Pregnant 35y Daughter Needs Love


A mild, warm and compassionate story.

Everything is lovingly focused towards the pregnant daughter’s needs.

This story contains incest, fetishes including drinking from lactating breast, some foot-stuff and anal.

DO NOT READ further if those things offend you, or you find the categories disliking!

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“Honey, we are here now…all four of us.”

I just picked up our daughter Nina from the bus station, and we just lay eyes on my darling wife, sitting in the living room…all four of us. Well, that is not quite accurate; two of us could see her for sure. That’s my daughter and me…the baby sleeping in her arms might also do the same, if he wasn’t sleeping or glued to one of his mother’s breasts.

The fourth person was in Nina’s belly, and could not see anything on the other side of…

Well, I am rambling here, and should stop now.

Our 35-year old daughter had just entered the steps of her birth-home, with her two children. One just experienced the first candle in the cake, that everyone but the birthday-boy ate. The other one, (a girl) was due in four five months or so.

Our daughter’s boyfriend had his advantages and disadvantages. Be there for his wife and family was not on his strong side…no it wasn’t. He had been there from the start of the first pregnancy, then a bit absent in the middle, and back at the finish line.

He did what was expected of him at home, but was away quite a lot. Working he said.

Not an ideal situation, but kept the family going, in neutral. They wanted two children, and that part on the domestic chore list he was very eager on checking off, as often as he was allowed between her legs.

So, the sister-to-be was produced shortly after her brother.

The neutral gear shifted every now and then, Nina felt liked and appreciated, but…then…it changed. A couple of months after they found out about baby number two; she started to get a bit swollen. She was still breast feeding number one, and I did not think it was that much…but her mom thought a bit more than me…and Nina thought she was a blimp.

I thought she looked adorable. Swollen, but sooo cute.

Well, I shouldn’t think that way about our daughter. Especially since I love my wife, and we actually still do have sex, even though we have been married a long time now. Go figure.

Nina thought it just had to do with the swollenness; I had my doubts…wonder if it didn’t start before that. Didn’t want to pile bad things on top…but guessed her husband wasn’t mature and ready for all this. And he liked his job, made good money there…also traveled every now and then. Which fit very perfect now it seemed…the necessity in work-trips over the weekend had increased much lately.

And this week it just had been too much at home, so when he left on Thursday morning, saying he’d be home on Sunday evening…Nina couldn’t stop crying.

I think she cried all the way until I picked her up at the bus station. Because it was a very red-eyed teary daughter I got in my arms directly of the bus.

I held my sniveling little girl tight in my arms a looong time, until she started to loosen her grip, and my shoulder begged for a wipe down. The latter I didn’t care a bit about.

Short care-ride home, and here we were, in the hall…saying hello to my dear wife and Nina’s mother.

The afternoon with feeding (baby) and sleeping (baby / mother) had passed, and now we sat in the kitchen after dinner, drinking tea and having dessert.

Nina’s mom was tired and wanted to do some reading before bed, so she went up, and we continued talking. After a while and some shifted positions on the chair, I asked Nina if we should sit in the sofa instead. And we did.

We talked a bit more, before the little guy reminded us that he was here.

I had had my hand on her leg when we talked, most so we not just sat opposite each other and also so she could feel someone.

When they came back, my daughter now without her blouse, swung up her leg on my inside. And I automatically started stroking her very soft on the ankle and foot, almost not noticeable.

She did not react to what I did; instead she produced a large breast, filled to the brim with milk, and gave it to her hungry son. I stared to long, then jealously looked away…moving my hand up and down a bit, and said something casually.

“Dad, is it okay for me to sit like this? I was warm and didn’t think about…well, you.”

“It is very okay. I don’t mind it at all. Think you look very nice dear.”

“Thank you, that’s kind of you to say. Though you know how I feel about my body right now…bloated and overflowing from these two almost constantly leaking. And probably a loving husband that feels the same. Love his wife part-time, and the rest of the time of screwing hookers or co-workers, or whom ever.

Oh, sorry…didn’t mean to just say it out loud like that.”

“You can say everything out loud here. Both your mom and I like you to be totally open. This is the place to just let everything pour out.”

“Well……if you say so……then, I do like when you move your hand on my ankle and foot. And I would love a foot rub.”

I immediately saw that she was going to say something more, and maybe change her mind. So I quickly took of her shoe and sock, and started rubbing and massaging her warm and chubby foot.

“I thought you didn’t want to. See how it looks and its warm and sweaty…I’m sorry Dad…you don’t have to…”

“Shhh, can’t you see I want to do this? I thought I was doing a good job down here.

And yes, I see that it is swollen and a bit sweaty…and I don’t mind. I sooo don’t mind.

You always had pretty feet Nina and the swollenness just make them even cuter.

And to be honest, the sweaty part is kind of sexy.”

She did not respond to that. Just looked in my eyes, leaned back…closed her eyes and let me massage her foot.

After a while, when I thought she was going to say something about the other foot, she just rose a bit, said they both were tired. Motioned to me to dress her, and I quickly did.

A bit disappointed I put her sock and shoe back on again. But not before I kissed her naked foot twice, and apologized for looking too long at her breasts.

She did not react to that either, just said thanks for today, and went to bed.

I felt kind of disappointed when I went to bed without brushing my teeth. Did not want to wipe away the toe-kiss-thing.

My wife looked like she was sleeping but turned over when I lay down. And said low and sleepy, “Did you have a nice talk, she feels better? Good. Oh, the smell…did she rub some of her sweat of on you; I guessed you liked that, huh?

Looks like you are not super-happy though, did the evening end too soon…okay come here. You can snuggle my armpit if you like. Good to have our daughter here. Good night dear.”

I cuddled up real cozy against my wife and felt how much I loved her. And slept.

When I came down for breakfast, all three were awake, talking in the kitchen. Nina was pumping breast milk. My wife had her morning coffee, juice and toast…and the baby was playing on the floor.

I sat down and joined the conversation. Talked while looking at the baby…and at my daughter’s breasts. Nina obviously saw this, but just smiled at me and seemed to take extra-long time to cover the breast she wasn’t pumping from.

I noticed something missing on the table, and was just going to get up…

“Honey, if it’s milk you are going to get. I put it back in the fridge, intentionally. Thought you might want another brand today.”

I looked at my dearest…half wondering, half hoping…then over to Nina.

“Would you like that Daddy? Have me in your coffee? Milk from the breasts you can’t stop looking at.”

“I would like that very much, thank you. And I am sorry for looking so much at your breasts. I am trying not to, and your mom has very nice breast that I like very much…just as I like her so much, I can ”

“You can stop now dear, I know how much you love me. And you know how I feel about you. But this isn’t about you and me…this is about our daughter, and making her feel loved and needed. Give her a huge energy-boost so she is ready for another go at the daily family routines at home.”

“And having her in our cups is a great way to start the day. Really great way!”

I watched as Nina served me milk from the pump.

“Say moooo when to stop.”

“Moo”, I said smiling.

“We have the best moo ever. So, cheers everyone. Not many have their own milking-machine at home. And not such a cute and dear one too…love you sweetie.”

“Cheers, mom and dad……oh, I’m sorry….damn tears…”

She cried at bit. Got held by her mother, and I got served more delicious milk.

After we finished breakfast, talked some more, I all of a sudden got a foot in my lap.

“Do you mind? We did not get to that one yesterday.”

“Of course not, I’d love to.”

I just started massaging when the baby thought this was far too nice a scene. The floor-alarm started.

“Are you giving her a foot rub? Super. Keep doing that, and more…for real more…

I’ll take this cute little fellow for a walk. Carry on you two.”

We mooo-ved to the couch. And I continued the pulse-increasing foot-rub.

“I really like what you’re doing Dad, really like it.”

“I am very glad you do, dear. I enjoy this too. Could keep doing it all day.”

“I would like you to, take turns on both my feet. But now the fat cow is leaking again…”

“Honey, you are not fat, you are pregnant! And no matter fatness or swollenness or any other word you put on yourself, your husband is one lucky man. He hit the jackpot! He has a smoking sexy pregnant wife, he should be…

Oh, I’m sooo sorry Nina. Forgive me…I…get…carried away by how you look. It affects me.”

“Stop apologizing Dad! It felt so good inside when you said those words, and it affects me too. My pulse is beating faster and I’m getting….we’ll…I am getting…”

“Me too honey, me too…”

We just sat there, looking at each other, she with her eyes on me and both hands on her belly.

I with my eyes drowning in hers, and with her foot between my kneading fingers.

She withdrew her foot and half sat up.

“Dad, you can say no…but please don’t.

It was a long time for me since I……can you help me to finish, to come?”

“You have nothing to be embarrassed about my dear. I want exactly what you want. I will do nothing or everything for you and to you. No questions asked.

So, tell me what to do.”

“Can you stop the leaking while you caress me down there? It is not so easy for me to masturbate, and I like my breasts being touched. So if you…”

“You want me to caress and suck on your breasts while touching your, your…yes I will do that.

Just touch, not licking or fingering inside or?”

“No, I don’t want that. It’d feel wrong. Not to you Dad…absolutely not to you. But towards my husband.

I’ll take off my clothes, but leave my panties on.

No, you take my pants off and I take off my blouse.”

“I will lay on the sofa-table, like a TV-snack. And you should have full access to all of me then.

So, here we go…just a sec.

Now, all spread up here, ready to be sucked on and fingered real nice like.”

“Wow, you look amazing dear. I don’t know what to say.”

“Good, because I don’t want you talking, I want you sucking. And now Dad! Play with me, and make me come.”

I bent down, put my hands on both her soft large breasts. Started massaging the right one while I took the left nipple between my lips and started sucking and massaging that gently too. Nina took over righty’s massage and pushed away my hand, directing it to her panty covered crotch.

I stroked and rubbed the outside while drinking her warm tasty milk.

This I could really get used to. The special taste in breast milk was something I liked a lot.

And Nina liked everything too…very much. She was pushing towards my caressing hand, and telling me to suck more and massage her breast.

Just as I thought she came, she told me to switch side. The other breast needed a sucking mouth too and also more attention to here lower damp regions.

Again she pushed harder against my rubbing hand, and pushed my head down on her milk-filled perfect breast. I was in heaven having her soft breast all over my face while sucking on her erect nipple and drinking her sweet milk.

“Oh, it is sooo nice. Sooooooo nice, I feel it coming. You touch me so good Daddy, mmmmm it, nooooow. I’m coooooooooming. Ah, aaahhh.”

She pushed and held me down against her breast while she was coming. Tensed and relaxed a couple of times. Then she relaxed fully, and slowed down her breathing.

“Wow Dad! And I mean, woooooow Dad! That was so good…if you only knew. I came twice.”

“You did? That makes me so happy to hear baby. I am very glad to have helped you come. And believe me, it is something I gladly do again. It was extremely arousing and I almost came in my pants, just by touching you.”

“Naaw, really…that was so nice of you to say. Made me feel sexy. I needed that, thanks.”

“It is me who should say thanks dear, repeatedly.”

“So nice for both of us then…but you didn’t come, just almost?” I nodded.

“Maybe we could do something, if you want to…and don’t think it’s gross.

I just say it out loud now. Would you like to rub a cream in my behind, using your penis? And I mean cream literally, because I have hemorrhoid’s…so I rub myself to ease that some. And if you do it with your dick covered in medicinal lotion…then I really get the best rubbing ever…and maybe double creamed. Sorry.”

“You, naughty daughter. I will not say any comment, than yes. Absolutely yes, to all that you just said.”

Right then, the door opened and Nina’s mother and son came home again.

“Oohh, you look so cute together. Do you feel okay, did your dad give you a good time?”

“He sooo did! It was so nice and I came twice. And now he was going to come too. With cream on his penis, and inside my butt.”

“Really, was he? So what can I do then, I also want to do something.”

“You can prepare his tool for medical insertion, and maybe if you would like to touch my breasts?”

After a quick check that the baby still was sleeping out on the porch, my wife came back with the cream to use.

I’d taken of everything below the waist but left the shirt still on, unbuttoned and opened…but on. Felt better not to be totally naked, since all of this was so new to us. And well, it was our daughter lying there.

Very sexy daughter, and practically naked…except for the panties still on. And believe me, my dick liked the view. My wife didn’t need to do anything in the getting erect area, just the very nice rubbing in part. She readied me fast, and after a sensual kiss on my lips she turned to Nina and was going to take her panties of.

“Oh, please Mom. I feel uncomfortable with that. Only want outside panty-touch on my vagina. Strangely enough, since I ask for butt-sex. But my conscience feels a lot better if we only play with my naked breasts and butt this weekend. And rubbing me outside my panties…and of course, free access to my feet for any of you wanting that. Is that okay with you both?”

“You already know my answer sweetie.”

“Of course I am okay with that. We do things just the way you want them honey. Touching outside the panty, naked breast, butt and feet. Check.

I’ll just move your panty a bit from the second entry here, and put a click of the cream there too.

Come here with that erect thing your pointing in our direction with…here we go…is it okay if your dad enters your hole dear?”

“It is very okay. I am not so tight any more, but I do exercises…I really try, and beside that I also got the…yeah, well, you know what the cream is for. And I like when I rub and finger myself there…so just go for it. Push it in me daddy. Put you creamy penis all the way in my longing butt.”

Just touching her entrance was so good, and her sexy talk almost made me come. Luckily I didn’t…and right after my wife pushed my bum, I reacted…and slowly came all the way inside my daughter’s sexy butt. I thought it felt tight, tight and absolutely amazing.

Nina’s mom had gotten the same clearance as I had before, so now she was sucking on her daughter’s breasts and rubbing her vagina. That was sooo hot!

Even though Nina had come twice already, she was fast to get excited and really turned on again and pushed eagerly at me pumping in and out of her squeezing butt.

“Oh, come up here mom, strip to your panties and come here.

I am not ready to lick you, but I so much want to smell you mom. Can you 69 me, and press your panties real close to my face. I am so horny now, straddle me and let me breathe you in.”

About three seconds after Nina’s mom 69 her daughter and they pushed down their panty clad crotches against each other faces, eagerly smelling their aroused scents oozing out of them…I came…I came so hard I had to hold tighter to her legs not to fall.

And Nina, not only getting the best whiffing ever, with her nose in her mom’s vagina, she got reciprocated with the pushing smelling nose, and fingering as well…she came too. And the third time today was the most obvious one; oh she bounced and pushed me and mom. And low screams about how fantastic and nice this was. Aaaaaaaaaaaamaaaaazing, best ever…

After we settled down all of us, and Nina showered and fed the now very awake son, we all sat in the kitchen…again talking casual, again drinking tea/coffee…

…and again with our lovely daughter’s breast milk in our cups.

Now she did not use a bra, she loaned her mom’s and my shirts and had them hanging loose over her breasts. Letting them take the lactation. A leakage that was clearly reduced, due to helping parents.

“Mmmm, Dad…when you rub my feet, woooow, it feels…just wow. I’d never want you to stop. Well, maybe for some other nice cozy activities again. I would like that very much. And also do something around here, not only tending to the baby…and my needs.”

“My darling Nina, that is where you are hundred percent wrong. This weekend is ALL about YOU, and no one else. The baby can get a little attention, but this is you, just YOU dear.

I and dad fix in the kitchen, I can go for walks, and you get massaged whenever you want, and milked too of course. And come Sunday, hopefully the nice weekend and multiple orgasms have energized you like crazy love.”

“Thank you Mom, I love you so much. And of course you too dad…just as much.

I haven’t felt this good in a long time. Loved, looked after and cared for.

This weekend with you two has just started, and already I feel this good.

Thank you soooooooo so much!”