Julia’s Concern

Author’s note: This is a fictional tale with all the characters over the age of 18 and above.

This story is written in the same universe as “Andrea’s Concern” however, it’s a stand alone. So if you want to read more about Andrea and her son, you know what to do…


“Are you serious?” Andrea asked her friend with a gaping mouth. She was shocked, utterly and overwhelmingly, listening to her friend.

“Yes, I’m serious. I don’t know what to do…” Julia replied in a voice that dripped of helplessness.

“Why don’t you just talk to him? Just tell him the disadvantages and ask him to stop doing it!”

“And say what? He is smart and already knows what he should or shouldn’t do… still he keeps doing it. And even if I ask him to stop it, what if he doesn’t agree? Then what… do you think that it’s a good idea?”

“You never know… Maybe he listens to you, then it could all become so much better and fulfilling…” Andrea whispered, almost as if she had stumbled upon a beautiful memory.

“What? What did you say? I couldn’t hear you…”

“No, nothing, it’s not important,” Andrea tried to change the topic and turned her head to hide the blush on her face.

“Maybe I can talk to him again…” Julia mused to herself. She didn’t pay attention to her friends weird behaviour, worried as she was about her own problem.

“Yeah, I think that’s the best, talking, just come right out and say it… at least that’s what I did… with my son” Andrea muttering devolved into a nearly inaudible mumble by the end of her sentence.

Julia was already lost in her own thoughts to pay any mind to her friend’s incoherent bumble. She was more concerned at the moment to find out a solution for her problem.

“I can talk to him but… How do I do it? It’s not a conversation you would usually have with your son, is it? That time it was disastrous… And we haven’t really connected since he started high-school…” Julia sighed and looked forlorn. She was sad about the fact that she couldn’t be open and honest with her son, having to worry about how to have a normal conversation with her own kid.

“That’s true! Even if he’s now 18 and an adult, this isn’t a normal topic…” Andrea nodded in understanding. They both sighed because of the tricky situation Julia found herself in.

The thing that had Julia so concerned was related to her son’s habits, specifically, his masturbatory habits.

This wasn’t something that had just come up suddenly. It had been building over a long time. Julia had ignored it till now, had tried to keep her mind off of it, and give her son the privacy he deserved.

She had been successful in doing that too, until, until a couple of days ago. It had become too much, too much that she couldn’t just ignore it anymore. She had to talk about it to somebody. So she just up and came to her best friend’s house, hoping to brainstorm and find a solution to her problem.

“I’ve been thinking,” Andrea began and asked, “Is it really a problem? I mean, high-school boys masturbate, that’s what they do!”

“But that much!?”

“Is it really that much though?”

“What are you saying Andrea? Isn’t jacking off six times a day, daily, too much?” Julia asked with her eyes widening in shock at her friend’s unconcerned voice.

“Hmmm, is having sex six times a day too much?” Andrea mused. “Maybe it is too much…”

“Of course it is! It is insane! And how does he even get that much… that much ejaculate? Doesn’t his… balls… hurt?”

“Well, high-school boys have lot of it in the tank…”

“What? What are you on about? How would you know even?” Julia gave her blonde friend a weird look.

“I’m- I’m just saying… yeah you’re right, it is too much…” Andrea stood up and turned around to hide how flushed her face was at her friend’s question. “Well aren’t you supposed to be the specialist? Ms. Psychologist?”

“I don’t have all the answers, you know…” Julia sighed. “That’s why I wanted your advice, you had a similar problem with Chris, after all.”

“My Chris doesn’t have this problem!”

“Alright, alright he doesn’t, why be so defensive all of a sudden… speaking of it did you get to resolve it to your liking?” Julia spoke while flicking her bangs behind.

“I’m sorry… and as for that problem, it has been resolved.” Andrea said with a mysterious glint in her eyes which went unnoticed by her brunette friend.

“I am at a loss you know, I have experience some tricky situations in all my life of 38 years, but this, with my own son… I just don’t k ow what to do.” Julia sighed wistfully.

“I mean he… he used to do it thrice a day but recently he is taking it too far!”

“But how do you know how many times a day he does it?” Andrea asked with some interest.

“Hmmm… don’t laugh okay!?”


“Well, it was… it started when…”


“Jack, can you ask you something, honey?”


“What!?” Julia was surprised by the rude rejection. “Why?”

“Because whenever you say those words, it turns into a huge thing and that is such a pain!”

“What!? You really think this way?”

“Well whatever, ask away…”

Julia knew not to dwell on the topic because it won’t be a short conversation, moreover, they had had several one of those about his attitude. That did no good for anyone.

“So, first of all how’s your new bed doing? Is it working for you? Not like the previous, too small, right?”

“Is this what you really want to ask me?”

“No, I mean, I-”

“So just ask the question already! And for your information, the new bed is just fine. Not good, not bad, just fine!”

Julia sighed wistfully. She was such an authoritative person in her job and outside the house. However, when it came to her son, her only family, she just found herself to be on pins and needles. She knew she should take a harder stance towards her son, she just was too afraid to make him mad at her.

She wanted to scold him, scold Jack, but whenever it came to that she would just chicken out. She hated that about herself, her constant need to be liked by all, her son in particular.

So, she listened to his every demand, however much nonsensical they were. Why only a week ago she had bought him a new bed, since the previous one was too small. That was the excuse given by Jack, regardless, if it were true or not.

“Now listen here young man…” Julia had had enough she was not going to put up with this any longer, or at least that was her intention when she began; however under the intense stare of her son, she wilted.

“Are you gonna ask me or what?” Jack huffed, clearly in a bad mood.

“Yes, I,” Julia felt like crying. The thing that she wanted to ask wasn’t a normal, everyday conversation between a mother and son. She had been meaning to ask him that since the day after they had brought the new bed home.

It was as difficult, no even more difficult than the one they had about him spending all his time cooped up inside his own room. He had broke it off with his girlfriend and didn’t even seem to spend time with his friends.

Also, much more concerning was the fact that his frequency of masturbation had increased from once daily to thrice daily, at least that she knew of. She did his laundry and that’s how she had come to have known about it.

That was a conversation filled with landmines. Somehow she navigated through it, however, Jack had left the room before she could finish. And of course, she couldn’t broach the subject of his masturbation. She was too shy and scared.

But not today. No, she had made up her mind, she wouldn’t cower under his apparent anger. She was gonna do it, and that was that.

“Well, there is- the thumping sound of your bed, against the wall. It is quite frequent as well. Do you know something about it?”

It was not a secret and she already knew where that thumping sound originated from. Still, she couldn’t come outright and ask him directly. With this question she was laying the foundation to move into the real thing.

“Why are you asking? Does it bother you sleep or something?”

Julia was left stunned. She couldn’t make out if he really didn’t understand or was just faking it in the hope that she would just back down.

After all, it was never about the thumping, or if it bothered her, it was about the cause of them.

He isn’t making it any easier. Julia sighed, mentally prepared herself to get to the bottom of it.

“So yeah, it doesn’t bother me. No that’s not the point…”

“So what’s the point?” Jack still had that uninterested, slightly passed off expression on his face.

Julia thought that it actually made him look more attractive, not that he needed it. He had tall, athletic build, much like the other men in her paternal side of the family. He had the same brown hair as her, and her fair color. She shook her head to get rid of the distracting thoughts and focus on the issue at hand.

“The point is… the point is that you masturbate too much!” Julia shouted. She was sure there wasn’t another way she could say it other than by shouting.

“Do I now?”

How is he so calm? Does he not care at all? Or this is just…

Julia was at a loss in front of her son’s apparent shamelessness.

“Yes! I can hear the bed thump against the wall. I can hear it!”

“And so? I’m not allowed to jack off or something?”

Julia had to catch her breath for a few moments. She was more than a little surprised by her son’s attitude. She was sure it would be awkward and maybe he wouldn’t even want to talk about it at all. But here he was all calm and mature. She couldn’t believe it.

Aren’t teenage boys supposed to be all awkward…

“I don’t mean it that way. I just, I just want to know why you do it this much? Six times a day is not normal. And why don’t you just get a girlfriend and have sex with her? Sammy was a good girl, why did you break up with her?” Julia blurted out everything all at once. She didn’t have enough trust in herself to do it any other way.

“With Sammy, it had run its course. And I can and will do what I want.” Jack replied in a cold voice, seemingly unbothered by the nature of the topic.

“But- but! Six times a day is too much!”

“How do you know? How do you know how many times I jackoff?”

Julia was speechless. She didn’t dare meet his piercing, questioning, gaze.

“Are you keeping track of every time that I masturbate?”

Julia felt like crying and running away. It was becoming more and more uncomfortable for her. She felt like a little kid, it was as if their roles had been switched.

Finally, though, mustering up the courage she squeaked out, “Yes.”

“Oh! You seem to have a lot of time…”

“No I just…”

“Let’s hear it then!”


“Just count to me the six times.”

“What? Are you serious?”


Julia felt an impulse to shove her son and run away. However there was another part of her that wanted to just follow his command.

What is wrong with me?! Why does this shameful and humiliating conversation seem so…

“I don’t have all day, Mom!”

“I’m- I, I heard you. Yeah that’s right, I heard you with the thumping sound.”

“Oh, you heard me, is it? What did you hear? Or should I say when did you hear?”

Julia felt small, she couldn’t quite put the finger on the reason why she was feeling the way she was.

“I heard you, when you…”

“When mom?”

“After you came back from school!”

“Hmm… okay you are right about that… next?”

“Right before Dinner and after that too…”

“Okay, that’s three times,” Jack hummed and asked, “You said six?”

“Yes…” Julia mumbled.


“When you are in shower…”

“What did you say? Shower? How do you know about that, mom?”

“I’m just… it was just I felt like I needed to check if you were doing it in the shower as well. And you were! I’m right! Don’t lie now!”

“Lie, have I ever lied to you?”

“Yeah, you don’t.” Julia smugly replied, she felt more than a little proud that her son never lied to her.

“But that’s not the point. Don’t you see the problem with what you said?”

“I’m your mom! I can spy on you if I want to!”

“Is that right? What a load of bullshit, but we still have only four, and don’t spy on me from now on. I’m serious!”

“Fifth is before you go to sleep, and the sixth is right after I retire to my room after doing the dishes!”

“Bravo! You got me!”

“Don’t underestimate your mom, kiddo?”

“Yeah, yeah… now what?”

“Now, now?” Julia was confused about what was her initial motto to question her son.

What kind of game did he play? I completely forgot that I was the one questioning him. He’s good.

“Now what mom? You have gone to great lengths, crazy lengths, just to find out every time I jackoff… why you did it I have no idea. Now just stop!”

“No! You stop!”

“What? You don’t make sense.”

“I mean, stop doing it so many times! You’re hurting your body and cutting off with the real world!”

Jack sighed theatrically. “I can’t. I can’t go any lower.” He then placed a soft kiss on her right cheek and walked off.

Julia was left stunned and speechless.


Of course, I can’t tell her everything. What would she think otherwise? I have a reputation to keep.

Julia consoled herself as such, and told Andrea the highlights of that conversation.

“So he’s not at all ashamed by the fact that you caught him?”

“Yes, that’s the problem!”

Andrea paced around the room as Julia watched with baited breath that her friend was going to device some extraordinary way to stop her son from masturbating too much.

“You just have to be upfront! You have to be strict and I think that should do the trick! You’re just too soft on him.”

“Yeah, maybe…” Julia nodded but her mind was elsewhere entirely.

I still haven’t told her that he changed from doing to thrice a day to six times a day when he saw me naked by accident. What do I do?


Julia had retired to her room for the night. She was in a terrible mood and thus wasn’t able to sleep.

“He will start now!” She said to herself, fuming that her son wasn’t listening to her.

“Do I confront him again?”

“But last time was so disastrous! What if I end up becoming that same bumbling idiot again!?”

“No I have to go and put a stop to it. What he’s doing is harming his body!”

“Yes be strict! Just like Andi said!”

“I’m going!”

Julia pumped herself up and decided to finally go and confront her son about his bad habit of masturbating too much.


Julia was just about to knock when she realized that she has to be strict and hard on her son.

“Knocking is for pussies… for lack of a better word!”

She psyched herself up that she was going to be strict, and hard, and wouldn’t take no for an answer. She then barged in his room.

It was all quiet, she was all quiet. The scene inside her son’s room, had her shook. She was speechless, her mind running a mile a second.

Julia saw her son in his bed. He was naked and his dick was hard. She had expected this much and wanted to use this to shame him into listening to her. However, her plan had run into a rough patch.

The problem was not that he was naked, and hard, and stroking himself, no, the problem was that he was doing it with her pantyhose.

Their eyes met, both a little taken aback by the action of the other. They were still, she at the door and he with his hand over his dick. And somehow, in all this, they started a staring contest. Both adamant for the other to back down. Moments passed without any action from either side.

It all came to head seconds later when Jack made his move. His action shocked her so much that she considered it all to be some kind of a nightmare. But no, it was reality, harsh, but real.

What he did was, he made a show of smelling her pantyhose and then wrapping it around his pulsing dick. He then proceeded to, very slowly and deliberately, stroke his dick, all the while maintaining eye contact with his mother.

Julia blushed profusely. She tried to look away, and thus lost the staring contest. Her son’s lips curled upwards in a smile, and then it turned to a grin. She had lost she knew and tried to beat a swift retreat in defeat.

There goes all my conviction. I can’t believe the nerve in this guy. He dares to masturbate in front of me, and that too with my own pantyhose!

Shamed and defeated in her purpose, Julia wanted to back away and go to her room. However, she just couldn’t tear herself away from there.

There was something majestic, something magnetic about watching her all grown up son beat his cock.

And what a cock it was! Straight as an arrow and thick as an iron pole. Wrapped around it was her silk pantyhose, which just added to the beauty of it all, added to the manliness of her son.

What clinched it was the fact that he continued to jack off even when she remained frozen and staring at him.

Julia slowly lost herself in the sight of her son beating his cock. And before she knew it, she found herself by the side of his bed.

Unbeknownst to both of them something had awoken inside her, something buried deep down. What pulled it out was her son, her own fucking son.

She remained watching him, standing by jis side, staring into his deep eyes. She understood at that point… she understood that his son wanted her, wanted her like no son should want their mother. Finally, it was dawned to her, why her son masturbated so much, six times a day to be precise. And really, she was fine with it. The taboo didn’t bother her, nor did the aftereffects of pursuing such relationship her son. She didn’t know why she felt like that, but she did know that she felt liberated.

And so when he reached out for her hand, she didn’t resist one bit. She let him lead her. He pulled her hand and placed it over the mushroom head of his cock, all the while maintaining eye contact.

“Aah, finally!” He said when she tightened her grip. The silk pantyhose enhanced the feel and added to the taboo as she steadily stroked his dick.

“Ooh,” she voiced when a drop of pre cum oozed out of his dick and wetted her hand through the now flimsy cloth.

Suddenly, Jack pulled her to him and pinned her down beneath himself. She in turn wrapped her arms around his head and gave him a soul stealing kiss. She conveyed through that kiss that there was no need to rush, she was there, she would be there.

He slowed down and returned her kiss. It was a little clumsy at the start but by the end of it they were in perfect sync, like any mother and son should be.

“Jack,” she cooed when he squeezed her tits. Feeling the slight resistance from her t-shirt he pulled it off of her.

“Wow!” He voiced as her tits came into his view. She in turn took the opportunity to rid herself off her pants and panties.

“Jack, honey…” She felt too shy to invite him in but her dripping pussy told him otherwise. He obliged duly to her non-request. He tore apart the now useless pantyhose and gave her another kiss, sucking her tongue.

“Mom!” He cried out as he entered her. She wrapped herself around him completely.

“Yes, more!”

He fucked her nice and slow, acquainting himself with each and every bit of her. She, too, was lost in the feeling of being filled up so thoroughly.

“Mom, I’m coming!”

‘Please don’t pull out!”


She jerked and came as he shot his load inside her unprotected pussy. He then fell off beside her, panting from the intense exercise.

“Honey!” Julia said after sometime while they both were catching their breath. “Why did you humiliate me so much that day?” It was the one thing eating away at her, all this time.

“Why? Of course, because you liked it!”