Elusive Love

“Complete work of fiction and even characters are fictional; All Characters are 18+.”



“This story involves a romantic relationship between three people but this chapter will only involve two with third person introduced in the last and involved in the next chapter, so there will be Incest, Lesbian, Threesome and romance between three people and my story is long so be warned.”



“This is my very first story so all suggestions are welcomed.”



“Special thanks to Des for helping me with the editing”


I was preparing for the date tonight with Jack in my room when there was a voice from outside of my room.

“Hey sis, are you busy?” said Ethan.

Ethan is my little brother and My name is Sophie 21-year-old with 3 years gap in between us with Ethan being 18.

“You need something Lil bro?” I asked.

“Yea… actually never mind…” he said slowly as his voice faded when he moved away from my room.

I was still in the middle of changing my dress so I could not go out and ask him immediately, once I was done dressing, and was ready for the date. I looked myself again in the mirror and was pretty proud of the way I looked at the age of 21 with my long blonde hair and blue eyes and my hourglass figure. That I worked each day to maintain, then I looked at my boobs, that just perfect C cup and are round, perky, and pretty handful to play with. My ass is filled out as well and I was looking like a total knockout for sure. If I only had ears and tails on my back, I would look like K/DA Ahri from a game that I played with Ethan for some time. Once I was done admiring myself in the mirror I went out to see Ethan and I knocked on his door lightly.

“You in there Ethan?” I asked and no reply came and I asked again.

“Are you in, Lil bro?”

“Yes…” He whispered.

I moved the knob to open the door and found him on his bed listening to some songs with headphones on his head, for an 18-year-old boy he is pretty tall and muscular thanks to his workout in the gym, with his black hair and sharp facial feature he looked like a lot like Kayn from LOL.

“You came to my room a while ago? Need something?”

He looked at me after starring for a while he looked back at his phone.

“No just dad said you are going on a date so just wanted to know was it true or what but seeing you like this I guess he was telling the truth.”

I smiled softly and leaned on the door with my shoulder as I asked him.

“And you wanted to know because?”

He looked at me again and again starred for a while then took a deep breath and said. “Just let me know if there’s anything wrong or if he tries something I will make sure he will pay for it.”

I gave him a beaming smile and started to move towards him.

“Awe… look at that, my Lil bro worried so much about his big sis?” as I got close to him I grabbed his head and crushed him in a bear hug as he tried to get away from me without putting much effort behind it which made me chuckle a bit.

“Hey get away from me you fox!!” he yelled but I still kept him in the bear hug for a little longer than let him go after he stopped putting up the fight.

“I’m happy that you are worried for me bro but you are forgetting that I’m 2 years older than you and I’m more than capable of taking care of myself.”

“I know that you are but I still wanted to make sure is all, so just promise me that you will.”

I know why he is being like this and to be honest that reason is alone to make me love him even more, almost all the time I have been on the dates so far none has ever gone well as all the guys could think about when going out with me is how to get into my pants but last time was the most horrible.


(Few Months Ago)


The guy even after saying no won’t leave me back home but instead tried to take me to some unknown place saying that this place will be good to make me in the mood and as things started to go south for me I said to the guy to let me go toilet before we go anywhere and after being reluctant for a bit he agreed.

As I came into the bathroom stall I immediately called Ethan and told him everything even though he was just 18 he still is very fit and can hold on his own. After waiting for him for about 10 minutes I got the call from him that he is here, which surprised me as the time to drive here takes almost 20 minutes and he does not even have his license yet. I left all the thoughts out and rushed outside to find him right outside of the lady’s washroom.

When he saw me, I saw multiple emotions on him starting from worried to relief to anger and then in rage. He started to look around but I rushed to him and hugged him so tight that I felt like I will l never let him go. He was saying something but I could not hear anything as I realized I was sobbing a bit and I could not make up any words in my mouth.

After a while, he let go and started to take me out of the place after the buzzing of the music died a bit and I saw dad’s car outside of the bar I calmed down a bit and that is when his furious voice.

“Who is the guy” Ethan sneered at me while looking around as if to recognize someone, he was asking about my date as I realized that Ethan has never met him.

Realizing how angry he is my eyes went wide and I immediately went into my big sis role as I tried to calm him.

“Ethan calm down please it is okay now we are out and I just want to get home,” I said in a low whisper.

He looked at me in the eye which looked so dangerous at that moment as I’m sure I have never seen that look on him ever, after looking at me his expressions softened and he started to calm. He opened his mouth to say something but stopped mid-way and said.

“Let’s go home then we will talk”

I smiled at him as he understood that I was in no mood to stay there any longer. Without me having to say a word, but just as we were about to reach the car I heard his voice which sent cold shivers through my whole body.

I tightened my grip on Ethan’s hand and he realized whose voice is it.

“Who is that guy with you?” sneered Ryan my date.

Without saying anything Ethan grabbed my hand pushed me behind him and spun around to face Ryan, even though Ryan was almost 3 years older than Ethan both are physically equally built with Ryan having a slight advantage. Before I even realized what happened Ethan sped past me towards Ryan and grabbed him by the collar started pushing Ryan back, Ryan grabbed Ethan’s hand but Ethan somehow overpowered Ryan. Ethan landed a punch right in Ryan’s face before kicking him in the stomach. To my surprise, Ryan tried to fight back but it looked as if Ethan is the one who is the older here as he not only overpowered Ryan but also literally dominated him in that fight and soon Ryan was on the ground.

Ethan kept on kicking him and swearing at him while threatening him to stay the hell away from me which despite the situation made happy butterflies fly in my stomach. I soon realized that if I did not stop Ethan he might hurt the guy too badly so I ran towards him and started to push him away from whimpering Ryan and after a little struggle he let me push him away still yelling.



“Calm down Ethan stop it!” I said to him in a big sister voice to which he immediately stopped and closed his eyes while taking deep breaths.

I looked at the sorry state that Ryan was in realizing how frightened I was to this guy who was lying on the ground whimpering in pain.

“When a girl says no it means no Ryan, you should not be forcing yourself on them,” I said in a calm voice now which again surprised me as I was frightened by him not long ago.

“You…” Ryan started to shout as he tried to get up but soon stopped when Ethan again pushed me behind him and started to make a beeline straight towards him. Ryan immediately stopped and took few limping steps back from Ethan then said again.

“Fine I don’t want to do anything with you two and I don’t need a lecture from you either, go to hell,” Ryan said and started to go back

Ethan again took a few deep breaths and then looked at me with a worried look.

“Are you hurt?” he asked

“No,” I said with a soft smile

He raised his eyebrows and looked at me questioningly and started to open his mouth before closing it again which made me chuckle at him.

“What?” he asked with a small smile of his own.

I said nothing just chuckled a bit more while feeling a lot better than I was an hour ago.

“Let’s go home,” I said

He still kept looking at me for a while so I grabbed his hand and started to take him towards dad’s car. He opened the door for me, once I was sitting in the car he made his way towards the driving seat and started to take us back home. Once I saw the club being left behind I looked over at Ethan concentrating on driving while I kept my eyes on him taking him for the first time for the man that he had become and not my little brother.

Soon my eyes went wide as I realized that he still does not have a driving license and he drove to the club which is like 20 minutes drive from home in less than 10 min, also when did he learn to drive a car!

“Ethan!” I shouted.

Ethan startled looked at me and caused me a tiny heart attack as his hands on steering shook as well and I gripped the door and his hand immediately. He slowed the car and brought the car to a stop onto the side of the road.

“Are you trying to kill us here!” he yelled at me looking a bit shaken himself.

I looked at him and after a while, I was bursting into a fit of laughter, Ethan’s dumbfound look made it even harder for me to stop.

I tried to control but I could not and after laughing so much that my stomach started to hurt, I was calm down to small chuckles as tears of joy were falling from my eyes as I kept looking at Ethan who now has his hands folded on his chest and was looking at me with a frown but with a smile on his lips.

Finally, after 10 minutes of it, I was quietly starring at him, and after making sure that I was over my joy high he finally said.

“What was that for?”

“Sorry I was just admiring how grown man you have become only to realize that you are still 18 and that you are driving dad’s car without any license, and as the realization hit me. That my little bro not only is driving the car without a license but also zoomed at the speed that is not legal. It takes about 20 min to reach the club and you were there in less than 10 minutes.”

I again said, “As much as I loved you coming here so fast but being your older sibling made me worry that something wrong could have happened to you while you are over-speeding.”

“If I have to give my life to save you then I would do that in a heartbeat so when I heard about you. I really could not think of anything, but the worst and so I had to speed the car as fast as I could.” He said in a very matter-of-fact tone even shrugged his shoulders at the end.

My vision blurred as I realized I had tears in my eyes, he looked at me and looked worried and started to say something but before he could complete his words I threw myself at him and hugged him so tight.

Burying my face in his neck while half straddling him in the driver’s seat.

He looked a bit shocked at first but then wrapped his hands around my waist and buried his face in my neck as we both just stayed that way for a while hugging each other as tight as we could. I had to admit he smelled wonderful, after a while a car honked past us which startled both of us and we immediately moved back to our seats. I started to straighten my dress as Ethan looked around the car or out of the window and I also could not look at him in the eye.

“I think we should go home now,” I said.

“Yeah.” He said and started to drive us back home.

I had no idea what to say to him after that little moment between us as I was not even sure myself what that was for but I felt like I need to talk to him as this silence didn’t felt right to me but I had no words to say to him, then I realized that he was about to say something before we entered the car and so I decided to ask him about what it was and moved to look at him and said.

“What was it that you were saying before we entered the car?”

He looked at me before looking back at the road then said.

“Nothing I was just worried he might have done something to you and wanted to know whether my fear was in right place or what but seeing you laugh back there I guess I got there in time?” he said but still looked at me for approval.

I nodded at him with a small smile.

“Yes you got there in time and I was just as good as I left the house,” I said.

“Not really.” He said which made me frown at him and I decided to ask why but before I can do that he moved the mirror in the middle of us towards my face and I gasped.

My face looked like a mess with makeup all over the place lipstick smeared and back tear lines from crying because of the Eye makeup.

“OH MY GOD!” I said horrified of my looks.

I looked at him and told him how it was because of me crying in the Club bathroom stall and not because of Ryan as I did not let him do much to me as when we made it to the club I went straight to the bathroom stall and called him.

“Okay so… you want mom and dad to know of this or…?” he asked.

“Can we keep it a secret in between us if possible?” I asked in a low voice

Being an older sibling and telling him to lie did make me feel bad but I could not tell my parents about this as they will be not only worried but might even stop me from going out alone altogether.

“Our little secret?” he asked.

I beamed a smile at him and nodded my head frantically to which he just chuckled. I rested my head on the seat and we both just got silent after that but a good silent until we got home, it was Ethan who first went in to see where our parents are and after making sure that both of them are in their rooms probably sleeping he got out and helped me sneak into my room.

He took my hand and lead me towards my room and once we got outside we stopped, I looked at him and he looked at me and I wrapped my hands around his waist and buried my head in his neck thanking him for the night and for saving me. He wrapped his hands around me too and hugged me back which made butterflies in my stomach fly again just like before but more than before this time.

“It’s okay sis, if you ever need me, I will always be there for you.” He whispered.

I smiled in his neck and took a deep breath, taking more of his scent in which for a weird reason felt too good to stop, I could not make sense of things than so I stepped back reluctantly and said my goodnight to him and got in my room and as I closed the door I rested against it with my head against the door thinking of the whole night and the weird sensations in my stomach I had felt, I stopped thinking about it much than moved towards the bathroom to take the shower and change into my nightclothes.


(Present Day)


After that night things went normal between us but I felt more at ease and close to him since that day and we also shared many secrets from his dating life which to my surprise was not going that well.

I started to give him some advice on what a girl likes and all but never got too personal with whom he is seeing and all as that did not felt good to me. Tonight was the night that I’m going out again on a date after that day and so I can feel why Ethan is not so pleased with me going on a date.

“I promise that if anything goes wrong, I will call you immediately.”

I was still holding him in a bear hug, but then I let him go and took few steps back and smiled at him, he did not smile back immediately. He finally let go of his breath and nodded and I started to move back towards the door and as I reached the knob. I looked back at him and saw him looking at me with a worried look which I could not understand as what he was worried about even after I assured him. I gave him a soft smile and moved out of his room and closed it behind me and released a breath that I did not even realize that I was holding.

I moved downstairs and told met with mom and dad who complimented me but still asked why I’m not wearing a dress or something instead of these jeans and shirt. I said that I did not felt like wearing the dress so I went casual and while chatting for a while I heard the honk of a car. I realized that my date had come, I said goodbyes to my parents and got out to meet with my date and as I was driving away in the passenger seat I saw Ethan looking at me through the window. I felt like going on this date was a bad idea indeed

I was back at home after the date and found mom and dad at the dinner table with Ethan nowhere in sight, mom and dad looked worried as I was back home earlier than expected but I assured them that everything is alright and it’s just we both did not find much comment things in between us so we called it a night.

I went to my room and waited for Ethan to inquire about my date whether something was wrong or what but he never came, after waiting for him for some time I changed into my night clothing.

I decided to call it a night. But sleep never came to me and after turning and shifting in bed for some time I moved out and made my way towards Ethan’s room. At first, I thought of knocking but realized it is too late in the night and mom and dad might hear and come to inquire themselves which I do not want. I tried my luck and hoped his door is not locked and guess my luck worked and his doorknob turned and the door opened up. I slowly let myself in avoiding making a sound only to find him sleeping with all the lights off except for the lights from the moon.

At first, I stared at him, thinking to myself as to why in the hell am I here? Why does it matter if he comes to check on me or not? but that thought made me sad. I realized that I was being stupid to think that that is all he would be thinking as if thinking of his big sister’s date is all he should be concerned with? I could not make sense of my thoughts and so I decided to leave before I start to get a headache, before I could leave though I heard his voice.

“I’m not sleeping if that is what you have been wondering,” Ethan said in a soft voice.

I was startled at first but relaxed a bit and turned around to see him now still in dark but with moonlight, I was able to see him sitting in his bed now.

“Oh sorry I thought you were asleep so…”

“So…” he said.

“Um… I could not sleep so I thought I would come to you to talk or something but I did not think that you could be sleeping too.”

“I’m not sleeping as you can see, anything you wanted to talk about.”

I stood there fidgeting with the hem of my sleeping shirt and realized that I was in just my nightshirt and panties standing in his room and was relieved that lights are not on.

I would have been too embarrassed by myself as this shirt is not the thing you can wear in front of your lil bro without a bra or even with a bra. He moved to turn on the lights and I immediately rushed towards him whispering loudly not to turn it on.

As I did that I came close to his bed and was holding his hand only to realize that I was close enough that he can see me in the moonlight better up close.

“Can I sit on the bed?” I asked.

“Yeah,” he said.

I let go of his hand and moved to sit in his bed as he shifted a little bit to the other side and I quickly wrapped the sheets at my exposed legs as I felt blush rushing to my face when I realized that except for panties there is nothing down there, we sat in silence for a while before he broke it and asked the question that I was expecting from him the moment I arrived at the home.

“So… How was your date?”

“It went well…” I said.

I felt him shit in bed a little but did not say much after that.

“He didn’t trouble you right?” he asked.

“No,” I said keeping answers short.

We fell in silent again as he didn’t ask much after that, I took a glance at him to see what expression he had on his face but because of the darkness I could not see it as with the moonlight I can only make out his figure but to see his expressions it was too dark.

“You needed something?” he asked me surprising me a little.

I knew why he asked me that but I had no idea what to say as I don’t know why I came here in the first place.

But if I were, to be honest, knew why I came. That was because I wanted to know why he was not there at the dinner table with our parents and why he did not come to check on me once I returned home. After repeating that question in my mind I realized how stupid that reason is. Why my little brother did not come to check on his big sister once she got back from her date? Yeah right as if that sounds like a real excuse… or is it?

I was debating what to say when I felt a hand at my shoulder shaking me off my thinking.

“Sis!… “Sis!” Ethan said.

“Are you okay?” he asked.

“Huh…? I… Uh… Yeah I’m okay” I said

“You went silent on me again,” he said.

“Um… Sorry about that I… Was just thinking something…?”

“Why you came to my room?” he asked.

“Um… No… I mean yes… But that is…” I could not come up with an excuse so I took a deep breath and decided to be honest with him for my reason for coming.

“You did not come to see me once I got home,” I said.

He fell silent after that and I felt him shift a bit on the bed.

“Um… I…”

This time it felt like he was struggling to answer, I waited for him to finish but he never did and we both again fell in silence. I started to get up from the bed and go towards my room and as I was moving up I felt him grab my hand and now.

I was on both my knees on the bed looking away from him towards the door, but his next word caught me off guard.

“Are you crying?” he asked me in worry.

“Something happened to you? Did he do something? Did he hurt you?!!” he said in an angered voice.

I could not contain it much longer as my emotions were going all over the place and my next words shocked me more than him.

“No, it was you who hurt me!” I blurted kind of shocking myself with that. It was silent again and I did not dare to move as I felt him move behind me still keeping my hand in his. I felt him come behind me and hugging me from the back closing his hands around my waist and pulling me back towards him.

“Do you want to stay here tonight?” he asked me and surprised me as well.

Without saying much, he started to pull me back towards bed still hugging me from the back and we both fell in a spooning position. We just laid there both just breathing and staying silent, after some time he started talking and asked me about my date. When I first spoke my words came a little out of breath but I took a deep breath and told him everything that went on date.

“And after dinner, I realized that we are not really kicking off that well and my mind was somewhere else so I just asked him to call it a night and he understood and he dropped me back home.”

“So was this a good date or…” he asked

“I would say it went well… but cannot judge it much as you know, not that experienced on dating myself even though I’m 21 but you know how it always goes,” I whispered.

“So you will go out with him again?”

“He asked me to go out with him again but I refused as I could not find myself to go out with him that good.”

As I said these words I felt him take a deep breath and exhale it on my neck as we are still in a spooning position so I felt his body relaxed as well after that, which for some weird reason made me smile a little.

“You happy that I will not go on a date again?” I asked him in a teasing voice.

“Huh… No… I… Uh…” he could not say anything so I turned around to face him, maintaining his hands on my waist as I turned I looked at him. Even though it was dark I was close enough to see his expressions a little bit now, I kept starring at him and he did the same and I felt butterflies in my stomach again, and thinking bold I started to move towards him. I started to feel his breath on my lips and my nostrils flared with his scent but before the unthinkable could have happened his phone rang and we both startled by it quickly moved away from each other.

I took deep breaths and got to the other side of the bed distancing myself from him completely, breaking all physical contact. He went to check on his phone and turned on the lights. That was when I realized that he was shirtless (yes I did not realize that while he was holding me as my stomach was twisting in knots already to think straight).

After checking his phone, he looked at me and I felt him stare at me from head to toe as I was now out of the sheets so I was in just my nightshirt which was see-through and short panties, as I felt his gaze on me I instinctively covered myself with the sheets and started to blush. We stayed silent for a while and then I decided to make the bold move and ask him what I wanted to ask this whole time.

“Will you go out on a date with me” I blurted in a breathless voice, realizing and blushing I started to move away from his bed and out when his answer stopped me.

“Yes,” he said.

I stopped and stared at the door again in the same way as I was, before he pulled me in a spooning position only this time there was no darkness and My almost bareback was completely exposed to him. He did not grab my hand or tried to get me back in bed with him again.

I sat down in bed keeping my back towards him as I started to speak.

“I mean it like just a normal day out where we can simulate the date as you know… I just… Wanted to experience a good date for once and you are the only guy I can think of who would not try to take advantage of me and all and I just…” I kept on blurting words that does not make much sense but then he spoke.

“Yeah I also was thinking the same, as my past dates I had no idea how to treat them good. This way I will also learn a way or two on how to treat a lady nicely,” he said.

I relaxed and looked back at him and was looking at me with a soft smile which made me relaxed even more and I returned his smile but my smile turned into a smirk when I said my next words and his smile faded after that.

“So it’s decided we will go on our very first date on your next birthday!” I said with a beaming smile.

“Wait what!” he said in a dumbfounded way.

I said “I want a proper date and that means club and dancing too and I want to enjoy our time but as you know we cannot just go out on a date out of the blue for so long without a good reason to tell mom and dad” I trailed.

“But that is so late…” He groaned.

“It’s just 2 months lil bro,” I said as I shuffled his hairs which I know he hates a lot but he did not bother removing my hand this time so I took my sweet time playing with them.

“Take it or leave it as that is the only condition from me” I added.

He didn’t say much and I started to move towards the door very aware of the two pairs of eyes that were on me.

“Fine I take it!” he blurted just as my hand reached the doorknob.

“Also forget about tonight till then okay,” I asked

“Okay,” he agreed.

I turned the doorknob and went to my room without saying anything else or looking back while smiling myself, and yea I did things to myself thinking of him that I know I should not have but that night was different and I let my lust got the better of me for just that night.

The next day we both met down at the Breakfast table and all things went to normal we talked as if nothing had happened last night but our eyes were telling a completely different story as they were shining that day with mischief. But soon we just got into our daily life and things went to normal and before any of us realized we were just 2 days away from his 19th birthday.

Mom and dad were busy preparing for his special day, and I was helping them with whatever they wanted., Ethan was not at home as he was busy with his school lately and that is the best time we decided to prepare for his surprise.

The day of his birthday came and even though we tried he still found out about the party and did not look as surprised as mom and dad had hoped which made me chuckle. Their expressions, when Ethan tried to act surprised and failed miserably at it, I decided to take over and kick-started the party with neighbors and Ethan’s friends and our close relatives all present at the party.

Even though most of our parents were there I still got hit on by a few of the guys there but I had learned to deal with it by now and just ignored them completely.

Once the party was over and the last of the guest went out of the door we started to clean up and moved to our rooms but just as I was about to reach my room I felt a hand grab mine and spun me around.

I gasped and was about to scream when Ethan slammed his hand on my mouth to cover it before I could scream, I removed his hand and said.

“Are you trying to kill me here mister!” I whispered in a mock angry voice.

“Sorry about that”. He said in a goofy voice which made me smile.

I raised my eyebrows at him thinking why he stopped me like that when he presented 2 movie tickets to me and said.

“One week from now for our date night you don’t have to worry about details, but yea, think of an excuse to let mom and dad go out for more than 6 hours.”

I was shocked when I thought that he still remembered the promise we made 2 months ago, seeing my shocked face he added.

“Did you forget about it already?”

“Of course not! if anything I thought it was you who forgot as we never talked about it this whole time” I said

“How can I bring it up when you said not to until now, making you angry or hurting you in any way is the last thing I want.” He said.

“Flattery will get you everywhere mister!” I whispered a bit too seductively than I intended.

He starred at me for a moment then starred at my lips then back at me I knew what he was thinking and I did not want to stop and he said.

“I did not get any gift from you, before you say party than no that was from mom and dad and not you so can I have my present now?” he asked in a husky voice.

Without beating the bush around I asked.

“What do you want for your gift?” I said in a low voice.

He did not say anything but started to move his face towards me and I knew what was coming. Instead of moving away from him or pushing him away, I held my breath and waited in anticipation with closed eyes. I felt his lips touching mine for the first time, I gasped but quickly closed my lips and just stood there feeling his lips on mine.

After a while, we both started to move our lips without letting our tongues just normal lip to lip and after a while, I felt his tongue came to my lips but I pushed him away as I was way out of breath from that.

We both were sucking big breaths when he moved in again and lightly kissed me and ran his tongue on my lips before moving away.

“Think of something for us to go out for and be ready in a week.” He said as he moved towards his room.

I stood there for a while looking at the place where my lil bro was standing kissing me, not so long ago. I then moved into my room and rested my back at the door and slammed my head at door too as I felt butterflies in my stomach again. I touched my lips with my tongue and thought of his tongue there and started to bite my upper lip.

I shook my head and told myself.

“Get a hold on yourself Sophie! that is your fucking brother!”

As I said that I still could not stop thinking about that moment and went to bed and masturbated multiple times that night. Just before the day of our date, I was running through the dresses that I would wear on the date as I cannot wear too revealing. That would make our parents question it, as the reason that I gave them was not true. It involved my University move and leaving home.

Ethan is not happy with that but he is supporting me fully and as he put it he just was sad to let me go so far away from home alone. Which made me cry a bit before he crushed me in a hug that we did not broke till our parents came home.

I finally found the dress that I thought would look perfect for the occasion as it was a blue tight on top with a side bare shoulder and other was decorated and fit me perfectly giving my chest. A perfect look and a short white skirt type look that reached halfway towards my thigh underneath it was a back short that had one leg leggings attached to it, with a black belt in the middle (KD/A All Out Ahri Look).

After looking at it for a while I decided to go with it and with a beaming smile, I threw all other dresses aside and started thinking about tomorrow. The day finally came and I had a storm of butterflies in my stomach that morning as I woke up, sleeping last night was hard for me as I could not find myself to bring to sleep but somehow I fell asleep though.

I had my stomach in knots the whole time and I was giddy the whole time, it was hard to believe that I’m the 21-year-old and older siblings in both of us but I did not think about it much. Soon time went flying and it was 5 in the afternoon and I was in my room all ready for my date with Ethan, I could not believe the words I said but I quickly brushed them away.

I went outside trying to avoid our parents as Ethan was getting the car out and he texted me that he is waiting for me outside. I quickly started to make my way outside and towards the car trying my best not to bump into any of our parents. But as I was about to reach the door my mom’s voice came from behind me and I stood right there with my hand on the doorknob.

“Oh My God Sophie you look gorgeous in that dress,” she said.

I turned around to say my thanks but she gasped at me which made me nervous a little which now that I think about it is happening quite often being an older sibling I still get nervous and more so than before, but before I could let my train of thoughts get the better of me my mother spoke again.

“My you look even more gorgeous from the front, don’t tell me that you guys are going on a date or something?” she said in a teasing tone but to me, that tone sent chill shivers down my spine. Which made me realized how fucked up our situation was, and how fucked up the things that have been happening in between me and Ethan. My shock was not that long however as her next word surprised me in a comedic way.

“Don’t tell me both of you are into those double date things and all, not that I do not approve of it but still your younger brother might get nervous you know.” She said.

After watching her for a while I could not help but chuckle at her.

“Don’t worry my lil bro has nothing to be nervous about and no we are not going on a double date.” I half lied.

“It’s just you know why we are going and with University and all I just wanted to enjoy my time before I had to leave,” I said

This brought sadness to her eyes but did not let her emotion get the better of her as I know she also does not want me to go away from her. but I was trying to act tough for my sake which almost brought tears to my eyes and I quickly went to her and hugged her before leaving the house.

That touching moment with mom had me forget about Ethan for a while but as I stepped outside I saw him casually looking ahead of the road while leaning against the car with his arms folded. This sight made me feel butterflies in my stomach again and I quickly got over the emotional moment that I had with mom a few seconds ago.

He looked gorgeous as he was wearing jeans and a tight T-shirt that showed his well-built muscles, after ogling at him for a while I started to make my way towards him and once I stood in front of him I cleared my throat to get his attention on me.

“Ahem…” I said

He turned his head towards me and his face made me chuckle a bit as it was in a complete shock, but my chuckle quickly died as he started to check me out openly from head to toe and his intense star made my knees weak and made me nervous too. I was afraid if mom or dad or even our neighbors saw him look at me like that they might not approve of it.

“Ahem… So…” I cleared my throat again.

“Are we spending the whole day with you ogling at me or are we gonna go on a date?” I asked in a teasing tone.

He slipped from the car and quickly opened the door for me.

“Yes come get in.” He said while holding the door for me.

I got in and he shut the door and quickly made his way towards the driver’s side now that he has the proper license I was not worried much anymore, he quickly sped the car and started to take me towards our first destination all the while stealing glances at me.

“You know; we might not make it there alive if you won’t focus on driving more,” I said.

“Then blame it on yourself for looking this beautiful.” He said which made me smile and blush a little.

“Oh, lil bro things his big sis is beautiful? Am I dreaming or something?” I tried to tease him

“I have never said otherwise in my entire life as I always thought you are the most beautiful girl that I know.”

He stated without looking at me but his words touched me so much that I looked at him and he just looked as what he said is a matter of fact.

“Flattery will get you everywhere mister,” I said in a teasing voice.

And with that our date started, we first went to the movie that he had picked for us and as we made our way in the theater I kept my arms hooked into his as a girlfriend would do towards her boyfriend. I did not mind it either as he kept getting looks from some of the girls there and I also was getting stares from men around. I was not that worried about it as Ethan had chosen the theater that is about an hour’s drive from our home. Chances of anyone recognizing us were slim but still not zero though, I was not going to worry about it as I have the date to look forward to. We were quickly seated in our sit and started watching the movie, the movie was lovely and I enjoyed it as much as I enjoyed playing with Ethan’s fingers and hands while we held our hands.

After the movie, we went straight to the restaurant that Ethan had picked we ordered our food played some with each other’s feet while we ate. We kept looking at each other the whole time while trying to play with some food on the table too and holding hands.

After the dinner, it was hard to go to the club with a stomach so full but thankfully Ethan had another stop before the Club and so we went to this secret spot as he called it. It was a road that looked too empty and if not for being with Ethan on this date I would be worried that I might not make it safe back at home, but since I trusted him. I let him drive us to the dark road until we started to climb a steep incline, and soon I was greeted with a gorgeous site of our city from the top of one of the mountains.

As the vehicle came to a stop I looked at him with a beaming smile and he smiled, He went out and came to my side opened the door and stretched his hand to me and I took it and came outside.

He led me to the front side of the car and jumped on top of the bonnet and helped me get there too. He was now on his back in the car and I was laying in his arms looking at the city and we just enjoyed our time there for a while before he spoke.

“Sorry for not bringing something here but I was thinking of a drink but was afraid you might get mad and all so I did not risk it.” He said.

I giggled a bit at that and said.

“You! my little brother are dumb, but I love you so much,” I said as I crushed him in a bear hug and buried my neck in his neck.

“I said to you this is our date night and for today we are not gonna act like lil bro Ethan and Big sis Sophie.”

“Sorry for messing it up,” he said in a sad tone to which I punched him in the stomach which actually felt like I didn’t even do much damage to him but instead hurt myself as for how hard his stomach was.

“Shut up you silly I’m enjoying it like this more than you can imagine so stop getting soppy over it and let me enjoy the view,” I said and inhaled a deep breath in taking in as much as his scent as possible. I shifted and moved to straddle him and faced him. Slowly I started to fall towards him as my heart was beating so fast I was afraid it will jump out of my chest any moment. I felt his lips on mine first then as I completely let go of myself and was now laying on top of him kissing his lips, his hands snaked around my waist and he started to rub them on all over my back.

After kissing just, the lips, I felt his tongue trying to ask my permission at my lips, and without hesitation this time, I let him and as our wet tongue joined together in my mouth. We both moaned loudly and I gasped when I felt his hands on my butt, but I did not let go of the kiss. We both started to make out right there very heavily as I grabbed his head and started to run my hands all over his face and hair gripping them and pulling him while gasping for air without breaking the kiss.

I don’t know how long we kept kissing but soon we had to take a break to get some oxygen, that I’m sure none of us had cared for. If our bodies didn’t need it that much, but as soon as we caught our breath I felt his hands in my hair. He quickly pulled me back to him for another kiss which I returned with equal passion and we just kept taking a break and making out there for who knows how long.

After probably like an hour we heard his phone rang to which at first none of us paid any attention to but he slowed down and started to move back to which I tried to stop him as I did not want to stop kissing him and I was looking at his lips as if I will devour it.

“Sis it’s the alarm for our time to get to the Club,” Ethan said a little out of breath as I still kept trying to get his head back to me and his lips on mine. He let go of me and let me have my way but after 5 minutes of us making out, he again said the same thing, and this time I let myself in control and listened to him.

“Oh… Okay… Um…” I struggled to put words in my mouth, as all I wanted was his tongue in my mouth that time instead of words. As I thought more about it I blushed, so heavily and bit my lower lip, and looked away. He is stronger than me, so he easily lifted me and sat me down beside him then got off the bonnet of the car and held his hand to me.

I took his hand and jumped on his arms and he hugged me back as I inhaled him more and my embarrassment faded slowly, after hugging few more minutes we were back on the road and making our way towards the Club. I could not help but think of the make-out session that we just had and kept touching my lips, biting them and licking them while glancing at him, and was relieved that he was in the same boat as me.

We made it to the Club pretty quick and just as we entered inside I wasted no time in taking him to the dance floor and dancing to my heart out with him. Without caring for the men that stared at me or tried to get to me as my sole focus was on Ethan.

I did not care for the rest of the world, we danced hugged, and rubbed on each other, and pretty soon we were covered in sweat and out of breath. We decided to take a break and I ordered a drink, we both were seated in one of the couches in the corners and catching our breath. When I glanced around to see that most couches are filled with couples making out and fooling around with their partners. I looked at Ethan to see him looking at me intensely as well so I scooted over to him and brought my hands to his head and we started to make out as well soon we both were out of breath so we took a break. We then finished our drink and went back to assault each other’s mouths.

We kept making out and being as intimate as we could without tearing our clothes apart, as at one point during our make-out session I was sitting in his lab straddling him and before any of us realized it. We were rubbing and humping against each other, but before we lose our senses we decided to call it a night and started to head back to the car.

As we were making our way out, I did not miss the hot stares that I was receiving from the men around but I just smiled and locked my hands with Ethan’s as we made our way towards the exit. Soon we both were in the car and just as we sat down, both of us looked at each other and recalled our day the things that we just did as a brother and sister. I tried to speak but none of the words came out and looked like he was also out of words, so without saying anything he started the car and soon we were on road and on our way towards our house.

As I was seating there next to Ethan, all that came to my mind was the things that we just did today from our start of the date to the moment when we became like horn dogs rubbing and humping against each other, against my fucking brother. I was lost in my thoughts when I felt Ethan’s hand on my shoulder shaking me and startling me, I quickly looked at him and he was split in looking worried at me than at the road then my mind finally decided to registered his words as he spoke.

“Are you okay sis?” he said worriedly.

“Ah… Yes, I’m okay bro” I said in a little whisper

He did not seem convinced so he slowed the vehicle and parked it on the side of the road then turned it off and looked at me.

“Are you angry? Did I hurt you?” he asked me looking in my eyes which made me sad for some reason.

“NO! You did not do anything wrong Oh My God! I’m so sorry for making you worry like this.” I said and grabbed his hands.

“But you look so distant all of a sudden since we left the club… I messed up our date didn’t I?” he said in a low voice.

His words for some reason made my heart squeezed, and I immediately went to straddle him and started kissing him and after the shock, he too responded with equal passion. This was not a lust-driven kiss though, but rather an emotional one. Soon we both parted from each other with a trail of wet saliva connecting through our lips which slowly broke as we distanced more from each other.

I was looking into his eyes intensely and seeing the same fire and emotions that I was feeling, at that moment, and with that, I decided to come clean and tell him what has been going through my mind this whole time.

“Ethan…” I whispered slowly and brought my one hand to his cheek while leaving the other on his hair, once I had his whole attention and our eyes were locked on each other’s I continued.

“Ethan… you do know what we did is not really what normal siblings do? Especially brother and sister?” I said slowly.

He looked sad then lowered his gaze to which I slipped my hand from his cheek to his chin and made him look back at me and the look in his eyes broke my heart. He looked broken somewhat his eyes lost the light that I’m used to seeing, but he quickly covered it with a neutral expression.

“So this is it? You will go to your university tomorrow and I will stay here so I guess I see what you are saying.” He said in a very cold and emotionless voice which sent hurtful chills to my heart, I tried to say something but he continued.

“You should get off me now or else who knows what this perverted brother of yours will do to you if you keep giving me signals like this. I might end up forcing you, to do the things that you might not what to.” He said in the same cold tone.

I sat there frozen after those words left his mouth, I tried to look, him in the eyes and telling him that it is nothing like that but he kept starring out of the window. While refusing to look at me, I tried to turn his head towards me. After a while, I moved from his lap and went back to my seat feeling so hurt that tears were almost about to fall through my eyes, but I held them back and just looked out of the window waiting for him to start the car and take us back. It took a while before I heard the rumbling of the Engine and soon the car started, to move but I refused to look at him. Or anywhere else as I was afraid he might see the tears in my eyes that were now falling in my hands.

Soon we were in the familiar streets and my tears had already dried and I had stopped crying but the pain in my heart has grown even more than before. And the longer I stayed next to him the harder my heart hurt me, but soon saw our house and car came to the stop right outside and just as the car came to a halt, I hurriedly opened the door and moved out of the car without waiting or looking at Ethan.

Once I was inside I made a beeline towards my room trying to avoid our parents and thankfully they both were in their room and I made it in mine without bumping into any of them, I went straight to my bed and fell in it and started crying like a little girl. I cried and cried and cried while chewing on my pillow to make sure that I do not get unwanted attention, after what felt like forever crying. I finally was sobbing slowly and then stopped completely before slowly sitting in the bed in a fetal position and held my pillow.

And started to recall the whole day and thinking how such a wonderful day ended in such a messy way. Soon I was thinking of the morning when I was feeling so giddy for my date and how I got dressed and met Ethan outside feeling him stare at me with so much intensity especially the bare legs and instinctively I brought my hands to my legs. I started to stroke them tentatively, soon I recalled our moment in the restaurants and how we were playing with each other’s feet. I started to stroke my foot too. Soon I was stroking my lips as I recalled our heavy make-out sessions to the part we started to rub and hump each other. Slowly my hands started to move towards my pussy but then suddenly I remembered the argument that we had in the car and I stopped my hands and brought them back to my knees and sat in a fetal position.

After contemplating what I said and how things went I realized, how bad the situation became because of me and it was me who did not clear the air after bringing up the topic of incest. I took a deep breath and decided that I cannot let this night end like this as this, it was the best night I ever had and since I will be going tomorrow to my university I cannot leave this mess in between Ethan and me. I moved to my bathroom and took a shower and changed into my nightshirt and short panties that I wore on the night we made the promise to go on the date.

I slowly went out of my room in the middle of the night hoping that Ethan’s room is not locked and thankfully it was not so I immediately let myself in and closed-door behind. I inhaled like I was out of breath when I saw him lying in the bed. Just like that day 2 months ago in complete dark with just moonlight coming to the room.

Unlike last time, however, I was not gonna wait or be hesitant before doing what I came here to do as things are far more clear between us now than they were back then, I knew he was also not sleeping just like me and so without uttering a word I marched towards his bed and went straight to him on my knees as I straddled his body.

“Will you talk to me please?” I whispered slowly.

He did not say anything so I brought my hands to his sheets and uncovered his face to see his cold eyes staring back at me before shifting towards the sides, for some reason that made me giggle softly as my strong and muscular bro acting like a spoiled kid made me realized just how cute he is.

“You are the cutest thing I have ever seen lil bro,” I whispered in a husky voice and brought my hands to his cheek and started to trail them around his face.

“We need to clear things between us bro so please you need to look here and talk to me”

He finally spoke but was angry even now.

“Your perverted brother really cannot control himself so you better not tempt me or I might…”

Before he could continue, I forced his head and slammed my lips to his shutting him down. At first, he tried to break but soon gave up and I realized that he is just upset with me and not angry. I slowly felt his lips move and his tongue soon coming into my mouth and we were making out the same way we were doing in the club. Only this time we were in our house and inside his room with him wearing nothing on top while I was in just my nightshirt and panties which were almost see-through and super thin.

Soon he was in a sitting position with me moving my legs from his sides to his back and brought my hands to rub on his hair and back as he did the same too while rubbing our body and chest together and his hands came to wrap around me. Once running on my almost bareback and other was playing with my hair. Soon his hands went inside my shirt and started running on my bareback, and I could not control the moan that left my mouth.

His other hand came to rest on my cheek and after kissing for some more we finally parted and were in the same position as we were in the car before. I brought the subject of our relationship, this time however I did not say anything and left the subject out completely as I moved my hands from his back towards his boxers and on his cock.

Just as I touched his cock through the boxers, still sitting in his lap with face inches apart. He gasped and took a deep breath but I did not stop as I started to put my hands in his boxers and soon I was holding his bare cock. To which he immediately smashed his lips on mine and started kissing me frantically as I rubbed his cock slowly.

I broke the kiss and scooted back a little and got on my knees and started to remove my panties, but did not touch my shirt and kept it on. Soon I had managed to remove the panties, and his boxers too. I brought both my hands to his neck for support as I started to sat back on his lab and managed to sit without slipping his cock in me instead of trapping it in between my pussy and his stomach. We went back to kissing after some time he was the one to break the kiss and speak first.

“Sis…” he whispered.

I looked at him waiting for him to say something more but he did not so I cocked my eyebrows at him telling him to continue to which he took a deep breath than said.

“Sis are you sure about this I don’t want to force you and if you do not like this then you don’t have to do this and I apologies for my behavior early in the car.” He said slowly.

I looked at him and felt warm feelings in my heart as I kept starring at him and taking in his word.

“Ethan… you are not forcing me to do anything and I can assure you I want this as much as you do,” I said.

“But you said earlier that this is wrong and all and that this is not what normal brother and sisters do.”

“Yes I did say that but before I could continue you just got so upset and went so cold on me that I could not continue as I felt so hurt after that,” I said in a low hurtful voice.

His hands quickly came to me and wrapped around me and he hugged me so tight to which I did the same too he finally let go after some time and said.

“I’m sorry sis, I got so hurt too that I thought you did not like me or that I was such a perverted brother to think about my sister like this when all she did was just help out with some dating tips and being a good sister…”

“Shh…” I silenced him by putting a finger on his lips then tilted my head a bit before bursting into laughter.

He starred at me as if I had just lost it and that made it even more fun and after laughing my heart out I finally settled into slow giggles before coming to a silence.

“Ah…!! It sure feels good to laugh after crying so much and…” I was interrupted before I could say anymore.

“WHAT! You were crying!!” he said loudly before crushing me to him and hugging me tightly and burying his head in my neck and kept apologizing.

“I’m sorry sis, I’m so sorry please forgive me, I’m so sorry…” he kept going like that.

I struggled to get away from his grip and look at him but he was holding me too tightly so I did what I thought will make him stop and bit him pretty hard on his neck. Immediately brought a stop to his rambling of apologies, and he yelped in pain as I made some distance between us and look at him.

“You doofus of a brother!! You trying to suffocate me or what!” I yelled in mock anger as he brought his hand to his neck where I bit him but I decided to ignore it and continued.

“Bro let’s not bring that up I want to live this moment to the fullest,” I said in a slow voice.

He looked up and I immediately went to kiss him and soon we both were back to kissing, wetly and passionately, after a few minutes of kissing. I started to rub his cock on my pussy lips which were completely drenched, in my pussy juice as our hands roamed over each other’s bodies. I brought one of my hands to his front and grabbed his cock which was leaking precum and started to rub the head on my wet pussy lips which made both of us gasp as our private parts touched each other for the first time. Without any clothing in between and soon I was milking my pussy lips in his precum and coating his cock head with my pussy juice.

We both had stopped our kissing and had our foreheads joined together as we stared down between us at the sight of his cock in my hands rubbing at my pussy lips, after a while, I got up a little and brought his cock head at my pussy and lined it up at my pussy entrance.

“Hey bro…” I whispered slowly and he looked at me intensely as our eyes met.

“I’m glad that you are my first time… AH…!!” I said that and sank hard on him, and felt the pain and pleasure of having a foreign object invading my body for the first time.

“ahh… Ahh… oohh…” I kept on moaning in pain

Before I sank and as I confessed to him his look changed too from shocked to surprised. I closed my eyes because of the things that I was feeling in my pussy and body.

I gasped and tried to take deep breaths as I still felt the pain of having his huge cock in me and losing my virginity to him. I was glad that he had been holding me in place as when I opened my eyes and looked down I realized that I was not even fully impaled on him yet, I looked up to see him and he looked worriedly at me which I can understand as I too did not miss the blood that was around his cock and my pussy.

He was about to say something before I took a deep breath, then lifted myself a bit on his cock and then sank on him as hard as I possibly could.

“Ahh… Ah. Ow… Ow…” I kept moaning as I felt like I was being torn apart by his cock.

I looked down and bit my lower lip as I saw that I was finally fully impaled on his cock and soon I went limp in his arms sinking a bit more but ignored the discomfort and just rested my head on his shoulder as I kept making soft moans while crying a bit.

“Mhm… mhh…” I continued and just stayed in that position for a while.

Then I collected myself and got up to look at his face as he now looked at me as if he had never seen me before, I just bit my lower lip and stared at him and then felt him suddenly grab the back of my hair and bring me in a very passionate kiss that I have never experienced before. Maybe because I had never kissed anyone with my pussy full of their cock but it just felt so different and more intimate than ever before.

We kept making out for a while with my pussy feeling his cock twitch inside me and me squeezing his cock too as we moaned in our kiss because of the intense feelings that we were feeling. I slowly started to move back and forth and just that tiny friction between his cock and my pussy brought immense pleasure to me and the pain that was there is now slowly fading away. We both kept slow kissing and moving in a very slow rhythm but soon increased our pace bit by bit and found that perfect rhythm.

I played with his lips biting and wrestling his tongue while savoring the taste of our mixed saliva while at the same time down below another set of lips were enjoying themselves as well as his cock kept moving inside me.

“Mhh… Mhh… Hmph… Hmm…” I kept moaning in his mouth as we kept fucking each other.

After some time, I was out of breath. I had to break away from the kiss, I started moving back forth a little and started to just let my pussy do the work as I let my lips rest for a while. I grabbed my shirt and yanked it off before I snaked my hands around his head and started to bounce faster and faster as the whole room was now reeking of our incestuous coupling and the sound of wet flesh slamming against each other and our moans. I was thankful that our parents sleep early as if they had come outside of Ethan’s room they definitely would know what is going on inside. I hoped for the best as their rooms are on the other side of the house downstairs even though we were making some noise Ethan’s door is closed and it is not that much.

After some time, he suddenly grabbed my sides and lifted himself on his knees on the bed and cradling me in his arms as I yelped in surprise and immediately wrapped legs around his waist and hands around his neck. To make sure that I stayed impaled on his cock, as he turns us around and laid me down on my back as he too slowly descended on me but holding himself up on his elbows so he does not crush me.

I looked up into his eyes and saw them glowing with lust and desire. I was sure that I, had the same look myself then he slowly brought his lips to mine. We started to kiss passionately as he started moving his cock in my wet pussy and we were back to moaning in each other’s mouths. Just like before and fell back in a good rhythm. After kissing for some time he broke the kiss and concentrated on fucking me as his pace increased and my brain went into the frenzy as pleasure coursed throughout my body. I started grabbing at the sheets underneath me, and the bed rails as I enjoyed the ride.

Soon I was feeling the tingling sensations inside my pussy signaling my impending orgasm as I heard Ethan making a huffing sound as he kept fucking me as best as he could.

I felt him move more frantically above me as he grabbed the bed rails and started to pound me faster than before, both of us were covered in sweat, and as he moved sweat started to fall from his face onto me.

I lifted my hand to wipe his forehead and grabbed a hold of his cheek with one hand while the other was still grabbing the bed for dear life. soon I started to feel my orgasm coming and my brain started to shut down as my whole body was torn in pleasure. I grabbed his head and pulled him close to me as I buried my face in his neck and bit hard on his shoulder to silence my scream.

I felt his cock grow inside me before he groaned and lunged hard and slammed inside of me, hard enough to drag both of us up on the bed. I felt his cock plunge deep in my pussy, probing my cervix when I felt the first blast of his come splashing deep inside my pussy and filling my womb with his cum.

Lights flashed before my eyes as I bit so hard on his shoulder that I even felt a bit of metallic taste of blood on my mouth. But I kept my mouth shut on him to keep myself from waking our parents, with the sound of our incestuous screams. And to muffle the sound of my screams. I could not help it, and kept moaning and whaling like an animal. The pressure of my orgasm and feeling his cock inside

me, the feeling of his sperm spraying in my womb as he kept painting my womb with his cum with each little stroke he took.

I found myself out of breath, and I started to gulp as much air as I possibly could. but that just flared my nostrils. I smelt the scent of our mixed sweat and our incest sex, all of it was too much for me. My vision went dark as I passed out for few seconds from the intense moment. I was back to my senses soon as I felt Ethan fall on top of me, crushing me under his sweat-covered body.

As he buried his head in my neck and started to take a deep breath himself while making huffing sounds and gulping as much air as he could. I felt his hot breath on my neck which, was tickling me a bit but I let him stay there for a while as we both tried to catch our breaths but soon I started to feel the pressure of his body and said the first word.

“You are crushing me lil bro” I gasped as I was still a bit out of breath.

Ethan took few seconds before raising himself on his elbows, rolling us over so that now he was on his back with me on top of him. I rested my head in his neck kissing him softly, before scooting down a bit to let my head rest on his chest and felt his semi-hard cock still buried inside me. I took a deep breath then just let myself lay on top of him for a while before I spoke.

“That was amazing lil bro,” I said in a soft voice.

Ethan did not say anything, so I looked up and resting my chin on his chest, to look at his face only to find him looking at me with the expression I will never forget for as long as I live. He was looking at me with his eyes filled with wonder and amazement as if he could not believe that I was there and that the things we did is real and not a dream. To which even, I was wondering the same a moment before.

I then just accepted that we had crossed all the boundaries of a normal brother and sister relationship tonight, it was hard for me to say what I was about to say, I started but, before I could say anything Ethan wrapped his hands around my back and crushed me to himself.

“You are the best sis.” He said then he brought his lips to mine and we just kissed without going crazy for each other.

I felt a warm feeling deep inside of me, after hearing that. I just smiled softly, as we just laid there kissing and playing with each other’s tongue. I broke the kiss and gazed at him as he looked at me too with the sweetest smile that I have ever seen.

“You are the best little brother, Ethan…” I said softly as I trailed before I could complete what I wanted to say.

Ethan looked at me then raised his eyebrows telling me to continue to which I took a deep breath and braced myself for what I was about to say.

“You are the best date I ever had Ethan, yesterday was amazing and last night was wonderful,” I said then took a slow breath.

“But as I said back in the car that this is not a normal thing for siblings to do.” As I said that Ethan’s expression changed, so I brought one hand to his face and place it on his cheek, and continued. “Ethan we did not finish our talk before so please let me finish sweetie,” I said.

I took a deep breath then said.

“Before you assume anything like you did before about you being the perverted brother, and all then let me say this” “That if you are perverted then I might be the horny queen of the perverted kingdom as I’m not only the older one here but also the one who led us to this path.” “In a way, I did not try to ever stop you and like you, said kept on giving you signals that I should not have.” “I do regret what we did or felt sad about it then.” “No I did not and I very much enjoyed our time as I lay here naked in bed together with you, as I can sense the feeling of your cock in me and with my pussy leaking your cum.” “I’m in no way a good sister bro, I loved being dirty with you and I enjoyed it so much that I did not try to stop you at all but I cannot let this go on.” I finally said.

“Ethan you and I are brother and sister, and what we did is not normal at all, we can never have a normal life or have a family of our own as you might have known by now that incest is frowned upon in society. We will never be accepted and might end up losing our parents and family if we even try to go on this path…” I was cut off before I could complete it.

“I want you and no one else, I don’t care about family or society sis, I just don’t ever want to live without you and you are the only person I need in my life, we can think about it sis and make it work somehow…” I cut him as I placed my fingers on his lips and shushed him.

“Shush…” I gave him a sad smile before I added.

“I’m not finished talking again bro so sit quietly and let me finish okay,” I said and looked at him and continued after he nodded.

“Do you know what we just did?” I asked.

“Uh… had sex?” he said in a low questioning tone.

I smiled a bit then said.

“Yeah that is true and I can assure you that I enjoyed it thoroughly, but have you thought what it means when a man comes inside a woman?” I asked while in my head I added ‘how deep you came in me and how much cum you deposited in your big sis” but I did not dare to say it out loud.

He looked lost for a second then his eyes went wide and he was about to speak but I slammed my hand on his mouth before he can speak.

“Don’t worry I’m safe and on the pills too so I will not be getting pregnant but I’m glad that you know how bad that would be,” I said

“Not only was I in trouble if I had been knocked up by you but do you have any idea what we will say to mom and dad? Like hey mom, sorry but I got knocked up while fucking my little brother so yea congratulations you are now a grandma.” I said in a joking way which made both of us laugh a little despite that being the most horrible situation.

“Yeah… that would be awful to explain.” He said before he continued.

“But sis I want you and as awful as that situation is I still want you because I lov…” I slammed my lips on him before he can complete the words as I was afraid I lose the will to fight the feelings that have taken place in my heart.

I broke the kiss and place my hands on his mouth to make sure he does not speak. “Ethan…” I took a deep breath to continue then said.

“What I wanted to say earlier is that we will have to become like normal sibling’s sooner or later as the world never going to accept it, I will move out to the university tomorrow and you will stay here and will continue your school, Ethan our date yesterday and the time we spent together last night I will never be able to forget it and trust me I will cherish this day forever, but we will have to get back to our normal brother-sister relationship Ethan,” I said that as I laid on top of him with both of us stark naked and covered in each other’s sweat with his cock coated in my pussy juice and my pussy completely covered in his cum while our mixed body fluid kept leaking from my pussy.

Ethan looked sad so I continued.

“Ethan yesterday was an exception okay and I just want you to know that I loved it and the things we did last night and I do not regret one bit about losing my virginity to you,” I said softly.

Once I said he looked at me with surprise before saying.

“Sis! What was that about I thought you have been dating and all so you must have done it before but…? You…” he did not complete so I did for him.

“I’m a virgin” I finished for him then added.

“Rather I WAS a virgin” I corrected myself making Ethan smile as I blushed too but collected myself before continuing.

“Yes I had been dating but as you know most of my dates were a jerk and they never wanted me but just wanted to get in my pants is all. So yea I never did it with anyone as most, I have done on a date is make out, but not too that much before sending them away before anything can happen.”

“And yet you own perverted brother…” he started to say before I slammed my hand on his mouth again and said.

“You see Ethan, both of us are perverted siblings here, I will not go into details like who is more and all but as being an older sister to you, your responsibility comes to me and so shut up and let your big sister do the talking,” I said.

“If I had not wanted this to happen do you think it would have happened?” I asked but continued before waiting for his answer.

“If you will start the blame game, and ruin it then okay. I guess I will blame myself for giving you signals and leading you to this path even though I’m the big sis here.”

“But I do not want that, as I do not want to feel bad for what we did as I loved everything that we did but that being said. You and I are still siblings after this and just because we had sex and loved it does not change the fact that we are still brother and sister.” I said softly.

“No matter what we want Lil bro but this world can never accept us. I want you to understand that incest kids are not the healthiest kid’s bro. There is a reason why people do not bang their close relatives, and no matter how much I want you but I can never strip you away from having a good family.” I said in a low tone feeling emotions building in me and feeling my heart being squeezed with each word.

“That’s just the nature of our relationship bro” I whispered slowly.

It looked like Ethan wanted to say something as he opened his mouth but then closed it and brought his hand to my cheek and wiped the tear from my eyes. I did not even realize that I was crying, I was surprised at first as I realized it but then I looked at Ethan who was not looking at me with sad understanding. Before I realize it I just slammed my mouth to his and kissed him as tears just kept running from my eyes so, I just shut them close and I let myself enjoy the feeling of his lips on mine and his tongue against mine while savoring the taste of our mixed saliva.

I slowly broke the kiss as few stings of our saliva still connected to both of our lips and opened my eyes as I felt Ethan’s hand on my cheek so I slowly opened them to see him looking softly at me with care and worry.

“Okay, sis I will do that, to my favorite sister wants.” He said with a soft but sad smile yet his choice of words made me chuckle a bit as I punched him in the side and said.

“I’m the only sister you have you doofus of a brother,” I said with a soft giggle.

He mocked looking said before saying.

“Really? How sad is that” he said in a joking tone to which both of us busted into a laugh and I soon felt happier than when I was crying.

I went down on him and gave him few pecks on the lips without a tongue then rested my head on his chest and took a long breath.

“Yeah, whatever I’m the only sister you have so you better pamper me as much as you can if you want to be on my good side,” I said.

“I love you, sis.” He said softly

“I love you too little bro” I whispered without hesitation as this time his emotions were more brotherly than before, I felt that he meant it to me in a brotherly way too and said the same in a sisterly way as well. But was not sure about it still but I just left it at that as soon exhaustion took its toll on both of us and both soon fell in sleep right there in that position with his semi-hard cock still buried in me and my pussy full of his cum as our mixed fluid was leaking from my pussy.

Morning came and I was awake in the early to find myself laying half on Ethan and half on the bed with my one leg draped over his and hand around his chest. I moved and felt my body ache in sweet pain as I soon recalled why I’m there, the event that took place last night which brought a smile to my lips. I slowly untangled myself from him and got up a bit, and looked down at Ethan sleeping soundly, and admired him as I felt warm feelings in my whole body as I gazed at his naked form laying there beside me. I felt sadness as I realized our time has come to an end, as our date night had ended.

I quietly got up and started to get out of the bed and found my shirt laying on the side of the bed which I quickly took and pulled on myself than I searched for my panties but I could not find them so I just left them because I needed to get ready as today is the day I will be moving to the University.

As I started to walk I felt a little pain between my legs, I could not walk straight because of it but still made it to the door and placed my hand on the knob before turning around to look back at Ethan still laying there naked. I felt a twinge in my heart as I looked at his naked form one last time and recalling all the events that had led me to sneak out of his room half-naked with pain in between my legs.

I finally was able to leave his room and make it back to mine all the while feeling a bit of pain in between my legs as not just because of losing my virginity. But also from the soreness from the fucking that we did but with each step I took away from him. I was leaving our intimate relation away as well, I was finally in my room and made a beeline towards the bathroom and started to heat the water to fill the bathtub. I went to the sink and the big mirror that I have there.

My bathroom is pretty big with a wide mirror and sink with a big counter, I went straight to the sink to wash my face but looked at the mirror to see myself for the first time in an after-sex look. I must say I looked pretty horrible as my hair was a mess my face had dried tears my neck was covered in bite marks. I did not even realize that Ethan had bitten me, and covered me in his love bites while we were messing around in his bed. My eyes went to my legs and my eyes went wide when I saw stains of dry blood and cum over and around my pussy.

I looked back at the mirror at myself then took a step back and smiled dirtily at myself as even though I’m a mess, I’m a good mess and felt amazing at that. So after I was done admiring my sexed-up look I went to the counter and started to wash away my pussy and felt a bit of pain as I was still pretty tender. I closed the sink tap and stepped into the bathtub, once inside the hot water, I moaned as the hot water relaxed my aching body a bit.

It felt so good, that I stayed a long time tendering myself in the tub before finishing myself and come to the bedroom with a towel wrapped around me and went straight to the bed and fell on it as I started to think about our situation. Even though I had talked with Ethan about going back to our brother and sister relationship it was still a bit hard to forget the things that we did. After contemplating more on it, I just shut all things out and started to prepare for the trip towards my university.

I was soon outside the house saying my goodbye to mom as dad was putting my stuff in the car, once I was done hugging her and assuring her that I’m a grown-up adult and can take care of myself she spoke.

“Will you go and talk to him I think he is sad that you are leaving.” She said referring to Ethan.

Yes, Ethan has not come out of his room throughout the day and I had not seen him since this morning when I sneaked out of his bed with a sore pussy.

“Yeah, I was thinking about that too,” I said then nodded at dad to wait and they both started talking outside as I made my way inside the house and towards Ethan’s room.

I knocked and called him but I did not hear anything from him then I knocked again but again no reply.

“I know you are listening bro and I wish I had time to talk things more clear with you but know this,” I said and took a deep breath then leaning my forehead against his door and continued.

“Everything we did I loved it and will never forget it and always know this little bro,” I said with a sad smile.

“I love you the most and you mean everything to me,” I said that then waited for him to say something but nothing came so I just backed off and left.

Once I got downstairs I saw mom looking at me worriedly as she rushed to me and hugged me and started to wipe away the tears from my eyes as I did not realize I was crying again.

“It’s okay dear he is just young and too attached to you but once he grows up and has to go out himself he will understand.” She assured me.

I just nodded and went to the car as dad came to the driving side and started the engine as he looked at me with understanding, just as dad was about to get going Ethan came out of the house

“Wait Sis!!!” he yelled.

I looked at him and immediately opened the door of the car and ran towards him. as he was walked towards the car. I was in front of him I jumped in his arms and wrapped myself around him with my legs on his waist and hands around his neck and buried my face in his neck.

I inhaled deeply to take in as much of his scent as I possibly and was shocked to smell him still reek of our sex which made my pussy twinge, and I realized that he did not take the shower yet. I savored the moment and somehow stopped myself from kissing and making out with him to death in front of our parents as I tightened my grip on him.

After a while, I opened my eyes to look at mom who looked at me with amusement as I realized where we are and immediately untangled myself from him but he kept his grip on me and did not let go of me so I whispered to him in low voice in his ear.

“Ethan, Mom, and dad are looking.”

Hearing that he immediately let go of me and looked at me and was about to say something before I punched him in the guts as hard as I could, making him fall on his knees as I felt more damage to my hand than to him but I did not show it and told him.

“If you ever act like a bratty little brother you will get a good beating from you big sis you got that!!” I shouted at him to which he just groaned a bit.

“Sorry,” he said in pain.

I knelt and grabbed his chin in my hand contemplating kissing him on the lips but controlled myself and kissed him on the cheek before he got up and we both hugged again but a bit less aggressive this time. He kissed me back on my neck which was covered in a scarf as I, was still covered in the bite marks from him.

We broke our embrace and said our goodbyes as I made my way back in the car and dad started the vehicle and soon I was leaving my old life behind.


After Some Time


11 months have passed since Ethan and I had spent that night in his bed with each other and as we promised we forgot about that night. Or tried to forget at least, as I moved a bit in bed as I laid naked in my lover’s arms who was soundly breathing on my neck while holding me in a spooning position. We are in our apartment as I woke up feeling my body ache from the messing around that we did the whole night.

I started dating and moved in with my partner soon after, mom came one day to see who I’m dating, and let’s just say things did not go too well but she left on a semi-happy note with a promise that I will have to introduce my partner with rest of the family. I felt a hand sneak around me going towards my boob as my neck was soon being showered with soft kisses, bites, and licks which immediately started to turn me on and I smiled thinking ‘leave it to this person to know how to get me going.’

I turned around only to be kissed wetly and aggressively as our tongues battled against each other for dominance and before I knew it we were making out like crazy teenagers as boob was still being assaulted by my lover. I decided to return the favor and snuck my hands in between us and slammed my finger inside her pussy making her groan and moan in the kiss before she broke and said.

“Now that is how you wake up a girl damn keep going,” Evelyn said as we both are now playing with each other.

“Good morning to you too Eve,” I said calling her by the name that she said she only let a few use for her.

I’m dating a girl and living in a lesbian relationship and that is why when mom came it did not go well since back at home I told them that I’m moving in with my boyfriend as I had no idea how to tell them that their daughter is now sleeping and fooling around with a girl.

“Today’s the day” I whispered slowly and stopped moving my finger that was stuffed inside her.

Eve too stopped moving her hand and it to my face holding my cheek while looking me in the eyes and said. “Thinking about that guy of yours back home?” she whispered slowly to which I nodded.

I had not been able to move on from Ethan, and I still love him way more than a sister should which scares me sometimes, even though I have not told the complete truth to Eve. I still told her about my situation and everything while skipping the part that the boy in question is my brother but said that our parents can never approve of us and we cannot see each other but I still love him and yet cannot have him. To my surprise, Eve took hold of me and said she is there for me if I ever need her even if I want to leave her to go back to that guy then she will still support me. Which just made me cry and I just hold her back and told her that I will never leave her and I care for her just the same as Ethan.

“If there is anything I can do then let me know okay?” she whispered slowly again as I gazed into her golden eyes and nodded.

She came close to me and kissed me this time with love and after a while of kissing, we got out of bed and started preparing to make our trip to my home. Soon I was sitting in Eve’s car staring out of the window as she drove the vehicle and I could not help but think about Ethan and his reaction when he learns about Eve.


Ethan’s view.


It has been 11 months since Sophie, and I spent the night in my bed.

We cleared things that day when she left or so I thought as since she left I had not been able to think about anything but her. Even when I found out that she is in a relationship with some guy and even moved out of the university dorms to live with him about 4 months ago yet I still cannot stop thinking of her. I was mad when I heard that she started dating just two months after reaching the university and whenever she got home.

I just avoided her as much as I could, so that I do not have to look at her and feel sad and upset. Now that someone else now holds her in his hands, we only came face to face once in her 3 times that she visited us as other 2 times I just left the house to stay at friends. While claiming to my parents that I was going on camping with friends. When the first time she came home and we tried to do small talks and she tried to ask me about my dating life, I lied to her that it has been going well but in truth it is not, at first I could not bring myself to go out on a date with another girl but when I found out that she is not only dating someone but also moved in with him I got so mad that I just went out with a random girl and as things went hot between us as we were kissing.

Only thing is that in my mind the whole time was Sophie’s face, so I left that girl and even though I accepted that she had moved on and I too tried to go on another date. I could not, as each girl that I saw I tried to imagine her and so here I’m frustrated at my situation when I heard mom said that Sophie will be coming home to introduce her boyfriend to dad and me as mom had already seen him.

When Sophie announced that she wants to move in with her partner mom and dad were opposed to it and decided to meet the guy since they cannot just let their daughter move in with a total stranger to them, but on the day of the visit, dad got some work so mom asked me to which I refused before going alone.

Once she was back she said she approves of him without adding anything more and said that Sophie will bring him home soon to introduce him to us all and that soon is now after 3 months from mom’s visit. Just the thought of her with someone was enough to make me sad so I decided to go out to some friend’s house instead of looking at her with her boyfriend…


To be Continued…



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