Cousin Charlie

Sandy was sitting with her dorm mates at a long table over another mediocre lunch in the dining hall. She was a twenty year old college junior. Their all-girl dorm — it was the 1960s — ate their meals together in one large room.

Bored by the never-ending tales of boyfriends, Sandy wondered whether the food would have been better if her family could have afforded that private college. At least the dorm weight she put on here at the state university had transformed her skinny girlish figure into the more voluptuous womanly figure the guys were noticing.

Her meandering thoughts were interrupted by a minor commotion at the far end of the room. Someone called out her name. She stood and walked over to see what was going on. All the girls’ eyes followed her, keen for some interesting gossip.

Standing with his back to her as she approached the door was a tall, dark, young man. His hair was long, just reaching the shoulders of his jean jacket. He wore hiking boots and a weathered backpack leaned against the wall. When one of the dining commons staff said Sandy’s name as she approached, he turned toward her and smiled.

It was her favorite first cousin, Charlie.

Caught completely by surprise, Sandy was speechless. She looked Charlie up and down. He was even better looking than the last time they were together. What a gorgeous smile. He was long and lean and strikingly handsome, his blue eyes set off by his dark hair; a cross between Jesus and George Harrison. The young women in the room murmured approvingly on seeing Sandy’s mystery guest.

“Sorry to surprise you like this, Sandy,” he said, blushing slightly at the murmuring he knew was about of him. The staff person walked away to let them talk.

“I’ve been hitchhiking back to California from New York. I spent last night with Uncle Bob and he said you were here. I couldn’t just pass through town without finding you.” He smiled that smile again.

Finding her voice, Sandy asked, “How did you find me, Charlie? It’s such a big school.”

“It wasn’t easy! Aunt Maggie told me you were in an all-girl dorm, so that narrowed it down to three possibilities. I didn’t find you at the first two I checked, but the third time was the charm!”

For Sandy, “charm” was the word when it came to Charlie. He had always been sweet, kind, and funny. And, since he had grown up, sexy.

Sandy smiled and hugged him. The room was pleased and the murmur of oohs and ahhs got louder.

“I’m so glad you solved the mystery, Cousin Sherlock. Are you hungry?”

“Always,” he said truthfully. He was twenty like her and could stay thin despite eating like a horse.

Looking around the room Sandy encountered a sea of wide eyes and grins. No boys ever dined with them. This was going to be fun.

She went to talk briefly with the woman who had first spoken with Charlie at the door, then returned.

“Come, eat here with me. They’re still serving,” she said. “I apologize in advance for the food.”

“I didn’t come for the food, Sandy.” He smiled again. Her turn to blush, she felt her pulse quicken. “But that would be really nice.”

“Great, then follow me.” She led Charlie over to her table, hoping her blushing was fading.

“This is my cousin Charlie from California. He’s hitchhiking home from New York. Can we make a space for him to join us?” Her dorm-mates instantly made room, never taking their eyes off him. Between his looks and his adventure, every young woman at the table was smitten. Sandy introduced each of them to Charlie.

“Is he a first cousin?” Mary asked with a smirk. The girls giggled.

“Yep, we’re first cousins.”

“Ok then. So do you have a girlfriend, Charlie?” More giggling. Mary was the queen of direct, inappropriate questioning.

A little shy with girls, Charlie was unprepared for Mary’s onslaught. “Uh, not at the moment,” he responded, setting off another round of tittering.

“Okay, man-eating sharks, let’s give poor starving Charlie a chance to eat in peace.” While Sandy wanted to shield him from them, she did enjoy the attention her friends were paying to her handsome cousin.

Charlie smiled at the group, which only intensified their adoring gazes. Sandy brought him a plate of food and he dug in, hungry from his travels. The girls marveled at his every move.

“You’ve never seen a guy eat?” Sandy jokingly scolded them.

Barely letting him get a fork in his mouth, the girls peppered him with questions about New York and his hitchhiking adventure. He had seen the Grateful Dead, a band from San Francisco, play in Tompkins Square Park, in the East Village and saw a new play, called “Hair.”

“Isn’t that the one where everybody gets naked on stage?” Mary asked, emphasizing the word “naked.”

“That’s the one. It was so great. The show, not just the naked part.”

Between Charlie and the talk of nakedness, the girls — including Sandy — were enthralled.

As lunchtime ended, Sandy started to drag Charlie from his admirers at the table.

“How long will you be here, Charlie,” Mary asked with very real interest.

“Unfortunately, I have to leave today. I’m meeting a friend who’s offered me a ride as far as the Black Hills.” Sandy wondered if she was more disappointed than the other girls.

Breaking free, Sandy led Charlie out of the dining hall, into the bright warm afternoon sun.

“Do you have time for me to show you around the campus, Charlie? It’s no Berkeley, like you’re used to, but it’s pretty.” She hoped he could stay with her for a while at least.

“I’d love to see it, Sandy. I don’t have to be up at Interstate 80 until this evening to meet up with my buddy.”

“The interstate’s only an hour away and I have a car. I can give you a ride up there whenever you need to go.” This gave them several hours together.

“That’s nice of you. Thanks so much, Sandy.” Charlie smiled.

“My pleasure. Let the tour begin!” They began their walk around the campus. Sandy’s two afternoon classes could wait.

They had grown up together in their family’s mid-western hometown when they were young. Their mothers were sisters, but not especially close. The extended family had not scattered across the country yet and they played together often. Sometimes their grandmother babysat them. They were only a couple of months apart in age.

When he was nine, Charlie’s family move away to San Francisco. Sandy and her family moved around the same time too, but only to a neighboring town. Since their mothers were not close, Sandy only saw Charlie occasionally after their moves, usually when his family came back to visit.

Leading a sheltered life in her small town, Sandy was fascinated by Charlie’s vastly different experience in San Francisco in the 60s. Whenever they were together, Sandy wanted to know about his world. She loved to hear him describe the wonderous sights. He told her about Beat culture and about the hippies that followed. His parents were much more liberal than hers. Sandy lived vicariously hearing him describe things her parents would never have let her do. Like hitchhiking.

The last time she had seen him was two years earlier, just after their 18th birthdays, the summer after they graduated from high school. Charlie’s family had come to visit. Sandy’s family drove over and they gathered at their grandmother’s house. All three sisters and their families came. Charlie and Sandy’s younger siblings ran off right away to play together in the backyard and the big park behind the house.

While the adults talked and laughed inside, Sandy and Charlie sat on the big screened-in porch and talked about their lives. Even though their experiences were so different, their long-standing bond was still strong.

Not having seen him for several years, Sandy noticed Charlie had grown into such a handsome young man. Between his now manly good looks, and the things he described, Sandy felt differently about him than when they were kids together. She felt strongly attracted to him. She was not supposed to have feelings like that about her own cousin and wondered if there was something wrong with her. But guilt about her feelings did not stop her from having them. Anyway, she figured nothing had ever happened between them and never would.

The big family dinner was raucous and fun. The children were excused early to continue playing in the cavernous basement. Sandy and Charlie went for a walk as their relatives continued their boisterous reunion in the living room.

The sun set as they walked through the old familiar neighborhood. They talked about their favorite bands and the books they were reading. They were both happy to be out of high school. Standing under a streetlight on the bridge that crossed the nearby river, they paused and quietly watched the dark water flow beneath them.

Standing so close their shoulders touched, Charlie said, “You’ve always been my favorite cousin, Sandy. I wish we didn’t live so far apart.”

“I agree. It’s so good to see you, Charlie. I wish I could see you more.”

She wondered if her cousin also had feelings they were not supposed to have. Where was this going?

They stood close, in silence. Charlie took her hand in his and just held it, saying nothing. Sandy’s heart raced. She had no idea what to say or do. She looked up at him. He smiled, then lowered his face toward hers, pushed her dark brown hair aside, and kissed her gently on the lips.

Pulling away, he whispered, “I hope that’s okay, Sandy.”

Without hesitating, Sandy answered by lifting her mouth to his and kissing him back, with greater urgency. He wrapped his arms around her thin body and pulling her close against him. Their tongues met and explored. Sandy held him tightly as they kissed passionately, for a long time. She loved the feel of his strong body against hers. She was so happy they shared the attraction.

Charlie suggested they get back closer to the house before the festivities wound down. Sandy reluctantly agreed and they walked back, hand in hand. When they got within sight, she told him, “I’ll miss you when you leave tomorrow.”

“I’ll miss you, too.” He looked sad.

Knowing their remarkable moment together would soon end, they pulled close and kissed, even more ardently than on the bridge. Sandy could feel his erection pressed against her belly and her small breasts pressed against his strong chest. She took one of his hands and moved it to her ass, over her skirt. He kissed her hard and squeezed her. Then he slid a hand under her waistband, into her panties, and onto her naked ass. She whimpered and pushed her tongue deep into his mouth as he massaged her cheeks. She loved the feel of his soft warm hand on her naked skin.

Reaching between them, Sandy unbuttoned the top of her blouse.

“Touch me here, Charlie,” she whispered. Charlie slid his free hand inside her blouse, then inside her bra. Fondling each small, perfect breast, Charlie lightly pinched her nipples, feeling them get hard in his hand. Sandy was intensely aroused and getting wet.

“Let’s lie down here in the grass,” she whispered.

They lay together there in the dark — just across the street from their grandmother’s house — kissing furiously. Charlie moved on top of Sandy and she reached around to hold his ass, grinding her pelvis against his.

Suddenly they heard the front door open at the house.

“Sandy,” her mother called into the darkness. “It’s time for us to head home!”

Their hearts nearly stopped. They held perfectly still, hoping the darkness would hide them. As soon as Sandy’s mother went back in, they leapt to their feet and rearranged their clothing.

“We’ll just act normal as can be and say we were walking around the neighborhood,” Charlie suggested.

“Okay.” Sandy was terrified their sin would be discovered. But they had no choice but to go back.

Everyone was packing up when they came in the house. The kids were still playing up a storm. The general mayhem helped Sandy and Charlie keep a low profile as they moved away from each other in the crowd. Their story was accepted at face value. Who would even suspect them since they were, after all, cousins?

Sandy glanced in the big mirror facing the dining room, where everyone was hugging and saying their goodbyes. Hopefully, their parents had been so preoccupied they did not find it suspicious that Sandy’s and Charlie’s hair was completely messed up after their walk. Sandy quickly plucked a blade of grass from her hair and dropped it on the floor.

But no one ever said a word to them about that evening. Their taboo tryst remained their secret.

Walking through the lovely campus with Charlie that afternoon, Sandy could not stop thinking about that last meeting. She felt uncomfortable bringing it up with him. Maybe he felt bad about it. She had mixed feelings herself. But mostly she thought of it fondly, and often. Charlie had gone out of his way to find her today. So she hoped it was a fond memory for him, too.

They walked closely together, catching up on their lives. She wanted to hold his hand but was too worried about running into people who would ask questions. She had recently broken up with her boyfriend but did not want to have to explain why she was already holding hands with a new guy — who she had admitted was her first cousin.

Charlie broke the ice as they stood under an ancient oak.

“We never talked about what happened last time we were together. I hope you don’t feel bad about it, but I would understand if you did. Do you mind that I came to see you again?” He looked concerned.

“I’m glad you came and found me here, Charlie. Sometimes I do feel a little guilty about what we did.”

“I do, too, sometimes. A little.”

“But mostly, for me, it’s a happy memory, Charlie. I’ll never forget that night.” Sandy smiled and touched his arm.

Charlie smiled broadly. “It’s the same for me.”

Sandy wanted to do more than hold his hand. She knew they only had a few more hours together. She had an idea.

“Would you like to see where I live? It’s not far.”

“Sure. I’d love to see that.”

Knowing her roommate was out of town until tomorrow, Sandy led them across the quad to her dorm.

“Are you seeing anyone, Sandy,” Charlie asked as they walked.

“No. We broke up a few weeks ago. You?”

“No. I’ve dated a few girls at school, but no one special.”

Sandy smiled.

Reaching the large brick dorm building as the sun was beginning to set, Sandy said, “Since it’s girls-only, we need to be a little sneaky and go in the back way. My room’s right next to the back staircase so we shouldn’t have any problem.”

“I can do sneaky. This probably isn’t the first time a guy came into this dorm the back way,” Charlie joked.

“No. It’s not an unusual phenomenon.” They laughed.

She quickly led him up the back stairs. Reaching the third floor without seeing anyone, they made a sharp right turn into her room and closed the door. Sandy locked it.

A typical dorm room, it had two desks, two dressers, and two twin beds. The walls were covered with posters from popular bands. There was an incense burner on the windowsill. Sandy slipped off her shoes and set them next to the door; Charlie followed suit.

“You have a roommate?” he asked, looking at the two beds.

“Yep. She had to go home for a couple of days. She’ll be back tomorrow.” Sandy wanted to kiss him.

Charlie felt the same way. He stepped over and pulled her close.

“I think of you and that night all the time, Sandy.” He looked into her eyes, smiling, then leaned in and kissed her. Feeling his lips against hers sent Sandy reeling. She pushed her tongue into his mouth and kissed him deeply, her hand running up and down his back. His strong hands moved to her ass and he pulled her tight against his body. Sandy could feel his hardening cock through his pants.

After kissing and touching each other passionately, Sandy whispered into her ear. “Take my clothes off, Charlie.” She surprised herself with her directness, but she desperately wanted him. They only had this moment.

Charlie did not hesitate. He pulled her blouse over her raised hands and tossed it on the bed. She stood still, trembling slightly. He reached behind her and undid her pink bra, gently slipping it off her shoulders to reveal her lovely breasts which were moving slightly as she breathed heavily.

“My God, Sandy. You’ve become such a beautiful woman.”

The lights still on, Charlie gazed at her luscious body — her long neck and lovely shoulders, her ample firm breasts with large areolas and hard nipples. He cupped a breast in each hand and held them lovingly. Sandy sighed, then moaned softly as he touched, then kissed, her nipples.

“Mmmm. That feels nice,” she managed.

Charlie reached down and unbuttoned her tight pants and slowly lowered the zipper. She helped him pull them off by wiggling her hips. Her panties were also pink, and small. Charlie slowly lowered them to her ankles, then off her pretty feet.

Sandy standing completely naked before him, Charlie ran his hands down her sides and held her by her hips, admiring them and the soft brown hair between her legs. Still holding one hip, he ran his fingers through her bush, down to the soft lips of her pussy. He gently, slid his index finger between them and felt she was wet. As he slowly moved his finger up and down, Sandy moaned louder and eagerly tilted her pelvis toward him. Charlie pleasured her with his hand until Sandy briefly came out of her trance.

“My turn, Charlie. I want to see you naked, too.”

With that she quickly took off his jean jacket and pulled his tee shirt over his shoulders. His chest was strong and she a caressed it tenderly, softly pinching his nipples. She gave each a tiny kiss. She undid his belt and slowly unbuttoned his jeans, pulling them down to his ankles and off. His hard cock was prominent in his underwear. When she pulled them down his long cock sprang out and pointed straight up his flat belly. She touched it with both hands, gently running them up and down the hard shaft, which jumped at each touch. She moved her hands to his balls and cupped them, giving soft squeezes. Looking into Charlie’s half-closed eyes, she gently rubbed his cock with long strokes. He made little sounds of pleasure and held her perfect naked ass in his hands as she brought him close.

But Charlie wanted more. He took Sandy by the hand and led her to one of the beds.

“Let’s move over to mine,” Sandy said leading him away from her roommate’s bed.

“Lie down, Sandy.”

She did and slowly spread her legs apart. Her pussy was glistening wet and open. He knelt between her legs, lowered his mouth, and ever-so-slowly licked between her lips. Never having had oral sex in her young life, Sandy jumped slightly as she felt a jolt through her body as his warm tongue touched her clit and lovingly explored her pussy. Charlie squeezed her adorable ass with both hands as he licked and sucked her. No expert in oral sex himself, he did have a little experience and pleasuring Sandy like that was supremely erotic to him. He wanted to make her come.

Sandy did not resist. She was mesmerized by the incredible sensations radiating from her pussy. Each stroke of his tongue made her squirm and moan. She felt her pleasure increasing exponentially as Charlie diligently devoured her. It built and built until her orgasm crashed over her in waves. She held his head to her pussy as it went on and on. She was stunned by the intensity and duration. She had only experienced orgasms by her own hand before, and none compared to this.

Her shapely legs still trembling, she wanted to try to pleasure Charlie in the same way, even though she had never done that before.

“Now you lie down, Charlie.”

She caressed his strong, long legs as she got between them on the bed. She took his rock-hard cock into her small hand, then lowered her mouth. Unsure what to do, she licked the sensitive tip of his cock, circling it with her tongue. She began running her tongue slowly up and down the shaft, looking up at Charlie, hoping for some direction. She knew he had more experience. But he seemed perfectly happy with her improvisation.

“Should I put it in my mouth,” she finally asked.

“Sure, Sandy, that would feel so good.”

She opened her mouth and very slowly took in his cock. She was struck by how thick it was and how it filled her mouth completely. She wanted to give him any kind of pleasure he desired. The feeling of his hard cock filling her mouth as he moaned gave her chills.

Charlie had more ideas. He gently lifted her head off his shiny wet cock and smiled. “That felt incredible, Sandy. Incredible. But I’d like to come inside you. Would you like that?”

“I want that, too. And we don’t have to worry because I’m on the pill.”

Having had basic, vanilla sex with her two college boyfriends, Sandy had some of experience fucking. Like she was reading Charlie’s mind, she got on her hands and knees next to him in the bed, resting her head on a pillow.

Looking back at him, she asked, “Do you like this way?”

“Uh huh,” he said as he moved behind her. She arched her back and presented her sweet pussy to him. Charlie ran his erect cock between her lips a few times then slowly pushed it into her tight wet vagina. Sandy moaned at the feeling of fullness inside her. Charlie gradually increased the strength and depth of his thrusts while he caressed her firm breasts. Sandy thought she might faint when he pinched her nipples while thrusting deeply into her pussy.

“I want to see your beautiful face, Sandy.” He slowly pulled out and moved her to her back. She spread her legs wide so he could fill her again with his beautiful cock. Overwhelmed with desire, he mounted her and drove his cock in deep. She cried out and gripped his ass, squeezing hard with every push into her.

“Oh, God, Charlie. Come inside me,” she cried.

At that, Charlie came hard, shooting his hot cum deep inside her. Throbbing pleasure radiated through his body for the longest time. It was the greatest orgasm he’d ever had.

They kissed wildly, him still inside her. Neither wanted it to end. They caressed each other’s faces as he softened and eventually slipped out of her. She felt his warm cum running in a stream down her pussy. They lay intertwined together quietly.

“So that’s what sex is supposed to be like,” she finally said, her hand caressing his chest.

“That was beautiful, Sandy, my God.” He kissed her again.

After they lay together for a long time, Charlie finally brought them back to reality.

“I’m so sorry, but we should probably start making our way up to the interstate if I’m going to meet my friend. I’d much rather stay with you, Sandy. But I’ve committed to driving with him. You and I never have enough time together.”

Sandy was crushed to be losing him, again. “Not even close to enough time, Charlie. But I know you’ve got to move on. I’m so grateful we had this together.”

They kissed again; their eyes teary. They dressed silently and straightened up the room. Sandy did not want her roommate getting suspicious.

Ready to sneak back out to her car, Sandy opened the door to find her roommate fumbling with her keys, trying to get in.

“Jackie, I thought you were coming home tomorrow.”

“Hi Sandy. My dad was feeling better so I came back sooner.” After putting her keys in her purse, Jackie looked up and saw Charlie, looking rather nervous. Sandy had to think fast.

“Jackie, this is Charlie. We met last summer when I was working at that camp.”

“Uh huh,” Jackie replied.

“Charlie kind of surprised me today and I told the other girls a little fib so they wouldn’t be suspicious: I said he was my cousin.”

Sandy hoped Jackie would buy her story. Better to have Jackie think he was a secret boyfriend than that she’d been fucking her own cousin. Sandy wondered if the room smelled like sex.

“Can you keep this strictly between us? Things with Bob ended so recently. I don’t want people to start talking.” Sandy looked at Jackie pleadingly.

“Of course I will, Sandy. And nice to meet you, Charlie. Sandy and I are best buddies and we look out for each other. Some of the girls here aren’t very nice. You’ve got to watch your back so the knives don’t come out. And with any luck, I’ll need Sandy to back me up if I ever get such a good looking guy up here.” She smiled. Jackie could be counted on.

Charlie and Sandy held hands during the whole drive up to the interstate, speaking little. More than being shaken by their close call, Sandy was dejected Charlie was leaving. Who knew when they would see each other again?

They reached Charlie’s meeting spot at a gas station just off the interstate. His friend was not there yet.

“Sandy, it’s so hard for me to leave you. Ever since that night a couple of years ago you’ve been in my heart. Today made that feeling even stronger.” Charlie seemed genuinely heartbroken.

“I know, Charlie. I feel the same way.” Sandy fought her tears.

“If we weren’t related I’d follow this beautiful thing wherever it leads us. I wish it were that simple,” he said.

“Can we promise to always stay in touch?” she asked sadly. “If I can’t have you the way I want, I need you to at least stay part of my life.”

“I promise, Sandy.”

“Me, too.”

They were still kissing when Charlie’s ride pulled into the gas station.

They kept their promises as best they could. The letters between them continued, but less frequently as the years went by.

Charlie married young, just two years after college. He and his wife had three kids. Between raising the kids, his career as a lawyer, and all the psychic energy it took struggling with his flawed marriage, he had little left for writing letters — regardless of his feelings for Sandy

Sandy also got married, a few years later than Charlie. She had a short first marriage, then remarried and had two kids. She stayed home to raise them. Her husband was a drinker and her letters to Charlie conveyed her unhappiness with their marriage. But she also became too overwhelmed to keep up frequent correspondence with him.

After twenty years, they were down to a single exchange of letters a year. Sandy never went to California and Charlie had stopped visiting the old hometown.

Life flows on like a strong wave moving across the ocean.

By the time his kids had left home and his ugly, drawn-out divorce was concluded, Charlie had not laid eyes on Sandy for thirty years — not since their last fateful time together at her college. Sandy’s kids had grown and moved out, too. She had just finished her second divorce.

When Charlie had to go to Chicago on business, he decided he would not grow old and die before seeing Sandy again. He found her phone number and called.

“My god, Charlie. I haven’t heard your voice in so long.”

“I know, Sandy. I’m sorry for not keeping our promise better.”

“I’m sorry, too,” she said. “Life has a way of intruding on desire.”

“That’s for sure. My desire always seems to take a back seat.”

“Mine, too. And we have that special complication that keeps us star-crossed.”

“Unfortunately, yes,” he said. There was a pause.

“I’m coming to Chicago soon and I’d like to see you, Sandy.”

Feeling a distantly remembered quickening of her heart, she said, “I’d love that, Charlie.”


“Yes, Charlie. You are welcome here. With open arms.”

He arrived at her door two weeks later. Her elderly mother, Charlie’s Aunt Jane, always had dinner with Sandy on Friday nights. Jane was still sharp for her age and was glad to see her long lost nephew Charlie had come to visit after all these years. They had a fine evening getting reacquainted and reminiscing. Charlie drove his aunt home after dinner. She enjoyed being driven by a handsome man again.

Returning to Sandy’s house, Charlie let himself in. Sandy was finishing up in the kitchen.

“That was so nice, Sandy.”

“It was. My mom was thrilled you made the effort to come out here just to see her,” Sandy joked.

“I love your mom, but I must admit she was not the big draw.” He still had that smile.

Sandy smiled back. In her fifties now, she looked great. She kept fit and active. She had a voluptuous figure. Her hair was grey, like Charlie’s, and it was striking. Charlie had also managed to keep his long, lean look, after nursing himself back to good mental and physical health after his traumatic divorce.

“Come sit with me, Sandy.” Charlie sat on the couch.

She sat close.

“I can’t tell you how glad I am to see you.” He took her hand in his.

“Me, too, Charlie.” Sandy squeezed his hand.

“We’ve been through the wringer, huh?” he asked.

“That’s life, as the old song says.” She smiled, so happy to be holding his hand again.

“But we’re still kickin’!” He smiled.

“We’re survivors, Charlie. I think we both want to lead our best lives, regardless of bad choices we’ve made along the way.”

They sat together, silently holding hands while they savored this moment.

“May I kiss you, Sandy?”

“I was wondering what you’ve been waiting for.” She smiled brightly.

He leaned in and kissed her tenderly. She responded passionately, throwing her arms around his neck. He still had that nice smell he had when he was young. The kissed lovingly on the couch, then Sandy took his hand and led him into the bedroom.

“Will you take my clothes off, Charlie?”

“I was wondering when you’d ask,” he said smiling. Recalling their night oh so long ago, he slowly took off her blouse and black bra. Her beautiful, ample breasts fell into his waiting hands.

“You’re as beautiful as when you were twenty,” he said sincerely. He caressed her gorgeous breasts and kissed her nipples.

“Not quite,” she said. “But I guess I hold my own.”

Agreeing to disagree, he moved on to her skirt, which he removed quickly. She still had great legs. Next came her tiny panties, which he lowered to her ankles. She stepped out of them.

“Well, here’s one change,” he said, stroking her clean-shaven pussy.

“One must keep up with the times.” She smiled lasciviously.

“It looks nice.” He slid a finger between the lips of her plump pussy.

“Mmmm,” she purred as he stroked her.

Opening her eyes, she said, “This, I believe, is where I say, ‘now it’s your turn.'” She had never forgotten the details of their college lovemaking.

“Please. I do remember.”

In short order she stripped him naked. His body had aged well, too. Maybe it was a genetic thing on their side of the family, she thought. He was still long and lean, without a belly. When she pulled off his underwear, his hard cock sprang out — no longer pointing straight up, but directly at her.

Having gained some experience since she was twenty, Sandy took his cock in her hand and then into her mouth. Charlie moaned. Expertly pleasuring him, she took him in deeply while massaging his balls and letting her fingers move to brush his ass. As she gripped his ass, he pushed in and out of her mouth. She could nearly take in his entire shaft. Remembering their last experience, she reveled in how his thick cock filled her mouth.

She sucked his cock until Charlie pulled out and led her to the bed. As he climbed on top of her, facing her feet, he lowered his cock and she eagerly took it back into her mouth. He lowered his face and began licking her delicious pussy. He sucked her clit gently as he slid in a long finger to stimulate her G-spot. Charlie had also learned a few tricks since he was twenty. And he could last much longer than that twenty year old.

They pleasured each other for a long time, until Charlie asked her to turn over.

“Get on your knees, Sandy.”

She complied and spread the cheeks of her ass as he knelt behind her. He leaned down and ran his tongue from her ass to her clit, pushing it slightly into her wet vagina along the way.

“Oh, God,” she cried out as his tongue explored her.

“Please fuck me,” Sandy said breathlessly.

Charlie lifted his head and slid his erect cock up and down between the lips of her pussy. When it was fully lubricated with her delectable juices, he placed it at the opening of her vagina.

“All the way, Charlie,” she pleaded.

With that, he plunged the full length of his cock into her in a single foreceful thrust.

“God, yes!” she cried.

He slammed into her, his balls slapping against her as he filled her with his full length over and over. She loved the feeling of him crashing into her ass as he fucked her powerfully from behind.

Charlie reached around her hips and began rubbing her clit, holding her hip with his free hand. The combination of his deep thrusts and his relentless pleasuring of her clit brought Sandy right to the edge.

Seeing her thighs begin to quiver, Charlie turned her over and got on top.

He whispered, “I want to come inside you while we’re kissing, Sandy.”

“Yes, please.”

She spread her legs wide for him and held him by his hips. He thrust into her deeply and they kissed fervently.

He moved her hand from his hip to her pussy.

“Help me make you come.” He told her. She reached between them and rubbed her engorged clit as they fucked furiously.

Before long they were writhing in ecstasy from their earth-shattering simultaneous orgasms, clutching each other wildly as they cried out. Charlie kept pushing in and out of her as they kissed and his erection gradually subsided. When he slipped out of her, she reached down and slid a finger into herself. She brought her cum covered finger to her mouth and licked it clean.

“We taste so good, Charlie,” Sandy whispered. She returned her finger to her pussy and slid her wet finger into Charlie’s mouth.

“Delicious,” he said, relishing their tantalizing taste.

Unworried about suddenly appearing roommates, they fell asleep in each other’s arms, profoundly content and at peace.

Before Charlie returned to Chicago after two blissful days together, they renewed their vows to stay close. This time they kept them.

The familial elephant in the room never went away. You cannot stop being cousins. But they talked on the phone every day and supported each other emotionally as their lives went on. Every month or so they visited each other or, more often, met in places they could be together freely and openly. Their lovemaking was the best of their lives and only brought them closer.

They acknowledged their love. They had a powerful life-long connection, a love they held close and dear. They could never be open with the world about their true relationship, but they could with themselves. Finally, after so many years, they made their lives vastly richer by honoring their love — even though it meant breaking a taboo and staying in the shadows.

In this imperfect life, they could hardly wish for more.