In The Bosoms of Her Family




By Norma Jane





After the double-dogging of ‘BubbleBottom 2,’ as Sylvia, Dulcinda and I lay close and stroked each other’s faces and flanks, Dulcinda began her unusual personal history, which I’ll relay it in the first person to try and give a flavour of:


Dulcinda’s Story.





As children my sister and I were mostly in the care of an aunt, because our mother was abroad, returning home for short breaks. She was, and still is, a brilliant economist, in non-stop demand around the globe, especially in developing countries, where she devised unorthodox fiscal schemes to boost their economies.

But when Lorella and I were eighteen, Bonita, as we always called her, came home to take up a prestigious university post and became a government adviser. And it was not just her ideas that were unorthodox. She was the most sexual woman I’ve ever come across, even more than Norma, and I mean that in all senses. She was often naked in the house, making no attempt to conceal any part of her anatomy, so I knew very well what nipples and vulvas looked like, and as Lorella immediately followed her example and was naked and unashamed I was able to compare the bodies of a mature woman and a young one,

In fact the two women were more like sisters than mother and daughter, being similar in physique. They were, are, big women, six feet tall, with voluptuous curves. Indeed, I’m proud that I resemble them closely in regard to height, bosomage and bottomage. Their resemblances extended to the details. Both have long nipples set in large, round, puffy areolas. Their puss-foliage is abundant, curly, shining black. Their outside labia are fleshy, but firm, with the inside labia protruding slightly and swelling greatly when aroused, emerging in a manner meriting a fanfare. Their clits are huge, dangling into the upper reaches of their vulvas like little cocks. Their capacity for erection is impressive. After I began sex with other women before I realised that most clits are simply not on that scale, sweet and cute as they are.

Since we had hardly experienced Bonita in the role of mother, the usual taboos didn’t seem to be relevant, and I became aware this was the situation when, soon after Bonita came home, the two of them began to sleep together. Lorella and I had left our aunt’s house for our own by then, so there was no-one to gainsay our intercourse. We knew other people were strangely inhibited, unable to engage with those closest to them, and we never spoke of our activities to others. But when we wanted sex we never hesitated to call upon each other, usually finding the desire mutual. Because, as implied, it wasn’t long before I, too, was in that bed and able to enjoy both mother and sister.

Before I first entered them I had I realised two things clearly: that I desperately wanted sex with both those beautiful women, together and separately, and that I wanted to be like them. They were the model. Whether I wanted to lose my penis I wasn’t sure. I thought not, though that decision could be postponed until I had been able to use it properly. I was sure the sensation in a vagina would be heavenly.

Being tossed off by them would also be amazing. I frequently imagined their taking it in turns to pump out my sperm. Or, better perhaps, they would swap hands as the milking went on until it was luck which one was eventually responsible for my ejaculation.




They seemed to arrive at the decision that the time had come to initiate me, and they laid on a party, ostensibly to celebrate the family reunion. There was plenty of eating, drinking and presents, all of which I relished, because I knew that with the evening I would sink into the maternal and sororal vaginas. And as the last birthday party guest departed, Lorella and Bonita closed up to me, put their arms round me. Bonita said, ‘Now, boy, it’s time for you to join the grown-ups. Are you ready?’

This was more a rhetorical question than one requiring an answer. Besides, Lorella put a hand on my groin and said, ‘I think he’s ready.’ They hugged me close and began to kiss me, one’s lips displacing the other’s in a kind of buccal ballet. My own lips glowed and prickled in excitement. They had, of course, kissed me often, but never like this. Evidently Bonita was leading my initiation. She paused to say, ‘Do with us whatever you wish, darling, and we’ll do with you whatever we wish. But let’s get you ready.’

They stepped away, stripped me in short order and stood back to study me. Of course, they’d seen me naked often, and I had even been half-erect sometimes, rather to my embarrassment, through looking at them, and I was not yet full erect now, from slight embarrassment. Lora said, ‘As we thought, a good sized tool, or it will be when fully charged.’

As they embraced me again, either side, I took Bonita at her word. The gates of paradise were opening! I turned in their arms to slip a hand under her skirt and ran it up her thighs to her knickers. Did she really mean I could do anything, anything at all? I slipped my fingers under the elastic and into that hirsute thicket. She made no objection and I fumbled in the fur for vulva. Readily found, it was already wet and as my finger-tips probed she said, ‘Do you like mummy’s special slit, darling?’

‘I hadn’t called her anything but her name since I was small, so the “mummy” was somehow disturbing, but also exciting, and I said, ‘Do you like it, mummy?’

‘Oh, yes. If you go up a little you’ll find mummy’s special button. She’d like that.’

Why was she using this infantilising language? Wasn’t this the time I was to become adult? But the idea that I was being maternally cared for was so exciting I began to pant.

‘Slow down,’ Lorella said, ‘Don’t spend yourself yet, little bro. There are more treats and teats yet to come. As we were still clasped together, she knew just what I was doing. At that moment my questing forefinger snagged Bonita’s clit and she gave a little murmur of approval and said, ‘You know what that is, don’t you, chucky? Mummy’s clitoris.’

‘Do you want to make mummy come?’ Lorella asked. ‘You can if you go on.’

‘What about you?’ I said. ‘Do you want to come?’

‘Of course, but best to finish mummy first. Or shall I take over?’

‘That’s what you do at night, isn’t it?’ I said. ‘You toss each other off.’

‘Of course,’ Lorella said, ‘And so many ways of doing it. We’ll show you.’

I hadn’t stopped caressing Bonita’s now enlarged clit and she began to move her hips back and forth. ‘That’s right, darling,’ she said, ‘Good boy, mummy’s coming.’ She gasped, stiffened in our arms, shuddered and let out a long sigh of satisfaction.

‘Well done, little brother,’ Lorella said. ‘You’ve given your first orgasm, unless you’ve obliged some girl we don’t know about.’

Bonita said, ‘And to your mummy. Who better?’

‘And without even taking off her knickers,’ Lorella said. ‘Good start.’

‘Shall I do it for you now, sis?’ I said.

‘Would you like that, sexy bro? Yes, go on.’

A thought came to me and I reached up under the skirt of her party dress and felt for the waistband of her knickers. ‘Ah,’ she said, ‘You want me bare-puss? Let him loose, Bonita. He needs to move.’

I was soon kneeling on the floor, both hands up the dress, peeling down the panties. Once they were off I stayed put and slid my palms up her thighs, one to nestle into her fuzz, the other to glide onto her so often-admired bottom.

Bonita said, ‘You like our bums, don’t you? We’ve seen you ogling.’

‘They’re so big and round,’ I said, ‘And this one feels lovely.’

‘Stroke away,’ Lorella said, ‘But don’t forget big sister’s clit, will you?’

I quickly located that equally inviting cocklet, and it was not long before she said, ‘You’re a quick learner, dear brother. Sister’s orgasm is near. Just a little more, and — yes!’

There is an instinct in love-making, I think. You know what to do. For instance to slow down as the climax approached, and, in this case, to grasp a cheek firmly as it pervaded her pelvis.

I had been so intent on making them come that I had almost forgotten that I, too, was ready, willing and able, and Bonita said, ‘Perhaps we’d be more comfortable in my bedroom now, if you’d like to explore a bit further. Into the dark interior, maybe.’

‘Past the bosomountains,’ Lorella said. ‘You haven’t been on those slopes yet.’




Once in that bedroom, the scene of so much mother-daughter sex, I was suddenly shy, even daunted, perhaps fearful I would not be capable of whatever they had in mind, perhaps doubtful about my own desires and how to fulfil them. Even if I was entitled to fulfil them. My erection began to subside. They understood, of course, and Bonita said, ‘Start with Lora, darling. You’ve left her knickers downstairs, but why stop there?’

This was straightforward as far as the removal of the dress was concerned, but then there was the bra, which was obviously tight, since those glorious breasts were bulging out of the top. I went round to attend to the strap. But it was so tight against her back I wondered how to proceed, because I’d have to take up some slack to do the unhooking and that would make everything tighter still. Needs must, though, and I got my fingers between strap and back and eased the elastic to do the unhooking. Then I realised I’d need to pull the shoulder straps down and did so. The thing didn’t just fall off, though. The breasts were so gripped in the cups I had to let them loose.

That yielded what is always a heart-stopping moment, and was especially so this first time: the moment at which the breasts swing free and the nipples stand forth in their glory. Lorella’s were, are, magnificent: too full to collapse in on themselves but too heavy to stick straight forward. They settled into place, close together, with that sweet rolling motion the larger ones exhibit and the long teats stood half-erect. I gazed, again rather daunted,

‘There’s a useful lesson, then,’ Bonita said. ‘Her tits are swollen from the orgasm, you see. Did you know they swell when a woman comes?’

‘I’ve read about that,’ I said, ‘But real life is different.’

‘What about mummy’s tits, then?’ she said. ‘Free mummy’s.’

The dress zipped at the back, so she turned and I pulled it down. She shrugged off the dress and stepped out of it. I dealt with the bra-strap and she turned round for me to ease off the cups, and now I saw that mother and daughter were, though similar, not identical.

For these were older breasts, which had suckled Lorella and me. They were slightly larger and heavier and sagged further. The areolas were bigger, the teats even longer. I gazed in admiration and adoration, until she said, ‘You like mummy’s titties? Show you like them.’

The only thing to do was to bend and take a nipple in my mouth, just the teat. That seemed too tentative and I opened wide to suck in as much of that glorious mammary as I could, over my tongue, so that I felt the teat touching my palate. Yet another discovery of an always amazing and wonderful experience.

‘Good boy,’ Bonita said, ‘Mummy’s boy is sucking at mummy’s breast.’

I could have gone indefinitely, but she put up here hand and eased the breast out of my mouth. ‘What about mummy’s bottom?’ She turned again and I studied those stupendous cheeks, which seemed to curve in more dimensions than the usual. ‘Feel them, Go between.’

I ran my hands across, round, back and forth, squeezing a little. The flesh gave and resisted, slipped under my fingers, seemed to push back at my palms. Then I slid finger-tips into that deep cleft, hesitant at first, because this seemed an intimacy even beyond sucking the breast. But I pushed the four fingers all the way to the knuckles, till the lowest encountered her anus. She wriggled and said, ‘Go down further. Find mummy’s cunty.’

She parted her legs and I slid my hand under, beneath, between those wondrous cheeks and my middle finger lodged in her vestibule. ‘There!’ she said. ‘See if mummy’s slippy. Is she ready for you?’

I was almost too choked with excitement to answer, but croaked, ‘Yes. She is.’

‘Do you want to come into mummy’s cunty, darling?’

‘Yes. Please,’ I managed.

‘Then you shall, darling. Mummy will kneel on the bed and Lora will guide you.’

Lorella pressed herself against me from behind. The feel of her bosom on my back and her curlies against my bottom almost made me come. As Bonita knelt on the bed and bent forward from the waist, thighs parted, Lora urged me forward and took my penis in her hand. Again, I nearly came. But I moved forward and leaned back a little, so that Lora could lodge my tip in Bonita’s entry. She said, ‘Push, boy. In you go, and don’t worry if you come at once. That’s natural the first time.’

There I was, then, my glans just parting the labia, and the instinct every cock-owner knows urging me to thrust home, and I hesitated. What was I waiting for?

‘Don’t wait, darling,’ Bonita said, ‘Come into mummy.’

Like any mating male I rammed myself in and came at once, even before I was fully in. There is no describing the feeling of a cunt closing round your cock. It’s a warm glissando of such joy and fulfilment you can hardly believe it’s happening. The ultimate blessing a woman can bestow and I sensed Bonita spasm with her love. ‘That’s right,’ she murmured, ‘Give mummy your precious sperms.’

That was when I realised they weren’t infantilising me: they were expressing their love, their care for my welfare and ecstasy, their welcome into their bodies, their world.’




Dulcinda stopped, hugged Sylvia and me and gave a deep sigh. Sylvia said, ‘I’ve never heard a story like that. I didn’t know such things happened. I thought all those incest stories on the internet were pure fiction. You really…fucked your mother? And that was…all right?’

‘It was wonderful, dear Sylvia. It still is. She’s over sixty now, but when I go home we can’t wait to get our clothes off and me inside her. She’s still beautiful, like Norma, because she’s looked after herself. She’s actually much slimmer, but her tits and cunt are as inviting as ever.’

‘What did she think about you…transitioning?’

‘If I wanted to do it that was fine with her, and with Lorella.’

‘Are you still…fucking with her, too?’

‘Not often now, because she’s in Australia, but whenever she comes home she comes with me. She says she comes better with me than with anyone else. Mind you, I think she mostly comes with women nowadays.’

Sylvia wanted to ask something more, but held back, and Dulcinda asked, ‘Would you like to hear about that first time, the three of us?’


Dulcinda Continued


I felt as if I’d poured my very soul into Bonita, and I was even unsteady on my feet. Lorella held me and murmured, ‘Just relax, darling. Let it ebb. The first time in a woman should be special. Are you still hard? Could you come again?’

Bonita said, ‘Still hard, yes. Give him a minute or two and he’s yours, too.’

I think it was then that I fully realised I didn’t want to be referred as ‘he, son, brother, boy.’ At the same time I realised that I yearned for breasts and a bottom like theirs, and yet, after just that one immersion and ejaculation within a vagina, I also wanted to have my penis. This is over twenty years ago, so transwomen were not so much known about and not about in such numbers as now. But I had an idea my aspiration could be achieved, and that idea at once became a sensation which suffused my whole system.

‘I feel hardening,’ Bonita said. ‘Try him, Lora.’

Lorella reached round me and felt between Bonita’s thighs to check the root of my shaft. ‘Oh, yes, firming up again.’

Bonita said, ‘It’s time to enter your sister now, and we have an idea about that.’

I was so happy with my cock nestled deep into Bonita, relishing the slick, clinging warmth that I was reluctant to withdraw, but as I began to do so Lorella released me and scrabbled on the floor for our mother’s knickers, which she used as I drew out of our mother’s cunt to catch the spunk-flood.

As I stood back from that stupendous maternal bottom, Lorella helped its owner to reposition herself to be sitting on the edge of the bed, looking up at the pair of us standing and awaiting the next movement in this fantastic sexual sympathy-symphony.

‘Turn and sit on mummy’s knee,’ Bonita said.

When I had set my bottom, on her thighs and pressed against her stomach, she said to Lora, ‘Get in place, my darling, and engulf that lovely tool.’

It is quite hard to describe what then happened, and I ask you to picture it. Lorella stepped up onto the bed, her feet either side of the mother-son pair. Then she knelt with her knees beside Bonita’s cheeks and slowly lowered her bottom. I understood that she was aiming to locate her entrance on my penis-end, and there were a few delicious moments as she made little adjustments of her pelvis, seeking the desired lodgement.

‘Should slide in,’ Bonita said, ‘Well lubed with cum and mummy’s cunt, and you won’t be exactly dry yourself, dear daughter.’

There was a further delicious moment as she took me in and there was a second of tightness before my shield pushed through and she forced me in by pushing down her bottom the last few inches. She said, ‘Oh, yes, that’s so good, all the way up.’

We three are now joined in a unique constellation. Imagine it. My penis is buried to the hilt in my sister’s vagina. My mother’s pubic hair is rasping my bottom. My sister’s breasts are squashed against my chest and my mother’s breasts are pressed against my back.

And those women then add further refinements. Bonita reaches round Lorella’s buttock and into her groin to lay two fingers against the base of my shaft, and says, ‘To feel it come.’ And Lorella forces a hand between my bottom and Bonita’s belly, homing in on Bonita’s clitoris. She says, ‘I want to help you come, darling.’

‘Can you come?’ Bonita asks Lora, who says, ‘Yes, when I feel the cock pulse.’

‘Then we’re ready,’ Bonita says. ‘Suck it off at your cervix, sweetheart.’

They know perfectly well that the first orgasm has set me up for the next one, and that it won’t need much vaginal slippage to bring me off, and Lorella begins to raise and lower her bottom, keeping me locked inside but caressing my length. And maybe to delay me a little to give her time to work Bonita’s clit and increase her own readiness she asks,. ‘Does it feel the same in me as in Bona?’

‘No,’ I say, following the distraction, ‘You are tighter and there was a little tightness at your entrance.’

She says, ‘That’s because we came out of hers and spread her a little.’

Bonita says, ‘Do you like to think of that, my darlings?’

‘You know I love it, my honey-mother, that I can put my tongue where I came from.’

‘And this brother of yours has spermed inside the birth-canal,’ Bonita says.

If this exchange is intended to slow me a little it has the opposite effect, sensed by Bonita in the hardening and swelling of my tool. ‘Going to come,’ she says.

‘Yes, yes!’ Lorella says, ‘I can feel it. Here it comes! Come, darling!’

We all come, and that they are coming raises my ecstasy to the point I almost faint as my semen seems more to pour than to spurt into the upper reaches of my sister’s vagina.




Dulcinda ceased and sighed again, and Sylvia said, ‘That was so strange and beautiful. Sad and so exciting. It makes me feel…well, I don’t quite know. It makes me want you pour your semen into my upper reaches, too.’

Dulcinda turned towards her, pushing her bottom into my stomach. She lifted Sylvia’s nearer leg and squirmed into position to enter her. She said, ‘Just what I need.’

‘I’m so full of you,’ Sylvia said.

‘Lovely, Sylvia,’ Dulcinda said. ‘Thank you. I’m coming.’

‘Oh, yes, please come,’ Sylvia said. ‘I can feel you. Fill me, Dulcinda, fill me.’