
My name is Robbie Johnson. Sean and I live in a Chicago suburb with our mom; we’re both seniors now at Eastern High. Mom had sent Sean off to a private school at the beginning of the school year because she wanted to separate us– we’re identical twins, so I guess it’s understandable that she thought it would do us good to be apart for awhile… She ran out of money, though, and Sean came back home last week. Now, he and I are closer than ever, still seeming to read each others’ minds…

We’ve both got kind of ordinary brown hair which is kinda long– down to our shoulders– we were called “the sisters” a lot at school until Sean really kicked a kid’s ass once when he started trying to push him around. I understood why they called us that, though: We’re only about five-eight, with fine features; we’re pretty skinny, too, and the long hair really cinches it. We’ve been in martial arts classes since we were little, though– that’s why Sean was able to take that other kid down…

Our story begins just after our eighteenth birthday, one evening after Mom went out shopping. We were sitting around Sean’s room talking about stuff that happened while he was away at school.

“What I’m about to tell you is strictly between us,” he said after a few minutes. “Okay?”

“Sure.” We’d never betrayed confidences.

“I discovered something that feels even better than an orgasm.”

“No way! What is it?”

We’d taken turns jerking each other off once before, not to mention all the times we’d done it alone; I couldn’t imagine anything feeling better.

“Fucking my ass with a dildo,” Sean said.

I laughed out loud, part from surprise and part disbelief.

“I’m not kidding,” he said. “It’s ‘way better than any orgasm, and it lasts as long as you want it to…”

“Wow,” I said. “How do you do it? Can I try?”

“Well, sure… There’s just a couple of things: You just have to make sure you’re empty in there… and use plenty of lube. I’ll show you if you want…”

“You’ve got a dildo?” I asked in shock; he laughed.

“Yeah… Come on in the bathroom and let’s get cleaned out.”

We locked the door and hung our clothes on it; then he got an enema bag out of the bathroom closet and showed me how to use it.

“Put about a half-pint of lukewarm water in it, get on your knees with your ass in the air and slide the nozzle in there. Then, clench on it. Empty all the water into yourself before you take the nozzle out. Stay clenched up, turn over and roll around on the floor for a minute to work the water around inside, then sit on the toilet and let go. Do it again until no turds come out.”

He demonstrated, and then I did what he did; in maybe twenty minutes we were back in his room, washed and ready. Sean closed the door, got his duffle bag out from under the queen bed, and from down inside, underneath a lot of stuff, he pulled out a very realistic rubber cock– except that it had a head on both ends, and was well over a foot long!

“You put that whole thing inside you?” I asked, amazed…

He dropped his eyes. “Uh… well, sometimes,” he answered sheepishly. “Most of the time I don’t, though. Want to see how I do it?”

“Well, yeah…”

“Let’s get high first– okay?”

“You– you’ve got weed?” I stammered. Now I was completely blown away…

“Just what I could scrape together right before I came home; I don’t have much… Let’s go outside to smoke it, okay?”

We put our bathrobes on, went downstairs and stepped out the back door. Sean lit a joint and we each took two good hits, then went back to his room. This time, when Sean closed the door, he locked it, too.

“It would be worse than just embarrassing for Mom to catch us doing this,” he said. “No way that’s gonna happen…

“Okay, now,” Sean continued, taking off his robe and getting up on the bed. “I lie on my side like this… I cock this leg up… and then I start pushing the head of the dong against the hole, real easy… giving everything a chance to stretch. I’ll do that for maybe a minute… before I relax enough and the head goes in…”

After putting some lube inside him with his finger and on most of the dong, he started doing what he’d described.

The tokes I’d just taken outside started to really hit me, and I felt a rush going through my body and into my cock. I stared at Sean’s naked body moving on the bed, his wrist flexing as he pushed the dong against his resistant hole…

“Agh! Oh, man… yeah, that stings,” Sean said when the head popped in. Then he started jiggling it. “That‘s better… ohhhhh… that’s soooo much better… ohhhhhhhh…”

The slick shaft began disappearing into him…

I stared, imagining what he was feeling inside… absentmindedly stroking my slowly swelling cock. I noticed that he had a really round, smooth ass… it looked like mine… wow, imagine that…

Rolling onto his shoulders and upper back with his feet on the bed, Sean lifted his hips a few inches and began to fuck the rubber cock further in, rolling his hips around in the air and burying the dong a little more with every stroke. When it was about halfway in, his eyes closed and his moans changed to deep, animal-like groans, his hips rolling around as his head went back and forth

He kept squirming and moaning even after the dong was most of the way in, with his hand holding the other end. I noticed that his cock looked small and shrivelled– just the opposite of mine.

“Robbie… ohhhhhunghhhhh… Oh, my gahhhhd… lie down here next to me.”

I obeyed, removing my robe, too, lying on my side and watching him.

“There is… ohhhhhh… no better… ohhhhhhhhhhh… feelin’,” Sean said, moans punctuating his words as he moved the shaft back and forth. His knees were apart, his ass just off the bed as he moved his hips around on the impaling shaft.

You do it for me, Robbie,” he said, taking my hand and pulling it under his thigh to the exposed end of the dong. “You be the driver…”

To reach that far, I had to slide closer until our naked bodies touched– something that had never really happened before… The contact was electric, nerves awakening that had been dormant all my life until that moment. I pressed against his warm skin, tentatively and gently driving the long rubber shaft in and out of him.

My cock was rubbing against the smooth skin of his hip, and to my horror, it got really hard; my embarrassment only seemed to make it get even harder.

“Ohh… nooo…” I mumbled quietly, blushing hotly.

“I–I…” I began to apologize, trying to pull back. This shouldn’t be happening with Sean, I thought.

Sean smiled. “It’s okay, Robbie; it’s just a hard-on… I get ’em, too, you know– just not while I’m gettin’ ass-fucked… ohhhhhhhh… that’s soooogoood…”

Relaxing a little now that I knew he didn’t care, I let my cock press into Sean’s hip as I continued to drive the rubber one into his ass; he slid his arm around my shoulders and pulled me even closer, my chest against his side…

“Ohhhhunghhhhh… ohhhhhhh… Robbie… Thank you, Robbie… ohhhhhhhh… fuck me all night… fuck my aaaassohhhhhhhh… Robbie, that’s sooo goood,” he moaned softly.

Our hips squirmed together, and I got closer and closer to coming from my cock’s electric friction against his skin. His body felt so good against mine… Still a little embarrassed, though, I tried to pull my hips back before my orgasm hit, but he pulled me closer, sensing what was happening.

“I– I’m gonna commmme…” I mumbled; by then I knew I was unable to stop it.

Suddenly, I felt his hot hand reach down and grasp my cock, milking and pumping it.

“It’s okay, Robbie, let it happen,” Sean said softly. “Come on… come on…”

He held me against him, pulling and milking my cock as my orgasm took me. Whimpering and gasping, I shot all over his stomach and hand as he stroked. I kept the dong moving, even during the time when I was admitting to myself that I’d just climaxed because his skin felt so deliciously exciting next to mine…

As soon as we’d calmed ourselves a bit, he let me go; I got up and grabbed a hand towel (he’d brought it from the bathroom before we started) and wiped us both dry. Sean stayed on his back, his hand on the dong inside him again.

Ohhhhhhh…” he moaned softly as he kept moving it. “I’m glad that made you come, Robbie… I loved it when you did.”

That orgasm had been both exciting and incredibly confusing for me– I didn’t know what to make of it all, and I just lay there and looked at him. After a few moments, though, I put my hand back on the dong, reaching under his thigh.

“Ohhhhhh… it’s soooo much better when you do it, Robbie… ohhhhhhh… Thank you, Robbie, thank you… ohhhhhhhh… fuck me…”

“Why don’t you get hard?” I asked, looking at his soft cock lying against his stomach as I moved the long shaft in and out; I could feel my own cock swelling again. He kept moaning and rolling his hips.

“I don’t know… ohhhhhhhhhh… I guess the feelings inside are just so intense… ohhhhhhhh… that they short out everything else… ohhhhhhhhh… You ready to try it?”

“Yeah.” It was a no-brainer by then, after watching him…

Sean took the head of the dong from my hand and pulled it slowly out, letting it fall onto the towel he’d been lying on. Wiping the lube off his ass with a corner of it, he picked it up along with the dong and went into the bathroom; I could hear the water running…

“Thought you might like me to wash it off,” he called out, then came back out with the dong and a couple of clean towels.

“On your side with your leg up,” he said when he’d gotten back to the bed.

I obeyed, and he picked up the tub of lube and put some on his middle finger. He worked his finger into my ass, a sensation that made me gasp in surprise at first, then push back onto it as he moved it around inside… oooohhhyeahhhh… I was disappointed when he stopped…

“See? It feels really good, doesn’t it, Robbie? Now, here– take the dong and start to work it in… Remember to do it slowly… It’ll sting some when it first pops inside, but it’ll sting more if you hurry…”

He’d coated most of the dong with lube, putting the dry end in my hand while holding the lubed end against my hole; his other hand kept the middle up– the thing was pretty floppy.

“Okay… now push and then relax… push and relax…”

In less than a minute, the head popped in.

Agh!” I gasped. He was right– it really stung…

“No need to stop now… just keep going,” Sean said, jiggling the shaft. I did, and the pain faded quickly.

Both of us kept working it deeper, and it was in me maybe a third of the way when I felt it kind of getting stuck and feeling a little uncomfortable in there. Sean noticed it, too.

“Roll over on your back like I did,” he said. “Okay… Now raise your hips…”

Suddenly the head slid in easily several more inches; the rushes of sensation from it were suddenly mind-boggling, and I heard myself moaning. Sean let go of the middle of it then.

“How– how much further?” I asked.

“It’s about halfway– but don’t worry, Robbie,” Sean said. “Just do what feels good… If you get it all the way in, that’s great– but only if it feels good…”

The sensations from the shaft moving deep inside me were exquisite, powerful, and nasty… They made me feel like a pervert– and love feeling like one! I hadn’t expected any of it, but the feelings themselves created an instant appetite for more, a craving that increased with every thrust I made… I knew I didn’t have to get the whole thing in, but now I wanted to… I wanted to feel this monster cock fucking me as far in as it could go… I wanted to be fucked… really, really, deeply fucked

“Want some more lube?” Sean asked.

“Sure,” I said, slowly pulling the dong out. He put more lube inside me with his fingers– I was amazed at how good they felt– before smearing it on the dong, too; then he helped me get it back in. It felt so incredibly good when it started sliding back inside that I moaned and twisted on it, quickly getting it even deeper than before…

“Ohhhhhhhh… I never knew… ohhhhhhunghhhhhh… that anything could feel like this… ohhhhhhhh…” I was groaning and writhing on the dong, losing all shame and inhibition as rushes of pleasure rolled through me in huge waves. The head of the thing was impossibly far up inside me now, awakening nerves I never knew even existed…

Just then, Sean’s hand replaced mine on the dong, and he slid his other arm under my head, pressing his body against my side. He pulled me close against his chest as he started to move the long shaft back and forth… ever-so-slowly… and I let myself sink into a warm, rolling ocean of impossibly exquisite, nasty pleasure… thrusting… sliding… thrusting… sliding…

“How does it feel?” Sean whispered.

“It’s… it’s… ohhhhhhh… just fuck me, Sean… fuck me…”

I’d never asked anyone to do that, and I shocked myself when the words came out… I meant them, though; I’d never meant anything more than when I said those words right then… every stroke reignited the craving– and satisfied it at the same time, reminding me with every sliding thrust how addicted I’d instantly become…

And I loved it…

Sean kept holding me against him as he slid the long dildo in and out. Sometimes he’d pull it halfway out and thrust it quickly in, but mostly he kept it ‘way deep, moving it only slightly. It drove me wild, and I writhed and moaned uncontrollably. His hips started moving against mine, and I felt his hard cock pressing against my hip… I reached down between us and wrapped my hand around it, stroking it like he’d just done to me; it was exciting to feel his hot cock in my hand, and I turned my head and looked in his eyes…

“Your hand feels really good,” he said softly, pulling me closer and driving the dong even deeper.

I was gasping and moaning, lost in sensation and lust, amazed by how big and hard his cock felt in my hand… I loved how it felt to hold it… I turned on my side to face him, both of us changing hands to accommodate the new positions. I threw my leg over him as he pressed his cock into my stomach, driving the dong deep in my ass, our bodies sliding around against each other. I held his ass with my free hand, letting him slide his cock against my belly… until he came.

Now, Robbie,” he said.

I grabbed his cock again and milked it as he shot, imagining the sensations from his orgasm, letting them amplify the ones from the dong deep in my ass. He kept moving it back and forth even after his climax faded, and I held him against me, feeling his still-hard cock sliding through the slick stickiness of his come on my hand and belly.

‘Wow,’ I thought, ‘this is really amazing… and strange… but it’s sooo gooood…’

He grabbed a towel and wiped us both off; I let the dildo slide out of me and onto the towel under me.

“How did you learn about all this?” I asked. “You’ve gotta tell me what happened…”

“It was my roommate at school,” he said. “He had a dildo and stuff that he’d brought from home… He showed me some other things, too…”

“Like what?” It wasn’t hard to guess, but I wanted to hear about it…

“After I used the dildo, I let him fuck me…”

“Oh.” I knew he was going to say something like that, but it was still a shock to hear it. My cock began to throb as I pictured Sean on his knees getting fucked, though…

“It felt just as good as the dong– actually, even better. But that’s not all…”

“Did you suck him?”

Sean nodded, blushing. “Yeah… It turned me on so much when I did that I almost came without anyone touching me…”

By then, I was completely hard; he’d never gotten soft and was still panting a little. I felt his hand close around my cock.

“You don’t mind if I suck on this, do you?” he said quietly, looking into my eyes; I blushed furiously, trembling, shaking my head slowly…

“I don’t mind at all…”

“Stand on the floor– okay?” he said.

I stood on the carpet, legs apart, and Sean dropped to his knees, sucking me into his hot mouth with a whimper. One hand held onto my ass as he pulled my cock all the way to the back of his throat while the other stroked the base of it. He sucked me with passion, looking up at me and moaning, showing me how much it turned him on to do it; I held onto his head, caressing it.

“I want a turn,” I said, grabbing him under the arms and pulling him to his feet; I dropped to my knees and sucked him in just as quickly as he’d done it to me– not giving myself a chance to change my mind.

As soon as the warm, smooth head of his cock went through my lips, I was awash in lust for it, squealing out loud as I pulled the shaft over my tongue to the back of my throat like Sean had; I moaned and sucked, kneading the round globes of his ass while his hands held my head and the blood rushed through it…

“Ohhhhhhhh… that’s sooo goood… but… I’ve gotta fuck you, Robbie,” he whispered. “I can’t wait…”

I let him go, looking up at him, panting… I didn’t want to stop sucking that delicious, exciting cock; I really wanted him, but I didn’t know exactly how…

“How… wha… what do you want me to do?” I asked, my voice trembling slightly.

“On your back… edge of the bed,” he said, his voice thick with lust.

I got on the bed as quickly as I could; he slathered lube on his hard-on, raised and spread my knees and slid it into my still-stretched hole slowly… deliciously… Both of us stared at it as it went in…

I gasped and moaned, then groaned as he hugged my thighs against his chest, driving his long cock all the way in until his hips pressed against my cheeks.

“Ahhh… ohhhh… unghhhhh…” I moaned in shocked surprise.

Overwhelmed by waves of nearly impossible pleasure, I squirmed on the magic shaft, staring into his eyes with my mouth open in amazement. Then, moving his hands to my waist, he pulled my ass tight against him, flexing his cock, making it rise up and slide even deeper inside me.

I’d watched as his cock was going in me, but when he flexed it ‘way up inside like that, brand new, powerful feelings took over and my head fell back, thrashing from side to side as the rushes of ecstasy became nearly unbearable.

“Ohhhhunghhhhhhh,” I groaned, that low, primitive sound that seemed to come with every deep thrust. “Ohhhhhunghhhhhh… ohhhhmygahhhhd, Sean… fuck meeeee…”

“Robbie… Look at me,” he said, holding me tight against him and flexing again.

I looked up into his eyes, panting, reaching down to hold his asscheeks and pull him even deeper.

I smiled up at him. “So… ohhhhunghhhhhh… What does it feel like… ohhhhhh… to fuck… yourself, Sean? Ohhhhunghhhhhh…”

Sean chuckled. “No one will ever know but us,” he said.

Just then, the sound of a car door slamming in the driveway made us both freeze.

“Oh, shit!” Sean said, pulling out of me quickly. “Gimme the dong! Grab your robe… go get dressed!”

I dashed to my room, dressed in record time, then checked the bathroom to make sure we hadn’t left anything out. I was sitting at my desk with a textbook open when Mom walked in.

“I’m back,” she said. “Did you guys remember to eat anything?”

“Uhh, no…”
