
This is my first story I’ve ever published. I’ve been a long time reader on Literotica, and finally decided to try my hand at writing. A huge and special thanks to s0rethr0at, for your terrific editing! Another special thanks to mscherylterra for her ongoing inspiration that made me want to write. She is an amazing storyteller, so please check out her stories.

This story is slow in building toward sex, which is near the end. The focus is on music, romance, and love between two people of vastly different ages. Hope you enjoy!


The green overhead sign said, ‘Charlotte 25 mi.’ My heart began to race, and the adrenaline flowed, reviving me from my 14-hour driving marathon. At last! I was so close to finally seeing face to face the woman I had adored from afar.

Even now, I could see her stunning beauty in my mind, and I glanced at my phone once again to see my favourite picture of her, that dazzling smile lighting up my world. Her picture is what kept me going through this thousand-mile journey from my town just east of Toronto, all the way down to North Carolina. Her wide generous mouth set in that warm grin, her sharp features framed by a corona of soft chestnut brown hair. And those eyes, oh my those eyes. Azure eyes, which were like the sky on a cloudless day, infinite in their brilliance. I previously had a long-standing preference for redheads and green eyes…not anymore. That combination of bright blue eyes and dark hair was now the stuff of my dreams. She was simply the most gorgeous woman in the world to me.

However, her looks were not the only reason I had fallen so deeply in love with her, not by half. It was her singing, her voice, THAT voice, which first drew me irresistibly to her. Low, rich, sultry and ethereal, her tone was simply unlike any other I’d heard before. I’ve heard other female singers with singular, outstanding tone and pitch control able to own any song – like Eva Cassidy (and who doesn’t love Eva’s voice?!). Beth’s voice was in that same rarified stratosphere in my opinion. It was the most mesmerizing voice I’d ever heard in my life. And just like when Eva was alive, she was unknown outside her circle of friends, mostly in Facebook musical communities. I felt part of a small privileged group that were the beneficiaries of her unique talent.

When I first heard her, both my world and heart suddenly stopped. Who was this siren, for whom I would gladly dash my ship upon her rocky shores to hear one more note? This is what Tolkien must have thought of when he described the haunting, compelling music of the elves.

Being a fairly good musician and singer myself, as attested to by the positive feedback from the same musical communities, I felt she and I were meant to sing together. During my drive down south, I played and sang along with her songs on repeat to keep me company. I simply couldn’t get enough of her enchanting voice. She was my belle chanteuse extraordinaire, my eternal songstress, my musical soulmate; the voice that transported me to worlds of serenity and brought joy to my soul.

As if that wasn’t enough, Beth, from all evidence, seemed to be a genuinely nice person! Isn’t that just so unfair? All her posts, how she handled the endless rave reviews and feedback from our communities with humble graciousness, her random posts so artistically capturing the natural beauty of nature about her in the city, her witty remarks, the kindness in her words, all spoke of a truly genuine, warm and wonderful human. So you see, this deadly combination of intelligence, wit, charm, huge talent and breathtaking beauty left me no choice but to fall helplessly and hopelessly in love with her.

The thing was, however, she didn’t know any of this. We were a thousand miles, two countries and seemingly, a world apart. And aside from what I knew from our message exchanges, I knew relatively little about her. She was a very private person, unlike others on social media who share every trivial and inconsequential detail of their lives (no, I’m not interested in what you had for breakfast, lunch AND dinner!). Me, I’m somewhere in between.

Beth and I had exchanged correspondence through Messenger and Facebook. We seemed to have a great love for each other’s music. We’d even done duets together online, much to the admiration of our musical groups. We now had quite a following, with comments suggesting we were combining two of the best voices in our FB groups. We had shared a few of our hopes and dreams regarding music, and she had opened up a little bit about her life, as had I. OK, I opened up a lot about my life.

The problem was, there was a vast difference in our ages. I was in my sixties, and she was in her early thirties. With part Asian blood, my friends constantly remarked I looked far below my age. I kept fit and had always been active. She knew I was a widower with grandkids. She, on the other hand, had said she didn’t want any children as she had too many other ambitions to pursue. She was working part-time as a legal assistant after graduating with a law degree. I used to own a consulting business and had sold it recently. So, with no financial worries, I was searching for a new adventure. She was single and had recently ended a bad relationship. She was not anxious to pursue another at this time. The hurt for her was still too fresh.

So now you’re probably thinking, hang on, there are such huge differences between you two. You’re old enough to be her father. In any other book, you’re just a dirty old man. Are you certifiable, or just all kinds of stupid? Yeah, well, who said love was logical, or even fucking reasonable? The heart goes where it will, and mine was pulling me down south.

I felt we had become good friends and I had a sense that we were becoming more than that. She and I had dropped subtle hints about how much we liked each other. I could sense her moods in the way she phrased her words. She reciprocated that sense with an uncanny intuition. Still, we kept things strictly at a platonic level, constantly supporting each other in all that we did, yet skirting the edge of going any further.

Knowing her reticence to start any relationship, especially with a much older man, I in no way wanted to ruin things by telling her how I truly felt. I was scared to death that any overtures hinting of my love might send her running for the hills. That’d be too catastrophic for me to handle.

So, why was I doing this potentially incredibly foolish thing by driving down to see Beth? Lately, I had sensed a mood change in her, with her seeming to become more sombre, perhaps even a bit sad, which was a stark departure from her normally sunny disposition. She wouldn’t disclose what was bothering her, despite my probing, so I decided to drive down and surprise her and perhaps turn her mood around.

Besides, I now had all the time in the world to pursue foolish passions. I had my guitar with me. I had thought we could play at some open mics…music might bring her around, as it had before. Naturally, I had my selfish reasons — this could be my excuse to finally meet the woman of my dreams in person and at least solidify our friendship. With such noble intent in mind, what could go wrong?

Well, I may be all kinds of stupid, but I ain’t naive. I had put some thought into this venture and tried to prepare myself for the worse. What if she wasn’t the person she projected to be online? What if she was just flirting with me, knowing she’d be safe with the border and distance between us? Did she like me as much as I wanted to think, or was it pure ego on my part? Did she just regard me as a father figure, and the concept of romantic love would be repulsive to her? How would she react to my sudden, unannounced appearance? Yeah, I knew I was taking a huge chance with so many unknowns, but I figured no game, no victory.

So that’s why my heart was pounding so hard when I saw that sign that I was almost at my destination. I was excited as hell and nervous as fuck. And it seemed to ratchet up the closer I got to Charlotte. Shit, were they going to find me in a ditch somewhere, dead of a massive coronary? Pull it together Joel, don’t let that be your ignominious end!

Slowly, inexorably, Google Maps led me through Charlotte city traffic to where I knew she lived and worked. Close by was the outdoor courtyard cafe where she’d usually liked to meet up with a friend or two for lunch. I was hedging my bets that she was meeting her best friend April to talk about whatever was bothering her.

That’s why I had driven almost non-stop since 9:00 the night before: I wanted to time it perfectly. I pulled into a small parking lot near the courtyard. I hauled my guitar out and throwing my gig bag around my shoulders I strolled into the courtyard looking every bit like a street musician about to do some busking. I began looking around for Beth, moving toward the cafe’s outdoor entrance to their patio. Still looking about me, I was somewhat taken aback when the cafe hostess–“Mandy” said the name tag, “Pleased to seat you!”– said to me politely:

“I’m sorry, sir, but you need to be scheduled and have a permit to play, and I’m afraid I’ve never seen you before.”

Laughing, I assured her that I was just meeting a friend and had no intention of playing. I was about to make a witty remark about coming down from Canada to seek my fame and fortune in the US when I looked over Mandy’s shoulder and my snappy retort died on my lips. There she was, my Beth, the woman I adored; the unaware keeper of my heart, in animated conversation. She was looking somewhat sad, yet far more devastatingly lovely than her pictures or music videos ever showed. Mandy turned around and said to me:

“Ah, I see you found your friend…is it Beth, or April, or both?”

“Uh…Beth.” I managed to mumble.

Seeing that glazed and now somewhat terrified look in my eyes, Mandy asked softly: “Would you like me to take you to their table?” while subtly grabbing a menu.

I managed to mumble equally intelligibly, “Uh…sure, that is um, er…yes please.”

With a knowing smile –how do women always manage to know these things?– she led the way. I hid behind her; my resolve to appear confident now evaporated like a drop of water in the sun.

Mandy stopped at their table and said brightly:

“Hi Beth, there’s someone here looking for you.”

I stepped out from behind Mandy and managed to blurt out the greeting I had rehearsed endlessly in my mind:

“Hi, I’m looking for a Ms H.t. South? (H.t. South was her FB handle). I believe she needs some cheering up, so I thought I’d bring some music to her.”

Beth’s blue eyes flew open in shock as recognition sank in:

“Joel? Is that you? Oh my God, what are you doing here? How? Why?”

At which point further, words seem to fail her. I was about to reply when April piped up:

“Beth, this is Joel? This is the guy? He’s come all this way just to see you? I think introductions are in order!”

Mandy quietly slipped away, still with that knowing smile plastered all over her face. Seeing us staring at each other spellbound, not uttering a word, April sighed:

“Well, seeing as you two are lost in each other,” She smiled up at me. “Hi Joel, I’m April, and you’ve got some explaining to do as to how you’ve managed to put my best friend in such a funk…although I’m pretty sure that mood is going to vanish in half a heartbeat!”

I turned to April to politely greet her, but she just shook her head, and with a gleeful smirk, nodded back toward Beth. Turning my head back to Beth, I now saw tears forming in her eyes as she whispered:

“You– you came…you’re here!”

I nodded dumbly and managed to blurt out, “Surprise?!”

Beth then did the most unexpected thing; she leapt up and threw her arms around me. She was short, much to my delight, because I was amongst the vertically challenged myself.

“I can’t believe you came all this way! It’s you!”

Hugging her back with an equal death grip, relief flooded through me. She wasn’t going to run for the hills screaming or tell me to just get the hell away, as I had imagined in my worst nightmares.

I whispered in her ear:

“Of course I’m here. You were feeling down, I could sense it, but I didn’t know why. I just couldn’t stay where I was and not do anything!”

She was crying freely now, and my own tears began to flow…tears of sweet relief and joy. We just stood there like that, too overwhelmed to say anything, holding each other for I don’t know long, until April, clearing her throat noisily, called out in a sardonic tone:

“If you two are finished soaking each other, maybe we can start using our words again?”

With sheepish grins, we turned to April, who despite her sarcasm had a sheen in her own eyes.

I said, “I suppose you want some explanations?”

“Oh, I don’t need any explanation. It’s as plain to me as the nose on Beth’s face. It’s you two oblivious blockheads that need to tell each other how you really feel, instead of wallowing in doubt and self-pity!”

Startled, we turned back toward each other. Beth spoke up first:

“I was so afraid, Joel, we live so far apart, such a difference in our ages, in two different countries. I didn’t think you and I would ever work; I didn’t even know if you ever felt the same as I. Maybe you just regarded me as a daughter. But…I couldn’t tell you, I…I didn’t want to chance destroying our friendship……to lose what we already have. I thought maybe you’d run…you know, ghost me back? I just couldn’t tell you that I had developed feelings for you, and it was killing me inside. I know maybe it’s wrong, but Joel, I’ve fallen in love with you!”

I threw my head back and laughed and sobbed aloud at once in pure relief and joy.

“Oh God, Beth, I feel exactly the same! You told me you weren’t ready for another relationship yet, so I had to bite my tongue for so long. I love you, Beth, so desperately. I felt equally apprehensive about our age difference. I thought you might have regarded me as just a father figure. Yet, I fell helplessly and hopelessly in love with you. I love everything I know about you, and I want so badly to discover all that I don’t know.”

Trembling, she grasped my hands and whispered, “Me too, Joel, oh God, me too!”

Suddenly the years melted away and we were just two people madly in love with each other. Our lips came together in a desperate, long overdue kiss. She tasted of strawberries and coffee, and I never tasted a better combination. It was a kiss of deep affirmations, unfulfilled longings, and desperate hopes finally come true. Our tongues crashed together, and I felt like a teenager again, with immediate arousal stirring within me.

Laughing now in turn, April snorted:

“Well, now that THAT’S out of the way, why don’t we sit down before the entire restaurant takes part in this little love story?”

We looked around sheepishly and saw the other patrons grinning at us. We hastily sat down, a charming shade of pink flushing Beth’s cheeks.

“So…Joel,” April smiled warmly at me, “This is one of THE most romantic things I’ve ever seen. How long have you been in love with my little Beth here?”

I sighed, “Probably from the first time I saw her post, singing ‘Fever.’ My whole world stopped when I saw this woman who looked and sang like an angel. I was hooked at that very instant, and as we got to know each other, I pretty much was a goner. She gave me no choice but to fall helplessly in love with her.”

April replied with a smirk, “Yeah, well, she tends to have that effect on men.”

Arching an eyebrow, I asked, “Many other men?”

Laughing, April said, “Not to worry, she has eyes for only one man, and he’s sitting right in front of her! You knew she was bummed out, didn’t you?”

I nodded.

“Yeah, she didn’t want to tell you why, even with my urging. I just knew, despite her reservations, that you felt the same as her. She showed me some of your message exchanges, and I read between the lines. Still, she was just too afraid to tell you. Glad you showed up to straighten things out before someone else tried to take advantage of her vulnerability.”

I looked over at Beth inquiringly.

Smiling, she asked softly, “Jealous?”

I gently replied, “No, not really, not after what April just said. More worried about how many guys I’m gonna have to fend off now!”

We both smiled, knowing the answer to that one.

“So, what are you guys going to do next?” asked April.

I replied somewhat wearily, “After that long drive, I’d love a decent meal. Say, do they serve grits at Noon around here?”

Beth roared with laughter. Seeing April’s puzzled look, I chuckled.

“Inside joke. I think I’m the first Canadian she’s come across that actually loves grits.”

April laughed and said, “Well then, it’s no wonder you two are perfect for each other!”

Smiling, I said, “So, I’m going to order some lunch and then…” Leaving the sentence unfinished, I waited to see who would speak first.

April, of course, jumped in immediately.

“Oh, for Pete’s sake, I suppose you two will be going at it like rabbits over the next few days. I probably won’t even see you until the weekend!”

Blushing furiously, Beth cried, “April!”

Laughing, I rescued Beth.

“Geez, April, we barely finished proclaiming our love for each other! No, I mean something else we’ve both been wanting to do together in person.”

Turning, I got Mandy’s attention, and when she came over, I asked,

“Mandy, can I please order some lunch and also, you said that one needs a permit and to be scheduled to be able to play on this beautiful patio. How do I go about doing both?”

Mandy replied, “To play in our patio area, you don’t need a permit. To play outside in the square, you need one. Are you interested in playing on the patio?”

“Not just me,” I said gesturing at Beth. Beth’s blues flew open as she gasped in shock and delight.

“Well!” Mandy exclaimed, “You have an awesome voice, Beth. And now I recognize this gentleman from your posts. Welcome, Joel! If both of you are going to sing together, it’s going to be amazing, and we could make it happen right now…especially for one of our best customers!”

Mandy asked me, “And what would y’all like to eat?”

“A bowl of grits!” Beth and I said in unison. Looking at each other, we giggled and then began laughing hysterically. Puzzled, Mandy looked over at April, who just shrugged and rolled her eyes, circling her finger at her temple, the universal sign for, “They’re both nuts!”

It wasn’t long before said bowl of grits was brought, which I ate with obvious delight, with Beth looking on with a huge grin and equal delight.

April said to me, “Buddy, I don’t know much about you, but I haven’t seen her this happy in weeks, so y’all are OK in my books!”

We engaged in small talk for a bit. I recounted my marathon drive, stopping only long enough for gas and to use the restroom. I told them about listening only to her Smule recordings and looking at her picture all the way down.

April sighed dreamily, “Girl, you have all the luck. You got yourself a keeper!”

Beth flushed with pleasure.

Mandy returned and said, “OK, guys, the stage is all yours!”

Beth looked apprehensive, and turning to me, she asked softly, “What are we going to sing, and how will I do it without using Smule?”

I looked at her and said, “Do you trust me?”

“Of course!” She smiled.

Reaching into the front pocket of my gig bag, I brought out two iPads.

“I downloaded all the songs you and I sing to my Guitar Tabs app, transposed them to the right keys for you, and have been practising like crazy. Follow the order on your iPad, and then follow my lead. It’ll be fine, I promise!”

Beth nodded in relief.

As we approached the small outdoor stage, Mandy was already there and began introducing us, “Ladies and gents, y’all are in for a real big treat. Right now, we’re gonna have an impromptu concert by two amazing singers. Many of you know Beth from ’round these here parts, but she has a friend come to join her all the way from Toronto, Canada! Let’s give a warm southern welcome to Beth and Joel!!!”

The audience cheered as we took the stage. I had already tuned my Takamine acoustic guitar, so plugging it in, I did a quick check of the soundboard. I was impressed by Mandy’s settings – effects, reverb, volumes, balance – she knew her stuff! I made a silent note to give her an extra big tip.

The audience quieted somewhat (meaning they resumed conversations), and we both looked at each other and smiled, taking a deep breath to calm ourselves. I started playing the opening intro bars and nodded to Beth. She began:

“Spend all your time waiting, for that second chance, for a break that would make it OK…”

It was one of those moments when the patrons suddenly quieted and “shh’s” issued to those still talking. This was the song that had solidified my love for her, and I think it was the same for her when I had sent back the harmony lines I put down. When I started singing that harmony to the chorus, I heard a collective sigh from the audience.

That was about the last I paid attention to them, as all else faded from my conscious mind except for Beth and the music. It was then that the magic began. We sang like we had been singing together all our lives…every note pitch-perfect, every phrase, every nuance in complete synchronization. I knew Beth’s musical style as well as my own…her pauses, her stylization, ways of bending notes up or down, or both ways, at the end of certain lines. I wove my harmonies in and out effortlessly, as did she on the songs where I sang lead. We weren’t just two singers in perfect synchronicity; we were one singer with two voices.

My guitar playing had never been more precise, mainly because I wasn’t thinking about it. We both let the music just transport us, and, as April and Mandy attested to later, so too was the audience transported. We moved seamlessly through the set, from “Angel” to “Hallelujah” to “Quittin’ Time” to “Fields of Gold”, “A Million Dreams” and on.

The crowning moment came when we launched into “The Blessing,” a local favourite as it had been arranged by a Charlotte church choir. Our attention finally returned to the audience, as we noticed they were all singing along with us, which Beth encouraged as if she were the choir director. As the last of the Ab chord faded, we both whispered to the audience in unison, “Peace.”

For a few seconds, there was complete silence. Beth and I embraced each other in a fierce hug as we both said softly to each other, “I love you.” And forgetting where we were, we kissed passionately, with all the pent-up love we had both harbouring. Our tongues brushed lightly together, a sign of the promises still to come. Then, breaking through to our awareness, we heard the noise. It was the audience, more than four times the original size from when we started. Later we learned that people had been frantically texting their friends to get their asses over to the cafe to listen to this incredible duo. They were on their feet cheering, clapping, and many had tears streaming down their faces. We had never experienced anything close to this, which caused both of us to also break out in tears of joy and gratitude.

We made our way through the crowd, many of who were Beth’s friends. She had to pause for their hugs and praise. I would have been content to let her bask in the glory, but either she or one of her friends would pull me in.

“Oh My God, where has she been hiding you??!!”

“You two are THE perfect musical pair!”

“Beth, don’t you dare let this guy go!”

“Thank you both for sharing something so beautiful, intimate and perfect with us!”

Ego boosting aside, it at least verified my feeling that Beth was, without a doubt, my uncontested musical soulmate.

We reached our table, and April, her eyes red from crying, pulled us both into a group hug.

“Holy fuck, I’ve NEVER witnessed anything like that in my life!” Adding to Beth, “Babe, I’d better be your maid of honour, or I’m never speaking to you again!”

Beth blushed, “April, my God, getting a little ahead of ourselves, aren’t we?”

April, as usual, just snorted:

“Yeah right, at this point, it’s a mere formality because there’s never been a couple I’ve seen so totally made for each! Age difference? What fucking age difference? I’d swear you guys were born in the same year…and day!”

Turning to me, she said, “By the way, did you know she’s always preferred older guys? Guess she was just waiting for the right one to come along.”

What could I say? Every dream I had about Beth was finally coming true.

We sat around for a while longer while several people came to our table to thank or congratulate us on an outstanding performance, many asking when we’d be performing next. April intervened, saying to check the cafe’s FB page for a schedule. Beth and I just shook our heads at April’s temerity. Beth turned to me and asked, “So what now?”

I replied, “I honestly don’t know. I’ve booked a room at the Hilton and was going to just stay the night to get some sleep and head back home if things didn’t work out. Maybe I should go there and crash for a bit, and we can meet up later. I’m exhausted.”

It was true; with the adrenaline leaving my system, fatigue was now threatening to overwhelm me. Beth startled me by clinging hard to my arm, saying vehemently:

“Uh uh, no way, mister! I’m not letting you out of my sight. You just got here, and after what we just did, there’s no way I’m going to let you go. You’re coming to my place!”

She paused, clearly conflicted: “Except my place is a mess. I wasn’t expecting to have company.”

April piped up, “April to the rescue! Sweetie, why don’t you go with Joel to his hotel, and I’ll pop over to your place and tidy up?”

April gave us a lecherous wink, causing Beth to blush yet again. I said to April, “April, you’re a Godsend! Thank you so much. I’ll take you up on that offer on behalf of us both. Oh, and take your sweet time.”

April laughed, and then gave me a mock stern look. “Buddy, y’all just better take good care of my girl, or else!”

I laughed: “Yes, ma’am! I didn’t drive a thousand miles just to mistreat her I can promise you that!”

April smiled back: “I’ve no doubt of that, honey. I’m just so thrilled to see her happy again!”

Mandy had wandered over with another woman. Mandy beamed at us:

“OMG, you two, that was absolutely amazing! I’ve never seen or heard anything like it. By the way, all your bills are compted. This is Linda, our manager. She has a proposal for you.”

Grinning, Linda said to us, “Wow, I echo what Mandy said. It’s my day off, but she called me all excited and said, ‘you gotta get down here. Something incredible is going on!’ I came as soon as I could and caught the last part of your performance, and it was stunning. Mandy said you guys sang for over two hours straight through.”

Beth and I looked at each other and said (in unison, of course): “We did?”

I added, “Sorry, we kinda lost track of time.”

Linda laughed. “Oh God, don’t apologize! You quadrupled our business on what would normally have been a slow afternoon. I’d like to get you two back as soon as possible. I can get you a permit to play this evening in the square. The spillover business would be incredible. Here’s my business card. How soon can y’all come back?”

I smiled and said: “Sorry Linda, we’re going to be busy tonight.” (naturally, Beth blushed again). “I just got here a few hours ago, and we haven’t worked things out yet. Give us. bit of time, we’ll get back to you tomorrow.”

Linda smiled knowingly (geez, they catch on quick!) and replied, “OK honey, you do that. I can promote the heck of anything you want to do. Some of our patrons have already said they’re going to tell their friends when you two come back.”

I smiled back, “You got it, Linda! I promise I’ll call you tomorrow.”

Nodding and smiling, Linda and Mandy walked away. With that, I picked up my guitar, flung it over my shoulders, grabbed Beth’s hand and said: “Let’s get outta here! Later April!”

She gave us a wave and waggled her eyebrows: “Have FUN, y’all!”

Beth snatched up her purse as I gently tugged her, giggling through the thinning crowd. I thrust a hundred dollar bill at a startled Mandy, yelling my thanks as we rushed away. We walked hand in hand toward my car, not saying a word, just quietly reliving the events of this remarkable afternoon. When we got to my car, she exclaimed, “No way! That’s my favourite car!”

I grinned at her: “Really?! Just more evidence that we were meant for each other, age be dammed!”

It was a brand spanking new blue Mustang Shelby. Don’t judge me. I could have any car I want, but this is the one I had always longed for as a young man and could never afford.

I had already remotely started the ‘Stang to get the A/C going. I went to the passenger side and opened the door for her –it’s the way I was raised. The gesture was not lost on Beth, and she gave me a surprised and grateful smile (is chivalry really that dead?) God, how I lived for that smile!

Tossing my guitar bag in the back, I got in, buckled up, popped the brake, pushed in the clutch and began to drive away. Beth laughed. “You even drive a standard?”

I smiled sheepishly: “Yeah, well, you know…old man with his toys reliving his youth, ‘cept this is the youth I never had.”

She gave me a mock angry look:

“Stop saying you’re old! You’re NOT an old man to me. Do you know what I see? I see a man I’ve been waiting my whole life for; a man who’s already made me more giddy and happy in one afternoon, than everyone else I’ve ever been with…combined! That’s what I see.”

Tears of joy and gratitude immediately came to me, and I turned to her in a broken whisper: “Thank you…my beautiful Angel.”

Changing the subject to deflect off me, I asked her, “Do you drive standard?”

“No, but I’d love to learn!”

I told her to place her hand on top of mine on the stick shift. I said, “This will help you get the feel of shifting through the gears”.

She laughed with delight, at times giggling girlishly, as we drove through the city with me doing my best NASCAR race announcer:

“Coming’ down the straight away…gotta gear down through the turns…here they come as they take the checkered flag in 1st place…and the crowd goes wild!” The latter spoken as we turned into the hotel parking lot.

I pulled into a spot and killed the engine. Suddenly it got quiet in the car. Beth looked apprehensive. I looked at her, and asked softly: “Are you OK?”

She nodded, biting her lower lip.

I said equally as soft, “You don’t have to come up. I can drop you back off at your place.”

She shook her head vehemently and said, “No, I don’t want to go back to my place. I want to be with you. It’s just, I…I haven’t had a lot of experience with that many men. Also, do we need protection? I don’t want to get pregnant.”

I replied gently, “It’s OK, I was fixed long ago. Beth, my heart, I would never do anything to hurt you. You are my entire world now. My only goal in life is to make you happy, feel good, bring unending joy to you.” I paused. “Do you want me?”

She looked at me with huge blue eyes and nodded.

“Then come with me, my love and let’s keep giving to each other all that we can.”

I grasped her hands between mine and gave them soft kisses, the inside of my lips just brushing the tips of her fingers. Beth shivered in involuntary response. I gave her a tender smile and then dashed around to her side to open her door. I grabbed my guitar and my backpack, and we walked again hand in hand to the lobby entrance. I registered for two nights, so we could take our leisurely time in checking out. On the elevator, I leaned over to kiss her.

Our lips crushed together, exploring each other’s mouth, lips and tongues with complete abandon. I swear I felt sparks fly between our mouths and jolts of electricity run through me. I could tell by her reaction that she was feeling the same. We began moaning (in unison, of course), and I felt myself getting almost instantly hard.

That kiss, although lasting only 10 floors, seemed to last an eternity. We both were breathing heavily when the elevator doors opened. We both looked at each other with awe and whispered, “Wow.”

We continued kissing as we walked down the corridor, and I fumbled with the card key, barely able to get the door open. The door swung open with our weight pressing against it, and we nearly fell in, laughing and giggling.

I then paused and said, “My love, I’ve been 14 hours on the road and over 2 hours in this North Carolina heat singing. As eager as I am right now to make love with you…I need a shower. Believe me, you want me to have a shower too!”

Beth laughed: “Well, I’d love you, stinky or not, but go ahead. I’ll take one right after you. I’m kinda sweaty too.”

I grinned at her. “YOU, my little southern flower, would never ‘sweat.’ You’d just glow!”

Chuckling, she shooed me into the bathroom. I quickly stripped, ran the water and stepped in. I was fully intending to make this a quick rinse when I heard the shower door open up. In stepped the woman of my dreams, in all her naked glory. I gasped, and my jaw dropped. She was more gorgeous and spectacular in the nude than even in my wildest fantasies.

Narrow shoulders tapered down to a slim waist framing a lovely little belly button. She was covering her small breasts shyly. Her legs were also slim but very shapely. She had one leg in front of the other, but I could just make out a narrow patch of that same chestnut brown hair, with all else shaved. To me, that was more alluring than a fully shaved muff. Smiling demurely at me, she said, “I guess I couldn’t wait.”

I said: “Come here, beautiful and don’t be shy. I don’t bite.”

I took her hands off her breasts, and I then just stood admiring her firm and perky B cup breasts topped off by puffy pink nipples. She saw my now raging erection, and a look of lust came across her face. I’m not real big in that department, thanks to my part Asian blood, but Beth reached out and grasped my cock and said, somewhat in relief,

“Oh good, I can’t take a big one, and not circumcised, I see. I like that too because I like pulling back the wrapping of my present.”

I couldn’t take it anymore and pulled her tight to me, revelling in the feel of our bodies touching each other at last. I kissed her passionately, pouring all my love into it, and she moaned and returned that passion. Her breasts were squashed against my chest, and I could feel her hard nipples digging into me. I never wanted anyone more in my life than I did Beth. My cock was pressed up against her belly, and I ground it into her.

My hands never stopped roaming all up and down her back, grasping and squeezing the cheeks of her cute little ass. Suddenly inspired, I broke off the kiss, and reaching behind her, I swiped the bottle of body wash off the shower shelf. Pouring a healthy portion into my hand, I began rubbing it all over her body. I started massaging her back, causing Beth to sigh. I worked my way down to her ass again and brushed lightly against her rosebud. She stiffened at first, but realizing I wasn’t going to brutalize her, she relaxed. I asked gently in her ear, “I guess not many have touched you there?”

She nodded and said, “Just one, and he was very rough. I haven’t let anyone else since. But it feels right with you. Please, don’t stop.”

I continued gently rubbing her pucker, probing her opening ever so slightly but not entering, not yet. That might come later once we had established true trust in each other. Just that action was getting her more aroused. I left her delightful butt and began soaping her front, gently squeezing and massaging her small breasts. Although I confess to liking big tits, like just about any other guy, I was immediately enthralled with hers. That saying, “Anything more than a handful or a mouthful is a waste,” was now ringing in my head. Not having large hands, it felt so good to be able to engulf her boobs in each one.

I continued massaging her breasts, rubbing the soap onto her nipples. Beth had thrown her head back and was now panting, revelling in the sensation. I left her chest, eliciting a groan of disappointment from her. But she did a sharp intake of breath when I started rubbing her neatly trimmed mound. I dipped my hand down below and began rubbing between her lips. Her gasps now turned to moans of utter lust as I probed her soaking wet pussy.

“Oh God, Joel, don’t stop!”

I smiled wickedly because I had no intention of doing so. I knelt, planted my face onto her mound and started both fingering and licking her. Beth almost screamed, “Oh my God, what are you doing to me?!”

My late wife had never really liked me to go down on her, saying she wasn’t comfortable with it. I’m a very oral guy (I’m a singer, what do you expect?), and hearing Beth so into me tonguing her, I loved being able to do this again, after thirty frustrating years. I loved her scent of arousal, the taste of her delicious ambrosia, and the slippery combination of her pussy and my tongue. The sensations were heady indeed, and I dove in with renewed fervour. I thrust two fingers into her as my tongue flicked and again against her clit. Beth’s knees buckled as a huge orgasm suddenly overwhelmed her and she screamed in that rich, low, sultry voice of hers. Which, of course, only served to turn me on even more, which I didn’t think was possible.

I had to partially hold her up as her back pressed up against the shower wall. She was gasping for breath, unable to speak. I gently removed my fingers and planted loving kisses on her mound, knowing how sensitive she now was. Finally, her breathing slowed, and she managed to croak out, “Oh Joel, what was that? I’ve never felt anything that intense before!”

I smiled up at her. “That’s because you’ve never been with the right guy.”

She grinned down at me. “Amen to that!”

I said, “And I’m just getting started!” I started singing to The Carpenter’s song, “I’ve only just begun…” which got her giggling hysterically.

I rose and said, “Come on, let’s get dry and continue where we left off.”

Beth shook her head. “Nuh-uh, it’s your turn mister!”

I grinned and gave her my best Westley from the Princess Bride: “As. you. wish!”

Beth gleefully dumped body wash on her hands and came at me, like a jungle cat stalking its prey. I spread my arms in surrender as she began rubbing the soap over my skin like an artist. I started to tremble under her eager ministrations. She hugged me and reached around to reciprocate what I had done to her earlier. As she probed my butt hole, I shivered, and she murmured, “Mmm, ’tis almost better to give than receive…almost.”

Meanwhile, I’m going crazy with desire for this perfect specimen of womanhood. Every touch of her hands, every time our naked bodies made contact, sent jolts of excitement, lust and love throughout my body. Never had I experienced such sensations before with a woman in all my 60+ years! I felt like a teenager again, having sex for the first time.

Beth dropped to her knees, grasped my cock in her hand and began showering kisses all over it. Then, as she had said earlier, she began slowly pulling down my foreskin just like unwrapping a present, eyes full of anticipation. The head was slick with my precum, and she tentatively licked it. Deciding she liked it, her lips engulfed the head, and I nearly lost it.

“Oooohhhh, God Beth!” That was all I could muster.

My knees almost buckled as she moved the inside of her lips all around the crown of my cock, while at the same time flicking her tongue over the head. I was way beyond seventh heaven at this point, and I was having a struggle not to erupt in her mouth. I hadn’t had this much problem with control in many years. She continued to love my dick like it was her last meal, moving up and down, taking it all the way down at one point. On the verge of exploding, I finally had to pull away. Beth looked up at me curiously. I smiled down at her. “Baby, I was this close and don’t know if anyone’s cum in your mouth before.”

She lowered her eyes and said, “Once, and I didn’t particularly care for it, but I would have let you.” She looked back up at me with those sky blue eyes, and I wanted nothing more than to shove myself back into her mouth and finish the job.

Instead, I pulled her up and said, “The fact that you would do that for me makes me love you all the more. The truth is, at my age, I don’t how long it’ll take for me to get hard again, and we’ve got other things to do!”

I waggled my eyebrows at her, and she giggled. “Then take me to bed handsome, and show me!”

Needing no further encouragement, I turned off the shower, and we took turns drying each other off. She seemed much more comfortable with her nakedness in front of me. Exiting the bathroom, I surprised her by picking her up in my arms and depositing her on the bed while she squealed with surprise and delight. She looked at me with shock and exclaimed:

“I didn’t know you were so strong,” adding as a tease, “old man!”

I pretended to be hurt, “Didn’t you just ban me from saying that?”

She just smiled that glorious smile of hers and said mischievously, patting the bed, “Well, then get over here and prove me wrong!”

I jumped on the bed, causing her to bounce a bit and giggle again. Becoming serious and silent, I bent down and gave her a few tender kisses. I continued those kisses down to her chin, then down her neck both sides and front. Beth started quivering again. My mission was to feel, taste and smell every inch of her body, and that I proceeded to do.

I kissed my way down her shoulder, down one arm kissing her palm, taking her fingertips into my mouth and sucking gently. So it was with the other arm. Beth alternated between giggling and moaning depending on which sensitive spot I touched. My hands were also busy, gently squeezing her breasts and occasionally brushing my thumbs lightly across her hard and swollen nipples. This created a great deal more moaning – sweet music to my ears. You ever hear a woman with a low sultry voice, that sounds sexy all by itself? Well, take that and add true arousal to it; you’ll get some idea of what I was hearing.

My lips kissed their way across her chest and down to her right breast. Still squeezing it ever so gently, I sucked a good portion of her breast into my mouth. Along with that suction, I swirled my tongue around and on her nipple. Suddenly, Beth arched her back and let a hoarse gasp as she came unexpectedly. “Oh my stars, that’s never happened to me before!”

I just smiled and kept going. When I switched over to her left breast, she seemed to steel herself for another orgasm. So, I bit down, not enough to hurt, but enough to change the sensation she was expecting. I’m happy to say it had the effect I was hoping for. Beth shot almost upright, clutching my head to her chest as she cried out loudly with another orgasm. “Oh God Joel, you’re making me feel things I’ve NEVER felt before…what the fuck was THAT?!!”

I knew I had gotten to her; it was the first time she said, “fuck” since I got there. “That’s called realizing some of the endless possibilities of true love,” I mumbled into her chest.

“SOME of them? I don’t think I can handle the rest!”

“So, you want me to stop?”

“Don’t you fucking dare, buddy!”

I laughed. She WAS coming out of her shell!

“So, my precious love, lie back down, and let me show you more.” Making a mental note: very sensitive nipples – check, I left her breast for the time being and kissed my way down her stomach. I tried to stick my tongue into her belly button. She squeaked, pushed my head aside, clamped a hand over her belly.

“I’m sorry, but that’s just too sensitive. I can’t stand anyone touching it. Please, my dearest love, no offence to you, but that’s off-limits!”

I just chuckled, “You’re not gonna believe this, but I’m the same with my belly button! I fully understand. OK…a pact, no touché each other’s.” I hooked and extended my pinky toward her. She laughed and completed the pinky swear.

“So, where were we? Ah yes!”

I restarted below her belly and kissed my way down, going over to one leg, down her thigh, her shin, the top of her foot, and licked and sucked her big toe into my mouth. Beth drew a sharp breath in, gasping, “Yeeeesss!”

Mental note 2: Toes, another erogenous zone -check! I switched feet, giving her more of a ‘toe job.’ I worked back up her other leg. When I got up to her thigh, I parted them, kissing and licking on inside, drawing ever closer but not touching her glistening, dripping pussy. I took a moment to marvel at how pretty her pussy was – a lovely shade of pink, with small lips…they were the cutest labia I’d ever seen. Beth was trembling and squirming with anticipation and begged, “Please Joel, PLEASE!!!!”

Not one to keep the woman of my dreams waiting, I sucked what I could of her lips into my mouth while flicking my tongue ever so lightly on her clit. She gave a low, rumbling, “Oooohhhh,” (God bless altos).

OK, I thought, time to send her into the stratosphere. I inserted two curved fingers into her tunnel of love, reached her G spot, and put the flat of my tongue on her clit. Anticipating the effect this would have I pressed my free hand firmly on her lower abdomen to keep her in place. It took less than thirty seconds of this when Beth tried to lift her body off the bed, but I held her down. Her scream rose several levels in volume and pitch. She grabbed a pillow and screeched into it. “Mmmphhh, Aahhhh FUUUUCK!”

She became completely incoherent, yelping things indecipherable. I kept this going until she began squirting onto my face and into my mouth. It was the heavenly nectar of the gods to me!

Amid her third massive orgasm, I broke off and quickly rose, lining up her pussy I thrust myself into her. Holy fuck, she was tight! Now I knew why she didn’t like big dicks. For me, for us, however, it was a perfect fit. I began ramming myself into her, no more gentleness now. Beth, in mid-orgasm, rose to even greater heights. Her arms came around me automatically, her nails digging into my back. I put my mouth on hers to help muffle her screams. Oh, the feeling of being in her! She was super slick from her multiple orgasms, but her tunnel hugged me in a snug grip. The friction sent indescribable sensations through my cock.

Apparently, so it did to Beth’s tight tunnel too. She was coming non-stop, her legs crossing over my back, unable to scream anymore, her mouth forming a silent “oh”, her eyes open wide, but unseeing.

Each thrust was like being pushed into a fisted glove, tight but yielding. It was so snug my foreskin was being pulled up and down with each push and pull. Finally, I could hold back no longer, and with a roar, I spurted deep into her. I could feel rope after rope of cum shooting out of me. It was like I hadn’t come in years. Both of our bodies were caught in orgasmic spasms, our breathing harsh and ragged, our bodies covered in a fine sheen of sweat.

It seemed to take forever for our breathing to slow. My elbows and upper arms were trembling with the strain not to collapse onto Beth. I tried to break away, but Beth hung on to me desperately, so I rolled both of us onto my back to let her lay on top of me. Beth was mewling sweet nothings into my ear while I whispered, “Oh my precious Beth, I love you as I’ve never loved anyone before. I have never made love to anyone like this. I’ve never felt anything so intense. Oh God, Beth, I love you so much, my heart can barely contain it!”

Beth raised her head looking and looked at me with those azure eyes, that always gave me the sensation of flying on a cloudless day. These eyes were filled with wonder and adoration.

“My incredible Joel, that was beyond anything I’ve ever experienced before. No one, absolutely no one, has even come close to making me feel the way you just did. I love you so much. You are the other half of my soul, it fits perfectly, and I am finally complete.”

I knew she was right, of course, because I had the matching set. I whispered back, “As am I my precious love, as am I. We fit perfectly in everything we do, whether this or singing or…just everything!”

Beth untangled herself from me, slid off and snuggled beside me with her head on my chest. She fell asleep almost immediately, a beautiful satisfied smile on her lovely face. As exhausted as I was, I lay awake thinking. What happens next? Where will our music take us? Where will we live? How soon should we get married? Should I stay in Charlotte, or will she come to Canada? Where are we going to call home? What happens the first time I fart in her presence?

I suddenly realized that it didn’t matter. None of that mattered. As I drifted off to sleep, I knew that wherever we are, as long as we were together, from this day forward, we would be home, and it would be all right. Well, except maybe for the farting thing. That, we’d have to play by ear. We are musicians, after all.

The beginning…