forgot how to interact with other people.

“Want to join us?” I asked, breaking the second and more uncomfortable silence.

Liz took a seat next to us. She was a swimmer. Her muscular shoulders and competition one-piece gave her away. How body looked toned, but it was hard to tell the details due to the compression of her suit. Nicks and scrapes covered her arms and legs. Some new, and some old.

“Have you been here long?” I asked.

“About two weeks. You?”

“A week. I am surprised we have not seen you around.”

“Most days, I am off the island by ten. I am an early riser. Swim team got me used to it.”

“I remember those days. I do not miss them,” Janice chimed in.

“Me neither,” I added. “Where do you swim?”

“Stanford,” Liz sheepishly responded.

Both Janice and I sat there in silence. I did not want to be the one that broke it this time. Stanford had been Janice’s dream school. Ever since I could remember, she had wanted to swim for them. In the end, she was not good enough.

She could have swum for another college if she wanted, but she gave it up instead, choosing to focus on her studies. I wasn’t sure how she felt about all that, and I was not going to be the one that brought it up.

“That’s a good program. One of the best.” Janice said with a forced smile.

“It is. I was lucky to get an offer. What about you two. You said you swim?”

It was clear that Janice was not going to say anything else. I sensed that she was secretly fuming that this random girl took a spot at Stanford.

“Only for fun these days. I gave it up before high school, but Janice stuck it out until graduation.” I responded. “It looks like you have been exploring the island,” I tried to change the subject as I gestured to her scrapes.

“Yeah, there is this old tree fort in the middle. I have been cleaning it up. I would love to rebuild it, but I have no way of getting supplies onto the island.”

“We might be able to help with that. Our dad has a small fishing boat. He might let us borrow it. After all, he did when we built it the first time.”

“You guys built the fort?” Liz said with excitement.

“Yeah, it was years ago. We were ten or so. It was once a grand achievement of childhood ingenuity. Time seems to have taken its toll.”

We spend the next few hours getting to know each other. Janice eventually got over the Stanford issue and opened up to Liz. Meeting Liz was just what we needed, and rebuilding the fort was the perfect distraction from my parents.

We parted ways mid-afternoon, making plans to meet back on the island around eight in the morning. We would not have tools yet, but we could generate a design for the reconstruction.

The next few days flew by. We used my dad’s boat one afternoon to get tools to the island. A hammer, nails, and a hand saw. We were hoping to salvage enough old wood to make something new.

We quickly realized that the reconstruction was not going to be as easy as we hoped. When we were kids, we just slapped boards together and hoped that it worked. Now, we were old enough to know that we needed to support the structure, and more importantly, the consequences of failing to do so. We had no idea what we were doing.

A lot of trial and error was involved, with copious amounts of cursing and countless mishaps. We had built ladders going up the side of a few trees. They were sturdy but not an easy place to hang out while we secured the upper story.

Each of us fell from a ladder more than once. As such, we spotted each other, making sure there was someone to catch us when we slipped. It also allowed for things to get flirty.

I was spotting my sister when she took a hard fall. I was able to slow her, but we both ended up on the ground. Me, flat on my back with my sister straddling my torso, her scantily clad breasts smashed against my face.

My sister took a while to recuperate, leaving me with a faceful of cleavage. Her tits heaved as she took in a succession of deep breathes. She could have had the wind knocked out of her, or she could have been messing with me.

“No fair. Why does Tom get all the action?” Liz teased as Janice rolled off me.

I turned to my stomach. Even though it had been my sister, the presence of two gorgeous breasts crushed against my face had made me hard. I wanted to make sure that no one noticed.

“Are you saying you want a faceful of my sister’s breasts?” I said, looking up at Liz.

“At this point, I will take a faceful of pretty much anything.” Liz retorted.

The conversation halted there. No one was comfortable taking it to the next level. We were all horny with weeks of pent-up sexual urges, but it seemed improper to declare that. I did not want to talk about it in front of my sister, and I am sure Janice felt the same way.

If Janice had not been there, I would have certainly made a pass at Liz. Forget Sarah. Liz was worth ending a relationship that was doomed anyway. There was no way Sarah and I would make long-distance work.

Liz, unencumbered by her sibling being present, pushed the boundaries. She made sexual jokes at my and Janice’s expense and began wearing skimpier bathing suits, ditching the competition suite. Unlike my sister, she had come prepared with an assortment of styles.

The flirting went beyond the exposed skin and sexually charged jokes. Liz was going out of her way to make physical contact with both of us. A casual stroke of the arm here, a pat on the ass there. I think she purposefully fell off the ladder more than once. My hands guaranteed to grab her ass or chest each time she did so.

I lay in bed obsessing over Liz. She was beautiful, but that was not what ensnared me. I had been around many hot girls, and there was something more, something special, something the others did not possess. She was cool.

Most attractive women worked at it, throwing it in your face every chance they got. They wore too much makeup, afraid to reveal any potential flaw, and only associated with girls they felt when slightly inferior to themselves. Liz did non of this. Neither did Janice.

Liz’s personality was infectious. She could make you happy with just a smile or a wink. Being in her presence made me want to be a better person, although with no specific direction. She was one of those people you needed to be around, even if you could have them for yourself.

My cock grew as I thought about her. The lights were off, but Janice was not asleep. I desired to slip my hand in my shorts, my dick begging for attention. I thought better of it, the small confines of the room making embarrassment inevitable. My frustration increased every day. Eventually, I was going to explode.

“Which of us do you think Liz is flirting with, or could it be both?” Janice pondered aloud.

“It feels like it’s both, but that’s a little weird?”

“Maybe she’s bi?”

“Sure, but to flirt with a brother and a sister? In front of each other?”

“Who knows, maybe it’s her kink. Maybe she likes to experience the whole family. Do you think she wants a threesome?”

“Gross. Why would she think that we would be into that?”

“I mean, you did get a hard-on when I landed on you the other day. And it is not like you have not thought about masturbating with me in the room. Right?”

“How — ”

“The room is not as dark as you think it is.”

“That does not mean that I think of you like that. I would never want to have sex with you.”

“But Liz doesn’t know that. Plus, we don’t need to have sex with each other to have a threesome with her.”

“You’re fucked up. And you call me the perve.”

“I’m not saying that I want to. I am just trying to figure Liz out.”

Engaging in anything even remotely sexual with my sister would have been Ludacris before the trip. It was still weird now, but I was not as closed off to it as I should have been. I wanted to ask Janice how she felt, but I was afraid she would take it as admitting my desires. Desires that I was not sure existed. Was I was so horny that I was searching for solutions in the wrong places?

Not wanting to say something stupid, I lay on my bed in silence, staring at the ceiling until I fell asleep. The blanket piled at the foot of the bed while the sheet covered nothing but my feet. It was too hot to use either and almost too hot to sleep. Thank God for the ceiling fan.

Liz emerged from the water. Her long black hair clung to her back as her bare breasts pierced the surface. Her body shed water as she stood, rivulets cascading from her nipples as droplets remained on her toned stomach. I waited for her in the sand, naked, inviting for her to join me.

She had been flirting with me. Almost constantly since the day we met. The culmination of the pent-up sexual tension had arrived. Free of my sister, we could share our bodies as we both wished to do. The privacy of the island was the perfect spot for what was bound to be an epic encounter.

Liz’s progress halted abruptly. She was pulled back under the water, grappling with an unseen figure. The water splashed as their bodies struggled, neither of them surfacing for a good thirty seconds. My breathing ceased as I watched in horror.

I sought to rush to her defense, but I could not move. The sand had taken hold of me, barring me from saving the girl I was lusting after. I helplessly watched her battle for her life. The entire episode played out below the surface, with only an occasional hand or foot reaching towards the sky.

She had been underwater too long. There was nothing I could do. I feared the worst. If only I could move. There was no hope. Suddenly, two bodies appeared from the water, still wrapped in the other’s grasp. They were not fighting. They were making love.

Janice and Liz clutched each other in a passionate embrace, waist-deep, both topless and eagerly exploring the other’s body. Their mouths interlocked in a deep kiss that seemed to have no end. The moment I had been waiting for, the dream which drove me wild, was now gone. My sister smashed it to pieces, leaving me to collect what broken fragments I could manage. The ability to watch her steal what I coveted was all that was available.

I stroked my dick in consolation, unconcerned that one of the girls was my sister. My disappointment gradually changed to sexual excitement, albeit one that I would lament. While I could not have the girl I wanted, I could watch her make love to another stunning woman. I longed to join them, but I was still unable to pry myself from the sand.

They were both beautiful, two of the sexiest bodies I had ever witnessed. They seemed unaware of my presence, preoccupied with each other’s bodies, as I hastily approached orgasm. The artistry of their intertwined forms was too much. With the voyeurism and taboo escorting me, I was on pace to cum before they broke their kiss.

I welcomed the familiar sensation of a building orgasm, followed by the first tic of my cock. I tried to slow my strokes, but it was too late. I lost control, pleasure flooding through my body. It was the three of us. No one else in the world existed. Forgotten were my worries, having been replaced by ecstasy and fulfillment.

The island that had been a retreat from our parents’ marital issues was now paradise, heaven on Earth, my sexual Mecca. There was no other place I would rather be. And with no better people to view.

It did not matter that I was a mere voyeur. I was content watching, as long as it was these two astounding women. I could feel deep down that I would get my turn, that I would not be stuck in the sand forever. Even if I was, I welcomed an eternity of seeing these two fuck.

I opened my eyes. My sister sat on her bed, fully dressed, staring at me with intense intrigue. I reached down and felt my boxers as my cock jerked again and then again. My cock was not fully hard, but I was ejaculating uncontrollably. My shorts were wet, cum covering the insides. I had awoken from a wet dream.

My immersive sexual fantasy immediately turned ugly as an extreme embarrassment crashed over me. I had an orgasm in front of my sister. Worse yet, it was because of a dream about her. She did not know that detail. Nevertheless, I would never live this down. Janice would hold this over me for the rest of her life.

“I hope you were not dreaming of me, perve,” Janice said. “It better not have been Liz either, or Sarah is going to be pissed. How is Sarah, by the way?”

“Sarah?” I responded, still groggy and not in complete control of my senses.

I knew that I needed to cover myself, but I had kicked the sheets off the bed due to the unrelenting heat. There was nothing that I could do. Janice already knew what had happened, and I would not give her the satisfaction of knowing I was ashamed. The best I could do was play it cool.

“You remember, the girlfriend that you desperately did not want to abandon to come here?”

“I don’t know. I haven’t talked to Sarah since we arrived. Every time I’m in cell range, she doesn’t answer. I think she is working a lot.”

“Maybe, or maybe she found a guy to crush on like you are with Janice?”

“Shut up, and give me some privacy, will you? Why are you already up anyway? It’s like 6:30.”

“I couldn’t sleep, so I went for a morning swim. The island is quite relaxing when you’re not on it,” Janice teased as she threw a pillow at me. “Get cleaned up. Breakfast is almost ready.”

Janice was in a great mood. She cooked breakfast for the whole family and didn’t even hint at having seen my incident. My dad, for the first time on the trip, seemed to be happy as well.

He skipped fishing to spend the morning with my mom and requested that Janice and I be back for lunch. He was going to grill and wanted to play board games in the afternoon. He was acting like he did when we were eight.

Shocked, Janice and I headed off to the island. We had completed one platform and were working on the finishing touches to a second. With only a portion of the wood salvageable, the new iteration was half the size. It was acceptable as we were more concerned about technique than size. Hopefully, our new construction method would prove more permanent.

Working all morning, we put the finishing touches on platform number two, as much as we could do with our limited supplies. We sat admiring our work, wondering what we would do to fill our days moving forward. We still had a month left on our planned vacation, a lot of time to kill, all without the distraction of unforced labor.

“We can figure that out tomorrow. For now, I just want to admire our creation.” Janice said, leaning back and looking out over the island.

The platform was high enough that you could see over a patch of short trees. Past them, the lake stretched out for a mile, ending in pine-covered hills. It was not an expansive view, but it was relaxing when you took the time to absorb it.

“It would be cool to bring our kids here,” I added, “Maybe they can add to the fort one day if it is still standing.”

“You want kids?” Liz questioned. “I am not sure that I do.”

“Of course, I have always wanted a family. If only to be like my dad. Like he was when we were young.”

“That would be nice. Too bad dad got carried away with his career. It is not like he even got anywhere with it,” Janice bemoaned. “Why don’t you want kids?”

“I don’t know. Kids always seemed like trouble,” Liz answered, “But maybe that is just because I was.”

Janice and I headed back for lunch, leaving Liz to contemplate her desire for children in isolation. We agreed to meet back on the island in the morning, despite not having any work left.

The afternoon with my mom and dad went smoothly. My dad was sober, talkative, and seemed like his old self. I was unsure what happened, but it seemed like weeks of doing nothing but fishing might have snapped him from his stooper. Maybe he had a heart-to-heart with my mom?

Convinced it was a fleeting moment, I vowed to enjoy it while I could. I was sure it would vanish as soon as we returned to the real world. It was one thing to be relaxed with limited responsibilities and another to pull it off when work was punching you in the face.

Janice again awoke before me and again took a morning swim. Her improved mood continued, as did my dad’s when he and my mom finally rolled out of bed. They were giddy like newlyweds. I would have assumed they had sex, except the thin walls would have announced it to the whole cabin.

Janice, Liz, and I spent the next several mornings lazed about the fort. We discussed everything from politics, to swimming, to whether or not the Beatles were a boyband.

I stood my ground, arguing that they were, focusing on the hordes of girls that chased them around. In return, Janice and Liz explained they couldn’t be. Claiming executives created boybands, and boybands did not write their music nor play instruments, not to mention the choreographed dance routines. The Beatles did not fit the mold.

In the end, I had to agree with them, but we concluded that the Beatles and other related acts paved the way for the modern boyband. Without those record label controlled bands of the ’60s and ’70s, there would be no N’SYNC or Backstreet Boys.

The trees on the island towered such that one platform got shade all morning while the other was in the sun. It worked out perfectly. The girls could sunbathe while I hid in the shadows.

I never liked to lay in the sun. I did not mind being tan, but after several minutes I just felt hot and sticky. I preferred to get my sun while I was moving, the sweat feeling more natural then. Plus, I had a more appealing view from the shadows.

As we moved on from the boyband debate, I looked over at the girls. Both Janice and Liz were topless, albeit face down on the wooden planks. It was not the bareness of their backs that grabbed my attention. Their bikinis had only string back there anyway. It was the prevalent sideboob that took my breath away.

Both girls had generous breasts, Janice’s being slightly larger while Liz’s appeared perkier. Their body weight smashed their tits into the wood, pushing them to the side, giving me a nice view of the pale skin they had been hiding under their skimpy tops.

I shouldn’t have been surprised, as they had become increasingly comfortable showing skin around me. The casual flirting from Liz had increased, although the physical contact had lessened after we completed the fort. The opportunities were not as prevalent.

My sister, who I always thought was straight as an arrow, had started to lean into the flirting. I was uncertain if it was because of loneliness and sexual frustration or because Liz was something special. I could not blame her either way.

Despite having a wonderful girlfriend, I found myself constantly looking forward to the attention that Liz gave me, even if I had to share it with my sister. There was something special about Liz that I had never experienced with another girl. She was easygoing and uncomplicated, with an air of confidence that was infectious.

So was the situation. The three of us found ourselves in a fantasyland of freedom and inhibition. There were no consequences for our actions as there was no future for us. It was all going to end when we returned home. Knowing the end was coming allowed us to experience the present to the fullest.

I leaned against the railing and admired the two gorgeous girls until I fell asleep, waking when my sister informed me it was time to head home. Both girls were fully dressed, well, as much as their bikinis provided.

The next day, having woken well before me and already been to the island and back, Janice got a head start on me. I arrived on the island about 30 minutes after she had. I heard the girls talking as I approached. Their discussion was animated, but I could not distinguish what they were saying.

I froze as I popped my head through the opening for the ladder. Janice and Liz were topless, as they had been the previous day, only now they were lying on their backs.

I knew I should not stare, especially at my sister, but I could not help it. Their breasts were perfect. They formed half-spheres with perky nipples emerging from the summit and flat-toned stomachs stretching out from below.

“Hey ladies,” I announced myself, thinking that maybe they did not hear me coming.

Neither of them moved, unconcerned about my presence. I flashed back to my dream, wishing that I had walked in on more action. Momentarily disappointed, I took up residence in the shade, positioning myself to be able to gaze upon the two beauties. I recognized how lucky I was to be able to experience this.

“Hey, Tom. Sorry about the nudity. We decided we needed to work on our tan lines,” Liz announced without lifting her head to see if I was staring.

“Uh, yeah. No problem. It is not like I haven’t seen breasts before,” I said, trying to act smooth.

“Are Sarah’s as nice as ours?” Janice asked.

I was diplomatic in my answer, asserting that all breasts were beautiful. I was lying. Some breasts are better than others, and the two pairs in front of me were the best I had ever seen in person. I was not, however, about to tell my sister that.

My cock was hard. I wanted to jerk it as I had in my dream, but in the real world, I could not let myself slip my hand into my shorts. I could not do that in front of my sister, no matter how often I wanted to.

“Fell free to jack off. I know you need the release,” Liz announced, catching me off guard, “Your sister told me about your wet dream the other night. Who was in it?”

It was a trap. If I whipped out my cock and started masturbating, I would regret it. It might give me temporary satisfaction, but my sister would label me a pervert for the rest of my life.

Nor was I going to admit the two of them were the stars of my dream. There was no way, not in a million years. I would take that information to my grave.

“I will give you a blow job if you tell me who it was about,” Liz upped the anti.

I knew that she was messing with me. She had to be. There was no way that she was going to blow me in front of my sister. I would keep my mouth shut and ride out the teasing. She would forget about it and move on. Then she grabbed her tits, one in each hand, and jiggled them in circles. She capped this off with a smile and a wink.

“You can slide your cock between these.”

“It was you and Janice!”

The offer was too much to resist, even if it was fake. The idea of Liz’s luscious lips wrapped around my shaft was too much for me to take. If there was any chance, any at all, I needed to risk it. Eternal embarrassment was worth the possible reward.

“Eww, gross. I knew you were a sick little pervert,” Janice cried out.

Her voice sounded sincere, but she made no effort to flip over or otherwise cover herself. I tried to remain confident, though I was quickly starting to regret saying anything.

“So, Liz — ”

“Oh, don’t be silly. I am not going to blow you for something that we already knew. Janice said you were calling out our names in your sleep as you came all over yourself.”

I was flustered. No, angry. It was too much to handle. I needed to leave. I wanted to get away from these two temptresses, no matter how hot or how little clothing they had on. I made it to the ladder before Liz stopped me.

“Don’t go, Tom. We were just fucking with you. We did not mean anything by it. Please stay.”

Her words were reassuring, but I still needed to leave. I required some time to calm down and think. I had expected this behavior from Janice, but coming from Liz, and it stung. I did not want to admit it. I did not want to give them the impression they had won. This behavior was all a sick game to girls like them.

“I’m going for a swim. I will be back in a few.”

I hoped that Liz would follow me. I wanted her to need to make it up to me, to beg me to forgive her. I even dared to dream that she would offer up her body in repayment. It was all for not.

I arrived at the shore alone. I sat there for the next ten minutes, pouting and thinking about how I should handle the situation. Had I read it completely wrong? Was Liz not constantly flirting with me? I had assumed that the flirting with my sister was to make me jealous, but maybe I had it backward. Was she using me to make Janice jealous? Were they both playing a twisted game with my libido?

I took a quick dip, making sure I appeared to have swum and headed back to the fort to save face. I was heading home, but I wanted to show my face one more time, so the girls knew I was not afraid.

I poked my head through the hole to tell them I was heading back, only to freeze, as I had earlier in the day. Liz was still lying on her back, and my sister had flipped to her stomach. There was one notable difference. They had both ditched their bottoms.

With their feet pointed towards me, my eyes traveled up their legs, jumping back forth between the two. I wanted to focus on Liz, but the majesty of Janice’s ass kept pulling me back.

There was a stark tan line across her cheeks. The mornings in the sun had bronzed her well, but her crack was as pale as could be. The V-shape pulled my eyes towards the intersection of her legs. The lips of her pussy were visible, beckoning for me to lick, stroke, and fuck them.

I snapped out of the trance, momentarily disgusted by the thoughts I was having about my sister. I moved past the chills that coursed through my body as I turned my gaze to Liz. Her flat stomach smoothly transitioned into her shaved pubic region. It was not her first day tanning nude, as she had less contrast to her skin. Her lips were visible as well, growing even more so as she spread her legs for me.

With my body still below the floor, I reached my hand down my shorts. My hand slowly stroked my cock. I tried to conceal what I was doing. After a few seconds, I thought better of my actions. There was no coming back from it if they caught me. I tucked my cock away, trying to hide my erection. Tucking my head into my waistband as I climbed onto the deck.

“We are sorry, Tom,” Liz spoke for the two of them. “We were cruel, and you did not deserve that. Can we go back to being friends?”

I was as confused as ever. Here was this gorgeous girl lying in front of me naked, asking if we could be friends. Ostensibly, they could have removed their bottoms for purely aesthetic reasons. Their tan lines were stark.

Was that their entire reason? Or were they playing games with me again? As I settled back into my voyeuristic corner, I knew I would not find out today. I might as well sit back and enjoy the view.

I lay there, my cock raging in my shorts, as my eyes drifted from intensely staring to blinking closed. Despite the stimulating scenery, I dozed off. I awoke to the girls dressed and ready to head home. I wanted to stay behind for a few minutes to jerk off, but I thought better of it. It would only give Janice more ammunition.

I awoke to a nearby crash of thunder, loud enough to rattle the windows of the cabin. A second later, a bright flash of lightning erupted across the night sky, illuminating the bedroom, catching the silhouette of Janice rushing in front of the window towards my bed.

The resulting clap sounded as she slid into bed behind me. Once again, the cabin shook, only this time I could feel the warmth of my sister pressed against me in fear.

Janice had always been afraid of thunder. As a kid, she would crawl into my parents’ bed which upset my dad. He thought she should tough it out and learn to cope with it on her own. This lesson never stuck with her. If anything, he made her more scared.

She had managed to decrease her fear over time, but she still freaked out when the strikes were close. These were within a mile of the lake. Much too close for her comfort. Too close for mine as well.

She snaked one arm under my armpit, meeting up with the other hand as she made her way over my chest. She pulled me tight, her breasts pushing against my back. I immediately recognized that she was topless.

The rain pelted down on the metal roof like the beating of a tin drum. The thunder provided the bass. It was music to my ears as my sister buried her head in my back. My cock was already hard when I woke, but the pressure of her bare nipples against my skin was not permitting it to deflate.

I felt awkward snuggling with my sister, both of us half-clothed, even if she was scared out of her mind. I grew more comfortable with the situation, thinking of her less as my sister and more as the striking woman she was. My shorts maintained my modesty, but only barely.

After Janice and Liz’s display that afternoon, I had thought long and hard about going to bed nude. The heat was almost too much to bear at night, and the mesh shorts I wore only made it worse. I longed for my balls to breathe fresh air as I lay naked on my bed. But I could not display myself for my sister, even if she was comfortable revealing her body to me.

“Turn around,” I whispered, knowing that she felt more secure as the little spoon.

My top arm rested on her side, just below her ribcage, as my bottom one snuck under her neck, her head comfortably resting on it. I pulled her tight, my hands meeting on top of her diaphragm, one arm pressed between her breasts.

She responded by pressing her ass against me, making sure we had complete body contact. It was clear that my cock was hard as it slipped between her cheeks. It went unmentioned. I could now feel she was completely naked. A large part of me wished I was as well. I leaned forward and kissed her on the cheek.

“It is going to be alright. The storm will pass.” I reassured her.

Janice responded by pulling her arms against mine, ensuring I would not let her go.

The thunderstorm raged on. And on. And on. I was not sure that it was ever going to end. The rain pounded on the roof, the windows rattled from the wind, and the entire structure shook every time a clap of thunder rolled across the lake. Eventually, I fell asleep. I hoped Janice did as well.

Back on the beach, Janice and Liz continued to embrace each other, their hands groping and fondling as they explored each other’s naked bodies. Liz sliding her hand down my sister’s back, cupping her ass with one hand as the other massaged her breast. Janice reciprocated, mirroring Liz in almost every way.

The intensity with which they attacked each other was mesmerizing. My hand continued to stroke my cock. I had magically recovered from my previous orgasm and did not want to waste the opportunity. I might never see such lustful passion in person ever again, and certainly not between two incredible beauties.

Their hands were between each other’s legs, their fingers digging deep, penetrating and prodding until they found the perfect spot. I wanted to escort them to shore, lie them down in the warm sand and help them achieve their shared goal. Alas, my body remained stuck in the sand, my leg unable to lift me, the ground forcing me to stay as my body sought to leave.

The two girls were only getting started, working their way to a peak that was far in the distance. Their goal was clear, but at the moment, they were more interested in the journey. I could see why, if I had been able to reach them, I too would be lost in the sweet embrace that was consuming them. As it were, I could only please myself, stroking my dick like there was nothing to live for except reaching my climax as quickly as possible.

As much as I wanted to savor the moment, my arm and hand were out of my control. My appendage operated on autopilot, masturbating towards a finish that I did not yet want to reach. There was no stopping it. My orgasm was coming like a freight train.

I awoke to empty arms and a pool of cum in my shorts. Another nocturnal emission. This time I did not wake until it was complete. I needed to get my rocks off soon.

My mind flooded with fear that I could have cum while I was still cuddling Janice. Had she woken up with me grinding against her ass, cum soaking my shorts, the only thing separating us?

Janice walked in wearing a towel, her hair still soaking wet. The shower confirmed my worst fear. Janice had not washed in the morning all trip, saving it for rinsing the sweat and lake water off before bed. If she had showered this morning, it was for a reason.

I started to speak. To offer an apology, to recover some decency after what I had done. Things should not have progressed as far as they had. Not just the previous night, but on the island as well. It was utterly inappropriate behavior between two siblings.

My mouth was left hanging open when she pulled the towel from her body, drying her hair with casual indifference. The words that I was going to speak suddenly lacked pertinence. She was no longer ashamed to display her body in front of me. My ambivalence was unimportant to her. I was left to come to grips with it on my own.

I am not sure what she wanted, but I knew that I was getting a good show. The more I saw her nude, the less I worried about her being my sister. She was a beautiful woman, and I appreciated witnessing her naked. My sexual desires, however, did not draw me towards a physical relationship, but I knew to admire her while I could.

Ignoring my blatant stare, Janice proceeded to dry herself, occasionally looking at me with a warm smile. She was happy and made it clear that it was because of me, at least at that moment. I helped her get over her fear the night before.

“Thank you for last night. It means the world that you were there for me. I don’t know why I am still so scared of lighting,” Janice broke the silence.

“Anytime,” I replied.

I once again started to say something about this morning. To determine if my fears were warranted, but I thought better of it. If Janice was happy, then whatever occurred this morning was of no concern. Asking about it could only make the circumstance worse.

“I am going to go make breakfast. I thought that I heard mom and dad stirring when I got out of the shower.” Janice said, pulling on a pair of shorts and a tank top, abstaining from a bra and panties.

I slowly got up, making my way to the bathroom to clean myself. As I returned to our room to dress, I heard a scream from the kitchen. Rushing in, I found Janice holding a rag over one hand, blood already soaking through.

I stood there in panic as my parents rushed from the bedroom. My dad was calm and collected, despite his daughter bleeding profusely into the sink. He removed the rag, only to quickly replace it. He grabbed a towel as he escorted her out the front door. My mom clutched the keys and urgently followed him. I was left frozen, unable to process, as my parents drove towards the nearest ER, which was over an hour away.

I had no idea what to do. I had no cell service and no way to get to it. I knew that an injury to her hand was not life-threatening, but I was still worried about my sister. The look on my father’s face told me that it was critical, as did rushing for help without worrying about me.

I regained my composure and cleaned the blood before I cooked the unfinished breakfast. I put the leftovers in the refrigerator in case they were hungry when they got back. I sat in silence as I ate, moving to the sofa after I finished, sitting there in a daze until I remembered that Janice and I were supposed to meet Liz at ten.

I was about forty-five minutes late when I climbed the ladder to the tree fort. Liz was naked, lying face down. She did not flinch when I poked my head through, having not heard me approach.

She had lost any desire to remain clothed on the island. I was the only one that was preventing it from being our private nudist club. I took a minute to admire her body, especially her ass. Her tan lines were fading, but you could still make out where her bathing suit should have been.

I pulled myself up, plopping down next to Liz. She rolled over to greet me, baring her front to me. I had seen her naked several times before, but it was always in the company of my sister. With Janice absent, I could comfortably accept that I wanted to do a hell of a lot more than look at Liz.

“Where’s your sister?” Liz asked as she leaned back against the railing.

“She had an accident while making breakfast. I think she might have cut off a finger.”

“Oh shit. For real?”

“Honestly, I am not sure. There was a lot of blood. They rushed her out of the house before I knew what was going on.”

“That sucks. I hope Janice is alright,” Liz said, moving closer to me. “How are you doing?”

“I don’t know that either. I feel numb and stupid,” I replied, “Like I should not be upset about it. It is not life-threatening. It is just a hand.”

“It’s not stupid. It is your sister. You love her and want her to be okay,” Liz reassured me, rubbing my arm.

“I guess. It just feels like a lot of emotion for a stupid cut.”

“There has been a lot going on lately. You two have grown closer. I have seen it. Here, lay down,” Liz said, patting her lap.

I let myself collapse towards Liz, my head resting on her stomach. My ear against her naval, with my mouth an inch away from her clit. Even in my current state, I immediately wanted to reach out and lick the beckoning nub.

Liz stroked my hair. The comforting gesture kept me from breaking down, settling my mind as it raced from grief to sexual desire and back. I was worried about my sister, but I also knew that this might be the only chance I got to sleep with Liz.

I thought it over. If I made a move, Liz might take it the wrong way. Not to mention, I could regret using my sister’s accident as a way to hook up. I took a deep breath and let myself be comforted. Sex would have to wait.

“Thank you. I am not sure what I would have done without you,” I said.

I lost track of time as we lay there in silence. At some point, Liz adjusted, sliding down a bit. The new position placed her breasts against the back of my head. I wanted to roll over and face them. After that, it would have been only a slight move to suck a nipple into my mouth.

I attempted to pretend that I did not feel her magnificent breasts pressing against me. I did not want to disrupt the moment, but my cock was hard and begging for me to make a move. I began to justify that it had been long enough and that it would not be creepy to go for it at this point. The renewed internal argument continued as I accepted the compassion from Liz as we lay there.

A loud clap of thunder echoed around the lake. Both Liz and I jumped to our feet, knowing that we could not swim home in the middle of a thunderstorm. We rushed to the shore, Liz holding her suit in her hands. Her breasts bounced freely, distracting me. I ran into more than a few branches that I shouldn’t have.

We abruptly halted as we neared the water. We could see that the storm was already too close. There was no way to swim back without risking the white caps and the lighting. Our only choice was to wait it out on the island.

Quickly, we returned to the fort. The lower portion, which had stood since its original construction, was sheltered from the wind and rain. Water dripped through, but it was nothing compared to the downpour that was soaking the island. The wind slipped through the boards, whistling as it did. At least we were safe from any falling branches.

Thankfully, Liz was not as scared of the thunder and lightning as my sister. The situation still caused her to worry, and she was not the only one. We held each other tightly, finding the driest place to wait as the storm raged around us.

My arms wrapped around Liz, resting just below her breasts. I pulled her tight against me as she placed her arms on top of mine. She sat between my legs, her naked ass pressing against my groin. My manhood promptly responded.

“It is going to be alright,” I said.

“I know. I just wanted to feel your body against mine.”

I leaned my head down and kissed her on the neck. She leaned her head against me before lowering her mouth towards mine. I seized my opportunity and guided my lips to hers. Thunder shook the ground beneath us as we met in a long-overdue kiss.

Liz tilted her head back as I slipped my tongue through her lips, dancing with hers as we drove deeper into each other’s mouth. I slid my hands from her stomach up to her breasts, taking one in each hand. I massaged and fondled, her hands joining mine, guiding me towards her nipples.

Her breasts were soft and supple yet firm when pressed tightly. I had fantasized about this moment since I met Liz. I could barely believe I had her tits in my grasp. It was pure bliss, exceeding all of my expectations.

I pinched and twisted as she moaned into my mouth. Her sensitive nipples provided pleasure, but not what she craved. She grabbed my hand, sliding towards her pussy. I soon found my fingers slipping through her moist lips. She gasped as I focused on her clit.

“Not yet, work the vagina first,” Liz said, momentarily breaking our kiss.

I slipped a finger inside her as we renewed our kiss. It sank inside with ease, no barriers standing in the way, her tunnel well lubricated. I pumped my finger in and out, curling it to make sure it ran along the roof.

Her body reacted each time I hit the proper spot. I returned with each penetration. Soon, I replaced one finger with two. My ring and middle fingers found their way back inside her. The palm of my hand rubbing over her clit as I fingered her.

She drove her pelvis against my hand, urging me on, her ass rubbing against my cock. I continued to focus on her cunt as my other hand alternated between each breast. I was spectacularly fortunate. Liz was one of the most beautiful girls I had known, and here I was, knuckle deep, caressing her from behind.

Liz reached down and pulled my fingers from her, placing them on her clit. I followed her guidance and started to roughly rub her button, hoping to push her over the edge.

Liz broke our kiss and cried out in pleasure as her body quaked against mine. A nearby lightning strike sent a roar to rattle our surroundings, drowning out her screams.

I held her tight as her body jerked in my arms. I pushed my fingers against her clit hard and fast. Not letting up until she could not take anymore. I let go, her orgasm drawing towards its end. I gently kissed her neck, moving my hand from her cunt up to her breasts. Again, cupping one in each hand.

Liz relaxed into me, her body limp in her post-orgasmic glory. We stayed in that position as the storm surrounded us, no indication of it easing. My cock was hard, precum dripping from the tip, coasting Liz’s lower back through my trunks. But I was in no hurry to push things further.

I was content to sit with this gorgeous woman in my arms. Her body was warm against mine, despite the cold wind whipping the rain outside our shelter. I wished I had made a move sooner, but my sister was always there. The cockblocker that she was.

It had been several hours since my parents had rushed her out of the cabin. I hoped that all was well, but there was no way of finding out. I wanted to be there when they returned, but I was stuck on the island until the weather cleared.

Last night my sister had been laying against me much the same as Liz was now. The amount of clothing involved had even been the same. The only difference was that it did not turn sexual. We had only snuggled because my sister was scared. Or so I kept telling myself.

If it had been anyone besides my sister, things would have heated up in a hurry. Even if scared, a girl would only snuggle naked if they wanted something sexual. Was my sister any different? Had she wanted me to make a move last night, or had she become too comfortable being naked around me?

It was hard to think of my sister that way. She was a gorgeous girl, but it just did not feel right. That icky feeling had not been enough to keep my cock soft or prevent me from having a wet dream while pressed against her. My subconscious desire was in a battle with my perception of family and taboo.

It had been almost a month since I had last seen or talked to my girlfriend, Sarah. We had vowed to keep in touch while I was gone, but every attempt I made to contact her went unanswered. I left her numerous messages but received nothing in return. I had given up trying ten days ago, which is why I felt no sense of guilt as I held Liz’s naked body in my arms.

Liz rolled over onto her hands and knees, staring me in the face as she untied my swim trunks. She pulled them down, tossing them aside before she lowered her hand to my overeager cock. Her fist slid easily over my tip, precum coating it.

Her hand felt glorious as it glided up and down my shaft. I was swollen and ready for release, and the touch of this perfect girl was nearly too much to take. Thankfully, she appeared to be aware of my situation.

Taking it leisurely, she alternated between slowly stroking my dick and intense flurries that would bring me to the brink of orgasm. She cupped my balls while she edged me towards heaven, knowing precisely when to back off. The slightest slip-up would cause me to unleash weeks of built-up cum.

She crawled forward to kiss me, her hand still on my cock, her breasts pressing against my chest. I fell back into the dirt, Liz landing on top of me, the weight of her body pressing down. We continued to kiss as she adjusted on top of me. Her cunt pressed against my cock, her wet lips sliding along my length as she humped me.

I wanted to guide myself inside her, but I knew I would not last more than a few seconds. I let our bodies press against each other, our kisses growing with our intense passion.

Liz broke from my mouth, sliding down my body, kissing my skin as she went, stopping to suck on my nipples. The sensation was new and instinctively uncomfortable. As she continued, the pleasure built, becoming something that I could grow to enjoy.

Her hand returned to my dick, slowly stroking it, her mouth lingering on my stomach before dropping down one leg. Her kisses moved from the top of my leg to the soft skin of my inner thigh. Slowly she moved back towards my balls.

Her fist pumped my cock as she sucked one of my testicles into her mouth. It was something that Sarah had never done. Her mouth was warm and inviting, and the sensation was pleasurable, but I wanted her mouth somewhere else. I needed release.

I slid my hand behind her head, interlocking my fingers with her hair. I slowly guided her from my balls to the tip of my cock. Her hand slid to the base as she tasted the head, her tongue sliding across my urethra, clearing it of the oozing precum.

“Stop teasing me and blow me,” I begged. “Please, I haven’t cum in over a month.”

“That’s not what your sister told me,” Liz responded as she slid her mouth over the tip and engulfed my shaft.

She bobbed her head up and down, taking two to three inches of my cock inside her each time. Her tongue danced around, propelling me towards a quick orgasm.

The warmth of her mouth was a delightful sensation after weeks of sexual frustration brought on by the wanton displays of nudity of both Liz and my sister. Her tongue swirled as she grazed her teeth over the less sensitive bits of my member.

It was the best blow job I had ever had, not that there were many others. Sarah did not like oral. Or rather, she did not like giving oral. She would let me lick her all day long, but she would only put my cock in her mouth for a minute at a time, and only to make sure I was ready to fuck her.

I could understand not wanting a guy to cum in your mouth. That was a reasonable request, but to let me bring her to orgasm after orgasm without returning the favor seemed petty, especially now that I knew what I was missing.

There is nothing like sinking your cock into a cunt for the first time, but what Liz was doing with her mouth made me want to forego vaginas. Her oral talents were far and away better than Sarah’s pussy even was. The tongue was the star. It was a tool that she knew how to use, and I would miss it when it was gone.

I was not going to last long. Liz was too good, and I had too much pent-up seed. I felt my balls tighten and my cock twitch. I knew it was coming. I tried to hold back, but it was useless. I was going to blow.

“I’m going to cum,” I warned.

I expected her to pull her mouth away and jerk me off onto my stomach. It was the only way that I had ever finished from a blow job. Instead, she went deeper, sucking my cock to the back of her mouth. Then into her throat.

I do not know if it was the novelty or the actual sensation, but it was the best feeling I ever had. More than enough to put me over the edge, my semen shooting into Liz’s mouth. She engulfed my cock, her chin on my balls, her nose full of pubic hair. One. Two. Three. Four loads slid down her throat as she effortlessly swallowed each.

Forced to come up for air, she kept the tip between her lips, breathing through her nose. She sucked and licked as I shot several more streams into her mouth. She held the collection inside until I finished. Only then did she consume the deposit.

Her hand was slowly milking the base of my shaft, squeezing out the few remaining drops as she licked them up. The pressure on my sensitive head made me wince.

With my cock clean, she slid up my body, planting a deep and passionate kiss. I could taste the salt from my cum, but I quickly forgot about it as our bodies melted into one. My dick slowly withering, hoping to be resurrected for a second round.

Lightning struck. The thunder was instantaneous and louder than anything that I had ever heard. Our body hair stood on end, the electricity from the nearby strike attracting all it could. It was the closest I had even been to being struck by lightning, and I was glad I was not in the water.

The threat frightened both of us, driving us towards the heart of the fort. The shelter protected us from the wind and rain, but we were at the bottom of one of the tallest trees on the island. If the lightning hit it, we would be casualties of our proximity. There was nothing we could do. If we moved, we would be in danger of exposure and falling limbs.

We stayed put, huddling together as the worst of the storm passed. It took over half an hour, and I counted over fifty lighting strikes within a mile. None of them was the tree we hid beneath.

The storm moved into the distance as the rain lightened. It was misting, but the weather was improving. We should have been thinking about getting back as it was approaching dinner time, but we felt compelled to stay a bit longer.

Now safe, our minds and bodies returned to what we had started earlier. My hands once against found their way to Liz’s breasts. I pawed them like it was the last time I would have the opportunity. Her hand was quick to grasp my cock. I responded with eagerness reserved for a horny teenager.

I flipped her onto her back, taking my place above her for the first time. Her legs parted, her glistening cunt ready for my taking. Her hand pulled my dick towards its designated home.

I resisted momentarily. Not because I technically still had a girlfriend. That relationship was over in my mind. It was just a matter of making it official when I finally got in touch with Sarah. I hesitated because we did not have a condom.

I always used a condom with Sarah, even though she was on birth control. We were both paranoid about having a child at such a young age. Liz was not. I still was, but my hunger and weeks of abstinence convinced me otherwise. Having cum earlier in the day did nothing to lessen the desire I felt now.

Liz guided my cock inside her. I paused with just the tip inside, savoring the moment. I had been wrong about her mouth. While it was magical, and her tongue did things I could not understand, her cunt was pure ecstasy.

Being inside a woman without a condom for the first time was a heavenly experience. I could not believe how much better it felt than using a rubber. I was not sure that I could ever go back, even with it being the safe thing to do.

I pushed forward, sinking inside her. My body rested on top of hers, her erect nipples poking into my chest. I began to thrust slowly, not wanting to rush things. I wanted to take my time and enjoy every second. I was not sure if I would ever get the chance to be with Liz again.

I increased the pace, holding myself up with one arm. I looked down as my cock slid in and out, Liz’s magnificent breasts in the foreground. I was upset that my sister was injured, but it allowed me to be alone with Liz. If the cut kept her out of the water for a few days, then even better.

Liz reached down and flicked her clit. Some guys said they got upset when their partner did this, but I was all for it. I wanted her to cum. I wanted her to feel all the pleasure that she could. If that required her to help herself along, that was fine by me.

The rhythm of our bodies fell in sync, her hips lifting to meet mine as I plunged into her, rocking back as I pulled out. It was effortless, our bodies knowing what to do, leaving our minds at peace. It was meditative. The repeated actions, the synchronistic breathing, everything external was gone. All that remained was our union.

The thunder continued, growing fainter as we fucked, but we did not care, for we did not hear it. All we heard was our collective heartbeat pounding in our chests as our bodies collided with passion.

Liz grabbed me by the shoulders and rolled me to the side. She came with me, seamlessly landing on top, my cock still inside her. She eased into riding me, her hips rolling as she maneuvered my cock inside her, making sure it hit all the right places.

Her breasts swayed above me, my eyes transfixed, leaving them only when she glanced down. Her eyes penetrated mine as no one had done before. I could see a passion inside them that was burning bright and growing hotter still.

Biting her lip, she lowered her face to mine, attacking my mouth, digging with her tongue, reaching for my heart. She achieved a level of intensity that shocked me. It was clear that she had been waiting for this as long as I had. Our mutual lust delayed by my sister.

Bracing herself against the wall behind me, she ground into my cock. My hand slipped down my stomach, my thumb finding her clit. Rocking forward, she crushed my thumb between us as I pressed back. The combined stimulation was more than enough to get her to where she wanted to be.

“Yes, oh yes. Rub me harder. Faster, Tom, faster,” Liz cried out as she jerked her hips like a madwoman, my cock battered inside her.

“Cum for me, baby. Cum all over my cock,” I urged her on.

“Fuck, Tom. Oh, fuck. Does your sister call out your name like this?”

Her question caught me off guard. Did she think that Janice and I had a sexual relationship? I could not blame her if she did. We had been open and flirty with each other for the last several weeks. I did not dare respond, now was not the time to analyze this.

“Because she calls out my name,” Liz continued.

I kept thrusting up into Liz with as even a rhythm as possible. Her hips were fast but not smooth at this point. Or synchronicity was gone, but she was in the throes of her climax, and that was what mattered.

Had Liz and my sister hooked up? If so, when? I had only left them alone for a few minutes, and both times I did not sense anything strange besides the nudity. Maybe she was saying this because she thought that it would be hot. Perhaps she was trying to get a rise out of me.

“Oh God, your cock feels so good. Keep fucking me,” Liz said out of breath, trying to suck in enough air between words.

She rolled off me to the side, finished with her orgasm. I had yet to cum, and she had instructed me to continue. I grabbed her hips and flipped her to her stomach. I pulled her hips towards me, placing her on her knees, her face in the mud and dirt.

Sliding in from behind, I picked up where she had left off. My first thrusts went unanswered. She was too tired to give back. I compensated by pulling her back into me with each advance, her ass smacking into my hips as I bottomed out.

Liz slowly recovered, pushing back into me, freeing my hands to scratch at her back. Long red streaks covered her as my nails scraped against her skin. Her skin was smooth but had a toughness one only received from years in a pool.

My balls bounced off her clit, then her hand, as she worked with me to bring herself to another climax. Her ass was firm, but her relaxed muscles giggled with each impact. Shockwaves propagated away from my hips.

The tempo slowly rose as I felt myself close in on my orgasm. It began as a distant feeling, a tickling in my balls. It called out to me, telling me that I needed to work to obtain it. I responded by fucking Liz harder and faster.

As the tickle became a slow pulse, I thought of my sister. Not of her injured hand, but her naked body pressed against mine. Her full breasts smashed beneath my arms, my cock positioned between her firm ass cheeks.

The pulse became a torrent as I exploded into Liz, my cock shooting stream after stream into her. Her cunt tightened around me, her climax coming just in time. Our bodies collided and spasmed together, satisfaction flowing from us as we emptied ourselves into each other.

My thoughts of Janice vanished. I recognized that I was not screwing her. It was Liz that my cock was buried inside, and it was Liz that I wanted. Janice was just a sideshow, and Sarah, she was a distant memory.

Liz collapsed beneath me, facedown in the dirt. I followed suit as my support had vanished. My cock slid from her as my cum drooled out, a pool of mud forming between our legs.

The rain had stopped, and the wind was nothing more than a whisp. I listened for any remaining thunder, but it too was gone. I wanted to spend the rest of the day with Liz, but I knew that we needed to get back to our cabins while we could. Tomorrow would be another opportunity, but for now, I had to find Janice.

Liz understood this. I did not have to say a word. We walked to the beach, hand in hand, stopping to kiss, our bodies covered in dirt and mud. It had been a long and magical day, unfortunately, granted to us at the expense of my sister.

“Go check on your sister. Tell her I hope she is feeling alright and has a speedy recovery,” Janice said, kissing me one last time.

Our hands slipped from each other’s grasp as we entered the water. Heads down, we swan towards our respective cabins, neither of us looking back. The water was calm, and the swim was relaxing, a needed buffer between the passion on the island and the reality of facing my injured sister.

It is easy to enter a flow state while swimming. One stroke after another, a breath every fourth stroke, this is all you need to worry about, nothing outside of the water matters. All worries dissolve into the liquid, leaving you with menial tasks to keep yourself moving forward. Life is simple in the water.

Immediately upon exiting the water, my parents were in my face. They demanded to know where I had been, insisting they were worried sick. The worry quickly changed to begging me to help my sister pack.

They had arrived back at the cabin just as the thunderstorm was hitting hardest. My sister had insisted I was on the island, but they could not get me because of the waves.

We needed to go home. Janice had cut her finger to the bone. They had been able to stop the bleeding and bandage it, but she needed surgery to repair the tendon damage. We had to leave today.

My absence quickly forgotten, we rushed to pack the car. I helped Janice with her stuff as my parents took care of the rest. Everyone worked in silence, barely looking at each other. A couple of intrigued glances from Janice were the exception.

She knew that I had been on the island with Liz, and she knew that I could have swum back earlier if I had wanted to. It was not hard to put two and two together.

The car ride home was long and silent. My dad drove straight through, not bothering to put the radio on. The silence was simultaneously needed and excruciating.

I placed my hand on Janice’s thigh to comfort her. She glanced at me briefly before placing her hand on top of mine. We sat that way until she listed sideways. Her head rested on my shoulder as she dozed off. I quickly followed, laying my head on top of hers.

The rest of the summer was uncomfortable. My dad had lost his job, which is why he had wanted to take us to the cabin. It was the first time in almost a decade that he was able to take an extended vacation, which was the good part. The downside was that he was selling the cabin to pay for Janice’s and my college. We were never going to be able to return.

I did not get a phone number for Liz, which left me in distress. I had formed such a perfect bond with her that I could not imagine never being able to see or even talk to her again. Janice was upset as well, but she kept it internalized.

I blamed Janice for not getting a number, and I think she blamed me as well. It was silly as neither one of us had done what we should have. We both assumed we had more time. It was not Janice’s fault that she cut her finger, but it felt that way when I thought about it. The relationship that had blossomed between us had run aground.

With tension back to our high school days, we barely talked for the remainder of the summer. It was not hard. I was hanging out with my friends, making the most of the last days we had to spend together. Most nights were spend staying up late and drinking. Occasionally we smoked pot to break up the cycle.

Sarah and I broke up. She had moved on with a guy she would be in school with while I was gone. My messages had gone unanswered because Sarah did not want to break the news over the phone. I appreciated the concern, but I wished she would have let me know. It might have sped things up with Liz.

Janice was heading back to college before me. She had an apartment to move into at the start of September and was eager to get back to life away from home. I wanted to talk to her, to smooth things out, but I did not know what to say. We went to sleep the night before she left without saying a word.

A thunderstorm rolled in that night. It was not as bad as either of the two at the cabin, but I found myself lying awake thinking about snuggling with Janice. How good it felt to comfort her and how her naked body felt pressed against my skin.

It was a common occurrence following our return. I still lusted after Liz, but often my thoughts turned to my sister. The connection with Liz was intense. Like nothing I would ever experience again. It was unadulterated lust, destined to burn fast and hot. If not for my family’s sudden departure, we would have ended in a ball of flames.

Liz was the type that jumped from partner to partner. Each one thought she was their everything, while she was only interested in the here and now. Once the flames decreased, she would move on.

I did not blame her. If I had to ability to captivate as she did, I would have done the same. I am sure she would settle down eventually, but for now, I was glad that I got the chance to be with her. It was a day that I would think fondly of forever.

Janice was different. There was no intensity between us, only a smoldering love that was interrupted by petty bullshit. We had always loved each other as siblings, but it had grown beyond that. We now acknowledged each other as sexual beings, albeit ones that were off-limits.

I had taken to sleeping naked. After the hot nights in the cabin, it felt good to lie on my bed and feel the AC blow over every inch of my body. I was lying as such when I heard my door creak open. A petite figure snuck through, pausing to disrobe before making her way to my bed.

I turned to my side as Janice slid in front of me. She pushed herself back as she had done in the cabin, only this time there was nothing between us. I wrapped my arms around her, squeezing her tight. Her hands grasped mine, guiding them to her breasts.

For the first time, I clutched and caressed my sister. Her breasts were amazing. As good or better than Liz’s. I nuzzled my face into the crook of her neck, lightly kissing her. Our actions were now overtly sexual, no longer hiding behind the fear of taboo. We had danced around the issue before but never crossed the line. We stayed in this position until the thunder grew distant, and the flashes of lightning no longer lit up my bedroom.

I was content, lying there, my naked sister in my arms. I would have happily dozed off to sleep to a delectable dream about her. Janice, always the more practical one, had other ideas. She was leaving and did not want to pass up the opportunity to achieve what we had been building towards all summer.

Sliding her hand between us, she grasped my cock, guiding it between her legs. As she arched her back, she slid me between her lips. They sucked me in, eagerly begging the rest of my cock to push through them. There was no going back now.

We lay motionless for a minute, my dick buried in my sister’s pussy. My hands slowly massaging her breasts, my face nuzzled into her neck. As glorious as sex with Liz had been, this was equal or greater. The lust and passion replaced by love and tenderness.

Liz slowly rocked her hips. I responded, gently thrusting into her. There was no urgency, no pounding desire to cum, no smacking of skin. We wanted to be together. To hold our bodies close, as close as two people could be. Liz was leaving in the morning, and we knew this might be our only opportunity. We might as well take our time.

We moved from position to position, thoroughly exploring each. I rolled on top of Janice, pressing my body against her’s in missionary. She climbed on top of me, riding my cowgirl before leaning forward and hugging me tight as she rolled her hip, her breasts pressing into my chest.

On her side, I straddled one leg as Janice hugged the other to her chest. I could fuck her deep in this position, but I took it slow, allowing my hands to roam her body, playfully smacking her ass from time to time.

Moving into doggy, we found that it was not conducive to the closeness we wanted. It was great for achieving orgasm, but it created a distance between us.

It was nearly four in the morning when I found myself on top of her, having slid forward from doggy. She was face down, with one hand working on her clit. I pressed against her, my legs straddling her ass with my cock sliding into her from behind. I reached under her with one hand and took a fistful of her breast. Tweaking her nipples between my fingers as I finally picked up the pace of our lovemaking.

Sweet coated our bodies despite the air conditioner blasting cold air onto my bed. In taking our time, we had worked each other into a lather, both of us ready to explode. Our love had morphed into lust, and our desire to be connected had been taken over by a mutual need to cum.

My glutes contracted as I took long deep thrusts into her. With each pull, I left only the tip of my cock inside her. With each push, my balls pressed between her legs. Her cunt clenching down as she approached her orgasm. I was not far behind, simply trying to hold off long enough for her to climax first.

I pulled her face to the side. Our lips met in an awkward yet passionate kiss. My hand grasped her hair to keep her head in place. Our tongues met as her cunt spasmed around my cock. She broke from our kiss, gasping for air as her orgasm peaked.

She did not scream out or call out my name. Our parents were asleep down the hall, and there was no desire to explain any of this to them. She buried her face in my pillow as she came, muffling her cries, her body twitching as her pussy clenching.

Experiencing her pleasure was all it took to release my seed. I filled her pussy with shot after shot of sperm. I continued pumping into her until there was nothing left, my muscles giving out, weakened by my orgasm. Cum was seeping out of her cunt, down over her clit, soaking my sheet.

I rolled off her, laying on my back as she slid beside me, snuggling her head onto my shoulder. She wrapped one leg over mine, her cum soaked cunt pressed against my hip. The air conditioner pummeled us with something air. Soon we were both asleep.

I awoke before Janice. She still hugged me from one side. Not wanting to disturb her, I lay motionless until she stirred. We wallowed in each other’s eyes, knowing she had a flight to catch, but neither one of us wanted to separate.

Janice was the one to break the silence, saying all that needed to be said.

“I love you.”

“I love you too.”